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>everyones reaction to Wuk Lamat
It really is absurd just how overbearing she is. It's like the writers were afraid that if she spent more than one cutscene away from you you might forget she's the main character.
other than the tranny va, is she really that annoying?
>Talk to Wuk-Lamat
is not a meme
Play game with jap voices and find out.
Man, the tranny va isn't even relevant to how annoying she is. If you find her absolutely unbearable to listen to, you just switch to japanese. She'll still be utterly unbearable. It's one of the biggest Mary Sues I've ever seen.
>And when Poochie isn't there the others characters should ask "hey where's Poochie?"
Wuk Lamat has the classic mary sue writing strategies where the writer tries to cover his ass by informing you of her "flaws" through dialogue without actually letting any of them impact her ability to complete her goals.
The attack on Jungle Japes is the perfect example. After it's all over she repeatedly insists that her inability to protect her people is a massive failing on her part, but it really isn't. An army of magical nuclear android soldiers that nobody had any previous knowledge of spawned out of the sky to kill a bunch of faceless NPCs. Nobody short of an omniscient being could've possibly reacted to that in time to stop it. The entire event exists to set her up for future success rather than to punish any character failings. And that's the throughline of her entire story.
Having this character exist in the same game as the Crystal Braves arc is astounding and really demonstrates the decline in writing quality.
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>People who actually, unironically believe her initial "lack of confidence" and "seasickness" are legitimate flaws.
>When lack of confidence is completely undermined by the fact she's constantly shouting how she's gonna become wukage dattebayo, lack of confidence somehow translates to being so cocky she falls for the most obvious trap in the world, and the moment she gains confidence because someone told her to be confident suddenly she's stronger than the WoL and all the Scions put together and can solo entire armies.
>And the seasickness is just a stupid joke that never amounts to anything.

Hell, Alphinaud and Urianger literally make better gags about their inability to deal with water, with Urianger in particular ACTUALLY working it into a serious narrative point, with that time he tried to walk on water seeming to be a joke until you find out it was actually the very first indicator that the Scions were starting to die.
The tranny VA is just a bad VA, but the character herself is a basic shonen protag archetype but ALWAYS in your face and ALWAYS needs to have the last word. Even in situations where it shouldn't be about her she makes it about her because everything needs to be about her. And you NEVER get away from her save for one filler bit in cowboy country, WHERE EVEN THEN THERE'S AN OVERARCHING PLOT ABOUT HER BRACELET!

Also she jumps in to kill steal the final boss.
>one filler bit in cowboy country
You know I thought I would enjoy that part but Erenville is such a nothing character that I dreaded the entire thing. The dumb fuckboy NPC and the retarded old men didn't help either. How do you fuck up a wild west cowboy setup so bad and make it so goddamn boring?
~140 quest tasks of ~500 quest tasks in the entire expansion are some variation of
>speak to Wuk Lamat
She is insufferably omnipresent.
And yet you'll get hordes of people (women) who will tell you who is the best and most deep character in the entire game, because he occasionally points out the obvious and later mopes over his mom.
Would've been a good time to throw Krile in there so she could get some 1 on 1 time with the WoL but whatever, it's not like this was supposed to be her expansion or anything.
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Wuk Lamat has more than twice the dialogue of the next highest npc (who basically only ever speaks to her to begin with) and more than three times that of the next next one.

Every Scion put together has about 40% less dialogues than Wuk Lamat. That's including Krile, who this expansion was supposed to be about. If you take out Krile... yeah I'm not sure they reach even a third then.
Really Krile only got so far as she did because femlala privilege. Also seems like they want her to be relevant moving forward at least with their potential setup for the space lalafell or whatever.
For me ive grown tired of FFXIV just taking stuff from other games and warping it to an annoying degree. It was neat for the crystal tower, since FFIII was basically a game with a non plot anyway, but its gotten more and more absurd to the point where it borrows and warps things from itself. A mainstay since ARR but it would have been nice if for once they tried to wholly run in its own direction
Imagine watching Naruto, but instead of Naruto there's an even more insufferable character that keeps butting in when Naruto is trying to his thing.
>maybe we should at least hire a decent VA for our annoying character
>lmao bring me the first non-passing tranny you see
Dawntrail was great! It finally made me quit the game
>How do you fuck up a wild west cowboy setup so bad and make it so goddamn boring
By derailing it abruptly with an invasion that forces you to leave the area before you've even done anything there, and then when you return, it's back to the same bullshit of dealing with Tulliloyal again. Shaaloni should have been literally the wild west the law less region of tural that didn't have anything to do at all with Tulliyolal. That probably was suppose to be the plan until the rewrite happened. I bet we were suppose to find solution 9 before the invasion even happened spent some time there with Sphene, find out Zoraal ja's fucking around there, and then go back to warn Wuk Lamat and Koana about Zoraal ja's army.
I hope they'll use this as perfect opportunity to make woke lamutt unvoiced and tossed aside
>femlala privilege
You mean Pictomancer priviledge, she's the mascot of one of the expansions newest jobs, that's the only reason she was even allowed even the little bit she had. If Dawntrail didn't have any new classes added, she'd still be on the bench, again.
I played it with JP voices and even though I think Wuk's VA did a fine job in JP I was still sick and tired of her by the end because she is just a constant presence. She makes Lyse seem like a minor background NPC in Stormblood.
>Wuk Lamat has the classic mary sue writing strategies where the writer tries to cover his ass by informing you of her "flaws" through dialogue without actually letting any of them impact her ability to complete her goals.
This one in particular is driving me crazy. You have people defending Wuk Lamat saying how her character development is learning how to depend on other people because of that scene after she got sea sick for the 10th time, except it literally never even came up as more than just a shallow problem in the first place.
>other than the tranny va, is she really that annoying?
It's not a matter of if the va is good or not it's about Japan finally accepting trans people into the industry
What I find funny is that it really wasn’t really lawless because even civilians used “rubber bullets” now for duels. And how the town names were still Native American style to avoid “muh white colonialism”. It just felt a bit too on nose with trying to mimic IRL earth.
>Also seems like they want her to be relevant moving forward
She was supposed to be relevant in Dawntrail itself, in interviews after EW they lamented how she always drew the short end of the stick and wanted to put her in the limeliggt in DT. Look how that turned out, she was completely irrelevant again
She really did end up being Y'shtola-lite
>“rubber bullets”
That line was hilarious, not only did people in the story get shot before and were perfectly fine, but rubber bullets can kill too.
Not to mention this is in a world where magic and shit exists. Like we can heal people from taking full on fireballs to the face, but we can't heal gunshots?
>rubber bullets
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Why is she browsing 4chan?
>he still thinks 4chin is sekrit club past 18 yils later
She's looking at a screencapped post that was probably reposted a billion times on twitter, because 4chan only exists as a content farming ground for other websites now.
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Damnit, I wonder how many replies would be happy that xe's gone
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>I am going on a strike!
>I'm unemployed btw, please give me work
Must be hella easy to go on strike after you deliver a career-ending performance.
Also let's not forget that in duels they use RUBBER BULLETS. Like what the fuck?
Widespread AI voice acting cannot come soon enough
I'm sadden how Sphene who shows up at the 11th hour of the expansion has more voice lines than the Scions and Erenville combine even though Erenville and Krile were suppose to also get the big spotlight in Dawntrail, but didn't get any character development until the end of the game.
Apparently since that one thread on the official forums about DT difficulty getting hard created by the OP is getting "attacked" by all the FFXIV eceleb is because 4chan.
>American VAs are fucking terrible
>future looks bleak
>decide to go on strike and get recast instead
This is the second time we had to be saved by the union. When will Yoshi learn?

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