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Am I supposed to be confused?
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>he didn't read the books and watch the shorts and listen to the podcasts and suck the cock of every 343 member for important plot details that they didn't share publicly
You never even started the game.
That kinda sucks, I don't really want to watch a 9 year old's game marketing to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I can still pick up on some plot threads but it I'm 3 missions in and it genuinely feels like I skipped a game.
At least the movement is fun and the weapons look interesting even if it doesn't feel like Halo at all.
this but unironically.
read the books.
genuinely just stop caring about the story and you'll have a better time
still probably won't have a good time but well it's 343
>look guys I know you hated Halo 4 so we're going to rewrite our original plans in halo 5
>look guys I know you hated halo 5 so we're going to rewrite our original plans in halo infinite
>look guys I know you hated halo infinite so we're going back to combat evolved to start over
jokes aside, Halo 5's multiplayer (especially firefight) was the only good part of it.
How are you playing this? The Xbox One or Series X? The game looks like trash on the Xbox One from previous gen. I wish it was on PC so I could play it without it looking like complete shit
i havent read anything past the ghosts of onyx but the shorts and podcasts had shit all to do with halo 5 its like they wrote those then rewrote halo 5 story last minute but kept the old material for those
its so stupid it hasnt been added to mcc
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>so we're going back to combat evolved to start over
just can the franchise we don't need to suffer anymore
Got a used Series X and physical copies of MCC and 5 a month ago. Finished the lovely Bungie games a few weeks ago and started the 343 ones last week.
4 was ok, kinda boring but I felt for Chief and was expecting 5 to continue his story but it just kinda drops me into team Osiris with no explanation.
None of that stuff had anything to do with halo 5
343 hired some retard to rewrite the story months before release. hence why it had nothing to do with the trailer they released in 2013.
stop posting bocchi then and they'll stop
I'm playing the MCC, just started Halo 3.
there's really no continuation between Halo 4 and 5 storywise?
as far as I'm concerned the last halo game was reach. everything after it doesn't exist.
No, what are you getting confused about?

This is fucking nonsense, nothing about the content in the books and podcasts are necessary to understand 5.,

Same for the EU shit to understand 4, if anything Halo 4 explains more about it's shit then the bungie games do between the Didact straight out explaining his motives, the Librarian's exposition dump, and the terminals 343i's games don't rely on the books etc to be understood, their writing is just bad.

Even then though I don't what OP is getting confused about.

5 does continue where 4 left off, but undoes or abandons a lot of the stuff 4 set up both in the main story and especially in Spartan Ops
You have the Cortana plot in the Chief missions but that's basically all that connects 4 to 5
Anything to do with Locke and fireteam Osiris requires outside material to get.
why dafuq you lumping me in with the rest of those retards i said the stuff had shit all to do with 5 you fucking retard
not OP but did the games ever explain why Halsey is hanging out with the covenant or why Master Chief now has to babysit his own fireteam?
Thanks, I'm glad that I don't need outside material.
I've finished the first H3 mission (arrival) and stopped to find out how does the MC go from being on a ship in space into solo crashing in Africa.
Apparently, I needed to read a comic before playing.
Just give 343 another decade, it'll get better. Promise.
who fucking cares about Spartan Ops
putting story in Halo's multiplayer was a mistake
i think the halsey stuff was explained in halo spartan ops content
I've always thought 3 should've started with the arbiter and johnson
>caring about story after halo 3
you play halo games for multiplayer and/or fighting aliens on a variety of alien locations
i had fun with halo 4, 5, infinite, odst, and reach
and at no point understood the vitriol these games got
but i also never understood the foaming fanbase that halo got either
halo 4 spartan ops*
what a retarded comment
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more like Gaylo
get your rabies shot
I think it's a fine concept. If you want to play it with a bro you'll get a small side plot that doesn't affect much of anything. At least, it shouldn't affect much of anything, that'd be the only thing that should be a given about a story like that. It should at most be something that resolves in the main story with "Chief, don't worry about the lieutenant, we have a Spartan Team out on assignment. You're to take out the one in charge." Maybe throw in a single cameo of Johnson at the end as a reward for the players sticking through.
Which of course they didn't fucking do, they had to make it a whole thing with Halsey and a whole UNSC ship and didn't even resolve it properly, but that's just 343 for you. Give them the most basic task and they'll fuck it up with aplomb.
>Am I supposed to be confused?
No, you're supposed to be angry at how they butchered this franchise.
but the gameplay is fun
yeah until you get into the promethean section where their homing weapons chase you down like an angry swarm of bees.
youre not allowed to have fun with gameplay
yoou have to be upset that a nigger is a spartan
and that halo 5 ends in an unsatisfying way
like halo 2 which was kino so not like halo 2 but also like halo 2
and also halo 3 but not like halo 3.
what the fuck would the point be in doing that
I'm confused as to why people think we'll never learn about the Endless. I always thought it was common knowledge that the danger of the Endless was that they're immune to the Halo arrays.
so it could be on pc you fucking retard
>get gamepass ultimate
>stream it
there you go, i had zero latency issues and easily beat it on hardcore difficulty
You were supposed to stop at Reach.
well it's a shame you're never getting your dog shit game since MCC support is over and it is a bigger shame I will never be a woman and will have to seethe and dilate40YNT
What the fuck are the Endless?
Maybe at the start, but it'll quickly get very tiresome and boring.
Honestly, I was super confused about the plot of Halo Infinite. Even 6 hours in, I still didn't really know why we were on the ring. The opening cutscene was nothing but a battle. Then I'm just floating in space and still don't know what's happening. I'm supposed to kill Cortana? Why is she back? No wait, she's already dead? Who the fuck are the Banished? What is even happening?

Infinite desperately needed an introductory mission like Halo 2 had. Something to set the stage and explain what's going on.
the TRUE big threat behind everything, bigger than the Forerunners and the Flood and every single thing elsevever beyond super duper infinity stronger than GOD, locked away for eons
>Hey, we contracted a big sci-fi author to write us some great books about forerunner lore to build up the big forerunner villain in our game, how should we write him?
>Uh, i dunno, make him a screaming retard cartoon villain who never explains what his problem is, everyone will hate him and then we can unceremoniously throw him off a bridge in a QTE, that's good storytelling people will like, right?
>Oh no, they don't like it

>Hey, we'll go back to the Bungie well and dig up stuff they used in their works, that can't go wrong! We'll get rampant AI like Marathon, and squads of spartans and inner/inter-faction conflict like in the old books, people will love that! How should we write it?
>Uhhh, I guess make it like a confusing marvel movie, and get the person who cares the least write the AI stuff to make it as boring and soulless as possible, also let's have Chief get his ass beat by some random asshole. That will be really interesting and get people invested in the stakes we're building for the third game!

Every single decision 343 makes is like this
Their writers kept going for higher concepts while being unable to write a convincingly passing middle school essay
It's funny to me that they finally managed to rein some of that in for Infinite, only for that game to be saddled with navigating the worst retcons and backdowns in the series followed by having to build up a deeply boring alien threat
They're an alien race that the forerunners deemed too dangerous to exist at the same time as the Flood. Instead of just genociding them, the forerunners digitised them into blocks of carbon and stored them on a Halo.

I figured that everyone knew the danger of the endless was them being immune to the halos and that if the flood ever infected them, the forerunner's last defense against the flood would be in vain. Since the flood are gone now, if the endless escaped containment, they could theoretically get the halos to fire and have the galaxy all to themselves.
But, you can shoot them to death
With guns

They're not even functionally immortal cosmic beings with cloud backups like the Gravemind, they're just a species of alien that die when you kill them
Halsey being with Jul's covenant faction was a plot point from Spartan ops

>or why Master Chief now has to babysit his own fireteam?

Sorta, there's a hidden terminal which alludes to it in Halo 2 anniversary, but almost nobody has seen that.

Blue Team itself has been a part of the lore for a longass time, but him rejoining them for H5 sort of came out of nowhere aside from that terminal IIRC
I'm NTA. Why do the Endless have access to Space-magic and other telekinetic/telepathic powers the Forerunners never had?
Why not just recalibrate the Halo array to include their biology?
Why are there literally no Endless Flood forms in the entire galaxy?
They were only discovered after the firing of the array, and their resistance may or may not involve an innate ability to fuck with the flow of time, the little writing about them is super vague about it for obvious reasons
So the play order for 343’s games would be
>4 - 4 multiplayer - 5 - Halo Wars 2 - Infinite - Infinite multiplayer
God that’s weird
>They were only discovered after the firing of the array,
The forerunners were dead after that. The Endless were captured and stored before the firing.
>They were only discovered after the firing of the array
Weren't the entirety of the Forerunner survivors stranded aboard the Ark a genius at heart after that point? Who discovered them and created an entire Halo installation to digitize and house them?
>He doesn't know

They weren't stranded, they stayed there on purpose to not die, and then after they ensured the universe was re-seeded they fucked off
Just skip all the cutscenes
Would you know who Jule M'dama or whatever the fuck is eithout having read Glasslands and shit? I remember being excited to see him pnly for him to flail his arms like he was roofied and die like a bitch.
>they stayed there on purpose to not die, and then after they ensured the universe was re-seeded they fucked off
And during that time the remnants of their civilization discovered, conquered, and imprisoned psychic space wizards?
He was in Spartan Ops
Though he's still about as deep there, his whole character is essentially just a plot device
Can you even still play Spartan Ops?
yes, its just a separate tab when selecting halo 4 in mcc
Well they started by having a more diplomatic meeting, but yeah more or less, they just had their technological resources and offensive bias on their side
And that explanation is literally the entirety of the information we have on what happened, we've probably said more about this in these last few posts than 343 has
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>Am I supposed to be confused?
343 thought people cared about the EU during Halo 5 years
So the Endless ultimately fell to the fresh, increasingly hollow corpse of Forerunner civilization?
That hardly sounds like a galaxy-ending threat.
>how does the MC go from being on a ship in space into solo crashing in Africa
you can see him jump off the ship and form his own re-entry fireball in the opening
How can he survive that, but not a couple plasma bolts?
Cutscene immunity
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and Johnson literally says
>"Why do you always jump?"
anon can''t pay attention to basic visual and audio storytelling
4 5 and infinite aren't canon, they're fanfiction
yeah they were doing the MCU avengers thing.
And a forerunner door
to be fair, the forerunner door theory comes from an outside source
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I guess some kind of explanation is in order. That is the Endless, a new ancient evil revealed near the end of the first Halo Infinite single player campaign titled "Become". The Endless is a species of alien imprisoned on the Zeta Halo ring (Installation 07) by the Forerunners. On the ring is a location known as "The Silent Auditorium" in which The Forerunners would pass judgement on The Endless before their imprisonment. The Endless as we know it is similar in appearance to those of the Cambrian Explosion approximately 541 million years ago on our own planet Earth. Pure speculation at this point, but this may be a new hint connecting Humans and Forerunners in the Halo series. Anyway, the only remaining member of The Endless that we know about is The Harbinger, who joins a faction of former Covenant known as The Banished, lead of course by the Brute War Master known as Atriox. She does so with the secret plan to use The Banished and their hold on the Zeta Halo ring to free her people from their ancient imprisonment and unleash them upon the unknowing Galaxy. If you want to learn more about The Endless and what happens next in their story, you can find out soon when Halo: The Endless releases on Xbox One, Xbox Series consoles, Steam, and Windows platforms as well as releasing day one on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass PC. If you wanna talk about this more you can add me at GT: YeezeID, I'll send you an invite to my private discord server where we can continue this discussion. Y'know, just us. Haha if that's alright of course...
y0g get out of my thread
None of that shit explained anything and most of it was retconned.
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filtered post between!
/hg/ go back to your containment general
you first
343troons die 1000 deaths
Only halo 1-3 was ever any good. 3 isn’t even that good but it’s still pretty good. Too bad it only starts 3/4 of the way through
Poster above should take her meds
That’s because the 3/4 of 3 were originally planned to be the 2nd half of Halo 2
this fool is terribly misinformed
In spirit you are correct but the plan was different
The ark was on earth and arby found a forerunner skeleton
Apparently, at the end, the UNSC decide to blow up the forerunner ship (unlike the H2 ending) and he jumped from the other side of the ship.
It came full circle (what was the point of it?) so yeah, it doesn't really matter.
You can play spartan ops on your own. It's pretty tedious though. Ultra live service slop. If you just watch the cutscenes on thier own you dont miss much as the missions themselves barely link to the narrative.
That’s just the bad guy from Doom

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