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>game features units with the ability to regenerate lost health
>there is also an "upgraded" version of regeneration called horrible regeneration, which for example a Legendary Lord can provide to his units with regeneration
>it resurrects lost entities, instead of only regenerating health for the remaining ones
>it stops working when the battle ended
>you also typically only start losing entities with high hp monster units, when their healthbar reaches like 60%
>you will also not get any entities back, until all other entities have fully recovered
>compare that to almost always recovering to full health after any battle with normal regeneration
>you can't even blame the dev for catering to mpfags, because in multiplayer the match is over, when the battle ends
>it's literally just the developer saying "fuck you" to your fun
never blame on malice what can rightfully be attributed to incompetence. Especially with Creative Assembly. It's far more likely they simply don't know HOW, because everything in their games is bethesda-tier hacked together on a rusting 20+ year old code infrastructure and all their leads are lazy old boomer fucks and all their low level employee's rotate out fast when they see what a fucking mess the company is (also being forced to live in ass end, nowhere in Bongistan)

As soon as you step out of their main office and visit Sofia branch you see the change immediately
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maybe play a proper strategy game and not this garbage specifically made for lobotomised retards
Why would he play a try-hard strategy game when he wants to have fun in single player without caring about balance?
Anon, the game is lobotomized. There is very little to enjoy unless "wow big dragon so cool" keeps you entertained, since the game mechanics are so barebones.
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>fun is when you stall for as long as you can after every battle so your army heals to full
Legendoftotalwar made this thread didn't he?
Yes, you can just fast forward and look at your unit models or the architecture of the city, while waiting. Waiting for my units to regenerate never feels annoying and it's fun to use your abilities to their full extent. It's not like I am spending hours kiting the enemy around to get the most out of a regenerating monster and it's charge bonus. It's just a minute on fast forward after the battle is over, which usually also doesn't take very long.
Also you don't know what you are talking about. You are only stalling, if you have horrible regeneration. If you have normal regeneration, you can end the battle and heal to full. With horrible regeneration, you actually have to stall the battle to get the most out of it. You are so retarded, you actually managed to be right, but only because you completely misunderstood everything.
Other strategy games are generally boring and don't have larger battles.
But I'm over Warhammer. I'm returning to historical or would like some total war clones.
>With horrible regeneration, you actually have to stall the battle to get the most out of it
That's literally what I said
So why are you complaining about it? Next you'll be crying that Spirit Leech can't three-shot LLs like it could on TW1 release

>You are so retarded, you actually managed to be right, but only because you completely misunderstood everything.
More like you're so retarded you managed to completely misunderstand my very basic post of me laughing at you for whining about horrible regeneration getting nerfed.
>That's literally what I said
No. You are again too stupid to even comprehend everything.

What I am saying:
>regeneration is good
>horrible regeneration is inferior to normal regeneration and unfun

What you think I said:
>stalling the battle (which you only need to do with horrible regeneration) to get the most out of horrible regeneration is fun

What I want is for horrible regeneration to be a clear upgrade, like it's supposed to be and for the developers to not make an ability unfun for muh balancefaggotry.
>it stops working when the battle ended
>it's literally just the developer saying "fuck you" to your fun
Other than the resurrection though the two abilities work exactly the same? They even stack
Nope. Regeneration still works when the battle is over. Horrible Regeneration stops working when the battle is over.
Well, I guess it's horrible for a reason.
There are no single entity units with Horrible Regeneration, only monstrous infantry, so it's never a downgrade
It is however, largely pointless
If Horrible Regen was tracked per entity instead of the whole unit it would noticeably better
>open warhammer 3
>select immortal empires
>select karl franz
>open microsoft word (pirated)
>write a "history" of everything I do
>it's always just Karl Franz uniting the Empire in the face of chaos invasion
>I have dozens of varied and yet ultimately identical word documents telling this story saved
>I will make dozens more

fuck the skaven btw
Uhm Based?!
this has been called out a myriad of times alraedy anon
just because your own gaming experience doesnt go past "I click le funny unit!", doesnt mean other people are as retarded as you
very based my friend.
War diaries, battle reports really do add to the experience. I used to do similar back when end turn times took minutes to break up the time.
are you talking about tw wh3?
>ITT: Developers hating fun
Fatshark, with their recent slaughter of the zealot class.
There used to be a crit cdr build that gave high risk high reward. 18 months of this build being fine, they just nerfed it out of the game. It made me stop playing because it was the last build I found enjoyable in that game. Fucking whore developers changing things that don't need changing while trying to balance their PvE games. it makes me seethe ngl
This, but reuniting and recovering holds with Thorgrimm. Have even little book of grudges.
No other game can match the battles of TW, when one of them does then you can come back and try to act tough again
>A FANTASY game with MAGIC has healing and resurrection
What a crime
Is any of the non-warhammer recent titles decent?
Thrones? Pharaoh? Troy?
what's the best total war warhammer? should i just start with 3?
>wait years to play TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER
>to play the complete game you must still pay retail price
jesus christ you guys weren't kidding, CA is greedy as fuck
>Fucking whore developers changing things that don't need changing while trying to balance their PvE games
helldivers 2 devs do the same thing. nobody taught these fags they should incentivize rather than punish, especially in a coop pve game?
They increased WH1‘s price a few years back, I think it was shortly before 3 was launched. Dunno about WH2.
And 3 and its dlcs are based on the $70 „new normal“. They‘re even splitting DLC into smaller DLC.
Twink skink

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