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Play Starsector.
I can see how people make the comparison to mount & blade, but the "combat minigame" is kinda gay and flying sector to sector to buy more fuel to talk to more dudes to do more bounties is boring.
I really dont know what people see in this, what am I missing?
not until next update
>combat minigame
yeah, this game is not for you
who is it for?
Not you.
combat is the draw of the game dude. you get to build a fleet, customize a fleet, then either control it RTS style, or just pilot your flagship directly while combat happens around you. either way its probably the best top down space sim we've ever had.
is the dev still letting the modders act like faggots?
if you don't like the combat 'minigame' dont bother
even though the combat minigame (and building/detailing fleets for it) is the core of the experience
the rest of the game is really just for earning, buying, kitting out, and hunting down a target for the combat. you can always just sim your battles but the investment adds some stakes
>control it RTS style
Do people really play like that? I've maybe issued a command once, then never bothered with it again. I just want to fly my ship and the ally AI seems to do a good enough job.
hey hey people
Yeah thats the beauty of it, you can play it either way or a hybrid of both if you have the attention span for it.
>start a new game
>found a decent solar system to settle down
>build the place until I don't need to babysit it
>lost interest for months
>can't remember what I was doing with the old save
ahh thats a shame, I thought maybe there was some mid/end game that everyone got to and the game became amazing.
but if the combats the draw then it doesn't click with me.
thanks for the heads up.
I already do.
Too bad they make it impossible to run a pure remanent fleet.
Piloting the Radiant is amazing
You don't really get enough deployment points to play it like an RTS, even with maxxed out officers player fleets are always tiny compared to what the enemy can field unless you only go with smaller ship types
reddit might be more your speed

Commands are few and make very little difference. Ordering all your ships to target one will make them take heavy damage on the way. If commands win the battle, it was badly prepared for and could have gone either way.
people who like the combat. It's one of the stronger suits of the game.
I'm using sunsinhne/moonlight to play an hour or so a night at work and I'm using note mods along with intel to track the shit that matters.

>hating on sseth
I paid for the game cuz of him and I've got a few hundred hours in as a result
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This, I haven't been around for like a year or two.
Has anything new and funny happened since the rape mod forced alex to instill a code of conduct which includes "DONT PUT MALWARE INTO THE GAME YOU RETARDS" causing several unironic commies and diaperfurs to quit the forums?
i'll come back to it once it's fully out
>I paid for the game cuz of him and I've got a few hundred hours in as a result
Communities are better without people like you in them. Sorry.
I noticed that when I was updating, what happened with that?
Did other modders go the h-doomguy route and sabotage save files when rapesector was isntalled?

Communities are better without people like you in them.
Why would I want to become some faggot community member like you?
What's malware about it?
>Did other modders go the h-doomguy route and sabotage save files when rapesector was isntalled?
Yes, more or less. The tipping point was the Diable Avionics guy vanishing and someone else "picking it up" to maintain it, and that's where he put the malware if it detected a part of rapesector code (which could potentially trigger off other mods if they used the same call)
But it was getting out of hand anyway. One guy even had an IP logger to keep track of you for really fucking flimsy reasons.
I looked it up once and it's made in Java.
I'm not clicking that link nigga, even the stone age governmental services here stopped using Java and I'm not letting that garbage anywhere near by machine ever again.
Crazy that RS actually changed the game for the better.
It wasn't the rape mod that was malware.
One big popular mod author got upset at it and updated his mod to detect if you were using the rape mod.
Then it would wait until you were hours into your game before crashing it and bricking your save.
Worse, it's java 7 and players have been updating it to java 8 for better performance. Dev is talking updating to java 17 or so. Don't need to install Java tho, I think.
Runs nice on Windows and Linux tho.
jesus christ
what a tremendous faggot
>diable avionics
Wasn't that the french cunt or the commie cunt
Why is it so full of faggot commies anyway
>Why would I want to become some faggot community member like you?
You're already in a community of parasocial e-celeb mongs.
Ha, how petty and honestly strange coming from someone who is himself modifying the game. You'd think he would have some self awareness and realize his shit could just as easily be shut down. Sanctimonious behavior.

In my experience commands are mainly useful to tell allies to escort certain vessels like your ship or a battleship or carrier. Otherwise they get isolated and die more often. But it's also mainly effective when you need the allies to pull their weight slightly more than usual. Lategame fights start feeling more like stat checks with how ridiculous amount of firepower you have to face.
A lot of normalfags think rape should be banned in fiction, especially games, because...???
no it doesnt seem fun to me
Seriously, it's the kiss of death. The only more guaranteed ways of getting your system raped was to either download and run xxxvideo.exe off kazaa, or install Adobe PDF.
nah man I just watch his videos and some times like a game enough to pick it up pay or pirate.
Also he's entertaining when I'm havin my tendies.
I'm just in it for Raphaela, who needs way more content... But just thinking about how unwell mentally you'd have to be to go to the effort of fucking over players because they use a mod you don't like is a real trip.
does the strategy of making a bunch of small ships with defensive AIs still work?
>game about spaceships
>look inside
>spaceships flying around and fighting
People with testosterone.
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Nah Diable is cool, but some retard took it over because the original guys vanished. Now that the malware faggot got exposed other people in the community have stepped up to fix it. Diable is safe again. As long as you avoid any mods by
>Nia Tahl
you're pretty much safe from the discord malware commies
>rape mod
now I'm interested in a replay
>spaceships flying around and fighting
it's not really though, you move some JPEGs around and the bullets magically disappear after 100m,
you cant see how this would be off putting to people that play other space games?
Me. You just suck ass at the game.
>that list
lmao, all right, drop the mod names and the qrd please
fml why are modders of this game so fucking unhinged? i just want to play my space pewpew. cunts.
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I already slapped the Dorito's ass cheeks until it fractaled itself to death while my Onslaught laughed
I have and I've had my fill. It's a good game but neither the combat or the strategic level are deep enough for more than a playthroughs.
Bad game
>note mods
I should use that.
The additional content is a boon.
But also I've happenstanced into having a missile waifu I've had since early game piloting a refurbished automated construction Kassadari Onslaught outfitted with 6x 4k+ range Annihilators and the rest of the slots filled with 1.5k range PDS weapons including Light Dual MGs and Heavy Machine Gun med mounts. As a result of the Missile Waifu piloting it it only costs 37DP to deploy and can smoke the stock Paragon and 2 onslaught going 3v1 PERFECT in the sims.
and the god damned ship is came with the name "ISS Queen of Jupiter" before I even put it together
I got some super capitals and dreadnoughts and got bored with it.
Cosmoteer is slightly better.
I only play this game to rape trannies OCs with my massive italian cock
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The guy responsible for the rapesector fiasco causing the big forum overhaul, he's the one that tried to take over Diable with the malware.
An actual unironic commie who has a commie faction mod that's retardedly underpowered but puts in crash code if it detects wrongthink like the garbage nazi mod or the space cops mod. Pic related.
>Nia Tahl
Just part of the rest of the crew, pic related in the corner (Sylphon R&D)
He literally quit the forums entirely and had Alex lock all his threads because he refused to take the malware out of his shit, but recently came back and started updating some of his mods because he couldn't stand not being in the spotlight with his furry packs, so I wouldn't quite trust it.
The IP harvester guy here>>683781787
way mor3 repetitive with less content tho, and it doesnt play well with increasing ship scale
It needs to get on steam so modder faggots can be put in check. Idk why Dev's hate cash so much
Wasn't this the impetus for Fractal to implement a "No Malware" rule for modding?
The rape mod was the key factor in improving the Starsector community by driving out bad actors (that were against the rape mod). Rape has brought more good to the game than anything else so far.
But you get to actually play the battles the way you want.
Yeah the 1v1 combat is better in a lot of ways, setting up rails and sniping can be incredibly gratifying but there's hardly anything to do but the kill collect loop
FFS, this makes me really glad that I'm so picky when it comes to mods. I use customizable star systems and that's about it.
Thanks for the info and warning.
>trying to blur the lines of what malware is
something like this happened in rimworld too
And skyrim Iirc
Happening everywhere. RE modders right now have an unironic mod DRM going where you have to run a decrypter or some shit while the game is running tanking your performance. FFXIV modders are huffing the same insane gas and trying to impliment their own paywalls and mod DRM as well as splintering the community based on high school drama.
>Did other modders go the h-doomguy route
whoa what
what happened with that nigga? what'd he do
Tried, got filtered in fucking tutorial. Don't think it's for me, sorry
This shit reminds me of how some doom wads have specific lines of code to fuck with your game if they detect that you loaded brutal doom as well.
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>filtered in fucking tutorial.
>Mod drm
we've gone full circle, amazing
Some niggas just can't handle any sort of power
Why are those people not banned? Putting IP tracking into mods is fucked up. They aren't even devs--they're modders for a random Russian's hobby game.
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I am, though.
>space cops mod
I'm curious because it feels nobody deals with the goddamn pirates
Buck Breakers won
RapeSector won
Wholesome lovemaking won
/vst/ won
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Its kinda barebones but the light toggle is pretty aesthetic.
Mod DRM is a plague on almost anything remotely popular these days. GTA IV has them and they even keep on insisting that they will make it free once they release the 'full' version. It's been a year since they've announced that it's almost complete and it's still not been released.
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It's important to note that the Rapesector mod used the capturing officers code from the other mod which added the crash code, which caused the creator to sperg out about it.

Hilariously, because of the crash code getting his mod removed from the forums, the only way to take officers prisoner now is with the rape mod.
I knew I wasn't imagining that. Do they have one for the Shrike? That's always been my pursuit ship of choice.
>morally incompatible, that is

poltards sure are something else
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Finally I can roleplay as the classic lego sets.
>The guy responsible for the rapesector fiasco causing the big forum overhaul, he's the one that tried to take over Diable with the malware.
Pretty sure Take No Prisoners was the softer version of rapesector that rapesector was based on but I could be wrong.
He made Exotica Technologies, it's a broken as fuck overpowered mod that I use in 0.96a.
One of the tech pieces gives you missile regen for slightly reduced damage, I think the 60 second one drops damage 20-25% and the pure one is dependant on how many other exotics you have installed in your ship. I have hardly any others in my flagship so it regens missiles every 23 seconds for maybe 30% damage drop, that's the whole tube so the 7 rack of misisles per hardpoint I have regens 7 rounds of dual atropos rack. The equalizer part of it gives ships with less than X range +200 to +400 range so I have Light Dual MGs with 1500+ range in some cases.
>An actual unironic commie who has a commie faction mod that's retardedly underpowered but puts in crash code if it detects wrongthink like the garbage nazi mod or the space cops mod. Pic related.
the Vayra's Ship Pack had some OK frigates to start but nothering impressive otherwize, I use it to pad out ship variety because shit feets add variety
>>Nia Tahl
>Just part of the rest of the crew, pic related in the corner (Sylphon R&D)
made a ship pack I use, nothing I would use personally but some of em are evil shit to go agianst
>He literally quit the forums entirely and had Alex lock all his threads because he refused to take the malware out of his shit, but recently came back and started updating some of his mods because he couldn't stand not being in the spotlight with his furry packs, so I wouldn't quite trust it.
WhichMod was nice but the furry portrait not
>The IP harvester guy here
Terraforming and Station Construction, key mod, sad times
Damn, I liked ScalarTech
I did but once you got a colony set up that's it.
He hated Brutal doom so if you play Brutal and H-doom together you get revenants spawning behind you infinitely every half second or so
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There's a whole questline to reactivating the gates, anon.
ah that, I thought he did something actually malicious
>Not on steam
>unfinished with no progress made in 4+ years
I'm good.
>Grytpype and Moriarty Defense Authority
Is that a motherfucking The Goon Show reference in my spaceship game?
I don't get what's up their ass about this anyway, the fuck is so offensive about mercenary protection
>monitor getting fucking squished
I laughed
karmic retribution?
Capturing and releasing officers is a pretty good way of making rep back after big fights.
They should just be activated by default to make travel less tedious and annoying.
Its such an inoffensive mod that only an unrionic college commie would be this upset that it exists.
The Nex mod does just that.
Yeah, it's one of the reasons why I never play the game without it.
Any mod that adds good carriers? I love me Heron but the battleship carrier looks so ugly dogshit I can't bring myself to use it
God, I wish lasers had longer range, I want to LoGH larp. I fucking love that three spam reloading torpedo though, it's so bullshit
>This is a sub-faction similar to CABAL that comes with new ships, new weapons (The Bludknock Chaser; like a limited shot Salamander on Steroids; Bluebottler, a weak kinetic gun, and the Crun Gun, a specialized weapon that kills fighters and deals EMP)
>Bloodnok, Bluebottle, Crun
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>Play Starsector.
>causing several unironic commies and diaperfurs to quit the forums?
Wtf? they quit the forums over not being able to put viruses in the game? Or were they offended over how the devs worded it?
it was touch and go for me, you need to pilot your ships competently and mange your supplies.
I almost burned through the supplies too soon my first go so don't feel bad.
cool art
>the only way to take officers prisoner now is with the rape mod
fucking kek, I dont even think rapesector is up to date for the new version
understandable anon, last non steam I bought was probably academagia years before before it hit steam and year 2 is still vaporware
that is technically malicious
>the fuck is so offensive about mercenary protection
wait what? isn't there AIM? also what fucking mod added AIM because I've forgotten
don't you need to toggle a setting tho?
also 12x multiplier speed mod for 24x speed

I have enough mods to give some of my destroyers 24k medium missiles, just ogtta augment missile speed/range and get 6k missiles to start
I've got some 1.5-2k ballistics and if I thought beams were worth a shit I would probably make a 3k beam ship
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Correct, that was literally the only rule change. "No malware or harassment"
>"Good citizen" mod behavior
>In addition to following the above rules regarding illegal activities, hate speech, and sexual content, mods that are posted on the forum should not intentionally crash the game, or otherwise intentionally render it unplayable or intentionally degrade the player experience due to the presence of other mods, based on factors other than technical incompatibility. Mods may not also be used for direct harassment of other community members. Violators of this rule may receive punishment up to a permanent ban from the forum, with no preliminary warning, at moderator discretion.

So the people known for malware and harassment quit or went inactive (but later came back because they crave the attention)
The lore and Faction mods.
Unlike generic content mods in games or SS itself, faction mods demand the modder to write lore, choose "politics" and a thheme to convey, which encourages them to subcosncisly project their morals into their mods, which also makes them more defensive of it. They aren't just making new content for the game they're adding a little bit of themselves.
Check how almost every mod has walls of text of lore before showing any ship or mechanic, many have coomer or anime portraits and many give a self-insert vibe in some pics too.

And similar to rimworld, many modders feel the need to "save" the game and fix it since main devs don't care what people thinks. You have mods like RATS, Ashes of the Domain or other minor mods which don't even put DL links or any mod decription on the forum threads and link it all to discord or custom pages. They see the mods as jumpboards to success rather than just...mods to make and enjoy.
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>don't you need to toggle a setting tho?
I'm pretty sure that it's on by default unless it was changed within the last year.
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The funniest shit to come out of those Starsector threads back in 2019 were the Anons pointing out those forumfags & their history of backdoor faggotry & the spergouts they had in the old modding discord.
>Another game that is solely carried by mods
I read some of your other posts about the modders and forums. What the absolute fuck??? I know it takes a special type of person to "do it 4 free" but the fact that these faggots put ip loggers and intentionally crash the game and so on astounds me. These guys shouldn't even have gotten a 2nd chance, they should just be permabanned
presidentmattdamno caught a permaban and everybody else was told to fix it or fuck off, it's just funny how almost all of them chose to fuck off instead
Yeah my friend is obsessed with this game but he's kind of an insecure faggot about it like your other replies
He'll get on mic and fucking narrate banal details of his gameplay
>Nia Tahl
>Tahlan Shipworks
Fuck I actually like this mod now that I look closer. The extra pirates are alright and the Kassadar ships add some nice variety.

my current run has gates off, but I'm playing campaign I didn't just hop in
I think that you're asked whether you want to activate them or not during sector generation.
probably it then, I'm still on 0.96
I just want this, mang
>Tower this is the VSS Throat Love requesting clearance for docking.
>link it all to discord
I fucking hate this cancer
Hate hate hate
>Do people really play like that?
Some people try to and then they get mad at the game for not supporting gookclick-tier micro when the whole reason command points exist is to prevent players from doing that.
I'm disappointed you didn't post the Eve Online one

There is a Rosenritter mod floating somewhere, may be Tahlan Shipworks sadly
>rules lawyer
>You intentionally insert code to crash a game and brick a save
>what that's not malicious
absolutely disingenuous
They already got away with doing the same thing to a Nazi-themed mod years ago, so they assumed it was still allowed. And it probably would've been if they had only crashed the game on load like before instead of deliberately fucking people's savegames.
this is what I was talking about
I never used mods with this game.
The defense order, not the defend ship order but selecting points on the map, prevents your blobs from chasing after trash. Set group A a bit to the left and B a bit to the right and set a couple frigates to capture. Leave some ships unassigned to do their own thing. This keeps your fleet together and forms solid blobs or a line and once you have the advantage you can take off the orders to step off the brakes.
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Based NGO anon Anhe shining a light on the dregs in the Starsector modding scene.
The way they tried to block the Nazi mod was barely a deterrent to begin with given it was a simple change in the JSON to get around, which anyone using mods for Starsector should already know how to do. The biggest problem with all that bullshit was they outright bullied the Nazi out of the forums when it had done nothing wrong.
>They already got away with doing the same thing to a Nazi-themed mod years ago
These people know the Diktat is a thing in the base game, right?
>control it RTS style
unless they got rid of the stupid command points mechanic, it's not RTS style
Typical narcissistic transtard, most of them are like this
The Diktat is an authoritarian dictatorship, of course, but I wasn't aware that their politics had a eugenic/racial supremacist bent? I feel like I would have noticed that.
What was the NGO mod like?
your average uneducated socialist/commie/anarch think fascists and nazis are the same thing, not all but the average, like how most people think commies and socialists are the same
The Diktat is purple instead of black and red. Totally different.
I wouldn't think your average internet commie cares about the overall ideological details or beliefs of what is essentially a fascist dictatorship.
Wasn't Nia just adding stealth balance changes to other mods with his mods if they were detected? I don't think anything that dude did was egregious, he was just super autistic about his vision of balance.
I mean fascism and Naziism are pretty close bedfellows so I can understand it (similar with socialism and communism).
I mean I think the end goal matters, also (in the case of fictional stuff) how much it reflects the beliefs of the one who made it. What was NGO like?
thought you meant ancomms for a second there
He needs to lock down the forums like nexus locks out the chuds.
>What was the NGO mod like?
It was like a teenagers first edgy mod, but honestly it wasn't anything special or worth getting as upset about as the forumtroons did.
Yeah I just downloaded it and gave it a try again today. It still sucks ass.
NGO wasn't even that great, the ships were fairly generic and his text had tons of spelling errors, but he exposed a lot of faggotry that was to come in the community. And then there was also the maker of Aria the Escalation and Yuri Expedition, his mods were incredibly inoffensive and just tried to go for the 1940's pre war Germany aesthetics with its civilziation bulding and they ruthlessly persecuted him to the point that he was forced to take it down and put it up on Nexus.
>Yuri Expedition
Is that the mod with the lesbian anime girls on all of the ships?
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Just play X4
I don't think so. His mod was more touhou inspired when it comes to naming conventions and aesthetics, a lot of danmaku-like missiles, but there was no overt lesbianism, just talk about magical witch aircraft and the mod featured my favorite modded weapon to be ever made - fireweed chain mine.
With how broken X3 (and X3 2, and X3 3) felt, not to mention the frame rate your webm shows, I think I will pass.
The voice acting was funny though.
I'd play that!
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It's perfectly playable now. X3 was just shit.
Holy frame rates batman
I do have X4 installed but it seems a fair bit more impenetrable than SS does. Also the lack of custom starts is a bit annoying, you seem to have the story characters to choose from only.
>Economy still shits itself if player refuses to tard wrangle everything
It's playable but it's boring as shit, the economy is still broken and the ai is still complete trash. X3 is still superior to it as a game in every way and has a wealth of overhaul mods.
Endless Sky is better.
pretty sure they had some retard update that broke shit not long ago, a buddy of mine plays it on linux and was pissed he was going to need another 2 weeks to wait after the update because they fucked something up.
I just avoid it because as others said it's kinda jank and after Rebirth I just don't trust them.
I play with stuff like Iron Shell, Tahlan and UAF just so I can have an endgame challenge to throw my hodgepodge scavenged deathstack on then I imagine John Starsector making all the female characters into his concubines.
There is a custom start dude. It's custom game editor setting, where you can change literally anything, from starting fleet and faction relations to plotlines completion.
>play pure sandbox game where anything can happen
>expect heavily scripted handholding results
Why are nu-gamers like this?
NTA , but I don't know what to tell you. I think it's one of the best designed space combats. It's okay not to like something
I just install a lot of ship, weapons and content mods, chill around exploring until I find some super broken large weapon that I slap on a ship with "high energy focus" or "Overcapacitators" and destroy everything.

My only complain about the game even after mods is how AI needs to be unfair and bullshit in order to strongarm you rather than relying on the same mechanics you do, Like fleets with endless S mods or the dorito having no flux buildup so sometimes it goes into phase field and stays there for half a minute under one of my ships.

Faction dimplomacy also makes everyone feel like a woman but that's likely Nex at work.
>most people think commies and socialists
A great people know the difference, calling socialists commies is giving them the benefit of the doubt.

>Uhh akshually I'm a socialist not a commie
So you are saying instead of a well meaning idiot lulled into believing in an impossible to achieve utopian vision, you're a power hungry
wannabe tyrant
>impossible to achieve
All that is required is stopping rich psychopath jews from owning more $1 notes than there are stars in the universe.
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Nayra's mod actually makes you enemies with EVERY established faction if you pick the violent revolutionary communist start. basedbasedbasedased The "revolutionary classes" gives a bump to independents and I assume the colonial factions that spawn later on which includes the actual communist self insert faction.
rape sector is still getting actively updated, and a new guy just took over the regular prisoner mod
It's the opposite for me.
I only like it for the combat.
I hate everything about the fleet management and I think the storyline is fucking gay
>i-i only watch his videos bro
>and then go into threads and parrot his gay catchphrases
>i'm totally n-not a parasocial
You're in his discord.
Scarcity will always exist.
You are a clown.
Alex kicked out the commie at the very least so it's all good now
What faction/ship mods do you guys use?
Oh, thanks for letting me know - how do you do that? I didn't see any options in the new game menu when I tried before.
Gensoukyou, Musashi, and UAF
Manufacturing scarcity is not the same as scarcity existing. We already have enough in such abundance that companies would rather destroy their food than give it away for free lmao. The only clown here is you.
No he's saying it is naive to think an utopia can exist by jsut having nice people or removing the bad one, because you'll end up in the eternal problem of who is good and bad.

The only thing that matters in a societal system is what is being enforced and who is enforcing it, and 99% of them will fail because once people reaches the top, the position to enforce stuff, they realise they don't want to be forced out either so they stop rpessuring their peers and focus on the bottom of the pyramid.

Capitalism may be absoolute trash specially nowdays but at least you get some degree of options to stand out.
None. All ship mods are terribly balanced and low quality.
I would be nice if enemy fleets tried different approaches, they all fight very samey.
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Degrees of options such as lifelong student debt, medical bankruptcy, inability to purchase and maintain property or a business, when banks get billions in bailouts and so on and you can only afford a studio apartment working 8 to 8.
Bounties and missions can be accepted from the intel screen. I don't even go to the bars, even knowing that you can get special stuff and quests by chance. Buy a fuel freighter like a prometheus if you dont like refueling.
Leftists unironically think an authoritarian feudal society (W40k) is fascist because skulls.

They tend to believe that everything authoritarian is fascist, except communism of course, which is obviously not fascist as it is an utopia. That's not even by ignorance, it's by advanced stupidity, aka learned cultism. One of their foundational books on fascism that you need to read in uni describes fascism as any authoritarian countries they don't like, like Napoleon's France, or Jules Cesar. They never question that definition.
It's in the main menu. Open universe -> custom game editor. There is also a creative option, if you want to remove limits on what you can add at the start. Unlocking player HQ and SETA from the start saves a lot of time on those boring beginner quests.
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>Play Troonsector
>and don't even think about installing any unapproved mods, chud
No, I don't think I will.
Leftist communists are a thing, and Lenin hated them. Ironic.
>and don't even think about installing any unapproved mods, chud
Or just do that and ignore the discord weirdos. You are letting e-drama control whether or not you might enjoy a game
if you described literally anything but "bunch of people holding speeches in parliament" to most people they would call it fascism
>ignore the discord weirdos
You mean the official forum weirdos, where the devs explicitly support them in their control over the modding scene.
>Kenshi has nothing but based mods from based modders
>Starsector has nothing but modder drama
Really makes you "hmm" out loud
Not sure if mentioned:
Nia Tahl also has a OP OC donut steel pirate faction in Tahlan Shipworks, and he basically called anyone who went into the config settings to turn it off a pussy
He also wrote code to make it such that his OC faction took less damage from other mods like Superweapons Arsenal, and justified by saying he was 'balancing for them', which is rich coming from him considering how unbalanced his mods are, his faction's star system is practically impossible to invade
But there is fucking nothing besides that vanilla 1.5 that adds a bit of stuff here and there.
Alex already yeeted the retards, you can install whatever you want
Sounds based to me, if you don't like it - don't use his mods.
Well, you would be right if he didn't backtrack on all of that like a bitch
>A great people know the difference
what's it like speaking English as a second language?
>lifelong student debt
Not american, never happened to me or my degree.
>medical bankruptcy
Not american so never happened to me, and even when I had to sue private healthcare it was fairly affordable here.
>inability to purchase and maintain property or a business
The former has more problems than the later but I will agree overall.

What I wanna know is how do you expect communism to fix any of these? Because most of the time the answer is that the systmen and gov are set up in a way that everyone can afford or opt for these, but how? Who's paying all these wages of law enforcers, politics, workers and such to push these changes forward? How do you set up education so it's public everywhere and citizens have the same chances and fee to get into an engineering career as the guy into graphic design, despite one school needed dozens of time more budget for material and machines than the other.
Will you monopolize also architecture so buildings can only be made with certain materials and budgets? When a small bussiness starts growing because it did good, will you also come to restrain it so it doesn't egt too much power?
How do you plan on keeping people rights as individuals but also to ansure the safety of the whole community without any leaks anywhere?
Not mentioning, this would work if every single coutnry in the world operates under these conditions, otherwise, whatchu gonna do when you need insane tons of steel but no iron mines in your country, and they're all under capitalistic ones, or the price they decide is too high?

At the end of the day you'll run into the exact same issues and fall into the same problems, jsut like it has happened in history already.
The only real solution for comunism is to "stay small" like Cuba did, but good luck with that given it also means you're open to anyone who did not decide to be small.
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based and based
lots but I pilot a Vanguard as my flagship because FAST and TOUGH.
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wild to think that crazy sonofabitch actually did it.
water collectors for roofs
>like Cuba did
Cuba is still being embargo'd, lol. It "stays small" because of economic terrorism committed by the US.
Nice difficulty curve but his captains are all mostly useless reckless anime looking shits that I just rape and give to my breeder farms.

the Kassadar Onslaught is worth a look though since you can stick 6 Annihilators on it
>Mah waste
What is logistics?
There's more than enough resources in the universe, means fuck all if you can't access them. Same deal with food, it spoils. Commies are abject retards.
Last time I played I couldn't stop using Paragon with 4x Tachyons. Yes, I know I'm a shitter. How do I fix this?
>futa total conversion
It costs more to organize destruction and disposal than opening the gates and letting people come and take it. You have been indoctrinated to worship your would be executioners and you don't even notice it. Even as you are dragged down into abject poverty and powerlessness, you worship the system that's been designed to drain you of life.
>letting people come and take it
You don't see any issues with doing this?
Jesus, no wonder anons at /vst/ are calling them modniggers.
>free things are le bad...because they are!
That's a wonderful strawman anon but a trip to your average corn maze would being to point out the basic logistical issues with "le come pick it up yourself"
Put plasma cannons on them instead
We've gone full circle, I see, because you have no argument.
> opening the gates and letting people come and take it.
>"here, take these things that are about to be thrown out"
>"hey, i ate that thing and got sick, i'm gonna sue"
also an absolutely hilarious take by you, because i lived in a commie country and it absolutely fucking sucked. are you an american zoomer by any chance?
Had potential, but like many eternal early access games never lived or will live up to it
>basic skeleton of the combat is good but the AI is retarded and there's an artifical limit on how much you can command them (lol)
>supply system means you are literally not allowed to bring your whole battlefleet into battle most of the time, while the AI can do whatever it wants
>AI fleets magically spawn out of nowhere instead of being tied to the economy and shipbuilding facilities as in X
>the art/story guy thinks he's god's gift to fiction and refuses to allow the game to do anything that would bypass his fanfic tier writing (so the only way any kind of invasion/capture mechanic can be implemented is through mods and will never mesh well with the rest of the game)
>thanks to the above, the colony system is in a weird half-baked state where your colonies are the only way that politics can change in the entire galaxy despite the fact that your faction can never have true agency (because all relations are frozen and tied to the story)
>mentioned earlier, but it's worth emphasising just how abysmal the writing and character art is
Just stick to Warband
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I'm actually not >>683791586
the point being not only the production but hosting the people that come and cleaning up after them has a cost. It's not simply "go pick it yourself" but someone has to do the work of growing, there is a logistical cost to transporting people to the farm versus food to the market and you've clearly considered none of it. Homesteaders have more of an argument than you, your argument is more void than vacuum.
varya sector used to have expanding colonizing factions with ability to insert extra factions spawning if you wanted
Embrace the Conquest. It's like wielding akimbo SMGs and holding off an entire fleet of enemies shooting left and right. Keep them on auto-aim and use X to stop firing when necessary to avoid overloading. Only need to manually fire missiles, if you want them. Not necessary at all.

I'd use the Victory but I dont remember what mod it was in.
>AI is retarded
I think the ship AI is pretty impressive given that you can hand them arbitrary ship configurations and they'll usually do a decent job.
>i'm gonna sue
It's hilarious how your example lacks any contextual consistency and falls apart upon the slightest bit of scrutiny. Sue with what? Someone that seeks to get food for free is not likely to sue you for food poisoning. And if you are so afraid of litigation baiting, then have those accepting the handouts sign a waiver that frees the distributor of responsibility for any harm caused.
>because i lived in a commie country
You being four years old when the Soviet Union collapsed doesn't mean that you lived in a communist country, you lived in an apocalyptic fallout of a people believing westerners lies. Unless you lived in China, which isn't communist. I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt here.

There's a logistics cost to everything, but let's not pretend that there's no cost to disposal, transportation to landfill and safe disposal sites, especially when it comes to food that has already been packaged and delivered. Capitalists are indoctrinated into hating giving things away to his fellow man, because that would mean making megacorporations less powerful.
>updates are glacial, there's one guy doing programming on it and half of his updates in any given year seem to be reworking the skill point system for the 20th time (which presumably takes an afternoon of altering variables)
>but let's not pretend that there's no cost to disposal
We're talking about farms anon not factories in production without demand. "Let the Land Rest and Lie Fallow" If you really gave a shit when it came to food you would advocate for fresher food with less preservatives and pesticides to reduce the diseases we produce from sup standard heavily packaged and processed foods that make us generally ill, instead of advocating for free shit food.
>Someone that seeks to get food for free is not likely to sue you for food poisoning.
lmao are you daft? there are people in america living out of suing people left and right and doing nothing else
> have those accepting the handouts sign a waiver that frees the distributor of responsibility for any harm caused.
you can't sign away your rights, also
>no you totally didn't live in a commie country, okay!
keep dreaming about your commie utopia, kid. i had to hold my mother crying her eyes out fearing the state police would shoot my dad just for being a firefighter while the whole country was on martial law, but believe what fairy tale you wanna believe
>I mean fascism and Naziism are pretty close bedfellows
nazizm are close to zionism german edition
fascism is closer to socialism med edition
Wake me up when it's done.
I was not talking about farms, it's a strawman you've created so you could win the argument. Few have the means to reach outlying farmlands that contain raw produce.
>If you really gave a shit when it came to food you would advocate for fresher food with less preservatives and pesticides to reduce the diseases we produce from sup standard heavily packaged and processed foods that make us generally ill, instead of advocating for free shit food.
You can do both.
it's at 0.97 right now so what you see is basically what you'll get when it's finished (unlikely to be very different at that point)
>I was not talking about farms
>talking about food production ahs nothing to do with farms
>it's a strawman

>You can do both.
you can if it's not merely a talking a point for why capitalism bad
You say that but we've had major overhauls to the skill system in a 0.01 version bump
I'm waiting for .991, .992, .993, etc
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Ah, thanks - I'd assumed it would be a sandbox start by default for these games, do people really care about the story?
I mean I'd agree with you that Zionism is close to Nazism in that they're both ethno-supremacist projects with settler colonialism as a feature.
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almost had me with that one anon
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>try rapesector because everyone says keeps sucking it off and how it supposedly fixes memory issues that the normal TNP has
>go to Qaras
>mfw I see a "Breeding Facility" with some anime girl in it
I don't know what I expected.
>Ah, thanks - I'd assumed it would be a sandbox start by default for these games, do people really care about the story?
See: >>683792096
>>>the art/story guy thinks he's god's gift to fiction and refuses to allow the game to do anything that would bypass his fanfic tier writing (so the only way any kind of invasion/capture mechanic can be implemented is through mods and will never mesh well with the rest of the game)
Cool, i'll still wait for 1.0 tho.
NGO sucked (and still sucks) ass and Ahne was a retarded sperg. Simple as.
interesting use of Cerberus
>Vayra's sector
>Hasn't been updated for years
>This anon somehow hasn't heard of Nexerelin
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that is old patch when you could buff their armor with officers and before chaingun nerf
most losses were from them hugging enemy and dying in their explosion
>>This anon somehow hasn't heard of Nexerelin
I have, see the post in question
>the only way any kind of invasion/capture mechanic can be implemented is through mods and will never mesh well with the rest of the game
"Anons" on /vst/ are for the most part discordfaggots themselves though.
The only thing you should do with this game's community is not to engage with it at all.
What, how would you do invasions and capture different than Nexerelin?
I'd like it if the combat didn't feel like bumpercars. The range on everything is just too low. I think that's why phase ships end up being so OP. They can actually maneuver into favorable positions. Slow long range ships cant' stand off because there's basically no such thing as standoff range.
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its kind of shit desu
I used a bunch of them, the only tolerable ones are those which just add vanilla-esque ships which are usually slightly to significantly worse than vanilla roster
bigbeans was fun though, the buttplug looking ship with frontal armor did serious work
>Bumpercars and no range
This is why pathers are superior.
The point isn't the implementation, it's that the rest of the game being actively developed is being designed around a narrative experience and not a psuedo-4x, so a lot of things in the game are deeply abstracted (ex. economics) or otherwise designed in a way that takes away from brute forcing faction control changes to turn it into one (ex. invasions being designed as small raids, supply system encouraging smaller fleets, lack of depth in relations and diplomacy)
I did like 4 years ago.
And it's still pretty much exactly in the same state. Because the promise of something down the line is more enticing than the actual product. Some obvious marketing thread appears from time to time just like this one to make sure the suckers get roped in and buy it.

Good business model. It's like the evolution of those porn games from Patreon that get 5 renders and go from version 0.1.2a to 0.1.2b in a year's time.
*takes all of the free stuff and offers a handsome share to some people to defend it by force*
no worries bro I'll let you have some... for a price
>obvious marketing thread for a free game
*The guy who made the game doesn't give a shit if you share CD keys.
i was kind of interested in the game when i heard about it being in development, this thread refresehed my memory but i see some odd controversy about mods? Is there anywhere i can go to read up on the last few years of information on the game and the controversy before i decide to pick the game up?
im assuming i just have to stay mod free if there is some strangeness coming on
So should I go with Starsector or M&B for a first timer to big army battles game?
At the moment most of the poz is locked away on the dicksord. The evidence of it is still on the forums however, but links to the pozzed mods are removed by the game's author.
M&B first. You cannot go above a certain amount of ships without suffering a penalty.
I spend most of my gameplay piloting a Vanguard with 5 Light Dual MG so I get the basic idea.
Rogue Like Evoution has been getting updates tho, maybe it will be finished in 20 years
Starsector isn't built around big army battles, you usually only take a few ships. M&B is a totally different thing altogether with massive combined armies and city/castle defenses etc
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do you like my fleet?
im working on autopiloting it and so far its pretty damn good. a few more decked conquests and i'll be able to coast through red beacon systems
i think increasing all weapon range by a 100 or 200 would do a great thing
>should I go with some random 2d flashgame 5 people care about or the super popular and beloved game that basically created the genre for others to copy
yeah tough choice
Such a shame that the AI is retarded when it comes to the hardpoint missiles on Conquests.
so no obvious history, alright ill look into it on old forums when i have some free time.
Thanks for the input though.
>before i decide to pick the game up
it's like three dudes making the game at a glacial pace. good game but don't expect frequent updates. play vanilla for free with Sseth's CD key to see if you like the core gameplay and then download mods that look cool. no mods currently hosted on the forum have the weird shit that caused the drama you've heard about.
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>game that basically created the genre for others to copy
>nobody coping it
what are the must have mods for this game also
how viable is only playing with one ship
this retard needs to put it on steam. i bought it like 15 years ago and i dont even want to think about trying to find/claim it again. fuck him
Is controlling big ships practical? I remember in X3 you basically just wanted heavy fighters until they added Corvettes then you just wanted Corvettes.
Ah, so it's the same for X4 as for Starsector?
I'll be honest I don't mind it as much in SS since you have a degree of freedom over your character like the portrait and name and such
>buying an unfinished game because of an eceleb
Case in point, ecelebs are cancer promoting bad sales practices.

M&B. Starsector's battles are tiny and tactics are almost non existent.
Mount and blade it is then, thanks frens
>put it on steam so your lazy ass gets obliterated and the game gets overwhelmingly negative reviews, alienating potential buyers
>keep it only in your local hugbox so you can pocket the money without working, none of the new buyers are the wiser
no shit they don't do the former
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it was a lot of fun, still is
Not quite, since the statics in the X games are your appearance and starting position (e.g. your circumstances), whereas in Star Sector the statics are everything except your appearance and starting position.
so far i'm enjoying the squalls and they pair well with the ITU mjolnirs. even the most aggressive remnant ships are scared of getting too close
>i think increasing all weapon range by a 100 or 200 would do a great thing
I'm using various mods to boost my Vanguard Light Dual MGs to over 1K, maybe 1.4K range and it shreds shields and small craft.
if you have exotic technology mod from that fag try the equalizer core on the small mg and other short range weapons and see what you think of it

>Case in point, ecelebs are cancer promoting bad sales practices.
I'm sorry you're bad at the game anon
Conquests are neat but I always feel like if you're arming both sides with large hard points you end up low on free OP. It almost feels like it's built to have one wing be fully kitted out for broadsides and the other have a bunch of medium/small PD.
I'm shallow though so the appearance is one of the more important parts for me. I don't like playing as a premade character.
Nothing to worry about in regards to mods at least for now. Most of the drama shit is locked away in discord servers, the recent fiasco was an outlier.
Just download what you want and you'll be fine.
I thought Nia Tahl is a woman?
>how viable is only playing with one ship
It's not viable at all unless you use some weird modded OP ship or the fancy boss ship, and even then it'll be difficult because of CR.
It would have to be a mid grade Cargo Hauler, maybe a Mule, and you need to avoid all fights.
>Game finally gets out of alpha stage in the future
>Can't wait to see it go from 0.97a to 1.0
>New blog post from dev
>Read it
I would kill myself.
you want to play them like onslaughts. line holders that face forward and deliver their firepower in a full 280 arc. they have great flux stats and you absolutely dont need to put PD into every slot. the standard broadside/devastator pd build is fine but really unnecessary given that most large ballistics are long range weapons ideal for long range sniping. seriously 5 of these in a line are brutal and against remnants that mostly use 6-700 range energy weapons they rake in the kills
>Do not play without
The one that makes the game use java 23. Twice the fps, no memory leaks, fast saving times.How in the flying fuck have I been playing without it for years.

>Makes the game more game
Nexerelyn, altho I tweak it to my tastes since default settings are a bit autistic and chaotic.

>Were it not for balance you'd think they're official
Industrial Evolution
Random Assortment of Things
Ashes of the Domain
Terraforming and station control

All great but some weird or dumb decisions here and there. Overall broken and on the stronger side but hot damn to they make space exploration more engaging.

>personal preference
Unknown skies
Fleet size by DP
Perilious expanse
Ruthless sector
Thalan shipworks (fuck Legio)
Any non-faction specific ship/weapon pack
Quality Captains
Better tech-mining (not really necessary if you use expeditions from Rats)
Superweapons arsenal

And not viable at all, sorry. I don't even know how yo make frigate/destroyer only runs work.
That's what he thinks too.
>one wing be fully kitted out for broadsides and the other have a bunch of medium/small PD
That has occurred to me too but I refuse to do it because I hate asymmetrical ships (I have never flown the Odyssey)
you'll just get annoyed playing with no logistics ships so i assume you mean just playing with one combat ship?
it's actually perfectly viable, especially if you go high tech. if you get skilled enough at piloting an aurora or odyssey you can go quite far
space truckers is a kino film to watch with your dad
>discord sekret club discussion
>modders says he doesn't upload to github because the file is over 25mb
>"Why not upload it to mediafire or gofile then?"
>no reply

Keke every time. But the worst of all are the ones that don't even put anything in the forum post, just a discord link.
Shouldn't that be a bannable offense btw? Discord links with no dl ones on a forum. You're technically promoting another page and/or dividing the community for no reason.
I can't stop putting all my officers into ArmA frigates.
I'm glad that I don't interact with the community on any level deeper than randoms on 4chan. If I see a link like that, the mod doesn't exist to me. 95% of starsector mods are crappy ship packs that are poorly balanced, anyway. I still end up using vanilla ships.
>take that one super speshul background from LOST_SECTOR
>automate all my cataphracts and put AI cores in them
>give them SO and lead them in my own cataphract
aww yea it's nineball tiem
Probably the smartest thing you can do for this game to be honest.
>java 23
what fucking witchcraft is this?
I thought we were only on java 8
This simply isn't true. The reason why invasion/capture will never be added is that it contradict's Alex's design philosophy. Everything in the game must either encourage players to do fleet combat or help players upgrade their fleets so they can do more fleet combat. That's what the game is about and everything else is just a sideshow, whether it's plot elements, or exploration, or whatever.
This. There's maybe 3 ship/weapon mods I ever use because they integrate well with base game aesthetics and balance. Everything else blatantly looks out of place and is balanced via modder arms race.
I played everything M&B like first and then played starsector looking for more of that taste.
It's a shallow puddle compared to X4/Kenshi/M&B or any other open-world-squad-management game
Nice, I should try them again. I'm too much of a sap for Onslaughts - filling almost every slot with PD/flak, putting on shield shunt and heavy armour, then just using the TPCs and sabots in the missile slots as my weapons.
>(I have never flown the Odyssey)
Fair, it looks like a turd painted silver. I refuse to use ships I don't like the look of.
>The one that makes the game use java 23
which bone it is?
this is why you disable it in the settings since most of that mod is actually good stuff
also buckbreakers just in case some shit slips into your game anyways
I'd enjoy a lot of mods if they didn't have anime girls in them really.
To me that's more egregious and kills the tone and immersion more than any potato, magic or multiculturalism in a medieval setting could.
It's in the "modding" section rather than mods, hence why it's not oon the main lsit.
Holy fuck, it made a difference for me. I used to need to save and reopen the game every 30 min, but now I don't need to anymore.

The game frooze a couple times but compared to old leaks? Nothing that comes close. Enjoy.
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>tee hee, play game I tell you!
How do I lowtech? I always end up gravitating towards high tech stuff due better flux and beams, but I wanna do a pirate run someday.
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>strip shields
>dakka all the time
I already have but alright I'll play some more.

Looks like shit compared to SS, sorry.
Capitalism encourages cutting corners, because it has no ideological underline other than making as much money as possible as quickly as possible. It is inhuman as a system. We as a species formed communes and achieved prosperity only when we came together to accomplish our goals. All that we have that is good was made so in spite of it and not because of it and now it as it has reached critical mass it is getting in the way of progress, innovation and betterment of mankind. See companies telling you openly that curing diseases is not profitable and keeping mankind diseased is more beneficial for their bottom line. Or delaying the advent of digital cameras because they wanted to keep selling film cameras.
Same thing. Yes, there are trannies about anywhere moderators exist. Just press the download button and enjoy the game. Why would you let online trannies dictate which games to enjoy?
this is just not true. maybe this is something that pertains specifically to starsector, but otherwise, FUCK no. where were you for the dwarf fortress release? dudes are flush with dosh now homie
starsector has far superior combat and ecomony and... well pretty much everything really.
it's just about the theming. do you enjoy medieval times or sci-fi space more? both are good games, though M&B is janky af in the current year. but in an endearing, easily exploitable way. starsector is more like a real game.
The dev explicitly told them to fuck off with their bullshit, which caused them to melt down and quit forums.
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>dekulaks you
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If you enjoy medieval/low fantasy play battle brothers
im hoping cosmoteer guy can pull off a decent economy.
True, the worst offender is Iron Shell in my opinion. But luckily enough that's one of the things you can fix yourself since one guy released a Starsector LoRa.
>Terraforming and station control
lmao installing boggled mods
None. Just some UI mods. The ship and faction mods are for people who spend a hundred hours arguing about trannies on 4chan and discord and end up launching the game for 15 minutes only to check if the mods work. People who play the game play it close to vanilla.
Battle Brothers is cool and I enjoyed it quite a bit, but the RNG makes me pull my hair out
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I never see pic related mentioned in any thread of these kind of games. I enjoyed it but felt it was a bit lackluster, altho that was before the DLC.

Played it years ago, should give it another shot. I enjoyed it a lot but was getting rekt.
I wish Wartales wasn't so damn repetitive, I enjoyed it, but I couldn't keep playing it all the way. The exploration and puzzle content was far more enjoyable than the endless grindy battles and a hilariously stupid relationship system where a guy wants to fuck his dog because he got buffs from it.
wartales is a complete piece of shit and falls apart entirely after 5 hours
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What a bunch of jerks.
I completely bounce off this game, selling anything to pirates is really hard and the combat has limited commands so I can't even use tactics to win like mountain blade
Am I supposed to kill everything myself or just have a fuckhueg fleet?
Absolute retard.
if you are autistic enough, try x4
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>selling anything to pirates is really hard
Just stealth mode?

>Am I supposed to kill everything myself or just have a fuckhueg fleet?
Both. You need a decent sized fleet and your own character is qutie an important piece in any battle, both for the skills aviable and direct control of the ship.
i am pretty sure that capitalism is unsustainable in long run, global capitalism especially
chasing of profits lead us to factories being outsourced to produce garbage that break just after guarantee expire and people consooming shit that only hurt both people and society
if you get fucked purely because of rng you made a strategic mistake by figting risky fight you shouldnt be doing, there are people who beat this game on highest difficulty/no money/ with beggars on ironman
It's not particularly complex just extremely grindy and time consuming. Everything is a fucking chore in that game, you can't even insta dock like you used to in X3.
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you are expected to get good fleet builds and yes use your piloted ship to get advantage and blow ship
That's the current model of it, "growth capitalism", which is one that adapts any strategy that brings profit because growth is the msot improtant thing now. This model can work in post-war or catastrophes as, while harsh, it makes economy go brrrr and makes it faster to raise a nation again. Issue with it, as you said, is that it assumes that growth is possible, therefore infinite resources and not caring about consequences like trash or pollution.
Now we're starting to see the tipping point where the consequences are coming to bite us in the ass, but nobody wants to get of the horse because it means losing stuff or making less profit. And that includes both small and big companies, because the reality is that regardless of what people says they prefer, everyone and I really mean everyone benefits or reached this far thanks to capitalism or services in it, and losing them in favor of securing livehood and education for everyone does not fly for those who already have all these or earned it themselves.
X4 is cool at times but it has a core problem of the combat (especially fighter level stuff) just not being very fun
>supply system means you are literally not allowed to bring your whole battlefleet into battle most of the time, while the AI can do whatever it wants

This is false though. The AI has the same DP limiting system.
Playing with so many mods made me forget how easy vanilla is in comparison, damn.
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Why is chatgpt posting about capitalism? Electronic Djinns must be destroyed.
that's a communist. much like chatgpt it has been programmed to thoughtlessly repeat cia propaganda, but unlike chatgpt which is plain spoken, it does that thing where every word is shifted a step 'up' with a thesaurus
Electronic Djinns(funded by capital) were used to outsource you shitposting
soon they will take over your neetbux too
Cherish your youth and innocence, demons will try to strip it from you
M&B warband>M&B warband with mods> Starsector>bannerlord
in that order would be the optimal experience, warband really is just a masterpiece that I'm surprised not a single game has managed to even compare to despite it being so fucking old.
Sigma Matter Engineering
RNG is complete ass but as long as you are willing to accept losses you can play around RNG very well with game knowledge. High difficulty iron man battle brothers is an autism simulator I have spent hundreds of hours on
The enemy fleet always gets a clear advantage in numbers though, assuming equal fleet sizes on the field they'll have more DP.
Cute anime girl. Speaking of DP, imagine DPing her with two hoses plugged into her pussy and ass pumping her full of antimatter fuel until she's swollen to the size of a Prometheus, then using her as a torpedo and launching her at the enemy fleet, her holes jetting out excess AM as thrust, until she makes contact and explodes like a miniature sun
>M&B warband
i could never get into it, its looks so barren and boring, whenever i watch gameplay its some fag abusing retarded ai doing tedious repetitive run by solo winning 1v50
I enjoy it but I wish warband had a decent (singleplayer) pike and shot mod to play. With Fire & Sword uses the original M&B and looks even more dated.
When's Junk Pirates coming back?
How do I into system defense? Tri-tach is after me profits and my patrol fleets are too small to get them to fuck off.
If your fleet is strong enough to take on battlestations you should be able to defend the system against anything. Except for the crisis, you'll need more ships for those.
What about the Imperium of Man isn't fascist?
Can you even describe fascism?
Yeah, I dont hang out on the shitcord anymore but when I did Nia was never one of the insufferable ones. Vayra and Dragn are absolute fucktards (and either women or trannies) Damon was just an idiot. Yuithemodder is also a woman and a retarded progressive feminist piece of work who manages a low tech mod that is fucking broken as hell. Never heard of Boggled but unsurprised that someone was ipharvesting.

Soren (Harmfulmechanic on the forums, french guy who made Magellan and DME) was actually pretty cool. Never had a problem with him outside of general snobbishness. I also very much like his mods and their aesthetic so it was really annoying when he nuked their threads. I missed whatever drama kicked him out.
>watches some faggot abusing the game
>yeah this game is not fun
do you also watch speedrunners playing any game before playing it? m&b is fun only when you are the one playing it nigger because the whole point of the game is doing what YOU want in its open world. not what some bug abusing speed trooner
>real capitalism hasn't been tried before
based ESchad. Its not, but that game is great. 349 best ship.
i played it, i think it's pretty good, but i still lost interest kind of quickly
I really liked building out my fleet but I always felt like I couldn't control my ships as well as i wanted in combat and just watching the AI play it out for me wasn't enough for me
Gensou, UAF, Tahlan, VIC, DME, Magellan, Sunrider, Diable, Imperium, FTL, UNSC. I add and remove a lot of others, but I tend to keep these ones enabled all the time. To this day Tokiko's recruitment mission is my favorite that I have seen any mod maker do.
Say what you will. I saw his video, thought, hey that sounds like a good time, got the game and have hundreds of hours on it. Thanks Sseth. Video was pretty good too. Your drg video sucks dick though.
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Talkin my language there partner.
does rapesector let me rape male officers yet?
I wish the game did more to ket you join sn existing faction instead of the focus being on ultimately creating your own. High reputation and lots of character connections should earn rank or maybe even governance over planets. I don't love exploring and wish there were more settled systems with a focus on war and diplomacy.
>java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading [data\strings\com\fs\starfarer\api\impl\campaign\you can hear it cant you\our whispers through the void\our song\graphics\hullmods\zea_edf_amabuff.png] resource, not found
ffs stop trying to be unnecessarily quirky with your mod file structure
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hell yeah brother
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no thanks im good
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Can someone redpill me on this fucking game? Can I flavor my character with choices? Are the various population hubs interesting and have a character or two I can talk to. When I'm traveling from one place to another am I able to open a realtime menu for music/news/economic info? Are there factions and how? If this game is like a Kenshi/Starsector then I'll look into it.
play x3 terran conflict instead
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My post is one of the more informative replies to this post. First of all, you either enjoy it or you don't like Kenshi. Second of all, it's okay to "be done" with the game. Like all games that are too highbrow for normies, the second a non-normie "gets" the meta it hampers enjoyment. It's fun and good it takes a while to get the meta of Starsector but once you do you can never get poor, never be on a backpedal. And that's okay. What the game needs is revitalization of characters and npc questlines. I've played Corruption of Champions. There are more characters, with slightly more involved questlines, than fucking Starsector. Starsector, being a text game half of the time, could obviously have fun and interesting ways to get lore and inject rpg mechanics into the game. Hell, can't believe I just thought of this, you could have a separate part of the game that deals with your captain and his traits and skills. If you do pirate negotiations and you have to shoot your way out before they inevitably doublecross you, be prepared to be strong enough to gun your way out and slice through their terminals or be imprisoned for a time a la Mount and Blade. The game's dev cycle is basically done. It's been out for around a decade and made the lion's share of its sales. I would not be opposed to a Starsector 2 that is what everyone wants. Imagine Starsector 2, but a live little radio like Fallout/Stalker detailing what's going on in the sector in real time? Would be kino.
just like how in mount and blade you do not want to just get a huge army because it will cost you a bunch of money and still suck, starsector is about finding your preferred early game gimmick and exploiting that and then steamrolling.

Like mount and blade the fun is that early game gimmickry
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Where the fuck is the new update? It's been 8 months since 0.97 and the development has been pretty steady up until now.
Some modders are some of the weirdest fucking people possible. Just the rude autism. Crazy.
first time waiting for update?

look at the upload date
None because it's all non-canon and feels weird. I find the best in class for size ships/weapons and go from there.
What is star sector????
Is the UC Gundam mod still dead?
Has Alex realised games should be fun yet or is he still nerfing the fuck out of all the ships and planets and skills and weapons and everything?
the only ship you can play "solo" with is the hyperion, and you still have to have multiple copies of it that you jump to once your combat readiness runs out so you might as well just deploy everything and finish the battle much more quickly
I think there is quite a bit of gameplay by immediately signing a contract with a faction and having to deal with all the issues that come with your side randomly declaring war. It is just that even with a commission, to up your standings to benefit from it you need to do a ton of things which means you will be printing money which means there is no reason to be commissioned anymore.
Based and patrician taste.
imagine her cute indignant noises as she bloats to ludicrous size, packed to her limits with AM - her lewd moans as she flies towards the enemy fleet -and the final pleasured gasp as she impacts the flagship and her body bulges out before detonating like a Planet Killer
Who is she by the way?
>Who is she by the way?
Sephira Conclave
Thank you anon
Yeah, the game is in desperate need of questlines. CoC is not a bad comparison point. It has a very shitty and easy to break stat system that would be boring as fuck if it didn't have all these quests and NPCs to interact with.
>Is controlling big ships practical?
Not a long time player (90+ hours of playtime) but I've read that you want to pilot one of the biggest ships in the game because its got a fuck-off huge laser cannon.
The combat is fun. The setting and exploration are OK. The story can bite me, it goes nowhere.
No but usually it only takes 6-8 months to get a new patch, this is the longest stretch I can remember and I don't think it's coming in August either by what I've seen either.
I refuse to buy a game with devs that allow their modders to act like absolute moronic faggots. Fuck off and buy an ad
Already did, thrice. Best 200 hours of vidya in recent memory. Waiting for next update. It will add configurable autosaves when I haven't saved in a long time so I don't lose an hour of progress every ~10 hours and get forced to walked I away from the computer for the night lest I have a gamer moment.

Also some other stuff of course, better performance, etc, but mainly I'm looking forward to autosaves.
I still think you're subhuman scum but I'll at least tell you there's a mod that adds basically infinite-range combat if you think that would somehow improve your enjoyment.
Thing is that Star Sector is done as far as combat, money and stats is concerned. This is the point where all updates should be quests and story, not "Added pungazor ship, edited gunzord turret damage to be .0001% lower". Ar this point it's like having a platformer where you can jump, but no stages to actually jump through. And then the dev spends every update fucking with how high you can jump.
Will it ever have formations AI? My AI controlled ships keep dying because they chase enemies too much.
Not him but I do think it's silly that the game has semi-newtonian physics, so you can be drifting in one direction (having got up to zero-flux speed) and then by firing your weapons suddenly your ship slows down even if no thrusters are firing.
More ships are cool, but Alex should focus on fleshing out other parts of the game.
I know someone who unironically plays the entire game without ever controlling his own ship. He's a source of endless confusion for me in general but I think this specific case might be the worst.

I get that there's a learning curve, and flux management is a real balancing act even for a good player, but a human-piloted ship can solo whole fleets sometimes so it's not a surprise to me that he finds the game difficult and not very enjoyable. He did - somehow - actually "finish" it once though. Doritos and all.
Is there a good beginner's guide to playing this, I tried playing it for a bit but it's pretty fucking impenetrable
Give rappsector link please
I'm waiting on that exact patch you're talking about because I know it's been the bulk of their work, but god damn it's taking a long time.
Did they improve the "world" map interaction? What stopped me playing was how boring microing the fleet if you didn't want to just face tank all the void storms are whatever they are called.
There's a reason the double ship control hull mod costs a fuck ton of OP and skill points. The player is just that strong.
I always just played it like an RTS and did well enough.
I normally dislike AI slop but I make an exception for AI generated anime girls. Not (just) because I'm a rampant coomer but also because their mass generated impersonal nature makes them hotter in a weird way.
they're fun to imagine exploding for that reason
Faction disputes are now resolved by rap battles and space ship dance offs
just look it up dude its on github
>devs that allow their modders
happened with gshade too
nta but cosmoteer is a completely different game
>We as a species formed communes and achieved prosperity only when we came together to accomplish our goals.
The first farmers were slaves retard and farming was the prerequisite for organizing on a level greater than small hunter gatherer communes. There's no way to have your society and not be miserable without some kind of buffer between you and the monopoly on force a functional governmental system will possess like a free market to at least give you a chance of not becoming an uneducated muckraker drone serf, where you're compensated for your contribution with freedom in the form of currency.

Its the only way we've found to do that in accordance with natural law. It might be free range slavery, but its better than burning piles of dead uppity slaves as an example to the other slaves kind of slavery. There would be absolutely nothing stopping a communist or fascist regime from genocide whenever its convenient to do so and so far that's exactly whats happened every time. You think it'll be enlightened, and maybe with the right leader for a short time it would, but its human nature to dominate, oppress and slaughter each other. When we do not, that is a rare exception to the rule.
>To me that's more egregious and kills the tone and immersion more than any potato, magic or multiculturalism in a medieval setting could.
What are you talking about, transhumanists are already the biggest plague humankind ever had to deal with and right now we can't really do much with human body, do you really think in few hundreds years these retards won't turn half of population into man made horrors?
If space game doesn't have shit like furries, "anime girls" or dudes that looks like some ben 10 shit that's what immersion breaking because these freaks will be everywhere in the future.
The only real solo ship, with no support or logistics ships, is the Prometheus mk2.
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If you're willing to use mods: download the Bigbeans Ship Compilation. In that you will find the Nadir class exploration ship.
It is a BIG DONUT, and basically the closest thing I've found to an Enterprise D type. As a solo ship you'll have plenty of range on not that much fuel; with the right weapons and hull mods it can be good at self-defense, as well.
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Last update 2022.
damn, it looks really cool too.
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all I do is tramp trade and smuggle shit around the sector in a heavily modified but beat to shit Hound
I have millions f credits but I have never bought a new ship or started a colony
I beaten this game multiple times. I never smuggle. I just get a commission and kill the ships of the enemy factions. Then I explore. Then I set up 1-5 colonies. Colonies are trivially easy now with the new crisis system. It used to be you had to set up in a fortress system because factions never stopped sending fleets. Now you can basically peace out everyone.

Anyway, I find early game combat and fleet building the best part of this game. My favorite flag ships are asymmetric conquest with gauss cannons and safety-overide aurora with heavy blasters. The later is actually insanely good but also very risky. First fleet: 1 Conquest, 4 Eagles, 3 Herons, 4 Sunders, 4 Centurions. Second fleet: 1 Paragon, 4 Auroras, 4 Hyperions.

Cruisers are probably the best overall ship for the AI. With the recent buffs to the Eagle, the AI performs very well. Frigates/Destroyers get clapped very easily while Capitals waffle about too much. Carriers are very meh at the moment IMHO.

Finally, I'm really burnt out on most mods including Nex. Most mod factions are OP as fuck and/or stuffed to the gills with anime, waifus, etc. Nex was fun the first few playthroughs but I've really grown tired of the endless invasion fleets. Overall, most mods clash a lot with the vanilla feel of the game.
I think its solid but it gets repetitive. The class variety isnt THAT great, and balance is too wonky for a lot of potential builds to be worth doing. Its decent but anything b ut basically rushing the main story will probably result in a person droppinbg it before they finish.
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It's basically Eve Offline, but with space legs. Best single player sandbox with real time economy, faction wars, aliens, etc. Economy and building trade empire is the main focus. Space jew simulator as we call it.
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>Nazi modders
>Make mods about rape and genocide and flags with friendship windmills

>Tranny modders
>Impersonate defunct modders
>Dox people
>Upload malware

And they claim we're the unhinged ones
Symptoms of bigger stick diplomacy removing the layers of interesting decisions. The moment you get the aforementioned bigger stick, it's the best option you have. And you can hardly blame starsector when so much of the game revolves around ship combat and getting better ships.
Plus, frankly, it's kind of just how naval power struggles actually work. I'm not even sure how you could go about "fixing" it
Is that a new ship with an update or a mod addon for the mod by someone else?
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>Playing Starsector past 0.65.2a
Well, you could add incentives for non-combat solutions, but stuff like "give me money and we wont fight" isn't going to be better than losing no money and getting rewards from fighting. Another point to make is that if you disincentivize combat you're disincentivizing progression and a lot of playstyles in a big way. I dunno how to fix it either, other than slowing player progression and increasing the upper end of what the AI can throw at you. Like you said, it's just the natural conclusion of having more power.
>give me money and we wont fight
But that's how the real world works too. Diplomacy is performative for the little people. Behind the scenes its just bribes. Like when Hillary sold half our uranium stockpile to russia so they wouldn't use crimea as a staging area to invade ukraine yet.

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