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0.8 is upon us!
buy an ad trannigger
>buy an ad
>for a free game
fucking troon logic
>0.8 is upon us!
>Not actually out yet.
Are Grays finally in.
>thinking there's ever going to be actual aliens and not more of the devs' furry OCs
lol lmao
as usual the russnigger is incapable of communicating publically
I bet he's only releasing the changelog and that's it, for some reason
Why can't they still look like this?
because old bad new good, especially if new actually fucking ugly (but it's new)
Oy vey
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Ariral girl... please save me...
>When nose finishes the game it'll turn into an alien concentration camp management sim half way through
>but it's not the arirals leading it
>we finally get Half-Life 2: Episode 3
Grays will never be added because grays are fucking lame and not spooky
>Inb4 you say "B-B-BUT THE ALIEN FUR-"
You never actually see the ariels in game. The ones that can attack you are cloaked and just appear as fucking predator style shimmers.
arent these catgirls futas
>You never actually see the ariels in game
They have posters and leave cute drawings on your walls.
>Ruza monday
>VotV friday
we're eating good this week, monsterfucker bros
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it's been wild
Son of a bitch i've been waiting for this update for so long and he releases it the fucking wee i lose interest?
>buy an ad
>for a patreon "content" creator
arguably yes
same for all the """oh I'm just a coomer teehee""" fags making threads for the same handful of artists over and over
yet you don't have to pay him to play the game
>A threat that lays between the white and black
seems to imply they are but who the fuck knows.
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>Ultra threat
>4 threats
>An actual threat
>A threat that lays between the white and black
>An actual threat #2
>Super Threat (tm)
>Micro threat
Should I be worried?
no, it's the russnigger being "funny". he always adds extraneous bullshit to the changelog.
Prbly more gay wisps
I'll reiterate: *arguably* yes
the line between "anons over-enthusiastically discussing things they like" and "discord simps shilling their patreon daddy for free hoping 1 in 1000 new players joins their paypig clique" is rather thin, and there'll always be anons eager to believe it's been crossed, more so for things they don't like

>onlyr tradeable products and services can be advertised
It better not break my save or I'll go rambo mode and win the war for ukraine myself
The threat is getting raped in your sleep by arirals
but that's already in the game
no but yes
>changed models/textures
But the soul...
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Back to the man cave
You're not a real fan if all your custom posters of questionable content are generic anime women instead of arirals.
When's the final release?
And that's good! Only a small part of them are futas though.
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>Arm is busy
>play 0.6, get to day 13
>stop playing for a while
>want to play again but see 0.7 changelog and all the cool shit it has
>"0.7 is around the corner better wait"
>months pass
>not super bugged 0.7 version finally comes out
>play for a while and get to day 16
>stop playing for reason
>want to play again
>"If its anything like 0.7 ot will take a lot for it to come out so im just gonna play, not gonna repeat the same mistake"
>play for bit
>log off
>see this

Am i being trolled by the dev
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I remember you from the last VotV thread I was in!
Keep pushing that boulder, SisyphusAnon
time to rev up the baocoin miners in preperation
Worried? You should be threatened.
gotta fill that mailbox with at least 21 sellguns
Are miner even worth it? I get around 450 a day so i probably could get one fully done if don't buy anything else for a while
How much cash does it make
mrdnose is russian?
fully upgraded miner can net you around 1k baobucks in a full ingame day but it's quite the investment to get one set up
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yes, probably emigrated by now, don't know
it's why his games always had a russian player majority
They make a lot but they cost a lot to set up. Not at all worth prioritizing over computer upgrades but they're a fun endgame flex. I have four on my endless save and just print money to mail shit to other saves.
But they're funny
How is this a game about aliens if theres no duendes?
One of those threats is Shrek he added him back into the game and he's way more dangerous now
I hope he does more with the meat room. It spooked the hell out of me, especially when the power went out.
no, I'm almost 98% certain it's just a placeholder asset.
it has a function
>Find la creatura
>Pet it inside the base.
>Miraculously survive with my FPS intact
>Find one of the hanging carcasses from downstairs clipping violently through the floor as a result of the shrimpocalypse blowing it through.
>Hang it up on the window.
>texture changes
fuck you
that Gold Source aesthetic was perfect
Isn't that going to get replaced with a reactor room or something?
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but don't you like the second life furry self insert's manky textures and models?
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>that screen
>meow meow meow
reactor is going inside the bunker
neck yourself nigger
is mrdnose ever gonna monetize this game?
dilate you faggot
if it reaches 1.0 , allegedly
Any good, is it too spooky, will I cry white tears?
I'm just glad nose didn't drop the game
>is it too spooky
only until you understand that theres like 2 or 3 things that can actually hurt you
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what did you just meow about me, you little bitch?
knowing this sucked almost all of the fun out of the game for me
when you realize its just catgirl ayys playing pranks the game stops being scary
>oh no i will not go and fix server at night its too spooky out here
>oh no i will not go and fix server at night its too fuckng dark even with flashlight and ATV physics is extremely wonky
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Are all computer screens still covered in that shitty scan-line thing? My eyes are sensitive faggots and the last time I played I couldn't even last ten minutes without getting a massive headache.
Weak genes
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Yeah probably. At least I'm forever pretty skinny no matter how much I eat.
can we sex the arirals yet?
after after
>oh no i will now go and fix server at night because i know how to fly with troll physics
after this update
>oh no i will play on an old version so i can fly with troll physics
>ill just use kerfus
>this fucker stuck on the edge again
Cremate arirals
and now
>this fucker randomly explodes when something falls on him/a wisp breathes on him and is impossible to find
>added 37 different ariral sex scenes
what did dr nose mean by this?
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ariral sex
HMOFAchads we're eating good this update
I hope it's the grayys
Tell me I can detach the GPUs and Coolers and mail them to my new game save.
>no Kerfus sex
I am sad
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i WILL have sex with kerfus
no but you can use your shitcoins to buy more and mail those
Is there a VR mode yet?
6 nipples
You can play with UEVR. Setting up bindings with the controllers seems to be the hard part. Some guy got it working with everything except the computer stuff.
Triple naizuri
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Orgy with a Tall, a Short, Kerfus, and Kerfus-Omega
Does regular kerfus have the Chinese semen extractor device or is it just a button
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It is a meowstery.
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>mfw new update drops
the dr kel model replacement mod can't come quick enough
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I wonder if he changed the kel folder again this update. Might update the otakel mod if true
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considering this is the map update, is it safe to assume we're finally getting the bunker(s) updated too?
So its not fully working yet, kinda sad, maybe a few months more.
Has nose mentioned anything about it?
Patreon money started to drop so he released a update.
Are you still working on the animation I'm assuming that goes with that webm?
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Why dont you find out for yourself?
speaking of
>2 KerfurO drip
this may or may not negatively affect the KerfO mod
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it's on hiatus
>saying anything but meow
fuck off retard
I would die of dehydration
I hope we get more loopsdaloop posters. you da man.
Multiplayer when
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Shame I'm going to have to abandon my 0.7 version of the goon cave
furfag tranny psyop
I don't gotta make a new save for this, do I? I'd rather die than clean out my base again
he's too busy drawing multiple commissions for the second life furfaggot
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Not really, KerfO drip has its separate folders so the original isn't affected unless nose changes it Usually
No,i'm procrastinating hard right now. But might be somewhere this year.
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I'm already ransacking my entire base (had an oopsie with the pepe sylva board, not that it matters, photos bug out when exported)
next step is exporting my signal library into drive racks then sellgunning anything that isn't bolted down
I mean you gotta get the bag anon I just hope he still browses.
>next step is exporting my signal library into drive racks then sellgunning anything that isn't bolted down
Actually im retarded. I thought you meant skins.
Drip attaches models to the skeleton joints, so unless nose changes the skeleton its not gonna break.
It's gonna take a while to ransack my base because I bought a fuckton of white glowsticks to attach to the trees in the forest so that there is always light around my base
Same. Destroying all the supply crates and hauling all the pieces of wood/coal was a pain.
Hopefully nose listened and will remove the coal after this update
i'm looking forward to tidying up the new base. Only got into th game in .6 when I saw a thread.
Sounds fun. I would play it even if it has no sex with aliens.
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library or sellgun?
the former is a pet project of mine to map all the signals in my database to the corresponding "canonical" signal in the glossary, prune any duplicates, print it all to drives and have it be a nice piece of decor for my library. I barely remember what most of these columns are for

the later is just getting a sellgun (costs 2000 in the store) to instantly convert most anything into baocoins (which you have to physically pick up because le funny), even things that wouldn't be able to fit in a crate and sell by drone, like shelves and tables. then you just convert all your money into more guns, mail them, and sell them back to bao on your new save for a headstart on upgrades and buying back whatever you couldn't mailbox.

don't even bother with the wood, just run around the base with a lighter torching crates a couple times til they break, it'll eat up the wood pieces too as a bonus
if you really need wood scrap that badly just buy some planks, I'm pretty sure you can re-
>game went back to title menu while I wasn't looking
what the fuck
now I have to ransack the base all over again, and doublecheck I'm not missing anything, this autosave's too old to be trusted
Looks comfy
I sure hope wood and paper scrap have a use

It's basically only metal scrap that has actual value, electronic scrap is cheap and easily made, plastic scrap has a couple uses but who cares after that.
>"I sure hope wood scrap has a use"
>he doesn't know
the wall builder and it's consequences...
Can't wait the first one was top tier
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>removed recycle bin flying machine
Damn you mrdrnose
Cool posters. Source, please?
wake me up when they actually get shit going with your co-workers and story
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just released a RPG game for free not too long ago
but that already happened?
it's dogshit horribly written but ena tries to hit on you jealously about the arir whores
you get a handful of emails and only a few of them are actually new, they have tons of events with 0 response from your co-workers despite listening to the same shit, not to mention the fact they never ported over their old base events and just made new ones instead
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You mean the whole Esraniki stuff?
Wasnt that all just a ruse by Anon?
Why does this feel like a rootkit waiting to happen

Who are you and why are you posting this in this thread that has nothing to do with your post
wrong thread Anon?
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man clearing it out feels so sad
How much do my organs cost that I've lost during bad sun?
cute drawing
where's the link to the update? is it on itch?
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fuckign kek
this game enables pedophilia
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Cool AI "art".
>send kerfus out to do my job for me and run to the hole to gather remaining stuff
>fail to pull the generator out and stop by yankee to think about what to do next
>kerfus sneaks up on me and gives me a report, as usual giving me a mild scare
>try to pat but accidentally turn it off
>falls to the ground, spins and rolls ALL the way downhill, speeding up and gracefully soaring through the air when touching bumps before disappearing into the greenery
>spend two days looking for it
I was so mad after the initial wonder wore off. Did you ever take your cat out for a fun woodland adventure like that? Also I discovered that regular kerfus likes to cross directly through the rivers, one time it got stuck in a deeper part of it.
doesn't kerfus show up on the radar even when turned off?
Not omega kerfus, apparently. I went straight to base to check it's location before realizing I'll have to manually scour the woods.
I think it does show up if it gets broken by a wisp or something, though.
no, you get notes from ena and sushi and shit, I'd call that additional interaction

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