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The theme, the story and the new features will save this game! We also have 2 more expansions already planned out! I'm excited for this.

Epic Login music!

Buy an ad, tranny.
Enjoy helping gays get lovers, fag.
>4-4chan threads don’t matter!
>only our engagement (bot) metrics count!
>meanwhile blizzard is paying shills to post these threads
Your game is just dead and got mogged by XIV. Let it go, troons
Sage btw
that is the fucking worst login screen i have ever seen holy shit
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>The theme, the story and the new features will save this game!
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Buy an ad, min-wage Indian Blizzard shill. I'm NEVER coming back to world of hormonecraft.
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you realize you are going to help tranny npcs again like in dragonflight
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Lothar had a side ho which was a black elf, but seems like the side ho also had side baby daddies cause that chick looks half orc.
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Chris Metzen is back. He's putting an end to that shit.
they're have him locked up in the basement. he ain't doing shit
Warcraft is the McDonald's of fantasy settings.
Enjoy the slop.
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Warcraft is special. Generic is DnD and Warhammer!
He is one the last of the old guard, one cis hetero man standing against the tide of nonbinaries blizzard has hired for the last 10 years. He won't be getting anything done.
yeah special ed filled with narcissistic retarded devs and directors who don't understand biology
>War Within Doing Well
>Latest XIV expansion crashing and burning
Both retail and xiv are trannie "games"
>Thrall is back yet again
I wonder if Thrall will have as little impact as he did in Shadowlands
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>Pick game back up because hopeless addict
>They're doing some MoP 'remix' thing
>Decide to try it
>Suddenly reminded that MoP's Alliance start involves massacring dozens of Orcs and Goblins, firing upon defenseless Grunts and Peons while they're swimming for their lives, and the Horde kidnapping Pandaren children as bargaining chips using Fel magic
>Meanwhile Dragonflight starts with "Gather new friends to go on an expedition with!" and "The Alliance and Horde work better together!"
>none of “them” follow us
What did he mean by this?
Subhumans on Twitter aren't people.
The board quality is non-existent because threads like these are allowed to stay up and aren't deleted on sight. There's literally no fucking IQ threshold but then j*nnies warn/ban people and say "post quality is extremely important".

Never forget who destroyed this place.
Will we ever see Thrall in a wheelchair, just like they did with Drek'Thar?
the *ists and *phobes of course. don't you know you are legally not allowed to criticise anything that involves minorities?
Jannies are too busy spamming even more interracial and transsexual threads on /gif/
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>orchestra-slop tacked onto the same login screen music they've been using for 20 years
It's all so tiresome

It's fucking bewildering to remember that WoW has an entire team dedicated to its soundtrack.
Can you recall ONE good, memorable song from the past 10 years? I think you have to go back to MoP or something for Jaina's Theme.

WoW is the Marvel of video game music. It's there, but it's so damn forgettable. Wrath had a few memorable tracks (Invincible, Lament of the Highborne), TBC had nothing, and finally Vanilla had a lot but that was 20 years ago.
>I think you have to go back to MoP
>for Jaina's Theme

The theme and story died a decade ago.
What is with the male urge to destroy everything in favor of the feminine?
>music lead gets laid off at some point in WoD or Legion because "his position is unnecessary"
>everything past that point is "epic orchestra" slop
merely a coincidence i'm sure
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Because sissies can't create, only corrupt.
That's Hearthstone art, but WoW isn't much better.
Also Hearthstone's community is currently in the middle of a massive shitstorm too, which is fun.
Hearthstone and WoW are both the same IP (Warcraft) and therefore symbiotic. Remember Tortollans? They debuted in Hearthstone.
Well yeah but they are different games, so you can't really just claim art from one is art from another
Hearthstone is purposefully much more cartoony and whimsical
That's probably the most low effort main theme out of all the expansions I've heard. Compare to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bmWv_VZD3s
and yet they're the majority of this game's population, or at least the opinions blizzard is listening to. curious.
I tried WoW once.
>make account
>it lands me in what I assume is the newest expansion
>something about a shipwreck, prison break, whatever
>some sort of pirate cove town
>no idea what anything
>no idea who anyone is
>completely lost
>"okay, I'll just play from the start"
>new character
>go back to the start of the game
>mind numbingly boring, empty
even ffxiv was more fun than this
>xivtroons literally filtered by character creation
lol lmao
He was the vanguard of woke tranny shit in WoW. Where did this myth that he's based and redpilled come from?
bro? the daughter asking about sylvanas midriff incident?
I didn't find it hard, just boring. I was basically forced through the dogshit "it gets better after 50000 hours" slop of ffxiv's base game by friends, so I figured I'd give WoW the same run.

All I seemed to encounter were bots, and any group I joined were either completely unbearable faggots or just screamed at me to just buy skips for levels and shit. nobody I encountered seemed to have either actually played most of the expansions nor did they seem to even like the game. it was really weird

if you have advice for how to actually enjoy WoW I am very open to it because I like its aesthetic more than weebshit
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>Chris Metzen is back. He's putting an end to that shit.
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this is the buggiest shit I have ever seen
just look at the outline which appears whenever you teleport now
I thought it was the most boring login theme the game's had yet

Even the Dragonflight one as better, I'll miss that triumphant flourish about a minute and a half in
>We also have 2 more glorified big patches already planned out, 90$ each

>screamed at my to buy skips for levels
Nobody does this. This didn't happen. LARP another better story, XIVtroon.
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this one yesterday
holy cope
who the fuck cares about login music? in wotlk everyone did their best to type their credentials and log in before the frost wyrm raped your ears and god forbid you got hit with a disconnect
What's going on here? kek
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>socioeconomic background
I'm playing retail and it's kinda fun.
the fuck is that a gay harmonica
I'm reading your post and it's kinda gay
>op is pretending to be a marketer
>even uses 'we' to show it's obviously meant to be a joke of a marketer slipping up
>most of the people itt miss that OP is acting like a marketer and think he's just a normal player
>the ones that do catch on to the marketer thing thinks he's actually a real marketer

you all knew though and just pretended not to know ofc
Or we just want to rag on WoW
Perhaps you should stop projecting?
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>Suddenly reminded that MoP's Alliance start involves massacring dozens of Orcs and Goblins, firing upon defenseless Grunts and Peons while they're swimming for their lives, and the Horde kidnapping Pandaren children as bargaining chips using Fel magic

It's almost like the Horde are savage and evil barbarians who pretend they're oppressed in order to justify horrible warcrimes and the Alliance is right to want to destroy them.

>WoW will never be based enough have Jaina expel the (((Horde))) from Dalaran again.
The story has gone to shit two decades ago and never recovered. Not even the biggest addict cares after Shadowlands shat the bed.
If you want to enjoy WoW you have to enjoy it for the actually responsive gameplay (unlike XIV) and realise the utter dogshit, lower than capeshit, story is just an excuse for gameplay to happen.
Does it add any new races or classes?
>All I encountered were bots
>But also players who told me to buy boosts
>Oh but they also told me about all the expansions they played
Not a very compelling story. That being said, for those looking for the "fun" in WoW, I think a lot of that has to come from the immersion. If you're playing the game 20 years after the fact that's going to be really difficult. Me? I just find the zones and the music comfy.
>nobody does this
but they did
>this didn't happen
but it did

I literally asked you if you had any advice for someone trying to get into WoW and you are crying about weebfags. jesus christ anon
Don't care, just want a WoW thread on /v/. WoW is dogshit but if it loses than Final Troontasy wins.
>and any group I joined were either completely unbearable faggots or just screamed at me to just buy skips for levels and shit.
literally never happened
nobody who was leveling themself would tell you to buy a boost
why larp tranny?
another dwarf reskin, women have beards edition
i'm not kidding btw
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>Least fanatical Blizzdrone
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WoW's story went to shit when Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne launched. We are never ever getting a true sequel to Warcraft 3 that ignores WoW's shit retcons.
nta but if you're for real I can give you some advice because I think ffxiv has a pretty warm community and WoW's is kind of dogshit by comparison. Unironically, try rolling a character on an RP server (Argent Dawn or Venture Co. if you're EU). People are much more open to interactions, and I'd definitely recommend joining a guild. When you dungeon with people, you'll sometimes have noobs, but most likely someone levelling their 50th alt. Expect to meet a lot of jaded people. Also, it might defeat the point of an MMO, but I like putting on a podcast and just questing by myself. You meet people from time to time, but if you want an experience that necessitates player interaction at low levels try classic.

Any excuse to shit on WoW desu
>just screamed at me to just buy skips for levels and shit.
NOBODY IN THE HISTORY OF THIS GAME HAS EVER DONE THIS. People don't even talk during most dungeon and you expect me to believe they're encouraging new players to skip the leveling process and be yet another clueless retard at level cap that doesn't know how to play their class to even a basic degree? You lying, dishonest, piece of shit.
maybe, but not a single person pointed it out. I feel like the majority of people itt actually fell for it
>Least false flagging ffxivtroon
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the OST is great but this can't be the "full" login screen? It's empty, it's missing something breaking out of the fucking "gate", where's the fucking details, something?
>I think ffxiv has a pretty warm community
lmao here we go
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Please understand that 100% of these threads are made by schizophrenic ffxiv players idling in Limsa. If it looks like people are falling for bait it's because these threads are inhabited by crazy people
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delete this, bigot
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based, total blood elf death
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what the fuck is this generic koreanslop login
What, nigger? Relative to WoW, FFXIV has a friendly community. Still a shit game for trannies but this part is just true.
This is extremely problematic
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no it fucking doesn't. people are fakenice because even telling someone how to play their job can get you banned. XIV is like the social equivalent of a high school with only women in it
I don't even play rotation slop. The thing is, Blizzard fell off hard and haven't made a good game in more than 10 years.
Enjoy your stolen titty milk with your FFtronnoids because now that I think about it Square is the same as Blizzard, they had good games and vision and now can only create absolute dogshit.
as someone who's played mmos in the past and over two years of ffxiv, that community is only "warm" on the surface, it's cliquey as fuck and genuinely awful when it comes to FCs.
I know you're just trolling, but fine, here's a (you), OP. Nothing will ever top the vanilla login screen, and WoW in its current form is a soulless husk animated only by corporate greed and tranny interns.

Holy based.
Oh I agree 100%, it's all surface dressing. It's still technically friendly though, even if they're snakes. Just for new players I think FFXIV feels warmer. People don't tell you to kys after a wipe and then leave the dungeon. FCs are just high school drama simulators though.
It's not finished yet.
Song is only a preview, and it has been datamined that that login screen is not the final one.
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blizzdrones really are going to try to argue that XIV maintaining a bare minimum facade of niceness and zero gameplay disruption is somehow worse than being denied from groups because your class isn't considered "meta" by e-sportsfags or getting kicked from groups because the leader just felt like it or to deny you loot from bosses (and there's nothing you can do about it because the automated and/or indian support responses tell you to check wowhead for solutions)
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>pre-patch event isn't even live yet
why would you make a thread?
Nigger why are you raiding with faggots? It's not hard to find a bunch of sensible people and do non-sweaty raids.
If you join a friendly guild, that doesn't happen.

But if you choose to be autistic Kirito solo-player, then, yeah, you will eat shit.
ah see now it makes sense. I agree wholeheartedly, surface level it's perfect for newcomers on average in comparison to most online communities, but behind the facade it's borderline worse. There's that toxic positivity and subtle/passive aggressive toxicity that's somehow worse than just outright being told to "rope" in League or WoW.
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Yes, it is. I would rather everyone be treated like shit than see "people" whining about how the world is against them because they're transgender or whatever and being coddled by everyone like a fucking mental institution because any naysaying whatsoever gets your money stolen.
It's called gatekeeping and it does wonders for your community of ACTUAL players who ACTUALLY play the game instead of treating it like Second Life or an ERP chatroom. Good players don't "get kicked randomly", you're just shit at the game. Get gud.
hahahaha i love this pic so much
>just join a guild bro
NTA, but everyone who isn't an officer is just a tool for the officers. Every time I fucking join a guild in this dogshit game there's always some corruption going on from the inside, like the GM's 0-parsing wife getting a reserved spot in the raids or some faggots who refuse to take anyone to their M+ runs and then wondering why the fuck aren't people decked out in high end M+ gear when it's raid night because the rest of the guild is forced to PuG tanks and healers. Fuck off with your clique garbage.
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Come on, you don't even believe that yourself.
Word, I would much rather people be shitty to me than fake. When I was a kid playing wow for a first time, there was this beautiful mix of anxiety and glee when joining a group. It felt like smoking with the older kids. Plus, when you get through being told to rope, I find that's when you actually meet cool people. I made lifelong friends on wow, I only met fake social butterflies on ffxiv.
>stupid haircut
>bulbous head
>man jaw
I don't get what people see in this.
It's not appealing.
It just checks boxes.
I said "friendly" because of that.
I hate competitive guilds because they are as you say.

But now I'm in a small boomer guild, and it's comfy.
They don't raid, tho. Only M+.
Make your own guild or join a better one. What you describe definitely happens but it's not representative of every guild.
competitive guilds do not have let GMs girlfriend/wife shit up the raid retard
I have never played with officers/GMs wives or gfs, lol

Good luck, I guess.
i haven't added a single genuine friend to my b.net friends list since wotlk. even trying to add the competent people you meet in m+ to your friends list usually gets you stonewalled because they know you're just going to pested them for quick spot fill, especially tanks and healers.
i think the problem is just the internet culture in general.
checking boxes is more important than appealing for white men, chud
Fem AuRa have to be single handedly housing like 80+% of their population in FFXIV I swear to fucking god.
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Paid shill thread.
it's almost like troons have to overcompensate on their femininity and thus pick the most caricaturely dainty, cute and feminine race in the game. let's not pretend blood elves are any different.
Mindbroken XIV troon
desu that isn't true, I've gotten pretty toxic here and there and never even got a suspension or a GM intervention, like I've told some gay cunt at the end of savage raid to kill himself cuz he was making obnoxious comments - nothing. Also said I would be reported by a bunch of dweebs in EX trials after they blocked me for pointing mistakes out - nothing.
But they are different, you lying xivtroon. Troons don't play WoW and they are not welcome in WoW. Make no mistake, Blizzard loves to market towards troons but the community of white straight men tells them to get bend and never come back. See: all the posts before yours claiming "fakenice" is better than honest bants.
I played wow for like 10 years, I stopped playing like 2 years ago and I'm damn glad I stopped consuming the damn slop that this game has become.
just because you got lucky and nobody in your group bothered to navigate the utter dogshit report system doesn't mean it doesn't ever happen.
Yeah it's hard and the meta has shifted a lot. Making friends in M+ is tough because like you say, people will just think you're gonna spam them. For me I tend to just shitpost in PvP and RP and find people that way. The actual 'game' part of wow has been metagamed to the moon and it's just not very social.
tell me you haven't done partyfinder savage and ultimates without telling me you haven't done partyfinder savage and ultimates.
People kick others left and right, motherfuckers will fuck up the mechanics while being the lead and will blameshift and kick others thinking others don't see only for the rest of the party to go "wtf's wrong with you cunt" and leave too.
tell me you're a redditor without telling me you're a redditor
there's a lot of troons in retail tho
i made a few friends by being the local clown in shadowlands actually playing survival hunter unironically. though i also made some enemies who put me in their ignore list because they though i was playing a (((real spec))) and didn't realise this until we were inside the dungeon
line up all metatrannies up against the wall tbqh
let me guess, you play on their containment RP server. nobody roleplays as a woman in my functional human being servers.
Who asked
Liadrin would unironically suck Turalyon's dick out of respect.
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this, a thousand times this.
i was tricked into playing XIV during shadowlands because all my other friends fell for "le great exodus" meme and HOLY SHIT XIV players are legitimately the most insufferable people i've ever seen in ANY online community.
like a quarter of the fucking community are "mean girls" who always try to steal the spotlight of any conversation, a quarter are obnoxious trannies, and the rest of them are just wallflowers who never speak unless spoken to or just orbit the aforementioned attention whores. the dungeons are fucking piss easy so there's never any need to communicate with anyone. played that shit enough to clear the main story and not a single person i wanted on my friends list. no wonder all of our group quit by the end of that miserable experience.
the experience was so miserable i actually gained some appreciation for WoW and its community. during shadowlands, of all things. holy shit, to think that is the only other competition to WoW, it's fucking grim.
The only wow community left is on private servers, nice try john blizzard.
It's true, I actually hated starting conversations in most of the FCs I was in because 9/10 of the actives either talked between themselves or would play for hours without saying a thing, be it officer or FC owner. But the moment one of their friends or some egirl logged on they were suddenly buddy buddy. It was borderline creepy.
I genuinely had far better interactions on average while trying to rizz up (e)girls via DMs which varied from making fun friends just to chat to having the wildest fucking discord/snapchat cum sessions I've had to date.
In a group setting though FFXIV is.. not good.
>your guilds are too cliquey?
>just make your own and be the clique
great advice retard
>would play for hours without saying a thing
literally me. because holy shit why would i want to talk to those freaks? all those faggots could talk about was e-sex, drugs, and/or dude alcohol lmao. these people were in their fucking 30s and 40s, some with fucking kids, and still behaved like kids in high school, it's fucking bizarre
hm I don't know wasn't really the case when I played in Light servers lich/raiden but I can see why constant talking about the same thing, especially if your FC feels like a zoomer filled valorant lobby. Still, would've had more fun engaging in those convos than most of what went down in the ~10 active FCs I've jumped around in during my time.
You can't advertise your products on /v/ and then shit all over this site publicly, buy an ad, please.
Only thing the worthless jannies and mods are good for are defending resetera and sweet baby incorporated, they couldn't give a fuck about blatant advertising.

nah the FC me and my buddies joined specifically advertised itself as 18+, our youngest member was in his mid-20s, but that didn't prevent most of the regulars being hideous modbeasts obsessed with taking screenshots of their whored out bimbo creatures, and i didn't even request access to the NSFW screenshots channel
>Light servers lich/raiden
we were on Twintania so it's not even a region culture issue.
Nice. This thread made me spontaneously want to take a shit. Thanks for stimulating my colon.
Go fuck yourself, you degrade the board with this unfunny fucking spam, ironic shitposting is still shitposting, should carry a harsher fucking ban than intentional shilling.
>xiv threads
actual videogame discussion, yet deleted on sight for (((being generals))), whatever that means considering how many games get so many concurrent threads for so long
>wow threads
constant shitposting, rent-free talking about xiv and how worse it is, and accusing op for shilling

i thought this was the videogames board, and yet videogame discussion seems to ba banned. curious.

Warcraft is faggot jealous Warhammer and as of Recently THE Elder Scrolls for trannies.
And blizzard devs are fuming hard that Fallout TV show happened when all of their attempts to make a TV show or movie from their IP's failed while BETHESDA ONCE MORE FUCKED THEM OVER SINCE BLIZZARD FAILED TO BUY THEM PRIOR TO MORROWIND'S DEVELOPMENT AND RELEASE

Blizzard will seethe and continue hating Bethesda til this day while lying that they aren't living rent free in their heads
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what does the future hold for male blood elves
don't get angry with me just for pointing out how gullible you are to fall for OP's very obvious joke / bait thread
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guess why >pic
In the glory days of MOOT this wouldn't happen and the janny mod behind it would be fired on sight.
lmao that's funny I'll probably get back to FFXIV a month or so before they drop the new eureka-like zone and join the dumbest most random smaller FCs and just go wild until I get kicked or leave.
With Nightborne women
Daily reminder: blizzard employees and fags that play blizzard games aren't human. You are legally allowed to kill them all
This needs to be posted in every Blizzard thread
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important reminder
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They also Work at Obsidian since their offices are a few meters away and they eat at the same restaurant, so put 2+2 and you will understand one of the biggest mysteries at /v/ about a certain overhyped and shilled game
Both games are for troops and fags anon. This is not an own
Important reminder
the man that removed midriff because he could not talk to his daughter, is going to stop woke people
I have to congratulate the sheer autism that went into creating this system
>actually responsive gameplay
Ah yes my favorite
>move to where the plug in tells you
Mods are WoWfags. This is nothing new.
well some at /tg/ are literally employees working for GW and WoTC and the ones responsible for /tg/ downfall
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Beyblade kino incoming?
Do not question the Immaculate Janitor's decisionmaking
It was made by the King section of ActiBlizz, the group which does literally nothing but push Candy Crush updates out to make passive income off moms and young children.
or you know, high end pvp where gameplay actually matters
Or I could just play literally any other dedicated PvP game on the market that suits me.
PvP in WoW isn't the only thing about the game that's raw sewage and you niggers treat it like it's the experience of a lifetime
Theramore was a legitimate target and Jaina was warned multiple times.
it's the only mmo that has anywhere near enjoyable pvp
>jannying and shillying, both for free
you can't make this up
Attacking Theramore as a military target was a legitimate action.
Massacring and kidnapping the civilians afterwards is where things changed from 'Practical military exercise' to 'Heinous deplorable war crimes'.
Also the Mana Bomb wiped out EVERY Theramore across EVERY timeline.
>actually matters
LMAO play a real pvp game you fucking poser
it'll probably be the same screen for all three parts of the story, in the second part it will be even more broken and in the third it will break completely and reveal a gay flag or something.
way to misunderstand the point ya dumb cunt
t. faceit10
>dragonflight starts with the strong female horde expedition leader asking the strong female alliance leader accepting
>a stuttering, cowering alliance guy objects and gets told to shut up
The whole expansion has shit like this, you can't even say you skipped the quest text because it makes you sit through the pantomime before it'll let you progress.
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Yeah, a city full of innocent civilians and mages was a "legitimate target" the same way Palestine is. Garrosh was such an edgy retard.
Theramore was a legitimate target because Jaina like an idiot, let Alliance forces station within the city and deploy from Theramore for their Kalimdor campaign.
>port close to your capital full of mages
uhh yeah nuke it
It was literally a military garrison.
>Do side quest in the big tower in the first zone
>Says to sit next to a Dwarf!Dragon
>Figure there's going to be some gay shit
>It's about how the Dragon is old enough to have been on the islands before they were closed off and how he used to have a Black Flight friend he would fly around the islands with
>Then talks about how the landscape has changed so much he can barely recognize it, and how he was forced to kill his friend when Deathwing betrayed everyone and drove the Black Flight insane
>Even had special dialogue for a NElf referencing Teldrassil
That one God damn quest hit me harder than any plotline or cutscene since the start of Legion, and maybe even before then. Why the fuck can't they get the guys writing that to work on the actual main plot?
lmao. ok blizzard im in
>please ignore the fact they are hiding and supporting mages
It has to be the ugliest WoW's loading screen so far.
Capturing the civilians makes sense, they're of an enemy faction in horde territory, killing them is a black mark but I've only done the scenarios so I don't know how many civilians there were meant to have been there lorewise. It seemed pretty heavily militarised from those. Not touching timeline bullshit with a ten foot barge pole.
>if you have advice for how to actually enjoy WoW I am very open to it
Get a time machine and go back to 2003, then play the game when it comes out.

WoW's shit the bed ever since Cataclysm regarding new player integration. They've never done a good job of introducing new players, so anyone who picks it up just has to endure the timeline-hopping-schizodream that is the WoW levelling experience.

Can't blame Blizz for leaning on the bronze dragons (time wardens) so hard, as it gives them an in-game excuse for the player character to be so-liberally bouncing around time streams. One moment everyone's talking about Varian, King of Stormwind, then suddenly you're introduced to Anduin, King of Stormwind. Or Garrosh, Leader of the Horde, sends you on a mission in Silverpine, then suddenly Vol'Jin, Leader of the Horde, is telling you what to do, then Sylvanus, Leader of the Horde is giving the orders, then you're not allowed to talk about her because she's a meanie pants and you need to go and kill her.

I don't envy new players. It must seem like an unmitigated clusterfuck.

The problem is you've got 20 years of expansions that were always trying to push the envelope and invent a story as they were going along rather than planning for the long term. It would have done the game a world of good just to ease off the gas for a year, not produce any new expansions, and just fix the game as it is.
It's a victim of its own success and age.
That was actually pretty well done I admit, particularly that he admits it's eating him up inside that he can't remember her name and the time capsule he has you dig up DOESN'T wrap it all up in a neat little bow by having it written there
>i-it's just a placeholder
>it's a beta
>it will get better
>p-please subscribe
>the game is only playable by putting a blanket over your head until it lets you progress
Was gonna post this one too lol
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the story is quite simple you just got filtered by your single digit iq bro
WoW having 2 static factions was one of the worst decisions blizzard ever made for the game. It crippled gameplay, world building and writing.
>Meanwhile, in ffxiv
FFXIV cucks, is this your game?
Theramore was neutral and had no reason to serve the Alliance of Stormwind at all, but then WoW devs doesn't play their own game like TES devs and hates their own wiki and players for reminding them of lore fuck ups.
They should had added a boat or teleport service from Stormwind to Darkshore since day 1 in contrast to Tirisfal Zeppelin
rent free
>meanwhile a questline at the end of the expansion has you go assault odyn with a massive murdering proto drake because he's being mean and ... made an oath with the storm drakes centuries ago that they're fulfilling willingly
>you kill Heimdall and the drake bitch insults him as you're doing so, but when the valkyr shows up they have a lesbian mind meld and she just lets you in to potentially assassinate her boss
>she throws a bunch of insults at him and ice blocks him and then all the storm drakes leave because oaths don't count anymore
Ok but why would I play WoW for PvP when there are 80 thousand different games that allow for a PvP experience without a dogshit second job simulator attached to it?
that anon didn't even mention XIV you obsessive wowtroon
But nice cherrypicking. Look, I can do it too
McDonald’s is good, so I don’t see the problem.
>TBC had nothing
bro your Sunwell? and Magister’s Terrace?
How do retards get to be in charge of writing for things like video games and movies? Why do they let them in?
>le ominous latin chanting
lmao you actually think that shit is good? i guess HRT fucks up your hearing too
they're black and/or women and diversity is our strength because it just is, chud
posts like this are why WoW is in the shitter
>Warcraft, Orcs vs Humans, Demons, Blood and Portals.
>m-muh fucking palestein!
jfc you people can't help yourselves lmao
i bet you think camp taurajo was a legitimate target unironically because there are no tauren peasants.
>>le ominous latin chanting
Yes. You seem to be implying that's a bad thing. It uses familiar genre conventions without being generic (unlike WoW).
it is a bad thing. it's just more generic "it sounds EPIC" slop. most players play wow with music turned off for a reason.
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>"it sounds EPIC"
You don't even know what you're talking about. You're just making up whatever comes to mind because you have no argument but you still want the last word.
It's simple;
When WoW makes an orchestra + choir piece it sounds like they downloaded it off of soundcloud.
When XIV does it it sounds like a Final Fantasy track.
Simple as.
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I thought these things didn't exist???
What are you talking about, jannies went on a fucking jihad against sweet baby shit
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its a shame the cohort is made up of people who despise any form of individual fun or originality in thought to the point where you just get noscope360memoryholed because some faggot and his faggot faggoty pals decided to vote you off tarde chat for being more powderful than they were by your own merit of running 5 mans instead of doing trash raids for the best gear
also people in this game cant joke or take a joke
Is the Sanctuary private server any good?
My honest reaction to this: no outrage whatsoever, immediate laughter at the retard posturing about “them” once his tweet showed up
Wouldn't Resetera be a better platform to discuss Retail WOW? I don't think the game's direction really aligns with /v/. Think OP made a bad faith post.
when do leftoids ever talk about games in good faith?
>hey, cool cartoon races
why are alliance players like this
i can pay 10 bucks at mcdonalds and eat a tasty meal and move on
10 bucks at blizzard gives you cancer and aids for an entire month
yes hes a woke faggot now but honestly can you imagine being part of the old guard and having to deal with the soiii latte sipping millinials that currently haunt blizzard. It must hurt to barely get done 20% of what his old 20 man teams could get done in 1 day.
OG is still the best imo
Not only is that a great theme, but from what I recall it's also a homage to some meme song a fan made like 15 years ago or something. They even somehow got the guy back to help with this version.

Rent free aside (seriously I didn't even allude to other MMOs let alone XIV, I haven't played it in years), the bee song is catchy and memorable. Feeds into what I said about WoW's soundtrack being so forgettable in the past 10 years
>Can you recall ONE good, memorable song from the past 10 years?
wod? i stopped playing then, it sucked but had some memorable music
mid af. zuldrak, storm peaks, ulduar have good music
>nooo it's too silly
Maybe this is more your speed. I like how ffxiv randomly just tries different genres, here's some 2000s Evanescence alt-metal edgecore:

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>click play
>immediate "generic epic Latin chanting"

The chanting is lame but I do like the marching motif at least.
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Horde deserve the tentacle
I feel it. I can hear it calling to me.
Please convince me not to start resubbing again. I can't take wiping 200 times in progress anymore but there are no other games to play.
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>questing through Dragonflight for the first time
>first zone is about wholesome chungus dragonkin and setting up the main villains as a shit copy of the Twilight Hammer but with less tentacles and historical precedent
>second zone is about wholesome chungus centaurs who are not related in any way to the centaurs from Kalimdor
>third zone is about wholesome chungus walruses and Kalec learning an important lesson about family after attending a funeral
That's when I became acutely aware that I was playing a game called World of Warcraft and it used to be really cool.
It's never as good as you're hoping anon, try to remember the shit, and the boring shit, not just the good times
And you can't go home again.
>people are fakenice because even telling someone how to play their job can get you banned
This is shit /wowg/ made up to explain why people weren't shouting NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in zone chats. The fact you believed it doesn't surprise me.
The game also suffers greatly because they absolutely refuse to integrate previous things properly

The only time they've ever done it was with the Legion Class Halls visiting old world areas for the artifact quests and everyone fucking loved it (ironically, class halls are never visited again after Legion)

Shit, they finally implement "warbands" and not only do they not do any sort of player housing, they don't even do something as simple as make your warband alts hang out in your garrison
They're speaking english, akshualy.
>and Kalec learning an important lesson about family after attending a funeral
Didn't we kill both of his parents
Or in Sindragosa's case re-kill her
>Also Hearthstone's community is currently in the middle of a massive shitstorm too, which is fun.
QRD please?
>TBC has nothing
Kara called, go fuck yourself (Baroque)
I will never play anything other than 3.3.5 or earlier private servers hosted in Russia for the rest of time.

>for the first time ever, after like 30 expansions/sets, the newest expansion did not get a cinematic trailer
>the expansion also did not even add a new board to the game, something every single expansion has done
>disgustingly little free shit given out
>also, it's Hearthstone's 10th anniversary
Cost cutting measures abound, so the future of the game seems dire. But also:

>Hearthstone just had its fourth(?) "having a heckin' wholesome fun time with OC characters we just made up, no lore characters" expansion in a row (it used to alternate between serious and lighthearted sets, now it's ALL kiddy shit that even Reddit is sick of)
>there's a disgustingly shitty meta (players dying on turn 3/4, infinite value bullshit, there's no player agency (wins and answers always being pulled out of thin air))
Feels like it's dying, and those still playing it hate the state of it (thematically and in gameplay). So the playerbase is in its annual "we fucking hate Blizzard this game is shit" mindset.
Good call, Karazhan's theme is a banger, I forgot about that.

Just scrubbed through some of TBC's OST, and it's mostly just ambience it seems.
Explains why I don't remember much of it. I mean it's fine, it's just not memorable by design, it's just there

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The Horde are all barbarous savages so no. There are no innocents in the Horde and the day of the rope will come for them all.
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>this is fire, on so many levels!
yes, yes it is
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Oh yeah, and one more thing:
>Blizzard promises to explain the apparent corner cutting, and the future of the game
>keeps delaying their statement
>waits until pre-orders for the expansion are done, then another week after launch so people can buy all their packs during the "new content honeymoon" first

Still waiting!
I've played every expansion to some degree and even I don't understand half this shit. I think the game is at least a decade beyond repair as far as the new player experience goes.
It's almost like they've catered the early game solely around returning players rather than new players. New players won't like all the story shit they're forced to engage with, they won't know what's going on.

In retail after the tutorial you're immediately dropped into a story you know nothing about, given a shitload of exposition for characters and places you knowing nothing of, and are immediately a champion/hero. It's insane.
Also there's like 10 expansion timelines and they all intersect at different times.
They've sort of fixed that.
New players go through a specifically tailored starting 'zone' which introduces new minor characters. From there they then go immediately into Dragonflight, where some of those characters pop back up.
Oh well that sounds better, I think last I heard you were dropped into BFA of all things, straight into Jaina's family drama or whatever
>everyday /v/ has a retail hate thread that makes it to bump limit
bump limit? lol
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there's so much shit to do in life and dedicating yourself to an mmo, especially one as grindy as wow is such an awful move in life
not to mention the troonoids, the disgusting ogre thing in the trailer
shouldn't you have already left?
Blizz supporters get what they fucking deserve
The Blizzard blogpost finally came, and as expected it's ChatGPT-tier drivel that answers nothing and promises nothing. Community now even angrier.
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This will be the one that will come with launch, it's likely for the first time they want to update the login screen each patch, the one we have now is just the base version
wdym she bussin fr!!!
And yet WoW still dominates every other MMO, and every game /v/ openly hates (BG3, witcher 3 etc) is nearly always massively successful

It's almost like this place is filled with pereptually online idpol obsessed retards who are constantly contrarian and have no real bearing on actual consumers
Shut the fuck up, greenskins. Humans are speaking.
I hate the faggot tweets but her design honestly isn't that bad, I dunno why they made her look so much worse in the CGI cinematic
nothing quite compares to wow
>other mmos
garbage gamefeel, balance and they're mostly aoe zergfests
pve shit + rts camera
For me it's Draenei
Star Wars: Galaxies at it's height was a better MMO than the glorified singleplayer with optional multiplayer loot grind that was WoW. A lot of zoomers are so young and naive they don't even know what MMOs before WoW were. How much better they were. How they prioritized the social experience and features that fascilitated that like player housing, crafting, PvP and so on. As opposed to just dragging you by the nose through gated zones to get to the level cap so you can make numbers go up,
lol no, it's still joever
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It reminds of that AI art
It has an elf girl lying on the pillows and looking at the window so we can only see her butt
Hopefully she will appear with animation and Login button placed right on top of her butt
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I'm pretty sure that the Guild Wars 2 is the most rewarding online video game of all time. I mean, just look at these objectively amazing rewards.


The Guild Wars 2 has been healing a lot lately so that's why it's currently an objectively amazing video game.
they fucked up even the portal gate theme
>devs turn off promised features because they are bugged or completely broken

Is amazing how dogshit blizzard QA is right now. Cata classic has couple bosses that have been bugged for months where certain abilities do zero damage.
my fucking sides
legit roflmao
Really wish I had the pic of a WoW player doing an FF dungeon for the first time and seething that players were nice to him.
Not sure if serious.
Most of that shit is utterly worthless and useless or leads to getting other shit that's utterly worthless and useless.
Almost like using the same devs for the seasonal servers and Classic and Era was bound to end in a disaster
>not the culture war shit, the console war shit, or the monster hunter threads tjat are filled woth one samefag shitposter replying to himself
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>He considers coming back for the new expansion
that is an ork not an elf.
a Garrosh rapebaby.
the first thing I thought of
trannies are infesting every MMO cause they know no one will talk to them if they can see them IRL
Every mmo pre WoW is better than retail shit. MMOs cater solely to PVE faggots that cry and slit their wrists the second someone impedes them while gaming. They only want retards that will spend money on microtransactions. Them removing /spit is proof enough of that.
You can't have "fun" in WoW. The game is basically rush to the endgame while doing the most boring shit ever, and once you are at the endgame, you have get into a group with the most insufferable people imaginable, then you have to farm and grind for days just to get 1 chance at a boss fight, but if someone fucks up and you wipe. You have to grind again and get ready for next week.
The only people who play this are actual addicts that are not even enjoying the game, they just enjoy wasting time.
I hope you get the helo that yoy clearly need
Sex with elves
I don't want to play retail WoW because the game turns my laptop into a jet engine despite looking like shit.
Can you kill this or at least try to be able to in game?
>The only people who play this are actual addicts that are not even enjoying the game, they just enjoy wasting time.
>It's almost like AA gather around youngsters telling them to never drink
Never happened once to anyone.
Never once played on an official server. Hate the "gameplay", diablo2lod was shit enough with the runewords, wow made it the only thing to be pursued. Glorified IRC room, dress-up never mattered. Played since 2005, quit 4 years later. The few. The proud.
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just create another shitty MMO to milk them like cattle. no reason to kill useful goyim.
I knew it was over when I saw the trailer for dragonflight, after the shitshow that was shadowlands I wondered what they could possibly follow up with? For like the first 120 seconds or so it was actually really interesting, this stone giant wandering this ruined land, it had me curious. Then Almalexia flies in, the somber atmosphere they've built dissolves into the rainbow of how to train your dragon. I literally laughed out loud, like, "For real? Dragons again? Holy shit, they have nothing!" I knew right then and there the well had run dry and it was only a matter of time before it was actually dead. Announcing the next three expansions in a row just felt like confirmation of this. They're throwing everything they have left out there in the hopes something sparks interest before they all get shit-canned.
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>SoD Molten Core has a new mechanic where you just get randomly 1-shot if you don't meet the hard fire resist number requirement

Very cool design.
More like the traitor Prince, possessed by dark powers raise the dead playerbase as a mass of unspeakable putrid abominations to ensure his nefarious lords reign for another thousand years of darkness.
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>watching my SoD server gradually get more and more dead as the season went on
>literally the only people left in the overworld are 60s camping resource spawns, people levelling alts, and the rare casual like myself who didn’t boost to 60 in 3 days

Pull the ripcord blizz. Just dump our characters into Era or something
>overhyped and shilled game
That's the login screen?
Why is it so plain?

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