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Is this game good?

I feel like everyone just ignored it completely.
Very strange.
I've been curious about trying it out too but yeah, it just came and went, reviews weren't amazing but people who played it seemed to like it but those who played didn't exactly seem like many
That's where I'm at as well.
>Very strange.
The only strange thing is why did they release it the same day as DD2?
Brand new IP released same day as Dragons Dogma 2
Wait for it on PC, it will more than likely have a second life there
better than wolong but worse than nioh, overall a just okay game desu
I like it. You can do really cool sword stances, use guns, pull off sick combos, play dressup, talk to bakumatsu characters, pet kitties, glide around...
It ended up being a much better game than DD2.
Like many, I was tricked into buying DD2 first because of the graphics, but Ronin is just superior. Not just it's combat, but the story and the characters, it's all so much deeper. Like the romance in DD2 is a massive joke compared to Ronin, the story is wafer thin.
The only thing DD2 has going for it is the exploration aspect, but the enemy variety still holds it back.
If you have a ps5 you might as well buy it.
It's nioh without yokai, which means ranged is strong all throughout
It's pretty decent, maybe the most compelled I've ever been with their attempts at a story
It's alright, it's biggest issue is the open world is completely pointless. They should have just stuck with the mission based structure of their previous games
There were many threads on release where we all talked about how much we enjoyed the game
Agreed, all of the shrine/cat collectible shit could easily be sprinkled in a traditional level structure
I think it's the worst of Team Ninja's modern era yet. Interesting setting but a garbage story. Terrible executed and bloated with too many undeveloped characters which results in shallow relationships.
Gameplay is too focused on parrying and loot is more pointless than ever before. To me the whole thing felt incredibly uninspired.
It's good but not a masterpiece.
The combat is dragged down by the absurd hyperarmor, combo lengths and choppy animations (like long charge into a 1-2 frame teleport attack) of bosses, very restrictive stamina system and mandatory parrying (you can skip parries to some extent with dodging or blocking). There are no running or dodge attacks for some reason, probably to further restrict the hit and run tactics. All that often results in unsatisfying sloppy fights where you win by trading with missed parries (parries double as attacks).
There are a lot of underutilized gimmicks like swimming, horse archery, glider tricks and nonlethal weapons (most bosses have a plot armor anyway).
The whole horse customization is undercooked as hell: you just buy the best horse and tack and never switch them.
The horse fighting is probably worse than Elden Ring, at least you are never supposed to do it.
The open world is actually pretty fun to run around stumbling on random encounters.
The story gets silly around the final chapter when you have to refight every character in "diplomatic" missions.
I'm waiting for it to be on PC, though knowing the jews of KT, I'll also need to wait a year after that until it gets to a more sensible price.
>can fuck somebody wife

Would be instant buy it if not because of the ps5 exclusivity.
Here hoping for PC port soon.
I liked the niche gimmicks. They added a unique approach to combat as opposed to just sneaking around. It felt very smooth to ride your horse along the road, spot some hooligans harassing someone, shoot two of them as you approach, quickly jump off and kill the last terrified enemy, immediately jump back on your horse and keep going.
>The combat is dragged down by the absurd hyperarmor, combo lengths and choppy animations (like long charge into a 1-2 frame teleport attack) of bosses
sums it up perfectly for me, with the exception that it's not just bosses but every single enemy.
Traversal in this game is very smooth with the grappling hook and wingsuit. Complete opposite of DD2 where travelling around was pure pain.
I like how your character jumps on the horse automatically when you call for it, without the horse ever stopping, such a simple thing that more games should implement.
I was playing Witcher 3 the other day and it takes like 10-15 seconds between calling the horse and it actually reaching you.
The choppy animations are especially strange because Nioh 2 doesn't have the same problem and like half of the game assets are reused from Nioh 2 anyway, Ronin also supposed to be made by the main team so Wo Long DLCs still in development at the time shouldn't even be a factor.
>I feel like everyone just ignored it completely.
nobody owns a ps5. people will talk about it when the pc port comes out next year.
It's ok. Wo Long mogs it.
People were very positive about it at release. Like many others I went with DD2 instead and am still waiting for a price drop before I get into Ronin. Asking £70 for a game that looks like a budget title probably put a lot of people off.
this, imo temporary exclusivity deals do more damage than good nowadays
Traversal in general was so good that I rarely used fast travel at all. More games really need to implement unlimited sprinting outside of combat
why not? I think RotR will have bigger sales than dd2 after release on steam.
It's "fine" but the open world absolutely sucks and I didn't end up finishing it because I just got kind of bored. The moment to moment combat is fun but it just made me realize the structure of Nioh with selectable levels is the best way to handle a game like this
It's irrelevant to me. I want to play as a japanese in Asscreed tho.
ok shit eater
>Nioh without the Yokai

honestly that just seemed boring to me, like I can already go a bunch of similar games set in feudal japan (way fo the samurai series, like a dragon ishin, genji series, samurai warriors series, etc etc)
That's the issue. I will NOT play Asscreed.
>in Asscreed tho.
Funny, people hate Ubisoft and yet any Assassin creed is perceived as a big deal compared to any other games. Now, I would gladly play Rise of Ronin, even if it is a Mid game, but... it is not available for PC. Why the fuck?
I will say that the story does go on a bit too long. They waste too long in Edo, then when you get to Kyoto (which is probably the best looking map) you are already bored of exploring and just want to finish the game.
But nope, you're sent back to Edo and the map is again full of useless shit to do.
I know they had to do it for historical accuracy, but it does feel like drag.
what's sad is that the bald headed scam that is dragon's dogshit 2 sold more than this did
Its pretty good but not amazing.

Story is OK.
Gameplay is good but no way near Nioh 2
Open world is pretty standard.

Worth getting on sale.
Just give me a pc version dammit.
Every gameplay video I've seen just looks like retarded sperg japaslop
Was this game released for the PS3 too?
Bloody hell, that looks abysmal
It looks fine nigga.
I do like one thing over Nioh 2, 2kats is now on the same side instead of the silly ass 1kat on each side.
Looks a lot better in motion, I was surprised by how good it looked in comparison to screenshots.
its top of the line samurai kino
Loved Nioh 1 and 2 but hated Wo Long due to all the party garbage. Combat where you do no damage until you manage to stagger them and riposte for half their HP by draining all their stamina (which parrying takes a huge chunk of) just felt so shit. Is this one better?
>lol PS5 has no gaems
>reeeee PS5 give us your games will not play until it comes to my Gabey Wabey box
every time
R1 + button attacks have decent damage compared to final blows but you are forced to play defensively because of the enemies' hyperarmor.
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Bunch of fools competing against Darkest Dungeon 2
Grave robber best girl

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