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She is.

Wuk Lamat is voiced by new talent, shes basically someone that worked with SE but has no big roles she has C tier roles in B tier anime. Ayaka Shimoyamada. She was also Mappingway.

Zoraal Ja - Daisuke Ono is A+ tier maybe even S hes the Black Buttler and a lot of other girl stuff that they love one of the brothers in Osomatsu, Smith in Attack on Titan, Joutarou "JoJo" Kuujou, Fafnir. Hes totally wasted on the role of Zoraal Ja what a shit character that does nothing and is nothing.

Sphene is Lynn so let's say a A- voice actress. Probably the most expensive one in Dawntrail.
Cahciua is Sayuri Yahagi but shes older so I don't think shes as expensive and her top roles are now 10 years behind.

Who else is there

Erenville - Rikuya Yasuda also a mostly nobody majority of roles are Male student C etc...
Gulool Ja Ja - Kenichirou Matsuda hes what I'd say B tier, his current most famous one is the dog from Spy X Family hes not bad but not A tier or S tier

I can't say they spent a lot of money on the big guys now.
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Wuk's VA voiced Cinder Carla in AC6
anon you're replying to here, ayy thanks for the reply I was genuinely curious. I know fuck all about the JP VA industry, any info you have is good.
I don't recognize any of those characters
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will she ever be invited to another media tour zeplasisters?
I just realized that Wuk Lamat manages to be an even worse Paimon.
Zepla actually likes Paimon which makes it funnier
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Well if they want to remain relevant in the West they need to remedy the dismal writing and voice actors that were prominent in Dawntrail.
Wuk Lamat is the obvious one, but most of the Texas zone the VAs were very anime quailty that is to say bottom of the barrel not bad, nothing stand out but not good either, serviceable. Erenvilles mother was also voiced badly not sure how that one got by from what I've seen it makes no sense to me because she voiced Krile's mother as well I need to check up on that and if it's true then that really makes no sense to me given Krile's mother sounded fine, very good and sounded like the mother of Krile but Erenville's mother did not at all sound like his mother nor did she emote well, it sounded like she was reading her lines flat.

Good VA's for Dawntrail were Galuul Ja Ja, Zarool Ja Sarool Ja, Bakool Ja Ja, Koana. Koana and Bakool are the stand outs but the VA for Koana is a massive political activist on twitter and the game does not need that at all. Shame because he is talented and he was one of the only new characters in Dawntrail who I was interested in not in small part thanks to his VA.
Who does she voice in XIV? Hagimura a cute
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>Main Theme
>Main Theme (Instrumental)
>Main Theme (Big City - Night)
>Main Theme (Field Battle)
>Main Theme (Small City)
>Main Theme (Event - Sad City)
>Main Theme (Event - Happy)
>Main Theme (Event - Wistful)
>Main Theme (Event - Bad Things)
>Main Theme (Mid Dungeon Boss)
>Main Theme (Dungeon Boss)
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I was so fucking mad we didn't get an option to pick a character to hang out with. I was so happy when they promised me a Krile expansion
>make a vtumor board
>don't make a general eceleb board
dumbass mods
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>In fight as Viper and only have Bloodbath and Second wind as self sustains
>Take damage already use both my role abilities to heal because of previous mechanics are multiple raid wides
>Stack mechanic
>I'm at 3/4 health
>Still know this won't be enough if healer doesn't heal me
>Healer doesn't heal
>Eat shit and die
Do healers know they have to heal now or is this that retarded healerstrike thing?
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Meet a lalaboy on the streets of Ul'dah
Take a lalaboy out for dinner
Take a lalaboy to your apartment
Undress a lalaboy
Kiss a lalaboy on his smooth tummy
Tease a lalaboy with your lips
Make sweet love to a lalaboy
Marry a lalaboy
Impregnate a lalaboy
Live happily with a lalaboy
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I am mostly playing on EN, but I honestly really like the cast. They seems like a bunch of theatre kids having a lot of fun with their roles. I find it really funny that Y'shtola's VA seems to be just as aloof as the character.
>Wuk Lamat is voiced by new talent, shes basically someone that worked with SE but has no big roles she has C tier roles in B tier anime. Ayaka Shimoyamada. She was also Mappingway.
I feel sorry for her. Her VA work was solid as far as I could tell, but man, Wuk seems universally disliked..
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I guess it has been years since I've heard a performance from her, but I didn't pick that at all. Shame she's fucking dead it was a great performance
wuk jp had really good emotions when gabbagool died.
Are voice actors e-celebs? I think having actual roles in media makes them normal celebs. Though I guess the fact that many of them nowadays are hyper unprofessional and taken straight off youtube blurs that line pretty substantially.
There's also a difference in how the recording is done from JP to English.
In JP they record the sessions with the VAs together in a group.
With the English dub they record alone so only have the records of the other actors lines to bounce off from or only the line which I think is part reason why some of it can sound wooden at times.
Yshtola in DT definitely phoned it in though, she lives in the West country so hardly worth going to the London studio to voice 6 lines for.
Play SAM you faggot
>Yshtola in DT definitely phoned it in though, she lives in the West country so hardly worth going to the London studio to voice 6 lines for.
Which is really funny, because she voices a background NPC in Solution 9 and those voice lines sound like her normal quality.
No dude, I learned Viper now and have it down in my muscle memory. Plus it's fun to play.
Craft some Hyper Potions


It's shit but it's the best we have...
Her delivery is really high energy and charismatic, given how many fucking lines she had and how awful and redundant the script is the VA should get credit for never getting grating or annoying. They had all the ingredients for a successful character, it really doesn't take much to get the player base on side, as we just saw in the Arcadion story. Shame they apparently decided to go with the first draft of the story and didn't bother doing any fat trimming or adjustments to all the stupid contrivance and convenience. It is absolutely insane how little story they managed to tell in the same time that they got through the EW MSQ.
Not sure why I didn't think of that, thanks anon. I always thought healer pots were useless in ffxiv for some reason.
Doesn't she do voice work in the raid? They might have recorded some of those lines at that time but they might not of finalised her MSQ lines by that point, it does seem like there was a lot of last minute edits and re-writes to the MSQ.
Do healing potions not share a cooldown with stat tinctures? I should probably get some
they are very situational but they can save your ass in this game
They do making them only useful for well countering dogshit healers.
She does, who does she voice? From the MSQ or Arcadion?
Oh, gay
If heal mains were intelligent they wouldn't be playing healer
You sacrifice extra damage during your burst in exchange for not getting weakness
I was one until mid Endwalker. The game doesn't let me heal and if I heal my "DPS" drops so oy vey everyones upset fuck this parse tranny shit.

Oh and my damage is 2 buttons for single target and 1 button for AoE wow fucking amazing.
MSQ. When Sphene meets the guys that is mopey that the Arcadion is closed, she is the Shopkeep that complains about the dude.
They were trash from the start of HW until halfway through EW, then they got an update along with the inclusion of Hypers. It may not be the most common thing in the world, but always having potions, ethers, echo drops, and spine drops on me has pulled my ass out of the fire or turned around a bad situation during party content more than a few times.
Saigo-no-saigo no fantajee
Neat. I'm surprised that dude didn't show back up during the Arcadion story at all. Was he in the background during that crowd scene or something and I just missed him? I guess he got murdered during Zoraal's retarded purge thing. They should have shown him defending some citizens during that, that would have been cool. How was that fucking purge supposed to work btw? Zoraal wanted their extra soul credits for doping, right? But weren't all of their extra souls consumed one-by-one as they were killed by the robots and resurrected over and over? They should have shown the robots not killing them until they stole the regulators off them, no?
Is it me or are healer taking more damage than other roles?
This is a trope across most MMOs, usually attributable to the healer spending too much time staring at their grid than at the floor watching for mechanics. Not that any of the healer players in XIV actually heal, they're just bad.
>have an alt
>have to play through DT MSQ again
They could make a lot of money selling DT skip books...
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>making 5m a day just by grinding fates
feels good, man
No no, I mean when an AoE hits, it always seems as if healer just take ~10% damage than any other role. Are their defence stats just lower? Did we return to ARR DRG?
>During Alexandria dungeon, Sphene's JP VA sounds desperate and yells all over the place trying to save her people, almost about to cry.
>English VA makes her sound composed and in charge.
>The entirety of Wuk Lamat's performance.
Whoever is the director for the English voice actors in DT is garbage.
>start playing a job I haven't played in almost 3 years to finish the role quests off
>staring at the fucking ancient runes on my hotbars
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. XIV has the worst fuckign tooltips ever
I hadn't noticed, were the healers in your group just geared slightly worse so they have less max hp maybe?
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>Paisen in 2024
>Hayate was 17 years ago
It isn't the voice directors fault that the tranny VA can't emote without breaking character and sounding like a dude. Blame Kate for casting someone completely inappropriate for the role.
Just range ban them you incompetent fuck.
holy fuck i'm so old
VPR is okay but the job fantasy and lore is just shit. If they make OC jobs at least make them feel a bit better in that department. RPR was great and fit right in, VPR is just incredibly boring, lore wise.
And gameplay wise. It's a poor man's reaper.
How, do you seel vouchers?
Yeah you sell the gemstone vouchers to rich nerds who don't want to grind for days to get the mount
Even some scenes in DT msq that are unskippable, i couldn't believe it when I saw that.
The VPR job quest just continued the message they kept hammering home in the MSQ
>Turali people good and honest
>Eorzeans people bad and dumb
>Listen and do better
They just never go into Reawaken (Trance). The concept is fine but they never bothered developing it, and it just ends up with generic "monster hunter with snake themed ability names".
That's a shame. I haven't levelled VPR yet but the PCT job quest series was really great.
I know I could earn more money doing fates but man is it boring as fuck. I burned myself out completely grinding fates after around my 800th fate.
Now that I have 4 leveled submarines I don't bother doing anything for gil anymore. I'm not filthy rich but still rich enough and with steady gil income to never have to worry about gil again.
Viper job quest is pretty shit, it's ok but nothing special which is becoming a trend with Dawntrail's writing and creativity.
It seems like any creativity was put into the battle content and they forgot to do anything for the writing.
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SYD mentioned
Based. My bf is working hard to get his fnunny mods working in dalamud and I look forward to seeing my lala vanish into his character's hungry fat hole
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anon means the JP VA for wuk, you smeghead
Bejitabro btw forgot to mention that
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need lalawife
There are moments like the PCT quests, some of the role quests (especially tank), some of the aether current side quests and the raid that are well written and paced and land like XIV stories normally do. It is just the Hiroi MSQ stuff that is super awful and feels like a first draft. I wonder if they just got used to letting Ishikawa be super self-indulgent over the course of ShB and EW and now they don't have the commitment to editing among the producers to reign in a main writer who is just much worse at the job. It is genuinely insane that the DT script runs almost as long as EW, it is twice the length of fucking HW and nothing happens
this was supposed to be the lalawife expac krilebros... we were robbed... we don't even have tataru as a side piece anymore...

Shimoyamada better than whatever ENG wuk VA because she completed every glowing weapon from Alo Alo savage

>rangebans for talking about video games on the video game board
the mod who hates this game will continue to be able to do nothing of meaning to XIV threads except seethe impotently
Reminder that because these people can play they fetish race you will
>never headpet Ryne
>never save Alisaie how G'raha always does
>never carry Y'shtola

They do, but they are good outside of savage.

Carrying Ethers on mana using jobs like healer, PLD/DRK or casters who aren't BLM is also really nice since you don't rez with full mana.
>Lalas get exclusive houses
>We get nothing exclusive in return like Princess Carrying
shit sucks
Im personally think Yasuda was picked as erenville just like when they picked ichinose kana as ryne when she still a nobody back then (The scions VAs even surprised CBU3 managed to casted her when she still not as popular like now in the tokyo fanfest)
I want Potent Attacking Potions to be viable again
Why didn't he body swap ?
>exclusive houses
>exclusive weapon and mounting poses
hate those jews
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maybe next expansion we get a full team of lalawives adventuring with us
>y'shtola's va
Lala is the hero race
>it was supposed to be my headcanon
npc race, like midlander
There weren't a lot of good options at the end of the universe and he was pretty done after that fight, like an Ancient who had fulfilled his purpose. That being said they'll probably bring him back again eventually with another dumb excuse
>tfw you'll never clear a dungeon with Krile, Nanamo and Tataru as your trusts
Ra-La grant me your blessing
hot, will replay game in JP now
Holy shit for some reason i thought they stopped bothering with potions after stormblood but this is from EW
What even is the implied use of these anyway? When doing hunts/world bosses?

His body has broken down and he's floating around in a dead space. What really is there for him to do?
Viper not having a defensive ability is my LEAST favorite part about the job. I'm a defense autist (which is why I main tanks), so it feels crappy to not have any way to defend myself or anything. Third Eye/Tengentsu is one of my favorite abilities in the game because it's a cool timed parry that gives you meter. It's fun to use and it's rewarding. I wish Viper had something even remotely similar.

Deep dungeons is the primary one. Really useful to dps
It is a shame that so many rpg elements of the game have been flattened and stripped away over time, there wasn't much there to begin with but stuff like potions that aren't just a main stat boost is nice
we need costume changes for the scions.
got to see another femroe get killed so it was worth it

Honestly I wouldn't mind if all potions had separate cooldowns. It would be kinda cool to pop healing potions and vitality potions to deal with raid damage, and to have a ether potion burst window on dark knight.
you get them in trusts. shtola's bikini and boot-sandals are very lewd
which aether current quest chains are actually good? How dare they all guilt trip me into committing to a quest chain right after i got their aether current fuck you i wont help you become a big game hunter or whatever.

All I actually did so far was the PeluPelu who got scammed by a Lala
they dropped the ball with Zenos, i think they should have went all in when he body hopped to a random Elezen soldier
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>Mein Fuhrer... ze Wuk voice actor... has gone on strike
Yeah, putting damage potions and utility potions into different categories with independent cooldowns seems like a no brainer. They really don't seem to give a shit about that sort of thing though.
Is seeing Y'shtola in a bikini worth leveling trusts from fucking Shadowbringer levels
they dropped the ball with a lot of things. he was dogshit in sb, shb, and barely salvageable by ew thanks to a horny jap lady.

zenos was the reason why theres no garlenigger expansion by the way lol.
Devs could do all of that, they're just lazy.
None of them are brilliant if you aren't interested already, but the green Landsguard guy in birdland, the giant bodyguard you help take up adventuring and the guy who wants to be a hunter in the iron chef village are all much better examples of the WoL acting as a mentor than you see in the MSQ with Wuk. The most interesting is probably the girl who is in charge of the farms in Heritage Found because it gives a little more flavour for the Tural people trapped in the thunderdome stuff that is mostly rushed over in the MSQ because of the god awful pacing.
He's satisfied.
Exactly. The only people who tolerate this job design are mentally ill. That's why you'll encounter so many bad healers in PF/DF.
it will certainly make levelling her in the next expansions trusts more stimulating
Who else isn’t bothering with savage? Like I’ll clear them all once to experience it but all the time? No thanks
Well i mean... to clear the fourth floor of a tier even once is already a massive push
Not really but it's one dungeon per level until 90+. You can get her to 90 then wait until whenever they up the DT trust exp.

I'm not entering your crab bucket of mediocraty. I'll clear savage and then gear for Eden ultimate. On the offseason before ult drop I'll be reclearibg TOP for gil.
Even if they recast her, they won't redub 7.0. SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEN is eternally in the game, now.
Better yet, 7.1 is delayed because of the strike.
>dont do any time dilation with the reflections because theyre cowards
>do a 30 year time dilation for some people in dt side quests and msq

what a bunch of hack niggers.
what do you think the mood at cbu3 is now that they've had back to back failures in the eyes of their vocal consumers?
>im just here to clock in and clock out.
>ooooh sushi bar OISHIIIIIIIIII
Excuse me, my sister said no pickles.
I never do Savage on content
the dilation is done by the voice actor
>maybe we should let our best talent work on our most important project

God I wish, it would give them a reason to recast the character with someone who got range.
Were those things strapped to their chests supposed to be aether detectors like the Scion's goggles? When are we getting those goggles for the glasses cosmetic slot
I’d rather quests just be cutscene fight cutscene fight. Don’t make me have no cutscene followed by talking to npc for no cutscene again followed by another no cutscene followed by a cutscene then a no cutscene then a fight.
Immediately scrap all planned improvements and go back to EW-tier pandering. Future DT content will make Myths pf the Realm look hard, the gameplay rework for 8.0 is definitely scrapped by this point. I hope SE shuts them down for good.
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pretty sad the japanese females look like frogs in real life.
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Why did Erenville have a mouse pointer instead of one of these? Do they not give black people goggles?
DT had multiple sequences that went on for HOURS of literally zero combat. Just talk to wuk>cutscene>repeat over and over with an occasional talk-to-3-npcs
Gleaner peasants don't get the good shit
I rarely bother spot healing shitters who take avoidable damage.
You deserve to spend some time on the floor and then get the weakened debuff.
Feels double rewarding when a parsefag receives this treatment.
I had a quest which started with a cutscene followed by traveling halfway across the map to talk to npc for one dialog of text then they move to another spot on the map I need to travel to for one textbox then they move again to another area with a shitty purple marked fight. Should have just been a cutscene from the start until the fight. Traveling is not fun.
Does it seem to anyone else that the Alexandrian robots use a female middie as the skeleton/base of its model
Don't be a cunt, anon.
>avoidable damage
you should go back and read his post again esl kun
>moments women will never understand
Bicolor vouchers are both gil sink for the rich and decent income for shitters who don't know better.
Those with the gil can make enough to buy it faster than they would have grinded 2000 fates themselves.
If a melee who popped self heals was the only one to die from a stack then it's no fucking mystery he's been eating vuln ups left and right, bucko.
I thought that was fairly obvious anon
Another expansion another way to reuse the assets. They need to stop it’s becoming too obvious now.
>reusuing assets it's ok only when fromslop or niggendo does it
Right now it's not, because when you unlock the bikini is precisely the point at which you never have a reason to take her on a trust again, but by next expansion it will be.

>inb4 next expansion takes place in cold weather
>decent income for shitters who don't know better.
Or decent income for somebody that wants to level their combat jobs. Getting a FATE party lets you fly through levels and also make a lot of money off of vouchers.
Wow. I haven't watched a single one of the animes shes in. Thats funny
>VA strike
What will Yoshi p do now?
>shugo chara
man that really takes me back
Yeah, it is a nice brainless way to grind up combat jobs while watching some shit on a second screen. Some income from the vouchers is just a nice bonus.
Take the golden opportunity to recast Wuk Lamat with an actual latina
Hopefully just recast with the UK studio that sucks much less and doesn't strike every other week like the commies in LA
a fujo wrote that shit
what are they even striking over
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Ishikawa has the heart of a very masculine gay man
Hire an actual Latina or, hear me out, and actually Peruvian since Tuliyolal is near the rw equivalent of Peru.
There was a scene with a latina voicing a female lizard and Wuk was there and the mogging was absolutely fucking brutal. She was completely natural while the troon sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
If I was an amateur or scab voice actress, I'd be sending my demo to SE yesterday. I know there's some femanons here, YOU could do better.
>can't pass as a latinx
>can't pass as a woman
it's ogre
They want more money and scared AI will replace them. Despite being the highest paid VAs in the world already.
>we're scared AI will replace us
>what should we do?
>how about cause trouble and give them a bigger reason to replace us
very smart move
They should be scared given what talentless intolerable hacks they are
They only spend money on 1 voice actor per expansion
ffxiv en team is pretty based for using a tranny for a female character. that way they polute AI with material fed from ffxiv to train said AI so the voice actors won't lose their jobs
do we know how much actors record their things in advance? like I guess 7.1 is already recorded
I wonder if y'shtola's VA records her farts... I'd make an ASMR audiobook out of this
Does it matter? Look the absurd distribution of voiced vs unvoiced cutscenes in 7.0, or Y'shtola's lines very obviously being delivered in post, probably because they had to change most of her dialogues to fit some new storyline. It's clear that they will just change things on the fly if they have to, quality be damned.
Pretty sure Alisae's eng VA has talked before about how she'll be recording lines for post-patch content as late as a month before release. That being said I suspect it is more likely that 7.1 stuff is done concurrently with 7.0 rather than closer to release like later post-release stuff would be.
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Seethe more, this is a FFXIV website.
Why does Sphene take 5 hours to delete her memory?
7.1 is probably done, .2 onwards is probably fucked because either
>they havent recorded lines
>theyre all hands on deck to unfuck the story so most if not all pre-recorded lines or getting canned
funny seeing people think theyll delay patches for the EN VAs though, no fucking chance thats happening
I don't think anyone actually knows. I've heard they're one of the first things done and I've heard they're one of the last things done. It probably depends based on recording schedules, HOWEVER, we know they're not done super early because 5.3 had the VAs record their lines at home during covid which became a global pandemic only after 5.2 released. If patch development was well ahead of release, then those lines would've been recorded during 5.1.
She didn't even. If it was deleted there was no way Wuk would have been able to coax her out again.
Gotta write over that shit so it isn't recoverable
>Raid wides into stack
Are you retarded, I wasn't being healed by the healer and then another raid wide into stack which is why I wasn't full HP.
I can tell you're a healer main by how viscerally angry yet passive aggressive you me being critical of a healer.
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It's actually perfect timing if your goal is there to be a change of VAs. CS3 takes a few weeks off per major patch for their current 4 month structure of development. It's been almost a month and they're likely ironing things out now on scripts. If it's a longer strike, the better. Your goal should be about a month and a half strike to really be sure.
The scab may actually be British, but in honesty that's fine.
Maybe she was just deleted instead of properly formatted, kind of like how you can still recover files you've removed from the recycle bin
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This could have been Dawntrail... that could have been us.
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>Ana banana
That's brings back memories.
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>only thing we got is pic related
As a hidden easter egg buried under dozens of hours of solo dungeon grinds with zero impact on the MSQ

It's fucking GAY, Dawntrail is GAY
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I just want to slide down her bikini bottom and start eating her pussy until she is sore. Does that make me gay?
no pain no gain anon... you need to suffer to get something good... suffering builds character
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If it makes you gay, you might as well call me Freddy Mercury right now.
>EW has winter clothes they actually use in garlemald
>DT swimsuits don't even feature for a single scene in the msq
So was it rewrites or is the trust guy the single remaining based dev?
The gag of Urianger freezing his ass off in Garlemald because he had to go there once in his normal clothes was funny.
There is going to be a beach episode in the patches.

Post-MSQ, trust the plan.
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Here is hoping...
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>I accidentally misspelled Freddie's name
Trusts are the worst thing ever added to XIV. Even worse than swimming and normal-mode raids.
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This is really insane
Using it so many fucking times means the
>mfw when the main theme plays during the boss
Feels like nothing since you already knew it was coming
Oh baby Jesus get Mizuta in here NOW
Why do brown catgirls make my peepee big
holy sexo
SCH or SGE lads which one is better for carrying PF?
I feel like the ancients were the reason Garleans got farted away in favor of poos and even more ancient wank
You ready for Savage, anon?
Are you ready to rumble?
i wish there was a trust system for savage i don't want to be at the mercy of PF desu
Seems Soken and his team have gotten drunk on the praise composers get from using leitmotiffs well. Yes, it's fucking hype when the anime's opening song plays in the final fight. No, it's not hype if it plays every damn second, damn it.

But in a way, that's really the best way to represent Dawntrail, isn't it?
nope. zenos killed varis and had fandaniel temper all teh dot headed nigger legions and had them go crazy at the capital then they do that cringe ass shit dinner with asahi. what a load of slop.
Sure but how long before the quality of Savage PFs really start going to shit? I don't want to get stuck in the trenches
>Sure but how long before the quality of Savage PFs really start going to shit?
Around 0.5 seconds.

>Source: Have done PFs on day 1-day 2 Savage in Endwalker
It's not insane, its the case every expansion. Even ARR which had 1.0 music to sit back on is filled with From The Heavens leimotif, but from HW onward it is exactly like this every single time. Did you know that the raid only has two tracks? M1 and M3 use the leimotif of M4 in different styles and most players didn't even notice.
SGE has a lot more regen, but SCH has a raid buff and good shields for a bit of jank. I think you can't go wrong with either, but SGE is way more forgiving when progging.
>You know the fight
>You don't know the fight
What’s fastest way to level 80-90 and 90 to 100 on battle jobs?
I used to want to week 1 it (and even before that World first attempted I did get 1 w1st in one turn, not a 4th one though so doesn't matter
Now I don't even want to fucking do it; the jobs I like get getting raped, and the fights themselves are just macro-able dodgefests with in/out/spread/stack
Based on what I've seen from normal, I expect savage arcadion to be more of that but with better visuals
Savage Trust would be nice for practice mode and also to have as a min requirement on PF:
>Trust Mode Cleared
That would guarantee that anyone who joined said fight cleared it with NPCs and learned the mechanics and didn't get hard carried by others on PF
So, if you had 7 bots who perfectly executed the mechanics, people would very quickly learn that the difficulty is not in the fight but the seven other people.
that would make people personaly responsible for their skill and that's toxic and we can't have that because it'd gatekeep some people and gatekeeping is like the hall of cost...
Immediately lol, you're fighting to get out of the trenches all of week 1. I will never forget being stuck on E2S and E11S for multiple days in PF when I was playing perfect and had to suffer watching everyone eat shit and throw a run away...
Uh, hi mister Yoshi P. Uh, I've been doing some thinking and I got some ideas to improve the show. I got it right here. Uh, One: Wuk Lamat needs to be louder, more obnoxious, and have access to the echo. Two: Whenever Wuk Lamat's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Wuk Lamat?". Three...
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>MFW I'm in the 'most annoying FFXIV youtuber' competition and Cole Elyx walks in
retarded shitter mentality, youre just prolonging the fight and allowing room for more mistakes to occur
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Zadnor and then aglaia or highest level dungeon spam. Do your beast tribes and khloe and roulettes and farm fates in between.
probably taken out due to 'consultant' guidelines
Don't think the 'consultants' will approve.
why does the main theme sound like some drunk college kids in a karaoke bar?
I trusted the plan when 6.1 promised an adventure
I trusted the plan when 6.2 went into the thirteenth and barbie ex was kino
I had doubts about the plan when 6.3 was zeroslop and we want to le die slop
I trusted the plan when golbez shouted KOKURYUU YO 70 times a minute
I lost faith in the plan when 6.5 was zeroslop, hiroi killed the twelve and built nothing for the future
I saw no plan in 7.0
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Someone send this to them somehow
So with the strike does this mean all the American VAs for DT are not coming back?
You get a shit ton of them from EO
Etrian Odyssey?
Probably not immediately but if they continue rocking the boat and throwing shit then you can expect them to be phased out over time. Back to Britbong theater actors.
Eureka orthos
Isn't the only one that actually Tweeted stuff out was Wuk Lamat's VA?
Nope, Koana VA is striking too. Probably more as well.
i'll do it when the echo is activated
i don't speak gook what are they saying?
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>pyroblast orb is a better bossfight than yawnfail raids
sisters, we lost to wow classic again
raid trannies everyone.
>HQ Precrafts: ready
>150 Materia XII + 500 Materia XI: ready
>100 Purple Scrip Crafting Collectables: ready
It's gaming time.
wer dance
Is this porn?
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Man nothing will top how incredible A8S was; ultimates don't feel the same
There was something about how beat up and exhausted you felt by the end of the fight that felt satisfying; I never really felt that when clearing ultimates
I think ultimates are a test of patience waiting on those two or three fucking guys to not fuck up the mechanic, but A8S (and A4S, honestly) was more of a knock down drag out "we're all in this together" affair, if that makes any sense
The perfect timing of the chorus for winged justice and start of j-waves also really made you sweat
God I miss HW
>I trusted the plan when 6.1 promised an adventure
You were gullible. 6.1 was a genuine nothingburger of an MSQ, so much that moogles causing mischief in 2.1 and Lyse shitting the bed with Anata relations in 4.1 were genuinely better. Every Eulmorean going "we should improve society, somewhat" for all of 5.1 was more engaging than le azem of adventoor *holds up mystery box* shit in 6.1.
>have to subscribed for more than 24 hours to comment
Has this always been a thing or is it damage control?
Ok so where is the part that comes next, where they're all naked?
>levelled all my jobs
>cleaned my glamor dresser to fit in DT dungeon gear
>it's full again
This is actually less bad than a I thought:
Main theme
town themes
battle theme
dungeon boss themes
cutscene variations

That seems to be the same for most expansions
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>JP live letter
Is this supposed to be Hiroi?
They didn't actually put a little cuteish art pic of Hiroi in there as everyone's clamoring for his head, did they?
It's not a live letter, just a community stream where they go sugoi at content and pretend its exciting
>I think ultimates are a test of patience waiting on those two or three fucking guys to not fuck up the mechanic, but
That's literally what raiding always was. Especially Gordias and Midas. Players got better and jobs got simpler so raids have to be less forgiving, but there was still hardly room for error back then.
Moogles were kino, lyse thing was retarded, 5.1 was passable. 6.1 had significantly more choices in cutscenes and a clear direction it was going, the void. Since 6.0 was a wrapup I expected it to be more on the stage setting level of a .4 patch.
Oh so it's a whole bunch of nothing.
Well when the fuck are we getting a real live letter?
So do you think we're getting a .1-.5 arc like the void arc or are we doing the .1-.3 wrap-up arc and then setup for the next expansion like Shadowbringers and prior?
If they do a 1-5 arc again then they can already kiss goodbye to their next expansion.
hmm I think I might just ditch sch for sge because kerachole and holos are broken
We're almost certainly getting a .1-.3 storyline that wraps things up with Gulool jr, Solution 9 and Preservation. They were pretty clear that the Void Arc thing was a one off for EW, they're autistically tied to their content formula
That's WoL.
Why aglaia and not the two other raids?
You could afford deaths for all of them though
A4S and A8S famously used sac strats (pentacles and water sac)
Balance is so tight now that the fights don't really have room to play around with adds or fucky mechanics since all that jobs can do is DPS now
The difference between an enrage clear and speedrun for HW fights was so massive; I much prefer that system of balancing
Well-coordinated groups could assrape everything, all the way down to dungeons
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>void arc
>doesn't feature the void ark
Ah yes, the choices that don't really matter were abundant. My favorite was "snarky reply to Rowena 1" and "snarky reply to Rowen 2". House of Splendors never wronged me, so where's the neutral response? Hello, Yoshida? You took the RPG out of my MMO!
>Oh, but did we? More to share in the coming months
Also my favorite thing about 4.1 is that it actually is a good patch between you, Arenvald, and Alphinaud finding treasure (handled way better than 6.1 as well) and the Sultana learning that it takes more than being nice to be a proper ruler (handled way better than Wuk ruling in 7.0) that ends with a touching scene of her releasing Raubahn from her service so he can lead Gyr Abania. Its a very meaty patch where a lot happens that isn't left for future patches to finish and one of the last of its kind, BUT all anyone does is talk about Lyse blundering the Anata pow wow because it has an unskippable battle instance. Really makes you think...
No those are jp community managers or something, not Hiroi.
>like the void arc
please never again
>wrap-up arc
I hope 7.1 just starts with us back in sharlayan or mor dhona and none ever mentions anything rural related ever again
The lack of actual void stuff in the 13th arc was fucking criminal. I was sure we'd be getting way more after the visit to Zero's house, but that was fucking it. And they weren't even working hard on 7.0, this expansion is trash.
>Gulool jr, Solution 9 and Preservation

This is my guess as well. Solution 9 felt very undercooked and reeks of cut content to be repurposed as the patch series MSQ. Especially the lightning sickness.
>tfw 7.1-7.3 are a blatant retread of 5.4-5.5
you could say the void arc was devoid of previous established void stuff.
heh, get it? void, devoid...
Has anyone got that taco edit of Sena?

Y'shtola fans eating good
Kayanon does not get enough respect for her performance as Y’shtola
Spotted the 14onlies. The 13th was peak ludokino for FF4 fans, go culture yourself instead of playing barbie dressup with your boring catgirl.
It will probably be "different" and not curable by Angelo and the porxy slaves.
So basically they just put SE in a tough spot out of nowhere despite being new.

Well most likely their stuff has been recorded especially for 7.1 since it's near anyway. The big change will happen in 7.2 onwards.
I can't wait for Wuk to enjoy remembirding her own version of the WoL fight now that she's done with her not-Hades arc
>It will probably be "different"
Fucking how? It is just an aetheric imbalance
>Gulool jr, Solution 9 and Preservation
None of that interests me at all and I feel this will feature more of Wuk and Twins, while Estinien and Y'shtola probably do the adventure stuff...
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I dunno, they'll make something up. They'll need a new type of tempering in the background to solve later for this new arc.
I suppose I should log in and do Frontlines. Hopefully it is not Shatter.
It's shatter for the next 3 hours.
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damn it.
>you must sign in

Frontlines is shit and pointless, everything you can get from frontlines you can get faster from CC which unlike frontlines is actually fun
CC doesn't give you half a level for each daily.
No rival wing roulette…
Legit skipped when I found out it wasn’t a “choose your person” part. This scene was literally prefaced by that character saying she was going to the palace and that we should rest, there was no reason this stupid fucking cat would then come down to us.
off model shit
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Wish they would given her a more "Shtola" pose. Can't see her go 'tee hee'... she is more. "Yeah, I'm nude. Now what?" while giving you a challenging coquette smile.
Then everyone should have died from lack of healing because all raid wides and stacks are covered by aoe heals. The scenario you're describing simply doesn't call for any single target healing.
If it were only you that dropped then it is indeed a 'you' problem. You're either taking avoidable damage or somehow managed to dodge heals as melee.
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lmao even
How do you ohshit heal as WHM without going empty on mana? Asking for a me who found out medica 3 ain’t shit
how do you run out of MP as WHM
Astral project your hatred onto your group and telepathically force them to stack up for cure III.
Alternatively, realize you've been duped and that WHM has precious little in the way of 'oh shit' buttons in comparison to jobs like scholar
Use your afflatus skills
WHM is deceptively hard for beginners that overheal
have to waste a gcd to use a heal just so I don’t over cap on my Lillies this is shit.
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What's the point of the scrip crafter gear if it's worse than even non-pentamelded regular crafter gear?
it's less expensive
Drop it like a brick and play ast, the best healer.
For people with 0 gil.
No it's fucking not, the materials required to craft the stuff you need for orange scrips to get even just one set are basically the same as those required to craft the regular gear (and way more expensive if you're trying to get all 8 sets)
Retainer gear.
Also great glams for people who are willing to dedicate 8-11 plates to noncombat jobs.
Why do people keep giving her such ugly faces? Yshtola is very pretty in game and in the trailers but almost all art and 3d of her makes her fuck ugly
FF9 was always my favorite and having so many references tied to such a dogshit expansion is pure pain
Kill yourself, faggot.
>just do nothing and wait to be replaced, surely things will all work out
>cannot have cute glam for rpr and drg because they share same gear.
Plenary Indulgence and spam Cure 3 and Thin Air some of them. There's no current content that should make you run out of mana if you keep your Lucid Dreaming rolling and you didn't die like a dog.
t. Effectively solohealed every multistack this expansion because shield healers suck and keep dying right before they happen
Have you tried actually trying to be good at your job, Sena? How about not antagonizing your customer base?
Sena going on strike is great news for FFXIV, don't countersignal it
you can tie a glamour plate to a job it will change the glam every time you switch between rpr and drg
It's ok the references were shit too
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>doesn't work outside of settlements
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>steam reviews are below forspoken
Irrelevant, in-game models are homogenized and low effort.
Same. Feels bad we finally got thrown a bone right after the decent writers fucked off.
Now you've done it.
Great way to show off all the different fuck ups, also holy fuck I forgot how good Zeno's VA was.
not surprising, trannies are truly repulsive
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It's a shame because the actual gameplay is fun, I've been having a great time in extreme and I'm looking forward to savage, it's way better than Endwalker was.
But people are just obsessing over how shit the story is.
Because the msq is the content that most of the player base engage with, there are people that do little more than msq even. But I agree, the actual fight content has been really good so far
>hire a nepo baby tranny for good goy points
>xhe immediatelly backstab you and ask for more money
I won't pay for an expansion and monthly sub to endure a shitty MSQ just to raid the first 2 weeks and then wait for months till next tier comes... If I wanted to waste money I'd pay a prostitute to dress up as the Y'shtola using the ShB outfit I bought
Where the fuck is Yoshida and why isn't he doing seppuku live on stream?
I really hope they will learn from this lesson.
That's not an LL bwo
That's a community stream like Duty Commenced
These types of people are incapable of learning
Give them an inch and they will a mile, I don't know why devs keep falling for it
paimon is endearingly flawed and plays off the other characters well

meanwhile the constant wuk lamat falatio comes off very fanfic-y
mean for >>683778950
>youtube video taking the piss out of XIV
>not to mention even dunking on a troon
>positive like ratio
>the comments aren't smarmy "erm, it was always like this" or "wow, you must be fun at parties" typical XIV faggots
What's going on? Is DT that bad?
The MSQ is insultingly bad, the battle content (what little there is) is great. But most players play exclusively for the story and view the battle content as something they're forced to suffer through for cutscenes so they've got nothing now.
Tell me one thing morally wrong with using a plugin to get the same FOV as a person with an ultrawide monitor
it's a shame that job design doesn't quite make up for the difficulty increase, the content isn't that repeatable if most jobs play so similarly.
>Is DT that bad?
It is devastatingly bad, the post-MSQ is going to need to be genuinely impressive or I think the game is going to see a real player base decline. I wouldn't be surprised if they're not already concerned
speak for yourself
The job design is fucking embarrassing. Genuinely so many jobs that seem like they weren't even tested
>But most players play exclusively for the story and view the battle content as something they're forced to suffer through for cutscenes
WoWfugees were a mistake. SHB should've been less popular, WoW should've been way more successful with BfA and Shadowlands so these vermin didn't hop ship and force Yoshida to treat them as first class citizens. Fuck this gay earth.
you really think WoWfugees are the ones they're trying to appeal to with the Dawntrail msq? are you retarded?
Storyfags are wowfags.
Euthanize all lalafels and all lalafel players
dear xivtroons, yoshitpiss made this game story heavy way before "wowfugees" even existed
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>There are people that genuinely think that G'raha is worse than Wuk Lamat simply because Wuk Lamat is a girl
This level of hatred for him is just irrational at that point
the msq was okay, I thought it was going to be boring garbage like stormblood but its just a poorly written story with some few highlights.
I refuse to believe anyone is genuinely that retarded. They're just troons that are mad that everyone thinks Wuk's eng voice acting sucks or something
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>actually see the same xiv reaction images in nikke threads
go back
Unlucky brother, I hope chance shine upon you in your EX2 grind.
You press plenary indulgence and then press random amount of afflatus rapture. If you're casting medica 3 in any content that's out right now at max level that is not ex1 you're playing the job incorrectly.
luckily it already did, it's only ex1 that refuses to drop the fucker
What the fuck are you talking about? WoW's story has been a joke since like TBC, nobody except like 3 trannies in california give a fuck about the story. Meanwhile XIV players and refugees were shitting their pants over the story already since HW at least.
XIV used to be story+gameplay. Only since SHB did people pretend only the story mattered.
it was at least good until wrath, that i can attest
it was only when green jesus came around that things became irreparable
I want to try for the EX2 wings more but having 99 totems kinda make me think it's pointless and I should just wait for it to be available for purchase.
stop posting you lying faggot
Anon, Wrath launch was 16 years ago...
FF9 got weird and random references all over the place before this which makes it stranger
>Vivi in Hildibrand
>Ozma in Weeping City
>Ozma again in Eureka
>Hunter's Chance remix in PVP
>Those jesters from ShB
>Endsinger is basically Necron
And then we just get whatever the hell DT was
There was a guy who linked threads a week or two ago from SB launch and they were almost all talking about the gameplay/job changes + a couple coomerposts about Lyse
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Couldn't find the post but found the threads
Also it's funny to think of how this poor bastard is doing today
>scions not hanging out in the overworld after the MSQ
>no unique dialogue for bringing different teams through trust dungeons
They really didnt give a shit about anyone except Wuk
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>try my fucking hardest to wall to wall as GNB in 93 dungeon
>AST just doesnt benefic 2 me and only uses big ogcds
>both dps do fucking low damage and dont time their buffs properly
>use my heart of corundum like 5 times on a vuln 3 SAM (he still died)
>get 1 comm by the end
the life of a tank.
the threads were full of job change discussion when they were announced you delusional imbecile, how is it a surprise to you that when the story is as shit as dawntrail is that there will be more posts about how shit it is, not to mention since SB there are more places to discuss job balance than /v/ threads full of shitposts
For me it's the fact that they don't consider the WoL's race anymore like they used to. When Bakool Ja is calling Wuk a retarded cat, WoL (also a cat) just stands there and doesn't react in the slightest, even though he could have been talking to you just as easily.
Even the fucking post-ending fails at truly capturing the "vacation expansion" vibe because nothing would have been more vacation feeling than seeing the Scions lounging around Tuliyollal afterwards. But no. This is Wuk Lamat's expansion, and now it's also her country and her city, everyone else is not welcome.
Sex with those two twins who give me the funny crystals for doing roulettes I dunno their names by heart I just wanna fick them
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>try my fucking hardest to heal shit GNB in 93 dungeon
>try to manage my big ogcds like I do for everyone else
>both dps do fucking low damage and dont time their buffs properly
>GNB uses his heart of corunum like 5 times on a vuln 3 SAM instead of himself (he still died)
>give him my comm by the end out of pity
the life of a healer.
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>scions that are not part of the dungeon in the MSQ don't comment any more if you take them as trusts
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>97 dungeon, busting my ass off as PLD saving jobber DPS players who get constant vuln stacks left and right with clutch Intevention/Cover/Divine Veil
>Get 3 commends
It is a rare occasion, but it is good to know fair and honest gamers still exist in the world
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>wall to wall as GNB
glad that retards are queuing together
Well then riddle me this, if SB story was also so bad, why wasn't anyone still talking about it like /v/ is now (about the same time away as those posts)
That samurai thread was a week after 4.01 anyways, and 4.01 didn't even have that many changes
I think it's just more likely that gameplay fans gave up and mostly got replaced by story fans, even on /v/
>they have no fun interactions during the boss fights like skipping the skinny bridge thing in shb or commenting on the invisible cat boss in ew
so little sovl in dt it is unreal
>Femra WoLs get preferential treatment out of all the scions, because of their scales and tails
>extra lizard anti-racemixing scenes
I would find this funny.
What, are GNBs not allowed to do wall2wall now?
Did anyone catch the youtube video/stream earlier this morning? I woke up to a notification, it appeared to be about hiroi, but I couldn't read the moon runes. Was he publicly executed?
By the time ShB rolled out and SE killed the pet aspect of the pet management job, the reality solidified itself that to be a scholar is to suffer. Anyone still playing it inherently accepts that truth.
There have been examples of it in the past, you get race specific text if the situation fits.
Hell even the fucking MonHun crossover quest does it, if you suggest to the Palico that it's strange for a cat to be talking he calls you out on it instantly if you're a Miqo'te
>playing anything besides WAR in dungeons
Nice grief, you're lucky they didn't votekick your ass.
Why would you come him and why would you stay
of course not, that means healers have to actually heal..
just a community stream, they ran around and did a raid. No idea what was said but foxclon was on there
If you have to press a GCD during any content while healing you're literally fucking shit at this game and should uninstall and you're a life failure
>CS3 makes new feature
>puts a lot of effort into its debut
>puts less effort into said festure every expansion after
Remember swimming? Remember duty actions in raids and trials? Next expansion, the NPCs who follow you around won't have little circles for them to comment on something. You'll just drag then from A to B.
it's not my fault GUK needs to be babysat in dungeons
>Fuck this game, what the hell is wrong with the balance?! Us healers aren't needed at all for dungeons! Look, Xeno run one healerless during the fucking EA! HEALER STRIKE! HEALER STRIKE! HEALER STRIKE!

Aloso healers:
>Ewww, a non-WAR tank? Gross, get out of my PF! Ugh, you're actually gonna force me to heal, why would I do that?! Just drop dead and stop griefing next time by playing anything other than WAR!
more people need to know about this
i've been using hp pots since shb. they are super useful even in dungeons, have saved me many times.
Cope. Aurora heals me for 10% of my total HP over 20 seconds once a minute, you should barely need to heal
I just did a side quest where a Viera commented on my "little ears" while im playing an Au Ra, do the horns even count as ears?
Healers aren't a homogenous group, just like how not every dps or tank main wants further simplification despite some loud players on the forums.
Yes, the horns are their ears.
You don't don't need healer for dungeons if people do mechanics, with the first Alexandria boss being the noticeable exception. Everything else a WAR or PLD can heal through.

Healer gameplay is just really boring and if people don't do mechanics it is getting more frustrating. What healer players really meant was:
We like the way the healing is, but please make the DPS more interesting.
The horns are bladders.
>did a basically perfect run of bird ex
>notice kill time was longer than usual somehow
>oh we had a BLM instead of PCT
You're an imbecile.
Disgusting black mages, get out of my sight!
So I freely admit to skipping all the cutscenes after Wuk took the throne but what is up with the memories being wiped on someones death? I got the whole "recycling souls so you dont die" thing but why wipe the memories of people? seems like an unneeded addition to the process
>I believe heresay without fact checking anything.
Redpill me on pict. How fun is it compared to other mage jobs? I tried both smn and rdm, but I didn't really like them
So people don't get sad from losing loved ones. They just randomly stole a plot point from Type-0 for some reason.
Fucking lol.
So they don't feel sad about the people dying. The memories are also used to recreate them as endless.
It’s fun and it does a shit ton of damage. It has longer cast times than rdm/smn though
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>dawntrail fans
It's the fastest, all 3 give the same exp.
You won't even see Azeyma's sun or clone balance mech anymore.
>that femelezen copied 3 times in a line
Holy kek. They wanted the CP2077 feel
I like the picture faces
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very cute cat
very generic too
Thats all? I thought it would be something like the society being unwilling to face death and hiding reminders of it, like a cant let go kind of thing. Guess thats too much to ask for from this expansions writing.
Well, that is what they are doing in essence. It just doesn't get talked about a lot except our characters being mortified by it
You overestimate the playerbase, I hit the Nald'thal balance mechanic yesterday
the miqo in blue on the right doing the circle motion cracks me up
You also have the bits where Paimon actually worked together with the MC in the MC's short descriptions of their skills and shot
FFXVI and Rebirth really took a toll on SE.
yeah whatever. that middie belly needs a load blown on it.
If you actually link it to the job in the gear set it works. You just need to be in a settlement to set it up.
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>Onsal Hakair day
Love this little nigga
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Xenosys Vex lost
what did he "lose" exactly?
You're replying to an obsessed schizo with a restraining order who will be going to jail soon, don't worry about it.
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need a femhroth wife
her most famous role
>official Twitter advertising is still entirely about joining Wuk Lamat
2 more weeks until the course correction!!!
pay up Lionel, you have 30 days to think of a mcdonalds near you that will accept you
>defending an eceleb
>defending xeno of all fucking faggots
Yea you have to remember that /v/ lives in a bubble, a lot of people like wuk and no matter how much they call her shit a huge majority will like her for no hidden/strange reason other than they like her
Dock worker is my idea for Lionel. He can move boxes around and not have to talk to people.
>a huge majority will like her
genuinely delusional. she is the most hated character this game has ever had and it's not even close
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New Zepla
>a huge majority will like her
feels like the opposite: a minority demanding everyone love her because any criticism of the writing or game disrupts their positivity bubble
everyone hates her, reddit, the offical forums in EU and JP, youtube, twitch are all dunking on her
Why do trannies lie so much?
Id love to come heal, just tell SE to make healers fun again and Ill spam DF all day. Until then, enjoy your Netflix healers and dps looking for a fast queue.
bet she has a black boyfriend
Oh no no no... Et tu, Zepla?
>losing $30K to an eceleb
>losing $30K to xeno of all fucking faggots
start looking for a job
healers were never fun in this game thoughbeit
>>Ewww, a non-WAR tank? Gross, get out of my PF! Ugh, you're actually gonna force me to heal, why would I do that?! Just drop dead and stop griefing next time by playing anything other than WAR!
I have never seen this happen. Post a screenshot.
It's over

Saw Azeyma sun on Aglaia run just now where I'm somehow 3rd on enmity list in my party as WAR with stance off and there is a really bad/leeching BRD which was constantly 8th on enmity list without death. At least we still manage to skip The Balance.
those replies are shredding her
good morning doomer sirs
>Man nothing will top how incredible A8S was
100% agree. Brute Justice was phenomenal and it was one of my favorite fights in the game. T9 was also really good too. I genuinely thought A3S was a really enjoyable fight. I know it almost killed the game but it was really fun.

>The difference between an enrage clear and speedrun for HW fights was so massive; I much prefer that system of balancing
This is true
>Y'shtola calls Wuk to tell the WoL a message rather than linkpearling directly
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literally not even the tiniest, most irrelevant detail can happen without wuk lamat being in the center of it. it psychotic
overrated. I understand why you love it though, you grew up with power rangers.
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I'd usually shun a streamer like this, but she's my spirit animal right now
Her running defense for the voice actor on the other hand...hmmm...
YoshiP has mentioned mutliple times that they're considering what to do with progression systems in 8.0 and forward, and has opened the doorway to the concept of 'alternative' progression systems other than levelling, like using Materia in some way.

Anons, what 'alternative progression' system would you want?
Middie in the middle is slightly cuter
A monkey's paw.
those are just idle musings. "maybes" and "what ifs" and "it'd be nice." empty words. We will have 10 more levels next expansion. And probably a stat squish since we're already back to SHB digits.
>she's my spirit animal right now
you are both attention whores so it makes sense
It's not like they can advertise it with anything else, Dawntrail is literally about being Wuk Lamat's sidekick.
Considering her video about EW being the worst expansion "broke my heart" according to Yoshida, they'll be watching these too.
i'm honestly not sure, i don't feel a prestige or skill tree system would work in XIV's format and would be pretty antithetical to the whole idea of a set "job", and replacement skills or skills granted by gear will end up either awkwardly ham-handed in, becoming mandatory for their provided utility or damage, or both

it'll probably be something like the EXP gauge continues to fill forever and you get a materia once you've leveled up and the spiritbond system gets scrapped as a result
she seems to have adopted a fuck it point of view since the whole harry potter bullshit
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what if it were... the opposite? what if actually.... YOU were in the bubble? hm? what if everyone hated her and it's a tiny niche that demands everyone love her? what if you were weird and not me? hm?
If I had to guess, things will stay functionally exactly the same, but instead of "levels" you'll gain AP or whatever that will just let you unlock your new skill set for the expansion in any order. I sincerely doubt it will be a significant overhaul of progression.
But that's not really character progression, now is it? That's just a replacement for something that already exists and works just fine.
Add ffviii junctions without a tutorial and DMCA any online guides that pop up.
It would be really funny.
no it isn't but we're also talking about ways to keep the game on kilter without level-ups in a new expansion where loads of typical prestige or alternative leveling systems just really won't work
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There are 2 types of people in this world. Trannies that only disingenuously like Wuk Lamat because she is voiced by a man pretending to be a woman and people who objectively see that Wuk Lamat is a shitty character.
>or whatever that will just let you unlock your new skill set for the expansion in any order.
That would be nice
How woudl that work in level sync content? Assuming the level cap doesn't go up, would it just work in level 100+ dungeons and zones? Sounds like it would get very messy.
i'm getting at least six types of cancer from that guy's account name/avi combo
Only liberal twitterfags like her. It’s very funny
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B is for brat
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If you talk about T***nies again, your punishment will be unending.
>just play DRK in FL dude it's easy win!
>nobody follows up on any engagements
>people instantly focus you
>you have to hope some damage is gonna fly in the general direction you're going otherwise you have to immediately run back and pot

This sucks.
>this is the best player to some people
b is for "bulge" as in "belly filled with hyur cock"
Huge skill issue
more like begone. back to /vg/
>Lionel is replying to himself
>believing his lies
you will get a level squish to keep the FF autists happy
ARR level cap will be 30, the rest of the levels will be spread across all expacs and 8.0 will be 91-100 again
B is for Barf
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I beg to differ, but I realize it's been so long since now that it's irrelevant to start arguing.
seems like the most realistic expectation on what they will do
but I hope they try to do skill augmentation/ modification at least
the illusion of choice is fine too I'm just so bored of the vertical progression
i would sooner think it's xeno talking to himself desu
'b is for belly filled with hyur cock' actually fits the rhythm of the song
Why do all leftists "argue" just like this?
This Savage Raid should have instant wipe if someone in the party is using mods
>dude john fucking madden xddd
If you were casting Physick even in ARR, you were bad
Not everyone is as much of an obsessed schizo as you, Lionel
not true, xeno is turning himself into just as much of an obsessed schizo
Illegal tools detected
Disqualified, disqualified...
xeno is bordering on lolcow behavior
>avatarfags materialize within minutes of each other
Is it a discord or what?
it's my fervent hope that he refuses to shut the fuck up about it and turns himself into FFXIV ralph retort and loses all of his viewerbase
Delete DRK
Severe autism. They've been at it for years
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I forgot to mention you need to be good at both the job and at leading people in Frontlines.
Last Mintue Predictions:
Difficulty of Savage
M4 > M2 > M1 > M3
I feel it in my bones.
>losing viewerbase
never gonna happen until he gets cancelled, i know people are obsessed with this guy
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we're him. we are the lala
this game has no mod detection.
>Daisuke Ono
Are you high? The guy is S+.
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Why won't you just crumble and die?
but that's why i want him to turn into FFXIV ralph retort, i want him to get so obnoxious he starts getting denied media tour and press event access for sheer optics and i want him to make the only interesting thing that's happened to him in his life (getting stalked by lionel) his ENTIRE life. he's already working on the second one. i want him to become so single-minded and so fucking weird and unpleasant that the only people who stick with him through all of it are equally unpleasant and weird
you really don't. just go in, LB to not die, do the pull in, and get free kills.
They could put an "order" to the skills that you can set, where the 3rd dungeon for example has 2 "slots" unlocked and you could designate what goes into those slots beforehand.
Problem is retarded FFXIV community team read the twitter feedback and take it to mean the community as a whole.
People need to air videos of players that have made Youtube videos on twitter for CS3 to see, it's ridiculous posting Wuk Lamat on there fucking retarded.
>good lala poster
>shitty lala poster
>e-celeb worshipping posters
>"he's lionel" poster
>"he's barry" poster
>drk sucks poster
we're only missing XI poster and the image spammer
You're pretty fucking weird yourself for even putting thought into something like this and hating some random dude on the internet as much as you do. Are you Lionel?
I would start playing my lala characters more if I didn't watch pint fight zenos and realize that it looked retarded.
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the ffxi poster hasn't recovered from this
The Black Cat mechanic with the line stack and uppercut breaking tiles will filter PF
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>uhh you're weird actually, LIONEL
My Lala is cuter than all of the avatarfag's Lalas. No I won't post her.
There's no such thing as a good lala poster.
But does she have a fat pussy?
followed by
>Are you Lionel?

kino poetry
Even if you're a good DRK, if you're going in solo, you're vulnerable to a lot of CC without back up. There are ways an opposing team can instantly stop a DRK from doing much damage, but they would have to know how to do that and be holding all their CC just for the DRK.
The HRT is for his big transition over to XIV once he gets filtered.
Based taste
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Lala hivemind, Broccoli is sort of a Typhoid Mary for the infection
Be careful
Not a high bar, the only cute one i've seen is the blonde one
It was such a transparent callback to EW's scene while also perfectly showcasing why DT was so awful. EW let you choose your favorite Scion and get a personalized little scene with them whereas DT forces Wuk Lamutt on you as she sucks all the atmosphere out of the room and forces you on a shitty goose chase quest to pad out the runtime
YoshiP and co are probably terrified of the potential reception to Dawntrail. Enough people give up and there goes their bi-yearly holidays round the globe with FanFests.
He might get denied future events for that no healer dungeon run on the media tour he uploaded which caused the #healerstrike we all know it's bullshit and he did it to cause drama but it was still picked up by news outlets who reported on it causing CS3 to lose face.
advanced autism
Based, but I still won't comm your lala. My commendations are reserved for Viera, Au Ra, and Miqote.
>Trying to hardcore tank with pugs
>Expecting pugs to fucking sync their buffs into the same burst window
Can't really defend the AST though. Anyway as a Tank it's not just your job to, you know, Tank, but to lead the party. If your Healer can't handle your pulls then whether you like it or not it's your job to adjust your pull size to their skill level, or at least tell them what you want them to do when you make a big pull (don't be a little Tank tyrant about it though, people will just reject your advice if you're a dick about it.)
you will NEVER rub xeno's bald head and get a wish
I don't think they even know or care, they've been radio silent.
Do you play on NA or EU? Burgers are pretty braindead and never coordinate anything from what I have played there but on EU I regularly see multiple DRK linkups deathballing the shit out of each other
It's like people who like to player healers are a big and diverse group with lots of people that have different opinions on things.

Like myself: War can keep their self-heals for all care, I just staying the fuck away from the job until their either make it more engaging, like healing gcds are the bread and butter of healing, not oGCDs, or just give a more involved damage suite (not rotation/glowing buttons).
It only happens because they queue in a party
If you're solo you're SOL
I refuse to commend slutglammers unless everyone else has a default portrait
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I'm always borderline AFKing frontlines matches because I only queue for it for the EXP.
wow you're so special and unique
Yeah, a lot of people do that. It really sucks to get on a team that is just farting around dying a lot. I may not be good at pvp, but I'd just like people to try a bit.
>but please make the DPS more interesting.
Healers shouldn't be doing DPS.
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No bully.
Sorry but that video title and thumbnail are insulting to my intelligence and I'm not clicking on it
Amazing video, and glad to see it's got 1.1k likes with only 66 dislikes. The community have never been this pissed off with the MSQ before and united in purpose. I say united because twitter cunts are not the community.
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>FFXIV ralph retort
Now I'm imagining some Garlean hanger on trapped in Tural shouting WHY WON'T YOU DIE WARRIOR OF LIGHT, YOU FAKED YOUR LIGHTWARDEN CANCER I ONIW YOU DID from his turali crackshack while getting shittered on mezcal and ether potions
>nobody follows up on any engagements
This is my exact problem. When you have a great initiation but an entire team full of retards that refuse to commit to anything and run away the second you go in, you feel like never queueing FL again.
Depends on how much effort they put into their slut glam, but I'll comm a slutglam before a meme glam like those dipshit animal mascot fursuits.
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do hildibrand if you haven't, delion who runs "the thavnairian truth" newspaper is nearly this
>every hildibrand quest series has a straight man join the crew for the expac
>the endwalker straight man is a schizo conspiracy theorist
based as fuck
Honestly I prefer the JP cast
Good meme > cute > slut > default > bad meme

But if i'm playing tank or healer, I pretty much always commend the opposite unless they really fuck
My female midlander is better than every lala put together on the planet.
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Advanced Jobs with split specialities. Eg.
>Black Mages can either become a Dark Mage/Necromancer, that deals with Darkness, Death, and Void related magics, or an Elementalist which further focuses on Fire/Ice/Thunder and maybe adds Water/Earth/Air in there
Nah, Delion is just your average tabloid journo and too decent for a Ralph analogue. But the weird robot garlean from that questline whose name I forget and got reduced to just a head would work perfectly for what I'm imagining. Just trapped as a pathetic head hopping around in Tural crying about the WoL as if he's remotely relevant.
Prove it
Every lala on the planet SHOULD be compressed together into a single ball pf gore and fed to a goobbue
>Healer job doesn't heal
You just want to be a Green Mage, come on dude.
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anon's first experience with a reply-bait post. they grow up so fast.
I thought it was funny.
Replace good meme with just plain good outfit/portrait and same. Also same on role priority if no one has outfits or races I like. The only hard line in the sand I have is I'll never commend a hroth. Furfags are never commendable.
I only commend healers and tanks, unless they were mean to me in which case a DPS gets it.
Realistically what could SE even say about DT?
>we're sorry the story sucked
That's horribly bad optics even if true, and I don't think Yoshida would throw the writer under the bus
I could see him on the other hand be his usual unnecessarily smug self about it
>well, maybe you guys had too much power in EW, so we thought you should take a back seat, right?
>we've had a lot of positive feedback about Wuk, but if you have issues, you should use the forum to communicate them :)
>also make sure you aren't on WiFi to prevent DCs from this bug that was actually our fault the whole time
>we're only missing XI poster
There's two XI posters. One that hates XIV and the other that plays both.
Krile isn't a lala she s a Milala
I don't commend at all anymore unless someone does something particularly good or for my challenge log. I ain't giving average ass players ego points for doing nothing
Both are me
Milalas are just illegal lala immigrants
I've been needing 10 wins for Frontline since 6.5 to finish a mount achievement, been playing every day. I'm at 5 needed now.
Technically they're not
Mandatory video for every thread going forward
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they'll say something like
>we are aware certain things weren't perceived well, however we do have different plans for how the story progresses.
then they'll reference what was previously said which was something along the lines of
>we have several things planned out, and if players dont like how something goes we have route b, route c, etc to fall back on and adjust how we proceed based on feedback

so, hiroi will probably never touch main scenario writer again but, he'll probably still be side content as usual

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