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It's confirmed 100% DEI free by the one DEI dread himself.
it needs to fix its gameplay loop a bit , I'd pay a subscription like an mmo if it meant getting rid of the current bad grinding system
>gook p2w gachashit
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Dilate, tranny.
buy an ad, loser
just because it has anime waifus doesn't mean it isn't goyslop for paypigs
Anime should have been gatekept, just like videogames
another filled out template by cumreans.
>2 (two) kernel-level anti cheats
>admitting to sending off your data
>no anonymization
Not playing this shit
Doesn't even matter really. Zoomers aren't watching anime, they just think it's a style.
They're too busy playing chink gachashit while listening to vtumors to do much harm to actual anime discussion.
how do i get it off my pc?
>support nexon
LMAO, buy an ad
I will never play a nexon kusoge, no matter how many buzzwords you post
it'd be nice if korea tried making good games rather than this shit
uninstall the game and pray to god it's gone
because there is a small chance it just decides to stay there
you literally have to use the terminal, lol
and then what?
fuck off chang
>The anti-DEI brazillian turned out to be a gook/chink shill afterall
>How to kill your credibility in one review.
My gaming laptop gets too hot for me to play this
am i supposed to cry?
just play it on linux than youre safeTM
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trannies make themselves obvious as fuck.
>goyslop, with hot gooks
What have vidya games become?
is overpriced af tho
if they dont fix that shit im not giving them any money, instead i will keep funding warframe
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Anyone who plays this gook gacha shovelware is a total faggot retard.
It's literally free...
im talking about the monetization you nincompoop
Imagine being this fucking deluded. Nexon is a garbage company that makes garbage games. Coom to whatever the fuck you want, but you have to be some kind of desperate to latch on to nexon. I refuse to believe you're not a marketer.
That is one requirement for sale down.
Now they just need make it a single player game with a story, instead of online trash #342
If It makes troons itt seethe then it must be good
How hard is to get the bunny cutie as f2p?
bunny is free from a quest
the ultimate version requires a few hours of grinding
Holy based
Korea saved gaming
Libtard wokefags on suicide watch
Why do coomer think so highly of themselves?
Literally shilling a paypig slop
>B..but cod
Don't care i don't play goyslop
It's complete horseshit, it doesn't matter if its DEI free if its garbage
fuck off tranny, ywnbaw
>I'd play the game if it got rid of the reason why people play it
I wanted to but premade characters put me off.
I refuse to believe you're not smart enough to realize you can completely play a F2P game without financially supporting it.
After the multiple cults I do not buy corean products. I dont support failure that dehumanizing.

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