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Is there a centralized place where you can find instructions to set up servers for old dead MMOs so you can play them?

I feel like a lot of these DEVs that have worked on these games have copies of the binaries out there, and some I know have chosen to just release the code for free.

I was feeling nostalgic for Tabula Rasa today.
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The game sucked. It had no content.
But the combat was kinda interesting.
NCsoft was a shit show back then and would just cancel anything interesting so they could continue shitting out korean grinders.
>Is there a centralized place where you can find instructions
does there need to be? isn't this what search engines were made for?
this game has a great ost btw. i would here link [tabula rasa ost - retread camp] were it on youtube

Tried search engines, most MMOs everyone just says "Nah can't do it." Then a bunch of other people say "Just use these super unintuitive hacking tools to reverse engineer the entire connection and server architecture, no big deal".

I was wondering if someone had gathered the tools to create these private servers, or guides for a bunch of them, in one place. If not that would be a helluva triumph.

Imagine wanting to just nostalgia grind in your favorite dead mmo with a bunch of friends...
>Garriot abandoned L2 for this

Totally agree about NCSoft, I am in game dev and they are still kinda shit desu. Interestingly enough though they have been around FOREVER, being tossed back and forth to different owners.
He got there eventually.
Only thing to do is hone your search engine skizzles and dig, dig, dig.
I only know about this for one reason.
found this list, but dunno how good it is
>"Just use these super unintuitive hacking tools to reverse engineer the entire connection and server architecture, no big deal".

Because if someone else hasn't done that yet that's literally what you have to do. For a dead MMO to work what has to happen is before its shutdown someone who actually gives a shit has to spend hours and hours and hours sniffing every single packet sent and received by the game client. They then need to work out how to decrypt those packets. If that was done that's the best case scenario for a private server to be created, but it's literally just step 1.

After that someone has to go in and recreate the entire functionality of the server blind. How the server handled monster AI, scripting, pathing, the item database, player inventories, everything.

If you google "Tabula Rasa Private Server" and you find a dead reddit that no one has posted on for years, you're probably out of luck. Also all devs now keep their shit on private discords until they are ready to go public so if you want info on dev progress or access to betas you need to find a way into those.

Tabula Rasa is a game not many people gave much of a shit about so if it hasn't happened yet it it probably won't, and no, DEVs aren't going to just drop the server code for free because Tabula Rasa is owned by NCsoft, who will rape them in the arse, and NCsoft isn't giving out anything for free especially not when they might have reused parts of the code across many of their multiple still running MMOs.
Adding onto this: I'm sorry and I too feel the pain of many dead MMOs that I either played a lot, didn't have much chance to play, or never played before they were gone. If you scroll through old MMO journo articles you'll see images of worlds you just won't get to visit. There have been thousands of MMOs created and shuttered over the past 30+ years. There will be much fewer but still new MMOs created over the next 30. And many of them will die. If you really love one of them and don't want to see it go unironically the only thing you can do is getting to CS and learn how to code. And then dedicate literal years of your life doing the work of dozens for no money.
wait until you see his work with shroud of the avatar
He already abandoned that and sold land for a crypto game that will never come out.
That's one approach for sure. The other approach is hoping that the official server files got leaked.
The third option is trying to find if someone made a offline/sandbox version where you can simply explore the world but cannot interact with it.

Anyway, OP, website called ragezone is your friend. It was the go-to site for mmo server emulation and hosting.
>Tabula Rasa
I remember playing this with my buddy decades ago. My computer was a shitty ass e-machine that couldn't even render the environment, so my buddy had to play seeing eye-dog telling me if there's a ditch or an incline I can jump on. The rocket launchers were shit and worked better as clubs than as actual rocket launchers.
Good times.
Yo! This is awesome, thanks!
Thanks so much for this!

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