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If L4D2 came out today we would've whined so hard about it being woke because there's two black main characters.
This is fact.
Nah coach is cool and the chick has a nice ass.
I mean probally.
I like Coach. Rochelle can go though.
Coach is a based black man
Nobody has ever liked Rochelle in the history of L4D2.
We did whine about it. Everybody hates Rochelle.
people constantly bitched about rochelle back in the day too you newfag
if they made l4d2 today coach wouldn't be a typical black PE teacher with a likeable personality, he'd be a skinny black dude with a business degree, and he'd probably talk about how he'd make out with nick half the time.

Infact, they'd probably replace that hoard section when crossing the river in that one campaign with a slower crossing, blocked zombie spawns, while you have to listen to coach and nick propose to one another.

Oh and Rochelle would be made even more insufferable.
coach and louis are honorary aryans THOUGH
Sweet Lincoln's mullet!
It's simple.
Japan? Space? Fantasy realms? Not places black people are found.
Bayou? A place black people are found.
So what was the problem with Deathloop's protagonist? I don't recall him having a SHIIEEEEET or annoying personality yet people still shat on the game cause of him.
I don't think so.
It makes sense given the setting that there are two black characters.

Places where I expect to find an abundance of blacks:
Louisiana, US.

Places where I don't expect to find an abundance of blacks and it seems unnatural to find them there (and thus 'whining so hard' is induced):
Medieval Europe
Feudal Japan
Ancient Greece
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>If X came out today
I hate this dumbass argument because things fucking change. Its almost like devs from fucking 2009 and 2024 are completely different people, and would have different reason to include a black/female/trans character in their game.
But even if it did come out today, it would be praised to high heaven because neither Coach nor Rochelle ever bring up their race once in the entire game, and are actually likeable characters (with Rochelles lines restored).
Coach (and Louis from 1) are cool.
Rochelle fucking sucks.
I hated L4D2 because of the characters. The cast in L4D1 was so much better. I'll never understand why L4D2 became the more popular one
If they weren't trying to push propaganda they wouldn't have picked a BLACKED setting for the game in the first place.
I have never ever hear anyone say L4D2 would scare the shit out of straight white males.
Having a game set in Louisiana with two black characters is not 'pushing propaganda'.

A game based on history wherein a character who was a white man historically in now inexplicably black- that is pushing propaganda.
it's so easy to spot you shills lmao
Left 4 Dead 2 was woke though. It's why they made the zombies ghostly white because it was during the RE5 controversy.

Half of the cast being black was valid considering where it took place. Rochelle sucks but I like Coach, and Louis was my favorite L4D1 character.
The game was unremarkable
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Coach gave me a blacked fetish
I'm not so sure since that South of Midnight game Microsoft is publishing got shitted on the moment the black characters showed up. Same shit happened with that Afircan indie game that was revealed at Keighly's show.
Coach is based
Rochelle is just there I guess but I'm glad she rarely speaks.

Fucking kekking at how hard you're trying.
rochelle has been the least played character since forever
Lol SoM gets trashtalked despite being set in Lousiana
Yes that's what happens when you spend a decade promoting agendas, people become suspicious of everything.
A good game with gay shit will still sell nowadays because of word of mouth but it will usually not be given the benefit of the doubt before release.
The truth is they poisoned the well. It could be reasonably explained away back then but now it just comes across as too convenient. It was believable for characters to exist that happen to be black back then but now everyone knows what you're doing. Its a DEI mandate now, its required. Yasuke is a real person, our Japan game just happens to have a black character in it! Noone believes that, we know you only made the game so you could have a black protagonist.
op is right.
Only by tryhards trying to fit in. Don't mistake newfags as people.
Shadow of Mordor
Rochelle is just bland. She's the most reserved in a group of 3 cults of personality.

You go to Nick for sarcasm.
You go to Ellis for childlike naivety.
You go to Coach for commentary on sports or food.
What's left? What is there even to squeeze between these titans of personality?
It was set in Louisiana? So orcs really are black people?
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It's true. If Diablo II came out, we'd be hearing "woke this, woke that", non-stop. Well, you would be hearing it, I'd be too busy playing the game and enjoying the simple pleasures of clickan life.
Picking a game with a black setting so that you can fill it with black people is BBC slurping behavior from valve. Sure it has more plausible deniability than shoving blacks into medieval Europe but it's a cuck move all the same.

Imagine the SOVL and the kino if they had picked a "clean" setting and used a "clean" cast.
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>Slav (non-white)
>Ginger (non-white)
>druid is a homo
Anyway, L4D2 did receive a lot of flak on release, but you have no idea why since you weren't even born at the time.
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Do you know what else is going to be clean very soon?
Left 4 Dead would get too much hate for being "political" and we all know what that means
Actually we did whine about there being two black main characters when it came out. Also remember when blacks (or jews pretending to be black) complained about L4D being racist because the infected looked "black"? Which is why they're mostly all pale now... I forget if it was L4D1 or L4D2 since that's not relevant, but not going to forget that this happened.
You are thinking of Resident Evil 5
Nice facebook filename.
Anyone with half a brain quit playing after the first game anyway.
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No, because Coach and Rochelle had more character development than just being black for the sake of being black.
It's just like Fallout New Vegas where Arcade is gay, but no one gave a shit because him being gay isn't his defining trait.
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So why did no one like Rochelle? Everyone seemed to like Coach.
coach is an honorary white
Rochelle can kick rocks though
I mean she's tame as far as black women go, but still.
I'm not the biggest fan of L4D, but what...? 2 is just more. There's not even a good reason to go back to 1 after it dropped.
>whined so hard about it being woke
nah call coach would be called a racist stereotype because he actually has a personality instead of being black version of a white character purely for the sake of making people mad and rochelle hate would be blamed on racism instead of her being just plain boring though i guess if the game did come out today rochelle might be more well received because even though she is boring she is nowhere near as boring as wyll from bg3.
Bad faith SSRI test rat, but since you're wondering:
>game must be fun first, then you can put whatever message you want
> negroid sneakers simulator is neither fun nor engaging
Hope that clears it up for you.
Coach is larger than life. Everybody loves a guy who knows the value of a cheeseburger. He's a cool guy and relatable too. Rochelle is just... there.
Being fat is not funny. Coach sucks. Louis was a lot better.
Every one else was a charicature, and she was just some normie bitch
also it's almost impossible to overcome the stigma of being a black woman
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>Being fat is not funny
Being fat is hilarious. Look how much comedy revolves around just putting on a fat suit? Who do you think you're fooling?
I forgot about it happening with RE5 since I stopped playing that series after RE3, but no, it happened with L4D as well. And since you mentioned it, I dug it up. Some black dude named "Willie Jefferson" wrote about his butthurt in 2009.
>"One of the games that comes to mind is "Left 4 Dead 2." ...Set in New Orleans, players will have to fight their way through hordes of zombies - with several of them who appear to be African-Americans. When I saw the first trailer for the game, all I could think about was Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath..."
>Being fat is not funny
tell that to tyler perry and martin lawrence
>So what was the problem with Deathloop's protagonist?
I don't remember. I must not retain memories when things loop. The biggest warning flags was dishonored 2 and dlc having atrocious writing, and the "eat the rich" bonus item in the deluxe kit.
The difference is that nonwhites are added to games now because the creators hate white people and that is their explicit reason for adding them. Everyone even slightly to the right of "kill all wypipo" knows this and that's why there's always a fight. Its just that non-racist "anti-woke" people don't have the language to communicate that they want to see whites in games because they just like it that way and have to couch it in "Games are too political nowdays!" language. It's also why anti-woke fags are so easy for leftists to dunk on because they have to work within such a boxed-in political framework and can't just say "Don't put blacks in this game because the audience is 90% white and/or minorities who hate blacks".
>completely different genres of games
>l4d2 is usually 10 bucks while the rest are full price
I'm not defending that slop list but this is a retarded comparison that can only be made by someone like rock. Literally the worst /v/ associated twitterfag.
South of Midnight.
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>The difference is that nonwhites are added to games now because the creators hate white people and that is their explicit reason for adding them. Everyone even slightly to the right of "kill all wypipo" knows this and that's why there's always a fight. Its just that non-racist "anti-woke" people don't have the language to communicate that they want to see whites in games because they just like it that way and have to couch it in "Games are too political nowdays!" language. It's also why anti-woke fags are so easy for leftists to dunk on because they have to work within such a boxed-in political framework and can't just say "Don't put blacks in this game because the audience is 90% white and/or minorities who hate blacks".
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It's cute that leftoid troons literally have to make up nonexistent scenarios to be mad at.
>if THING happened, you would be so heckin mad!!! I just know it!!
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Everyone has always loved Coach. And nobody has ever like Rochelle. Rochelle has nothing but a fucking bad t-shirt. Coach, Ellis, and Nick all have personality and fun interesting things to say. Rochelle is just there, she is probably the worst part of the game in just being so bland.
But coach is awesome.
Roach would suck a little less if she was white but she still would suck giant donkey balls regardless
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Rochelle's spot on the team should have been filled by a white soccer mom or a teenage girl, just someone with a different perspective and less blandness.
It's set in nigger country USA, and Coach is a good character.
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>play 4 man coop
>join last
>only available character is Rochelle
you need to go back, stupid nigger (redundant)
We ended up having to have everyone play random. To avoid someone being stuck with Rochelle.
Whenever I ask what's political about Fallout I get answers from retarded tourists who've obviously never played it.
>Blacksploitation aesthetic
>Doesn't lean into what made that genre good
genuinely what kind of brain damage causes this?
Oh god forbid they put louis in l4d2. Total chud death NOW
>26 flopspoken gamers
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another one for comparison with concord, made by netease, dev team is japanese / chinese mostly with one black man being the reason why it got women with big asses.
She could of been a black boomer mom who is talking with her phone on speaker 95% of the day
>could of been
God its too easy here you dont even have to try.
Going full circle, this faggot posting shit from /v/ to /v/ posting him.
No we wouldn't.

Everybody says this dumb shit but they were just black characters. Not tranny's, not "queer bipoc's dismantling the white cishet hegemony", just black characters.

It's like they forgot how to make those.
we would seethe af.
these days any black character makes us angry.
Nobody can hate coach.
I already did whine about that
I think the protag there wasn't so much the issue, he was just kinda there. His smug black girl boss daughter who gets to own him in scripted scenes every so often however... And talking about scripted, the game marketed itself with you being caught in a loop and having to figure how out how kill a bunch of guys in one day without dying yourself obviously. But it's actually just a regular story game where you aren't allowed to do that "perfect run" if you could and instead go through the story required loops where you get cutscene killed by said daughter each time. Also, just my personal take, but every so often devs try to make that shit disco aesthetic work for a game, but clearly no really cares for it.
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>"my friends call me coach"
>we all call him coach
>he is a friend to all of us
the difference is if left 4 dead came out today it would be vastly different. this argument never works
So why doesn't it make us very mad right now?
Louis would be in but he would be le crazy meth head in style of GTA V Trevor and he'd be the bad guy the group only puts up with because of plot reasons.
people who pick Rochelle tend to be the best players in the game.
whats really retarded bout the re5 thing was you would assume they would call the headhunters racist, but it was black/peutro rican looking zombies in the cities that got called out? its Africa i expect a lot of black people lol
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L4D2 (2024)
Everyone whined about it back in the day.
People whined about L4D2 because they made a sequel to the first game in less than a year after it's release while they had been dick teasing people about Episode 3 for years, back when people still expected it to eventually release.

Nothing to do with niggers.
Assassins Creed is making us very angry.
That's a lie, the cast was definitely a point of contention.
You're insane the only nigger related "controversy" was the fact that there were black zombies and faggots got upset.
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Lets not forget half of you motherfuckers thought white genocide would happen back in the day just because GTA:SA had a black protagonist, nigger fatigue was always the case for gamer chuds so nothing really changed in the past 20 years
You are trans nigga lol lol lol lol
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average minecraft smp experience
I always pick Rochelle so I dont have to look at her nigger face or listen to her emote spam
>half the thread says it wasn't woke
>other half says it was
which was it?
she has the best laugh doe
From the few hours I played, he talked too fucking much and was just annoying with typical do-something-and-quip fashion to basically everything. Supposedly better sounding in the Frenchie version of the game, but I played English and hated him
Rochelle might be bland but I will take her over any of the DEI characters over the past decade.
Being fat is not funny but making jokes about chocolate helicopters to a fat guy IS funny
>woke is when non white characters exist
Fuck off with your faggot bait.
What you deranged identity cultists don't realize is that you don't make characters, you're incapable of it.
You make effigies based on your worldviews, you make whites foolish or evil, you make blacks into condescending know-it-alls full of stereotypical attributes your masters have deemed acceptable (sassy, uncooperative etc.) because of some twisted pseudo social science wordsoup says it's justified.
Your effigies are nothing more than dolls for you to pin politically charged attributes on and then treat as you wish the rest of the world would, because you're insane
Nuance in all aspects of life is completely lost on you, in fiction and in the real world.
A character like Coach is incomprehensible to you, a normal man with self inflicted faults like being overweight and isn't a perpetual victim.
It was gay.
>Its almost like
Stop speaking like a faggot.
Rochelle could have been a slut, offering to suck the other guys dicks when they got out of there.
joke's on you, i never liked niggers.
They'll mention something about evil capitalism because they watched the Fallout TV show even though commerce and trade is the primary reason why society is rebuilding in Fallout
Clearly you weren't around for its launch. Literally everyone complained about Rochelle
I should also mention that swapping the cast for the ones from the first game was also like the first mod to be released for it.
I know, why isn't L4D making us angry instead?
Other way around.
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>combining all the all-time peaks for the upper games only gives them 4k more players than 24-hour peak L4D2
i don't know if that's a testament to how good l4d2 is, or how dogshit these "modern audience" games are.
maybe both.
I only hated her because she was boring and it turned out most of her lines were cut.
nobody liked rochelle, but it was okay to not like her and not be an assumed racist.

coach was based.
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Nice Facebook filename, retard.
Its both the modern audience isn't a real thing and left 4 dead is still fun.
I'm more shocked that 9,824 people had computers capable of running Forspoken.
Back then the right wasn't as insane as it is today
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Everyone hates Rochelle, even black people. Coach is based and everyone loves him

woke, the other half are faggots baiting or tourists from gamingcirclejerk.
coach is like that cool racist black uncle who would teach you racist black slang and stuff. coach is cool.
All Valve games are botted and those other games games are on EGS. Fuck you steamie.
all the games in that image suck, even if you replaced the black lead with a generic white guy.

Like Forspoken, the shitty gameplay (Brought to you by the FFXV team) and writing will never be fixed even if you change Frey into a white guy

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