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>Ruins your game
Just get good lol
Thats not engineer though
>dude what if enemies had infinite ammo and healing
>dude what if enemies just respawned ontop of you
>dude what if we had autoaim turrets that require specific classes to counter and completely halt the flow of the game until destroyed
I have literally never been in a game where a sniper didn't get rekted after 10 seconds of staying somewhere
theres like 4 classes that shut down engineer, just pick one
cope tranny
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>just switch class lol
not an argument
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>cucks scout, pyro, and spy just by existing
>takes 0 skill to play
>becomes even more cancerous in groups
>wrangler turns his sentry into a tank with infinite range
>part of the reason why medic is so overpowered
>/v/ will defend this
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>engie cucks... spy just by existing
youre a shit spy then
hon hon what if le france
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>can oneshot EVERYONE apart from snipers who need to sacrifice their secondary just to block ONE stab
>cucks engineers by simply existing
>can disguise as anyone on enemy team right after killing someone and walk away with 0 damage
>can literally turn invisible for free (how many other classes got powers like that?) and run from any fight he cant win
That was me back in '08 on 2fort.
Dudes could not move past the bridge while I was sniping them away from the balcony.
Switching classes mid-game is allowed for exactly this reason. kys
6x your current health in damage
not even broken tf2 horror monsters can deal with that
nerfed for MvM
Sniper oneshots everyone with no counter
He doesn't need a disguise because he camos across the map where nobody can effectively counter him except another sniper
He can't turn invisible but he can walk 5 seconds to the nearest resupply cabinet
>durr he has sapper so he counters engie
>cant go for stabs on anyone within sentry range
>can one shot you with wrangler rockets or blast you with shotgun
>cant do anything to him if he hugs the wall
>at best you can trade 1 for 1 with someone nearby at worst you sap and die instantly
spy only counters shit engies
spy counters teleporters
If an Engineer can beat you he just has higher IQ. Sorry.
>dude what if enemies concentrated around a single point
>dude what if enemies had a completely empty backline
>dude what if we had turrets that couldn't prioritize targets and got easily overwhelmed
Spy isn't even a sniper counter.
If you ever see that the enemy team has a sniper and you choose to counter it with spy, you need to
>disguise and cloak yourself
>weave across the battlefield to the sniper
>refresh your cloak in the meanwhile, and not bump into enemies
>hope the sniper hasn't left
>hope the sniper isn't retarded
>hope the enemies don't see you decloak
>hope he doesn't have a razorback
>stab him and hope the melee registration doesn't fuck up
>switch to sniper
>take one shot
Difference of about three minutes. The issue is Sniper counters EVERYTHING. He has the highest DPS, the longest range, and the least committal. It's why the bots all play as him instead of heavies or scouts or spies.
Snipin’s a gud job m8
I wish he wasn't so broken, because sometimes I feel like just sitting back and taking it easy without having to worry about dying, but it really is ridiculous how you can just click on someone and they die with no setup or investment
snipers are just a poorly designed game mechanic in general, they completely invalidate any open map in any video game
part of that can be mitigated with more intelligent map design, but root of the problem will always be a completely unbalanced feature set
in real life snipers could never operate like this, theyre essentially giving what is the power of a team of people to a single person
thats just destined to be severely overpowered

its like if the tf2 medic got an actually good primary weapon
Sniper is so broken on that map
What do you guys think of Heavy rn?
too slow and not good without a medic
He's fine, but they should revert the rev up changes to make shotguns useful again.
Still in a better state than Pyro.
Kinda feels useless with all the "power-classes" and instakill classes designed to fuck heavy up the most
>What If enemies could respawn on top of you

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