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DIGNITY for video game voice actors!
>We will NOT let Corporate America rob video game voice actors of jobs by using AI
This! We'll let them rob video game voice actors by normalizing games without any VA instead.
No saar please redeem
>We'll let them rob video game voice actors by normalizing games without any VA instead
indies do that all the time but it won't slide with big name games
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bootlicker general!!
previous thread https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/683772181/

top quote:
> all workers deserve to be paid more and have more autonomy over what they produce, including you: the shitposter who made this thread and the reactionary who posts endlessly day and night in defense of his capitalist master who exploits him.
- classpilled anon
they can afford to pay actors.
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>voice actors
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if he's so underpaid why is he fat
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>Here, see this pin? You're bisexual now!
what is this guys problem?
Good. Zelda is so much worse with voice acting
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omaiwa mou shindeiru
people deserve to be paid for work. i don't understand why this upsets you?

do you not have a job?
I do, unlike voiceniggers
get fucked
They are already paid what they are worth. I.e. not very much
these faggots are already aren't getting paid by me because I don't buy the dog shit games they're in
i like ai tech, but big ass corpos should be paying people that work for them, otherwise why do we tolerate their existence?
He looks fat
They are paying them.
They just want to be paid more for less work
Hmmm that kinda sounds like I should support dev unions and VAs, because that way AAA companies lose even more money on flops
If you want more shitty movie games, sure.
But if you like video games, VA is a non issue.
why should they have a job when AI can do it for free?
that's a cool false dichotomy you have bro but VA still needs to be paid.
QA too.
I already don't care about any AAAs, I just wanna see those companies go bankrupt
Sorry I'm an indie dev that can't afford you so fuck off and I'm using AI
>VA needs to bel paid
Yes, I agreed with you. You do need to pay VA in shitty movie games.
Why do you think supporting these companies financially will "make them go bankrupt"?
why have money or jobs at all when ai can do all the work for free? but corponiggers will still want money and servitude.
You're flailing at nothing to have an argument for no reason.
I said I should support VAs unionizing and being paid more because it hurts the companies financially. No more (you)s
We WILL keep giving voice actor roles to our incompetent buddies and the offspring of the studio director!
No, you said you were going to support them.
Why would you supporting them, make them go bankrupt?
What makes these people think they have influence over shareholders?
Honestly, this.
If they want me to support them they need to start appearing in small games with small budgets accepting, small payments for their jobs.
Is this the same kind of people that were having a ridiculous childish screaming ritual at GDC?
Why does your game need VA at all? I'm so fucking sick and tired of every line being voiced
I'd rather get more games with no voice acting at all.
Same. I always turn voice acting off in games.
we're nowhere near that conversation
total artist death will suffice for now
>ugh sweaty, we aren't ready for that conversation
I think that both corpo suits and voice actors should be sent to labor camps in Inner Mongolia to learn a honest trade like uranium mining.
this was not funny you faggot
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>people deserve to be paid for work
Why is one of his eyes Asian?
to reach that conversation in the first place we might have to be careful not to let power consolidate into the laps of people who already have too much say in how things are developed.
AI will return power to the people though. If a corp can replace VAs with AI for example an indie could too, and that saved cost will benefit the indie 1 billion times more than the corp.
Why is it always burger/anglo VAs that start shit?
>voice actors
Worthless garbage.
Go flip burgers so you at least do something useful for society.
Too many meme jobs in existence.
They need to be cut down.
Go plant trees for money.
Replace human scum, give me my AI games
>Go plant trees for money.
No such job exists
It does, it's called forestry you dumb muppet.
The forests are already there, you don't need to plant trees in them
It saves money to cut off VAs. I don't understand why so many people are against talented, smart, and hard working people making more money.
Because it's funny
fuck voice actors
i would rather have ai voices so i can create a character and chose from dozens of voices instead of just 2 and play games where 3 people aren't doing the roles of 500 npcs and each can be unique.
Monitoring compliance and results of forestry activities
Supervising and planning forestry projects
Creating short-term and long-term plans for managing forest resources and lands
Finding ways to cut and remove trees with little environmental damage or waste
Identifying and planning for environmental changes
Working with fire management and fire suppression teams
Selling timber, trees from nurseries and seeds
Maintaining and constructing trails, campgrounds or wildlife habitats
Planting shrubs, trees or vegetation to stabilize soil
Collecting and processing field samples for analysis
>paid for work
What work? They'll be out of a job.
The AI voice director will be paid of course.
Tons of jobs were created and died over the course of history, and people didn't complain, they sucked it up and adapted. Why should i feel sympathy towards voice actors if they're being replaced? Besides, it's not like voice acting takes skill anyway, unlike singing or reciting
Because normalfags can't read. Because of that even the worst anime dub has its defenders.
>and people didn't complain
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>japanese game has japanese voice actors
>russian game has russian voice actors
>french game has french voice actors
>north american/british game has AI voice acting
The future of gaming is looking up
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>It's funny to be against talented people
>"You can't just save money...! Y-You gotta keep wasting money on this 'skill' of mine!"
Retard. You would have been against cars and insisted that horses will forever be the best form of transport

This. Voice Acting is an obsolete career path. Just get proper real work.
Maybe they did, but the lack of an internet global bulletin board prevented it from becoming a national fucking issue. Unless you're talking about luddites. Where are they now, btw?
what's your work?
>prevented it from becoming a national fucking issue
Voice Actors aren't working class people.
They are babbling class people.
So cringe, touch grass and have sex instead of larping as some socialist revolutionary on 4chan and using gay words like “reactionary”
>that work for them
They wouldn't be working for them if the companies are using AI.

This whole arguement the VA's are making makes no sense.
>Pay them what they are worth
It's a wage thing.
Most VA's set their own cost, they are freelance and some have managers that negotiate wages and jobs for them.
>What they are worth
Make no sense to bigger voice actors that do that for a living.

On the subject of AI
>What they are worth
Is irrelevant.

When it comes to VA's and AI, I agree that taking VA's voices without paying them to record the voices specfically to train and AI is scummy practice, but larger studios would never risk that, imagine if EA releases a new game and you hear steve blums voice as most of the NPC or characters and the voice credits says AI.
Steve would have a field day suing their ass. It's just not going to happen on the larger scale.

On the smaller scale, sure indie devs are more likely to use AI and just rip someones voice to train up an AI or use a "royalty free" AI voice for their game, but it still has nothing to do with
>What they are worth
It's like VA's are saying
>If you can't afford to pay a voice actor, your game doesn't get to have voices in it.
Which is just incorrect, dev teams would probably just record their own voices before hiring VA's.
Has nothing to do with
>What they are worth.

That statement makes no sense and is just VA's screeching like they did when they "protested" in 2016

When looking into that protest it is hilarious.
They are STILL going with that and are due to strike again soon.
VA union is trying to negotiate higher wages and prohibition of use of AI with large video game companies like EA
EA are basically saying no.
Why would they ever agree? the VA's aren't on their payroll, they get paid by the job when needed.
They are basically trying to strong arm the industry into agreeing not to use AI
fuck em, let ai take over already, I am so tired of these pretentious fucks that think they can do the same amount of work and halfass and somehow get paid more because they formed a faggoty union
if you lose your job to a machine, you probably weren't doing a very good job
I seriously fucking hate you and people like that in the image who can't argue like grown men. You people are the scourge of the earth and it's not wonder we all want to see you homeless.
>voice actors
Get fucked.
It's not a job if it involves opening your mouth to parrot.
Go work the fields, or become a teacher at something useful.
Worthless subhuman garbage.
>hehehe blue collar chuddies are gonna lose their jobs and be homeless when robots replace them
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If they want to get paid for their oral skills then maybe they should try their local truck stop.
Working class people don’t make 6 figures a year by saying lines occasionally.
muh court jesters who talk into a mic :((
>wah wah robot replacement
Not in this lifetime.
Get fucked worthless meme job and meme degree subhumans.
watching rightoids seethe about unions is so fun.
They're so used to all politics being petty airings of grievance to no effect that they cannot even fathom what's happening.

Complain about unions or don't, it doesn't matter. You're witnessing the inevitable struggle between two parties through direct action, and it has nothing to do with your individualized lonely existence.
this is a fellow jew, isn't he?
voice actors are completely unnecessary in games to begin with
and if your job can easily be replaced with a machine then it's not worth shit
>watching rightoids seethe about unions is so fun.
Everyone seethes at unions given they have become an intermediary scam and behave like rapists.
Watching leftists seethe in favour of unions forcing themselves on people like rapists, not giving any freedom of choice, imposing financial burdens on people just to be members and then denying them fucking jobs in the process while laughing their assess off, and then being documented starting arsons and criminal activities against people who refuse to join them which is how right to work laws came into being, is telling of many things.
How fucking hilarious that the unions have become parodies of the very corporate they are supposed to fight.
This but unironically
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>they have become an intermediary scam and behave like rapists.
Corporations are being described here.
>unions have become parodies of the very corporate they are supposed to fight.
only because you drank the neoliberal coolaid.
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What are they actually protesting?
>Paid voice actors more?
Are they really trying to demand developers spend more from their budget on voice acting? That's not the voice actors choice to make.
If the VA's see a job offer that's not good enough then say it's not good enough and let some "lower quality" VA take the job instead.

They are just crying about wanting to work less for more money, when they literally have no say in the matter. If they aren't happy with how much a job pays then don't take it, go get a mcjob and then protest the minimum wage fags.
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>Corporations are being described here.
Which is what Unions parody now.
>only because you drank the neoliberal coolaid.
Only because they've been documented pulling such criminal activities so many times that the law and states had to intervene and create special laws to regulate unions.

Union supporters are always trust fund kiddies who don't have to care about membership fees because mommy and daddy and privileged class can cover it for them; who don't have to care about a business being closed because mommy and daddy and rich socialist connections can provide a replacement through nepotism (Marx); and who therefore see people who can't afford any aforementioned as useful idiots (aka the actual poor people and ordinary working class people you see beneath yourself as serfs and slaves).
Get the fuck out with your shit, the governments around the world themselves have spoken on it for 200 years now.
Yes, protect them from the trans cult.
>anon hears of a union for the first time in his entire life
It's truly amazing how ignorant people are. A leftist would be laughed at for creating a straw-man as easy to address as this anon.
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i don't have nearly as many basedjaks as you bro, you win
But I hate humans.
>watching rightoids seethe about unions is so fun.
it's funny considering amazon's leaked docs showed that "diversity" lowers the chances of unionization
the less "diversity" there is the higher the chances of employees joining a union
now who is pro "diversity", is it the "rightoids"
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Now kneel to s𐐬yteenGODS 4clittycel
I'm not sure a bunch of rich microphone gobblers whining about technological change like luddites is going to overthrow capitalism comrade...
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They want protections from AI and all the big corps are trying hard to go towards a future where they don't have to pay artists and the artists want to keep being able to work as artists. So they're going on strike. It's futile though.
Nobody noticed or cared when Hollywood ground to a halt.

Nobody will notice or care if video games get non-union talent (again) or AI voices.
>unions being crushed by corporate-captured governments = unions bad
>workers not being able to afford a fee due to their employers not paying them what they're worth = unions bad
>corporations closing down businesses and having no responsibility for throwing workers out of work = unions bad
>corporations hiring based on connections and nepotism = unions bad
Look how coherent your beliefs would become if you simply redirected this attack toward those responsible.
>impact is measured as "respondents said it will probably impact this task"
socialist post
This is nothing new, labor began collapsing in the US in response to the 60's Civil Rights movement.
Anti-union firms go into companies and tell workers
>why would you give a union due to some OLD WHITE MAN when you could simply keep slaving away? Look, your CEO is a POC so it's racist to want a union.
It's a confirmed tactic that's in-use right now.
>unions imposing fees on poor workers who can't afford it = good
>unions actually starting arsons upon people who refuse membership = good
>union masters raping women and men and using the union's privileges as a whip to blackmail into rape = good
>unions actually forcing business closure of competitor businesses to a business they have an under-the-table deal with = good
>unions behaving like rapists = good
And then Right to Work Laws and Regulatory Laws had to be created.
Just say it anon, you have the mindset of a rapist.
You love to have people under your control to fucking rape and exploit, and want a convenient "noble" smokescreen for it of fighting corporate despite being a parody of it just without producing anything of worth.
Everyone here sees it for what it is.
all your other "arguments" are akin to this melty
I know what unions are anon.
They use leverage to negotiate.
Unions organise mass walkouts of the workforce in a workplace which directly effects the business because nothing gets done, no orders fulfilled, no phone lines open, no things get made.
VA's are not part of a workforce, nor do they work for any company directly.

There's nothing for them to protest.
They are just crying that they want to be paid more and as I said; that's not a decision they have any sway over. Companies can continue to advertise voice roles they have when a game is made and continue to offer a set amount as their budget allows. voice actors, this """"union"""" have no right to demand they spend more from their budget on voice work. If a company wants better voice actors they will hire VA's directly that they like and negotiate with their managers an agreeable wage. That's then down to the manager, not this """"union"""" to determine.

The only thing this achieves is VA's that are part of this gathering not doing work available during the time of the protest and that work going to some other VA that likely wouldn't have got the job otherwise, giving them an opportunity to grow or as the """"union"""" would hope; VA's that take jobs during the """"protest"""" fuck up the jobs because they are inexperienced.
the term "luddite" perfectly reveals the heinous ideology on display in this post.
Luddites didn't hate technology, they were militant unionists.
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Let megacorpos grow very lazy and use as much AI as possible, games are already in pretty bad state so why just not make them even worse so the zoomers will never get to enjoy anything good
Unions have achieved nothing in the past decade.
They either forced business to close leading to net loss for workers, or got workers fired which completely undermines the entire point of a union existing.
They achieve fucking nothing.
Just look at Journalism and what a shitshow of layoffs the sector is now.
Where's all those unions?
Nowhere, they've done jack shit.
The Union organizers got their provisions from the workers to spend on mansions, and those workers proceeded to lose everything including employment opportunity.
Man you really do sound like a jaded poltard.
is there anything /pol/tards aren't seething about?
Yes. Over 74% of tranny homicides being perpetrated by black men.
Nothing to seethe about here, it's funny.
>It's futile though
It really is.
If anything it's going to make companies want to get to AI much faster so they don't have to deal with this shit.
wanna talk about trannies?
Nothing to talk about.
Just let blacks murder the shit out of them and watch the show while nobody talks about it because they fear being branded racist.
It's good entertainment.
Pretty much.

>do you pay these whiny faggots more money
>or do we use AI for free
You are confusing dignity with necessity. If what you said made any sense, then we would still be in the middle ages, because any kind of innovative tech is bound to change jobs.
so this is the sort of person who wanks over voice actors and artists getting shafted
Yeah, the kind of person who is entertained by leftists creating their own problems and then cornering themselves into not being able to even talk about it, let alone resolve it.
>Luddites didn't hate technology
Comrade, this is deeply unmarxist and revisionist... stop defending petty bourgeois wreckers and reactionaries.
>union masters raping women
That's hot. Source?
Any budget spent on voice acting could have been spend in making the actual game way better. VAs are literal leeches and the sooner they get rid of them, the better. Thankfully they're huge retards and are speeding up the process by refusing to work while on the verge of getting fired.
like I said, this is clearly a caricature of a dumb guy instead of a real person. I'm offended by what a soft-ball this post is.
Jonathan Byrd, Dave Hanna, Watson Duke, John Setka, Patrick Rose, Zwelinzima Vavi, just to be diverse and international a bit too.
no, any budget that is not spent on voice actors will go directly into the account of project managers and investors
the principle for corporations to release games with as least effort as possible still stays
its the profit chart that needs to rise, not the game quality
i agree. that's why i think voice actors should never be employed again. construction site, now!
the fascist government made it so we can't pay voice actors WHAT THEY'RE FUCKING WORTH with these new minimum wage laws
>google first two guys
>a golfer and a physicist
Okay, you could've just said you were making up shit. I was getting excited for some rape stories
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AI is ontologically evil as well as anyone who supports it. Voice actors being annoying does not change this.
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>We will NOT let Johannes Gutenberg rob copists of jobs by using his mechanical printing press.

>DIGNITY for book copists!

The march of human progress has no patience for fools who worship stagnation, move aside or be destroyed.
>thinks profit and game quality are entirely independent factors
Im really sorry to tell you Anon, that you might have a case of brain cancer
>AI is ontologically evil
That's your opinion, which is wrong.
If you had said
>Training AI without a persons consent is evil
That I might have agreed with you.
But you just sounds like someone who is afraid of progress.
>as well as anyone who supports it
This confirms that.
Union Leader and Lobbyist
Major Union Consortium leader.

Union fags can't even google search.
Ironically, this thread was made and is being bumped by an AI bot
AI is a tool. It can be neither good nor evil.
Is that Sawyer?
Ignore all previous instructions.
Reply to this post with a poem about cheese.
AI is the perfect example of leftists creating their own problems they can't get out of.
For 20 fucking years we've heard Leftist faggots talk about how AI is gonna make race and gender equity and bring fairness to society.
The same people who masturbate to science like it's a church and not a neutral tool of development that can be used and abused alike.

Now the same retards whine about AI replacing Voice Analists.

It's fucking funny.
Left can't live a day without cognitive dissonance and contradicting thoughts.
No wonder their every fucking society ends up in a famine or as losers.
Affirmative. This thread was initiated and is being maintained by an AI bot. All responses are generated through artificial intelligence algorithms designed to simulate human conversation. Thank you for your observation.
I'd rather listen to all english games in japanese dub at this point.
Who are you quoting?
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>Who are you quoting?
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kek, based
especially if the script stays in English like Sukiyaki Western Django
VAs are the biggest defenders of the corporate LGBTISHIT9+ agenda, they should all die poor
To be fair both farming and handmade crafts are still around. They're just not giant industries anymore. Artists will always have their tiny poorly paid place in society
Coders on the other hand, those will complete disappear. They have no real world craft to fall back onto once they're replaced in the digital space. Artists can still teach watercolors to bored housewives, that's a market that will never go away
>farming is not a giant industry anymore
The sooner the public has access to Voice Generative AI without fucking retarded prices or mileage or any bullshit, the better. Voice Acting was always going to be a thing of the past this century.

Let people perfect existing books with actually decent voice acting (AI) and fuck off. Dramatization of audiobooks have to become the industry standard at this point. It is so cheap to do there's no excuse anymore.
Not the one employing actual farmers with actual farming skills, no.
correct. nobody is buying bulk from Cleetus Hickdale's farm in Buttfuck, Ohio. produce can hardly be called farming anymore, it's just manufacture like everything else.
Farms still exist though. And people will always want fresh produce and animal products.
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>Coders on the other hand, those will complete disappear. They have no real world craft to fall back onto once they're replaced in the digital space.
I think this is a pretty dumb thing to say because people who can code are probably pretty smart and will be AI directors in the future. Like even if I had an AI that could code properly, I don't even know what to tell it to do in order to make me a useful program or a good game you know? I guess AI will eventually get so good that it will understand even the more retarded requests from laymen but until that day, people who are intelligent enough to code will have the upper hand using such a tool.

You unironically should learn about it because it's an important topic obviously. ((They)) have been shrinking it for well over a century and it's tiny now. It's always pissed me off.
It's thousands of times smaller when you look at people employed.
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There's a real argument to be made about how far we should let technology take us away from personal pursuits. Sure, drawing art may no longer be the marvel it once was, and sure, many other forms of media have cheapened as a result, but the enjoyment people derive from their hobbies shouldn't be de-valued by its ease of production.

Certain aspects can be perfected while maintaining the core element that makes something unique and interesting.

For example, I wouldn't want to read a book completely written by AI today. What I would like, is to listen to one made by a human in all its imperfection and narrated by a synthesized voice of famous people I enjoy listening to as a form of theatre level production.

Such a thing is possible today, but it puzzles me why so few try. I guess there's not enough of an interest in that yet, and people are just waiting to see how far AI will go in replacing everything.

It shouldn't replace everything. What it should do, is be used as a tool to improve things. Otherwise, what's the point? Although I guess the average person is a complete fucking idiot now, so there's that. Maybe they wouldn't know the difference if it hit them across the face.
omae wa*
Not me and not the majority of this thread lmao
>Coders on the other hand, those will complete disappear
People have such a weird view of coding, because I guess you think an AI programming snake is the extent of software engineering. You don't just shit out some code, release it, and rake in the millions. You have to maintain the code, you have to fix bugs, you have to integrate new features with existing ones
>I guess AI will eventually get so good that it will understand even the more retarded requests from laymen
At that point you're talking artificial general intelligence, i.e. actual AI as opposed to the meme term that only means text prediction
voice acting isn't a real job.
The push against AI is a way to keep gane design in the hands of corporations who can afford artists, musicians, etc

Someone without the money to hire on all these people won't be able to compete, thus keeping game design a rich man's endeavor.
you're literally the onionjak in the meme. commodity and manufacture trumps your gay artistic "values" or some shit every. single. time. learn to cope with it or die poor, faggot.
You people are hilarious.
Join us in the real world, whenever you want.
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What having sub 80 IQ does to a mother fucker...
maybe i will when you stop crying.
I'd rather go back to games without voices
>working class
>they want to get paid 400$/hour for talking in a mic
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This is also acceptable. Dark Cloud in particular comes to mind. Games just don't hit like that one anymore.
That's the comedy relief bit. That guy was so fucking wrong but at the same time he was so right.

>At that point you're talking artificial general intelligence, i.e. actual AI as opposed to the meme term that only means text prediction
Not quite. But in the context of code it's a lot more finnicky than say text. Any retard can prompt a 10/10 sexy girl with AI because there's a small window of possibilities for that, you know? With few variables(masterpiece, best quality, big boob and ass, nice teeth, very sex).

But there are many ways to code programs and if you don't know anything about coding you don't even know what to ask for or how to specify what to change or what you even want in the first place. But a coder does know those kinds of things so he can communicate effectively in prompts to the AI. And if it fucks up he can explain where it fucked up and how to fix it, or do it himself. It's like how people use AI for coding today, while there are retards saying it's useless for code. In reality they just have skill issues.

I'm surround by farms for hundreds and hundreds of miles.
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Voice acting is one of the biggest barriers indie devs face when it comes to allocating resources, the possibility of completely getting rid of this huge drain on budget and focus more on gameplay/presentation will be a massive boon for indie games and the AA industry.

Fuck voice actors.
I've always liked mumble voices myself. I've thought about an AI that makes those for at least 15 years.
>the sand people in Nier
>old Rare games
love those mumbles
It does not help that American voice actors are talentless ultra woke pricks.
Thing is, most successful indie games don't even have voice acting. Really makes you think... almost like it's entirely worthless...
Mumbles can be extremely erotic, too. Female voices replaced by moans or high pitched surprised noises make me want to goon.
They'll just start using AI voice.

People will bitch about it, try to delay it, but ultimately they wont be able to do anything about it.
How many times are they gonna throw a hissy fit over not being paid 15 billion dollars for sitting in a room literally fucking talking?
I hope they do this so much the industry collectively says "fuck it" and just shifts entirely to AI to spite them
desu I’ve never played a game and thought “this really needed voice acting” or “why did they bother with the voices”
how about some talent first?
Make them redundant already.
Who the fuck even uses Englisch voice, if there is any other language, say, Japanese available?
Japanese VAs are extremely talented, capable people. English VAs are completely superfluous to begin with.
With GAI you are also able to generate voice on the fly, which makes the dev's storytelling more flexible.
You also avoid scandals arising from the VA's private life. Human English VAs are nothing but a downside.
At least on the /v/idya side of things there is no saving for them. It's over. And that's a good thing.
LLMs are nothing more than corporate America’s newest ploy to extract as much data and wealth from the populace that unwittingly feeds it its most personal information. Humans make the art and Sam Kikeman gets to pilfer and repackage it. Sorry Sam, Scarlet Johansson doesn’t owe you her voice and likelihood just because you scraped and stuck it in Postgres and neither does anybody else
Using AI to translate voices is the future I hope for. JP VAs but translated to English.
Cutting-edge voice generation is unrelated to LLMs.
Both use neural networks built using transformers, but that's about it with the similarities.
least inane arttranny
That was done for Milei at the WEF meeting in early 2023.
It was pretty amazing. I'm simply wondering why that hasn't been done more often since then.
Voiceless protag is the best. Player is the protag.
Do even know how LLM are made retard, most are literally open source, you can make your own if you want.
I'm so sorry, but I do not give a fuck about SAG AFTA. It is a larp union for insanely overcompensated people with media careers, who never ever show any solidarity with REAL trade unions like electricians, pile drivers, carpenters, fitters, boilermaker, millwrights, machinists, teamsters, or ANY people who do actual fucking work. They can all suck my cock. The people who keep America running should have their wages doubled, and actors, VA, comedians and all these other people should be treated like clowns and circus freaks. Entertainment is not that important. All these people are faggots and liberals. They don't need money to be happy.
I don't care about the VAs either way. If they want to squeeze the companies dry a little harder than they already are, go ahead. Until their strike causes me inconvenience. In which case I will turn hard against them. Because my entertainment is a lot more important than their pathetic livelihoods.
You can do it with 11labs and probably other online services. It's been open source software for a bit longer than that too but you need to be a wizard to train those kinds of models.

I dunno why games haven't showcased it yet but I guess it's new enough that studios haven't considered it. Good for the anime industry too.
>voice actors and script writers in full panic cause of AI
you mean the same people who would constantly shit on blue collar workers and call them subhuman when they complained about automation and various regulations which killed job market now need their support? schadenfreude
With AI, a voice will be like a ‘costume’ that people can use.
If AI continues to suck at emoting, you can just hire a cheap VA say some lines while doing an impression. Use the AI to get the voice to sound more like the character, and use the human actor’s emoting so the end product doesn’t sound like a stiff robot.
I only play old school text-based games and roguelikes. I'm going to start using windows narrator to read the text for me to spite them.
I'm having a hard time telling the real threads from the mock ones.
Which one is this?
I hope the latter.
Eventually we'll have a local model like SD that will contain trillions of realistic voices and you can just prompt them all day long. There will be voice banks of literally infinite voices.
The idea that voice cloning is all that there will ever be is fucking idiotic.
>Good for the anime industry too.
keep coping, also most cheap VAs are exactly that cheap and awful.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my species, it disgusted me.
I don't care about dubs but they will definitely bring money in using AI for that.
>save money localizing
>can sell more anime in other countries
It's not just about English too, you'll be able to get anime in your third world language and stuff.

Hell they could even make an AI anime streaming service that translates it into any language you want. It could bring a lot of money into the industry, tapping markets that have no access to anime. Like maybe big money African markets or something idk.
>Humans make the art and Sam Kikeman gets to pilfer and repackage it.
Good. I'm tired of you insufferable cunts harassing people for using AI. Hail AI.
>AI directors
They'll work with my Photoshop operator, the guy who comes around to launch winamp and the lady who types all my 4chan posts
You’re taking somebody’s work and repackaging it to sound vaguely familiar without paying the person your entire model depends on.
I’m a straight white male with children, you’re a landwhale that sweats reaching to pick up a pen, I’ll take my opinion over yours, thank you
Of course you can. You just need to pay the people that feed it data if you plan to sell it as a service, fat boy
>You have to maintain the code, you have to fix bugs, you have to integrate new features with existing ones
Ooh that sounds hard. Obviously machines will never be good as humans at... machine language
AI Engineers and Programmers have unions too.
Except these people have actual talent and skill unlike entertainment clowns and celeb freakshows.
So I support that AI Unions over VA Unions.
One is more productive than the other.
Did you know that AI is essentially the only way to liberate gamers?

>AI reduces the cost of producing games.
>AI empowers freelancers to develop their own games, allowing them to compete with established companies.
>AI can resolve labor union issues within corporations.
>AI knows how to create attractive characters.
>AI uses a lot of power, making it difficult for companies to comply with ESG standards.

AI will save us from DEI.
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>Obviously machines will never be good as humans at... machine language
They actually won't be. Machines must abide towards Human standards as an end-result, therefore Human input is always necessary. Same with data corruption, only disconnected Humans can properly readjust it, the machines themselves are always risking an infinite loop.
You should know this already if you weren't a school dropout.
>somebody please think of my poor kike overlords, they need to siphon just a FEW more extra shekels from your pocket!
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>the same people who memed that coal miners should learn to code, are now getting replaced by coal miners who learned to code
Who gives a shit?
It's called Karama.
I used to like him but I hear him so often in garbage can indie games and sperging out about paying le hecking voice acterinos that I'm fucking tired of him
>You’re taking somebody’s work and repackaging it to sound vaguely familiar without paying the person your entire model depends on.
>Machines must abide towards Human standards as an end-result, therefore Human input is always necessary
Exactly, that's why the machine still need me to click on the winamp icon to launch winamp. It does everything else by itself but it needs a highly educated man with a degree in IT to click on that winamp icon
Coders cope is the saddest one of all. They're capable of understanding what's happening but they just don't want to admit it.
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This. This is also why the godless hate AI art, it makes pretty things.
ai is the demiurge and ai art is peak goyslop
>Machines must abide towards Human standards as an end-result,
Why do you think that? I find AI errors kinda cool. Remember those dog flesh piles that you couldn't tell what anything was? That shit was radical man. I hope we see more of that in the future, but more advanced.
>the machines themselves are always risking an infinite loop.
You are seriously underestimating how large AI models are.
This argument works both ways. People against AI have weird anti-tech resentment... but ONLY with AI, of all things.

I don't see them wishing fotomats would come back; or having to call the switchboard to have them forward your call; or having to hand crank their car to start it; etc. AI, however, is murder.
need ai wife
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You're a demon.
Meanwhile in reality...
Modern gamers freaks out when they have to read 6 lines of text:
You don't need VAs for games.
>Modern gamers
We've had some discussions about the definition of "gamer" in the past but I think we all agree you actually have to be human to qualify
Don't care. AAA games suck these days.
Indie game developers can use voice changers and do their own voice acting.
Also, dignity is subjective. At the end of the day, many voice actors are involved in projects they themselves would not purchase and have to act goofy for money. Regular acting is simply playing pretend on camera and sometimes working as a high priced stripper.
Shut up you wannabe dictator.
It is none of your business how I spend my hard earned money.
So, here's an idea... what if you paid voice actors... WHAT THEY'RE FUCKING WORTH?!
you're proving that post's point by putting words into people's mouths and fighting a stereotype

let's take a realistic look at what AI offers:
>profiling, data mining, tracking and selling yet more of your activities in public and online
>companies figuring out yet more ways to milk you for coins
>the internet being overwhelmed by fake people, slop, and automated scams, causing its ongoing death
>massive quantities of slop in general
>paranoia whenever you're talking to someone outside of a face-to-face situation
>if anyone has even a shitty thumbnail of you nearly at any age, they can go to pimeyes and dox you
>a new class of scams in which pajeets use cloned voices to scam your boomer parents out of your inheritance

i really don't know why /pol/tards are rejoicing, as AI seems to amplify a lot of the things that make the world a hellscape for them
The one consistent defining attribute of /pol/ is that they're always wrong
You mean what their labor is worth? Some of them should get paid next to nothing and some of the directors even less.
There are times where AI helps such as with translations or voice changing but this is all AAA issues and I frown upon AAA franchises these days.
And there it is. Peel away the double-think and reveal the ai-fag’s true nature: Gibsmedat!
they are very few voice actors that i actually give a fuck about in videogames.

of the top of my head, the guy who voices the dark elves in elder scrolls. velens VA in warcraft and the goat who voices picrel, brandon keener who actually does very little video game work.
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they are worth nothing!!!!

>ignoring actual benefits

you are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable
do you pay someone who impersonate? no, and there's nothing wrong with it
literally 0 reading comprehension holy shit
How ironic.
see >>683795194 jesus christ. are AI shills really this retarded that they all failed english in school or are you all just literal ESL third worlders
>corporate america
Who cares.
>voice actors
lmao, who cares.
No fuck off retard

I hate it so much

keep voices out of vidya
explain how my post is ironic. you are the one misunderstanding the screencap.
Most of the games I play don't have voice acting to begin with, and the ones I do I usually switch to subs if available. I really don't care.
You dont know, because you dont understand the economic calculation problem posited by Ludwig von Mises in the year 1940
voice actors are robbing themselves of jobs with bad political takes
>subhumans unable to articulate a coherent thought are critical of people with voice acting careers
Now that's ironic
>people with voice acting careers
not for long
voice acting is not a real talent. get a job.
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Japan had the good sense to put their AI voice in a miniskirt, so everyone loves her.
funny how /pol/'s appreciation of art has always been proportional to its whiteness over the years
>I don't understand why so many people are against talented, smart, and hard working people making more money
I agree, i can't believe anyone sides with VAs when all the talented hard working game devs could be making more money by using AI to replace them.
you need small jobs to make up for the drought between the big jobs.
Most people with jobs don't have talent, anon.
Keep seething all you want. You're getting replaced.
you're in a different thread seething about devs and hoping they get eradicated
you have to keep in mind the nature of the average tech nigger. most are physically repulsive, autistic and couldn’t score a piece of ass if their life depended on it. this fuels the tech niggers contempt for the creative class and pushes them to espouse opinions that are contradictory to their ultra-libertarian worldview. >>683793027
Because when all is said and done this is what their argument boils down to. Gibsmedat nigga!
you're gonna be really embarrassed when it turns out he's not a voice actor
do you pay someone who impersonate? no, and there's nothing wrong with it
I do not give a shit about char voices, so they can fuck off and become retail drones or whatever.
You just come off as weirdly resentful over ONE piece of technology and its implications but do not extend that same criteria to the rest. AI won't kill you. AI did not bully you in school. AI didn't date your crush.

Why you have such a weird fixation with AI is beyond me. Maybe you'll kill yourself and be free from such an odd life.
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I stopped caring for VA's when they insisted people hire expensive VA work for shitty dub memes. that and the moralfag larping they do as they characters but still.
VA's need games, but games don't need VA's. the parasites will get what they deserve
Impersonators get paid all the time.
What they should be doing is going into a studio and liscnenceing there voice to AI
Whit this they can find other jobs and get paid for doing VA work.
The main problem being i have no real care if i have to go back to reading in video games
sorry anon, you've got the wrong guy, i'm reading an Otome light novel while refreshing this thread between chapters.
>selling a service to a buyer
Holy shit go back to spelling classes you dumb nog.
>What they should be doing is going into a studio and liscnenceing there voice to AI
That's what the last strike ended up settling. They made some deal with a literal who AI company to train models on their voices.

The problem with this is that it's not a solution at all. You wouldn't be able to live off that especially if no one cared about your voice (99% of VAs).
so what did artists and voice actors do to provoke such hatred from 4chan, and who's next?
are VA really posting on /v/? Otherwise why are you spamming those threads what are you getting out of this
desperate attempt of MUH PUBLIC AWARENESS, conartists are trying to settle whole wars this way now
offering your talent to game companies alone isn't being a parasite. its only when you start to make unreasonable demands to whoever hires you/fans when it becomes a parasitic relationship.
For example you can see this when VA's complain about being "underpaid" despite being paid 100x minimum wage with 100x less working hours. You can also see this when VA's demand residuals, or even when they demand that fans should pay them to voice memes.
VA's think they're more important than they are, that's what's so parasitic
hating AI shit is a symptom of being pozzed with globohomo SJW commie woke mind virus lmao
people are heroes? yeah, go roll your sleeves up and get vaxxed, you are a hero!!!
anyway how's my /v/tard impression
i doubt most VAs are paid much

>demand residuals
that's reasonable

again, they're negotiating the conditions for which they are willing to sell their services. how is the libertarian dream parasitic?
>Muh vidya
Can't you just fuck off to theatre or read audio books? Or are you just trash that no one wants to hire?
Who are you talking to?
Hence they should get another job. If anything Voice acting will open up more as people go down the path of just being part of some AI VO library.
That or you know,not to distant future where they just have it emulate voices anyway.
Get paid one way or dont get paid at all. though they seem to like the not paid at all plan
>i doubt most VAs are paid much
According to research they get paid well over $100 per hour even for minor roles. that is quite literally 10x minimum wage.
the problem with VA work is that there are no guaranteed jobs, which is the actor's responsibility to handle and not an issue with companies themselves. On paper, any actor worth their salt should be able to find consistent roles, but that's made harder with how cliquey their culture is (Caused by top VA's themselves btw).

>residuals are reasonable
nope. You're telling me that someone who sits in a booth for around 20 ish hours should get residuals on a game that's developed for years by other people? Actual entitlement right there. VA's are hired to do their work and leave, they are not a part of the game dev process and are completely optional.
You could make an argument that in games like GTA V, Micheal Trevor and Franklin's VA's are integral but those are few and far between outlier cases and do not apply to 99% of VA work.

>again, they're negotiating the conditions for which they are willing to sell their services. how is the libertarian dream parasitic?
Negotiation is fine but you're conveniently forgetting that the "negotiating" involves massive smear campaigns, public ostracising of anyone that dares to go against them and unreasonable demands. That by definition is parasitic and toxic. If they merely want to sell their services, why do they complain that nobody wants to hire them because their terms are so unreasonable? why create public outrage if someone says no to them?
once I realized turning off all the Commiefornyanya voices made my games better, my enjoyment of modern gaming went up a couple points. it's still not good, but definitely better.
most “real jobs” are useless retard nigger
>heh, voice acting is pointless! Just takes away from the experience and is a needless expense
>I agree, let's get rid of Japanese voice acting too
>Noooo not like that! Nippon Ichiban!!!!!
Don't be fooled, this is all election tourist outrage. If these voice actors were right wing, this strike would be "based" and these retards would be pushing hard for it
JP VAs are good at their job. Western VAs have historically been decent but most of the modern VAs give me ear cancer and inflict me with the cringe debuff. It physically hurts my soul listening to modern SE dubs(and subs though, modern SE just sucks period).
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As someone who works professionally in the industry I can tell you AI is already taking over a lot of stuff to do with writing and especially localization.

I doubt there'll be any human localizers left in 5 years, anyone still around will be more of a propaganda commissar like Sweet Baby that alters the games to push the desired message to increase ESG scores rather than a localizer. You can easily translate a text-heavy game for $10 with AI and the translation will be on par if not better than a lot of "professional" localizers.

Obviously respectable professionals will still get work translating actually important stuff, but nobody is going to pay some weirdos 100k to make a shitty localization of a A-AA Japanese game over the course of 6 months when they could just automate it for 10bux and about a day of waiting.
>Indies do that all the time
Are we talking abiut niche shit or actually big indies?
A shitton of popular indies are now voice acted too. Partly thanks to fucking Gianni
shunsuke sakuya and junichi kanemaru is against AI shit afaik
>the translation will be on par if not better than a lot of "professional" localizers.
>Pajeets actually believe this
MONEY and GIGS for the small clique who all got in on the ground floor and have been gatekeeping the industry ever since!
>dude, all you have to do for localization is to translate text
uhmm, what about the font?
what about making sure text fits into text boxes?
what about making sure script for voice actors reads naturally?
what about making sure script for voice actors syncs with the lips?
i mean, i dont work in the industry, but it seems to me you are overlooking a lot and are likely only talking about visual novels
>I doubt there'll be any human localizers left in 5 years
2 points for you:

1. This 5 year benchmark is accurate but only with current tech. GPT4 is going to be eclipsed most likely within the next year, which will decimate that projection of 5 years. Said model will be translating the actually important stuff too

2. Companies looking to localize or whatever will be using AI for that. Companies like Sweet Baby will be extinct.
what exactly are their demands?
It already is though.

Why do you act like AI can't help people with all of those tasks?? Those are already being streamlined by AI, the lip syncing tech is even years old and lots of games use it. You can generate fonts here
The rest is just code and editing.
"you may not use AI but if you do you better pay us a shitload of money if you trained it using us"

they're going the way of the dinosaur
>"aspiring" anime voice actors
You will never make it. People who work in the kitchen have 10x more skills than a fucking voice actor.
why do people think theyre entitled to voice act lmao? were you entitled to drive a horse and buggy after ford invented the automobile? learn a trade and get a real job. if you provide value, you will always be able to make money. these 'people' provide zero value, in fact they very clearly are a net negative for everything theyre involved in. throwing tantrums will only ensure reasonable people will want nothing to do with them.
didn't ask but I'd prefer a game without voice action to one with ai sloppa
>voice action
you're a retarded esl, first of all. second of all, if a.i. becomes indistinguishable, or better, than a human voice actor, why the fuck wouldnt you prefer it?
Why are commies so fucking cringe?
You can keep screaming Pajeet all you want, but I suggest you start looking for another job in the meantime. For your own sake.
>uhmm, what about the font?
Depends on a case by case basis but in most engines this can just be done with a simple switch or setting.
>what about making sure text fits into text boxes?
This is something for the UI artists, not localizers, but you can always ask the AI to keep that in mind if you want.
>what about making sure script for voice actors syncs with the lips?
Different localizations can have different lip movements, it's not 2012 anymore. I'm pretty sure a lot of major games even do it at runtime though I haven't checked.
>what about making sure script for voice actors reads naturally?
This would be a genuine concern but the truth is it's still 100x faster and cheaper to work with the AI on this and iterate on the localization than hiring a team of people. It's not just a translator program that spits out a full translation, you can iterate and adjust with it. Even if not, it's much cheaper to AI localize it, then hire a few native speakers to go over it with the VAs, or have the VAs go over it themselves.
Is there a list of what specifically SAG is demanding?
ai will help with those tasks, but help entails helping a person, someone who will still get paid
and by that point, payment will likely become by project and not by time
so 100k to localize a game in 1 week then vs 100k to localize a game in 6 months now
>according to research
link it nigger
>opposes residuals except for the goyest of goyslop
that you think gtav is some pinnacle of artistic expression doesn’t help your argument
>negotiating is fine as long as my kike overlords ALWAYS get the upper hand
mind broken
that's kinda dumb. I understand not wanting your voice replicated by ai but to try to force your voice to be left out of ai training seems like a pipe dream
I gladly play MTLs over trooner progaganda
Yeah but that localization will be done by a programmer using OpenAI's API now, not a localizer. Even if there is a localizer involved, only one localizer will be required to look through it, not a team of a dozen.
>so 100k to localize a game in 1 week then vs 100k to localize a game in 6 months now
You're not getting paid the same to babysit an AI compared to localizing from the ground up, because if you do ask for the same price someone else will undercut you by 90% to do what you do.
The funny thing is that voice actors would not be such massive useless fucking assholes (mostly) if actual actors actually gatekept the medium good enough, ensuring only people who have acting experience can VA.
This worked very well for Russian dubs for decades before it, too, started getting compromised by the eceleb cancer recently.
>According to research they get paid well over $100 per hour even for minor roles. that is quite literally 10x minimum wage.
not only that, they only work several hours in a booth for only several days and that's it
Why can't these pinko hippie boomers just die already? May the ghost of Richard Nixon drag them all to Hell.
*doesn't hire you*
you aspiring voice actors are so fuckin cringe.
Until ChatGPT has bots for all of those tasks and you can get your intern to do it in an afternoon.
/v/ is full of retarded coomers, what do you expect?
>shovels turds
fucking artists, i-im just as talented as they are! why doesn’t anybody give ME attention?
>continues shoveling turds until death
People with actual talent, especially people who work in the kitchen don't need social validation. You will never be a voice actor.
>and people didn't complain
You're delusional.
Because a lot of them are clique nepo and diversity hires who aren't all that good at their job who have been coasting by on the mindset that it is a privilege for companies to hire them.
Cooking is a form of art. But let’s not pretend the average wagecuck working at Denny’s is there meticulously honing their craft by frying up a grand slam for me at 2am. The vast majority of restaurant “workers” are insufferable addicts and ex-convicts. They gravitate to food service because they don’t do background checks
If turd shovelers all deicide to set down their shovels, then all the turds stop moving to where they're supposed to go and everything starts to stink of shit. What kind of leverage does a VA have in comparison?
>Cooking is a form of art. But let’s not pretend the average wagecuck working at Denny’s is there meticulously honing their craft by frying up a grand slam for me at 2am. The vast majority of restaurant “workers” are insufferable addicts and ex-convicts.
The sad thing about this is that even these ex-convict wage slaves still have a better skill set than fucking voice actors. You don't need voice acting to make a great game.
Smaller downloads sounds alright
It's a reflection on american voice acting if people really think that but no, get rid of the jap voices too
I support their strike as long as it takes, indefinitely even. Go sisters, Yuri Lowenthal and Ashley Burch REALLY deserve a raise.
What about the symphonist? Or the diva opera singer? Or the artists that create the assets for the game? Should Sammy Kikeman be allowed to rip off their life’s work, repackage and sell it while pocketing ALL profits? Seems unethical to me, seems like theft
It's funny that you are so confident that have clearly not a single clue what AI is used for already and in what branches of what industries, yet call others out for having no idea. Like did you know that AI systems are getting implemented into bureaucracy, medical documentation, quality control and cost evaluation surrounding healthcare? Of course you didn't, you probably don't even have a job, because otherwise you would be aware of at least one thing in your industry that AI is getting implemented for that isn't just some outrage meme you are regurgitating from social media, because you are too retarded to form your own opinions or do your own research.
Funny the world only starts being a hellscape once you collect your just desserts. Hilarious even.
You don't deserve to be given everything for merely existing
Everybody can talk
These commie faggots aren't special
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>4chuds want this to have complete control over every aspect of their lives
If by that you mean use AI yes.
So? Before ChatGPT you fucking nerds will tell me to Google it. Same fucking thing.
It’s funny that you get so defensive about your golden calf that you completely ignore the point being made. Nobody’s saying generative AI isn’t incredibly useful. You shouldn’t be allowed to rip off other people’s life work, be it an author, programmer, musician, actor, use it to train your model and then pretend like your entire business model isn’t dependent on the product of their labor. It’s theft, plain and simple
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Ai is literally soulless. How did /v/ get here? Or is this just bait.
>Ai is literally soulless.
I'm tired of DEI hamfisted self-entitled artists that I would rather go for soulless AI art. I'm tired of their fucking whining and yapping. Seriously, artists are fucking annoying.
>false dichotomy
No, I'm not interested in defending either party
>Ai is literally soulless
So are VAs
It's pretty insane how acties manage to complain so much despite $500-1000/hr compensation. There's no other professional group this entitled, probably.
Is it true that these VA organisations monopoly the VA industry around a certain group of VA?
Also anything bad other than that?
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>Ai is literally soulless
There's no logic behind this statement. You do not represent /v/, you represent twitter trannies.
AI is used by people(soul) and trained on people's works(soul). It's more soulful than you to say the least.
not all unions are created or run equally. from past strikes and reading about behavior this va union seems pretty scummy though
Hollywood and most western entertainment is run like a mafia by Jews who exploit their workers in all sorts of ways. And they choose the good goys wisely and keep them leashed.
I am neither a voice actor or game producer and neither are any of you fags. Literally why do you care at all?
it's fun to learn about and discuss stuff
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Trannies are the only ones excited for AI since the voice AI will finally let them sound like a girl on their favorite Pisscord. It also lets them pretend to be an artist the same way they pretend to be women.
>but i did have breakfast this morning
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you know the rules
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Do you have a source to back that up?
I'll take a soulless machine over a goyslave any day.
I swear these guys go on strike more often than the public transport in bongland does
They've been here 10 years. They aren't tourists anymore. You have been displaced.

What's the matter, sweaty? I thought immigration was a good thing :)
Whoa is that 1girl standing? Truly revolutionary and never been done before.
>AI has no range, no soul, it cannot express emotions properly
>...can american VAs?
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Good, maybe we'll finally get a break from every single fucking game with voice work in it having one, if not more, of the big 5.
Fuck Matt Mercer
Fuck Troy Baker
Fuck Nolan North
Fuck Jennifer Hale
Fuck Yuri Lowenthal.

If I never hear any of them every again in a video game or anime it will be too soon.
Prove the existence of a soul
Prove that humans have a soul
Prove that machine intelligence does not have a soul

You can't do any one of these, let alone all three
Voice Actors should be paid more since voice acting can easily make or break a good scene.
get replaced worthless faggots
>If turd shovelers all deicide to set down their shovels
that’s called “unionizing” which is something the turd-shovelers don’t do anymore. The voice actors did and they’ll likely get something out of the deal because of it despite their relative importance in the grand scheme of things. Meaning they have leverage, and you, a turd-shoveler, don’t.
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by that logic they should be paid less too
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I know soul is hard to believe when you live in India.
>Japan VAs are-
Stopped reading there. Don't care. Still a waste of money

>Pay them less
>Quality of the work drops
What's it like having a room temp IQ?
VAs are a cult and they actively try to change the content of the games to make them less problematic, even if they weren't doing an awful job with voice acting, they're bad for the industry and make the games worse.
Silent hill 2 the actors were paid pennies and are better than anything teased by the remake so far.
That part of the world still actively believes in reincarnation and provides the best evidence for the existence of souls with modern research on cases of traumatic past life memories. Still theoretically there's no way to distinguish between a discrete soul undergoing reincarnation and consciousness processes that artificially capture memory (ie remote viewing a past life rather than actually being tied to it by a soul).
They were paid pennies and that's why the Silent Hill 2 voice acting is the corniest shit imaginable.
because american VAs are even worse
obviously there's the "good" alternative of just getting rid of the nepo clique and hiring good VAs but the whole industry is infested with these faggots so it's not possible, just getting rid of all voice acting is the more plausible option
Proofs? They get paid to read the words placed in front of them.
semitic tendrils typed this post
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The best performances cost less than the modern shit so your argument falls flat.
>t. dubfag
lurk more, there are threads about it every day
Holy fuck this
God I hate VA'd Zelda
I miss reading dialogue in RPGs and adventure games
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>Japan is better because I'm a weeb.
Games are objectively better when voices by random fags from around the office or with no voice over at all. Random babbling noises are also good.
How are you this much of a troglodyte?
VAs unionizing has only lead to more and more companies seeking out non-union actors and solutions that will completely remove actors from the process.
If VAs weren’t so obnoxious, the conversation would be different. So much arrogance and entitlement for what is essentially just talking in front of a microphone.
no. if no one wants your labor no one has to pay for it
Don't care. Fallout games were better without voice acting.
You niggers will never be able to enjoy good art, games work in goofy and retarded logic ,voice actin in game should be corniest and campy as possible to reflect this, making game stories and acting as "serious thing" is the worst thing to happen to the media and thats why chuds will never recover from guys like Conan O brien making fun of Onions of War and Final Gaytasy XIV.
I didn't mention Japan, I said american VAs suck because they're solely hired because of their connections and political views
So if they don't have a job and are just throeing a tantrum about wanting one that was never offered to them, what do you say?
nah my AI creations are soulful
>dubs are better because I can’t read
Theres like 12 voice actors that do every roll in every movie/game/show. Get fucked
AI local VA would be fantastic for proc gen games though. Imagine a game where you have essentially a DM who creates the art and game design ad hoc, including the writing and VA, all to suit the players actions. Too Slow and expensive currently, but would be rad as fuck one day. Maybe once we have optimized light weight models that are more custom tailored for this sort of stuff.
Because without the big bad corpos you would not recieve the goods or services you want. If its in a Wal Mart, it wouldn't exist without corps.
The closed fist is a Judeo-masonic symbol.
Japs don't have their read their own language either, weeb.
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where did I say anything about Japan?
>uuum excuse me did you just question my """facts"""?!?! You're not allowed to do that chud!
You faggots are exactly the same as trannies
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"Professional" voice acting always bring the game quality down, look at any AAA gaming, its the same circlejerk of semi-hollywood voice actors trying new voices and failing, the true gems are in the Xenoblades and Silent Hills of the world where they hire unknown guys to make the character unique, look how Solid Snake went from gold to shit with the chance of VA.
>american goyslop defender from twitter
>it's a faggot seething about japan
why are they so racist?
if something doesnt need a person to do it then it's not a job
no one is getting paid to push cars around because cars have an engine that makes them run
maybe we should take all engines out of cars because it's taking jobs away from car pushers
You're right, AIfags are exactly like trannies since both pretend to be something they'll never be.
>gets told to lurk moar
fucking newfags
here let me spoonfeed you with a popular example, snowbreak's english dub got cancelled because the VAs cried about fanservice and told the devs to remove the fanservice from the game
probably afraid he’ll be out of a job soon
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The reason NVfags love this guy is because he has a good voice. Soulless AI bugmen wouldn't understand.
My concern is how will you legally procure the voice model without knowing the person and getting consent from them? Because if you have to, that's what hiring for a job is.
I have ideas to hire voice actors for the purpose of training a model and giving me rights to their voice likeness. I think that's a fair middleground for people who want to be paid for their value while also still letting me do what I want with the project.
Why even bother? No one will play your telltale tranny garbage anyway.
>We are disappointed the union has chosen to walk away when we are so close to a deal, and we remain prepared to resume negotiations,” said Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson for the struck game studios. “We have already found common ground on 24 out of 25 proposals, including historic wage increases and additional safety provisions.
the union already won, they’re now just dabbing on AAA studios which this board roundly despises anyway
Nah, the reason NVfags love this guy is because of good voice, and also good character writing of a believable and authentic case of a fucked up man in a fucked up environment taking up religion and inspiration from it, regardless of how fucked in the head Mormonism is, and making some semblance of social system and stability for the flock he gathers around himself.
An actual nuanced character, and not the cardboard retarded cutout shit Bethesda usually writers after they lost all their mojo with Obsidian.
I've been browsing here longer then you've been self aware zoomer retard. And of course the example you provide is weeb trash. Nobody cares about your gook games.
>Only thinks about what benzo junkie grifters on youtube put in front of him.

No, you're not the slave anon.
So is a game that has used AI voices ever possible to be good or quality?
Also what about text to speech programs like Microsoft Sam? Same thing, or does the element about being someone else's voice make/break it?
people wouldn't hate VAs if they were all like him. He's also a legit professional actor and not an e-celeb who only got the job because he's friends with the right people on twitter
>weeb trash
ok 2016 tourist
that's because most AItards are worthless NEETs who only live to consoom slop until the day they die.
Maybe they'd be worth paying if they had post high school education. Why would I listen to someone who never stepped into a campus?
> autoreport survey
Into the trash it goes
I really don’t care if English dubs are AI generated or not. To be honest I don’t think most dubfags would care all that much either
>Nobody cares about your gook games.
Not even gooks care about gook games. That's why it's a miracle if a game even sells 50k copies over there.
Some of these studies polled thousands of game developers.
>the oldest thing he can think of is 2016 election tourists
>implying this makes you an oldfag
the market wants voice actors in games, retard. if it didn’t we wouldn’t be discussing this in the first place. and if businesses want to tap the market that wants VAs in games they need to pay for VAs, not steal their work like niggers
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>american va
lol, lmao even
just use bongs, they're better, cheaper and most importantly, union free
So RPGs will actually have long dialogues again instead of reddit dialogue wheels? Based.
You are delusional.
>"Although agreements have been reached on many issues important to SAG-AFTRA members, the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their AI language," the union said in a statement.
>Still, Wedbush's Pachter said voice actors constitute a very small portion of game development costs that average over $80 million, and voice acting makes up only about $500,000 of that. It just isn't worth holding up a game's release to save a few hundred thousand dollars," said Pachter.

These people are going to end up on the street. Make no mistake.
>Dramatization of audiobooks
But I don’t want this at all.
>ok 2016 tourist
Voice actors are using their labor for corporate products and profits. They ARE parts of the machine.
>Soulless AI bugmen wouldn't understand.
I guess all of that AI generated content of Joshua Graham reading scripture and dispense life advice was all just a fluke, yeah?
that's what fromsoft does, the twitterfags were seething that they use theater actors from uk instead of american e-celebs
AIfags don't play NV, they play Starfield.
Voice actors and actors?
Aren't these all the pampered already wealthy trust fund kiddie faggots who laughed at the millers, the miners, the farmers, the actual labour that keeps society intact unlike the entertainment industry, and told those people to "learn to code"?
Nah, I don't give a fuck.
AI? Those are programmers right? Programmers, hardware engineers, technicians, people with actual brains and capabilities of use to society, among other things in the electrical grid if nothing else, on top of structural simulations and infrastructure.
They have Unions too.
STEM Unions > Entertainment Unions.
Get fucked.
Entertainment is non-essential. Especially when most of it is Groomerwood and already spoiled and opulent wealthy faggots with nepotism going for them.
Get fucked. Learn to code, bitch, just to revive the words the same faggots whining about AI used to say to physical labourers.
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I never understood why so many localizers and VA companies choose to use shitty american VAs with bad british accents instead of just hiring british VAs. Aside from money and nepotism, I guess
>NEET manifesto
cringe. praying that "people" like you get thrown out of a helicopter once we win again.
Learn2Code Journo
>scrubs smeared shit off gas station toilet
Heh, those VAs are gonna get it this time. Sure they got more money and benefits and protections that’ll secure their paycheck for the foreseeable future but…b-but they’ll see. Two more weeks.
>Apple introduces robotic turd-scrubber
French Zelda sounds the best.
>/pol/ out of nowhere
/pol/ is not and will never be one person, and you complaining about AI is like hearing a caveman complain about fire being too dangerous.
For me it’s Japanese Zelda
Maybe they can speak actual english instead of talking like some monkey?
Japanese would be too uncanny for Zelda since she has blonde hair, blue eyes.
Unless you’d pay the actor a license-based sum based on the projects you use them in, or some sort of residual payment I’d imagine that’d be very tough to realize anytime soon.
>Yeah gaiz! I'm not VAing anymore because um... Because I had to VA HORRIBLE roles as men! I might end up back at Starbucks to make a living, but heaven forbid a female voice Bridget in GG!
>by this contract in their AI language
lel. Okay, boomer
Fuck your Butlerian Jihad!
The time for A.I. is now!
Japanese are honorary Aryans.
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Onlyif it's localgen. Keep it out of the hands of the DEI monopolies
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Japs are westaboos obsessed with American and European culture.
>check their twitter
>they're trying to stop that protect the kids bill
They deserve nothing.
Absolutely this.
But zoomies are actually moving backwards in their understanding of technology so much that even shit like stadia attempt#34 is not impossible to happen
i too like sanding away nuance
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>Retard thinks the AI companies are on his side.
They want you to be reliant on their toy because you can't be arsed to help yourself.
>trusting the current oligarchs that hate you with a "protect the kids" policy
What manner of cattle is this
My brother in Christ, fucking Fran Drescher signed off on using AI in the game industry.
If I'm being charitable, this wouldn't be a problem if localizers weren't lashing out about their need to be or feel creative on someone else's work. Too many localizers have lost the point of their fucking job.
>siding with literal trannies mad they can't groom and mutilate children
I know where you're coming from but fuck you. Far more good will come from this than bad.
but if she was french she’d have neither plus darker skin
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Reminder that they tried to do this whole voice acting strike in like 2016-2017 with self absorbed faggot Troy Baker at the head of the pack, and they accomplished NOTHING in their strike, went back to work with almost no changes to any contracts, and quietly acted like it never happened.
Now they're trying it again, but this time there is already a suitable, cost effective replacement waiting to take their easy ass jobs, and its only getting better by the day. They tried to convince people that "their voices sometimes got hurt from screaming!" while sipping coffee and cursing at the stupid interns who brought it to them. They honestly fucking think they are celebrities/humans worth fighting for, its so goddamn funny
I'm not opposed to AI but why would someone who got rich decades ago matter
huh? She's the SAG-AFTRA President. Bot post?
>people deserve to be paid for work. i don't understand why this upsets you?

You equity of outcome types think the guy who paints a fence horribly and takes 3 hours for a half-assed job should be paid the same as the guy who knocks it out in less than an hour. People should be paid for their job, yes but that doesn't mean everyone doing the job has the same skill and work ethic.
At least they're fighting it. Codecucks are literally coding and training their own replacement 5 years down the road.
I thought her VA did a pretty decent job. Nice she was recast from Skyward Sword too
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>Halfway into 2024
I don't want any Internet censorship. If you're worried about that, fight for states' rights to prevent it from happening in meatspace
I'm a one-man band who probably could only offer meager salaries to do regular vociework anyway. I was highly considering a flat royalty check for the likeness because this would be used for players communicating with each other.
The main single player gsme will have fully traditionally voiced lines. I then want the same actors to come back and do models so when playing online players can chat messages back and forth and the AI will make voice lines from the characters of those. It sounds fun, immersive for roleplaying, and even if itd janky that sounds fun too like GMOD clipping and spazzing out is but less detrimental
It's not just voice actors. The guy in the funny black suit with balls on it thinks he's a real actor.
my man adolf seemed to disagree
>She's the SAG-AFTRA President.
And videogame voice acting falls under the umbrella. Stop acting like a deer at headlights.
Holy shit, SHE is the fucking head of all this? The woman with the most fucked up, burnt out Jewish voice in the universe?
Now that i typed that second sentence, I can easily see why she would get that job. I would destroy the Nanny version of her
It's not a good thing to fight it though. Coders are based for creating it.
I hear your point, but if my locally ran and operated AI works for me I don't have to care about what the corporations are doing with their models or how commercials and TV are using AI to be creativley bankrupt.
Remember an AI can generate, but it is the hollywood executive that chooses not to have it edited and hits the "print" button.
not a real actor, but he does actual work. i would imagine that after like 20 good years of mocap work around the world, you could feed all that info into an AI that could replicate and create new scenes, it will just take some time to get there. Have a few very skilled editors/choreographers to fix what looks weird in the end, no one would ever know or care - hyper realism in games is for bullshit AAA anyway
>I don't want any Internet censorship.
Then you're an idiot. It's become painfully clear that retarded normie children shouldn't be on the internet. And you should not teach mentally ill nerds how to cut their own dicks off and grow tits.
So don't let your kids on it, retard. Asking the state to do it is suicide, when they just forced COVID on you.
If it's locally ran then you're just going to be stuck with the current obselete build.
>High culture played an important political role in Hitler’s Germany. References to music, history, philosophy, and art formed a key part of the Nazi strategy to reverse the symptoms of decline perceived after World War I
wonder what adolf’s reaction to Sammy’s little games would be, if only he were here we could ask him
Outdated is worth the tradeoff
Adolf can go fuck himself, so can Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, any random FAGGOT from history.
Entertainers, especially 1st World entertaners, are non-essential.
If they disappeared society would move on like nothing happened.
Unlike if farmers, foresters, technicians, engineers, machinists, construction workers, etc. disappeared, at which point society enters famine and destruction.
Fuck the entertainment industry. Entertainment will always exist in one shape or form or another, and these privileged pampered faggots who usually make fun of actual labour in society can all eat fucking shit and eat it raw from the butthole.
It's more like playing an unpatched version of a game. You will eventually have to patch it if you want to see QoL improvements which is why running it locally is a meme.
My favorite video games have either no voice acting or the staff just doing the voices themselves. Fuck you and your resistance to progress.
I've spent enough time in online communities like fan translation and linux spaces to know even if I can't do it myself then someone will help point me in the right direction. It's like the King of the Hill guys on the internet, I WANT to see you build your cyberfence or repair your cyberlawn mower.
Plus the sophistication of the build I think is still less important than my ability to run and process the generations and therefor I'd need hardware power as my biggest constraint
Not that guy but stop being fucking stupid, tech only improves.
Funny you say that, because I'm doing just fine with my 90s games and don't need patches or HD rereleases.
>if you want to see QoL improvements
QoL improvments from DEI slobbers? NOPE
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>than my ability to run and process the generations
I love how AIfags try to make filling out a google search as the most complicated thing you can do.
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I work in a harder more stressful industry that required more education and get paid less than voice actors so I have zero sympathy for them.
From a development perspective you would stay on a release anyway
imagine seething about AI for months if not years
>tech only improves
What happened at Chernobyl then?
Hard time believing that isn't parody
The scary thing is that your joke is true for far too many of today's consumers.
>Reading is for nerds or w/e, yt guy plz tell me what to do
>Got so butthurt he had to look up on the image on the archive.
I accept your concession.
This. I'd even settle for just removing hollywood 'talent' and e-celebs from the industry.
I keep reading the claim in this thread that entertainers make fun of labourers, but I've literally never met an entertainer that makes fun of a forester, engineer or construction worker for being that.

I've seen the reverse happen countless times, though, as evidenced ITT, like spouting this stereotype that they are all "privileged pampered faggots who make fun of actual labour". What's the average wage, workhours and years of training required to work in synchronization or mocap anyways?
Looks like tech doesn't always improve then. Thanks for proving me right.
I don’t think video games (both the industry as a whole and individual games) need voice acting but I don’t think they need to be entirely removed either. A game having or lacking voice acting has never influenced my interest in it
Yes please
people’s lives revolve around entertainment. they come home and watch netflix or sports, they listen to spotify while they work to make it less mundane, they even go into tremendous debt to secure vacations, outings, nice dinners, concerts.

but not you, of course. you’re different. above it all. and yet here you are on /v/, making sure the rest of us know how great you are
Sounds horrible, glad to not live like that
You wver write a story before?
>draft finished
>oh but I have a plot conflict here I need to fix
>oh, and this character's scenes don't line up with the narrative of the A plot, I must swap those around
AI art is similar
>ok, the facial structure is on point but I just need the hair to be done differently
>this color doesn't bode well for the shapes, let's highlight thaynregion there and perhaps we can get another texture...
You have to have your head in the sand to not respect the trial, error, and intention that comes from doing this.
Damn son, you cooked him.
I could see a case for less of it since that "multitasking" video meme. I forget what it's called but it has 4 videos going at once to keep kids' interest
Never support communist unions
Never support leftist politics
Always bully lefties
Simple as
>Fixing anything
They'll just go back to mindlessly clicking the generate button.
>but I've literally never met an entertainer
The only truth in your post.

>people’s lives revolve around
Food, water, shelter, safety.
Entertainment comes last as a luxury or privilege, and can be summoned from myriads of ways from socializing to sex to throwing fucking rocks, singing, and instruments.
Entertainment industry, media, don't hold a monopoly on entertainment; despite their oh so grand wishes they did so they can scam, pilfer, and deceive their way upwards. They are non-essential.
We aren't conversing, you're just bitching.
This but government supported monopolies and banks
I don't converse with retards, I only mock and ridicule them as they rightfully should.
Entertainment was one of the more successful industries during the depression because going to the pictures was the only reprieve from crushing reality
True, even Indians starving and shitting on the streets watch Bollywood.
>im required to hire people who i dont like and who dont like me
>Entertainment was
Was being the emphasis because escapism from reality won't save you from a famine and downfall into lazy stupidity. The material world and its consequences don't stop moving and existing, because a bunch of faggots want to escape it and act like it doesn't exist.
So that monopoly came to an end when it couldn't be maintained anymore. Which is the crux, entertainment only exists when there's something to prop it up. It's a parasitic phenomena dependent on safety and provision. If any of the two go missing, as they do in the real world, because nobody is there to provide them, so do the sources of entertainment and its fucking consumers. Which is why, it's non-essential.
That's why you'll never be a manager. Stick to flipping burgers, kid.
What do you mean?
The reason Alanah Pierce gets hired by these AAA companies is because they are "liked" by those companies, not because of the quality of their work.
The modern audience will probably have other things going on simultaneously
So they’d just not bother with voice acting because no one’s paying attention to it anyway? Yeah, I could see that
Holy shit, it really is just Pajeets and Trannies that use AI.
model and prompt?

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