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I get the joke now!
Its satire because in real life it's the opposite
Hardest should be white male
Easiest should be black female
They also don't allow prayer in school.
Life would be very difficult with below 80 average IQ
The 2016 election and its consequences has been a disaster for nu-4chan.
It's satire because it has no actual effect. Play fucking games instead of bitching about politics
kys faggots

It's funny how povs are stuck competing with niggers for work while the middle-uppers are all white as fuck i.e. whites at the top don't bitch and moan about race or feel held back
Careful with that narrative it conflicts with the (((them))) narrative.
There are more poor white people than poor black people
More like society as a whole.
Now you have fags like Andrew Tate on Twitter with the alpha male retardation.
see you tomorrow bud
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>leftoids think this is affirming real life
>rightoids think it's satire
Matt and Trey's comedy has to be the most centrist form of comedy.
Skin colour doesn't actually affect the game's difficulty lol
Well, black people have objectively more financial and hiring support incentives from a government level, so it's not really a debate, they objectively have it easier
You are not a white male and you lived a harder life than them, who are privileged because of their skin and societal so-called norms.

You weren’t alive when Am*ricans forced Jewish kids to pray to their xristian god.

The highest IQ ever recorded was a black man.

You weren’t here pre-2016.

This. /thread
>Matt and Trey's comedy has to be the most centrist form of comedy.

they're not really centrist, they've proven a lot they're basically lib right. They're main thing is that they support and love anything UNTIL it becomes an annoying form of "ooo look how awesome we are". That's why they're really into Craig and Tweek being a thing but they despise LGBT parades and institutions.
r*ght**d is a hateful and dangerous slur
They have vicious Trump Derangement Syndrome albeit
It is hardmode though because dumb retarded niggers have to fight against their own DNA or low IQ to not be retarded NPC niggers
its not though, try surviving in o-block as a niglet without being shot
it's a litmus test, if you believe this is true, you are retarded and probably hate yourself
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>Twenty years ago, two economists responded to a slew of help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers using a set of fictitious names to test for racial bias in the job market.

>The watershed study found that applicants with names suggesting they were white got 50% more callbacks from employers than those whose names indicated they were Black.

>Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Chicago recently took that premise and expanded on it, filing 83,000 fake job applications for 11,000 entry-level positions at a variety of Fortune 500 companies.

>Their working paper, published this month and titled "A Discrimination Report Card," found that the typical employer called back the presumably white applicants around 9% more than Black ones. That number rose to roughly 24% for the worst offenders.
The only people that make life difficult for niggers is niggers. White people literally turn out their pockets for them by throwing billions of dollars in tax money at them and prioritizing them over their own kids yet they still can’t figure life out.
Okay, what does this prove other than racial discrimination has gone down dramatically over the last 20 years?
If I punch you daily then lower it to 3 days per week you are not "privileged" over those who don't get punched.
Why would anyone sane hire a thieving drug addicted retarded nigger? Now think how high the probability is for that.
It's funny how quickly you dropped the talking point. Not even Malcolm X could predict people like you:

>If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches and pull it out 6 inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out, that's not progress. The progress is healing the wound that the blow made.. And they won't even admit the knife is there

You go way past beyond that.
Only applies on like some parts of American port cities. Everywhere else, being brown and female is still the worst strat
it's still true in countries that aren't completely pozzed
If black people were actually judged by the content of their character, they would have been mass deported long ago
We're only here because people keep making excuses for them
I'm another anon from eastern europe. Nobody but niggers burn down their own neighbourhoods due to some drug addict being shot. Niggers didn't get their own country running good even with the help of EUROPE,USA AND CHINE (see empire of dust). It's 2024 and even in 2090 it will still be a waste of effort. There is a thing called sunken cost fallacy.
Oh no bunkerxisters, we kinda look fucking retarded! Mossad, please pay us more for the chuds we have to deal with on a daily basis!
I like this game, but you can really tell it was made during the terrible woke era of South Park.
>lower case w white
>upper case b black
What's the biggest factor of success?
Based fellow noticer, don't notice anything else though.
living around blacks is not progress
At least you are an open racists, these dudes trying to argue when all they had to say is "fucking niggers" and move on.
check your privilege...
no such thing as a christian god, christains worship the same demon as the jews
>equivalating the job market to physical violence
This nonsense argumentation right here is why nobody takes you seriously. Each time someone challenges an argument of you, you idiots go straight to examples of extreme violence, or my favorite one: Hitler.
Same way this study isn't taken seriously, because it doesn't take into account how many of those business have had trouble with blacks before, and thus are rightfully biased against them.
>Boston and Chicago
I mean come the fuck on. Chicago literally has no-go zones because of black violence. Make that study in California or even better: Baltimore.
>Its satire because in real life it's the opposite
Incorrect, the joke is that the slider does nothing except change a few lines of dialogue.
>who are privileged because of their skin and societal so-called norms.
This has been debunked so many times now.
Basic human decency and adhering to cultural norms is not, and can never be a privilege.
You take part in it, and get it in return. Looks like the so often despised "Eurocentric" culture is not so bad after all, if people adhering to it, are seen as "privileged".

A privilege is like being part of a fanclub and getting to buy concert tickets first. What lefties call privilege, actually meaning human decency and having equal opportunities, can never be a privilege, because they should be considered normal. a privilege stands above the norm. Thus, calling white skin color or white norms a privilege cannot be. Its a stupid terminology. You cant call being treated "normally" a privilege. Because a privilege is inherently not normal.

Also, anyone can benefit from this so called (as we established, mislabeled) privilege. Asians in Asian country benefit from "Asian privilege. Arabs in Arab countries benifit and so on.

Somehow the only people left in the dust, are those living in such a country and refusing to adhere to the norms... Well sucks to be you I guess?
Bigots have never recovered from this, they're still pathetically crying about it years later
>This nonsense argumentation right here is why nobody takes you seriously. Each time someone challenges an argument of you, you idiots go straight to examples of extreme violence.

I should make a food analogy so that you can handwave it too. Not an argument in favor of the original statement yet.

>Same way this study isn't taken seriously, because it doesn't take into account how many of those business have had trouble with blacks before, and thus are rightfully biased against them.

Self fulfilling prophecy, sadly for you racist policies were enacted before the civil rights movements.
The knife is there, we just disagree with who was responsible for the stabbing.
>You are not a white male and you lived a harder life than them, who are privileged because of their skin and societal so-called norms.
and yet black women get everything shoved up their asses these days
meanwhile white males are getting nothing because they're seen as the dreadful standard.
i mean dude, are you living in 1899 or 2024?
the white privilege you're talking about has been dismantled already. white countries cucking their own people in favor of being BLACKED due to the globohomo agenda
What's the biggest factor of success once you are born?
>I should make a food analogy so that you can handwave it too
I'm glad you at least have the mental capacity to figure out that your argumentation is pointless.
>Self fulfilling prophecy,
How conventient :)
Also utter bullshit. No business gets robbed by blacks because they're afraid of being robbed by blacks.

Your entire infantile argumentation is once again, completely nonsensical. As is usually the case with you lot.
>Same way this study isn't taken seriously, because it doesn't take into account how many of those business have had trouble with blacks before, and thus are rightfully biased against them.
The actual problem with the study is that distinctly "black" names are strongly associated with lower socio-economic status. The "white" names were more neutral. If the "white" names were sterotypically hillbilly names like Cleetus and Billy Bob, there would have likely been similar discrimination. However, that doesn't prove the point that activist academics want to prove so there's no way they'd do that study.
not being black I guess
I love how you are basically just one step away from phrenology. If only you had some self awareness.....
Whether or not you live in a place where your neighbours are going to murder you.
Your father being around
I love how you can't refute him and just dive head first into fallacies to make him argue your points instead.
How about making a functioning society... like not burning your own places over bullshit? Heck maybe reaching India's level of civilization?
Growing up in a community that isn't based on violence and theft
>racist policies were enacted before the civil rights movements
So because people were racist in the olden days, blacks are robbing stores in 2024, and thus fullfilling the prophecy of proving the "racist" policies right?
Sounds to me like the racists of the past knew something we don't.
>I'm glad you at least have the mental capacity to figure out that your argumentation is pointless.

No arguments nor counter stats to bolster anon's original statements, just smug replies.

>How conventient :)

The bible says that some people won't believe in the bible. Some people don't believe in the bible which proves the bible is true. Nice job anon.

>Your entire infantile argumentation is once again, completely nonsensical. As is usually the case with you lot.

More smug yapping by philisoper anon with no substance.

Bzzzzt generational wealth.
Pretty hard to be successful when you're dead, anon.
If you're not racist on 2024 you are either ignorant or don't know what it's like to live around blacks
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>More smug yapping by philisoper anon with no substance.
Ah yes, the ever so successful eastern european giving their valuable experience for quality living
>The highest IQ ever recorded was a black man.
Do you have any facts to back that up?
Because sadly for you, I can tell you that this is straight up bullshit.
If you're talking about Philip, he's not even top 10
Why is /v/ filled with so many leftists and transgenders, opposed to most of the other 4chan boards?
Again, you are just using a self-fulfilling prophecy argument.

>Some people are racist
>They are racists for good reasons
>Therefore racist policies were good and grounded in reason
/co/ is also infested.
I know people in Grenada Mississippi living in mostly black neighbors.
Imagine how much better USA would be today if they had just picked their own damn cotton
>No arguments nor counter stats to bolster anon's original statements, just smug replies.
Yes we know what you're doing.
It would be fun if academics worked like you think it does.
Make a shitty study, and when called out that your reasoning is nonsensical, just cry that nobody can provide other numbers. When people then tell you that this is besides the actual point made, just keep crying and make stupid analogies.

No actually it would be terrible, which is why you're here, spouting your bullshit on /v/ and not in academics.

Not my argument but I can't resist.
>Bzzzzt generational wealth
Literally a spook in 2024. You'd have a limited point a century ago, but ironically, not even towars the comments you replied to, as they have little to do with generational wealth in the first place.
>post format screams tourist
>post content screams tourist
Lmao, jannie put the thread on autosage
I feel like you're really close to seeing why your self-fulfilling prophecy point has absolutely nothing tanglible to add to this discussion.

Acts of violence, racism, policies, etc. all follow a direct chain of causality. Your so called self-fullfilling prophecy does not exist. Its an abstract talking point fit for a dinner table, not an actual discussion. So either you come up with something proper, or you exit the discussion.
Tell me, why don't black parents simply tell their kids that stealing, raping and killing is wrong?
Your prophecy starts at home.
Black people and responsibility? Don't make me laugh anon. Complaining until you get benefits is all you can expect.
You even get "white" people like the redditor ITT to do it for you!
Why do you think leftists willfully ignore the subvention and billions of dollars that have been pumped into black communities? Yet they're still savages.
>>Some people are racist
>>They are racists for good reasons
>>Therefore racist policies were good and grounded in reason
Anon, I think you left the prophecy out of your self-fulfilling prophecy.

I think you were thinking of something like this:
>People are racist and discriminate against blacks.
>Blacks act out because of the discrimination
>This reinforces the racism that blacks face
But that's not a self-fulfilling prophecy, it's a self-reinforcing cycle.
>Yes we know what you're doing.
It would be fun if academics worked like you think it does.

It would be better if we just explain stuff away like you do, why do planets rotate? Because an invisible giant is moving them

>Make a shitty study

According to your circular reasoning

>and when called out that your reasoning is nonsensical, just cry that nobody can provide other numbers

According to circular reasoning

>When people then tell you that this is besides the actual point made,

The point that you have yet to defend in any way.

>Literally a spook in 2024. You'd have a limited point a century ago

>The racial wealth gap in the US is stark. For every $1 of wealth held by a white family, a Black family had just $0.25 in 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Dunno why you try to argue when you will just circular reason your way out as you always do.

Nice, the troll phase. Bye.
Your reasoning is as deep as

>Well people can't be racist for bad reasons!

You start with an axiom then we should work from there.

Why is crack and cocaine judged differently?
>Why is crack and cocaine judged differently?
Because black people saw how it was destroying their community and pushed for harsher penalties on crack?
>People are racist and discriminate against blacks.
Replace against with in favor and maybe you have a point
You are juggling 2 narratives. Remember the genesis >>683788940

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