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/v/ - Video Games

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It's been six months.
How's he been doing with the change?
it is the exact same thing
when will he drop the cancer that is nick calandra?
that retard doesnt deserve to ride yahtzee's coattails
Idk I play games myself and don't watch E-celeb cancer
Saw him interview the Animal Well dev, I've never seen so much hot air blown into an imaginary-non-existant asshole in all my life. What a load of crock and creative writing.
Doing ok, probably making more money than ever because there isn't a big corpo sucking his content dry just to pay him a commission afterwards.
Content wise I miss when he was edgier
I stopped watching after the first one.
It's not very interesting anymore and the old aesthetic was much better.
His videos are basically how they were before, just with a different color palette. Views wise I think he gets slightly fewer, but not a huge change.
He was like the best paid guy at escapist iirc, he was basically carrying their entire video channel. His salary probably didn't change much.
>modern games suck because of.... microtransactions
Some real cutting edge content right there, saying what everyone else is too scared to say
I have been watching yahtzee for 11 years to the point that seeing a video of his was a better way of keeping track of time then looking at the calender. But now if he said he will quit and only write books I would very easily accept that new statu quo cause I just like his books alot.
After I saw that video where the crew was hanging out with Jim Sterling I wrote off the entire shitshow.
I stopped reading them after his first sci fi one because the endings are always such downers
You don't have to pretend you watch his videos you know, you can just say you're not interested
I'm going to be honest, I feel like at some point he transistioned from sarcastic well intentioned thoughtful twat to smug narcissistic self absorbed twat. His opinions are mid at best and if you point it out his goonslobs just croak "HE BARELY SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THE GAME THAT MEANS HE LIKES IT"

No he's just /v/ with a fucking pseud attitude
>he's just /v/ with a fucking pseud attitude
so... /v/?
The ending of the Sci Fi book sequel is alot less of a downer
No... BONG /v/...
Fake Liberal /v/ as opposed to real /v/ which is Fake Conservative
People like you are unironically the biggest midwits. Only a retard would watch a 5 minute video and expect cutting insights. They're supposed to be funny, with some nuggets of critique. Nothing wrong if you don't find it funny but why are you expecting anything more, go watch a 3 hour long white guy video essay instead.
Glasses on all the characters is really annoying
The only thing that pissed me off was when he complained about having to grind in Persona 4 when the whole fucking point is to fuse shit. Also caving into the Souls hivemind after one of his friends couldnt stand him not liking it
>at some point he transistioned from sarcastic well intentioned thoughtful twat to smug narcissistic self absorbed twat
Probably when he moved from Australia, leaving poor Gabe behind, who can't curb stomp his ego anymore.
>when the whole fucking point is to fuse shit
that's SMT
Persona is for those who don't want the whole thing to be the fusetism
It's Legally Distinct(TM)
I've been listening to the let's drown outs as well as the windbreaker podcasts, and idk if it's because of the respective environments, but he definitely used to be more of a smug twat in let's drown out.
I love Yahtzee's reaction to hearing Jim say he is pregnant
"Okay then."
In the modern world of hyper eloquent super sperg youtube essayists, his content his pretty quant but he still calls out the industry for exactly why its shit despite being a midwit and he has an undeniable work ethic so I still watch him weekly. It seems like everyone else with a consistent upload schedule is a full on moron rather than just a midwit
He's hasn't called out DEIshit once, in fact Nick (the editor they all left Escapist for) is deep into the anti-white sentiment and spread misinformation to defend AC Shadows
The EXP curve isnt really that different from regular SMT. It slows to a crawl at regular intervals incentivising you to fuse to keep up.
I randomly saw some of the old ZPs and I have to say he sounds a lot less angry and a lot more content these days
>spread misinformation to defend AC Shadows
Who was kissing who's ass?
>Jim say he is pregnant
I think he meant he's fat. Very fat. Like his shits are the size of a newborn
Everyone he works with are talentless retards that need to shut up about politics.
Who the fuck cares about Nick.
Trick question. Nobody does.
All I expect from Croshaw when the game drops is call people retards for making the drama about Yasuke, the first Niggurai, then go for every low hanging fruit imaginable with an Ubisoft open world "rpg" game.
>he definitely used to be more of a smug twat in let's drown out.
Yes and Gabe did take the piss out of him for it. Nice balance, good source for comedy.
On his Twitter
It sounded like after Mirage he was straight up dropping the Assassin's Creed series as a review subject.
I'd hate to think if he did another one, it would be solely to comment on this Yasuie business.
Wasn't that the designer well dude? Don't remember yahtzee doing anything with animal well
*designer delve
What's Gabe doing nowadays anyway? Still making LPs with his trooned out flatmate?
All his videos amount to
>DEI game is bad because of [insert random boomer rambings]
That's because it isn't 2010 anymore, and you can't coast by solely on "angry video game reviewer" any more. His style branched out, and people stuck around primarily because they like his brand of comedy.
If you think the only thing that makes modern games bad is DEI you desperately need to kill yourself
The channel uploads too much nonsense by other people wich makes it harder for me sift through and just watch his actually fun stuff.

One of his other guys swears just makes chatgpt write meta level concept videos and once that suspision was raised I stopped watching them.
The Cold take guy jerking off with his voice is no doubt cool for some children but for me it's obnoxious and distracting.

Stuff like streams i'm just not that interested in. Him having time to process and edit down is where his strengths lie.

Jahtzee doing more stuff or different types of videos than 0 punctuation is fine though. I liked his when he had some footage of going to a gameshow where he showed his own game for a bit. He's an ok dude.

Are any of the others guys stuffs worth checking out?
Bite size or whatever it's called are cool, I even played two small games I saw them cover that I otherwise wouldn't notice.
The disparity between the views anything with Yahtzee in it gets versus anything else they put out without him is almost sad.
i'll check it out and give it another chance, thanks anon
He dodges any Japanese games just to play random indieshit when there's no big AAA western game to mock.
Read his modern magic one instead, especially the sequel.
Yahtzee loves DEI and pozzed video games
The YT algorithm doesn’t give a shit about him and consequently I forget he even exists.
I dropped him after he shat out a Hogwarts review that consisted of having a gun pointed to his head to engage in Rowling derangement syndrome
I rewatched one of his old reviews the other day and he said 2008 was a sad year for games because all they did was rehash existing IPs and franchises and he showed Fallout 3 as an example of that on screen and damn did our standards decline in the meantime because making an FPS out of an old CRPG would be considered peak originality these days
The design delve guy is a genuine retard that got filtered by DD2's intro
Like, he genuinely didn't understand how becoming "Overencumbered" works and tried blaming the game... and all the comments shat on him (before they were deleted, of course)
Fallout 3 is an Oblivion mod not a CRPG adaptation.
Within 30 seconds of watching that guy's content I realized he's a clueless retard who has absolutely no business discussing game design
Decent, but second wind not great, their patreon subs dipped by almost $10k from the initial release
>It sounded like after Mirage he was straight up dropping the Assassin's Creed series as a review subject.

everyone should do the same thing
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Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
The one thing he should talk about is sound design, since that's the only aspect he actually has experience and is working on in the industry. Have no idea why he didn't choose that, would be unique as well, compared to general design, which he has the same insight as, well, a game journalist
Except they also try ten times harder to piggyback the rest of the studio on him.
The other guys are all absolutely dogshit and would get 10 views at most if people didn't missclick on their video thinking it's going to be a Yatzee one.
What, you don't like some spic trying to sound cool or nasally bong condescendingly stating the obvious to you?
I gave all of them a try, really did.
But holy fuck they are all terrible, despite the way above average production value.
I stopped after the Hogwarts video, but I hope xheir continuing fight against terfs is going well.
you're the nigger killing /v/ end yourself NOW
Dunno, I stopped watching him after his DD2 review

>Thinks the game is a sequel to DD1 with direct continuity
>Lied about the MTX in ways that prove he never even read the storepage or understood what a Port Crystal is.
he was the only guy when the escapist died. The escapist website was down and the only thing left going was yathzee.
Cold Take is OK, although he runs the gimmick a bit thin. Design Delve has the same problem but worse because he'll go on a minute long spaz tangent because neurotic breakdown funni but I really wish he'd fucking quit it and just talk about game design.

In general the gimmicks need toning down; Yahtzee can get away with it because even when he's being a smarmy jackass he's still actually talking about the game. These other guys just use it to fill time.
You're the nigger killing /v/, please continue
So does that mean New Vegas us a mod of a Mod?
P4 slinks only work if you constantly fuse shit, since only then do you get the slink bonus EXP. And the creepy guy you kill in the summer is basically tells jack black check. There is no need for end game "null all" autism or anything like that (unless you try to fight margeret, then you want to get boosts, endgame spells and charge), but not fusing at all forces you to grind.
>hated by /v/ back in the day because he shits on jap games
>turns out to be a literal cuckold and best bud of trannyjim
>complete one trick pony who is on cinemasins levels of just "pointing things out"
if you watch this guy, you have serious brain damage
Do we still take this guy seriously?
>turns out to be a literal cuckold
one of their dudes recommended dread delusion and I fucking hated that shit, picked it up before the video came out though, I just wanted to see if they ripped into it which they did not to my greatly biased disappointment
other than that, yeah I think his channel's doing fine
No, he is normie as fuck and proud of being a shitter.
Still funny for 3 minutes every once in a while.
Where do you think we are? that describes 4chan pretty well
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>this is the mind of the average /v/irgin
actually now that I typed that dumb shit out, I need to dig that video back up so I know which guy it was so I can close the videos on the spot, that lenient bugger would bait me into buying dogshit
He streams random DOS games every single day. He looks really tired and depressed and there's never anyone in chat.
It wasn't supposed to be like this...
Neat, just realized it's probably been 10 years since I watched a Yahtzee video
I'd assume its the bytesized guy, that fucker gives almost anything a glowing review in the most cookiecutter format possible. There's a reason nobody watches him as well, was just when escapist was prioritizing launching as much new shit as possible, and luckily managed to get in with second wind
>I play games
>posts on /v/
lying faggot
It's the same show but with a background gimmick that no one I'm aware of cares about.
I still like hearing his takes and the quality of his comedy has most been consistent over the years. He's definitely softer than he used to be but I guess that's what happens when you get two kids and a small dog.
He is the nostalgia critic of videogames.
Fun oldfag fact, videogames have been on a decline for a long time. 2008 (and the 7th generation in general) was shit with rehashes, brown and bloom, consolification and retarded graphicsfaggotry. At the same time, things can be better back then because now gaming is even more terrible.
Wasn't "Fully Ramblomatic" the original name for Zero Punctuation he used for the first couple of videos like 17 years ago?
Basically nothing out of the norm as was The Escapist was concerned. It has always been Yahtzee's carousel, the rest don't matter.
Yes it was. Exactly why he went back to it.
Yeah, but because The Escapist blew up (and I guess they held the rights to ZP), he just renamed the show back to its original self and did some minor, legally distinct changes.

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