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I think this game gave me a new type of depression
Who does this appeal to?
zoomer girls who want to pretend to be millenials but without the ethnic and gender slurs
it's easy to tell that a scrote wrote this
The humor is for a very specific group of people.
>All men are rapists and pigs, also should kill themselves, life is a fuck, women are great: the video game
Im glad smiling friends ended nihilism as a concept
this would've been the year I graduated high school, not really seeing any appeal though.
Know so many retarded girls who like this game.
Gross game made by a twitter dude writing in the perspective of whores, so cucky.
Fuck that trash Americunt game.
I graduated in 23', I dont remember much of school then minding my business and maybe talking to people occasionally to not be a bother, pretty much everyone I knew was about the same. I feel like I missed out in life, that things used to be cool and I was born a generation too late. There were no parties or anything like that. I think its just the area I grew up in sucked.
Why must all media be made to belittle and make men feel like trash?
Threats to the establishment need to be snuffed out before they're even aware they're a threat
Smiling Friends has the dumbest fanbase I swear to god.
Youre never going to believe this but every single generation felt this way
>main girl a massive cunt
>moids cry and yell me! me! me! it's all about me! anyways
They must have really hit the mark for you to feel called out like that.
>I think its just the area I grew up in sucked.
perhaps, it's obviously going to differ area-to-area and country-to-country. For the most part school years aren't as exciting as American TV makes it out to be and college/young adult years are only exciting(in a roller-coaster sense) if you make lots of terrible choices.

you've only recently graduated so just try to find happiness where you can I guess. 30 is when the true despair kicks in.
I kinda want to know tho
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but you're the moid
Why is SBN3 so insecure about liking video games
if I graduated in 14 could i enjoy this kino?
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You really were not paying attention at all if you didnt get what was going on and what it had to say about male sexual relations or how the media treats men differently then women
Nicoles a bitch but shes still the mouth piece
Between seeing clips of this game and the bear meme im starting to think it would be impossible to get in a relationship in the next few years
Pink rabbits
I've only watched a clip or two of this game and I'm afraid to see more since I feel like it'll demoralize me. I just tune all of this gender war shit out but I hope it's not leaking into real life.
Atleast it's different. I don't see much problem with it, hipster faggots can have a game made for them too.
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Idiots who hate watching decent people and characters in media it seems

>nooo everything MUST be edgy and realistic and depressing

Funny how the people who call anime pedophile trash immideatly shut the fuck up around this game which has in-lore, actual fucking minors get undressed and openly do drugs.

There's some other tomfuckery with the dialogue as well, i don't know what it is but girls never talk that way.

And i know this because i literally grew up around girls because i was the only boy in my neighborhood besides some kid 10 years younger than me.

All in all, it's for people who clearly hate themselves, if anything i couldn't stand the characters, the negativity is awful and unjustified and on youtube you see comments like
>ooo poor Nicole

What poor? She deserves worse, her mother went through 7 different divorces and her shit children keep kicking her while she's down, with Nicole being thw most aggressive towards her.

People who bought this game should do what Nicole did on one of the routes, and that is suicide.
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It'll demoralize you but not the way you expect

>Damn... i wasted money and time on this shit... and I'll never be able to get them back...
>There's kids somewhere starving out there... and i depraved them off of food for this mid garbage.

It has nothing surprising believe me, and in plenty of times in the "serious" moments i laughed because of how cheesy it was.
I'll just watch it on YouTube since the creator seems like a pussy
Real women don't swear or talk about their problems so openly. It's about meta commentary with leftist viewpoints but in no way is this a realistic portrayal of whamen.
The white nationalist route was the best.
I didn't touch this garbage and instead bought the entire Muv-Luv collection for 20 dollars off humble bundle. Silvio is literally me.
This game had my money as soon as I saw the fucking kys bunny. Thank you OP, I've completely glossed over this one
How do girls talk then?
I've had my one friend openly describe her sex dream of literally being forced upon by a "hot werewolf" sooooo touch grass?
friendly reminder that every thread about this dogshit irony poisoned "VN" is posted by the faggot developer of the game as viral marketing and thus you should report all threads about it for advertising
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It's still a waste of time, believe me you'll be disappointed, i warned you homie.
There's honestly no good routes at all, the Emily route though was the most disgusting in my opinion

Because i felt uncomfortable as hell watching 2 teenagers not only say and act the most perverted shit, they also did drugs

Not even mentioning Emily's suicide, and Nicole, as i mentioned in one of my posts, being the absolute horrible cunt that she is, betrayed Emily and didn't go with the suicide plan.

>leftist viewpoints
I agree, Nicole constantly insults the whole school for being racist even though the school is trash because they act GHETTO.

All in all, disgusting fucking game, I'm usually very tame with how people treat minors in media because it's fiction 99% of the time so who cares.

But this retarded developer clearly pulled off a power fantasy about a specific class, in a specific school, within a specific year as well, which all rakes place on earth.

This sorry ass dude must've gotten rejected and wants us to feel like he did, would explain why he made Nicole and other girls such massive cunts as well
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Layered speech

They want you to figure shit out, and sometimes they purposefully leave out details so you CAN'T find shit out.

Because chasing them turns them on sometimes for whatever the fuck reason

Pic related is an exaggeration but not far from the truth.

Also jealous as fuck

I got my first girlfriend because she saw me with my sister once, and she fucking hated my sister, literally hate fucked.

Worth it.
Narcissistic speech about how awesome it was in place X or thing B or person C. Then she talks about the safest most boring stuff imaginable and you need to pretend you care
t. works with women on a daily basis
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I didn't hear one "faggot" used casually without malice in this game. Is this not 09? Then again the characters were girls and I don't remember girls in high-school casually calling people faggots
Now the making fun of a girl for being fat and saying she'll be a white girl with a black boyfriend is accurate
>my friend
I had a female friend tell me how she has 2 children with 2 different dads and she was off abroad away from them working to pay for the children.
Friends are the few women with coherent thought that you can interact with. Not actual basic bitch stacy types.
>This sorry ass dude must've gotten rejected and wants us to feel like he did
There's a video of him high school aged bragging to some girls about how he bullies autistic people. At his age I would've never done something so unfathomably embarrassing.
>Not the basic bitch stacy types
tyvm for making me think of ketamine and blow this late ffs
While it is possible to get in a relationship, one has to wonder.
Why do it?
Do you really want to considerably devalue your life?
-t.white male, 36 years old.
Why does this comedy visual novel make loser men so mad?
Twitter trannies and jews
But the only people who like it are loser men and the guy who made it is a loser man?
I like this game because it's just funny as fuck, and seeing what stupid shit nicole gets into and how she finds out from her own actions makes for a good time. It's not that serious, its a fucking visual novel.
Because it allows them to interact with realistic depictions of women.
>all women are drug addict psychopaths who hate all men
ok incel
Everything is like a southpark episode but with annoying teenage girls
It's funny
Obviously some exaggerations were added for comedic effect but the overall sum is the same.
Women will try to harm you one way or another if you make the mistake of interacting with them.
omfg I just tried to play nice and already want to see if I can push Jeffrey down a flight of stairs
hi sbn3
Hits them right into their inferiority complex.
This "game" is just made for leftist incels and what trannies think women are like.
I graduated in '04 from a semi rich preppy white high school.
Bitches like Nicole would have been bullied by the more popular good looking girls. The only non realistic approach from the game is assuming Nicole is smart enough to do all the shit she does. Teen girls are stupid.
Also there's a lot of missing context on Nicole before the events of the game on why her dad killed himself and blamed it on her. She probably called him a pedophile and tried to extort him for money for all we know.
I don't know why every EVN has to be "subversive", they could have easily made the 00s sitcom setting without having to "ACKSHUALLY ITS NOT A DATING SIM ITS A REJECTION SIM".

Some of the anachronisms like nobody saying slurs in a casual manner is bad too, you can just tell it was released today
>Im glad smiling friends ended nihilism as a concept

Meanwhile the writing room is like
>Zach: okay what if your total opposite a shadow version of yourself that looked a bit like you but was entirely evil moved across the road from you and you saw them everyday and they bullied you and made fun of you what would do?
>Michael: uhhhh iunno I'd probably shoot them or something
>Zach: You'd pull out a gun point it at your evil twin and you'd shoot it? What if it just broke down crying and pissing itself begging you not to shoot it would you do it?
>Michael: fuck me mate that sounds pretty funny
If that's what you're taking away from the game then you're retarded, NOBODY in Class Of 09' is a good person at all. Man, woman, old, young, they are ALL completely self-centered dirtbags.
I'd call it a cynical game, "blackpilled," but it honestly lays on the cynicism so thick and indiscriminately that I'm convinced that it's intended as a joke.
The next class of 09 sequel should have the only guy that Nicole and Jecka like be black. The fallout would be glorious.
It would be entirely realistic too. Fatherless bitches have always loved to date black guys even far back to the 80s.
Do you think the women are represented better than the men in this game? They are all anti-social hypocrites and cruel bullies, you'd have to be an absolute fucking retard to look at this game and think that it's trying to present, for instance the main character, as anything but a manipulative cunt, she's incredibly unlikeable and that's the point, and sometimes she pays the price for that.

At the very most the main character gets some good vengeance against someone else (who sometimes deserves it), but she does all kinds of underhanded and vile shit herself.

It's not a feelgood game, no.

It's a bit like Southpark, yeah.
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>Also there's a lot of missing context on Nicole before the events of the game on why her dad killed himself and blamed it on her. She probably called him a pedophile and tried to extort him for money for all we know.
That DOES sound like something Nicole would do.
It's weird subversive humor. It's basically making fun of all these things in the game.

Do you like Lyle Wraths humor? Well you'll like this.
why is this asset flip garbage so shilled? does it have sex scenes?
No they only allude to or state the sex they have
that's the worst
then it really is trash
everyone stop talking about it, now
it's not always at 30. for me it didn't really kick in until 32
>bunch of drawings of original characters
>main content of the game is the writing
>asset flip
People just vomit up random shit when they don't like something.
>autist takes everything literal once again
here's a free life lesson for you
when someone calls something a certain way that doesn't always mean it literally is, it could also mean it just looks like it
for example if i call you retarded right now it doesn't mean i have seen your disability certificate saying you have 40 iq, it just means you seem retarded
Words have meaning, and calling something an asset flip doesn't make any fucking sense even as hyperbole because that's not what this game is doing.

You're just an insipid fucking retard using words he doesn't know.
I don't understand. Why do people suddenly think the game is misandrist? Every single person in the cast is an irredeemable piece of shit. Nobody is a good person. That's pretty equal to me.
I think these people are just fucking retards, you could look at some characters and say that they are misandrists or misogynists, but as a whole the entire game is misanthropic.
I heard this game was supposed to be pretty good, but it's just trash. The "edginess" is inane, the characters are weak caricatures and perhaps worst of all it doesn't even capture the era faithfully. Pure slop, through and through.
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Anti-white developer. This is just another shill thread.
Damn what a huge faggot. If he hates whites so much, why'd he make a game about a white school? There are no non white characters in the game to boot.
If he hates whites so much why doesn't he just go (back) to Africa and be among people he likes
>why is this asset flip garbage so shilled?
It’s western anime ripoff garbage mixed in with Jersey Shore-tier MTV degenerate reality trash
So it’s tailor made for ironic weebs
To show how "disfunctional" a rich preppy all white high school is, from its students to its faculty.
The reality is that regular public schools when they have discourse, 95% of the time it's going to be caused by a inner city nig or spic. Bad teachers are almost always sheboons or some landwhale with blue hair.
In my country this person would be unequivocally be called white. Why do they hate themselves so much in America lmfao.
The self-destruction meme is real.
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Is the 00s comeback really happening as a trend ow?
>anti white
>anti racist
>hates japan
kek, what a faggot
People will cling and romanticize their golden years.
Anyone in their 30s nowadays was born in the 90s and were teenagers and young adults during the 2000s.
So basically if you buy this game you're giving money to SoBroNo3 who hates you for being white. Keep that in mind.
That does sound pretty funny actually
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Holy fuck this loser even held "gf" tryouts. LMAO fat whigger.
Because all men are terrible but the game actively tries to excuse the women's behavior because, according to the game, they had no other choice.
Isn't this guy white?
>>All men are rapists and pigs, also should kill themselves, life is a fuck, women are great: the video game
It's a parody of such mindsets by women, my media illiterate friend.
By trying too hard to be a parody, it ends up being the same.
Yeah, he used to do really racist youtube "jokes" too. He's a fat white whigger.
That's disappointing, but I guess not that surprising either.
>This is the "heckin based VN" trannies obsess over
I want Nichole and Jecka to take turns pegging me
Realistically, they definitely have the choice to not do all kinds of vile shit which they end up doing.
Ironic weeaboos and parasites.
Ita funny how much he hates nerds and white people, i guess its his way to attone to all racist jokes he did in the past.
It's a demoralization tactic.
>guys are all pigs by nature and women are all innocent angels who only are who they are because of circumstances outside of their control
Man, SBN3 fell off.
> i guess its his way to attone to all racist jokes he did in the past.
oh is this an egoraptor/idubbz situation? troll's remorse from some washed up faggot?
But there's lots of instances of them being horrible cunts where they could realistically just not have been.
i fucking HATE lyle. deviantart OC lookin ass
Yeah, but that's only 'cause men have been horrible to them at one point in their life.
I think covid fucked a lot of it. But even the later half of highschool was less fun then the beginning in my opinion.
That feels more like the women making shitty excuses for being assholes for no reason.
ITT: Incels
Correct, women are actively encouraged by society to act like spoiled, chidlish narcissists.
>Real women don't swear or talk about their problems so openly
Depends on who you talk to. If it's only your mother, then probably not, no.
I fucking LOVE Lyle and I did not like this shit one bit, it's not his brand of silly humor at all
>Real women don't swear or talk about their problems so openly
Just tell people you've never interacted with a woman.
I want to be nicole and have sex with jecka
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That's pretty gay bro.
I want to be me (male) and have sex with jecka while nicole watches
Red blooded men are rapists by nature. You cannot deny this.
I want to mind control Jecka and Nicole and force them to fuck.
Guess I'll buy the third game instead of watching it on YouTube then. Go extinct already.
No femc no play.
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"y2k" and mid 00s has been a trend for a few years in the music scene both mainstream and underground, I think its already kinda dying out since a lot of it is hollow and derivative

indies will stick to ps1 shit even when developing 00s themed games (ex: 500 caliber contractz) because its just simply 10x easier to make assets in a low poly environment. I do feel that people are tired of faux ps1 games though
Just really want to cum all over her face and breasts
I dunno some roastie who bragged about stealing from her parents lobbed a stick at me across the street and actually hit me. We were waiting at a bus stop on opposite sides and i pace a lot. Tldr nothing seems out of reach for me. Overall i dont see why anyone is upset about this game. Its a vn meme for women that all the characters act like psychos. Its men who want characters thag are normal.
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>shoots Nicole
>makes Jecka cry and gives her ptsd
Mall cop might actually be the only decent person in this entire series
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>jecka calls old men gross rapist pedos
>brags about dating older men to get stuff
they're just like real high school girls
I mean he also made Rocket White Power
So I don't realy care
Written poorly, the jokes don't fly, bad art, what exactly is the appeal?
Should've abused his authority more and forced her to strip naked and blow him right then and there.
bro she has herpes
>muh depression and nihilism
whoever wrote this garbage didn't live through 2009 and just got a very tumblr-style concept based on that one video of high school
How anyone can find these girls attractive in any way is beyond me.
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>westerner makes VN
>it is ironic depressive shit about unlikable, garbage people
The product reflects the creator.
These girls arent attractive theyre vn beavis and butthead
Is this game not supposed to be a comedy vn or whatever? I keep seeing clips of it and it looks like it doesn't take itself seriously at all.
It's a mildly enjoyable spectacle for me, watching completely shitty people being ridiculously shitty to each other for little good reason.
It doesnt afaik. Reminds me of haatoful boyfriend
It's supposed to be a "parody" made by and for people with absolute disdain for the thing being parodied.
Imagine one of those jokes where the first goomba Mario kills starts bleeding and crying out and he has a family and Mario is a horrible person for doing that and blah blah blah. Now imagine that joke, but it's a whole game. And the person who made it hates Mario and all platformers (of which he has played none, except Mario).
That's what this game is.
That's probably the design intent, but the game is also so fucking ridiculous and silly that it's impossible to not just look at it and laugh.
While the entire thing is ironic, the author does try to push the message that the only reason that women are vapid whores is because men forced them to be that way.
Which is true, but not for the reason the author thinks.
If you are a zoomillenial, you will laugh your ass off with the first game, doubly so hard with the second game.
But if you are a zoomer, you won't get all the boomer references, if you're a millenial you won't find any of the jokes funny and if you're a boomer you won't understand anything that's going on.
Great description.
Wasn't there an actual webcomic like that, that ended with Mario sitting at the goomba's funeral?
Why are visual novel fags so insecure?
You can't write to save your fucking life, SBN3. Also buy an ad.
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>the author does try to push the message that the only reason that women are vapid whores is because men forced them to be that way.
I'd say that he's completely failing to convey his message then, because all I'm seeing is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia but with teenage girls in highschool, and much more sociopathic.
I can't think of any character in the entire cast of this game which is sympathetic at all, at best only momentarily when they're a victim of something pointlessly cruel, but then you see them being a turbo-shitass themselves in another story path so that gets completely undone.

If anything, Class Of 09' reminds me of Twisted Metal Black in that sense, where the game the series goes from regular 90s irreverent and cavalier violence, and turns up the grimdark and edge to completely retarded and comical levels, reinterpreting and reinventing previous characters into (usually) less sympathetic and more hateful versions of themselves.
HOWEVER, there's an actual reason and intent for that with TMB, because that game is supposed to be from the perspective of the character Needles Kane, aka Sweet Tooth, who's a psychopathic serial killer who's view of the world that only evil and bleakness actually exists, and that nobody is actually good at heart, which is why good and innocent is always depicted as suffering, and only the contestants with selfish or purely vengeance driven motives don't get Monkey Paw'd by Calypso when they win.
Zoomers that want to LARP as millenials because for some reason they dont believe that the 00s werent some awful hellscape like media tries to paint it as.
t. literally graduated in 09
No, its just painfully unfunny. Theres no punchline. For fucks sake, people graduating in 09 werent even zillenials, that would be like class of 2012-15
Millennial detected
I want to pay nicole to have sex with me and take my virginity while she insults me during the act.

Then I will do the same with Jecka.
But people are attracted to those girls?
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>Then I will do the same with Jecka.
you can't lose your virginity twice retard
It was the last decade where social media hadnt taken over and there was a clear divide in nerd culture and normalfaggotry. Tech was still in its honeymoon phase and not fucking scary yet because you didnt have corporations/the government actively trying to harvest every single scrap of data off you for every second of the day. Of course people miss it. Almost every aspect of media is worse despite ease of access and everything feels samey and homogenized now.

Legitimately, I tried to doubt myself. I tried to tell mysewlf that there must be rose tinted lenses. And there probably is a bit. But I have spoken with all sorts of age groups alive during that time, people far older than me. Most people agree that the 90s and 00s were better than shit we have today, if not purely from a mental standpoint. Early 10s was social media rising rapidly and then extreme and constant fear mongering over retarded shit so nobody trusts anyone because people think that twitter is an accurate representation of society despite active users being 2% of the population.
Yes? Thats why I'm telling you that 09 doesnt evcen make sense. Im millenial, I graduated in 09. And no, its not that I "dont get" the huimor. I work with zillenials all the time and they find it equally stupid.
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I want to FUCK Jecka

Adult Swim fans. People who like stuff like Aqua Teen.

i didn't even play it and even i know what a fuckup literally everyone in this game is
>it honestly lays on the cynicism so thick and indiscriminately that I'm convinced that it's intended as a joke.

lol you'd need to be real fucking autistic to think any part of Class of '09 is meant to be taken seriously
>wearing a DC belt

nice touch
>would've been the year I graduated high school
>would've been

Why'd you drop out? I'm assuming you're not one of those kids who was "too smart to graduate high school."
I graduated from high school in 2009. 2007-2010 is extremely comfy to me.
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Had an argument with my gf about why guys would ever use hip sextoys over just finding a woman. How easy it would be to just go outside to a place where common interests are shared and talk to a woman. How they like guys being straight forward and just asking them on a date.

She then proceeded to tell me how women are constantly afraid of men. How women don't like feeling harassed outside. How woman tend to avoid typical nerdy places where guys typically like to be. How you can't be too nerdy or else they won't talk to you. How they totally make their wants clear, but also use layers upon layers of tests and doublespeak which guys should just understand and get. How befriending a woman, finding out you like her and asking her out can make a woman feel like you only became friends with her to fuck her and if you feel awkward after asking and stop talking to her you're an asshole.

The longer I spend with women the more I hate them
Yes, since you remember the late 2000's.
>you will alugh your ass off with the first game
Not even cracking a smile bro. Shit sucks.
It's not that unusual to be attracted to villain characters.
Try and keep up m8
We went from
>Hey, check out thise Homestarrunner website!
>Oh, you'll like Dr. McNinja
>Have you seen the Numa Numa guy?
To engagement-driven advertising and vertical integration meant to benefit people who don't make things and who don't really care about people. It was legit better in the early 2000's because even when someone made another shitty sprite comic about Mario, they were trying to make people laugh and enjoy the comic, to get popular from quality. Now it's all about machines and AI models, and getting popular by appealing to inhuman things. Often times getting popular from hate, fear, or stupidity because it keeps people scrolling for longer.
I liked it I thought it was fun
my favorite was kylar everything he greeted them with sup whores it felt like home
You should not debate men vs women with your girlfriend, friendly suggestion.
People are presenting fairly convincing arguments as to why the author might actually truly intend for that, but I don't feel that he succeeds in that if that was what he was aiming for, rather just painting everyone as deranged and evil. I can't think of a single character in the game who doesn't belong in prison or a mental institution.
If it truly is supposed to convey the idea that "But it's not these women's fault that they are doing evil things, it's actually men's fault!" then it completely fails at that and any such excuse is insufficient, Nicole alone is a horrible person who should kill herself for society's sake, I don't feel sad for her.
You're absolutely soulless
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she shouldn't start the debate then. Don't ask for an opinion you don't wanna hear
Please don't space between every finished sentence like that, it's so ugly. Instead group your sentences into paragraphs.

Yeah, probably don't fucking do that unless your woman is particularly perceptive and likes to actually look at things from different perspectives.
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Consider that the only evil things that Nicole actually does are the player's actions. The ending you get if you play it as a square is her committing suicide.
>It was legit better in the early 2000's because even when someone made another shitty sprite comic about Mario, they were trying to make people laugh and enjoy the comic, to get popular from quality. Now it's all about machines and AI models, and getting popular by appealing to inhuman things. Often times getting popular from hate, fear, or stupidity because it keeps people scrolling for longer.
Yes. There are still people that are genuine and passionate, but now you have to wade through a bunch of soulless slop that is just blatantly trying to get money from you via clicks/adverts/whateverthefuck. You can feel the fucking focus testing in every form of media now too. And more over, an army pf paid shills/bots that defend literally every retarded decision made by said corporations. Where as before, even if something was shitty on newgrounds or whatever, it still had some charm because a human being sat there and tried to make something just for the sake of it. Because they liked the thing they were doing, no matter how bad the end result was.

I just miss it man. I miss not having to try to parse between genuine passion and dishonest "engagement farming" in every aspect of my life. I miss being able to go on this god forsaken site and argue with some faggot over autistic shit and even if he was a faggot retard, he was a PASSIONATE faggot retard that actually gave a shit about the topic and wasnt trying to hide his genuine feelings behind 7 layers of irony. Its fucking exhausting dealing with it, and half the time when someone is being aggressively retarded in current year you have to wonder if this person is actually just a bot.
Kylar is funny
>white supremacist
>ms13 associate
wrapped up in a package so stupid and over the top that you have to wonder why some of these autists in this thread don't "get" this game. It's not really a smart game that's hard to get either. It's like nostalgia critic not getting the point of shrek
Anon, hating women as a whole as a result of talking to your girlfriend is abnormal and not healthy.

I'm married, and my wife is my closest friend. I mean she has to be, because we spend so much time together, and have to do so much stuff together. Work, chores, looking after kids - all that stuff involves cooperation. A healthy relationship involves being your partner's friend.

You might want to reevaluate some stuff in your life, dude.
The VA work is really good. No one would care about this if it wasn't for the voice acting.
actually liking things and being passionate is fucking gay dude
you need at least 3 irony blankets to enjoy anything in 2024
Why are zoomies so obsessed with 00's aesthetics and larping as millenials
Herpes is just another word for love
my favorite was Jeffrey him casually mentioning geting lynched in gym class was so fucking funny
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May have come across that way, but no, its not limited to just her. It's a large swath of them that I get along with until they start blathering on about male and female differences. The moment that starts, you start to hear how they really feel about men in general and how much less intelligent we are, and how if women ran the world, etc etc.

I don't want women all dead or anything extreme like that, but if more were willing to accept that they are wrong about things, opinions would turn around
Or he's just a shit writer who relies on crassness for shock value.
I don't
I never had golden years. I was an awkward faggot at the bottom rug of social hierarchy in every friend group ever, all the way through my 20s.
I was also poor most of my life.
Now in my 30s things are looking up, looks like I might get a shot at normal boring life.
>She then proceeded to tell me how women are constantly afraid of men.
She says this while ordering a pizza made by men that was delivered to her door by a man, I bet. The amount of women claiming that they have this massive fear of men or misandrist 99.9% of the time because they very very VERY likely interact with men just fine every fucking day of their life and use the infrastructure created by men without a second thought. It flies out the window, of course, the moment a crisis happens. Just like how that stupid "man vs bear" debate keeps circulating, but you know damn well that 99.9% of women would flip the fuck out if they were anywhere near a bear (as they should, its a fucking bear).

The problem is, humanity has developed to the point where everything is easy mode. So they dont directly see just how much of it is propped up by men, because its "hidden" compared to before. And the media telling otherwise muddles it further. Humanity is quite literally suffering from success because so much immediate needs are taken care of.

Thats the problem though. Why the fuck cant you civilly debate? If she is that irrational, then she isnt worth your time. Too many men would rather just go "yea whatever" and not deal with it, which is why we are here in the first place. My wife and I talk about this shit all the time, every now and then we disagree and get a fresh perspective, but most of the time we both agree that people are way out of touch with reality.
You kid, but it does feel like that half the time
>NOBODY in Class Of 09' is a good person at all.
Well, not with that attitude :(
she's a victim
>The moment that starts, you start to hear how they really feel about men in general and how much less intelligent we are, and how if women ran the world, etc etc.
Thats when you calmly ask them to look up how much infrastructure is held up and maintained by men. If they say that women could totally do it, ask why none of them are volunteering. You have to check them periodically, they blather about this shit because they dont look anything up and simps just nod and agree for a chance at pussy.
I think the thing that bothers me the most is that the post-Google generation really just grew up thinking the internet is a place to pass judgment on people and vent bad takes, because that's kind of all it is now.

Like they killed the comedy skit scene so bad that you can now name the guys still hanging on. Honestly, I can think of three or four channels right now who still make original, good-natured jokes and who haven't been algorithmically smothered for it.

Back in the day I used to see people doing comics and animations and felt inspired to try to make my own. Nowadays you kind of just see that stuff failing.

Instead you see people saying, "One day I'll make a top 40 Minecraft List". Which, don't get me wrong, is still SOMETHING to aspire to. It's just that it's so much more derivative than what people used to think was popular. Fanfiction, for example, still involved original ideas and stories, even if it was based on an existing property.

And man, I think that's part of why 4chan sucks so much now. Nobody is making new things or telling new stories. Or if they do, they are so unbelievably difficult to find. When something like "Slay the Princess" comes around it's a bit if a miracle that somebody did something fun and unique that also managed to climb above trash mountain.
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>and how much less intelligent we are
If men are less intelligent, then why are women perpetually losing/victims to them, supposedly? We no longer live in a society where physical prowess is the ultimate deciding factor. Need to get somewhere? Drive or public transport. Need to defend yourself? Guns. List goes on. They have equal rights, If theyre that much smarter then why arent they dominating?
All that shit moved to mlp. If you like fanfiction at all then you owe it to yourself to read witch in broad daylight
Zoomers who hate other zoomers (me)
>Ms. Ames is...LE RACIST!
>Mr. Katz is...LE DRUG ADDICT!
>Mr. Burleday...HATES HIS WIFE!
It's so funny how the writer pulls this kind of nonsense at the last minute to drive home the fact that every character is a piece of shit.
He did the same thing with the last game with that scene of Jeffery taking photos of Nicole in the locker room (which was completely OoC) because otherwise he'd be a relatively decent, albeit socially maladjusted person.
I wouldn't say that, this kind of humor just isn't for everyone. This game is comically dark, but that also means that it's just dark (and it's dark in a really stupid way), so I can see why to some people, they just look at this mess and can't find any joy in it.

I wouldn't have QUITE the same hopeless attitude, but I do agree with a lot of your sentiment, mainstream media stuff has become increasingly boring over the past decade.
I used to check out AAA games every now and then, but these days I don't even bother paying attention anymore because it's so bland and samey. There's a lot of 7th gen console games which I like, but I also feel like big budget videogames have not really evolved much at all since those years, at most just piling on a lot more shameless nickle and diming bullshit.
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>Want to fuck Jecka
You're right. The man is always right
Yea. 4chan unironically is a good reflection of the internet/media as a whole. Barely anything new is made, just regurgitated. Theres a lot of factors at play, but as you said, a lot of it can be attributed to things being derivative and overall creatively incestuous. It used to be that media was inspired by things outside of it. Now its inspired from it. Want to make a desert level? Take from other desert levels in other vidya. Its like how isekai in anime is so fucking bad right now. It shouldnt be, there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept. Shit like original digimon, escaflowne, .hack, etc were isekai. But they had outside inspiration. Now isekai is people copying eachother, which is why they have shit like rpg stats despite having nothing to do with fucking rpgs.

In the case of 4chan, I think having drawthreads and adding a natively built-in catalog unintentionally killed a lot of OC. Because before, the site was chaotic as hell. You went to what was getting bumped. If there wasnt anything on the first few pages that you liked, your options were to make your own thread or to look at some shit you didnt know anything about. You might find something you liked that way. It enriched your tastes without the need for some shitty algorithm. The catalog allows people to stay in their same few threads easier, leading to isolation. Which is why 4chan doesnt feel like a community any more. And youd be in a thread just shitting around about some funny hypothetical, then bam, someone made a drawing of it. Sometimes it was shitty MSpaint, other times it was actually good what the fuck. But it was unexpected. It wasnt a given that it would happen, and when it did, it was fresh and exciting. Having drawthreads gave a sense of expectation and most people just go there instead of spontaneously creating OC in a random thread on a whim.
Yeah, that's how these people work.
Logic doesn't fit their worldview? Well, actually, what if [thing that doesn't happen] happens? Checkmate, hedge trimmers!
If she started, she should take it. That's what mature people do
Modern aesthetics are shit and nobody is happy, 00s aesthetics were cool and people were (allegedly) happy back then.
MLP was over a decade ago.

You're not wrong, but I think MLP was kind of the last fandom, the last real community we were able to build before these companies managed to drive the wedge in deep enough to prevent any others from forming.

It's nice that you can still make pony fanfiction and find an audience that wants to read it, but goddamn that community is in a death spiral and it is not a very healthy, fun, online space to be in, if we're serious.
>I wouldn't have QUITE the same hopeless attitude
I generally dont. Im usually an optimist, but I have my bad days. Been trying to look at new shit lately, but its hard to ignore that everything that seems good to me lately is shit I just missed from over a decade ago. But there are a few things that I like that are recent, theyre just all small and niche. AAAslop hasnt interested me for a decade
People who hate anime and otaku culture but paradoxically want to influence it.
Posts like this are a good example of how even 4chan is likely suffering from bots and automated misery.

As I understand it, you can buy a 4chan pass, which gets rid of the captcha, and then you can have a bot do whatever it is you want your bot to do. 4chan tolerates it because someone had to pay to be able to do, and the malincentive makes everything a little worse for everyone while making the company more profit in the short term.

Like man, I don't know what we can do about it, but we were all so optimistic about the internet was going to be twenty years ago, and it's so sad what it's actually become.
>People who hate anime and otaku culture but paradoxically want to influence it.
It's sad that this is a common mindset these days. There's not enough sincerity these days.

>The moment that starts, you start to hear how they really feel about men in general and how much less intelligent we are, and how if women ran the world, etc etc.
That's shitty and all, and I get how you want to reciprocate that kind of shit, but it doesn't really help things, and it only makes you feel like shit.

I think the real truth is that men and women can never ever be fully equal, and that both genders have their own unique struggles and perspectives which the other gender will never truly understand in full, and in most cases not understand in any capacity. Famously there was a journalist who went undercover as a man for a year to hang out with men without them without knowing she's a woman (they all kinda figured she was a gay and weak twink, but a dude nonetheless), just so she could see what it was truly like.
She actually managed to get a pretty good glimpse, and her conclusion was that women simply do not understand how men truly have it, they have no insight into the plights and struggles of a man in society and in relationships, and that even though she started getting a good idea, she would never FULLY get it either.
Just the same, I think that women do have genuine struggles which we will never fully understand, just because women think completely differently from us, however, modern feminism has unfortunately made it very trendy to highlight how women struggle (in both real and imaginary ways), as well as aggressively downplaying or denying whichever struggles a man has.
I found it funny but my sense of humor is really easy to appease.
Gets old pretty quick though. 90% of it is bigotry and grooming bad jokes and men are bad. It can be funny at times but you shouldn't binge it because it just feels like the writer preaching soon.
Also has an axe to grind against weebs I guess, felt weird how much it was brought up.
your game is dogshit

I think it's a mix of tolerating it because it's some revenue, and the fact that there just isn't any easy way to reliably curb bots and shills at all when you're operating a website of a million users where everyone is generally anonymous and there's no bar for entry.

It's also just really easy to ban evade if you really want to, so something like a corporation or gov't think tank can easily spend a few thousand dollars on Gold Accounts and then use proxies and shit to continuously evade bans, hopping to the next IP and pass whenever they get permabanned or their pass gets revoked. There's nothing which 4Chan staff can actually do to stop this from happening, and even if passes were removed then these groups would continue doing this at just a slightly slower pace, and there's probably hundreds of these groups around the world doing this for political or/and commercial purposes.
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>As I understand it, you can buy a 4chan pass, which gets rid of the captcha, and then you can have a bot do whatever it is you want your bot to do. 4chan tolerates it because someone had to pay to be able to do, and the malincentive makes everything a little worse for everyone while making the company more profit in the short term.
You dont know the half of it. /pol/ unironically spooked the fuck out of powers that be and now we have constant bot and glowfaggots on here. Not even getting into shill campaigns that are becoming increasingly more and more blatant. Fucking solo leveling was shilled ridiculously hard on /a/, literally same threads with same canned posts that didnt even sound like 4chan. Then you have a few mods openly just doing whatever the fuck they want, one of them is a huge AIfag and actively defends threads. Literally saw a thread where he was banning anyone saying anything like "AIshit" while the guy shilling for AI was actively taunting people about it.

The only way to realistically save 4chinz is for an anon to win the lottery and buy the site off of gookmoot. Then make "radical" changes that arent fueled by trying to monetize something that is inherently near unmonetizable. Even then, you probably couldnt get too crazy because it would get rid of the glow honeypot. But you could atleast partially salvage the hobby boards I think.
Doki Doki Literature Club is funnier than this without having to try so hard.
making fun of weebs is 2000s-normiecore
You could do it, it would just take a mod team that cares. Theyre all burnt out or getting kickbacks because theyre doing a thankless, payless job where they effectively have zero real control because as you said, its stupidly easy to bad evade from mobile. Proxies too, though a lot of those are banned still from the days of accelspammer. So why would anyone care when youre constantly shit on, get no money for it, and you watch the same autisic retard actively invalidate any effort you make to clean the board with a flick of airplane mode? Gookmoot also doesnt give a shit and just wants money.
People who like being shilled to.
If you used to smoke, and quit. Cigarettes become the nastiest fucking things ever
Like I say, I don't know what would solve it, but creating a system to allow it because the problem generates revenue is a very modern mentality. I find myself using 4chan less these days. I haven-t quit entirely, but if I go a day without browsing the site, it never feels like I missed out on anything. Only reason I keep coming back is because all my favorite comedy and media sites died or turned into clickbait, and I'm not sure what's a good book series to get into that I haven't read yet. I can't be the only one who feels like this, I know I'm not. In the long term 4chan could eventually just be a site for hate posts and bots because it offers no real positive incentive to be here.

/pol/ never frightened anyone with power. moot was afraid to moderate politics from the beginning, which made it a good space for world governments to target with propaganda. There's not a single clean post on that board. Nobody talks actual policy or reality because nobody can. I couldn't tell you how much of /pol/ is AI generated these days, but the posts there are such a wreck that if it were 100% automated I don't think there'd be much difference.
These days, I think that /pol/ is mostly a whirlpool of bot nonsense, feds fedposting, and schizo outbursts, but there's still some real people there I think. It's definitely an absolute shadow of what it used to be just 10 years ago though.
You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
The only actual humans posting there would have to be people who are cool with a constant stream of agony in the form of infinite identity politics. Shit's ridiculous. The board has zero value to a sane person.
>creatively incestuous
The term works really well, but it's funny as fuck
>SBN3 is just a "twitter dude" now
>Almost a complete moderation overhaul, probably need to pay them too
>Non-universal mods for the big boards (if you dont like anime and arent familiar with board culture, you have no right moding for /a/, for example).
>Systematically take away all mobile posting privileges. You can still look at the site, but you cant post from mobile. Most zooms and actual baby boomers (yes they are here, mostly on /pol/) are too tech illiterate to learn how to ban evade without the ease of airplane mode shit. This kills a lot of the non-corpo spam near instantly and helps ease the mod's burden, but also makes the site much "slower"
>To potentially ease the "slowness" transition (this one would need to be tested), get rid of 4chan pass and make post timers default to 30 seconds. BUT, post timers grow in time limit the more you post in a certain time frame to hopefully promote more nuanced shit than twitter one line responses.
>Moderation transparency. Let users know what is fucking happening, show more public bans, etc. If someone is samefagging constantly, publicly ban him and mention in red text "banned for replying to himself for 200 fucking posts". Make people actually see mods giving a shit and validate the fact that some of this shit is schizos/bots
>On a related note, encourage mods to also have fun and sometimes do silly interactions with the userbase like public banning some guy for saying X wasnt best girl or something, trolling like moot used to do. They become part of the community again like the past.
>Actively keep up with board/internet culture. If you see some discord raid faggots forcing a word, word filter it. Even if they adapt to something else, it keeps people on their toes and gives some initial keks. Shaking up the shitpost meta.
>make a fucking e-celeb board called "Incel - Internet Celeberties" and shunt dramafaggots over there because fuck them.

Theres other shit I've thought of, but thats the main shit.
I don't know if /pol/ ever shook any powers to their core, but it was definitely beset upon by institutions and groups to try to muddy and subvert it because it wasn't as easy to control as regular social media.

Interesting perspective.
The dark humor kind of loses it's charm once you realise that the VN's dev isn't joking or attempting to be absurd in a lot of places.
why no porn?
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I really, sincerely, do not understand why Class 09 threads get shitposted to hell every single time.
None of the "haters" have even played the game or watched a youtube clip of the game. They all make completely false statements that they just assume are close enough to the truth.

Why is this? This is a small game so I don't understand why one of the discord circlejerks would target this game, is it 1/2 schizos just going crazy? I really don't get it. The game isn't popular enough to justify this kind of response.

The game came out 6+ months ago, bit late for a shilling campaign
>Developer is jewish
A fair point but nothing in the game is woke modern and every single character is white, the only non white is a Jewish voice that has 2 lines in the background in one of the endings.
The dude hates whites but nothing in the game is unusual for a highschool set in 2008 Washington DC
>Anti VN
Literally all marketing bullshit, the game has multiple routes with multiple endings, you just play as a female protag and there's no romance routes kinda
The game takes itself seriously the entire time, there's no 4th wall meta humour or anything like it.
I think having an eceleb board would be absolute disaster, /vt/ is already a shitshow half of the time because it's the only chuuba space where you can be honest and unfiltered, in some of the worst of ways.
Imagine ALL of the the most parasocial and demented dramafags for ALL subjects and interests on the internet ever gathering in massive anonymous circlejerks and regularly posting doxes and death threats and shit, it would be a cosmic liability to have it, it would be turbocancer: the board, and it should never be encouraged, stamp the fuckers out instead, don't create a space for them to fester and organize.

I will agree that mobile posting should probably be removed, or at least only available to paying pass users.
I know the people who think they're too smart to be tricked by "glowies" probably don't fully comprehend that the government agents making politics online worse for everyone are hired by Russia, China, and Iran, as well as England and the US. Russia was actually a leader in the concept and the FSB might be the first nation to establish a formal social media division, beginning back in 2012 or so.

4chan was an excellent target for these operations and was never a source of resistance to or fear by those in power. /pol/ has always been poorly moderated and many people there felt they were being protected by some kind of in-group culture that propaganda groups couldn't infiltrate. /pol/ was extremely easy to infiltrate, however, because anon's "sekret club" was a public fucking website where you can just read what everybody is posting.

If you think you can recognize a "glowie" super easily, your dumb ass doesn't even stop to realize how well that would benefit a deceptive agent for you to think like that.
Then I can laugh at the author AND his work.
I feel you, it feels like all the interesting stuff on the the internet died. Even youtube is nothing but AI generated slop, I come here out of habit
>Interesting perspective.
It is. It's not very smart, or right even. But it is interesting.
I mean that's basically the crux of Class of '09's success. It's the Starship Troopers of ironic VNs.
>/pol/ never frightened anyone with power
It did after 2016. People had to actually consider them a potential player, and it got unusable shortly after from either bots or retarded teens/boomers flooding in to be a part of the ebin underground political site. I still remember when /pol/ shilled for trump not because they believed he would be good, but because it was hilarious to consider THAT guy getting in as president. For "lulz", in other words, still reminiscent of old 4chan. Now people over there unironically believe he's some god emperor savior instead of just a more blunt and unhinged senile fuck then what usually gets elected.
Ugly ass weg
the influx of literal boomers was the worst shit to happen to that board, unironically worse than government agents or bots
For me, it's Kylar (unironically).
Social media manipulation began almost five years before 2016.

Russia WANTED Trump to be president because of what an unstable personality he has. What, you think the FSB wasn't smart enough to use anon's lingo and blend in? They were actively involved on Youtube, Facebook, and yes, even /pol/ well before the election. Russia had set up THOUSANDS of accounts across social media.

You were not at the time above them.
girls are cute
has no ass its all front shots
not a weg
I mean granted, but that already happens/happened on /vt/ and /pol/. If it gets bad enough, delete the board I guess. Probably would testrun it and if its truly terrible, scrap it. I'm not delusional enough to think every idea I have would always work as intended, the key is to just be transparent about it. Make the test board and say why you are doing it, make note that if it doesnt pan out then it will be axed or changed. If it comes to that, just be like "damn well that didnt work. We'll try something else." Too many people are afraid of admitting when theyre wrong or fucked up, which is dumb because it literally humanizes you. If you show people you're at least trying, people are more willing to help and come up with suggestions.
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All the sex happens off-screen, damn shame.
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I made the grave mistake of chasing a girl, losing my friend group due to it and found no reason to stick around so dropped out when she graduated and moved in with her.
I think that he is right in that the catalog changed the dynamics of 4chan, but I think this aspect is ultimately a smaller aspect of how 4chan both improved and declined.
I don't think that drawthreads really bear any responsibility in less drawn OC outside of drawthreads.

I think that he has a pretty big point about creativity being more incestuous these days though, and just in general, though I don't think it's as all encompassing as he suggests either. Rather I think that incestuous creativity is most prominent in big budget corporate works (though not exclusively), and that there wouldn't be such a big and visible mindset online hating on AI slop if this was the case, now would Disney be bleeding money from people growing tired of their assemblyline garbage.
>delete the board
*make the board undergo infinitely long site maintenance
>What, you think the FSB wasn't smart enough to use anon's lingo and blend in?
Considering how many got called out? I think not. Most people probably just assumed that others could see through it and believed in the general intelligence of people. I know I was guilty of that. Not any more.
braindead westoids with a rotten brain from kike subversion
kek, and then periodically bait them by getting it online for a few days, then saying something went wrong and putting it on maintenance again.
Schizo wordsallad.
>We called out all the government agents! For sure!

Anon, this is how I know you got fucking played. Like Christ, man, it's like stomping on a cockroach two or three times a day and saying you must have rid your house of all the cockroaches after doing that for four years. They're in the walls, dipshit. You only squashed the ones you saw.
I dont know how they're going to do a jecka game when Re-Up made her more of a straightman to everyone's bullshit. Nicole made the originals work because she's a fucking psychopath whose malleable to whatever unhinged idea comes into her head.
Athf isn’t like 09 at all. If anything 09 is closer to drawn together
White women
Modern anime and it's full on commitment to sameface girlslop is depressing to me
>If you think you can recognize a "glowie" super easily, your dumb ass doesn't even stop to realize how well that would benefit a deceptive agent for you to think like that.
I dont know. On one hand, I thought the exact same shit. If I were a subverting glownig, I would first make a ridiculously glowing post to make people recognize it. Then I would subtly insert my actual subversive posts underneath it on a different IP because everyone is too distracted with the bait post.

But then I see the court docs where they caught anons on some of the most obvious glowposts, and I dont know if they actually need to be subtle at all, much less be capable of pulling it off.
If that were the case, 80% of posts there would be glowing and thus it would not be a very efficient honeypot at all. I think you overestimate the resources spent on /pol/
the potential quantity of undermined thought that can be done on 4chan is comically low
glowies have a far easier time on reddit and twitter where not only it's far easier to control discourse, the sites are also a fucking flood of people compared to this relatively small ship where you get 150 posters (about 200 IPs) on the average thread before the counter was removed
and you just know the counter was removed in part to try pretend this shithole has more people than it really does
For every one "glowpost" you can spot as clear as day, there's probably ten or more you missed because they're better hidden.

This isn't a fact of one guy making the posts, or even one agency.

There MULTIPLE government agencies influencing social media. MULTIPLE divisions with different tactics and budgets. I guarantee you are not spotting them all.

We've seen one clear as day bot post in this thread alone, only because the bot mistook the context of what it was replying to, but I know bots tend to still be about 90% accurate right now.

At this point, I'm not even convinced YOU are a real human, because that's what the internet is like now, but I respond to other posts as though they're written by humans because good faith is sort of all I have at my disposal to deal with it.
>We've seen one clear as day bot post in this thread alone
Which one?
>80% of posts on /pol/ would have to be government propaganda
This is exactly what I'm telling you. Assume only two in ten posters on /pol/ are real humans, and of the humans, half or more are retarded. I think that encapsulates the reality of /pol/.
>Rather I think that incestuous creativity is most prominent in big budget corporate works (though not exclusively), and that there wouldn't be such a big and visible mindset online hating on AI slop if this was the case, now would Disney be bleeding money from people growing tired of their assemblyline garbage.
I always quote an anon on here, when I was saying vidya was way worse than before. He said it wasnt, just that the passion had moved to small projects and modding. The reason why people are disgruntled is because AAA shit is way worse, where as before you could just blindly get a big name game and it had a 95% chance of being worthwhile. You cant do that any more, its shit. But with a bit of digging there are plenty of AA and indie games that are nice.
Also, drawthreads are overwhelmingly shit because there's like a 30:1 request:OC ratio
>At this point, I'm not even convinced YOU are a real human, because that's what the internet is like now, but I respond to other posts as though they're written by humans because good faith is sort of all I have at my disposal to deal with it.
This is the entire crux of the problem with current internet. You cant even be sure the faggot youre arguing with is real and not just designed to piss you off and demoralize you.
There was one earlier where somebody says "I dislike how the author does x".

And the bot replied, "That's the problem with these people".

But if you read the original post, the reply doesn't actually make sense. It's confidentally responding to the wrong context completely, and not in a human way.
>The reason why people are disgruntled is because AAA shit is way worse,
yes and no, because you're also missing part of the seethe is because it feels that's all that's left anymore, especially after westoid AA and indies started to overbloat themselves to the point of being where AAA companies where 10 years ago
in a timeline where they constantly see indie darlings like silksong either get delayed or canned, what do you expect them to do?
though this is just another symptom, the real issue is game journos being rotten to the core pushing kike propaganda, and the ecelebs meant to replace these journos by covering actually good stuff also getting corrupted to the core and pushing the same goyslop
there's no third wave of game reviews/essays/whatever the fuck to fill that void, people aren't seeing all the new good stuff that gets released, they are getting funneled into nothing but subversive kike goyslop and angry about it
Do demoralization tactics even work anymore? I'm too fucking angry at leftoids and kikes to even consider their words as coherent language, let alone truthful.
They stick less than rando boss insults and quips in vidya do, and that's saying something.
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This is just becoming a new buzz word at this point.
You cannot be constantly happy or sad forever, you need a balance of both.
muh hecking balance is literal kike propaganda
kill yourself mongrel
>all these sad nostalgiafags
Life changes constantly. it always has. if you expect 2024 to be good in the same ways that 2004 was you will be miserable as fuck. you think a GI who fought in world war 2 was excited about modern culture during the 80's? of course not. stop focusing on the good things that have disappeared. focus on the good things which are here now that we never had back then
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Yes, that's Chinese philosophers were the ones to make the concept of Ying/Yang.
Fucking dumbass.
>focus on the good things which are here now that we never had back then
such as?
>Blatantly misunderstanding the basic concepts of Confucianism.
Coping with suffering existing instead of getting rid of it has always been westoid goylem cope from the kikes.
There's a reason chinkshit is about ROW ROW FIGHT DA HEAVENS in spite of the draconian control of the CCP.
Becuse you writing sucks, SBN3. Your game is trying so hard to be edgy but is actually not and people here can smell fake edgy from a mile. If you want to appeal to 4chan try to be more genuine next time.
Because your game is ironic weeb goyslop from a fucking moron that fundamentally doesn't understand VNs and is only trying to "subvert" a strawman made of memes.
The anti dating sim was just marketing dumbass.
Yeah anon I also take major philosophical concepts away from adult cartoons
There's no point in me telling you because you'll immediately dismiss it. You're judging the world with a 2000's or 2010's mindset when it's the 2020's. If I just tell you what is actually good about the world now you're going to dismiss it, because it's not the world you decided you want.
>Already backpedaling.
Lmao that's rich, but you can't weasel your way out of this, dumb kike.
The inherent problem with all "deconstructions" and "subversions" like this shit is that they don't really know the thing they are trying to do a "take that" on and only have vague caricatures of it to go on, this isn't limited to dating sims or even VNs as a whole but it's an universal thing spanning all Japanese media.
Similar to what happened with DDLC, and how you can't really make an anti-VN if your image of the typical VN protagonist is just "some guy".
This could be argued is a side-effect of people overusing the "self-insert" buzzword to the point they actually start to believe protagonists are just blank slates from how much people reject sympathizing with said protagonists out of fear of "self-inserting", but that's not really important.
Basically, the problem of all "dude JAPANESE HUMOR lmao" stories as well as all "subversions" is that they make a strawman then in the process of trying to subvert said strawman they just become it, which is laughably ironic to the point it's almost sad while the things they mock have long since approached the topics they present in a much deeper manner.
Almost, because it's just funny.
so you have no argument and are only trying to run away from the point like a bitch
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>i don't know what it is but girls never talk that way.
Not in front of you, definitely.
Smartphones and their consequences have been disastrous for humanity. What the fuck does zoomer high school even look like?
sbn3 deserves the death penalty
The only way to market a satire of weebs to weebs is to play along that lines. Itd marketing.
Now ddlc is a satire? Bruh you've lost your mind. It's a gateway VN at the point if anything.
Of course I have an argument. You're saying
>Oh nooo the world is so soulless now, people are less sincere, less creative, and less open :(
And I'm saying that's correct. If you judge 2024 by those standards it sucks. But the world is far more entertaining now than it ever has been, it's more convenient than it's ever been, you have instant access to any piece of media & any piece of information, if you want to research shit or spread ideas it's absurdly easy, finding communities is stupid easy, I could go on

But you will say "That doesn't matter, 00's is better" because you refuse to change your standard and value something else. So you will go on being miserable, & probably still be talking about Newgrounds in your retirement home. Go on, be stuck in the past if you want. It's your problem, not mine.
>Kike already trying to twist words.
Nice attempt to ignore DDLC is extremely obvious on it's attempt to subvert VNs and "not being like all the other slop".
Its not even "good things" though, its the feeling of community and not having to parse every fucking interaction on the internet (which has become attached to your life completely and utterly) as being a bot or a shill or someone trying to harvest your data. Thats exhausting and pervasive, and the fact is that we've never had to deal with something like this in human history. You never had to wonder if the annoying fag at the grocery store was actually a robot designed to be as devisive and hateful as possible. It was just a faggot. What people miss is something really intangible, it isnt a matter of "dude just play a fun indie game now".
DDLC never claimed to be different. You just hate popular things and make up reasons in your head to justify it.
>Real women don't swear or talk about their problems so openly
swearing? depends.
women are generally very open about their problems, sometimes to an extreme
i look like this and say this
>its the feeling of community
There are communities everywhere
>and not having to parse every fucking interaction on the internet (which has become attached to your life completely and utterly) as being a bot or a shill or someone trying to harvest your data.
Normal (healthy) people don't care about this.

Your brain is an organ designed to adapt to any change in surroundings. If you can't adapt, that's on you. Being miserable is your fault
kino description
>dropped out when she graduated and moved in with her.
living my life
stuff is going well for me
why did they make such a big deal of this?
do girls really care that much?
i asked my gfs at teh time and they didnt seem to care
faggots only pretend to like this garbage because their favorite vtumor played it
>why is the jewish author outraged by the prospect of a goy not paying his foreskin tax
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post your '9
cool art
Game it's interesting in a bad way as I know it's fiction but it offends me to the point of disgust. It encompasses how a game can be both cynical and ironic... in the most Reddit or worse way unimaginable and I agree with the anons critizicing the faggot author.
The characters aren't relatable nor I think anyone not-psychopatic can sympathize with them, add leftist propaganda how women are hypocritical, evil, awful and vapid ONLY because of men of course and you get a kusoge VN.
>but it's not suppose to be taken seriously
Ok, if the author doesn't take his job seriously and tries to do a coherent job then I'll be free to do so without consequences.
if we thought like that the Renaissance would never have happened, sometimes good ideas are lost to time and need to return
>ooo poor Nicole
I don't think anyone sympathizes with Nicole. The fact that she's an evil monster is the entire point.
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Best boy
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Wasn't this game made by a brazillian tranny? Lacey games or whatever.

If that's the case, then probably is some fucking dogshit the author made to trauma-dump his boring ass life. Hard miss.
Anon, the DDLC authors at least were honest on subverting tropes for some 4th wall breaking shenanigans.
I agree with you anon, but please stop reddit spacing.
>mom nags me for 15 minutes how she didn't raise a homophobic
>mom says homophobic stuff that even puts /pol/ to shame
Don't talk to women unless necessary, specially hard or polemic stuff. If you're tired of their yapping and your bleeds want to bleed just nod and say "Aha, yes, ok".
Remember women are (mentally) children you can legally fuck.
I'm on the same page as you except for the part you are a beta cuck bitch manchildren.
There's a reason why boomer jokes about wives exist.
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I want her so bad
>women are great:
Every female in this is utterly retarded or a massive piece of shit
The MC isnt usually clowned on because shes the narrator but most endings have her eating shit too
>do girls really care that much?
Girls are entirely superficial you know this
Close but no, just some washed up youtuber kike shilling his game on /v/ no matter how much people dislike it.
>DC Belt
>Studded belt
I don't know a goddamn thing about this game but I sure do miss girls dressing in skater/emo clothes. I've been branded for life, I finally understand gyarufags. Don't get attached to fashion trends bros, it'll leave you cold when they vanish.
>Anon, the DDLC authors at least were honest on subverting tropes for some 4th wall breaking shenanigans.
Kike subverting is by it's very inherent definition, dishonest faggotry.
... I can give you that.
you could have said you're either a nigger or a brain rotted leftoid, it would have make it way easier to ignore anything you say, it's nothing of value anyway
Play Snoot Game. That game shines with sincerity.
Every generation is obsessed with the generation that came before. This is well-documented. It's always been like this and always will be.
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>know nothing about this game aside from it being yet another ebin attempt at heckin subverting something japanese and/or coopting it as goynime
>finally read one of these threads
>turns out the guy behind it was an ignorant kike pushing a narrative
Damn you must be really fucking old, like maybe 25 almost.
Just rape her.
Shes the kind of girl who would secretly enjoy it and then go turbodyke to try and suppress that feeling
only makes sense with japs because they all look the same are all similarly short heights and can only "look worse" by dressing like shit or having bad hygiene which is entirely controllable
screw that. class of '19 when?
Since when yapping was co-opted by niggers or leftists? Is it some amerimutt illiteracy what you keep projecting? Do you even know the meaning of the word "yapping" or are you a dishonest faggot like the game's author OP posted about?
>author is s kike
Every single fucking time. They are always dishonest and hate the beauty of the world.
It's what many people are used to in the US, they have usually never seen any other kind of dick so when they finally see a natural one it looks very alien to them, unfortunately. The good thing is that circumcision IS becoming less common in the US, and hopefully one day it will finally disappear, not just from the Americas but around the world. Even the Jews, Muslims, and African tribals will have to stop doing it, and they will thank us for it.

There was lots of incredible and good things going on in 1980s culture around the world, many WW2 vets were enthusiastically onboard with all kinds of stuff.
>if you want to research shit or spread ideas it's absurdly easy, finding communities is stupid easy
it was not any harder to research shit and find likeminded communities in the 00's, Wikipedia, 4chan was always there, how many forums have been lost and replaced with homogenized, inferior versions?

>But the world is far more entertaining now than it ever has been
Entertainment on the internet used to be about people entertaining other people. The entertainment industry has been trending downward for years. I'm not saying everything is shit, only that the shit to quality ratio has gone up over the last two decades.

Remember Youtube's slogan?
Now it's algorithms all the way down

>I could go on
ngl i have been scrolling down to find the game so i can try it but then i saw "developer is jewish"

guess i won't get it
>Kike starts spewing out racism to justify his ugliness.
Ironically enough I have seen endless amounts of people, both male and female, that go from 6-8/10 to ugly goblins within a single year once they start to go down the woke propaganda rabbit hole.
You can even see this phenomenon self-document itself with ecelebs that were normal and then instantly turn into ugly disgusting balding schizos after they start down that leftoid rabbit hole.
Funnily enough your claim is just "that only makes sense with japan because they have better genes" which is fucking hilarious, but no it's not, an ugly personality turns you into an ugly person.
Is there actually a source on the developer being Jewish
The word "kike" has been said 13 times in this thread yet nobody has posted proof
I liked the lesbian. It was funny that nicole stuck with her for a while because she was so desperate for approval she'd do practically anything nicole said
Men and women can't be friends.
>the only non white is a Jewish voice that has 2 lines in the background in one of the endings.
Often the logic is "I don't like them or trust them, therefore they are Jews."
He's just a wigger who wishes he was black.
But everyone who's anti-white MUST be jewish.
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Sounds /v/core
>better genes
lmao what? they all are already ugly the only differences can be from their hygiene and clothes.
>people who fall down a rabbithole of bad hygiene look uglier
yeah...that's what I said. bad hygiene includes overeating and becoming a fatass.
where's the proof that he isn't? :^)
this is apparently a valid argument to justify a nigger samura, so where is your proof?
This but unironically.
>the goy knows a lot THE GOY IS NOTICING
Lyle on damage control. Also go back to your discord server, nobody like your game or shilling.
It's accurate to the time period apparently
this was exactly how highschool girls talked and acted in 2009 and the only people who dont know this are either too young to remember or didnt talk to girls at all.
>prevent any others from forming.
It's not that they dont want them to form, it's that they want them to be as sterile and controlled as possible. Modern communities feel artificial because they are, they're scrubbed and maintained by corporate interests to maximize profits. Hoping to get as many people as possible hooked into consuming forever they make completely neutral gathering places. Old fandom used to be defined by their fucking weirdos that naturally gatekept those not willing to accept some eccentricity. More normal members would have to genuinely ask new blood to give shit a chance.
Now it's all sanitized and completely open despite being more niche into deeper subcommunities than ever.
>this is apparently a valid argument to justify a nigger samura
This is mindbroken, just because I asked for proof that the developer is jewish does not mean I support nigger samurai from the ubislop game
If you give me proof that the developer is a jewish then I will proceed to dab on kikes along with you but until then I will call you a schizo faggot
You either studied with trannies little zoom zoom, or maybe you are projecting.
>Modern communities feel artificial because they are, they're scrubbed and maintained by corporate interests to maximize profits.
It's even sadder than that, the goyims are fully buckbroken to the point I have seen self-censoring newspeak like "unalived" and "shoot/frick" in real life from flesh and blood adults.
Which is tremendously naive mindset building on borderline fairytale logic. Even Heinrich Himmler himself noticed that his own people were stealing from Jews to enrich themselves, and was thus worried about them becoming like Jews.
You cannot realistically expect that someone who's of your own race or even blood would be incapable of exploiting and deceiving you, history is full of dastardly betrayals between siblings and even parents and their children.
This is not newspeak, retard. Soft versions of vulgarity like this has existed forever. It's impolite to swear in public. "Unalived" is indeed gay newspeak however
Is that the hill you are going to die by being a defensive bitch? Really?
At least the tourists defend the shitty VN when they want to lie through their teeth. Fucking pathetic anon.
And every community now feels the same and sbit, there us no identity
>no normalfag care
Thats exactly the problem you retarded monkey. Think about what youre saying. The internet, THE HUMAN DATABASE, is being over run with bots designed to make people irrationally angry at each other. Do you think that this is good for society? Do you think its good that normalfags think that the person they are talking to is real when it very clearly arent? That maybe this leads to, i dont know, people's mental health going to shit in the past decade despite the fact that almost every metric of living has improved since then? Maybe having a low trust, half hysteric society isnt a good thing and maybe we shouldnt fucking ignore the root cause since thats partly why were here in the first place?
>dude bro just ignore it to be happy
That is why we are even here. No, i wont just be happy about long form discussion fucking dying in favor of condensed one liner twitter mentality. I wont be happy about people thinking having passion is cringe and enjoy things with multiple layers of irony because being genuine is frowned upon. Thats fucking stupid and enables decay even further.
I do not like this gay VN
I do not like jews
You and others have called the developer of this gay VN a jew several times
Give me proof or I will dismiss you as a retarded fed trying to make anti semites look like mindbroken schizos
What kind of game is this anyway?
I've seen it here and there but never really looked into it?
Is it a visual novel?
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whats your favorite ending guys
i like the one where they burn the hot lesbian houses down and nicole is forced to date her
i like it more that the regular ending when you date her because they date longer and nicole is forced into it

i like when people are in forceful relationships
specially if they deserve it, and nicole deserved it, i mean she did nothinng wrong by rejecting the lesbo but all the other shit she did y'know?

also i wish we got to see a scene of best girl karen getting skeeted on
At least Himmler had second thoughts and regrets anon, unlike kikes.
There's a reason why people see empty cans when some hobo ask which religion is the most charitable. Not to mention when jews steal pennies from mall fountains even when their kids wear Supreme™ clothing brand.
this post screams tourist
nta but why do you get defensive then? Some really suspicious projection you have there Lyle.
>you want proof of things >>683818435
on the internet instead of just taking my wholly untrustworthy take? How dare you?
Go outside.
a nigga can't discuss a game he likes in more than 1 sentence no more
is that what your attention spans have been reduced to?

>>>>>inb4 le "reddit spacing"
i just choose to format my posts that way because i know i can be pretty incoherent sometimes and some separation can help in legibility GEEZ
>Tripling down on whiteknighting for a kike.
And that's how the long noses out themselves.
You should know by know given the subject matter of the game that "jewing" has been used as a lighthearted derogatory verb since fucking ever.
Me calling some friend a jew for trying to sell me something for a too high price is a figure of speech, normal people don't get offended by instantly thinking I'm calling them a literal jewish person when saying that.
The only people that react like this are kikes flinching to their cover being blown out.
I graduated high school in '09. Only thing I know about this game is that it apparently references Mindless Self Indulgence, which would be historically accurate. if was huge around that time. That's all I have to say about that.
>you think a GI who fought in world war 2 was excited about modern culture during the 80's
Why the fuck wouldnt they be? Was there a secret resurgence of nazi culture that I wasnt aware of?
>Was there a secret resurgence of nazi culture that I wasnt aware of?
>he doesn't know
No, avoiding a conflict because either party can't handle a respectable debate and their emotions leads to relationships dying.
T-Tell me anon
Did you ever watch that 70's show? Red is just the archetypal example of an old man who hates things, which has always existed since time immemorial. If you were born in 1900, you'd probably be one of those guys who ended up hating rock and roll and calling it devil's music.
>a nigga
why are you tripling down on your tourist newspeak?
Is Lyle the developer of this VN? How many times do you want me to say that this VN is dogshit? I'm not going to say it again.
So you're claiming you're just calling the dev a kike as a general pejorative? This is despite other posts in this thread clearly believing that the dev is genuinely jewish >>683816912 >>683817139
You don't actually mean that the author is jewish yet you call him one anyway and lead others to believe it's true. Who's the dishonest kike here? The "jewing" pejorative doesn't even make sense in this context, I doubt this game costs more than 10 bucks or has any DLC, nobody's criticizing it for being a ripoff or overpriced in this thread.
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Is called "searching for yourself in 10 seconds and not getting spoonfed by anons because you come here in bad faith", goy.
Don't patronize us, if anything it looks really gay.
ok so basically the jews
>but weren't the jews the anti-nazis
ah ah ah shh... i'm the one telling the story here
wasn't talking about spacing, tourists cry about spacing, it's your filename and how you talk
>why can't an X do Y
Yeah, you're incredibly naive. Jews may be like Jews are, to whichever degree you want to debate, but it was still close and high ranked Aryan military commanders who conspired to assassinate Adolf Hitler, or who even took payment in secret in exchange for smuggling Jews out of Germany and away from the reach of German authorities.
Likewise, it was heads of corporations and organizations, and ministers and military commanders, all Aryan ones, who engaged in petty business rivalry amongst each other and self-centered power plays at the expense of the war effort.

You think people like Herman Göring was thinking about the German people or the cause of the party when he spent money on fine art for himself and expensive gifts for close friends?
Again, strange hill you decided to get autistically defensive and die on. Specially here.
an african american can't use ebonnics no mo'
you guys are ASSHOLES
your face looks really gay nigger
i'm big into touristing
i'll take my next trip to... YOUR ASS
that's right nigga im going to buttfuck you
and i have my suspicions that you'll like it too, ya freak.
You're the one who decided to argue with me instead of posting proof like I asked. Sick of you low IQ faggots watering down discussion about jews. You're probably mexican. The JQ is going to be mainstream by the end of the decade and it's going to be hard to get anyone to take it seriously when people are only exposed to schizo faggots shadowboxing with invisible jews
Over my years on the internet I called people faggots endless times, the only people that got offended by it and get weirdly defensive were actual homos.
I call people troons all the time, the only ones that get offended and get defensive are actual troons.
I call people niggers all the time, the only ones that get offended and get defensive are actual niggers.
I call people kikes all the time, but a very specific group of people reacting to this by getting weirdly defensive is just a coincidence amirite?
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Can't believe how a bit of antisemitism outed again the author as a shilling kike. Love you guys, keep fighting against the jewish menace subverting everything beautiful.
There is a stark difference between not liking the music of the next gen and being worried because society is literally being consumed by paranoia and fear from fear mongering news outlets spewing out shit around the clock. Its not even unifying propaganda, its just in fighting.

I never liked rap anon, i think it could have potential in theory but is held down with absolute samey tripe. But thats ok, i dont need to listen to it. Maybe I just dont get it. But you literally cant escape the deteriorating mental state of people. You cant ignore that literally every hobby, everything you loved growing up, has been systematically raped, milked to death, and repurposed for an endless fucking culture war.
Do you understand that not every single boomer bought mindlessly into the D&D scare or deranged rock music paranoia? Probably not even most?
And SPECIALLY when people are talking SPECIFICALLY about the game's author shilling his kusge here AGAIN. Is it the old saying "I believe in coincidences, but I don't trust them"? It applies here really well as you said.>>683819284
at this point i instantly assume anything attacking japan or otaku media or trying to "subvert it" or "deconstruct it" is either done by a kike or shilled/sponsored by a kike
i haven't been wrong a single time since i started doing this in 2015, which is how i found out sega was founded by literal kikes too
Man it's kind of funny how casually racist early 2000s were especially about black people
>and being worried because society is literally being consumed by
Again, I could just stop reading here. Adult men in the 1950's hated not just rock and roll, they hated that society was becoming less Christian. Even if they lived to experience the 1980s or 1990s, from that frame of mind they wouldn't have enjoyed it at all because they would decide games like Doom and bands like Slayer are satanist propaganda & proof of societal decay.

You are no different from those guys. You're clinging to how life was 20 years ago which is why you can't enjoy things now.

But do you realize that you are the boomer afraid of satanism in this scenario?
The world has changed and left you behind. You either adapt, or continue being unhappy. A simple choice.
I take offense to being called a troon because they are disgusting and annoying as fuck, meanwhile I've known many faggots who are quite pleasant and agreeable (though certainly not all).
thats only because the vast majority of annoying literal faggots just trooned out
>I've known many faggots who are quite pleasant and agreeable
LMAO faggot
>But do you realize that you are the boomer afraid of satanism in this scenario?
You may be confusing me for someone else here, but the big difference here is that the satanism simply wasn't fucking real at all outside of Anton Lavey's larp and the occasional unmedicated schizophrenic turning to violence. Shit like the McMartin Preschool thing for instance was completely fictional and based on bullshit coerced and guided interrogations of impressionable little children.

Meanwhile, Blackrock for instance is VERY real, and has open and directly provable impact on all kinds of things, and they do not hide it, and likewise with for instance, AIPAC, who spend billions and billions of dollars annually to influence US politics towards being pro-Israel, which again, is not something which is hidden in the slightest. (Also I'll clarify that I don't personally hate Jews broadly, just the state of Israel).
Anon, to say a recent example: The japanese "historian" who defended Yasuke worked in a Sony owned company which dedicates to shilling jewish propaganda about western "values"... and Blackrock owns a bunch of Sony.
And that's without even looking at early life sections or last names.
Why not just fall behind the times then if that's what the mainstream will be? Pure sanitized dishonest slop.
It's important to adapt and be flexible... but not to the point you become twisted. After all, just as not everything old is good can be said the same with the new.
the only reason we didn't have ethnic or gender slurs in the early 2000s is because we didn't have ethnics or gendersick people everywhere
It's not that simple. Faggots may sometimes be autistic, and sometimes not, but troons are ALWAYS, 100% of the time, on the autism spectrum. You will never find a troon who is not autistic, and this is part why most of them are often completely unbearable from a social point of view, because they are autists who aren't just poorly conditioned for their undeveloped social skills, they are seized upon by a predatory culture which coddles them and tells them that their behavior is not just acceptable, but righteous and brave.

Thanks, faggot.
normalfaggots are witless idiots whose lives are getting worse by the day and still cant fathom why
A million flies eat shit, maybe you should too
You miss the point.

Satanism was a nothing-burger, but the death of Christianity was 100% real. For the average George Wallace-voting veteran in the 1960s, the values of their country were literally dying & life would never be the same. How do you think they felt? From their POV, you are a heathen who abandoned God and will probably go to hell. They viewed rock and roll the same way you view rap. According to them, the world you loved as a child was already fallen and worthless, there was nothing good or enjoyable in it.

>Why not just fall behind the times then if that's what the mainstream will be? Pure sanitized dishonest slop.
Yeah, I'm saying you have that option. But it WILL make you miserable.
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Lyle is moving the goalpost again by distracting us with the "90s and 00s boomers" stuff.
The jew is scared, people are noticing. Remember the author of his jewish ancestry everytime his game gets shilled here and look at how he gets defensive for the laughs.
shut up
>They viewed rock and roll the same way you view rap.
They may or may not, and you're making assumptions.
They did. All this shit is documented. We are talking about a culture where a husband & wife being filmed in bed was considered scandalous. That generation basically experienced the end times, their whole system of values got fucking nuked off the earth and it doesnt exist anymore. Why do you think the "grump old man" is such a common trope?
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Who the hell do you think you are to decide on that? I will decide on what makes me happy, not (You) faggot. Speak for yourself and shove your advice up your ass as you speak of adaptability yet hypocritically ignores what works or is suitable for each individual the moment it doesn't go the way you want for your viewpoints or ideology.
As a newfag nooooooooticer the past few months have been wild, just a few months ago I was a vehement left leaning person and nowadays I can't even fathom how or why did I ever defend them while complaining about the chuds and japanese sexualization online.
Up to and including the seemingly non sequitur insult I saw a lot when I started to notice things and started to question why some standards only apply to japanese games but not western ones of "you will never be japanese".
Originally I thought it was a low effort "no u" from trannies swapping a word, but that still felt odd when getting japanese citizenship is far from impossible.
Then it hit me when someone else pointed it out to me, it's kikes projecting knowing they will never be considered real jews but push the globalist agenda and defend israel anyway.
>They did. All this shit is documented.
"Every person was a monolith."
This post comes off as fake.
I wanna fuck Karen. I'm black btw
Ironically as fake as the jewish VN OP posted. lol
what does any of this have to do with class of 09
You're really just coping, man. The truth is you've become the grumpy old man and you're terrified to admit it. Go and die on that hill. It's no one's problem but yours.
Ask the mods and jannies who aren't doing their job.
true. we had one problem teacher and two problem students at my high school. the teacher and one of the students were black, and the other student had meth head parents. the only black teacher and one of only two black students, yet somehow they were 67% of the big school-wide drama that happened in a school of 1500 kids and several dozen faculty.
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I will exterminate every jew for taking out tomboys from my hands and becoming them into trannies. They can't create, only subvert and destroy what's beautiful and good.
The reality is that you're projecting yourself onto me.
So you're not one of the guys bitching about how bad the 2020's is then, right?
based darkie
I bitch some about it, but not in all of the ways you think, and I'm not some blackpilled faggot defeatist cuck, like so many people here.
so your entire argument is basically just "yea things are getting much worse each new generation"? is that right?
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Author is here moving goalposts the moment he was outed as a jew. Dunno why he gets defensive if being jew is not a bad thing.
picrel for (You).
>I'm miserable, that means you're miserable like me!
People say 30 is when it kicks in but I think its 32 because youre closer to 40 than 20. It really sucks thinking about being only 8 years away from your 40s and 12 years away from your early 20s.
no idea. I was grad 08 and this feels not only unappealing but like what a zoomer would have imagined that time to be like, not actually what it was like
>"you will never be japanese" is kikes projecting knowing they will never be considered real jews but push the globalist agenda and defend israel anyway.
Just don't be surprised when things don't go your way and X candidate loses and shit keeps changing in a way you don't like. Just like it happened over and over during the 20th century
No and you're a retard because the very first post in this chain addresses that.
But I'm not miserable at all. I have no problem with the current era
>why did they make such a big deal of this?
>do girls really care that much?
Back in the 2000s culture was so zogged that people thought it was the norm.
There you go making even more assumptions.
I was supposed to be class of '09 before I dropped out and even that's not enough to get me mildly interested.
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circumcised dicks look better and theyre more hygenic. they’re obviously superior in every way. if your uncut youre basically a selfish disgusting person who expects someone to suck a smegma filled ugly disformed thing. their gf will never be attracted to them fully because of that ugly extra flap that can be easily removed.
>makes a vague one line statement
Keep going
>*kike propaganda noises*
nobody is going to willingly mutilate their penises to get marked as goyim cattle
weird how you claim to not be a kike yet do this kind of shit anyway
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>I think having drawthreads and adding a natively built-in catalog unintentionally killed a lot of OC.
Thank you. Fucking THANK YOU. Somebody said it. Forget phonefags, it was the native catalog that killed this entire site's creative output. I didn't even know there was a catalog until I installed 4chan X in like 2013 which was years after I'd arrived.
Then stop projecting your loser life on that anon, nobody asked for most of the stuff you posted and keep posting. It's unnecessarily suspicious, specially when anons are outing fart of 2009 dev as a kike.
>Then stop projecting your loser life on that anon
You're the one seething about how life is le bad because it's not the 00's anymore though
>Like they killed the comedy skit scene so bad that you can now name the guys still hanging on. Honestly, I can think of three or four channels right now who still make original, good-natured jokes and who haven't been algorithmically smothered for it.
The scene has been AVGN style garbage shitting on things while making lol so random jokes pretty much since youtube began.
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>and theyre more hygenic
Spoken like a true cutfag. Circumcision makes exactly zero difference for anyone who actually practices ANY measure of hygiene at all.
The foreskin retracts with ease and you just fucking wash your dick like it wasn't there, and retards like you never know that because you've either never had or even seen foreskin, just repeating a completely false talking point, or you're incomprehensibly filthy to the point that you're a walking biohazard.

You're smugly making assumptions about my preferred candidate and goals, and frankly you're just fucking lying about being miserable, your attitude oozes bitter seething.
>and frankly you're just fucking lying about being miserable, your attitude oozes bitter seething.
Sounds like projection. I'm happy with the state of the world, why would I be seething?
Ironic weeaboos
I'm not even the same anon and you still keep at it, to goalpost moving a thread about a shitty reddit ironic VN about awful people the moment the dev is outed as a jew and people lose direction of what was spoken a minute ago. Fuck you.
>to goalpost moving
ESL moment. Good morning sir!
>Fuck you.
Concession accepted
A lot of it comes from kikes desperately destabilizing every single fandom, ESPECIALLY fandoms of Japanese stuff with the pervasive faggot attitude of "REEL fans actively hate X, if you can't see the flaws then you're a blind fanboy goy, nothing is perfect :)".
It's one of those once you see it you can't unsee it things.
I can see that this conversation will continue to be very fruitful and enlightening for me.
So it was never about you being right if not everyone becoming as miserable as (You) by dealing with your bullshit. Ok anon, sure, say hi to Lyle while he keeps lurking and shilling his kusoge in 4chan.
>theyre more hygenic
this nigga can't peel his foreskin back LMAO
oh wait you don't have one LOLOLOLOLOL
You just ran out of arguments against me so you proceeded to sperg out. I'm still right.
because you realized youre spending your 30s playing this pathetic shit?
>Now isekai is people copying eachother, which is why they have shit like rpg stats despite having nothing to do with fucking rpgs.
ironically i only see this from westoids trying to "subvert" isekai
meanwhile in japan it's the most diverse genre i have seen with shit ranging from comedy trash with someone reincarnated as a vending machine, to lighthearted shit about an autistic NEET becoming his in-game character and coping with socializing by literal roleplaying, to a wagie getting isekaid as a skelly with his MMO base and becoming the ruler of the world by force, to a slime and FUCKING MEETINGS, to a turbo autistic fuck that accidentally became a shadowbroker lord just to larp his fantasies
Smegma is bordering on a myth, the lack of hygiene necessary to develop it is completely inhuman, you would have to be some sort of mentally retarded child raised by wild animals in the woods or something to be incapable of doing the barest minimum necessary to prevent it.
>i only see this from westoids trying to "subvert" isekai
my nigga I watch nothing but iseaki slop. i love the stuff and can't get enough of it. like 80% of them are "you were summoned to be this world's hero" and 100% of those have rpg status screens. a good chunk of them that differ from that specific plot point still work in rpg status screens, like Solo Leveling for instance.
A surprising amount of cutfags seem to think that all foreskin is always phimotic at all times.
whoa, whoa, calm down anon, what do you have against french people?
Guys, Japanese people produce an absurd amount of NTR porn and also are not allowed to have their own standing army. They are horrendously cucked
Ok, what's your argument again? Old stuff le bad, adapt and be happy and don't notice bad shit happening until it gets in your face.
Then all new stuff good? Adapt but in which direction? Your politics or what makes you happy as an individual? Do we forget what worked before even if it still works now? Go on, I'm all ears, you are free to express yourself in detail here.
Let's forget the kusoge OP posted and talk about life lessons because heaven forbid, you can't speak about how jewish the game's author is unless you want to be called a ESL sperg by some bad faith shill the moment you get annoyed at someone else's dishonesty. And just when raid hours begin to shit on every post not liking the shitty ironic VN.
That reminds me, Forspoken is an isekai... A WESTERN ISEKAI.
I spat my fucking drink, fuck you lmao.

True, a lot of right wing weebs seem kind of ignorant of all aspects of Japan and their society, it's not all sunshine and roses, they have problems to fix even from a right wing perspective.
Who do you think is responsible?
sigh i just wanted to have a cool discussion about a cool game
stupid jews....
>Humanity is quite literally suffering from success because so much immediate needs are taken care of.
This is bullshit. You can't suffer from success. The real issue is all the mental hangups that people have which are ironically harder to fix than physical problems.
A disease can be treated with rest and medicine and time, good luck trying to treat depression.
>like 80% of them are "you were summoned to be this world's hero
I see this claim all the time yet I can't ever get recommended a single non-ironic non-subversive example.
>and 100% of those have rpg status screens.
Mushoku that just aired a new cour last season has no status screens, the fuck are you on about?
>Japs could never be degenerate or do stupid things if it wasn't for Jews
Have you seen how Imperial Japan did in WW2? Of all major players involved in that war they were perhaps the most retarded, and by enormous margin, the kind of comical dysfunction the Imperial Japanese exhibited in their leadership at most levels is the stuff of legends, it reads like a put on shitpost.

They didn't need Jewish subversion to do that, that was all on their own.
>Japanese people produce an absurd amount of NTR porn
it's not as much as you think, and not remotely as popular as cuckolds on the internet try to gaslight about. you can go on any booru site and compare things like "netorare" and, for example, "oral" and see that netorare is maybe 1/10th the size of basically any other basic fetish, if that. compare it to something more general like "blonde hair" or "thigh highs" and ntr becomes statistically insignificant.

hell even the sites that cucks use to try and claim ntr is popular are fake and don't list ntr as being popular. they always seem to disappear from the threads when you post proof of that.
The standing army thing is no longer true. They just call it the JSDF still.
This is also more or less true, NTR is dramatically exaggerated by cucks trying to validate themselves.
>a good chunk of them that differ from that specific plot point still work in rpg status screens, like Solo Leveling for instance.
that one is neither japanese or isekai
but glad to see kikes are still using gook media being shit to attack japan
>brings up ntr out of nowhere
kill yourself animenigger
To add to this, the yen is eating shit hard rn, it’s doing way worse than the US dollar and Japan was one of the first nations to get hit be the north decline epidemic
Did you know this myth is proliferated by the absurd amount of NTR gooks upload to panda by pretending to be Japanese?
Bet you never even tried to look up the artists of all that goyslop.
birth decline*
He's always been like that, same with anime and cartoons when he was uploading abridged youtube videos
Fun fact, Japanese citizens have a higher birthrate than any white overseas.
And even when you compare it to poojets it's not that lower in comparison.
Wonder why are you bringing up this type of demoralization propaganda right after the discussion just 50 posts before about the fag that made this trash game.
Totally a coincidence right?
>"Porn manwha, huh?"
>"Let's see what this is like..."
>it's all vertically stacked comics made for reading on phones
>and it's almost always NTR, often interracial
The feminists must have completely mindfucked people in South Korea because their NTR consumption and output is off the charts.
>I can't ever get recommended a single non-ironic non-subversive example.
probably because you consider the status screen trope to be inherently "ironic" or "subversive". I already listed Solo Leveling, for starters, but I can think of plenty more:
Chillin' In Another World
The New Gate
Reincarnated Aristocrat
Shangri-La Frontier
Unwanted Undead Adventurer
My Instant Death Ability Is OP
Campfire Cooking In Another World
Most of these are just from the last couple seasons. I don't feel like digging further back into my decade long watched list.
People being "less christian" is not the same as the wealth of human knowledge being corrupted by fucking bots. It is not the same as the complete erosion of trust. It is not the same as people having paranoia about literally everything. It is not the same as every fucking facet of your life being data harvested without your consent. It is not the same as an alarmingly growing amount of people that cant reason or use basic logic. Its not the same as more and more people falling for the most retarded conspiracy theories imaginable. Its not the same that literacy, both literary and technologically, is going down across the fucking board.

No anon, it is NOT the same. Boomers being upset that pwople arent subscribing as much to their particular religion isnt not the same as society literally devolving into paranoia and hysteria because were bombarded with non-stop feeds of doom and gloom. This has literally never fucking happened in history. Because even 100 years ago we were too busy trying to get shit done and make food last and everything else, and 90% of retards had no swaying power so their retarded ideas couldnt propagate, compared to today when you have millions of people listening to some cracked out dipshits saying the world is flat. It is not the fucking same as me not understanding the appeal of fucking fortnite dancing or tiktok or whatever the fuck. Stop trying to equate the two.
>foreskinless pilpul
Man I hope Iran attacks you clowns again so you idiots fuck off from /v/ a few days again.
just admit you're a bitter, virginal chud who hates and doesn't watch anime and be done with it.
This post is oddly ignorant of say, fucking Sony.
>class of 09
lmao what the fuck is this zoomer shit
>just ignore the fact that a lot of things are objectively worse than before, focus on the positive
Its our duty as the current generation to think about and try to fix this shit si that next generations dont have too. If our forefathers were so selfish as to ignore it, we wouldnt be here.
I’m speaking honestly Japan is more than the weebshit you consume, besides dumb gaijin mutts like you aren’t wanted there so stay away before you shit it up further because they still make good stuff regardless. Don’t muddy the one good thing they still have (culture) with your existence
>japs get tricked into expanding and going into zoglifornia
>get zogged
What are you even trying to imply here, Schlomo?
Im guessing its a zoomer take on what they think teens in 09 were like
>We are talking about a culture where a husband & wife being filmed in bed was considered scandalous.
Maybe it was actually retarded to desperately hide away the mere suggestion that a husband and wife are having faithful sex with each other in media which isn't aimed towards kids or all-ages. Perhaps that's something which should actually be depicted as good and desirable, you know, so as to influence people more towards wanting a faithful partner which they can be truly close with, and to start a family with.
Because the game is le ironic weeb VN deconstruction with muh heckin wholesome chungus hip normalfags. If you wanted good discussion then make your game about actual worthwhile people (read: fictional) not dime a dozen gay dipshits you can find outside.
That it isn't a disaster for Japan yet, but that WEF crooks sure haven't stopped trying, and that they ARE doing damage.
I don't think it's doomed though, for one thing the west is growing increasingly tired of this shit, and for another the Japanese as a collective are so fucking stubborn that it's generally difficult to try to influence them subtly or over longer periods of time. Again though, doesn't mean they aren't going to keep going.
Hi SBN3. You are an incompetent hack.
Are we pretending 90's babies aren't zoomers now?
Zoomers were born at the very end of the 1990s at their earliest.
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They got rid of the poster count, so now Soulbrothanumbuh3 can shill unimpeded.
super jewish move by hiro
Is there any way to get stats on what gets uploaded recently? Because I think the perception is that more ntr stuff is being uploaded today then they were 10 years ago, so people see it at a higher ratio to vanilla now than in comparison to before, and thus it sticks out
The characters in this game are not that much like real life people, you need to look in prisons and mental institutions to find people like these because people who behave like this usually get into big fucking trouble.

>shills could never post from multiple IPs
You're wrong because if things were good the zoomers wouldn't be literally nostalgiafagging over 80's and 90's culture which they never experienced
Are you going to sit there and say someone born in 1991 is a zoomer? How long do you think the zoomer generation goes for?
I think some people came under the impression that zoomer actually means "kids these days" and forgot that the millennials stopped being kids a good while ago.
You had no mirror in 2000?
Do you realize how easy it was to bump up the IP count? literally flick on airplane mode, then flick off and post. Takes maybe 5 seconds. The IP count did literally nothing to stop shilling other than delay them for 5 seconds. Not even, since they could do it before the post timer countdown was up
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you mean 1995? lmao
You're conflating happiness with acceptance of the cultural zeitgeist. You're implying that consuming media products is the route to life satisfaction. You're claiming that every Greatest Genner who didn't like rock music or the Sex Pistols or slutty women in big hairdos was miserable. Did you even have a real family growing up?

It's such a bizarre and asinine belief. The idea that if you aren't engaging in media consumption and aren't changing your principles to fit the consensus, you are obviously deeply miserable. It's as if you can't contemplate being happy yourself without doing those two things.

>But I'm not miserable at all. I have no problem with the current era
And this is more or less a statement of this belief. You might as well drop the period and replace it with "because". You conform to consensus and are upset when others don't. Why does nostalgia threaten you?
This, lol.
Half of those are not even isekai bro.
Fellas, please, you're missing the point!
Please refer to this post:
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lmao no it was a hostile kike takeover
aren't you glad ubisoft fucked up to the point japan speedran three decades of noticing kike subversive bullshit?
I can also find sources contradicting that estimate.
that's a lot of projecting from your mutt complex over never being considered a real jew
According to who? Any reputable source will tell you its 97-2012.
A lot of 90's babies on this site are trying to convince people that 95 isn't the year, but that it's 96 or 97 or even saying 2000, when the reality is, they all are the same breed of shit and have everything in common with each other. lmao they're hilarious to watch
There's absolutely no difference between someone born in 1995 and 2000. So everyone just lumps all you faggots together all the same and rightfully so.
A 5 year difference is "no difference"? Are you retarded? Don't answer that, I already know the answer.
You genuinely think the Japanese want you there?
>he didn't deny the projecting
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Well, why do you think that it is? both people born in 95 and 2000 and shitheads, they grew up during the obama era and justin beiber was your gen's idol. you grew up not even knowing what the fuck movies, music and video games actually are. Your entire generation practically retconned from the real world. You can't even read or right in cursive for fucks sake. You're nobody that anyone takes serious, ever.
in the past 5 years were massive
today 5 years and it still feels the ps5 released 3 months ago
So, anyway, I think Nicole and Jecka deserve rape correction.
That's because AAA games have almost completely stagnated since late 7th gen and there's so very little of it which is new.
In 5 years my generation went from resident evil 2 to metal gear sold 2. Yours went from Fortnite to Fortnite. You went from Call of Duty 7 to Call of Duty 12. Who the fuck are you trying to fool here, retard?
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they say an image is worth a thousand words but your post is just 74
No point in denying retarded claims, it’s always cope. I don’t abandon my nation in hopes of a better one like you do refugee.
>and justin beiber was your gen's idol
Hating Justin Beiber was a HUGE meme for kids in the late 2000s and early 2010s.
Sharty should be destroyed.
Closer to 35.
That image looks like it's made by the world's most irony poisoned troon.
Thought kikes projecting like this was just a meme.
That makes a ton of sense in retrospect looking back at the out of place "you will never be japanese" insults.
lol maybe you did, but your generation filled his concerts and ate his shit for so many years.
And that was virtually all 12 year old girls, tween boys fucking loathed the guy.
>You can't suffer from success. The real issue is all the mental hangups that people have which are ironically harder to fix than physical problems.
Anon, the reason why depression and shit is so prevalent is because almost all our immediate needs have been met and we have the free time to think about more abstract shit. Nobody gave a fuck about what was happening in a country on the other side of the world 100 years ago because you were trying to figure out what the fuck you would be able to eat for the next week and hoping that not too many of your children died before adulthood so that there would be a couple to take care of you in your ancient age of 50. The other factor is that most jobs are becoming more and more sedentary with automation, and we now have instant gratification with fast food and meals you can warm up in a microwave. So now everyone is fat, does less exercise, and we have more security to think about shit and get bombarded constantly with media telling us about bad things.

We are all fucking fat (higher risk of depression), dont exercise as much (higher risk of depression), get bombarded with 24/7 news feeds of bad shit happening in places youll never go to or interact with because we have the free time to worry about that. More people in America die from complications due to over eating than undereating. We ARE suffering from success. Not to say depression doesnt exist outside of that, but a lot of the poor mental state of people is a reflection of humanity crushing it so hard that we are actively creating our own problems. Nobody would have given a single shit about Isreal/Palestine shit 100 years ago. Now you have people holding up traffic to protest a place they have never been too. Because people need a purpose.
Well Japanese culture goes beyond citizenship. It is a race issue, you will never look Japanese therefore you will never be Japanese. Also I’m not Jewish stop with the cops the Middle East is a complete hell hole
Most places say 97. Regardless, 1991 is the class of 09, and it is indisputably not zoomer.
>Anon, the reason why depression and shit is so prevalent is because almost all our immediate needs have been met and we have the free time to think about more abstract shit.
You're a galloping fucking retard, the jobs and housing markets in most western countries are a disaster which is only getting worse and worse, there is an epidemic of people's needs not being met.
again, your entire gen
>tripling down on the projecting
I'm born 92, so no, that was not my gen, and as effeminate as zoomers do get these days, they were in fact not comprised entirely of women.
Aside from Beiber, you're describing someone born in 2000. 95 grew up with the 5th gen and wasn't brought up with smart phones. They also still taught cursive for 95ers. Zoomers were also the gen that experienced the pandemic during their school years.

So we're in agreement then? I was born in 95 and grew up with the 5th gen. Someone born in 2000 played Fortnite and CoD. So which is it? Are they the same or not?
All I’ve said is fact. I seen so many people like you, not even for Japan but countries in Europe and even urban to rural locations of the same country. You are an outsider. You will be looked at differently. I don’t fall for this bullshit because I never left where I grew up and never plan to. It’s called pride
wanna see my yearbook ? what kind of cope will you reach for then?
>indisputably not zoomer
only to people born in the 90's. let's ask the rest of the world how they feel about anyone born in the 90's, fucking kek. You are universally hated for good reason
anon your entire demoralization spam hinges on someone unironically wanting to be biologically japanese like kike mutts want to be jews to socialize with them
that's not how otaku circles work
at most you will depress to suicide some ironic weeb mongrels but those are your allies
Different guy, but just so we're clear, you are arguing that the Millennial generation and Generation Z are the exact same thing?
>zoomer is 95!
>ok so 91 isnt zoomer
>n-no but...
Are you gonna make up your mind?
>that's not how otaku circles work
Honestly that's what always outs kikes as saboteur tourists on otaku circles.
Like the author of this goyslop game.
It’s very much how they work, the average weebshit wishes to live in Japan and speak the language fluently and assimilate. You are delusional if you think the vast majority do not feel this way
lol what? We really need ID's for this board.
This isn't really true.

So to you, zoomer isn't specifically for denoting Gen Z, but it's just your way of saying "KIDS THESE DAYS" ? Will you also say that Gen A are the same thing as zoomers and millennials in 15 years time?
kys redditor
It is very much true, do you think expats who move there only do so ironically?
NTA but the only people who dont want thread id's are the schizos who just samefag up every thread and pretend to be multiple different people. There are literally 0 downsides to thread ID's and there is a reason other boards use them.
>all weebs move to japan, or at least try or want to
>The average otaku can easily out-shadow-kike the strongest kike to the point they doubt otaku exist.
Funny to think about.
Jews really do fear the samurai.
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I want to fuck Karen
>sudden pivot to anti-Japan talk
it's bizarre how this keeps happening. It's tempting to ascribe some kind of conspiracy motive, but I think more likely this is because the VN is made by and for goons, and goons are anti-Japan.
This is completely false, especially with how easy it is to ban evade and samefag with phones. Board IDs are cancerous and strongly promote circlejerking, just look at garbagefire boards like /int/ and /bant/.
>I posted it again!
>especially with how easy it is to ban evade and samefag with phones
speaking from experience anon? i have no idea how to ban evade, why dont you tell us about how easy it is and how you go about it.
kikes have always hated japan and are desperate to either destroy or control da ebil weebs
they also hate weebs for being neets out of projecting out of their own cuckold tendencies by whoring out their wives and daughters for money to be neets themselves
Agree with everything but the eceleb board. Anyone posting about ecelebs(or even mentioning he watches ecelebs) should get a permanent ban from all boards.
Also rangeban india and pakistan
Utterly deluded to think this. If they could weebs would move to Japan. It’s obligation that holds them back.
this dude is replying to so many people but in his mind it's all just one guy. We need ID's for all boards, especially /v/
100 years ago youd be crowded into a tiny house with all your relatives. Job market is at a record low in unemployment, what youre mad about is cost of living. But speaking of jobs, you can now work from the comfort of your home, or failing that, work in an air conditioned work space.

Anon, I dont think you quite understand. We have AC. We can manipulate the environment on the micro level in nearly every home. That was witch craft 100 years ago. We have microwaves. We have washing machines. Dont feel like cooking tonight? You dont have to, go to mcdonalds. Anon, we have fucking modern plumbing. My mother, who was admittedly poor as hell growing up, was using an outhouse. Freezing cold outside? Too fucking bad, go out and freeze your ass to the toilet seat. People used to have 13+ kids before, and there is a lot of reasons for that, but a big one is because a few children would inevitably die to a fucking cold and you needed to make sure you had people to help you in your profession and to take care of you as you start dying in your old age of 50 something.

You can say needs havent been met, but simply put, most people do not starve or freeze to death or die of a cold in america. You are lamenting convenience, as you talk to me from across the world in a home that is air conditioned with a fridge that likely has food. I'm not saying shit is perfect, but, well, child coffin sales are down over 1000% from 60 years ago. I think things have gotten better.
It's called airplane mode, and jannies are helpless to stop it. All of a sudden you are posting from a new IP and make it look like someone came into the thread to agree with you (until the IP counter was dropped).
Lots of serial shitposters do this all the time on boards with IDs, and they like to brag about it a times.

This would have been true about 15 years ago, when the definition of weeaboo meant japanophiles so obsessive they would tape their eyelids, but in common parlance today weeb is used to mean anyone who exhibits ANY kind of interest in any aspect of Japanese culture in any capacity.
does everyone who asks for an "internet celebrities" board not realize it's just turn into kiwifarms the board
You'll never be Jewish. No matter how hard you simp, you'll always be goy
>It's called airplane mode, and jannies are helpless to stop it. All of a sudden you are posting from a new IP and make it look like someone came into the thread to agree with you
ok and so whats to stop them from issueing hardware ID bans anon? or keeping track of hardware. Like idk, if a phone keeps changing its IP address, they can tell, you know that right? Are you just fucking stupid? They have the means to do this, they just dont.
Untrue or they wouldn’t be bothered by the negative facts going on in Japan on a political level as a disparaging campaign since they never want to live there

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