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Why is this the case?
I was just talking with a friend about that the other day, almost all the mainline bosses in the base game chat shit at you constantly. I guess FROM got lazy
I don't think that some guy on a boar is a major boss, he's even irrelevant lore-wise. But that location he guarded looked like important but they cut all content linked to it.
How the fuck is this a "starter pack?" That's like if I screenshotted the character select from SFII Super Turbo and captioned it "characters who are in Super Turbo except Akuma Starter Pack"
>forgive me Malenia
>forgive me Radahn
>forgive me Rennala
And Radahn is a mindcontrolled golem, but Miquella speaks during the bossfight
"Major" is presumably being attributed to any rememberance boss, so Gaius would fit there despite not being required for progression. Rellana shouldn't be there either if you don't count Gaius, since she's also entirely optional.
Writerzabart... Forgive me...
Rellana at least seems important lore-wise, but if you count every remembrance boss as major then most of the bosses in dlc seems irrelevant, not only those 4.
I feel like that only Rellana deserved an intro, dialogues and animation for a phase 2. Gaius and the saint of rot are simple guards settled in one spot. Redahn is just a puppet at that point, he doesn't have much to say.
>Can't romance renalla
>No voice
>No cutscene
>no face
>isn't mention again
Unironically I think if Radahn had had a few lines of dialogue then people would have been a lot less upset about the final boss, at least story/lore-wise. The fact that he's supposedly revived into peak condition yet still grunts like he's a savage beast is dumb as fuck and makes him feel like a last-minute inclusion.
>Centizibart forgive me...
>Boarzibart forgive me...
>Moonzibart forgive me...
>Twinkzibart forgive me...
Happy now OP?
Radahn never had any dialogue in the base game either, at least he gets a cutscene.
You are the dumbest gorilla nigger monkey! Leave this board and go back to r*ddit.
You cant say reddit now what a retarded janitors.
That's not a dialogue tho. A dialogue is a back and forth.
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Western voice actors and trannylators cannot force DEI shit into the game if there is no dialogue to begin with.
He is a fucking zombie-like abomination being puppeted by an evil Twink.
>I forgive you
You will never become family.
The NPCs in the DLC were also being charmed by Miquella at first but they still talked normally.
The western VA in elden ring has been great though
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Remember that you are dealing with people who are intent on making /v/ and 4chan in general unusable.
It's not "voice actors" though, they're theatre actors.
It would be better but it wouldn't fix anything. It's still Radahn and they still fucked him up.
why do you care?
they'd probably just say "forgive me Marika" and then just lose to us anyway.
Fuck Gaius, man. The most bullshit boss in the DLC outside of Radahn. Your dodges have to be frame perfect and he doesn't give punish windows for shit. Uncharged Wrath of Gold is literally the only way to damage him without getting clipped 100% of the time, and it still isn't all that reliable.
And i thought Messmer was hard.
where's artorias, fume knight, sir alonne etc?
They nerfed him, at launch he used to open the fight with his charge and started close enough to you to interrupt any buff/potion/summon you were attempting after passing through the fog wall. The opening of the fight is a lot easier now that you have room to breathe before he gets to you.
just get on the damn horse and run that pigger down, retard
Still waiting for anon's collage of Jeremy Eric the Begotten.
In the reddit thread this image is from they were saying that they all or most have dialogue lines that were cut
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Who would Radahn sound like?
at least link the rest of the leddit thread


no idea why they didn't keep it in
Just another day at a Chinese factory.
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Most ds boses at least have the excuse of having long since hollowed, plus most ds boses didn't talk anyhow unlike elden ring ones
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Fromdrones eating shit is nothing new but maybe they'll git gud and learn some humility after this brutal buck breaking.
Romina's got a pretty voice
What does it mean by starter pack?
Why the FUCK did they cut these lines?
>Romina: Children of the Tower... Butterflies, take wing!
>Rellana: Rise, twin moons!
Romina directly addressing the Tower makes me think she was going to be in or around Belurat and they just moved her to Rauh. It's not in this video but Midra has a cut scream for when he dies in phase 2.
This isn't new. Artorias used to have dialogue in his fight where he'd beg you to run away because he can't control his body anymore. Quelaag used to yap constantly while trying to kill you. Malenia and Mohg used to have the option to talk to them outside of combat.
>Malenia and Mohg used to have the option to talk to them outside of combat.
Wish they would have kept these ones, talking with Isshin or Gael before realizing that they were bosses was ludo
Part of it is that initially Mohg wasn't a demigod or a boss but a recurring NPC who From eventually retooled into the guy we know.
daily reminder that morgott is stronger than radahn and the strongest demi god
Omen blood makes you superior
those threads were so good, it was funny seeing everyone instantly double back the moment it was reveal to be a true leak
>Marika gets stuffed into a jar as a kid
>becomes a god and hates herself so much she transitions into a man
>morgott gets stuffed into a sewer as a kid
>becomes a lord and hates himself so much cucks himself to first the potential usurper
bullying works
The horned knights are also one of the strongest enemies in the dlc
Crucible magic>Other forms of magic
league of legends-tier garbage
>two random dudes in a lion costume get a intro cutscene with a voiceover
>Rellana just stands there like some glorified gaol boss when you come in
>Malenia and Mohg used to have the option to talk to them outside of combat.
What would they had said?
because these ones are just vessels to provide the player with more cool boss weapons
Strictly speaking only 3 bosses are ""required"" to beat the final boss of the DLC.
Ironically one of them, the rot bitch, is probably the most irrelevant remembrance boss in the DLC lorewise outside of the skelly man.
That is what makes it extra dumb when some people justify radahn as the final boss, because
>you had to beat him in his "prime"
when in the base game the Tarnished already takes down the guy who beat him up when he was more experienced and powerful than this younger version of himself.
There's also zero impact on any boss intro cutscene or fight in the base game shit was sloppily scrapped together even more apparently than DS2 why the FUCK is Tanimura still directing shit
Malenia didn't beat him.
Humiliation ritual thread so anons will bully dragonirian into suicide
I'm really curious what their thought process was on just teleporting you 100 feet to the tower PAST the dancing lion instead of making it a required boss
Morgott did.
That's fair.
Calling everything a humiliation ritual is a humiliation ritual.
No reason to get mad sweetie
>He didnt get the MY NAAAAME IS COMMANDER GAIUS line
Sucks to suck. You do know the more scadu fragments you use the less dialogue you hear right?
wrong and wrong
Rushed and unfinished DLC, not canon.
kek imagine the salt
What's best ashes of war to use with fist weapons? Doing playthrough with star fists. And any recommended buffs or weapon enchants?
What's major about Gaius? He is a glass cannon boss serving as the gatekeeper for a completely unnecessary and almost completely empty part of the game. An area that's not even hidden away, but simply directly outside of Shadow Keep.
99% of players would just look up the dialogue online but imagine if they actually hid stuff like that behind scadu levels.
Would be a good incentive
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>bitch, screech, moan, and shitpost about “Zanzibart please forgive me…”
>bitch, screech, moan, and shitpost when there is no similar dialogue because it’s “lazy”
God I hate you insufferable faggots.
>major boss
Dropping a remembrance doesn't make it a major boss
>Midra has a cut scream for when he dies in phase 2
Makes sense. He doesn't have a mouth to scream with at that point.
>Fuck Gaius, man.
Remember when it was set so he'd charge you from 20 feet away the moment you entered the fog gate? Good times.
At this point I think From just has a compulsion to pointlessly cut content they've already finished.
Malenia could be befriended (probably via Millicent questline) and Mohg was a covenant leader back when the game was going to have those.
>"Get out of the way, bitch"
Yeah really compelling dialogue from the final boss who's a God
No, Igon's lines were fucking retarded.
Low T alert
you absolutely need to fight relanna to open up the map
can't hear your lowly simmer over the goty award
>NOOOO, they didn't include le epic Zanzibart quote I can get reddit upvotes with
how are those two things contradictory, retard-kun?
No you absolutely do not you can go right around you her just like you can stormveil in basegame. Its been out for a while now how do you not know this?
Will we never get a fromsoft game with good story/atmosphere like DS2 again?
>uhhhr a game needs to have story and meaning because... it just does ok?
Holy fuck, I don't care.
>boss without a single line of dialogue
Kill yourself, you braindead failed abortion
Since this is stupid thread.. lets follow with an stupid question...
Did Rhadan had feet on the first encounter? It seemed that he had stumps while he was riding that poor horse
Story and meaning are appealing concepts to actual humans. Nobody expects creatures like you to be interested in them.
>Did Rhadan had feet
Least ESL fromdrone in action.
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I just noticed that Maliketh's Black Blade has different reflections in the gem on the hilt depending on where the player is. They also added new ones that are higher res for the DLC locations like in pic related compared to base game. Are these locations anywhere in particular in game? They don't match the surrounding area. I get that they're just cube maps.
Reply to the question or fuck off, faggot.
I dont know, why don't you tell us. Did rhadhan had feet?
>without a single line of dialogue
Who's dragonirian
No dialogue is what made DS1 bosses so threatening. A giant murder beast just attacks you, without context, making you fear the unknown, the beast without personality. Pretty ludo if you ask me.
Most of the souls bosses didn't have dialogue but most of them are also mad hollows
The fuck is with /v/ needing dialogue and cutscenes for souls bosses? Why has this suddenly become a hot topic here?
These games hardly have a story. Sure, they have "lore", but that's it.
>Sif... forgive me...
kino or ludo?
>rot everything lol lmao even die die die
>aieeee nooooo my wife stole my pants
>why won't Messmer fuck meeeeeee reeeeeeee
I'd have preferred Radahn as a setpiece still being revived and the final boss being Leda's group supported by Miquella.
>whats this? Im being fed lazily made slop (Japan)? Le kino
This really is sad.
Maybe they are in the game but people just haven't found them yet.
Some of Elden Ring's bosses had dialogue and it was pretty cool.
I wish the early game wasnt so fucking boring, I hate having to keep going from point A to B to build my character. If I use a cheat engine and spawn in a DLC weapon, and grab the weapon again when I reach the dlc will the game detect I have something I shouldnt have and just ban me? Never used it before but I might just do it just for the sake of gettin a dragon character built asap.
>Zanzibart... Forgive me
Wow they really weren't joking
For flails which have innate bleed or any weapons that have innate bleed, if I use Chilling Mist AoW with magic affinity, will my weapon have both bleed and frost buildup or just frost while Chilling Mist is active?
>Chilling Mist AoW with magic affinity
It will always have bleed, it will only have frost while buffed with frost by the AoW.
Chilling mist will apply 60 frost on your weapon, it will still maintain its bleed on the weapon. If you decide to give it frost affinity the bleed will go down to 45 bleed instead of the regular 50 bleed build up per hit but with ash of wars that buff your weapon it will still add onto your frost weapon if you ever decide to go harder onto frost.
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I don’t think the game cares unless you have unobtainable items since you can drop trade in this game.
Awesome, saves me having to rush towards the dlc for a weapon or the dragon form.
Even shit that you can't trade like spells are fine. Just avoid progression/quest items and unused items
It might care if you cheat the dragon form I’m not sure what kind of item that is
Transformation items shouldn't be an issue, but I've never tried myself so I can't confirm.
>Maybe they are in the game but people just haven't found them yet.
Anon, millions of people have played through the DLC. Someone would have found it.
At this point I honestly believe From rushed the DLC because they weren't working on it for a long time.
>Is this the blood, the blood of the Dark Souls(tm)
Really fromsoft?
that was cut

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