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It was as if she was looking at walking garbage...
...Or maybe she is just really turned on.
I can't tell the difference anymore.
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Don't interrupt shork while she sleeps.
are nipple bumps horny or safe horny?
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Reminder, Wise is fully conscious of his sister being in love with him.
Post images of the kot
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And Belle is always on guard to protect their marriage.
No housewreckers get past Belle.
already uninstalled your stupid garbage that can be played with nothing but LMB autoclicker.
Angry meo
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The main draw of the game is the romantic undertones between brother and sister. You can re-install it at any time!
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man we better get animations of her nipples going from inverted pepperonis to poke your eyes out hard
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shork is awake but tired
Humans are animals.
Did they nerf cop girl's ass now that she's playable, or am I just being paranoid. It doesn't seem as pronounced.
So she doesn't wear bras, does she?
bro i have hitomi for that.
wow would i be exposed to constant gacha temptation for an incest novel without sex
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The more incest the better!!
we have to at least be supportive of each other.
Correct. Her splash art in-game is the official art piece of her.
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Imagine not having Ellen. Couldn't be me.
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Say my name.
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Shhhh...... Ellen-san is sleeping
I kind of know what you mean. Having her makes it feel like she was always meant to be in the game.
Why janies continue to allow this obvious AD from this trash game?
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>went for Zhu because I like her more over Ellen
>only want an ice DPS eventually so Soukaku gets a proper team
>don't want Miyabi over Ellen even if she's guaranteed powercreep
One day my oni will get her team.
HSOS6 character preview, bio, intro, PV, character songs fucking when?
>"You don't understand. The criminals NEED to see every fold and crevice of my perfectly sculpted puffy pussy and commandingly shapely ass because... Because they just do okay?!"
Why is she like this?
Odds, I spend the money to get Ass Cop
Evens, I cope
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Having Grace and Koleda is also pretty much vital
The Belobog faction feel like an important corner stone of the game.
tranny jannie tried to go on a crusade against Genshin threads on /v/ but eventually ran out of autism and gave up
some games are just too popular to contain
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That was a lucky roll. You won't regret it Anon.
time to swipe
can I safely dismantle my extra B rank weapons or are some of them more interesting than their A rank versions?
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cute kid
>skipping both Ellen and Miyabi
I'm skipping the only Ether DD int he game so far, because I don't really like her.
But your decision making skills seem to be even worse than mine.
whats vital in this game is having 2 stunners (Anby, Koleda, Lycaon) or (Grace + Piper). If you just pulled for Ellen and Zhu Yuan but all you have is Anby you're essentially stuck with 1 non functional team
Eh, it's fine we can all grab Qingyi next month, she was designed to be Zhu's partner.
There's nothing wrong with making threads about popular things, but this constant spam of this game that no one gives a shit about is obviously cheap advertising.
Game was slightly rigged from the start for me.
>like both police girls more in the starting S ranks and also Jane
>priority focusing those 3
It's just another case of my higher rarity priority not fully lining up with my lower rarity priority, which I'm used to with these games. Can't complain though, usually when my favorite girl is a lower rank she's much worse than Soukaku seems to be in this game.
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>Lose the 50/50 (Got Neko)
>A single multi away from the hard pity
Lucky or not at least I tried.......
>this game that no one gives a shit about
stop projecting. just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't
how many Nicole cinemas do you have now?
Why does she have the mental age of a toddler?
Toddler oni is fine. Adult oni would be too OP
At least they pay you real money to spam this shit every half hour
C6 Soukaku is a good enough DPS on her own.
What do stunners even do?
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easy on the lolipops....
>What do stunners even do?

they fill daze bar quickly so your DPS can do dmg, the reason grace+piper team works without a stunner is because they're basically building up daze quickly too through physical anomaly
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nicole dodging her bill again...
Soukaku reminds me of Beelzebub from Sand Land. cute
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Prominent reminder
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20 residue is what you get when you C6 an A-Rank
I've probably C10ed her
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But Wise is in love with Zhu Yuan.

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Based zencest poster
Oni lives for hundreds of years, so she is a toddler.
>ass nerf
Is this true or are you making shit up? She looks fine in the trial.
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My heart hurts for the bro...
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>They really named the Oni kid Suck-Cocku
Between that and the lolis, their pandering has gotten better I'll give them that.
time for the daily Artifact grind
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I had literally nothing better to do, so I decided to explore the entire map (minus the VR room and stations) for every day of the week/time of the day.

It's pretty cute.
Mini-storylines are happening as the days go by.
>The construction site has weekly standups, meetings, and a weekend party
>There's a squad of discount hunters planning an attack during Saturday on Lumina Square
>A student dabbling in at least three shady "business" side gigs of dubious legality at the same time
>Coco is cute and tired every day. Say hi to Coco as you pass by!
>Some dude on the sixth street is lusting over the gacha-obsessed intern so hard he's accidentally became the noodle-eating champion
>Doesn't dare to approach her, though, while she's looking at the Moon during weekend nights and earning for love
>A shady dude acts like a total cunt to Rin, yet dotes on a stray(?) cat he adopted(?) and seethes no one knows the name he gave it
>A dumb fuck student being literally sibling-zoned by a girl he has a crush on. Or maybe it's mutual but she's denser than Ichika
>A total cunt in tight jeans and a nice ass going around being a menace to all shops for no other purpose than malice and personal gain.
>An aspiring cunt trying (and failing) to mimic the total cunt's success.
and so on and so forth.

Never got to catch Archie's stream.
For how it's hyped up, I think there'll be a mission for it eventually.

Also, yes, I've literally done everything - not a single missed quest, at least at IK43.
How do i play the s11/piper/lucy team? Any tips? Never played disorder teams, i only have know how to play unga bunga stunner dps.
>Mini-storylines are happening as the days go by.
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Ellen's wipeout screens range from
>tasteful fanservice
>screen full of ASS

I'm not complaining though.
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You already maxed out the skills on your two teams?
not that sort of Artifact, its lore flavour stuff items from Hollow Zero raids. You can get 3 a day and if you get a set, you get a small commission apparently
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this stuff right here.
>go to Metro 2500
>check if there is a "hidden" shadow bamboo icon next to the regular tiles
>if no, leave and restart
>if yes, go to it, get the artifact and leave
>rinse and repeat
The game design in such a way that wipeout screens are synchronized with certain frames in character animations, because the enemies don't die and linger on 0 HP for as long as your attack animation plays. Those ass shots are 100% intentional.
>Grace + Piper
tell me more about this team comp
>spam anomaly procs into disorder
What's there to tell? It's pretty braindead.
holy nasal speech, EN Wise sounds like a massive dweeb
the grind is insane
i am not looking forward to farming all these mats
i dont even want to imagine what it would be like to level from 50 to 60
holy souly
but who is the last character
the bears are really cute
wish there were more actual animal characters instead of human with animal ears+tails
There's not much "grind" in the game though, outside of maxing out weekly Hollow Zero returns (and I don't mean just the investigations).
What's insane (other than the fucking gacha rates and prices) is the "farm". I.e. the materials you can only gain through daily VR missions, which are timegated by daily energy regen.
But that's not unusual for gachas. The real "grindy" gacha is Grub, where you energy is virtually unlimited, but you need to repeat the same quests tens of thousands of times.
Double Anomaly teams don't really NEED a third. But you can slot in anyone. Except maybe DD. Since the anomaly characters sort of act like DD on their own, and will be taking more time on-field. I'm not sure if Anomaly damage scales with stun damage multiplier either. So the third character being a support would probably be the safest option.
Sleepy Joe at it again...
>Forty dollars? Oy Vey!
Does she really have nipple bumps on her model? Never had the time to see fpr myself.
>Can tossed into the pavement
Wise is beyond based.
Why is she showing such a disgusted expression on her face?
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Why does Ellen have such huge breasts and fat puffy nipples? Isn't she a shark? Sharks don't have tits!
Overwhelming animalistic muliebrity of a thiren beastwoman.
Ah I see
Sex appeal
Managed to beat the first half of Red Shiyu #6 with my Fire/Discord team but the dude is resistant to fire and it took 8 whopping minutes to beat.
Gonna try switching teams and fight him with Ice while the following Ice-vulnerable encounter with Fire.
Sharks also don't have arms and legs.
for me to suck on them, obviously
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Cute Anby
Friendly reminder that Wise and Ellen are friends with benefits.
nope, its in the official art but not on her model
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What I would do to that cop's ass
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>>Coco is cute and tired every day. Say hi to Coco as you pass by!
I always do.
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If I scan kot’s barcode, will she die?
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Anby love
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Anby life!
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Dum Anby. Belle is a noodles girl.
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Not so fast!
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Anby is perfection given form
i really hope they make good themed events like they did for hi3
at least one summer themed event with a beachside hub
>best hoyo game
>also the worst performing of the big three
i really hope they dont scrap the urban kino theme with slice-of-life story for ultra cringe fantasy crap in genshin and star rail
Does this game have tomboy? Does this game have anthro girls? Does this game have anthro tomboy ?
chinkcels dont like anything but safehorny overdesigned slop
how they greenlighted ben, soukaku and billy for this game is still beyond my understanding
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Cool Anby.
Dang, not even one tomboy?
>Does this game have anthro girls?
Yes. All females in this game are humanoid. There isn't a single quadrupedal or wheeled girl.
And most are pretty tomboyish, since they're melee combatants.
>Does this game have tomboy?
Koleda and Grace to some extents are tomboys
Game is boring desu, also most of it is comic panel cut scenes.
>spent all tape on shark
>don't get her
I needed the reminder why I don't play gachatrash
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>not only tendie spammer, but a zoomshit newfag too
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Honestly, Ellen has become second fiddle ever since I got HER
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I have Shark at C2.
Feels good man
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>the grind is insane
>2 minute arena fight, twice a day
Better off going for the weapon than dupes so you can see her go SSJ
>Why is she showing such a disgusted expression on her face?
because she's looking at you ;)
What unique Resonium do you get in Hollow Zero for her now?
oni is cuter
Game is getting boring and Wuwa's combat feels far more fun.
Only half a level before I hit IK40 though, maybe it'll get better (lol)
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it gets better after 2000 hours bro trust me
>3 weeks in
>stale thread, repeating the same posts and same pics
It's ogre.
ZZZ is finished.
>wastes your time with her long as fuck assist animation
stealth brick character
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It's weird, I definitely agree that wuwa feels better to play overall, and I thought it was way better before in pretty much everything as well. But I am having more fun with Zhu Yuan than Changli.
>Wuwa's combat feels far more fun.
Too bad everything else about it is boring.
Have you tried Wuthering Waves?
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I'll allow it.
Zhu Yuan's has a pretty good feedback on her attacks, it feels really shotgun-y even if she doesn't use one so I can understand why you'd like her, Changli is really flashy but more traditional. But as always Wuwa is just a cut above when it comes to skill expression. They're even finding some fun techs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZunHh9iyNs

1.1's writing isn't as terrible as 1.0 was, some quests are tolerable now
It's still to fuck around in the open world due how smooth the game feels, you'll find it boring if you dislike open world slop but as a long time Genshin player I find it fun for similar reasons
now that heartopia is cancelled globally, i am waiting for hoyo's animal crossing game
but i wish it looked more appealing visually and was more in the line of zzz's urban theme
the leaked footage looked really bad
Why don't wuwa shills post in their own thread?
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>leaked footage
Post it
because to them, it's more fun shitposting in hoyo threads and maybe nab a gullible retard or two into playing their shit games
that's all the fans of other gacha companies btw
kuro, hotta, tencent, etc
they all lurk here and vmg hounding hoyo threads and i suspect the trannyjanny is one of them too instead of a manchild t-ndie
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>Genshin Farmville
>They're even finding some fun techs
>It's a cancel
Is WuWa your first exposure to action combat?
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Miyabi has an SSR kit.
And a 3 star face.
to be fair, wuwa is no worse than ToF or 1.x genshin
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there are some clips out there, but it looks like this
it's not quite appealing honestly
they should have went with a shader like acnh or heartopia
plus the "villager" character designs are really bad
why is she so bug eyed
tendie is mad
Miyabi looks nice.
Why the fuck do you retards willingly advocate for sameface?
I'm staying within the confines of gacha games, Wuwa incorporating action game techs makes it stand above the rest. It was already the case with swap cancelling (available all the time) but some characters even have their own specific cancels.
I am Bad at this game but I'm still having fun. Is this allowed?
Yes. For example, I suck at DMC, but it doesn't prevent me from trying to S rank the DMD difficulty.
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Sorry Incestchads but after doing her Trust Quests, I'm starting to like the Wise x Zhu pairing.
Pretty much all action games have cancels.
ZZZ has cancels. And swap cancel is not the only cancel ZZZ has.
You seem to be their main target audience.
A casual mobile player who wants to try their hand at a more action focused game. It still has some heavy RPG/gacha elements, so you can grind and overpower tougher stages eventually. But you can dive into Hollow Zero very underleveled and still come out on top against the boss with full corruption stacks.
It's only the timed combat arenas that provide a "challenge" because they're a DPS check more than a skill check.
I have both the weapon and the dupes.

No idea, I haven't reached so far into hollow zero yet.
>buy rolls
>don't play the game
theres nothing to do but spend batteries and the 2 daily event commissions
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What an absolute THOT

I get a lot of shit around here just because I don't skip the story, but instead opt to take it slow and taking a lot of photos of Belle.
>70 rolls
go on without me. i'm not gonna make it
I hate that comic guy's shitty English
Yeah but almost nothing favors their use in ZZZ, the available cancels are just there for no reason. You'll almost never want to switch outside of parrying or the mandatory slow motion swap on stun because you want to maximize decibels gain. All non-dps ultimate are also superfluous as you will only use your main dps's ultimate skill.
ZZZ just feels really railroaded, and the elemental specific shields are a part of this problem as well.
>advocate for sameface
but she is the one with the same NPC face
>Get spooked on Ellen banner
>Drop the game
looks literally like anything from an Asian dev in the last 20 years
That is an interesting analysis. Ive seen videos of players who are ten times more skillful than me, but even though I suck and can't do what they do consistently, its still fun to pull off good play when it does happen. And yeah being able to grind out the dps checks feels like it gives shitters like me a crutch for progression, while the gameplay is fun enough to keep me engaged. I guess that's exactly what they were going for with the systems.
Yes, I run Soukaku and Nicole + LITERALLY ANYONE for DPS . Literal chain attack child rape combo, meta be damned
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yes, that's what happens when you finish a game
now fuck off for a month
if you forget to come back, so it goes
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Even the meo is smorter than Nicole.
Cute phone though.
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that's the old banner, update your spam list
>Sorry Incestchads but Wise will fuck all the girls in ZZZ except for her sister
How does Ellen's flash freeze work again? Am I suppose to horde them?
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>Is this allowed?
you can, but we don't recommend it
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>Am I suppose to horde them?
Not really. They just help you skyrocket your DPS.

Gather them, use them, gather them again, use them again.
Gain charges from using the scissor attack from Roaming mode and using EX Special.
Spend them to enhance the basic combo.
Unless you have C2. Which boosts crit damage of her EX Special even further, based on the number of flash freeze charges. So if you have that talent unlocked, you want to be at 5-6 charges when attacking. C2 is such a big damage boost for Ellen due to how it changes her rotation.
Yeah, I missed ellen and haven't touched it since
I wanted the shussy so bad
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I wanna have anal sex with the cop until she gets pregnant.
Even if you have C0, you're still supposed to gather them and expend them.

They exist to be expended, not to be hoarded. That's what that Anon asked about.
>Yeah but almost nothing favors their use in ZZZ
That's false. You'll be dodge canceling anything and everything all the time.
Positioning in the game is an utmost priority - be it for safety or damage optimization, and the best way to position while keeping enemies in check attacking and dodging, which are cancels.
There are also Assist cancels for Quick Assists, which you'll be using unless you like your off-field character taking massive damage.

>You'll almost never want to switch
That's retardedly false, you are literally failing to understand the combat system.
You want to be switching frequently. Even if you have a clear core field agent, the other two will be building up resources and can be activating special effects - you want those things in the game.

The fact you're impressed by a basic animation cancel yet completely clueless to how much damage and mechanics you are leaving on the field because you are blind to great and often completely free opportunities for switching is a clear sign that you are fully ignorant and, and incapable on analyzing combat systems period.

>All non-dps ultimate are also superfluous
Incorrect as well.
You will be presenting with scenarios where getting DPS damage in ASAP isn't the best course of action.
Yes, DPS ulti is the default option - but it's not the only one you have.

>ZZZ just feels really railroaded
How can it feel "railroaded" if the core of the system is the interaction between the player and the enemy?
You are very limited at the degree you can just dictate your game plan - you have to match the enemy you are fighting and find the opportunities to execute said game plan.
What are the "rails" you're perceiving?
If you wanted Ellen and didn't get her then you have only yourself to blame as you could 100% guarantee her for free even with the worse luck imaginable.
>the same NPC face
Show me an NPC with that face.
Thank FUCK i got Zhu on my 50/50 pity.
>Rolling for cop
>89 rolls and lost 50/50
>Now 80 rolls in and still nothing
I hate this game right now.
Im not sure how valid criticism of the character designs is since we arent the target audience. Its really a game primarily designed to appeal to women. Its like saying Bratz dolls are ugly. They might be, but their target demographic likes them.
Having 3 or more allows you to do her full basic combo.
Don't mash attack unless you have at least 3 charges because your damage will be pathetic.
If you are running out out of the stacks, you can do EX to gain one and immediately follow it up with your highest damage basic hit, so do that often.
Yes, obviously.
I mean Ellen's basic combo is 3 hits. You can gather 3 and spend 3 with no downtime.
But if you're at C2, you should hover at 5-6 rather than at 0-3, because each charge of flash freeze gives her a 20% crit damage bonus for EX Special.
Are you implying 1 hit at Flash Freeze 5 does more damage than 1 hit at Flash Freeze 2?
>All non-dps ultimate are also superfluous
>Incorrect as well.
No, he got that one part right.
There's little to no reason to be spending decibels using the ultimate of a party member who's not your main attacker. They will do less damage, and secondary effects they provide are marginal and aren't worth trading the burst damage for.
Well, maybe the stunner ults are viable, since they have considerably higher stun MVs than other classes'. In case you ever need to stun the enemy in emergency. Like the Twin Marionettes, for example, when one is reviving the other.
Did you read my entire post?
Do you know what Ellen's C2 does?
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You can only marry one of these ladies,
I pick the cutie in the midddle
Fine, I'll take silver
That post wasn't designed to berate you or trick you with a trap.
It was a genuine question because I don't know, so I asked.
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so, any of you motherfuckers experienced the hell that is fighting nineveh yet?
I already claimed the pink hair bitch since we've been having unprotected handholding for months now
Neither was mine. I spelled out in my post that she gets crit bonus for her EX Special the more flash freeze charges you have, if you have her C2 unlocked.
At high levels of Shiyu you'll be constantly presented with situations where you are offered sub-optimal opportunities to use your ultimate.
Going for a DPS ulti there just means you're doing suboptimal damage.
Stun ulties can mean turning a suboptimal DPS situation into an optimal one.
Other ulties can be used to manage resources (be it stacks or EX meter) or anomalies.

I repeat, DPS ulti is the default option but it's not the only one you have. And there are scenarios when other options will be better.
I fought her on beta. It was easy. Even with all the optional difficulty modifiers. Although there was fewer of them than on live now. The adds were annoying, because targeting is ass.

Haven't got high enough knot level yet to do her on live though.
IK44 had ONE (1) new quest.
A city quest for like 150 XP.
Not even a commission.
It'll take forever to get to IK45, holy fuck.
So if I have Flash Freeze 5 the E attack does more damage than E attack on Flash Freeze 1?

And if I have Flash freeze 4, a normal 1 hit attack also does more damage than normal 1 hit attack on Flash freeze 1?
>That's false. You'll be dodge canceling anything and everything all the time.
Positioning in the game is an utmost priority
You're doing that by just playing in every real time action gacha, Genshin included. However there is nothing in ZZZ that wants you to go deeper than that and use different cancels such as switch cancels because you will lose dps and fuck up your decibel gain because it's MASSIVELY boosted when you parry or switch when prompted. Also there are no downsides to dodging, the cooldown is incredibly short, you can't talk about positioning when the game allows you to dodge all the time.
>You want to be switching frequently.
Only after you killed enemies with your dps and need to restart your rotation with a stun. Otherwise, you'll only switch for a parry or after a stun is triggered unless you want to fuck up your rotation. Switch cancelling in ZZZ is a dps loss.

>Incorrect as well.
Give examples, the situations you're talking about most likely do not make up more than 5% of all available situations. You don't want to use Soukaku's ult, Anby's ult, Nicole's ult or Rina's. And that will remain true until we get a decibel boosting support, in the current states of things getting to 3000DB takes too long for you to waste an ultimate that's not your main dps's. That is true for all Shiyue content and garden as well.

>What are the "rails" you're perceiving?
The low amount of skill expression in general. Just like Genshin (and even Honkai 3rd), it is very easy to just emulate a good run and the gap between average and good players isn't big, the game is very lenient overall.
The switch system with the time stop is also really frustrating, when an enemy is low I am forced to wait for the prompt to finish if I don't want to switch because it'll just make me lose time if I do. They should allow you to disable it and have a real time prompt instead
I'll add that to fix the burst issue they could keep the shared decibel ressource but make support and stun ults cost less. There is no need to have a decibel boosting support.
They Wuwa they fix literally all of this
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My wife
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Wuwa is finished.
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I'm going to have sex with Lycaon!
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duality of man
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I only had 2 loses so far. they they were both gentle losses.
After the first loss I quickly recovered Ellen with 30 rolls. So basically I got a cheap Nokamata for 30 rolls.
My second loss is to Grace, but it only cost 50 rolls or so. 50 rolls for Grace isn't bad.
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No prices for guessing race and gender of this anon
>you can't talk about positioning when the game allows you to dodge all the time
Again, you are fundamentally not understanding the game.
>Critical Shiyu nodes have an effect reducing damage to the elite/boss as long as the basic enemies are present
>Kill the basic enemies as fast as possible
>Position yourself in such a way, all the enemies are grouped and killed by AoE damage.

Because you are fighting against the clock, you simply cannot afford dealing with enemies in a whatever way, you have to optimize the fight. You do that with positioning.
But okay, Shiyu is very high level, sure. Corruption Complex and Twin Marionettes bosses both encourage positioning.
The former has high threat zones (i.e. the saw and the pile driver arms) and weak points (each leg can be Impaired when it receives enough focused damage. The signature level 5 corruption even makes triggering Impaired your only way of stunning the boss).
The latter is two disjoined health bars that'll punish you for depleting one but not the other.
Even common enemies have area denial attacks that'll limit you to spamming Dodge Counters if you don't position yourself properly. Dodge Counters aren't bad damage but they are worse than doing your full combo.

>Only after you killed enemies with your dps and need to restart your rotation with a stun
Again, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
At the very least, without changing absolutely anything in your game plan, your DPS has moments of downtime during their longer attack animations - the very minimal thing you can do is swap another agent in while your DPS is stuck in that animation, initiate their attack, and swap back to your core DPS. And now you have 100% of your main DPS damage AND the damage from the other agent.
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>being a lucklet
When will I be able to unlock the Not-Artifacts? I got some for Anby on the main quest but all I can farm are skill materials and exp and money.
Lycaon is a bottom slave?
you get an invite from the NOIR robot to the record store after the construction company part, ch2?
Honestly feel like I'm losing one 50/50 away from quitting which sucks so I can never really let myself get too into the game.
All these girls coming out of my big brother's room after they have finished "watching the movie"...
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Tip regarding Bangboos.
If you have bad luck, save up your Bangbucks for the Marcel modified part.
If you have good luck, spend your Bangbucks on the Boopons.
Anyone else seen that futa artwork
holy fucking gay
Gay or woman
wouldn't going for the marcel part be a better investment for good luck players? means you can focus on getting MORE S rank bangboos while getting an extra copy for one of your old boos every now and then
meanwhile bad luck players need as many summons as they can get for guarantees, so the boopons would be more valuable
>Give examples
Every single time you have your ulti up against an enemy who is far from being stunned.
Stun ulties that can get you out of that situation.
Support ulties that can enable buffs without spending EX.
Anomaly ulties that can be used to rapidly proc Discord.
Literally whatever ulties that can give the character their respective stacks.

If you don't know the benefits of other ulties it doesn't mean there are none.
We've already established you have no idea what's going on.

>The low amount of skill expression in general
What's "skill expression" here?
In the example of WuWa you gave, that was a very basic cancel.
ZZZ has plenty of cancels you keep failing to comprehend.
Don't you think that if you personally lack the skill and ability to comprehend the utility and meaning of the tools the game gives to you and keep dismissing them in your ignorance, your "skill expression" would be wildly different from someone who did their basic research and knows what they are doing?
Your "skill expression" is mindlessly mashing buttons. Their - using the tools the game gave them.

>it is very easy to just emulate a good run and the gap between average and good players isn't big
This isn't the first time you bring this up but I have no idea what grounds do you have for that conclusion when you literally have no idea what are you doing.
The game by default is less susceptible to """emulating a good run""" because, as was said already, the core of the game is interaction between the player and the enemy.
You aren't given the freedom of just applying your game plan until the enemy dies - you are challenged constantly, even in 1v1 scenarios. You have to react to those challenges and adapt to them.

I'd like you to present any sort of a basis on which you came to this conclusion as your personal gameplay can't possibly be one, given you didn't even finish the stable Shiyu.
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I need Koleda to take off those baggy pants and put on short shorts like all the other loli units
>The switch system with the time stop is also really frustrating,
Again, the only reason you are finding it frustrating is because you don't understand it.
>when an enemy is low I am forced to wait for the prompt to finish if I don't want to switch because it'll just make me lose time if I do.
You are not forced to do shit.
Chain Attack will not be triggered unless you land a heavy attack with your on-field agent.
Meaning, you can deal any number of non-heavy attacks, or any number of heavy attacks, provided you swap your agents before the attack connects.

If you are lest with an enemy that has virtually no HP left and you are initiating a Chain Attack - that's entirely on you.
>They should allow you to disable it and have a real time prompt instead
They will because there's a lot of people like you who refuse to learn.
Positioning is still very limited because outside of ranged enemies they just all go on you and chasing them is unnecessary. Positioning is interesting when it changes enemies patterns then you can use it to make them act the way you want.
Positioning in ZZZ revolves around running towards either a ranged enemy or the highest health one to bait all the others on you. Your position then won't really matter, you can dodge everything at all angles.
The Twin Marionettes are very weak to what I just mentioned, with Ellen I barely have to work on my positioning to kill them both at the same time as they just stay so close to each other that they get caught in her spinning attack easily.

>Again, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
At the very least, without changing absolutely anything in your game plan, your DPS has moments of downtime during their longer attack animations - the very minimal thing you can do is swap another agent in while your DPS is stuck in that animation, initiate their attack, and swap back to your core DPS. And now you have 100% of your main DPS damage AND the damage from the other agent.

Doesn't work like that when it cancels your dps attack string. I can't tell you the number of times I triggered a stun with Ellen when I was an attack away from getting to her spinning aoe attack against fodder that would just get shredded in an instant. Switching to someone else cuck me out of Ellen's highest damage attack and I was basically left with three choices : switch to Soukaku and have to suffer through her long ass spinning that's aoe but will most likely not kill the mobs, switch to Anby's short animation but that's almost single target or wait out the swap prompt to FINALLY get my spinning attack off and killing every fodder in aoe just as I intended to before the game decided to za warudo me.
Literally not the same face.
Belle in Anbi's costume.
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NPC face
>Positioning is still very limited because outside of ranged enemies they just all go on you and chasing them is unnecessary.
Again, false.
You don't even need ranged enemies when you are presented with 2 melee enemies and positioning makes the difference between killing them one by one or both at the same time.
>Your position then won't really matter
Again, you have no idea what you are talking about.

>Doesn't work like that when it cancels your dps attack string
Again, false.
You didn't even understand what is being said. Triggering a Chain Attack against a stunned enemy isn't the same as swapping in an agent.
>I can't tell you the number of times I triggered a stun with Ellen when I was an attack away from getting to her spinning aoe attack against fodder that would just get shredded in an instant
Ironically, swapping in an agent would DIRECTLY fix the issue you are experiencing, because then Ellen won't be able to start a chain with her third normal, so you would both get the rest of the damage from that normal, as well as the whatever the swapped in agent can deal.

As was made obvious NUMEROUS times already - you literally have no idea what you are doing, you are mindlessly mashing buttons and all your problems are entirely self-inflicted.
By this point I honestly have no idea, why are you even bringing in the """skill expression""" when you are deliberately refusing to acquire ANY amount of skill.
I accept your concession.
And SSSR chuuni 'tism.
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(that's Yinger, it's a genchink ref when Raiden was leaked and everyone called her electro Yinger)
I loss my first coin flip trying to get Ellen to Lycaon... just to then pull Ellen four pulls after out of nowhere (four pulls I did out of desesperation, as it was the final days, while we are at it), so that plus my full mind scape Kousako I got through the whole process, gave me the full monoice team for the near future. It really felt like an 180 in regards luck. A streak of luck that keep going as I also pulled Zhu Yuan short after on ten pulls (I wasn't even pulling seriously for her, I just wanted Nicole dupes while building some Soft Pitty in the banner). Now I am on this state of peace where I don't feel the need to pull, and just focus on bulding the teams. It won't last, but I'll enjoy it while it does.
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still find it funny that all mihoyo had to do to get everyone's opinions to change from "boo boring she's practically a playable npc" to "OMG BEST GIRL EVAR" was make her pull a sword out her tits
Yes all it took was a story, animations, voice, combat kit, and everything else. Genshin's community is full of histrionic retards that go into conniptions over A pose model leaks. The character literally wasn't even in the game when people were doomposting.
>one of the worse character with terrible botched plot & story
>basic NPC design
>the most popular hag and THE weeb choice
Why can some characters deflect bullets but others can't?
i'm talking the immediate OMG SHE'S GREAT that happened as soon as the inazuma trailer came out, she literally just pulled her sword out her tits, said a cool line and there you go, instant opinion changes
You can't deflect bullets with a gun, hammer, suitcase, drill, bazooka, heavy axe and a baseball bat.
>And if I have Flash freeze 4, a normal 1 hit attack also does more damage than normal 1 hit attack on Flash freeze 1?
No, the C2 talent only works on EX Special. Basic combo crit damage is unaffected.
I want her to George Floyd me with her ass.
>chara does something KOOL
>people like them now
yes, that's how that works
yes and that's why i find it funny anon, do we need to keep slowly stepping through the logic in this?
NPC face
Anby and 11 are from the same faction, both have training or experience in dealing with guns. Dunno about why lazy sharkgirl can do it.
Ellen stronk.
And she does something very similar in a story cutscene.
Fontaine makes the Inazuma plotline look like a pulitzer prize winning novel.
So there's no actual methodology to it, they just give it to whatever characters they feel like?
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Still seething over the best dragon, I see.
there is no reason why any of the ZZZ chara have superpowers
>indian femcel ogre
You must have a hard life Pajeeta.
i actually felt sad about melus and silver dying unlike teppei, by that metric i'd say fontaine was better
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The Metodology is that if they use a blade of any kind, they will reflect bullets because it's cool.
I guess it's because they use swords/blades of sorts, I think Miyabi was able to do it as well.
>there is no reason why any of the ZZZ chara have superpowers
Gacha powers, son
Its why some characters in gacha games that clearly not a fighter can fight
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Gacha Gameplayâ„¢
i loled a bit at the cop thats afraid of the dark and patrols at night
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you can farm them that way and theres 3 a day? thanks for the info
Live in ignorance and purchase your happiness!
How much are characters power crept in these games? The only other Gacha game I played for a few years was Dokkan and the power creep in that game was pretty absurd. If I invest a bunch into, say Ellen or Zhu now will they be made obsolete by Miyabi or whoever in a year or so?
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looks hella cool!
Your units will never be OBSOLETE but it depends which philosophy Hoyo follows with this game. HSR for example has been power crept pretty bad, but it's not like the old top tier units suddenly suck
I can still use starter 5 stars in Genshin fine.
They will just introduce new elements or gimmicks that will require you to "invest" in newer units to keep up with the changing meta.
Anons called it horizontal creep.
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Tomorrow I will go to Starbucks and buy myself a Frappuccino.
I will do it for Coco and because of Coco
>why not milk tea? It's called "teamilk" after all
True, but as made clear from the deepest lore, the beverage in question has dangerous levels of sweetness.
Starbucks® Frappuccino™ is the sweetest commercial milky liquid I know.
I didn't believe people could "feel ill" from consuming any kind of food that's commonly considered "unhealthy" until I tried Frappuccino.
I thought I'd die.

And tomorrow, I will risk it all again.
Because of Coco.
For Coco.
Honkai games are known for power creep. Star Rail and Impact 3rd are full of it including characters that get more powered up forms you need to roll for later on.
Genshin on the other hand didn't have any powercreep until 4.0.
Since ZZZ is not a Honkai title and styles itself much closer to genshin it will probably not have a lot of powercreep. But only time will tell.
i hate this boss
fucking destiny 2 ass boss, big sack of health, unmoving, spams aoe stomps
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Why don't most characters have elaborate fight introductions like Nicole? I thought this was going to be a trend, but most of the rank S just stand still before the fight, such a bummer.
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If you really loved her you'd get this.
Feels amazing being a Bangboo Golden Town baller. Poorfags unwilling to take the dive will never know how great the rich lifestyle is.
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That's a blessing 2bqhwyf.
Red Shiyu 6 features a mech that's not unmoving.
And it uses that feature to move the fuck away from you.
for me it was that cutscene walking down the stairs
All of the characters have a small "intro" animation, but it only plays on the first fight. And it doesn't play at all on certain places like the HIA mat farming stages.
>2600 calories
how do you not vomit after eating that
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I will cope out and say that's it doesn't look milky enough.
Also, I feel that thing might actually kill me.
we dont know mang, we are only one patch in and mihoyo has a different philosophy in all of their games
The main reason why Genshin has so little powercreep is that the mechanics enable a lot of role diversity. This allowed Genshin to make a lot of characters that are good at something without making previous characters obsolete.
I'm not sure if ZZZ can pull of the same.
They all get intros.
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This is too much skindentation, it probably affects her circulation.
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this big booty cop is giving me brainrot
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especially considering how skinny she is, there's not much there to actually skindent
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>already have 150 rolls for Miyabi
>she is 4 months away
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>experts on Oni biology
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Whats wrong with that?
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>already done all my weeklies
>only seasonal left is the watch your step one that's timegated
>meanwhile bad luck players need as many summons as they can get
The worse luck you have the more diluted each boopon.

On the contrary, bad luck players need guarantee.
>Billy use revolvers
>They can do automatic fire
This rub me the wrong way. From the cutscene, I though they would be more like a strong BANG BANG, and not a pitiful brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
He has two guns, so both of them shoot twice as fast. 4 times the fire rate of a single revolver.
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What bangboo for asscop
any etherboo
Ether damage, obviously.
I refuse to use her because all I can see in my mind is all the cringe Vergil videos that will be made with her
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I love wipeouts, thank you mihoyo
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It's shitty that any iaido, or even just katana character gets immediately compared to Vergil nowadays, but it's not something that bothers me that much.
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Do not trust Belobog, they have blood of their competitors on their paws
There are anthro girls, two are nameless NPCs and the third one is the owner of the Arcade
Based Belobog disposing of domestic terrorists.
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I love Nico! I'm still not rolling for ass cop! I'm saving my rolls for loli cop! Sorry Nico!
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you will suffer greatly for this
zhu yuan is a kissless hugless touchless autist
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>we didn't get to see hot secretary Nico
So like most of the anons here
The accountant Mr. Bigger lines his pockets
With the profits from selling nigger buckets
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Take it easy~
So what your saying is that Zhu Yuan is a christmas cake with a vagina which haven't yet been penetrated by Wise's dick yet?
one of her trust events is holding hands with her and she admits she's never held hands or anything else with anyone
how the hell do i hit lvl 40 i've run out of literally everything at 38
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is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Spend some batteries to farm something. It will give you interknot exp. Or you can just wait, up to you, it's not a race after all. I'm like level 42 and I have the opposite problem where I have nothing but commissions, but I don't want to do em.
Gonna do this too. I wanted Ellen but buttcop is fun to look at/play as as well.
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Anon, you can't touch fluffy tail.
Fug I didn't think I'd get odds
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Almost there...
I haven't gotten to the point where I can use the Hamster Wheel thing, but I have a few. Are they just a necessary material to reach the 12th skill level or something?
I had precisely enough content for IK40 and I wasn't 100% optimal with my energy.
You're probably still missing some content.
>Or you can just wait, up to you, it's not a race after all
It depends, you want to hit at least lvl 40 to be able to level up your agents enough to beat the shiyu defense stages before the currents seasons ends
The fuck? You have like 17 days before the patch even ends.
He has plenty of time. Don't listen to this dummy who forces you to rush for no raisin.
Does anyone already have 7/7 red Shiyu? At least at B?
What's your squads and rough builds in term of investment (what levels, what W-Engine/disks at what levels, etc.)
Current Shiyu ends in about 5 days.
doesn't shiyu swap over at the end of the month? as in, 5 days from now?
sounds like whale bait
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>17 days
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What if they made it so her tail only appears for Anons who equip her specific weapon!
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>tfw S/S/S/A/B stuck on 6th node
Feels good to be superior
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That hero's prophecy side quest was like actual torture, it took me over an hour to get through it. The longer tv sections need some adjustment, they're way too tedious.
The Prophecy was fucking amazing.
Try to be less homosexual next time around.
Teach me your ways, senpai...
I don't know what I'm missing, the only things I have left are the last couple shiyu nodes and i don't have a competent enough 2nd team to get through them
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Honestly, it starts with spending money, so I'm not sure you want to learn.
No, she's just clumsy. Not everyone who's awkward is an autist
This game just has too much stuff assets arts animations game mechanics etc.
Just how long did this take to make and release in a playable state? Gotta give my respects to the dev team even if the game is meant to be a cashgrab
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Did you do all agent stories already?
Did you pick up all city quests that don't have indicators?
Did you do all the event quests?
I'm pretty sure Proxy Parents should still be up and that and the current event are the only sources of limited extra commissions I think.
Did you do all Hollow Zero locations you have access to at least once? You get the first-time rewards even if you've already maxed out your weekly thing.
The world is very small so it seems that the resources that would've been otherwise used to create the open-world slop were redirected into other things instead.
The TV system allowed them to skip on level design.
>are you talking about bangboos? if so yes i've done all of them i have access to
>pretty sure yeah, i've full cleared brant street and have checked the other 3 areas every time of day
>done them already except the last 2 for the new event that aren't out
>yes all i have left are locked by net level
think i'm just going to spend some energy on trying to get a 2nd team geared, which from what i have unlocked seems like it'll be corin/lucy/piper
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my lovely state-mandated wife...
the Mexicans have learned how to use sfm
It's more so the game can actually show you what a proxy's job is.
It doesn't have an open world and hoyo is swimming in money.
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Yet it has soul, unlike Stair Rail. I got bored of that game and I play the classic Final Fantasy games all the time. The people behind this game is definitely more talented
Star rail is a very good game, it's uses card game mechanics to design their characters compared to FF where they just make the characters do everything.
That's the idea, they make different games to capture and cinvert more people.
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>capture and convert
It always makes me chuckle when I see some schizo think videogames are a government conspiracy
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Love the fact that she an android, that means she have no reproductive system and thus can't be knocked up which will save me money since I wouldn't be paying child support
It's a corporate conspiracy to convert you into paypig.
is this genshin but with guns and sluttier anime girls
no, its simplified DMC with incest subtext and sluttier anime girls
Inazuma killed Genshin exploration for me I loved it in Liyue
Do these mini stories tell why does Brutus refuse to have lunch with Mishka?
I saw 2 scenes with them and both times Brutus doesn't want to have lunch after being invited by Mishka.
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Belle needs to be stopped

what a threesome with Anby and S11 would be like
The only way for me to get Lycaon is through stable channel. I have already pulled 200 times over there and still nothing. I'll need 10 more pulls until I will manually get him but even then I am sad that I will probably never max him out because of how rare it will be to be able to pull his dupes in the future.
The rates are so garbage.
>caring about dupes
Whale trap
But the character gets boost to their skills this way.
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It wouldn't work, Belle's favourite part is to drink the light soup and do the satisfied Ahhhh thing
you really should only pull mindscapes for S rank attackers
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I want to marry Koleda and have an endless hours of babymaking sex with her.

She's a child
>more gachaslop
did they at least resist naming all their characters CHONG JINGLI XI JINPING this time
too based
when the standard roll pity comes up i'm picking her
>Zhu Yuan
No but anyway enough about Wuwa
I like the character design in this but the gameplay looks very shallow.
really appreciate when artists actually give navels attention beside a single line
How does she work in construction company then? She's just smol.
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>140 cm
She will never stop
No, I don't think so.
I was also thinking about it.
The deepest lore is that he stopped eating with Mishka "lately" and the last scene we see is Mishka inviting him, but we don't hear his response.

My speculations might be that the food is an acquired taste - that's kinda implied by people not eating much on Monday but it seems the bears don't have problems otherwise.
Or maybe that they tend to overeat a lot and fall asleep right there.

I hope will get some closure to this epic, I'm literally sitting on the edge of my seat here.
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Sorry, she is already my wife.
I tried submitting this promo code and it says there's an error.
Please help.
It looks worse than it plays because videos don't convene the timing.
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She is so perfectly incestuous.
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are all these memes gonna involve 'haha wise would rather fuck ben'? there's plenty of other choices
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she's too cute
Those toes look delicious
Right? Need more of this artist
I think Kaleda is cute!
Brutus totally should agree to have lunch with Mishka. He's being so friendly. I feel bad about him getting refused. If he didn't ask Brutus to have lunch with him and other bears around I would have assumed that he's asking Brutus out on a lunch date otherwise, but since its a work environment with other people involved I really can't see the reason why Brutus would refuse unless he is some sort of racist who is against bear therians which I assume isn't hte case if he is with Belobog team to begin with
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>You don't even need ranged enemies when you are presented with 2 melee enemies and positioning makes the difference between killing them one by one or both at the same time.

Their AI basically guides them to you, good positioning is staying on the highest health target because every other one will gravitate towards it, it's exactly as I said. Positioning is by design extremely limited if the game gives you infinite dodges AND doesn't allow you to influence the enemies's patterns like it does in several regular games.

>You didn't even understand what is being said. Triggering a Chain Attack against a stunned enemy isn't the same as swapping in an agent

Yeah no shit dude, the difference is clear as day, doesn't make it feel any less bad when I trigger it by default while doing regular fucking attacks.

>Ironically, swapping in an agent would DIRECTLY fix the issue
Not really. It would allow me to swap on Ellen instead and do damage but the time loss is still significant when I do that instead of going through with her third attack as Ellen's chain attack animation takes a considerable amount of time (and doesn't suck enemies in)

>By this point I honestly have no idea, why are you even bringing in the """skill expression""" when you are deliberately refusing to acquire ANY amount

Irrelevant ad hominem that serves no purpose other than highlight your repeated act of skirting around the issues I'm bringing up. Your positioning argument is you repeating yourself.
Off-model trash
Every ult you mentioned is irrelevant because of the time it takes you to build up decibels.
Using a stunner ult to get a quicker stun is still a dps loss compared to building stun normally and then using the dps ult during the stun window. You won't be able to get both in a reasonable amount of time. Same for support ultis. No matter what they bring, in the current state of things, they're ultimately a dps loss.

>This isn't the first time you bring this up but I have no idea what grounds do you have for that conclusion when you literally have no idea what are you doing.

I do but you keep repeating that again and again instead of addressing the problems just to convince yourself you're right because I'm somehow unskilled despite you having no way to prove it. Mechanically, ZZZ is very shallow and emulating good runs is easy because of this reason. Interaction between players and enemies isn't a magical element that suddenly makes a game engaging, it is insanely more difficult to copy a good MH run than it is to copy any run on ZZZ. Hell, to stay within the gacha real and using two very similar games conceptually, high level PGR gameplay isn't possible to emulate without tons of practice while in Honkai it can be done in very very few tries because the game is mechanically very lenient like all MHY game (even if it's currently the hardest)
Fighting the ballet twins with hardly any HP and level 5 pressure is so much fun. They will legit kill you in one hit.
The meme is that Wise would fuck anyone and everyone that isn't her sister
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>>"You don't understand. The criminals NEED to see every fold and crevice of my perfectly sculpted puffy pussy and commandingly shapely ass because... Because they just do okay?!"
>Why is she like this?

baby fever?
>Their AI basically guides them to you
A completely irrelevant non-statement.
Enemies "coming to you" doesn't mean you don't have to reposition to hit all of them together.

>Yeah no shit dude, the difference is clear as day
The point is, you literally aren't addressing the topic at hand.
Swapping and Chain Attacks are different things. You bundling them together is retarded.
>doesn't make it feel any less bad when I trigger it by default while doing regular fucking attacks.
Literally your own fault.

>Not really. It would allow me to swap on Ellen instead and do damage but the time loss is still significant when I do that instead of going through with her third attack
This is LITERALLY not how any of it works, you dumb fuck.
When you swap out, your current character continues their current action.
If you swap out from Ellen when she's doing her third normal, she'll continue doing her third normal.
You won't be able to extend it by holding/mashing but you'll get the baseline damage out.
For heavier attacks, such as EX moves, you have characters persist throughout the entire duration of the move.
For lighter attacks, there's a timeout duration. For example, if you swap Soldier 11 out as soon as she begins the final attack of her combo, she'll disappear without landing a couple of last hits in that attack. But if you delay it just a bit, she'll land all of them.
>as Ellen's chain attack animation takes a considerable amount of time (and doesn't suck enemies in)
You WILL NOT GET THE CHAIN ATTACK if you swap out, you moron.
I told you that at least three times already and you STILL can't fucking separate swapping and chain attacking, holy shit.

>Irrelevant ad hominem that serves no purpose
No, you dumb fuck.
The irrelevant ad hominem is me calling you a dumb fuck because I'm tired of how stupid you are.
Meanwhile you being LITERALLY unqualified to judge the combat system because you have LITERALLY no idea what's going on is highly relevant.
God pregnant women are so hot
why is level 40 combat sim still giving me tier 1 and tier 2 skill materials when it says it should give tier 2 and tier 3?
thank you localizers
god taste, I hope that we got HIA characters sooner rather than later.
Qungyi just shipped me with Zhu Yuan, wtf
She probably a cake that never had action and her biological clock is probably ticking, so she want guys to take the initiative just so she wouldn't look desperate.

>baby fever?
pretty much
>tfw first ten pull was me losing the 50/50 with zero pity built
>TFW got asscop with two more ten pulls
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>no preg gacha
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Factually incorrect, this is literally in the game
>Every ult you mentioned is irrelevant because of the time it takes you to build up decibels.
Again, you have no idea what you are talking about.
I repeat, you will be presented with situations where you will have decibels for ult available but no good DPS opportunity to use that ult.
You simply unaware those situations exist because you don't know shit, anon.
>Using a stunner ult to get a quicker stun is still a dps loss compared to building stun normally and then using the dps ult during the stun window
Not if it takes you a long fucking time to get a stun off, my clueless child.

>I do
You do what?
Bring up your lack of understanding?
>but you keep repeating that again and again instead of addressing the problems
What problems?
Chain Attacks you suffer from because of your own choices?
You "discouraging" yourself from swapping because you don't know the difference between swapping and Chain Attacks and are clueless enough to think that an objective mathematical DPS up is actually a DPS down?
You are wrong and stupid - here, I addressed it.

>and emulating good runs is easy
What's the basis of this claim, you dumb fuck?
You keep saying that I'm repeating myself but I'm repeating myself with EXPLANATIONS your stupid ass is too dumb to understand.
You, meanwhile, are repeating baseless claims.
So what's the basis of your retarded claim?

>it is insanely more difficult to copy a good MH run than it is to copy any run on ZZZ
And? How is Monster Hunter relevant to this conversation?
You initial point was WuWa, not MonHun. And ZZZ has more in common with MH that WuWa does, by the way. MonHun's combat is similarly interactive while WuWa's is not as much.

>Hell, to stay within the gacha real and using two very similar games conceptually, high level PGR gameplay
Sure, I'll just believe you.
But WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING BASIS, you dumb fuck?
You are just saying "it is such" without providing ANY basis.
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Zhu Yuan is basically no different to Grace when its comes to romance, so Qingyi trying to hookup Wise with Zhu Yuan
Coming of age happens at 14 in Japan.
I want to love her with my piper.
And Grace literally calls her a child who's still growing in the game.
We know she's old enough to not be in middle school at the very least kek
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I have to keep reminding myself weapon banner is a scam, 5% damage increase for Zhu Yuan for the same amount of rolls it would roughly take to get a new limited 5* that would be a much bigger benefit to my current teams and open up new team comp options
But she's so fucking hot
I got it because I got Zhu early and I was guaranteed, so I wanted to take the real gamble on her wep.
Qungyi is a based womanlet.
Koleda's agent story has her being called a grown up however
She is probably 19-20 since people only stop growing at 21
She also calls giant robots children, what does she know
Discs are more important, don't worry, also de mindscape is more valuable as well. Weapons come dead last in nice to haves
Well they're doing a shit job since I've been playing these games for years and haven't spent a cent.
Grace calls EVERYONE a child because she's past her prime and her womb is aching for seed.
>Koleda's agent story
I loved how Koleda was unironically smug about being the tallest primary schooler.
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So Grace digs giant robots huh?
god I miss the IP counter sometimes
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loving, handholding, feet interlocking sex with Koleda
>This is too much skindentation, it probably affects her circulation.
That's why she's blue.
Oh neat, that farm is also good for getting research progress for getting new resonia or finding new hidden areas.
it seems this game got popular faster than Genshin did
It had much poorer reception than Genshin and Honkai.
Compared to Honkai it already made 4 times less money in the same time period since release.
Genshin was lighting in a bottle, this game is good but it's not even on the same level.
Welp, gacha fatigue I guess.
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How is your progress doing?
Doesn't help that pulls in ZZZ cost a lot and the rates are really poor.
It is a very greedy gacha. Many gacha players are turned off by it.
That doesn't make any sense
Quingyi knows Zhu Yuan is a mess so she's trying to hook her up with Wise so he can help her. Based Quingyi wingman
Am I too retarded for calling the siblings by their Japanese name?
i don't see the correlation there, the w-engine's not visible in-game and if her being hot was driving you then surely you'd be wanting to get another dupe of her, not her weapon?
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>got Zhu Yuan pretty easily
>5 Ben dupes
>Zero (0) Nicole dupes
Yes especially since this is a Chinese game
in The Prophecy what's up with the area in the middle? Does it involve some kind of true ending to get to?
it doesn't matter
>want to get Ben dupes
>pull the banner
>get 0 Bens
>get Zhu Yuan instead
Weird but acceptable. Still I wanted to lvl up Ben specifically.
It's not a problem, we can still understand you.
As long as we don't get into a silly argument it's all good.
Well, Rin and Ling is almost the same name, but calling Akira as Zhé sounds weird
Signatures are technically visible and add a glow effect to the character when using an ex skill.
Engines have the potential to be a higher value than dupes assuming they're equal damage increases since engines can be used between different characters, depending on how restrictive their passive activation conditions are. So far, both limited weapons have easy activation conditions and should be useable by anyone of the same role and element.
Neither of them is a problem. They have 3 names, deal with it.
This is the coolest and most unique thing about the game
Imagine if something like this played at the end of Genshin farming domains
>love Zhu Yang's design
>roll for her and get her
>do story events
>she couldn't care less about me, is hyper focused on her job and would rather be out patrolling versus spend a minute with me
She's a modern woman, she's only got her 20s to work till she CRAVES a baby in her oven.
stop self inserting, retard
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>she couldn't care less about me, is hyper focused on her job and would rather be out patrolling versus spend a minute with me
She is just like me, the only difference is SHE is my work.
Just become her partner in crime.
Your trust events?
That is where the game shoves the more (You) stuff.
>Zhu Yuan lives with her parents
Warframe has pregnancy
People give him a lot of shit but man this is how you know he loves the shit out of her
Most millennials do
If they split this game apart in to ZZ and Z, would anyone play the the TV exploring game of would everyone just play the combat game?
In other words the TV shit sucks.
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For me its Soukaku
I hope they add character/team loadouts
oni butt...
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No fucking way!
They already said they are in future patches
No, for you its a burning need for some AA.
That picture is jaggy as fuck.
>finally starting to catch up to Genshin's QoL
Feels great.
Next they need to raise the stamina cap so it doesnt over cap at just 24 hours.
oh nice
in that case I hope they add sex next
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
What are good A rank engines for S rank Attackers that you lack their unique weapon?
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They did, it's called Piper
Grabbing the handlebars and going straight to thrust town
Fuck off with this gachaslop
At least Genshin was alone in its niche, there is no reason to play this puddle deep shit
Really hope this doesn't mean any sort of censorship. Don't you dare start covering up some of the girls
No one saw that
Favorite intro?
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Around 60% of Italians below 40 can't afford to move out of mom&dad's home.

And if they are boy and girl siblings, they need to live together for a really long time.
And they would need to marry each other if they both want to inherit the house.
Nicole, Zhu and Anby really do just flow so well together. Also learning how to take advantage of Nicoles absurdly long invincibly frames is very satisfying to pull of mid fight.
what exactly are those "handle bars"? pieces she get to use on her gun?
Wtf, I'm moving to Italia and getting a sister.
she keeps all her weapon accessories strapped to her body for quick access. She even has a scope strapped to her right arm.
She doesn't. In the latest youtube video with her, her dad asks if she's going to come by
She's just like me.
Grace or Zhu Yuan are the hottest
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.... game??
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Wow so Italians are literal yuropoors
>And they would need to marry each other if they both want to inherit the house.
Get off /v/ Belle, I heard you brother is in a orgy fucking all 13 currently playable female gacha characters
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Dumb ge ge, you already know who the OTP is.
You only have 37% chance of pulling an S-rank in 77 pulls without the pity, so stop complaining.
I've had the loop of her walking on the street for this entire thread, the mustic just matches her butt so well. catchy song too
That's cute
holy KINO

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