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What went wrong?
Kamiya left
glad to see bayo 3's ending is still living rent free in your head, yuritroon
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Two major things, Hideki Kamiya leaving and Babylon's Fall flopping. Bayonetta 3 story bitching aside was actually a success for the studio.
They flushed a canon sapphic relationship down the drain and paired Cereza with a charismaless creep of a simp.
I'm sorry to say this, but your dyke ship lost, and your salty tears and rotting dilation fluids can't be any more delicious.
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>this causes the lgbtard to melt down
Hack and slash are a garbage genre that Souls games killed the moment they became big
Good riddance
Nier was a fluke
Bayo crashed and burned
Bayo 3 was over a million seller.
Chuds like you will perish in the Revolution.
>Bayonetta literally went to hell for Jeanne.
who wouldn't want to go to hell and back for the homies?
this proves absolutely nothing
love em to death, but all of their games are very similar
I wonder if they could actually put something new and interesting together that doesnt feature some combination of:
>pause combos
>slow motion
>primary and secondary weapon slots
>over-the-top action
>mandatory shmup section
>optional arcade game throwback
>love em to death, but all of their games are very similar
It's okay when FromSoftware does it, huh?
No I think it's an even bigger flaw for from, especially now that most people have fatigue from 7 games and 4 DLCs with the souls formula
at least when they operated as clover, Platinum had some cool pivots with Okami, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, etc
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They need to branch out into different genres
What would you like to see them do?
Genuinely curious.
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Platinum did have variety in their output once. The first four games they put out were an environment based brawler, a character action game, a third person shooter and a DS RPG.
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And their latest attempt was a live service game, which was a complete failure. Sometimes it's better to stick to what you're good at instead of following the wrong trend.
>were botching shit so hard they got kicked off of relink
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Weirdly enough Zenless Zone Zero actually managed to pull what Platinum was trying to do off very successfully.
Hal totally fell in love with Femkira.
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I don't blame him.
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Nintendo monopolizing Bayonetta and placating everyone at platinum besides Kamiya to be okay with just being Nintendo's bitch
What is Taura working on?
and Mikami. All the real talent left.
Quite the opposite for me. I didn't have a problem with Bayo 3's story, I just didn't care for the gameplay. Especially the combat.
Kamiya hasn't been relevant since Bayonetta 1. He did next to nothing for like 10 years except get blocked by microsoft and eventually resign in shame

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