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Why are japs such massive tendies? Obviously not as big as mobile phone gaming in Japan but still pretty impressive numbers.
It has games and its company isn't actively hating anything Japanese and want black men to rape their women out and turn their men into trannies.
Its the most japanese gaming platform available, its portable and its also the best gaming platform available but that is of secondary importance
japanese economy is dying, handhelds and mobile is what they can afford
idk maybe because Nintendo is a Japanese corporation? fucking retard
Nintendo = Japanese
Microsoft = American
Nu Sony = American

gee I wonder
Microsoft is Indian
Japs buy their kids Switch because they are not allowed to have smart phones. Sure there are still adults buying Switch but because of the shitty economy some are just contented playing on smart phones. It's no wonder FF7Rebirth failed. Japs just don't think it's worth buying consoles anymore. I see Jap gaming regress even further in this decade.
They're poor and overworked so adults don't play games and parents can't afford anything other than Switch
Japs like buying japanese things
It's the only relevant console when both westoid consoles have no games.
They would rather game with PCs than buy the disposable overpriced toys that are xbones and PS5s.
They're really into portability.
not for long
everything in japan is centered around adhoc multiplayer and portables. that's a major reason monster hunter exploded on psp/3ds.
Let's be honest here, it's because you get more bang for your buck with Nintendo and they're one of the few companies left who also think about replayability.
With sony you're just going to get one and done 5 hour game with 6 hours of cutscenes that does nothing that wasn't done better 20 years ago.
the real question is why does it feel like this "next gen" just started and the ps5/SeX still has no games
Japs value gameplay and associate Nintendo to a bran with an identity of videogames with the same values (gameplay over anything) as opposed to Xbox which they see as an american brand with american values and type of games they reckon as different from the ones they hold on to (hence why Xbox can't infiltrate Japan despite the huge push Xbox 360 had)
>Japs just don't think it's worth buying consoles anymore.
Too be fair, there are almost no consoles worth buying.
Because Japs will buy anything Jap made. They're also morons when it comes to computers. So they'll forever be console babies.
>the real question is why does it feel like this "next gen" just started
because covid delayed all the games until now. we're finally getting ps5/sex/dx12 ultimate only games instead of cross gen ports with weird dx11 versions.
This is a pretty stupid thing to say when PS5 is also Japanese
It's not even a question; it was answered with gen 7: graphicfaggotry is a bad thing. You're now seeing its effects that many chose to ignore. So now you know why PS6 and whatever xbox is named, if they happen, will suck ass and won't have games for years aside low effort shovelware

>Japs just don't think it's worth buying consoles anymore.
>handheld sold hundreds of millions just there
>the only place psvita saw some success
>Switch is a powerhouse in there
Maybe it's just ps and xbox they one they don't think are not worth buying anymore

>their kids
>the country with such low birth rates it became a meme
Yeah, right. They get those for themselves as well
Why are you a dirty third worlder?
Yeah, but I AM stupid. What now?
It's the only Japanese console left.
>Because Japs will buy anything Jap made
Steam Deck is also super popular over there as well. It's always permanently sold out.

The way nips get them now is by importing from America.
Trying to frame the deck as competition for the switch is disingenuous.
There's nothing else for them to buy. Western games have no appeal to Japanese, so PS5 and Xbox are dead in Japan. Handhelds and mobile gaming has always been super popular there, so Switch is the perfect device for them. And it even has all the little baby games that they like so much. Nintendo isn't doing anything special, it's just a simple process of elimination.
How do people like nintendies sloppa I will never understand. I guess you had to grow up with it.
>valvecuck trying to slap his delusion onto anything
that's sad and laughable at the same time

The Mario Party gif rule!
Just saying, its not difficult to get a Switch because everyone has one. But it's hard to get a Steam Deck because everyone wants one.
The Japanese audience prioritizes gameplay over graphics. That is it. Yes, many of their games are more of the same but the good Switch games are first and foremost about gameplay because they can't compete with graphics. The PS2 won there despite it hasd the worst graphics, same with the Wii. Gameplay is king. Every other reason you posters make up are either retarded or shows they have no idea about the Japanese market.
>Deck sells a few million WORLDWIDE
It is a niche social media makes look way bigger than it is.
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