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Final Fantasy, as a franchise, never recovered from this moment.
I’m not American or whatever country that aired on so that image means nothing to me or anyone around me.
what's his name again?
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This series is undoubtedly funny because of his observations of things we as players take for granted (ludonarrative interference). However, going into any piece of media with the wrong expectations in regards to pacing is not the game's fault. I think playing a cinematic game such as God of War or FFXV and being mad that there's story moments and dialogue frequently is a bit like watching Lawrence of Arabia and complaining there's too many scenes of people walking through the desert with nothing happening. A smart, medium savvy player knows to do this basic level of research before starting a game. There's thousands of arcade games you can play instead of fixating on how much you dislike Uncharted or whatever.

clonan orion
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Does anyone remember watching this in real time while XV-kun was going postal?
final fantasy was never good but word on the street is it's kino and normies bought that shit and then somehow it played on a big stage like it's some AAA game and it's basically a soap opera
Sad part is that Barry is still around and shilling FFXV. But now he's expanded it to attacking any franchise he thinks is a rival to FFXV, and defending any game associated with FFXV e.g. Forspoken which was made by mostly the same dev team. Dude is probably the most mentally ill person on 4chan and that's saying something. Not only on 4chan but also on Twitter where he runs multiple accounts that do the same thing.
What was the moment? I don't get my information from ecelebs
visualize yourself getting your vidoe game opinions from some 70 year old comedian
it's just comedy you fag.
Only a zoomer retard thinks Final Fantasy was still alive as late as XV.
two men playing gay vidya together in public
Seeing someone encounter Barry for the first time, the utter confusion in their replies, is always pretty funny though.
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What games do Frodo play besides Animal Crossing?
Secrets of Mana
Thar's actually a fair point. Too bad nobody say it while the iron was hot.
No. Final fantasy went down the shitter when sony got ahold of the franchise.
>I’m not American or whatever country that aired on
Imagine implying Conan was only a thing in America.

Biggest celebrity in the history of Finland
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>Conan O'Brien
fucking zoomers
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I'm not familiar with American culture, is Conan 4chan approved? He seems pretty alright
He was on old 4chan
but that's when it was still Late Night and before he even got fucked out of the Tonight Show. We used to have regular /tv/ threads for Conan when the board was first made.
final fantasy never recovered from moving to 3d
it lost almost all soul once it did, some traces can be found in 7, 8 and 9, but its just traces
Bowling fOr Crayon
Conan had a talk show that had an alternative comedy style. It was quite strange and popular with young people. It was also really, really funny. Not boomer humour at all. As he got older he lost a lot of energy and isn't as funny. But if you watch his early shows (there is a torrent of most of them going back to 1993) you can see why he's considered a legend
>mfw Noctis was more fun to play in Tekken 7.
>mfw we're NEVER getting Tifa in Tekken 8.
If you show a video game cutscene to your parents (who should be well cultured) they will physically cringe at how bad and gay it is.
Conan is right about everything
This, critics were right when they stated that Japanese games suck ass. They are made for the otaku by boomer otaku weirdos.
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>An epic blue balls waste of time
>Let's go check out that dress we read about in the papers
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Yuropoor here. Is Conan's show still running? I generally hate all of those American late night comedy shows but his style of comedy is gold.
Dumb Sataniaposter
he's a Samus coomer, so yeah he's /v/ approved.
Can we get the torrent?
Conan was unironically a fucking GREAT reviewer just for having zero pretenses about video game storytelling, making common-sense observations and admitting when something is fucking retarded. Most mainstream reviewers praise mediocre storytelling and put retarded shit on a pedestal all the time - Conan was one of the rare non-lobotomized reviewers out there. It's true that his criticisms came from a naive place but they were so common-sense and intellectually honest than they inadvertently overlap with hardcore, jaded vidya enthusiasts. Conan proved the bell curve meme right by being a clueless boomer with better opinions than delusional midwits.
exactly. i know other people have done this "my gf playing le games for first time" but it is a good idea. helps that conan is funny and smart
>we as players take for granted
Speak for yourself, brainless fool playing bad games.
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deep impregnating sex with Sona Movsesian
this is my take on it as well. if a an average joe picks up a game and has to ask "where's the fucking game" then there's something wrong with your product, and that's what Conan experienced. also my dad when he watched me play Spider-Man PS4.
because he doesn't depend on that money, shills are shills because they fucking NEED that money
Yeah, you’re an idiot, aren’t ya?
YOU fuck off retarded underage vermin
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I had a coworker who looked just like her and I had a mad crush on her but she rejected me

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