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>game literally mocks and punishes you for being an antisocial incel
Fucking kek
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>the girls of this village don't seem to-
you can actually get kicked out of the village for being a volcel?
My house, my property. Now get the fuck off my land.
No such a thing, everyone wants pussy. Stop being retarded.
yes. in a wonderful life if you fail to court anyone one of the girls will offer herself to you and if you decline you also get told to leave.
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I would salt the fields before leaving
That's good for the next harvest. What you really wanna do is poison the earth and fuck up the ph of the soil.
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I got it...rock salt, and plenty of it!
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>"Hey listen, I know that you've been having trouble settling into town, but I was wondering if you might want to go on a date? You know, to show you around."
It should work like that in real life, too.
It makes sense though, japs are super conformistic and xenophobic.
I play video games for escapism. Stop reminding me of my life. Also, is this Harvest Moon 64?
>plays for escapism
>just playing his normal incel life and not romance a waifu
May as well farm in real life and be a man
>literally all waifus are shit
I'm a volcel and so is the Harvest chad in the OP.
People keep romanticize life in small communities but keep forgetting that said small communities are also VERY concerned about sticking together, to the point where seemingly friendly people can instantly become your worst enemies once you try to break out. Big cities are much more anonymous. "Northern Exposure" tv show is pretty good example. Main character (freshly graduated MD forced to undergo internship in remote Alaska town) at one point demand to be allowed to go for two weeks break but that would mean leaving town without medical services for prolonged time. Literally whole town turn against him overnight and just as fast becomes friendly again once he gives up and stay. You are either part of community or you are against it and have to be removed (and replaced).

Also, take a look from these girls perspective - most won't have any other chance at marriage.
that's why Stardew Valley is superior
that's back to nature
Why they are so mad, actually? Honest question.
what the hell is their problem
if you put golden lumber on your farm they get pissed off because you're flaunting your wealth. the problem is that golden lumber is the only fencing that never degrades so it's actually useful.
poorfags btfo
>even a magical fairy god is pissed
dude is a master baiter
I hope they fixed this in later games in series because this sounds stupid as hell. You have to gather this wood on your own anyway, right? So why getting salty because you use something YOU worked for?

Friends of Mineral Town? More like Communists of Mineral Town.
you mainly buy it from the carpenter for 100k gold each but he doesn't tell you people will hate you
They are antisemites
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If I have to choose between getting kicked out and being a fucking noncer then I'll take the first bus out of this shithole village.
>They are antisemites
Ah, finally I found a place to call home.
Nothing wrong with starting a family with one from the prime selection of a superior farming village.
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>mayor literally goes fuck off incel
LMAO I would do the same
That's literally just how the majority of people used to be.
Pussy of 2D girls
>That's literally just how the majority of people used to be.
That might as well have been ancient history considering the state my country is in now.
And nobody, NOBODY cares that carpenter is swimming in money, eh?
>kick out all the people that think differently
>get assimilated by the people that think differently and found out how to do things more efficiently
It's an autist world. Neurotypicals are just living in it
She and several others can even reward you with golden lumber
>ffw to now harvest moon games let same sex couple to have child by summoning from a fairy
Don't claim superiority ever again monogamyfaggot.
uh huh, because thats totally what happens IRL and not just a bunch of stupid third worlders shitting in the street
not so much anymore. make japan xenophobic again
Has anyone got that taco edit of Sena?
They literally call the japanese people who immigrated to Brazil in the early 20th century (who they import back because they're ethnically Japanese) foreigners and monkeys and treat them like retarded criminal animals.
Despite them being ETHNICALLY JAPANESE. It doesn't get much more xenophobic than xenophobic to your own people.
>just playing his normal incel life and not romance a waifu
Give me save states and I will play your game.
>their population keep decreasing
>for the first time,a major ethnic group is endangered
>they dont have time for sex,must work for corporation
>bullshido hive mind nation declines even more.

I really don't know what that has to do with my example of quintessential Japanese autism.
in RF2, you can ntr your rival in their weeding event if the girl have max relationship lvl with you.
their work culture is autism,their xenophobic mentality is autism,both ensure that they in the future will be the prime example of a nation of old farts and few young people. how they gonna keep their industry with fewer numbers i dont know.
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It's overexaggeration but the minimum requirement for not getting kicked out is to befriend at least one girl and ship a handful of crops.
The game has events for each girls when you first met them where you could instantly fulfill that criteria by not dropping your spaghetti.
Why do societyslaves hate and fear the independent hermit?
Because we as a species manage to survive (and excel) by forming communities and working together. We are not meant to be cooped up in our own heads.
that's just your opinion though

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