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Can we talk about how shit this game is

Kinda stiff controls and animations

You have to fire a shot before your beam will charge

They didn't even know about poor man's screw attack where jumping with charge beam does damage.

Because they didn't know about that, they added a melee attack and QTE. It's also useless outside the QTE window so it doesnt even function well as a normal melee attack when enemies are bodying you

The first act of the game you get harassed by the blue bats that are so fast they force you to use QTE. A whole face button and game mechanic is made necessary just for one enemy until you get ice beam. After that you dont need that trash except if you want bosses to go faster

They tried to go from beam stacking to beam switching like metroid prime but failed. The ice beam does shit damage, but its often the best option because it makes you untouchable. So it encourages tedious safe combat where you stunlock enemies and get carpal tunnel pressing fire.

They force shitty aeion abilities because they have to do something new. Scan pulse which enables shitty signposting and clue design. If you don't use it you spend all your time bombing walls like how newfags parody metroid. Armor which is just more health. A really powerful autobeam which they made the dumbass decision to make it required to clear enemies that block you AND respawn. So if you run out of aeion you have to farm more just to proceed.

It started the trend of literally every powerup becoming a door/block lock and key. Jesus fuck off

There's portals everywhere that connect to all portals, enabling shitty spaghetti level design and teleport to backtrack because I said so

Press A to use this elevator

Barely any new boss fights to fight the tedium of clearing metroids. AM2R assrapes samus returns in this aspect

Should I even finish this shit? Dread inherited some retard DNA from this game but it was compensated with good shit
yeah it was pretty bad. I still enjoyed it enough to complete it but it's the worst 2d metroid by far. that counter move is fucking aids and slows the combat down
the new boss fights towards the end are pure cancer too.
It's not perfect but I liked it a lot more than Fusion. Actually tried new things instead of being a shittier Super Metroid. Also had a badass Samus instead of the shitty monologues.
Thinking of giving it another shot someday, to see how it is for better and worse.
Just play Dread. Samus Returns is basically a tech demo for Dread but dressed up as a remake.
Sounds like you just don't like Metroid.
fusion did plenty of new things fucking tard
and more importantly, fusion was much more fun
I tried Samus Returns before AM2R and got maybe 15 minutes deep before concluding this is modern nintendo kiddy shit that practically plays itself.
AM2R mogs the fuck out of this pile of shit
anyone that disagrees is a hopeless tendie
Samus is a ball trapped inside a woman's body
I tried AM2R before Samus Returns and got maybe 15 minutes deep before concluding this is modern nintendo kiddy shit that practically plays itself.
I hate it for having 360 degree aiming and melee counter shit, I dropped it before I finished it.

It felt like a metroidvania that wanted to be more on the vania side, when it should have been 100% metroid.
AM2R mogs the shit out of this pile of fuck
anyone that disagrees is a helpless tendie
This and am2r suck
Samus returns sucks in general
Am2r sucks because they don't know less is more
Just play metroid 2
I liked this song, and the Gravity Suit.
Samus Returns is good
I'm not reading all that
Samus Returns is bad
Samus Returns will be remembered as one the games of all time
SR kinda blows, but i respect it for starting the rebirth of the series, and the devs managed to make a good game after (dread)
Now, AM2R just shits all over SR, it isnt even funny, am2r unironically one of the best metroid games ever made, i like it better than zero mission and 10 times more than fusion.
I played it a month or so ago for the first time and wasn't impressed.
That was directly after going through ZM, Fusion and Super and it conpletely killed my momentum and motivation to continue with the series.
I'll probably play Dread after I forget how bad SM was.
play AMR2, seriously, just do it.
I wasn't even aware of it. I just might.
>I'll probably play Dread after I forget how bad SM was.
SR* What a dumb typo.
I liked it more than AM2R.
I like those things in dread. They were poorly implemented in this one
I don't understand how people could hate the 360 aiming
makes the way you move and aim feel unlike the previous 2D metroid games. Playing any of the old ones, you fine tuned aim by moving samus while locking aim to diagonal. Aiming via changing gun angle by fine amounts while stood still is not the style of shooting I wanted.

What >>683787951 said

It sounds great in theory, but it ends up making the game play more sluggish.
You have to stay still. I've played a metroid fangame with 360 aiming before though, it's a lot better on keyboard and mouse since you can walk around and aim and basically play it like a twin stick shooter.
I used to defend it, but it really is terrible.
I wasn't too mad about it because AS2R came out at roughly the same time and Mercurysteam improved so this to me is considered a testing ground for what was to come.
Samus returns is better than AM2R. 1.0 was better but they added a bunch of text lore treating like it is prime but without the environment interaction.
I played both back to back and man did i get surprised with samus returns.
>another shitty /v/ thread with the worst opinions
>Same shitty enemies for the entire game
>Every time you get an upgrade the enemies get stronger too
>Basically have to use the counter if you want to kill annoying ass bullet sponge enemies
>Counter is so slow it kills the pacing
>Over reliance on scanner, so shit is just completely hidden in random blocks
>So much shit hidden behind the 'final' boss
>Have to choose between piss beam and zero damage ice beam
I remember audibly gasping when I realised I had to chase the gamma metroid.
Everything in this game is so slow and tedious, especially coming from Dread like I did.
And idk if it was just me but the map in this game is fucked, like there's just a billion branching paths that go nowhere.
I liked it. The digger robot fight that made use of all your powerups was ludo.

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