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Bros... i think this one is unfixable...
something something drain your brother's balls dry
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Yeah, but she doesn’t need fixi-
Blood relation only.
She's perfect as is.
trans game
Here is a hard pill to swallow for all of you.
You do not like evil/dominant/crazy women.

You are autistic, so you lack social skills to seduce a normal girl and like women who are direct, take charge and will do crazy shit, giving variety to your life without you needing to do anything on your part since it lifts the burden of having to be a normie with them.
I don't even really want a crazy girl. My mom was crazy, I don't want that shit. It's just fun to imagine an idealized crazy girl.
This probably counts as mommy issues, doesn't it?
Again, it's autism/neurodivergency.

It's the same reason why people say they like "dominant women" or "muscle mommies". They are direct with what they want, so there is no usual teasing and social play going on and you do not need to figure out "what she really means".

Idealized crazy/evil women in media are similar. They do the heavy lifting of having to be spontaneous and bringing spice and emotion into your life. Usually a man has to take charge and make sure the girl is not bored.
it's teenage romance, with all the teasing and shit that comes along with it
how did you miss that and come up with some retarded theory?
you mean drain your balls in your sister right
she needs BBC fix
Now that I understand this, I want a crazy gf even more
Whoa, your so cool!
what if im the sister?
Still would
>Usually a man has to take charge and make sure the girl is not bored.
What sort of fucked up ideology is this? The macho man is a myth created by insecure incels. Love is mutual and built over trust. No one person should take charge in a relationship. Satisfaction in a relationship requires boundaries and proper communication to succeed.
Sounds gay.
Cervix penetration with vidya sisters
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uhh ashleybros...?
Reminder that BPD women aren't for relationships.
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Just breed her and completely overload her womb, just like this.
And Leyley is instantly fixed.
No need to fix her, she's already perfect.
Have you ever met one? lol
it's ok when they're your sister
You’re not nearly as smart as you think you are
If a good amount of dick doesn't work, then the amount of dick was too low.
My friend married one, I knew from the beginning it would implode. It only lasted 4 years before she cheated on him and they got divorced.
This game caused irreparable damage to some brother/sister relationships.
You speaking out of experience?
Or you know, crazy pussy equals crazy good sex
LOL Anon tried to fuck his sister
Its honestly an inevitable thing. I have a friend who's a complete catch. Good looking, smart, great guy, makes a lot of money, very diligent and capable, etc. He gets a BPD girl, completely elevates her life out of the pit, repairs her family, etc. I previously had a really bad experience with one myself, and his relationship was going for years, to the point where I started to be convinced that it was actually possible for things to work out with them.
Then she has this enormous freakout out of nowhere and ends the relationship in an instant. They weren't even around each other or interacting at the time. Just killed the relationship, dropped all communication. Done in a flash.
These people aren't human. They don't follow any sort of sense or logic, and nobody can actually understand it until they experience it for themselves. There is no "fixing" her, and you won't be "the one" in her life that succeeds.
Im in the process
>You do not like evil/dominant/crazy women.
Damn right I don't need that nonsense in my life. I don't care for people in general to be honest.
why is she naked
Getting in a relationship with one is just peak stupid.
Yes i am, atleast she looks like self cnscious after 2 breakups and search therapy+ authism
Genuinely bail out, anon.
I dunno supossedly she didnt cheat her previous bf, and they left her just by her anger issues, im used to angry father
>Girl confesses enormous redflag to you and you're still considering it.
Save yourself a lot of pain and trouble, and find someone normal. Them being self aware of their problem does nothing about it.
I dated one, it was hell. They are not human
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I dont see any normal woman in this world
I don't even understand who you want to murder exactly
Incest enjoyers?
Incest commiters?
Coffin of andy and leyley players?
Go back
All of the above
Genuine advice despite the website you're reading it on. Curb your willingness to be self-destructive and actually focus on improving and living a better life, or else you're going to do things that are just going to make your outlook and experience on everything even worse.
Most people can seem "weird" in one way or another, but all those people are completely normal when you're comparing them to what might as well be an alien.
They're like a perfectly crafted landmine. A deathtrap for caring people.
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Anon. I was in a relationship with a BPD girl that had meds, therapy and a mutual friend that assured me she was a-ok. It was hell
They lie about everything, she made up fake stories about being beaten, suffering extreme injuries etc, she'd lie about what she did during the day, even what she was eating. You can relax together and she will randomly, for no discernable reason, decide that she hates you and start accusing you of things and crying. They scream, they rage. And there is nothing you can do to help. My ex just randomly decided she didn't care anymore and broke up with me, but not before pushing lies to all my friends about me being an awful person. Seriously gtfo anon
Bro how did you make this post about me?
Universal experience it seems
I'm convinced that all BPD people are the exact same except for how they look. Every story I hear has the girl behaving the exact same way.
My story is pretty confusing because its BPD shit, but I'll do my best.
>Fall for the typical feeling bad/wanting to help trap.
>She confesses to me, we agree to start seeing to each other.
>What actually occurs is she meets and sleeps with another guy, makes him her boyfriend.
>I am unaware of this for a month until I try to make a more significant move which is where she reveals her boyfriend.
>Try to salvage it by just being her friend and hanging out.
>She proceeds to tell me how strong she felt about me, constantly cries about her boyfriend, gets close enough to me during this period that it might as well be cheating.
>Eventually she tells me to talk to her brother because her brother "knows everything".
>So I did, and he said he doesn't really know anything, but the entire reason she revealed her boyfriend was because she came to him for advice, spinning the situation as me just having a crush on her while she's not single.
>The mutuals of myself and her ask her if we're dating because the behavior between me and her was obviously flirty/close
>She proceeds to tell people some nonsense about how she was afraid that I was going to rape her or something when she had 100% control over everything we did together.
>Whenever she would retell events that happened between me and her to ME during conversation, she would make up a completely fictional version that makes me look terrible and herself helpless.
>I cannot stress enough that they were very direct lies about ME to ME with nobody else present.
>She would immediately cede her recollection of whatever events upon simply saying it didn't happen.
There are a lot of other little details I left out to demonstrate how shitty the behavior is, but its such a nightmare of lies that its impossible to actually get it all across to someone without hours of time.
Man, good thing this was a stupid fag meme image so the violence implied is irrelevant.
I'm the person you responded to, and I found out near the end of the relationship that she had a BF when we met, then she fell for me, broke up with her boyfriend, immediately confessed to me, and we got together not soon after. She was persistent in trying to get with me too. I don't think they actually feel love, it's simply just an obsession
Reading stuff like this is like watching a car crash that I never want to be in. I've already had a couple crazy women try to latch on to me and then paint me as the bad guy like they're some sort of negative entity parasite demon. It's a bitch and a half to get these fuckers out of my life.
The only thing BPD sluts are good for is the sex which is pretty wild and they are often down for more unconventional stuff. Beyond that they are nothing but a mental and physical drain on your life.
I made the mistake of not only dating one, but also pair bonding with her so now I’m stuck obsessed with someone who has long cut contact and hates my guts and who I hate the guts of and know is bad for me, but I can’t ever let go now it seems because I convinced myself it was real between us.

Sex was amazing though, her body was something most men can only dream of fucking and having their face sat on by along with being a wacky tomboy
Still wish she died in a horrific car crash though
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Yeah. You literally do not know where the lies begin and end because they will completely make things up and lie about the most insignificant things for no reason. The way I always described it to her brother(Who was and still is a very good friend of mine) was that "Dating" and being her "close friend" was like living a false life that you're unaware you're even living. Every little thing could be a lie, even if its not to you. They can lie to other people who then give you wrong information if you try to find out the truth.
They trap you in a complete fantasy, and then abruptly end it for no reason. They won't give you any reason, and they don't even know why they did it if you ask, but all the motivations or feelings they had to lead them to making those decisions just disappear as if their memory and feelings were completely wiped.
It sounds like complete bullshit to anyone who hasn't experienced it for themselves.
>Yeah. You literally do not know where the lies begin and end because they will completely make things up and lie about the most insignificant things for no reason.
We all had the same experience, shit
Nothing is broken though. She's in perfect condition.
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>Expecting women to bring even the slightest bit of effort to a relationship, make suggestions or create variety is a mark of being autistic and incel ideology
The soft bigotry of low expectations strikes like the bolts of Zeus on this one.
Break her fucking bones and we will see if she is fixed or not.
This kind of person should be under surveillance 24/7.
>killing someone over fictional characters
Totally stable btw.
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My retarded ass used to see this as a pro-waifufag meme
Holy shit don’t do it you stupid retard
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