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Garry's Mod 2 is finally here!
I can finally play as my rick and morty sausage OC!
Fucking around with half-life and other source game assets is what made garrysmod so good. How does this autist not realize that?
>Garry's mod with nothing that make garry's mod memorable
that 2hu clone is pretty alright
i can see there being a lot of soul here
gmod was also great thanks to its source games integration, literally use any resource from any source game as you please
also Garry (((Newman))) just doesn't want to pay valve fees for using their characters and resources, that's why he's going with this generic OC donutsteel
GMOD2 more like Modern Mod
Mr gr gr
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>Garry (((Newman))) just doesn't want to pay valve fees for using their characters and resources
Why'd he force the bean guys so hard?
>no server browser
this shit is so DoA
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His entire legacy was making a mod for someone else's game so he went ballistic and tried to make his own thing
Isn't this first time something like this has happened
He's desperate to have something that's all HIS, but he's too retarded to realize his best talent is building off of other people's work
>The dick shadow and a creature saying "k...kill me"
He knows people will just port them all into the game anyway, why bother?
Can you actually build stuff in it? Or is it now just xd random gamemodes
>Kind in mind that the game is still in developer preview
>Game modes half done and broken
Then don't release the "game" until they are not broken
after the nintendo debacle i wouldn't be surprised if he puts in a "no copyrighted content" rule for the workshop.
>people will just port them
and then he'll shut down the website and forums hosting them like he did gmod
I can't be bothered even playing it for free. I assume he's going to charge for the full thing after other people make him all the game modes, it'll be funny to see it flop.
im 99.99% certain hes doing this to drum up hype. I think he wanted Golden Age Gmod where developers were fuckin stoked to get in on the ground floor, but nobody cares about this shit
>make games in it like roblox(but for grown ups)
and why would I do that when kids are way more free with their money and roblox has better devtools?
Its much more roblox than Gmod but there does exist some form of "sandbox" mode that works a lot like classic Gmod though. Last thing I heard was that its nowhere near complete and that its been on the backburner for a while.
He likes forcing things on people I guess. He forced everyone in Rust to be randomly generated.
Ah okay. Then probably not going to bother giving garry my steam info. Only really enjoyed constructing stupid shit in garry's mod
Theres no way this wont flop.
Garrys mods biggest strength is the assets which lets there be so many different game modes and maps, most are pulled from various source games so people making stuff like their own maps and shit have a giant library to pull from even without custom shit. Another thing is how old / low detail those assets are which makes it way easier for people to make their own assets and have them fit with everything else.
Roblox looking so simple is why people can pump out tons and tons of assets for it too.
GM2 is to detailed, people aren't going to be able to make custom assets that look good with it and people are going to make very inconsistent assets that will make the game look insanely shit.
Did we ever get confirmation if that was the real Nintendo or was it fake and gay?
>like roblox for adults
Garry you fucking retard, it's for adults (pedos (based)), kids, and adults.
The only value of S&BOX releasing is to pave the way for Source 2 to be released to people who aren't Garry
the story i remember hearing from here is that it started off fake and gay (most likely), then some dumbasses tried bringing it to NOA's twitter or something where they "confirmed" it.
granted that's like 90% hearsay and potentially me just extrapolating shit that never happened
I mean fuck, let the man do his own thing sure, but holy fuck if the bean people aren't ugly as sin. He could've just made normal stylized cartoonish people and it would have been 10000% better.
this will be the only available way for people to acquire any reliable source 2 engine access, you are underestimating situation at hand here
This is going to massively explode in popularity and make Garry shitbillions of dollars for the sole reason that it'll be the only Source 2 game that you can play and mod. The only reason it wouldn't explode in popularity is if people didn't care about this, which isn't true because people want a Garry's Mod 2 so bad.
the game will not have a sandbox mode. not even with original assets.
if i can't play around with my favourite dota 2 characters then I don't care
"spiritual successor of gmod" my ass
i got that game for free but i'm not playing a non canon remake.
What can you do in this that you can't do in Roblox?
not its not. there's nothing to do in s&box. all the modes from the previews aren't available
>there's nothing to do in s&box
That's up to modders to make up in for, be patient fag
TLDR is that the claim came from a different company working on Nintendo’s behalf, and Aaron Peters is likely a deliberate fake name to prevent people from harassing real employees
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People already tried putting TF2 into S&BOX and Valve struck them down because it requires some roundabout way that breaks Valve's ToS
You'll get le-quirky tower unite creative common replacements if you're lucky
Don't forget that Valve also took down the TF2 mod for Hotdogs Horseshoes & Handgrenades.
They've been massive faggots lately.
>and Aaron Peters is likely a deliberate fake name to prevent people from harassing real employees
How would it be at all legal to supply a fake name for real lawfare?
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>Didn't remove shit
He knows it's fake and gay he just wanted to be a faggot.
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>People already tried putting TF2 into S&BOX and Valve struck them down because it requires some roundabout way that breaks Valve's ToS
Source 2 is not nearly as groundbreaking as Source was when HL2 launched. People are not mindlessly hyped to jump to anything that runs on Source 2 besides Valve fanboys.
>roblox for adults
second life?
He's trying to cash in on the roblox craze. It's literally just roblox, pretty sure fortnite is doing the same thing. Making it so you can "Create your own games". It's not even an original concept or anything, he's still riding off another games success.
it's just dmca takedown notice. not some battle in court
So uh, anything actually fun on there? I don't see a Steam Workshop option, so I don't know what games it's got. Does it have Flood? Does it have Nazi Zombies?
Regardless I don't see how you could supply an actual fake name that doesn't have anything to do with your company cause 'doxxing!!!' that doesn't make any sense.
He deserves the insult. He’s one of those millennials who recently made the switch to the woke, no fun allowed mentality. The same people who created modem day edgy humor now police your speech and thoughts, like a baby boomer flower child telling you not to do drugs as a teen even though they all did. I fucking hate Millennials.
Was he responsible for Facepunch?
They're not using Steam Workshop this time. It used to be some asset.party website until they just merged it into the same one: https://sbox.game/browse
>created modem day edgy humor
Nah alt comedy was a gen x thing, it just went on into 00s but it's not a product of the millennial generation. Millennial was always the no fun allowed generation, the whining hipsters in pastel colored clothes
I bet 2 cents that the staff checks your uploads before they can be publicly listed, so that Nintendo and other copyrighted content are immediately banned
No steam workshops no buy.
fun fact - garry's mod is a 50/50 split between garry newman and valve
if s&box takes off, he would get 70/30, then 75/25, then 80/20 once he hits 50 million in revenue
Steam workshop sucks ass though. Stopped playing garry's mod after they changed to that retarded shit
Yeah no, Valve shut down a S&box port of TF2.
What's with the 'millennial' name as in millennium if they weren't even born in the new millennium? As in they'd be the main generation leading society into the new millennium? It confuses me, but generation names are usually stupid.
Despite all the children exploitation, Roblox really is based in today's world.
>its like roblox for adults!
roblox only has staying power because of its social aspect combined with its universal cosmetics system & unique artistic identity. there have been countless roblox clones in recent years and they all flop hard because they all miss this basic fact. dreams comes to mind and i know there are several others but i forgot their names, thats how forgettable they are.
that and the fact that it was first
Then make Gary's Mod 2 instead of this bullshit.
Steam Workshop is a great baseline for developers who just want to support mods, but game-specific websites can usually integrate with a game way better.
The downside is that you have to trust the developers to pay their bandwidth bills.
dreams also has the issue of being on the ps4, which generally wasn't a good way to get a large playerbase
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the character design unironically kills any hype for it
It reminds me of the character design from Nidhogg 2
Hilariously sad how this is the only way people remember this game.
it's not that deep of a game in the first place, but I would have liked it more if they had stuck with an aesthetic more akin to the first one
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Worms clone lol
Wasn't entirely convinced at first but there might be some cool games eventually
so, what's the point of Gmod anymore?
It's the only Half-Life Remake you will ever play.
I would ask what drives a man to make a Worms clone when Arcanists is free and Armageddon is basically free, but I guess some people would just do it for the laugh or as an experiment. They do look sufficiently horrifying
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here's my First Time User Experience™:
>try loading good ol gm_construct just to fiddle with the settings and see how it feels
>it loads me into a "walker" game mode where you can do literally nothing but walk and jump
>it also automatically put me into a server with some other chucklefucks without informing me in advance
>have to search the gamemodes to find a (unofficial, might i add) sandbox game mode
>after realizing i can load into a map with a mode by right clicking the mode, try to load into construct
>it just dumps me into a gray void
>take multiple attempts to load the map proper before just trying to restart the game
>it works, and i can finally play the titular sandbox mode on construct
>except, i wanna change my keybindings and mouse sensitivity.
>the sandbox game mode allows key rebinding, but doesn't let you bind the scroll wheel (this seems like it might be the mode maker's fault more than garry's)
>i also get stuck in the keybinding screen and have to exit the gamemode entirely.
>after fixing up my settings, i try to load the gamemode back up, only to be greeted once again by the void.
Played it a few months ago. Barely any content worked, and if it worked it was shit.
in fairness garry did warn you that things were mostly broken
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>Its like any other free game engine except you're subject to Garry's frequent tantrum induced rule changes
Should've just ported gmod to source 2.
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This is so insultingly bad I just deleted it from my Steam Library entirely, you can keep it Garry
is this multiplayer? can i play with other people?
>someone spent all this time
>on working to make an engine
>using the valve engine
steamies deserve all the shit they get holy fuck
>took 9 years to release source 2 sdk
>garry is handling it and it's also not even entirely source 2
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The hotdog people were just a placeholder but he genuinely thought they were super funny and when literally everyone shit on them he got butthurt and forced it.
Garry is too stupid to realize normal looking characters doing absurd things and being put in wacky situations they shouldn't be in is more humorous than lolsorandom naked hotdog people doing the same thing.
What the hell, really? I remember watching a video ages ago with one of the devs (?) getting super autistic about how they had to redesign the guns to actually work instead of just look neat.
The kike just wants to make Roblox 2 and monetize it the same way, but he won't listen to the fact that Roblox already exists and not a soul will stop using it
He's wasting so much time
I’m honestly tempted to use it for development, custom map support using Valve’s updated Hammer and the ease of networking code are difficult to ignore. I just have to see if Garry will do Unity-tier kike tactics against people who want to make standalone games.
It's garry, he's bound to do something absolutely pants on head retarded soon enough
Never trust Garry
Let me guess, you shill for Deadlock?
Everyone is right. The tools might be tempting but Garry can't be trusted and he will do something completely stupid and the few people bothering with it will jump ship.
Source? I played that like a few weeks ago and the TF2 stuff was still in. It's also not a mod, meat fortress is actual official content that valve OK'd ages ago. Unless you're talking about an actual mod with more tf2 content.
>for the sole reason that it'll be the only Source 2 game that you can play and mod
nobody cares
>The only reason it wouldn't explode in popularity is if people didn't care about this
they don't
>which isn't true because people want a Garry's Mod 2 so bad.
yes it is because this isn't anything like gmod
He's talking out his ass
There's enough of those for S&box to stand out, plus a total dearth of moddable games. If it could bring something to the table that Roblox doesn't people will fawn over it, bean people or no. I'd also rather it fail but I can't help but think it'll print money as long as it has a good enough developer community.
Sorry Garry is too gay. He doesn't even really care that this is a Source game and was planning on making it in Unity some time ago because he's the only person on the planet that doesn't see Sampersandbox as Garry's Mod 2. I'd also much rather have Gmod2.
No I hate all these retarded games and have given up on any Sourceshit being good ever again.
>nobody cares
Except for the people who do (enough people to make it news)
>they don't
Except for the people who do (you are posting in this thread)
>yes it is because this isn't anything like gmod
That doesn't really matter.
Non-Brits wouldn't get it
I can't even decipher what this post is supposed to mean.
These pajeet fiverr bots are really falling apart.
Not him, its true though. Must suck loving under a rock. Even I knew about this and I barely ever touch tf2
kids today play garrysmod and dont know what half life is. I hate his stupid OC but apart from that, i think it will work
If it's true that H3VR lost it, should be easy enough to pull up the proof
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Adults aren't stupid enough to enslave themselves and invest endless amounts of money and time for a chance at 30% return on their work
Robots literally only works because children are retarded enough and are not spending their own money and because of the pedos that pay Roblox Corporation to get access to children online.
>make fun thing
>fun thing makes money
how is this such a hard fucking concept for people?
The point of GMOD is that literally anything from everywhere can be put into the game relatively easily. You can make waifus from Blue Archive have a war with Walter White.

Sandbox has none of this because its on a much more finicky engine that doesn't have the kind of flexibility to just constantly port shit over.
the advantage of Gmod was the mounting system and Source being easy to mod for, not the "point" of it being crossover shit other people made with those easy LUA scripts and modeling things since 2003-2004. Source 2 is pretty much low-charted territory and Valve won't even release official tools or documentation for shit besides the CS2 mapping tool, S&Box is trying to make those tools which is easier said than done but at the same time completely lacks mounting as a feature and people have to learn to mod from scratch for higher demands and technicals.

it's what people said they always wanted only to realize whether by monkey's paw or harsh reality that it isn't quite what they imagined
Use it as a learning tool/code sandbox for gag games and nothing else. Since everything is written in C# you can quite easily just port all of your stuff into a different engine or use what you've learned somewhere else.

That is probably this games biggest selling point, easy to use, fast and with a free content and software suite to make "learning" more interesting than just staring at numbers and text all day.
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S&Box has nothing for anybody.

People who want it to be GMod 2 aren't going to get that because Source assets aren't the default, and mounting is nowhere near as easy. Gamempde creation is locked down and shitty and you can get banned for copying someone else's mode.
Garry wants it to be "Roblox for adults" but fails to realize that what made Roblox wildly successful is allowing its users to build off eachother at a rapid pace while also removing the barrier to create fitting assets by making the whole thing bootleg LEGO.

This shit is DOOMED.
Not a single "game" or "map" loaded for me.
Only thing that worked was the character customization.
correct anon
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>you can get banned for copying someone else's mode.

>make the game use roblox's automatic server joining thing unless you go out of your way to make/join one manually
>also make it so that there are no addons/plugins or anything like that (at least, as far as i could tell from what little i played)
>and then make it so that if you try to do the one thing that would actually let you make a personalized version of a game mode, you can get banned for it
i have to wonder how much of this is garry being a genuine retard thinking this is a good idea, and how much of it is just plain disdain for the gmod fanbase.
All we wanted was gmod but in source 2. Fuck Garry, retarded brit.
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>tfw its almost 3 years already since garry the faggot banned me out of the pre-alpha dev builds where i made melon swastika gun addon
>Gary's mod without the content that was added later by the community
woah we have a know it all cuck over here please tell us more cross checked verified by patriots facts.
Here he is competing with Roblox and Fortnite but those games can both run on smart phones, you know the device little kids with too much time and money own? Oh yeah he wants to be 'Roblox for adults.' That's called using one of the tens of free game engines where you actually own the game you make and you don't constantly have a ban hammer hanging over your head ready to be dropped during one of Garry's many tantrums.
skibidi Harris
Garry is genuinely running on spite and hates everything that everyone loves about gmod. Fuck him and I hope his game flops
>Source 2 is pretty much low-charted territory and Valve won't even release official tools or documentation
Which is weird because Gabe talked about releasing the SDK for free... in 2015.
They got distracted by Dota 2 and making hardware
Gmod 2 is going to flop, the OG's have already moved on and the newer generations are playing other things
>make a bunch of gamemodes
>anyone that makes anything close to it you report and have them banned
Monopoly town here I come
>garry revoked my access to the game twice because I wasn't playing it every day
>now gives it to everyone
Stupid sausage headed idiot player models.
god i can't wait for the big media companies to nuclear with c&ds on roblox
you know it's coming
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>Just copy every single popular Garry's Mod, Roblox and pretty much any game gamemode
>Don't bother making it good, you just want to make the most half assed thing slightly resembling the original, churn them out as fast as possible
>Never update them once after release
>Report everyone that does those gamemodes but actually for real since you technically did them first
I wish someone would actually do this because I want Garry to see how fucking retarded he is.
You're a fucking retard.
Steam idiots and their moronic developers wasted their time on vaporware while dogshit dipshits like you eat it up.
Don't forget to buy a new steam deck hahahaha
>more incoherent off-topic bullshit
They aren't sending their best

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