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Give me your most controversial gaming opinion right the fuck now.
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Modern Blizzard makes good games
Hunter will never be a gatherer.
goyslop means that I will enjoy the game
Gaming should only be reserved for straight white men.
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it's not controversial when a retard says something retarded
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starfield is fuckin' cool
Good morning sir
>no shadow on the rings
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How about some opinions that should NOT be controversial?
>Bethesda is an awful company and cancer to gaming, they never made a genuinely good game in their life and deserve to burn.
>Steam being a "monopoly" is a good thing, I'd rather get my games from one source with only one account than manage a bajilion launchers and servicers with their own accounts just to play vidya.
>Videogames are not "art", never will be and should not be art. Everyone who talk about games being "art" are insufferable normalfags who don't actually care about gaming and insecure manchildren who got mindbroken by people telling them videogames are for kids.
>The modern indie scene is fucking dogshit and about as souless as AAA. They just mindlessly follow fads flooding the market with hundreds of "roguelikes", "ps1 horror games" and "vampire survivors clones", endlessly recycle the same ideas, make inferior copies of existing games and shamelessly ripoff other indie games that blew up some time ago. Indies used to make actually interesting games, fill in niches and just give people gameplay-focused cheap titles, but now such games are a rarity in a flood of shovelware and predictable garbage. I still check indie releases, sometimes pick up an actually decent game, but otherwise its an endless storm of trash. And people still act like indies are so poggers and wholesome and creative and saving gaming when they're becoming the same as the rest of the industry.
>graphicsfags killed gaming. They spent years and years obsessing over "MUH GRAPHIX" leading to a situation where a new AAA release has like a hundres gigabytes or more just in graphics alone. And then the gameplay is dogshit but those fat fucks still go "OOOOH GRAPHICS GRAPHICS YAAAAAAY WOW SO COOL" clapping their grubby fat hands. Same fags will then scoff at actually fun games being like "WOW THIS LOOKS LIKE A MOBILE GAME IS THIS SHIT FOR KIDS??????" before going back to posting epic graphix screenshots on twitter.
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Games are art but art can be absolutely trash and absolutely hated with no redeeming quality

Games are art because it still the vision of someone who try to entertain people but that all art is and people should drop the stigma that art means good.
Sonic inflation feet on deviantart are art. the blandest goy company design made to look PC friendly is art.
Taking screenshot of this fucking post and showing it to other people is actually art (making twitter bait threads also art) yet it's fucking trash and no one outside of an inbred contrarian would defend it
Hitler was right about everything and the holohoax was a lie used an excuse to destroy NATSOC.
I haven't bought or played a video game since 2012. I only occasionally visit /v/ to save pictures of cute anime girls. And Donkey Kong Country 3 gets too much hate.
such as?
The average JRPG has an abysmal story and there are more JRPGs with good gameplay than good writting
Games can be art, but art is not exempt of criticism.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Metroid Prime is a bad game

He was right about attacking Russia?
Pretty much every other decision he made after 1942 was stupid and self destructive.
>Metroid Prime is a bad game
Not controversial, just low IQ.
Trump is pro-Israel btw. You fags have lost and even people on the right who are “on your side” hate antisemites. Go back to your Nick Fuentes streams you loser.
The Zelda series has always been overrated slop
Gamers never should have moved off of CRT monitors.
Sjws don't actually impact game development too much outside niche games they make for themselves and their audience and most of the stuff people online get riled up about is just basic corporate idpol slop
Additionally it's because of market viability that things get censored and not just sjws complaining
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Mario sucks and was never good.
Open world games aren't bad per se, they're just overused as many other sub-genres
Final Fantasy should finally leave the whole Ivalice/XIII aesthetic and switch to a more traditional, comfy style like IX or Tactics, at least for a while
>just basic corporate idpol slop
Which became a thing because of SJWs.
>it's because of market viability that things get censored
Market viability is the lie that SJW diversity department bureaucrats tell the higher ups in order to get things censored the way they want.
All Mario and Luigi games are easy as fuck, they should be way more challenging
>Paper Mario sucks and was never good
Alundra is the best Zelda-like game.
seems inappropriate and disrespectful to wear a shirt with a cock on it.
>outside niche games they make for themselves and their audience
niche games such as
>The Last of Us
>Ass Creed
>God of War
you're playing on displays that were designed for watching sportsball and have horrendous motion blur.
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Ocarina of times combat and puzzles are built for eight year olds and its laughable the game still gets considered one of the greatest of all time when its so shallow

Yoshis Island is a deeply unsatisfying game to actually play since its either way too easy if you are just going through the levels normally, or proto-collectathon autism where you just slowly comb through the level looking for obtusely hidden crap

Sekiro is the best From game

Mega Man has enough sequels that it genuinely doesn't need more entries. There are literal lifetimes worth of content with official games, mods and fangames so I don't know why fans keep crying wolf whenever we go without a new release for a while

Probotectors are cooler than the gaywads you play as in Contra

Titanfall 2 is the best FPS ever made

Most "classic" games from gen 5 are actually terrible early 3D growing-pain phase games, and more often than not have better equivalents on gen 4 and 6

Open world genre is a meme genre that completely fucks proper level design in lieu of bland "Dude play it your way lmao" design
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Dishonored 2 is objectively better than Dishonored 1.
Modern Games are not actually bad, the amount of features expected out of them near impossible to account for and at one point a developer has to draw a line. This is why you can't pet the dog. Why you can't sit in a chair but CAN sit on the ground. You may do two things: Cry about it, or Play the game.
WoW, OW2, D4
Elden ring open world is an understandable step they took in order to evolve souls concept but it's wrong nonetheless. it just waters down the experience
I don't think that's what he was saying
You lost all credibility.
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People who started playing Fallout with Fallout 3 or any titles after it shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions on Fallout unless spoken to. That includes New Vegas newcomers, just damage of collateral nature.
if a game is worth playing, it is worth paying full price for. if you use someone's product, they are entitled to your money.
Xenoblade X is the greatest open world game of all time.
Does Kojima speak English?
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i do not care for souls or soulslike games. Hallway simulator with overtuned bosses and lore consisting of a rando npc making some random quote isnt fun.
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I think China needs to find a more sustainable business model if they are hoping to take over Japan at their own game. The current Mihoyo model is set in such a way that i think really hinder their potential to make an everlasting creative IP that can sustain itself without heavy investment on Marketing effort. I'm talking about things like game design that doesn't feel like an insult to the player, character design that doesn't feel like it was produced straight out of a couple design template, story that takes effort to write. Can't fix any of these with current model that encourages instant gratification. But i guess if what Mihoyo said about them planning to build a virtual world (or virtual theme parks as i see it really) by 2030 they weren't even trying to make video game in the first place. I just hope with all this crazy advancement on techniques and disciplines on gamedev, China manages to produce some good games that can stand on its own merit.
soulsfags BTFO
I do not need your game, so unless you cater to my taste, sexuality, and opinions? You wont see a sale.
Good luck with your DEI tokens
Gaming didn't need voice acting, if you could read and had a fucking imagination, you were good.
Now games cater to all these autists who need to be read to and can't even visualize an apple.
>>Videogames are not "art", never will be and should not be art.
Videogames are made of many types of art mediums. Art conveys a message and intent, the purpose of art is expression. If you have never played a videogame that conveyed a message or theme, you are probably a mobage addicted nigger.
If you don't have any desire to complete a game more than once, you did not like it as much as you claim.
Literally who gives a shit what is art or not? Over 99,99% of all movies ever made are unforgivably trashy propaganda slop, but that medium is somehow art? Seems like a retarded nonsensical category.
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Why doesn't he get facial feminization surgery? Can he not afford it? Is Kojima not paying him enough?
final fantasy 13 is okay and better than 15
half life 1 is better than 2
adults going bonkers for nintendo slop games (like 30 yo dudes buying the peach game) is utterly cringe
>the holohoax was a lie used an excuse to destroy NATSOC
No, it was a lie used to justify the creation of the illegitimate state of Israel, and the forceful mass movements of foreign peoples into European native lands. Holocaust believers are the lowest scum on the planet btw.
Concord was fun and unperformed due to lack of marketing, not the bland character roster.
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Fact RDR2 is a shit tier game, the literal act of playing the game feels like utter shit every second. Doesnt make it better that the game is 100hrs it actually makes the game worse because that just means you play something that plays like utter shit for longer lol
Prove me wrong you literaly cant
FFXIII is actually the last good FF game and FF9 is overrated af.

FF9 is the only FF that put me to sleep the first time playing it.
Alundra is the best 2D Zelda so far
FF6, 8, 9, and 10 are all better than 7. 7 doesn't even have any memorable music.
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GTA Online is the best GTA by far.
I agree 100% except for the art part. The problem is when faggots put making their game "art" first instead of a game.
Final Fantasy 10's spheres grid was really bad and had consequences on combat by making a bunch of shit just useless or stupidly broken and the minigames were so uniquely bad. A job system would have been a better start.

However, in spite of this, the story and art of that game is excellent. It's a game that I feel comfortable saying you'd enjoy more watching a curated playthrough.

No one has this opinion except me.
Hunter is for marrying, impregnating and breeding.
invisible borders like in fallout 3 are better than natural borders because it gives you a sense (and actual view) that there's a world outside whereas other games feel like a cage surrounded by mountains or ocean
More people should play shovel knight pocket dungeon
Outer Wilds is a mediocre game that midwits latched onto like it's some profound life-changing experience for some inexplicable reason.
Eh I dunno, set aside the censorship talk for a moment, those types of people tend to latch on to the games or game studios the moment they go greedy mode. It's a canary in the coal mine thing of gaming for me when a game studio has started to slip and do questionable stuff like predatory DLCs battle passes, or bungled releases, they tend to always have those people on board before that happens. Not saying they're the sole reason but they're certainly a part of the symptom of the rot of one's studio.
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>Video game is an artform
>C&C Generals is the best C&C game
>Mass Effect 1 is the best Mass Effect
>Quake is not that good
Gatekeeping has seldom worked and fails to account for factors that anons never consider.
the only reason e-sport exist is to drive people to buy your product. There's nothing sports about a consumer hobby like gaming.
Turtles in Time's arcade BGM is superior to the SNES's.
Nah it's to increase the sales of gray market adderall
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PSO2 NGS is shit on too hard here. It's the best action MMO you can play right now.
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Secret of Evermore > Secret of Mana
Actually a pretty common take, at least around here
Mon Hun has dogshit sluggish combat
Most of /v/ is comprised of thirdworlers who know less than nothing about game design but think they're experts and will proudly talk about things they don't understand and games they obviously haven't played. I realize these things because I actually play a lot of games across various genres and platforms and of various ages.
4chan in general is just thirdworlders now
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this says more about MMOs today than PSO2 specifically
No single-player game benefits from being over 40 hours long.
On CRTs specifically:
480i > 240p
Canon is a shitty jewish concept made up for their religion that should be completely ignored.
I totally agree. It actually looks good on a CRT, naturally.
>Videogames are not "art"

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a mid belt scroller.
Outer wilds is literal peak game design with no extra bullshit. Your assumption that people are dumb because they understand something you don't will hold you back in life.
Both male.
More like the internet in general.
happens if every person has a phone because $$$ is the only thing that matters on that planet.
What a feminine sloped forehead that is
mgs4 was the best metal gear
Yup. Giving India and China phones is the worst thing that's going to happen to humanity.
I really don't get the appeal of Soulslikes. I think they're clunky and frustrating experiences that while I can admire their direction and their attention to detail, don't feel like they are experiences most people would put themselves through if they weren't the cultural staple for being a "real" gamer.
no, that would be americans with their wars chinks don't shit up 4chan indians do.
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>and China
I am the one who gives phones.
Hiring from theatre like ER's Igon >> Silent protagonist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sony slop you're talking about
Music is more important than story when it comes to games.
If you play games for the story, you should quit vidya and just read novels.
I'm talking about the effects it has on the environment as well as businesses realizing they have billions more customers and supporting third worlders multiplying like rats so they can sell more. The overall consequences are devastating.
I get shit on a lot in ff threads for saying 15 is worse than 13 (even though they usually occupy the bottom two slots of my ranking)
Have you attempted to git gud?
You're a stupid fucking gorilla monkey nigger. You're not a "hardcore intelligent" gamer, you're just a fucking idiot.
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SFV looks better than SF6
open world makes for bad, diluted games
I'd rather have refined linear levels and progression
The thing that grinds my gears with the "games are art" crowd is that they almost always cite music, visuals, or story instead of that which makes it a game. It's like they are ashamed to say they like playing games, so they latch onto secondary aspects of it. This hurts developers too, since they deemphasize gameplay for the sake of their Hollywood fetish
I respect people who believe gameplay can be art, though I really don't care about the issue
Games don't need to be inclusive.
If you disagree with this you shouldn't be allowed to play games
Plenty of retards on /v/ who know less than nothing about what makes a good game think this. Make sure to talk about a "curated experience" when you say why you want linear games.
Warframe is incredibly fun even after 4000 hours. You need to stop min-maxing your grinds otherwise the game just feels like a treadmill.
Try out Warframes and weapons until you find synergies you enjoy and the gameplay is a 10/10.
>Ocarina of times combat and puzzles are built for eight year olds
I agree. I didn't even finish the game. Only got like 5-10 hours into it. I really only enjoyed the music and atmosphere, but they weren't strong enough to carry the gameplay.
Meanwhile I'm playing something like CrossCode, which is very much inspired by Zelda, and it's just straight up better.
Hunt: Showdown has the best gunplay of any shooter ever and it's not even close. In second place I'd put Titanfall 2, but there it's really the movement that elevates the game, not the gunplay.
Corporate pandering exists, but it doesn't invalidate the existence of more diverse character and story types in games, especially indie games where they exist without the assumed influence of whatever industry boogeyman you can conjure
I really liked my brief run with that game, perhaps I should try to git gud again
The new player experience has only gotten better, so I would recommend it. The skill-based matchmaking works really well, so you'll mostly see other fresh players.
Acquiring weapons has been streamlined and you'll get stronger free Hunters if you're broke.
I agree. I think if Mihoyo was established 20 years earlier they would have already accomplished the creation of an ‘everlasting ip’ through single player titles.

They are a product of the times as the gacha business model is too strong. I hope and think they should make single player games based of their existing ips like Genshin and Honkai to establish their characters/worlds as everlasting ips. I can see their characters becoming chinas Mario and Luigi if they are able to pivot into new genres outside of gachas.
Rad, thanks
>Steam being a "monopoly" is a good thing, I'd rather get my games from one source with only one account than manage a bajilion launchers and servicers with their own accounts just to play vidya.
That benevolent dictator shit only works well until he dies, then soon enough a cunty dictator takes over his total monopoly and squeezes your balls. And you've got nowhere else to go at that point
Fallout 2>>>>1
Bloodborne is the worst game by fromsoft
turned based RPGs like baldurs gate 3, DAO 1 and 2, et cetera, are slop and i will never play them, the only saving grace being games like KOTOR 1 and 2 where its DND-based but not so heavily turn based and retardedly tactical
sorry, i meant D:OS, not DAO

DAO is a good game but the combat is the weakest part
The Bolshevik state was a repulsive nightmare that deserved to be eliminated yes. He made significant progress into the key areas of Russia, and had Japan been able to follow through and advance from China they would have made it all the way. At the time, however, the allied embargo that wound up starving out the German army (and millions of civilians that nobody ever mentions) and the bombing runs on fields (later classified as war crimes) made the effort impossible.
Rare has never made a good video game, and absolutely should've been the Microsoft owned company to go bankrupt. Banjo in Smash Ultimate is a wasted slot as well
>The Bolshevik state was a repulsive nightmare that deserved to be eliminated yes
That would sound more convincing from someone who's not in support of nazi labor camps
Rare had great production values for the era but they were never good devs. That DK song represents them perfectly. Expensive, elaborately animated, overproduced tasteless garbage
Rockstar’s guns are awful
Awful sound design, awful feel, awful animations, everything with them fucking sucks
They cruise on driving mechanics
I really liked the combat in DD2
Dragon's Dogma 2? How is that controversial? The combat is the only part they got completely right.
Literally everyone did internment camps, even the USA. I don't care about convincing you when reality is what it was. The Bolshevik state engaged in a genocide against the native population that continues for the duration of the USSR, which destroyed thousands of years of historical artifacts and butchered native populations. The Bolshevik revolution was a bloody, terrifying, barbarian conquest. By comparison you have reports from the conquered French about how the Germans were just interested in keeping things running smoothly and didn't trash Paris like the "liberating" Americans did. If you want to keep living in the fantasy where German soldiers were chaotic evil goblins who had no love in their hearts for anything, be my guest, but don't forget to ask how the German Revolution that kicked off the Weimar Republic went.
I dunno, I just see a lot of people shit on it for whatever reason.
>German revolution
Is that the one where a foreign occupation killed around 100,000 civilians and then introduced pornography and hyperinflation until Hitler took over?
Monster Hunter is one of the laziest franchises in all of gaming. They rehash and reuse everything, they done very little into improving the core gameplay. I would go as far as to say if this wasn't from a japanese company literally everyone else would be pointing this out too and would use them as anchor as ridicule for lazy uninspired annual releases. I didn't say the games were bad, I called them LAZY.
NTA but I hold the controversial belief that two wrongs don't make a right. Nobody doing labor/concentration/death camps should have. It's always wrong.
Eveyrhing thats wrong with vidya and the industry is entirely the average players fault. Sure its like blaming the druggie for buying from a drug dealer but in this scenario the dealer is only selling what they can get away with and time and time again the customer returns back no matter how the drugs fuck them up, dont do the thing their supposed to ect.
Everything you ever complained about is on you for allowing it to happen.
You bought the shitty games, now they will make more.
AI is the future like how photoshop was for photography and digital art 20 years ago. If you dont like AI art its because you just haven't seen someone use it in a way that impresses you.
I disagree, they've done plenty to try and improve or add to the formula - the issue is that none of that new shit is working out for them.
Agreed. To say the medium can be mishandled is redundant because all art has bad or good quality entries to their medium. Commenting that AAA slop isn't usually good is a fair critisism but movies can substantiate that these corpo led fields are prone to cutting corners
>You bought the shitty games
speak for yourself faggot
I don't believe I said the opposite at any point. I just think the Bolsheviks and Weimaraners did far, far worse.
Cool, what am I supposed to do to fix this? The last AAA game I bought was Far Cry 3.
That's the one. Nobody likes talking about how some of the first deployments of anti-air guns were against German civilians trying to protect their homes from foreign invaders.
First person games are bad.
All of them.
>You bought the shitty games, now they will make more.
I really didn't, though.
i started with fallout 3 and despite putting many many hours into it and two playthroughs I thought it was fucking shit and never bothered to play any of the other entries
a game needs to be kinda bad for it to be really good
yeah I remember thinking I was smart in middle school too
4chan.org/v/ is one of the shittiest places on the internet, even reddit is better, and not because reddit has smarter, more tasteful, or even more skilled people, but because actual discussion about a topic can be had there. this place constantly experiences a never ending torrential downpour of shitposting, which obfuscates actual discussion most of the time. why do retards want to destroy this place? I don't believe that the decline of quality in this place is most "organic", it's the result of a variety of astroturfing operations that seek to discredit the "reputation" of the board in general.
I played Fallout 3 when it was new, hated it, and then only a few years ago played 1 and 2. 1 is fantastic. 2 is pretty good.
Story > music > artstyle >>> gameplay
this is only really exclusive to /v/ at least, i can still go on /a/ and talk about anime and have a discussion there way better than most places on the internet outside of like private tracker forums
>actual discussion about a topic
*as long as the participants don't have any unpopular opinion in which case they will be downvoted and silenced
that's a bethesda game for ya, you hate it but it sucks you in.
I played through fallout 3 recently and I would say it was just okay at best but every day after work I was like "ha ha! time for fallout 3" and I blasted through it in like a week or two.
I'd wager he can read/listen/understand English pretty damn well but speaking is probably broken and hard to follow if it's longer than 5 words.

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