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and people call this game ugly
Fucking 15 year old games had better lighting/shading.
looks like gack
i dont care

who cares
that's gapeshit graphics, bro
isn't this literally the definition of "flat textures"?
But we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you care
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And with good reason!
i dont know what this game is
Is this from a WEG?
this has been debunked and refuted already. you need to start coping and/or seething.
you think the woman in the fourth game looks good?
how do you debunk a picture
are you from a RETARDO FACTORY?
by providing context that refutes the implicit argument contained within said picture, dumbo. imbecile. moron.
if you really want to make fun of starfield just post webms of the facial animation
You haven't provided context though.
Same engine for TES 6, lmao
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch i did it the last time that anon posted the image. keep up or LEAVE.
what a desperate attempt
I don't know if you know this but this is an anonymous imageboard where posts are ephemeral. Not everyone is around 24/7.
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Did some Slopfield patch release that made the graphics better than a game from 21 years ago? It's a rhetorical, I know there hasn't been and the game still looks like plastic ass.
make a pasta or shut the fuck up you retarded drone
i can't get over how ugly these shitskin NPCs are hahahahaha
>that ultra realistic meat next to those characters
lmao, even
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Yes actually, as you can see. I was made in a Bethesda engine.
and im the drone??!?!?!?!?!? keklooool
Starfield is antiwhite
Got it, you're wrong and gay. Thanks for confirming.
>I deboonked it!
>ok show us
>um no sweaty that would be spoonfeeding
You didn't actually deboonk anything did you?
that steak looks really good
>got it, im coping and seething. thanks for confirming.

no problem anon. any time.
Case in point.
>people still replying to obvious bait
>getting that weird itch to replay even though the game was mid
how does bethesda do it bros
fucking kek
I'm convinced these threads are false flags at this point
You just have brain damage.
takes one to know one
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Bait makes for good threads.
Nope, little one liners won't save you. Stop being trite. There's something wrong with you.
i know you are but what am i
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It was simply misunderstood.
>short hair
boring shit omg
Looks like a shitty WEG you'd find on dvach
Even Fallout London looks better
only path tracing could fix this shit lighting
debased and matrician-pilled
haven't watched the video but he's right
I can make a better scene in ut2004
at least it will have shadows
Are there mods yet to fix this shit?
yes, it's called uninstall button
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and it is
Good, whites are disgusting, Indians are real Arians.
>1 week before launch
He forgot to disclose that this was a paid ad.
They were talking about your mom.
cant lie
imagine being a head of a company and expecting bare minimum, and they underperform
like, you want a meme print done like you see on the internet with the buckets and the newspaper with spraypaint to make a planet, you expect the person to be capable of that. i hiccup here and there is "fine" but including the facial animations, bad geometry, horrible models that might be fine if given a bit more time, the absolutely cookie cutter mission layouts that are bethesdaTM, the fucking nothing of a story where you like become god or something
honestly why would you like this game? what is there?
"im going to pay money to do something i already did in a videogame before"
"is it against other players?"
cunt what the fuck
>this is what toddfags think looks good
The lighting is so shitty and overexposed you can't even see whatever unoptimized HBAOLGBTQX++ ambient occlusion I guarantee the game has that cuts your framerate in half.
Only that steak looks good, although it's a bit dry. There's not even any sauce. In fact, the woman doesn't even have any drink with her, yet she's sitting there like she's about to eat the thing.

Dogshit game.
The "people" who did it didn't give a shit.
main sign of a shitty game
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Looks like a Fox Engine game but without any textures.
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kill yourself for having "sauce" with steak
nigger you only need some steamed veggies with steak
actually, seriously, consider blowing your brains out because of your opinion
imagine malding this much because someone doesnt eat food the way you do
Your pic is a good representation of yourself, because you're an animal, not a civilized and educated human being.
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>oh man, this porridge i just made is so good
"there's sh't in it"
>bro as far as im concerned shit is a part of porridge, you cant have porridge without shit
>Unnecessary use of high poly 3D models, impacts performance for no visual benefit.
>tables are overlapping
>hovering arm
>nitpicking this badly
so you admit it then, there arent any major flaws? good, glad that's settled.
Yes I admit it, game is absolute horse shit diarrhea.
>Verification not required.
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>art being precise is bad because ???
fuck you, manlet

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