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Paradox is in a death spiral
*buys all the DLC*
not my problem
the sooner that dogshit parasite company dies, the better
I don't even know what that game is. They should stick to crusader kings.
All companies who take Blackrock money should die
Isn't Paradox the border drawing game company? The fuck is that knockoff Sims shit in op?
Ck3 sucks ass. The only thing they need to stick is everyone except Johann's team into a woodchipper
>The paradox CEO should just refuse investors and get sued by the co-owners of the company

you do not understand business law
>I don't even know what that game is
The Sims but made by low-functioning autists
that's muttmerican laws. Swedish company can afford to put employees and customers first. Paradox just doesn't because they jew.
Are these the guys that made one of the first ever woke games, Life is strange?
What a name.
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>Life is strange
Fuck you.
>doesn't because they jew.
ESL Retard Detected
Did Paradox get super fucked by the swap to 3D models? Its in every single one of their games except HOI4 as if its mandated by law. Do they genuinely believe its better than 2D? Is it just easier and cheaper? Or is it just sunk cost and they're trying to cope about losing money?
>we will 100% guarantee the certain death of our company in the long-term for a single short-term cash injection from investors that don't understand our field of work
Any responsible CEO running a game studio should refuse Blackrock money
>the villain is a liberal art teacher
>the protagonist gets outsmarted and has to be saved by a straight white conservative war vet
it was unironically based. Last grasp of basedness in french gaming.
At one point they bragged about hiring a bunch of 3D artists and I assume they're desperate to recoup the investment
That shit is woke as fuck with terrible writing.
Just cause it was millennial Tumblr Era feminist woke, doesn't mean it wasn't woke.
nouns can be used as verbs in informal speech, actual esl kun.
it is woke retard
what was 'life by you'??
>Paradox is in a death spiral
paradox really isnt doing well at the moment.
>life by you scrapped.
>cities skylines 2 turned out shit and is way worse than the first game.
>prison architect 2 looks like a fucking mobile game.
>millenia flopped hard
>victoria 3 still below expectations.
>ck3 still below expectations.
>stellaris/europa universalis/hearts of iron doing whatever.
have they anything remotely good going for them currently?
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>when you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission
Parajews trying to get in on that Sims business and milk some whales.
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so whats paradox up to these days?
I dipped when they went public with tyranny and stellaris being the last game published by them that I played, liked tyranny and dropped stellaris when they removed 2 of the FTL travel options
and outside of getting the last DLCs for CK2 I did't follow anything from them
These things usually happen when there's organizational rot.

Someone with a business degree or experience at some generic company comes in to take the company to the next level. They throw out some retarded idea and throw the whole company's future into going in this bold new direction. The bold new direction flops because the business guy didn't understand the industry, his company, etc.

Business guy starts looking for a new job. He fires a bunch of people to look like they had a really good quarter and jumps ship before the company is destroyed.
>jew the plebs into near liquidation
>surprised pikachu face when the line briefly stops going up
Have they not seen how much money EA pulls from foids with their constant piecemeal packs consisting of tables and chairs? It's like they suddenly got allergic to making money.
>gets a call from his buddy in college that a new position just opened up
>crashes the current company with no survivors while safely flying out in a golden parachute
>gets to highfive and spitroast another one with his childhood friend in tow
They've been trying to branch out of cartography and it hasn't been going very well.
t. economic radicalist
it's a gaming specific phenomenon for some reason. You'd never find retarded suits running music studios or sport teams, but somehow this bullshit is commonplace in vidya. Even movies tend to have people with decent movie knowledge like Hebrew Weinstein running them.
What exactly is the barrier on a Sims game bros? Is making an AI that can somewhat be autonomous really that hard? 30 years nearly.... 30 years of total life simulation monopoly. EA won. Maxis killed thousand
Music and movie industries are subsidized as propaganda tools. Vidya is not yet infiltrated and when shit falls apart nobody bails them out.
is Paradox the best example of a publisher letting feminists, progressives and weird hipsters take over the studio?
did this game ever come out, i didnt hear anything about it, not that i would want to play it, it looks like shit
Making a game/engine that doesn't spaz out when there's are a bunch of custom models fucking around a relatively large fully custom terrain with tons of little custom placed furniture/assets isn't that simple.
Never even heard of this game.
Snoy, Pajeetsoft, EA, CA, Ubishit, Blizzard etc. are all more prominent examples.
No the biggest issue with Paradox is still their DLC practices
People had to get tired of buying stripped down "full" games at retail prices only to then pay triple or more of that price again to add all the content needed to make the game fun via DLC
nah paradox still has a based studio in spain that tolerates none of the faggotry. The worst example has to be volition.
Yes considering it was such a niche studio to begin with. EA can be fully poz and still crank out best-sellers and Ubisoft still makes a profit with 1000s of pointless diversity hires. Paradox did the DEI shtick and it immediately blew up in their face and left them with a half-dozen stillborn franchises.
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>90% drop in profit
>"mixed feelings"
Is it PR damage control or are there really people this delusional?
This is also why there aren't any games fully like Betheada ones for every time /v/ makes a >Why no competitors? Thread
What /v/ doesn't get is Bethesda's engine is actually amazing for what it does. The fact you can drop an item somewhere more it in place & it will stay there for thousands of hours no matter how far you go is actually really impressive and the game has to calculate this for everything. They literally can't achieve it in any other meme engine that gets suggested
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It's Paradox, the publisher, that is having problems. Paradox, the developer, is doing great.
EA can shut down everything but their sports shit and still turn a profit. Blame normalfags who buy FIFA/Madden every single year
Normalfags deserve the slop they're given, FIFA and Madden could be 3/10 dumpster fires and would still sell enough on brand recognition alone.
That's a shame. I dunno about the rest of their games but I'm really enjoying Age of Wonders 4.
Life is Strange defenders should be exiled from the site, they're nothing but tasteless coomers and retards
swedish devs in general are losers. look at wolfenstein 2 the new colossus, darktide, payday3, and soon kf 3. greedy,entitled,woke,faggy swedish subhumans.
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Not surprising, its Sweden we're talking after all. Sweden is the California of the nordic region.
This, send the immigrants more grenades so they can fix it for us.
Helldivers 2 devs are also Swedes iirc
>keep Johan "the magic mana button fixes everything" Andersson
I know that you're a brainlet but c'mon now
Is Vic3 good yet?
>map game company tries to make something other than map games
>predictably flops
>they also forget how to make map games and those have been flopping too
Swedes are so shit at making video games
Whatever it takes to finally end this nightmare.
Thankfully Johan is in control again and I can spend another $400 on Europa Universalis DLC over the coming decade.
this post is not facetious, I genuinely like their post launch model
Age of Wonders 4 is great
I am aware, but thankfully I'm autistic and superior to you. I win.
Bottom pic is missing a literal drooling retard for Chloe.
I'm sorry
I hope you get the psychological help you need, anon. I'll pray for you.
so it's extremely good...?
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you forgot the shit-show that is VtM:B2
I forgot they bought that trainwreck.
You're a retarded faggot. You could have said Gone Home and actually had a point, but half you retards probably weren't even born when it came out.
They're developing EU5 (which they aren't calling EU5, not yet at least) and which includes different features from EU4, CK3, and V3
They fucked White Wolf, lost shitloads of money on Harebrained, and cancelled some games. They published Cities Skylines 2 which was a disaster
CK3 is a downgraded CK2 still
>alienate your fans with shit games and jewish dlc
>try to attract normies with new games
>normies don't play games unless they're the #1 of the genre with 500m marketing budget
>company collapses
same story over and over
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>mfw I was shittalking my coworker for buying new FIFA at release
>the game went on 50% discount the next week
Why couldn't these retards stick with Battletech and Shadowrun?
no, they bought rights to the game and turned it into a trainwreck themselves.
From what I heard, Battletech was already showing signs of woke
Especially since they shut down Magicka
Good. I'd like nothing more than to never see them publish another game
Fuck them and the DLC shit
Johan seems to have learned his lesson.
At least in EU5 dev diaries he has been hyping that no mana and seems to actually aim for more complicated system instead of dumping down.
the barrier is that those women will only play what they know, so if it doesn't say The Sims on the can, they wont even look at it because they don't actually give a shit about video games in any other form
Apparently they were let go from Paradox and are now working on a new game named Graft as an indie studio.
Here's hope they left their woke ambitions at Paradox.
It's also just about run its course
They also have the Zoo Tycoon game.
Good. Complacency is death in this industry.
God I'm still mad about CS2. What the fuck is wrong with snow Euros?
its always a suckerpunch
are they too scared to fight an honorable 1v1?
I've recently replayed the Sims2 and never noticed how many mechanics the game has to take into consideration. Plus you have expansions that expand on those mechanics. I guess that's too much work and too much financial risk to do when you have to compete with the Sims that already have brand recognition spanning generations now
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>Paradox is in a death spiral
and you're from reddit along with your shit ignorant takes
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>Refuse money
Planet Zoo (which I think is what you're talking about) is not by Paradox, it's by Frontier.
everyone in the world prefers 3D to 2D
a bunch of v pedos aint "everyone" youre a minority like niggers
that screenshot looks like a WEG
The fuck is this visual diarrhea of an image is supposed to convey
dont worry, give it 20-30 years everyone with white skin will flee new swedistan and their cringe games will disappear with their culture
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Delusional. You are all delusional living in your own fantasy reality
>have they anything remotely good going for them currently?
Lets see:
>Victoria 3
>Europa 4
>Incoming DLC for Victoria 3 and EU5 in development
I'm still amazed paradox even got that far, I get autists don't really have many choice, but still having to pay full price for a game followed by having to buy ungodly amounts of dlcs just to have a somewhat complete game is fucking absurd
their post launch model is dogshit, it effectively blurs out any intentional design the games had with bloat and powercreep garbage
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Yes (with mods)
This works if your audience is full of autistic people, just look at Total War for another example.
All shit
maybe they should stick to make games that are fun instead of infesting them with DEI
to be fair its mostly the fantasy fags that get giga milked for dlc (probably used to it after paying absurd prices for gw minis)
You're not fooling anyone especially since the first chapter of this tumblr shit is free to play.
Well atleast I've had a ton of fun with Stellaris.
Short-term benefit cucks are seething ITT.
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I bought all of the TW:Warhammer DLC's cause I never really got into tabletop, since building one proper army of beastmen would cost even more than all of the DLC's combined

Still it's good to see Paradox fail. Their closure will heal the gaming scene and hopefully others will learn from that.
>US scientists predict some bullshit to seed panic and short time profits
Some things never changed
senor you esl you lose. Me the blanca man you brown man.
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>Life by You
Wait, it came out? When? Why?
it got shitcanned
Oh kek
lmao even
anon, no its not
I dont know other industries well, but fucking hell look at disney, or shit like KFC.
or most private companies that were later inherited by children of original creator,
but to be fair, with videogames its very common because vidya industry skyrocketed in past 30 years, from niche hobby and children entertainment, to multi billion industry that reach entire world
>Ubisoft still makes a profit
they dont
they are only alive because they get 600 million from the government every year
>Ubisoft still makes a profit with 1000s of pointless diversity hires
Ubisoft is literally on life support
That will be $6000 for all DLC plus tip.
>game got canned
They didn't realized putting all your staff to work on DLCs mean you have no one working on your game.
It’s Johann’s team that’s the problem, the reason EUIV Leviathan was a complete shitshow was because he’s taken the Marlon Brando focus tree and turned into a bloated lazy megalomaniac who thinks he’s too big to fail
It's always sad when you realize old games were good in spite of the famous devs, not because of
Even then American companies aren't forced to be profitable, they just forced to act in a way that would generate profit if they were doing business well. That's why this DEI shit is probably illegal in America but no one cares because leftist ideology is above the law.
I just want a new life sim game that plays like Sims 2 and Urbz for the GBA is that to much to ask for???
I didn't even know Life by You came out.
Was that the Sims clone that looked super washed out?
prison architect 2 was meant to be launched in May, but then at the last minute it was delayed and the dev team replaced by Brazilians. Not the greatest of signs
That's because it didn't, they nixed it after a couple of delays
How they thought it was good enough to reveal in the first place is beyond me
I mean it was obvious, wasn't it? This looks like a Valusoft game traveled forward in time.

According to their own financial report, their own in-house strategy games and Age of Wonderd 4 are quite literally the only things that make them any money. All of their recent publishing ventures except AoW4 have fallen flat.
I also suspect that the returns they get from their own games are diminishing due to ballooning expenses. The development costs of CK2 were literal pennies and it made millions, but CK3 costs much more to make just due to the 3D models which means worse profits even if it makes millions.
lmao they cancelled this? EA stay winning.
The way Paradox talks about the cancellation is like they think the problem was the gameplay, but the game just looked ugly. If the game had looked good they probably could have gotten away with the mechanics being half-baked.
This does look unbelievably dogshit, I've seen shovelware porn games made in unity/unreal that look better. I don't know what they were thinking by showing this off. Also I'm not sure about the decision to have the characters actually speak a real language, seems really hard to pull off (currently) and overall unnecessary for a game like this to function. I'm sure that mechanic is probably vapor anyways.
historical revision. You fags are too young to remember the cashgrab slavs and vikings DLC for attila that are far worse than anything TWW ever put out.
incredibly dumb post, historical fags get an entire asset flip games being sold for full price.
>but the game just looked ugly
We're on 4chan here, anon. You can just say that the game put interracial relationships and fagshit front and center. You don't have to use a euphemism
>the idea that someone doesn't give a shit about culture war shit is literally incomprehensible to the average tourist
the absolute state of /v/eddit
Please die please die please. If there's a development studio I genuinely HATE, it's Paracuck. I hate them, I hate their business model, and I hate that they're successful.
Who is the pic
They make by far the best games in their genre, maybe when Espiocracy comes out things will change but for now thay are alone at the top.
They're the only people who make games in their genre. Being Nr. 1 with no competition is no achievement.
I'll pay you 50 milliions if you replace your devs with blind people. Would make sense to refuse that money?
Surely the solution is to half ass more games and sell 3/4 of the content as dlc packs.
>you can have 1 million now and then never gain money again
>or you can make 500.000 every year until the rest of time
Think long and hard about whats the right choice here
>get massive growth
>get bonus from shareholders
>bail the fuck out
>let the new ceo sort out the fallout
>get new job at company because they see how much you grew profits at previous job
This is all public companies in a nutshell anon.
It'd be fascinating to find out what they'd produce at least
what an ugly game
on one side, good riddance to them and their shitty business practice
on the other, i do enjoy their games and pirate their dlc
Good i hope they burn down into the ground.
Its such an accurate depiction of how insufferable real life teenage girls are that I could not survive past the first 20 minutes. I already have to deal with them enough in real life I don't need this shit in my free time
Honestly, just creating a shitload of assets to place around and for your sims to wear, hair customizationg etc. That alone makes it mostly certain that no indie dev can make a decent sims clone. The actual mechanics of the game are really easy to program
>profits are down
>time to chop another game into 30 pieces
I hope they burn
>you can have 1 million now and then never gain money again
>or you can make 500.000 every year until the rest of time
>Think long and hard about whats the right choice here
You take the 1 million, dump the company, get re-hired at another studio and repeat the process for 1 million a year instead of 500k.
What are you, stupid? Why would you want HALF the money?
You fools. If Paradox dies, then Project Caesar dies too, and the entire grand strategy genre dies with it because they're the only ones making these games.
>sure the arrow will hit rock bottom tomorrow
>but today it'll go up 0.4%
You can't threaten me with a good time
Grand Strategyfags are autistic enough that if Paradox shit the bed, ten hyperautists would make indie clones before the year ended.
Nothing but trash, like the countless XCOM fangames after that series died. Now it's dead again; where are your precious XCOM clones? It's just dead.
Modders already generate more quality content for their games than they do for free so its no skin off of anyone's bones.
Never heard of this one, is this the sequel to the You testament?
so rimworld?
The funniest part is that you could do this in america.
The concept of foreign entities using economics to intentionally buy up and then crash major parts of business infrastructure hasn't been explored even though it is the perfect attack vector for state actors.
Good, maybe they'll learn not to release 50 DLCs for 300+ dollars w/ every fucking game.
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why did they even keep in the chick sliding across the road at mach 10?
I like their games but they can fuck right off with their DLC. Would probably give them more money if their DLC was condensed into larger, cheaper packages. I'm not paying $10 for a couple of reskins. Their launcher is also fucking gay. Imagine needing to install another launcher after buying a game from steam. The company makes decent games but have absolutely shit business practices.
we have sims at home
It's supposed to be a skateboard but it looks so shit and she's in the middle of traffic that it does look like she's being propelled across the road
they would have died 10 years ago if they had any competition
Good, that company needs to die purely because of their dlc policy.
That's what they get for having a lack of diversity.
Paradox needs more African, Muslim, trans, POC, LGBTQIA+, women, and overall disenfranchised developers and more blog posts about those groups and less about grand strategy games and they would do better. They had a lot of that for a while and I noticed they’ve been slipping lately, no coincidence the company is struggling now! Diversity is our Strength let’s not forget Paradox!
We'd just keep playing full conversion mods for CK/EU for another decade, it'll be fine. If Paradox only makes trash then they don't deserve to continue.
they need to wokemaxx so when they fail, they can blame white men and republicans for pitybux from the government
I need my EU5.
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>operating profit
Irrelevant metric. Ubisoft has had its operating profits at negative for two decades.
Videogames are now funded by Larry, not consumers.
>Ubisoft has had its operating profits at negative for two decades.
Ubisoft is propped up by government grants. That's part of why they cannot successfully sell their company.
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You're the problem with gaming. How about instead of wasting your time and money on objective trash you save it and invest in yourself in some manner. I understand people like you are desperate for anything that will numb the pain you feel from our current soci8, but this is only making your life more miserable

Step up anons. Stop supporting these trash devs. Do something else with your life that grows you
No, chud, we all knew you were trying to fucking say.
i don't think anyone at ubisoft cares if they make a profit or not. if they did, they'd probably just have to pay taxes/dividends to whatever government programs that have subsidized them.

i think the old guard at ubisoft have realized that it's much easier to pay themselves big salaries with government gibs than actually succeed
>multiple scenes showing romance
>all gay couples
CK3 and Stellaris are both bretty gud, (until the inevitable CPU death if you dare to actually play the game for a while), but actively harming themselves with their cancerous DLC blobs. I took one look at the store page and said fuck that pirate time lmao
CK3 is breddy gud*

*still worse than 2
there's only so many times you can sell the same DLC to the same handful of people before they just stop paying and stick the game they already have
retarded suits are in charge of like 99% of companies, it's just that most companies are entrenched enough to not have to care or sell something so basic that it's near impossible to fuck up
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>business law written by jews forces goyim to take jew money or be sued by jews
grim fate
>CK3 and Stellaris are both bretty gud,
CK3 is a glorified SIMS game that chases the "RPG" memes that the CK2 community made, over making an actually compelling GSG, still missing many features that the BASE(non-DLC) CK2 had, such as being able to tell your war allies where to go.

Haven't played much of Stellaris but what I've played was a barebones 4X with GSG elements that tries hard to bank on your different political options. But all those do is give you differently flavored pop ups to read, with the gameplay still being the same among them.
protip: jews cannot takeover your business without your consent
Just "borrow" the DLC?
I just want a Sims-like game that isn't so bubbly and goofy like The Sims. Everyone in TS4 feels like the same person because they always have a wacky demeanor at all times.
The low iq teenagers on /v/ do not understand the difference between taking on debt and increasing revenue.
Play The Sims 2 then, zoomie
Rimworld shows just how easy making an "acceptable" sim for an individual is, and with that simple model you can add complexity via interaction with other Sims/colonists.

>Person has a bunch of "needs" such as sleep, food, recreation, hygiene, outdoors, social interaction, etc
>As needs get lower person tries to refill them via using world object, interacting with other person, or just going for a walk if they want to go outside
>Do things they like=mood go up
>Do things they dislike or can't "do the needful", mood go down
>Mood above X good event or whatever, mood below Y bad event
That extremely simplistic system is all it takes to make a sim/pawn/whatever behave in a simplified but semi-realistic way, and adding on to that system or modifying it for certain people (ie; hates going outside instead of needing to or having mood loss), or simply making the social interaction caused by said needs more nuanced via it's own interaction system that's activated by the above Needs system is all it takes to make anywhere from a just acceptable social simulation to an actually impressive one, depending on how much effort is put into said system by devs.
Everytime I look at their games to buy I realize its a 300 dollar endeavor to get all the basic features of an old game for a mediocre excel sheet and then I don't buy it. Fuck companies like Paradox and Creative Assembly
Sims 2 is the same thing. Shit plays like a big cartoon
Holy moses dont get my hopes up
>XCOM clones?
Are you retarded? Xenonauts 2 just came out and it is by far the best entry in that entire series, rivaled only by Xenonauts (1).
They still made a profit retard.
They need to go back to releasing FINISHED GAMES with a FEW MAJOR expansions. I don't even look at their shit because you buy the game and month there is a content pack. I don't like missing out on shit, so I'm not even bothering anymore. I can't even be assed to pirate their shit anymore. EU3 was perfect, the game was good. They made a few expansions for it which made it better. That's fine. But expansions every fucking month is just insane. Who has time to play enough to even learn what the differences and changes to all these expansions are?

I think paradox got greedy once the autism-bucks from CKII chuds started coming in. But I'm suspecting many gamers are TIRED of the nonstop paid content additions.
Where’s the shitty vtmb2 at
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Based Johan is hogging every single paraducks resources for EU5
If those are the map graphics that are going to be in the final game its looking awful, like HOI4 tier awful.
It looks better than EU4, HOI4 and V3.
This province density looks so fucking delicious but I just know it's going to release with a total of two dozen events and get old very very fast. Can I take a time portal to a future when it already has DLC and mods?
>EU4 and V3

On what planet? Those colors are especially bad
I don't get why Life by You gets so much attention in the media when it looked like hot fucking garbage vaporware when they teaser it. I know people desperately want a Sims competitor but not once was I excited for what Paradox showcased, and to imply that was what put them down financially and somehow the colossal failure of a launch for Cities Skylines 2 isn't the main reason these """journalists"""" talk about. I thought I heard it was being developed by a small group as well.
Or that not all debt is bad/useless to a company
It all started really when they went public in 2016 NEVER go public it's so apparent at this point in the industry
Can a paratroon defender explain to me why CK3 still has nowhere near the content and replayability CK2 does? How is that defensible?
I think City Skylines is the only game I ever bought twice because it randomly disapeared from my library, I couldn't even play it for 5 minutes before closing it and never playing it again
Everything bad that happens to this company is 100% deserved
Why are scandinavians so bad at making video games?
Exactly, If I can't plop my entire inventory on the ground and literally leave my mark on the world by junking it up and being a filthy slob it's not a real role playing game
Make up your mind
Good example, went from a studio of dudebro's to Starbucks drinking hipsters completely detached from the real world
Sounds more like Suicide prevention. They are done and know it, they're just deciding if they're done with life or want to try one more fuck up
Life is Strange is just bad
>you can bring items back in time
>except when you can't
>you can take photos and have them exist in a different time period
>except when you can't
>breaks these rules within the first chapter
lol, lmao, gotta have those plot points, god forbid you build the game around the mechanics you put into the FIRST FUCKING LEVEL
but doubling the price of all their DLCs and replacing their art team with AI was supposed to save them!!
This looks like some dudes Unity store asset discount sims, not a full on companies game.
Swedish labour laws are legitimately insane, they can't fire anyone without justifying why to a court and legally they are barely allowed to work
they have like 3 month long mandatory holiday breaks a year
a large portion of their economy is also stockbros fucking around which is where shit like Embracer comes from, they have some kind of weird state capitalism mafia going on where they buy/invest everything to make sure "swedish voices are represented" aka their legion of CEOs are raking in cash while dictating a bunch of stupid shit
It's code heavy, not particularly difficult, but your average gamedev uni course graduate junior won't be able to handle it. So not only do you need to 10x the code work, but it has to be done by expensive programmers, those that could actually work outside gamedev
Most mainstream games are actually not that heavy on systems
>Paradox is in a death spiral
It doesn't matter if EU5 is the best GS ever made, since the best GS is only for chuds and autists which the modern Paradrone is neither of. If it doesn't have pop culture historical trivia facts then it wont be popular, simple as.
I think the game is going to be great but it will fail, most "pro" EUIV players are already disliking how it isn't arcade enough and that the ticks are going to ruin MP.
Everyone bitching about DLC but that's not the problem, the problem is overstretching and missing quality controls
It's funny that their expansion plans got big with CS1 and basically died with CS2. Turns out you actually need to release a good game before you can milk DLC for it
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>Sims 3 came out in 2009
More than a decade, is it really that hard to just make the same game but slightly better?
It's not
You just don't pay attention when a grocery store or a phone carrier or an appliance maker does it
>be private company
>jews refuse you loans severely limiting you and possibly meaning bankruptcy
>go public
>jews can buy stock and shareholder supremacy means youre their onahole
>sims clone
>civ clone
When the fuck are they making a total war clone, it's the only one that I could trust them to not fuck up as bad as CA
Koreans are making their Sims right now
gay and boring, will flop hard
Good. They've been abusing autists spending habits for too long.
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I don't know, it looks pretty
>even the previews render is subpar framerates
This'll run even worse than sims 3 kek
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I Heart Uncannyslop
>Sweden is the California of the nordic region.
you mean from being ruined by immigrants
Oh, they cancelled that shit? Not surprising, when they announced it I warned people Rod Humble was an even bigger hack than Todd.
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victoria 3 killed all my interest in paradox games. it actually retroactively killed my love of victoria 2 as well. selling, essentially, an early access game and then charging you $40 to fix it should be a criminal fucking offense
As much as I enjoy Paradox games, this has been their policy for too long and now it's biting them in the ass
Victoria 3 is the only game where I asked steam for my money back after buying it.
>buy trilogy for 20 buckaroos
>creampie the dlc
simple as
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>>683775976 >>683776085 >>683776152 >>683778601 >>683779520 >>683781216 >>683781593 >>683792045 >>683808609

I fucking love that /v/ hates one of my favorite games personally
Never even heard of this game, so maybe that was their problem.
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The thing with it is not even difficulty, but that every sims clone that got canned always forgot that life sim is not the entire point of the game and it is not supposed to be "come home from work to play a realistic game about work" thing. It's supposed to be this whimsy semi-realistic charming world full of cartoony people speaking gibberish with weird unusual or downright paranormal shit happening often with very lenient lifesim mechanics. Sims, no matter how life sim it got, always had its own identity. Adding realism to the formula is missing the point entirely, since realism is lacking identity by definition.
That's why Rimworld is the only "proper" sims clone due to it being somewhat realistic, but still being detached from reality enough to make it fun and be its own unique thing, even if it doesn't go as batshit as sims does with stuff like ghost psychologists, unstoppable IRS agents stealing your shit or insane home invading clowns due to it being more of a colony sim rather than a life one.
>tldr cut down on autism realism you fucking faggots
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>rimworld is just the sims for men
I'll take low fps over californian slop. I'm also buying a 5090 when it's out.
People are still playing Sims 3 and 4. If this game has that longevity then performance at launch won't matter in the long run.
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why cant developers develop anymore?
Do you think blackrock buying stocks on the open market means that the company somehow gets that money?

Paradox haven't taken on new capital on forever.
one step away from ICP glow-up
Can't just hire white and east asian men
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Their games from ck2 and beyond are basically only worth it on deep discount, it is unfortunate. I get that grand strategy is a niche genre so they need to get more money out of less people, but it's still scummy.
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ICP is fire too.
Is he wrong?
>waah, muh dlc
They are just better free updates, only redditors get mad at more content.
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>Victoria 3
maintained by skeleton crew since it flopped hard
maintained by slightly larger skeleton crew since youtubers love to pay $30 for its DLCs with a dozen text events for wacky videos about turning christianity into a nudist incest religion
>Europa 4
maintained by different team on the other side of Europe that mostly pumps out bugfixes and $30 DLC with different buttons for a country to press for free mana
seems to be maintained by a slightly larger team that just keeps making shitty expensive DLC while reinventing mechanics to pretend the game is under constant development
>Incoming DLC for Victoria 3
You already mentioned that one
>EU5 in development
Considering all of their releases since Imperator I'm not hyped at all
EUV will be good, trust the plan.
Aren't they removing mana for eu5? Just seems like it's going to make the game less unique
So what's so bad about them anyway? I just got into tHeir games 2~ years ago with HOI4 and CK3. I exlusively play total conversion mods and use creamAPI to unlock all the DLC.

I have more gripes about some mod teams taking forever to update rather then the base game devs themselves since I never play vanilla.
Wasn't hard to find, some guys waifu.
it looks like they’re trying to incorporate mechanics from meiou at a baseline. their dev diaries have honestly gotten me excited, but i’ve been burned one too many times by these faggot swedes
No mana, at least for now.
Second wind just did a video about cargo cult thinking and it applies to a huge chunk of the gaming industry. A lot of companies do shit just because other companies did and they think it's expected.
Competency Crisis. The stock that used to make your favorite games are no longer making games. Their kin is not in the industry anymore. The ones that inherited the infrastructure are not equipped to handle it, let alone maintain it.

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