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Are ranger really weak?
I'm at mission 23 and feels like ranger upgrades are not improving at all compare to someone like air raider who can now nuke gazillion bugs easily
Also discuss edf6 gameplay
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>he buyed chinese spyware
Ranger is always the basic bitch class that gets outclassed, but you won't see that until inferno and it's not like it's unusable. Use weapons with penetration or aoe and don't stop shooting
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>he bought the shitty indie version of Helldivers 2
Eventually you get portable nuke launchers, the problem is you get them way after Raider and Fencer. Ranger's main thing is being the box collecting bitch class except wing diver can do even that better.
Nuke sucks
Its slow af while air raider drop 10 air strike in this time
Go make your own containment thread faggot steamies
Literally one man army that also shits on AR gimmick
>But muh nuuuuukeeees!
Trash and you know it lol
What are your favourite loadout for fencer? He looks cool
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good morning saar, see you on r/indianmuslims!
Do you play Elden Ring? Because that uses the exact same spyware, as does thousands of other games. EOS is not the same as EGS and only ESLs make this mistake.
it's funny to see people cry over spyware and privacy while also using window and gazillion chink app
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I don't buy me games
>frogposter is a broke thirdy
There's already a torrent and crack but you'll still need EOS to make a dummy account because it's baked into the game. Sandlot are just retards and couldn't automate it.
Dual swords or dual arm hounds for my second weapon set. For the first weapon set I like rolling with the gallic heavy cannon for missions with huge swarms of enemies and either a dexter or galleon as a backup
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I was literally implying sailing the seven seas
And I would never play roll slop lol
It can't be the indie version if EDF6 released at a higher price than HD2?
>avatarfagging frog posting election tourist is retarded
In other breaking news, water is wet.
Then why are you shitting up the thread, retard?
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Your opinions are as much shitty as mine, thoughbeit
It's not weak, it has less movement options than the other classes.
Anyone have open lobby?
Except Elden Ring doesn't force you to make an epic account and link it to your steam.
go back
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>being this obvious.
Hi Tortanictroon.
Please gift the game
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please do the needful gift sirs
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>chink cheaters are already at it
sent :^)
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Got it. Thank you)))
Ranger is always gonna be the weakest. For normal/hard mode just have fun RPing as a soldier with a rifle/sniper/rocket. As a Ranger on Inferno, you'll need to seriously cheese sniping, rockets, and flaming attacks. I've not played EDF 6 Inferno yet, but I imagine I'll be cheesing queens using that slow as fuck missile launcher that you can run to the other side of the map and shoot like 10 shots before the monster aggros.
hey hey people
Rangers are really good in EDF 6, they just have no proper mobility which is why they will always be worse than overbuffed and overpowered fencer and retarded dps + mobility wing diver. The only class that is literally suffering in EDF 6 and was completely ruined and overnerfed is Air Raider.
Just not buying any game that has Epic slop involved with it. Simple as.
It has been an entire day, you can literally AFK farm armour on the first EDF 5 rehash mission with the 3 spawn ships dropping just ants.
>Are ranger really weak?
No, they're arguably the strongest class in the game to pick up. Until you reach high levels of equipment (70+), ranger should be sitting supreme.

If you're having trouble with ranger, you're using the wrong weapons. What are you trying to kill? Use a high accuracy shotgun like the breaker to fuck anything at short range. Use a high power sniper rifle to one-tap virtually anything in normal difficulty. Flame weapons have been significantly buffed, and tagging enemies with the napalm launcher results in an asinine amount of damage.
Air Raider deserved it
huh I might just do that I feel way too weak with my current hp
No it really didn't. It was in a perfect spot. In fact; no class should get nerfed. Everyone should be on fencer leve.
Air raider had too much stuff and logically, it makes sense for Rangers to be able to call in vehicles and turrets.
I'm almost at mission 50 in EDF5 now... maybe I'll get to EDF6 next week or so...
Reminder that pointless fun removing nerfs killed helldivers 2
hacker, removed all (You)s
>Everyone should be on fencer leve.
Only if they buff enemies to compensate.
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Its okay when EDF forces a third party account but not when HD2 does it, huh? Why is that?

hd2 isn't dead
>It was in a perfect spot
Air Raider pretty effortlessly solo'd everything except underground and shield missions. It was fun as fuck as a singleplayer chad but I imagine in multiplayer it gets ridiculous. They should just increase his CDs for multiplayer.
Whenever I wanted to show my friends the game, I'd play air raider to make sure the flanking hordes are immediately deleted long before it gets to them, so they can casually fight the starting horde by themselves without too much trouble.
the same people who sperged about helldivers 2 are sperging about edf 6 though
Don't care, why were limpet guns nerfed? Why are artillery call-ins nerfed and 3x more expensive when they already were unusable bad? Why were surpression guns nerfed when they were already borderline useless? Why were NIX call-ins nerfed so bad you barely get to use them on most missions? Why was support equipment nerfed to one spot? This completely ruins vehicle gameplay too. Why were all airstrikes made 3x to 4x more expensive? Especially early game strikes that were already low damage and near unusable bad? Why were gunships reloads nerfed when they are both the bread and butter of the entire class and are now so slow to reload that they become unusable bad without upgrades?

I don't think any Air Raider main cares about drones enough to trade in all of these. Especially because everything but the gigantocopter and maybe the dot/sniper drones is unusable trash. Mortar drones are complete shit even at max upgrades. Bomber drones deal like 100 damage per bomb at ilevel 20.
>one litteraly stopex people from playing
>the other is a server login which is something every online game has
Now get out of here.
I personally never had a problem with signing in via PSN. I just wanted the stink to get really fucking big so I could get my refund despite playing the game for 50 hours as the game had 3 mission types that you already finished a dozen times in the first few hours of gameplay with nothing ever changing and the developers being woefully incompetent. I then legitimately used that money in my Steam wallet to buy EDF 6, though that's really since I didn't buy anything else first.
Cashed out of a shit game due to outrage. Nothing personal, queer.
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Getting a decent Saber actually skyrocketed my feeling of power with Wing Diver.

I can now bring a high dps short range weapon, a general use/mid range weapon and a long range weapon at the same time.
HD apologized and took it back.
EDF also made a post saying they're looking into cancelling the Epic requirement.
Any lobbies up or is it still too early?
You can't solo some online levels as air raider to this date. It's not even close to the ridiculous powerlevel of fencer or wing diver in multi. There is no objective reason for him to get shafted this hard.
but like the rapier d can do that much dps unupgraded

You sound like a back stabbing turd worlder. High trust societies are impossible thanks to people like you.
Those green ants are made from wet tissue paper. Show a webm of you using a saber against real enemies and you'll see its an absolutely worthless weapon type.
>EDF also made a post saying they're looking into cancelling the Epic requirement.
But fencer is totally fine and balanced :^)
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Edf has like one mission type tho
The weapon balance is absolutely horrifically bad.

Ive been playing online and am now at 40, and holy shit its painful. Everyone has to spend the whole time running away, then long range spam, then run away over and over. As fencer its exceptionally bad because you're stuck using your slow ass high recoil cannons and the moment you think about melee or anything medium ranged you're ragdolled into the dirt.
>As fencer its exceptionally bad
except it also cleaves everything in range and doesn't take up a weapon slot and uses no energy

it kills the standard androids in 3 or 4 hits in 4 person hard multiplayer and can cleave multiple at once, the fuck are you on about. Also good at taking down shielded teleporters.
Literally on the steampage you damp broccoli nugget
Explain what you could possibly be using thats better at 40
When will this kusoge be 50% off
I would like to play it with my friends but not at this price
Oh boy you went from wet tissue paper to slightly moist tissue paper im shaking rn.
by then you'll have to solo every mission from 1 to 147 just to be able to play with your friends
he won't respond since you're right. i once started a fencer run without the necessary gear to sperg around it holy fuck i wanted to kill myself how slow everything was compared to WD
I never played edf but every time I see a new one come out it still looks like a PS3 game to me
it does higher dps than any other weapon i have besides the rapiers at this point, what do you want

against literally any enemy it can hit it will kill it faster than anything i have but rapier type weapons and maybe dragoon lances, currently at mission 40, hard.
Fencer is a late-game (INFERNO) class. This has always been the case, you newfags.
You can literally solo every mission by kiting alone, use your mobility my man.
Neither does EDF, both use dummy accounts.
neat, thanks
fuck off nigger
Yes, thats what I said. Well done not reading. Its a terrible playstyle that isn't fun at all and absolutely forced onto you.

So the game is terribly balanced, exactly as I said in my post. Why did you get mad?
>fencer has bad long range

am i being baited or are these just really new players. blasthole spear, jackhammer, dexter, hammers.....the classic jackhamemr dexter combo is very mobile and about as good a DPS as you can possibly get up close. The only thing the fencer struggles on is fighting big swarms of flying enemies.
Shotgun + any spear if you want good cc gear.

At level 30 something rn
>You should only play WD until you get to inferno then you can play fencer or air raider but dont touch the basic bitch solider its worthless
>also entire weapon classes are useless even at end game and theres only really one meta per class
>that'll be $60 plus $40 day 1 dlc plus $60 for mission packs
Spine driver pokes frog heads off, pokes lone tadpoles/ants. Flame revolver stunlocks+kills groups of ants.
If your team is competent then the ranger/wing diver should be sniping/lancing frogs so you can focus on ant burning. I accept that not everyone is competent though.
Newfags. Newfags all around. I blame the vtumors.
Fencer main here, people are just bad.
But it does.
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It's not an esports gaym where you have to optimize the fun out of everything
Play what you want when you want we arcade gaming in this house
I see the shitposting bait is trying to switch it up.
>People getting stuck on missions with pylons having shields
Honestly though does anyone enjoy these missions, they're a pain in the ass.
no it isn't.

>speedruns the game
>uses only weapon with big DPS because it must have big DPS to be good

unironically never going to make it on inferno. May even start shitting and farting when told weapons < level 80 can still slap in inferno DLC missions.
Which goes back to my original point, I cant, because the weapon balance is atrociously bad. So you're forced into very niche play styles while given a range of tools most of which are useless.
No you just suck balls, people already did 200HP only solo ranger runs

I started on hard (if you didnt, youre a faggot) with air raider and it was painful for the first 10 or so missions, no strikes in the prologue, nor vehicles, means shitty no damage drones vs the horde. Ironically it was probably harder than inferno will be. But the challenge is good, forces you to consider your "build" per mission and enemy type

Also fuck the retards who are whining about muh EOS requirement. Games fun.
>Dash under the pylon
>Quadruple jump toward it
>Spam heavy gallic

See ya
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60% to go lets gooo
i just fly into it and blow it up in 5 seconds

surprised at how underplayed wing diver seems to be so far. I've seen 1 other wing diver all the way up to mission 40. 85% of people are Ranger/Fencer and then there's a few Air Raiders
Sucks to suck
>multi charger and convertible thruster
what the fuck are you doing
>playing a game is now speedrunning
Im sorry that some guy whose new to the series is so much better than you that you fell behind.
I think you're just bad desu
im savouring the early game because I rushed through edf 5 and ended up getting kinda bored, even limiting yourself with armour isn't the same as having both low armour and poorly upgraded weapons, if the right weapons at all.
Because WD is boringly OP.
Are they really removing EGS?
you are over level 40 you are either speedrunning or a NEET and if im being perfectly desu you should be shot if either is true.
God please make this game cheap ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I played pirated version and had so much fun
I accept your concession. The games balance is dogshit glad I was right about it.
I haven't started 6 yet but in the previous games she got more balanced the higher the difficulty
the only comments i've found regarding class balance leading up to 6's english release is that wing diver didn't fare well compared to the other 3. Seemed to be a common consensus that she was weaker, which is why i'm so confused that no one is playing her/why people think that.
his long range is very powerful but you ground yourself while using it.
his actual weakness imo is midrange. he has no particularly good weapons for 500m range
>swarms of flying enemies
missiles and swords
Sucks to be bad get good and you'll catch up.
Air Raider is dogshit
Post video of your gameplay
The balance does suck but there are enough viable weapons that you can have a variety of builds so it's good enough.
Would I prefer it if the bad weapons were buffed? Yeah. But there are still enough good weapons as is.
I can hear the AAAAAAAAA in my head
Boosting got nerfed so her mobility is worse. Both types of lance got nerfed too, and lances were her best weapon in 5. Though they were so good that they're still good after the nerf.
>gets lasered to death
so far I've found the best weapon for shield pylons to be NCS cannon shots. a clean hit deals ~1k and you only need one vertical boost to get in range, so you can evade afterwards.
the drone strafing runs are annoying me more the more I use them. Though I suppose they are intended to be a very close range strike instead of long range but still. Air raider has been shitty to play in the early game in every edf so far.
Drone raider is fun though.
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we fucking won
I meant short range and accidently type long.

Not really sure what you mean there either, almsot everything he uses at long range is as good at mid range. I only said he sstruggles against flying types because he doesn't have good consistent damage against really strong big flying types while maintain mobility. spine driver and take care of mobs reasonably well, missiles too. dispersal cna get the job done and he really cant die when kiting. The sluggish movement makes it harder though. swords are 100% a meme, they take way too long to charge up for the amount of damage they do.
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Ranger chads report in
>they will just make it like all other EOS games
>retards will cheer when all they did is hide it
Of course they are retarded because they think EOS is the same as EGS to begin with, but that's another issue.
why did the edf not simply keep the blazer where did the blazer go
Sandlot being retarded with ebin online services
A company tried to be more transparent with what they are using and morons threw a fit.
It never had it
I never cared for box chasing and it's not fun.
I absolutely 100% refuse to create an Epic account. Requiring me to do so is an absolute dealbreaker.

But I play these games single player anyway.
They never had EGS. They had EOS.
Haha no they were just too dumb to use the silent version like 2000 games did before them
Let your fellow WD do it for you?
considering how few people seem to be playing WD, unlikely
I'm playing WD
The new aliens look excellent.
Your post doesn't align with what anyone says so it's safe to say you're having a schizo moment.
Strange how almost every single comment dismissing criticism of them putting EOS in as a hard requirement for the game to work without saying you need it at all until like 4 hours after launch all have some variation of "Cry babies" in them
Refundchads already won
>I meant short range
yeah that's nonsense he is strong upclose. though imo getting through ayy armor is tricky
>almsot everything he uses at long range is as good at mid range
at that point the need to stay still makes them dangerous since you'll just get shot in return.
>swords are 100% a meme
their damage is low but the range and penetration makes them pretty good vs crowds
enemy roster in 6 is the most varied out of any edf game
>discord trannies haven't found out edf is oldfag core yet
enjoy it edf bros, i'm stuck playing dd2 until i get my money's worth.
in the context of my post I was >implying short range because some anon was saying fencer could do nothing but kite and spam long range. it's all very messy.
I hope, if he does do a 6 review, he cuts in old EDF 5 stuff to play on the fact EDF 6 reuses missions for time travel reasons. Think it would be funny if he gaslights the audience over the video.
That would push this even more into normiecore
Do YOU play elden ring? It uses EAC for anti-cheat but it doesn't use eos for online, retardo
>y-yeah well I bet you have some other spyware installed SOMEwhere!!1!
I'm not a dumbass that plays rollslop so no.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Air raider drones attacks have been by far my most effective tools. I'm only at chapter 9 right now but air raider has been effortless compared to everything else so far.
What's the password to unlock EDF6_Fix_Repair_Steam_Generic.rar?
EOS is part of EAC
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I love Wing Diver so much it's unreal.
This, I also play co-op split screen exclusively.
wait lol you think installing easy anticheat is not going to collect your data
wxsl, even
How's the EDF singing this time? This is an important quality for me.
What does the yellow text on some gear mean? I just got a yellow Dexter and it's ripping shit apart, like it's literally double the damage of the last one.
>flying over the enemies right up under a teleporter and using glow spear on it 4 times, destroying it, and then flying back off to my pals to recharge
fuck i love wing diver
Seems to be the upper limit for the weapon lvl for the mission
I think yellow means that specific stat is maxed out.
I'm in single player, though. Does that have gear limits now?
same but rapier dick 12000 damage a charge
Spears are pretty good. it's like having a dragoon lance at all times
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>devs rely on Epic's services to have crossplay for online
>its not actual crossplatform crossplay but crossplay between PS4-5 players and Steam-EGS players
>no crossplay with PC and console
What's the point in doing this then?
Ranger is good and versatile enough for any situation, what you're seeing is Air Raider just finally getting the gear that makes him useful.
They're separate packages and Elden Ring doesnt use EOS, it uses steamworks for online
please help sirs
> Air Raider just finally getting the gear that makes him useful
confirmed for not playing any of the games outside of normal mode.
i need to try that but i've been loving spark whip + plasma big cannon m2 right now
you can turn off the anti-cheat in Elden shit too.
The game costs 4 times higher than EDF 5 in my region...
The worst part of playing Fencer in a new game is how your first spears have NO RANGE
It's _bad.
i loved always bringing gleipnir in 5 so i didn't think i'd use anything over it but the spears are great
Already had a few games that were saved by being a ranger and sprinting around. Yeah it's not wing diver or fencer mobility but he's no slouch that's harder to pull off on air raider.
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you meant to tell me this nigger farmed this much armor in 1 day?
It's just an indicator to allow you to avoid using overpowered weapons if you want.
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okay but which gesture shows off the wing diver's ass the most?
>Steam-EGS players
Earth Defense Force 6 isn't on EGS at all.
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I bought
fun game
Switch to camera type 2 or 3 and then fly a lot. Her ass and thighs are about 33% of the screen real estate. The game isn't very playable like that though unless you're a normal mode rapier enjoyer.
It is. Maybe it's region locked or something but I can definitely see it.
It's region locked to Japan, SEA, and Asia on EGS.
I only buy games on Steam because steam puts the effort into making gaymen on Linux actually possible, which is worth my money. I'm not going to buy some shitty Epic Games Store ad. Sick of these shitty "sign into our gay store that provides zero value!" bullshit ever again.
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It actually never released on EGS.
EAC uses EOS, it’s even on the front page of their website.
>Do you play Elden Ring? Because that uses the exact same spyware

Elden Ring on Steam requires an Epic Games account?
Read the post and extract meaning from the words
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Valve updated their recommended regional pricing between EDF5 and 6, and most publishers/developers just use that instead of setting prices manually.
It doesn’t make you do any of that.
It's 2 times higher than suggested price.
it doesn't work the same at all as it doesn't use epic accounts, no dummy accounts either, because the multiplayer part is handled by steamworks
It costs more than what Valve recommends in nearly every region. Sometimes a little more, sometimes way fucking more.
People were overwhelmingly angry about this, we took the bullshit and are playing anyway but we aren't happy
I hope anons are having fun, but I'm just not gonna make an EGS, EA, Ubisoft, snoy, etc. account, simple as.
And before some nigger tries to whine that it's a common thing nowadays, this has been my policy since fucking Origin was first made mandatory for Battlefield games back when most /v/ posters were still in diapers.
it all seems like such a non issue as someone who made like 100+ accounts trying every new mmo that came out
If it's still a separate installation of EOS it'll still be a refund event, nigger.
I saw "EXACT SAME SPYWARE" and immediately thought of EGS because that is the problem
i bet some localizer or possibly a sony employee forced them to get rid of the original song from 2025 because it goes to the tune of "john brown's body" which is an american civil war marching song that probably rubbed some (((people))) the wrong way despite it being from the winning side
Based for truly sticking to his principles.
Based for letting nothing stop him from playing video games.
Bro regional prices ar fucked
Why this is so fucking expensive
also iirc the new tune is actually a jgsdf marching song which makes more sense in context and also why the english translation is so bad, but i'll never get over how fucking perfect the original was in english
>start new mission
>mission objective : kill all enemies
>start new mission
>mission objective : kill all enemies
>start new mission
>mission objective : kill all enemies
>start new mission
>mission objective : kill all enemies
>start new mission
>mission objective : kill all enemies

wow, very cool, at least the games gameplay loop is as basic as its PS2 graphics LMAO
For me so farm Wing Diver feels the strongest, then ranger, then fencer and then Air Raider. AR just has dog shit weapons so far. I haven't got one that actually feels good so far at mission 47.
because you'll probably get more entertainment out of this than any other game at the same price point.
based, I'm not paying a dime when devs go out of their way to inconvenience me for their own motives. I don't care if it's one time only. I extend this to most mtx and denuvo as well
it's earth DEFENSE force not earth zelda fetch quest force
these were some of the best games on PS2, i'm glad to hear they're maintaining that quality.
Sarge took it
extermination team is slacking again
Is there any way to disable vsync for this game? It isn't a menu option and I think it is messing with my gsync monitor - I get like this weird flashing when I'm in game
Imagine an escort mission in EDF multiplayer
Someone's gonna blow it up intentionally or accidentally
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Well, rip. Those prices are pretty fucking awful but I guess that shouldn't be surprising from D3P.
>Russian Ruble: +137%
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At least be less obvious, HDnigger
I think requiring accounts is fine in any scenario. Takes like a minute to register an account and throw it into a password manager. Requiring different launchers would be the only point I would draw the line
Every Japanese twitter post celebrating the PC launch lists both Steam and EGS, but all the English ones by the same accounts only list Steam.
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>I't ok when EDF do it
Not even trying
Yes but have you considered muh fuel?????
It's probably on JP/SEA ebin games store and nowhere else. I'm not gonna bother installing EGS either
imagine having sex with her vagina
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some of these DLCs are mindboggling, why would anyone pay extra cash for a worse version of a weapon you can get in game?
starting to feel like EDF doesn’t have a place in a post-Helldivers 2 world, they are absolutely cheeky bastards charging for this…its just so…basic
is the story any good? I loved the campy radio drama in 5
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>make game
>it's good
>keep making same game with basically no major changes 4, 5 times in a row
>it's still fucking good

western AAA slop devs absolutely seething at this tiny japanese studio and their 2000 yen plus tip game
Cringedivers is the shitty indie version of Destiny. Those games are comparable, not with EDF which is pure.
These EDF games are far better than Helldivers because it actually lets me play singleplayer.
As far as I know, Helldivers 2 isn't very good playing solo which is how I play EDF
probably because it's a very powerful endgame weapon that is at a low level so it can be used with weapon restrictions on earlier missions than the non-broken variety.
I really don't get it either. They're only good for the first 10 or so weapon-levels.
Anyone familiar with the series knows only the mission packs are worth getting, everything else is just trash.
I wish it cost $20 less since i have $40 right now :/
Hope they put this on sale or something
Lower level means you can use it earlier in multiplayer I guess
How is the enemy variety in 6?
hd2 is actually pretty fun solo but because there is a mission timelimit it's not as laid back as edf, and your weapons are much weaker so you basically have to rush in, break shit and leave without any of the fun standing your ground mowing down the horde. you don't have the time or the ammo. it's like edf with autistic realism in that regard.
I fucking hate how they made the game tediously difficult if you play solo in HD2
Sometimes I don't want to bother playing with retarded randoms and would just like to enjoy the fucking game by myself
I can understand that they want extra microtransactions but not put endgame overpowered weapons for sale at the same time since that would make the game a pay to win
what I definitely could see sell well is more outfits, I guess that's too much effort for Sandlot though
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>>start new mission
>>mission objective : kill all enemies
>>start new mission
>>mission objective : kill all enemies
>>start new mission
>>mission objective : kill all enemies
>>start new mission
>>mission objective : kill all enemies
>>start new mission
>>mission objective : kill all enemies
It installs EOS onto your system and it’s a bitch to uninstall
I'll just wait for a sale, and possibly no more EGS fag shit.
Never finished EDF5 so I guess Ill go and do that.
>without any of the fun standing your ground mowing down the horde
I guess that would be why EDF would still have a place for me, then
>and your weapons are much weaker so you basically have to rush in, break shit and leave without any of the fun standing your ground mowing down the horde
So you're saying solo in Helldivers is not fun, gotcha.
it's retarded how many SHIT guns there are, i'm so glad i collected 'SHITTY GRENADE V23' that's completely outclassed in every single way by a regular rocket launcher, etc, you're 100% right about guns being stupid as fuck with some just being better than others in all ways
Same, I wish it was cheaper, 60$ is too much for an indie game I might not even like. And it even has day 1 DLCs that cost almost 30$, half the fucking price of the game. On Day fucking 1.
fencerponies....who do we play other classes when fencer is so good....
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They're actually meant to be preorder bonuses for buying from various places. That's also why there are so many of them. They just didn't bother doing that outside Japan because they don't give a fuck.
The fencer exoskeleton is quite good though. It's basically the level 32 exoskeleton but with recoil reduction on top of that. They might have made it too good by accident.
10/10 gameplay
trannies absolutely seething rn kek
>just optimize the fun out of the game bro, because... well because i said so!
Shut the fuck up retarded nigger.
that particular gun seems to be exclusively for showing off to noobs in early story missions or something
outfits or vehicle skins would be nice, or even just a way to color your vehicles like your armor.
For what it's worth, this has much more depth than a standard indie game. it's certianly something you can play through once and be done. Or do a casual run with people who aren't gamers and they'll probably have fun. The end game has tons of depth though and you can very easily put hundreds of hours into it. it's ALL gameplay too. Not a $60 """experience""" like AAA games have.
Helldivers 2 isn't even the best realistic space infantry bug battler released within the past year. It's not even in the top 5 total, ranking below Helldivers 1 and even the most popular Starcraft: Brood War Starship Troopers UMS. The game died for a reason, time to let it go.
>satellite's broken, fuck off
These retards will actually huff farts from the ten different SHIT rifles that rangers get, despite only using one weapon over and over again, no one 'experiments' with stuff because it's basically guaranteed to be bad unless it's from the class of weapons you're already using, which is usually the most powerful/usable one at the time, and everything else is just 'it hit harder but do less bullet, also has the ammo capacity of a childs shoe'
you don't get to having 100s of weapons in your game without most of them being worthless. 50 great weapons would be better than 1000
>what I definitely could see sell well is more outfits
I'm glad all of the variant outfits in EDF6 are free unlockables. That's nice.
I don't mind the price, you can get up to 200+ hours of fun out of the game which is better than most triple-A
>it's ok when Elden Ring does it
They aren't there as a alternative, they are there as loot, you never use them, you don't even WANT to experiment with them because half the time they have retarded trigger rates or hold 3 SHITTY missiles which do 0 damage. I swear they're just there to make 'WEPON' crate drop and get you hype.
Does game run bad ?
I'm playing a pirated copy and it run absolutely smooth 60fps on my 1650laptop but i saw many people complain game is unoptimised
I openly shit on Elden Ring for having 100's of weapons and no real way to upgrade them until end game, but even then it doesn't let you upgrade to the level you're already at, which is usually a ridiculously high level somber weapon because it's easy to wander around and grab those rocks compared to needing like 100 smithing stones from places that don't respawn the materials to upgrade these weapons

>oh wow a new weapon, time to head back to starter zone to see how it works compared to old weapon!
>doesn't matter because now you have more stats and that interferes with the testing
>doesn't matter because you don't have 2 of a certain level of smithing stone so you can't upgrade it to what level your currently at and bell bearings don't show up until you are far past the stones they sell
>Helldivers 2
>le spread democracy xD, amirite fellow redditors? x)
>EDF 6
>Defend your planet retard.
Time travel nigga
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Do we have missiles like this in 6?
What even is the gameplay in these games? Do you just do missions and shoot things? Does it have any sort of customization/progression? I never see anyone ever talk about anything besides surface level stuff when it comes to this franchise.
The game will just shit itself at points when there’s too much shit on screen.
It's on a drone now, and available even sooner.
Man, how many times I killed myself with those...
any lobbies up?
>What even is the gameplay in these games? Do you just do missions and shoot things?
>Does it have any sort of customization/progression?
Yes, you pick up crates that increase your health and give you new/better weapons.
what difficulty are you playing?
>i left my ammo at home
>Do you just do missions and shoot things?
>Does it have any sort of customization/progression?
you pick up armor and weapon boxes that drop from enemies during missions, those increase your armor and give you a chance to either upgrade your weapons or unlock new ones
it's basically a silly arcade shooter with a very fun gameplay and a cheesy story
>shield on fencer
is it fencer that bad on 6 that you need to bring shield?
are they bring back rule of god back from 4.1 ?
or do i just stuck with spitefall till the end?
also how bad air raider now?
How do Rangers control swarms? Coz I'm finding myself running a rocket launcher to thin the crowd before they get to me and when they do, I dash away, fire, repeat plus the occasional shotgun when things get too close. Am I doing it right?
Air Raider has drones now and they are fun as fuck to use
Just shoot your guns
grenades and shotgun and don't put yourself in a position where you can be swarmed, use the radar
>EDF 6
>Shotguns can kill multiple ranks of bugs
>Flamethrowers clear trash rapidly and come in turret form as well
>Grenades don't take a weapon slot to clear groups of enemies
>Other tools like acid bombs and thermite bombs soften up swarms for long durations
>Grenade launchers are dedicated tools for swarm clearing
>Rocket launchers with large blasts can clear swarms
>Almost everything in the "special" category clears swarms, from fire to acid
i just wanna do damage bro... i dont want to be crate bitch again
The main character (you) kills alien gods for breakfast in EDF
Homodivers struggle against mere human sized robots.
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So it's confirmed you can unlock and equip any outfit in any mission once you finish the game right?
I just love the worn down ranger outfit, makes you like a tough son of a bitch
playing as a replaceable no one vs playing as a citizen that rose to becoming a hero and save the planet
atleast thats edf5, havent played 6 yet
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Oh you are still Storm 1 in EDF 6, you even revisit some missions from 5.
why didn't they keep the camera aiming for the drone airstrikes? Aiming them is so finnicky
Minion Buster.
All the new WD support stuff is pretty good.
Spears are great
Sabers are great
Shields can be very good
area denial the doesn't hurt your allies, finally
Homing grenades are good fore bees
I assume blink grenades are good, haven't used them much
this shit is STILL not cracked wtf
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you are poor lol
How does it feel to be retarded?
For me it's Gleipnir
Hard. Can't say it's going smoothly, but its going. Sometimes I manage to one-try a mission, sometimes not.
>everyone online getting stuck at mission 36
Already played mission 25 with bunch of random
You can play online but only with same pirated copies
Blink grenades are great while you're reloading or charging something since you can still throw in the meantime. Great for keeping the horde back just long enough to fire your actual weapon
You can also use the saber
Better question: can you pick and choose costume by class, like can I use the bad future outfit on ranger but the EDF5 outfit on Wing Diver?
>safe horny wing divers even more than iron rain

yeah no thanks hard pass
This nigga hates Smash TV and Rampage.
after you beat the game once, just like in EDF5.
I found the range to be a bit too dangerous so they're kind of useless for everything except Ants who WD has zero issues with dealing with anyway.
try getting to mission 14 retardanon
you unlock the old outfits in later missions
have helicopters ever been useful? theyre the worst starter vehicles by far.
I"m wrecking the androids with them
you drive into them on your motorbike
Any russkiebros here? How did you go about purchasing the game?
If there are no enemies with guns they are super safe ways to deal with mobs and escape. the main gun also does pretty big damage if you can aim it.
at what point can I take a step back and start farming/making a build?
all I've done so far is rush mission to mission one after another and I'm not even halfway through the story
>at what point can I take a step back and start farming/making a build?
until you either get stuck at a mission or when you find one that has plenty of crate drops and doesn't take too long
I've got on average 2 classes cleared for every mission up to about 50 cause I keep going back to joining lobbies for earlier missions to try out the different classes. I don't think you ever really have a set "build" cause what you bring is very situational. For armour farming I haven't heard of any of the main campaign missions being good to properly farm them so you might need the DLC for good armour farming.
is it true epic overlay is also installed when you play the game?
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>mission 13
Any mass small android mission is good for farming. They drop tons of stuff.
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>Join game
>one guy is just trying to bypass the profanity filter
so mission 39?
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>mission 31
I didn't see it but I also have no fucking clue what the keybind would be
Don't remember the number, but the one with all the exploding ones and the triangle ones
Honestly surprised how many new enemies they've added.
I though it was going to be one octopus and one robot, but each one has a few variations.
I've encountered like 5 new enemies so far I think and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the game. Though admittedly that might be it.
when the sniper was shooting giant spiders and frogs and he said he felt like napoleon what did he mean by this what was the connection with this and austerlitz
It's really this simple. Sticking with this works. Uplay was originally made to trade achievement points with ingame cosmetics/tools and the completely failed to become a launcher. The Rockstar client failed, RDR2 goes to Steam. Origin helped put EA into the worst american company of the year. Epic Games Store is just a front for Epic to battle with Apple, dishing out free slop to desperate digital collectors without any working features. The only time I used it was to buy Metro Exodus on a burner account which liderally couldn't launch day 1. And they took a week to refund me. Battle.net never improved since the Warcraft 3 days and is now more spyware than a functional launcher. It's unreal (tournament) how much more shit they're all increasingly becoming.
The consumer wins when drm is either nonexistant or trivial. There's no reason not to integrate with valve's features and servers for distribution and utility. Big Picture, SteamOS, SteamVR, Proton, Remote Play, streaming to devices, easy game update delivery, stats, automated refund policy, free market exposure, warnings about 3rd party integrations, and endless more.
Or, you know, just sail the high seas.
*heavy breathing*...oh....nice
shouldn't you be helping in Kharkiv
Yeah I know that, but can you mix and match costumes from different sets or does every class have to use the same set of costumes
lmao poshel na hui
He was referencing that one time Napoleon got wrecked at Waterloo
He just means he feels like a cool dude. Gonna shoot some spiders, yeah.
oh no not the spiders
your mo is a putang
he definitely said austerlitz which was an offensive victory not a defensive sniper battle against spiders
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Just started the game
Where the fuck is sarge?
Can russians be gifted games they can't buy
He thought he was some hot shit then got rekt by spiders. Just like how Napoleon got rekt.
Air raider went from “busted as fuck on every map that is t underground” to “busted as fuck on every map”
Ranger went from “mediocre dogshit” to “mediocre”
But it’s ok because Storm 1 is canonically an air raider :)
Are the blood storm rockets blowing out anyone elses ear drums?
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he is busy being dead
>game that came 5 years ago costs more than game that came out yesterday
damn, that's wild.
This is not possible.
pepsiman spares noone
Whats the dogshit class this time? wing diver? ranger?
>not getting any snipers
>only ranger in lobby so i have to snipe everything
where the FUCK is my DUNKEL
Someone send me 20 steam buckros
I really want to buy this but only have 40 on steam wallet :/
Pirating works but now it's getting way to hard to find any pirated lobby
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What gamma setting at you playing on
i would rather eat my $20 than give it to a thirdie
The other Storms lose their immortal status in the last mission of 5. If they die they actually die instead of just doing the knocked down thing like usual. They're canonically dead.
for me its the fuckin air raider bombs on propellers. that shit is so fuckin annoying and everyone on the map can hear it
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Mission 47
I thought it's followed by the line where other guy corrects him on this. Maybe I'm misremembering
Do you have a cute butthole
the webm plugin for mpv doesn't account for HDR and I haven't fixed it
If that’s a Chinese player, then no.
If that’s a Japanese player, then yes
kys beggar, buy 4.1 instead
No one plays 4 and 5
Slopdivers thinking their shitty game is any different is the real joke
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>"guess im not immortal after all"
there's almost a thousand people still playing 5
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nam: /v/df
pass: rage
Diff: Hard
Mission 49

1 spot remaining
I spoiled myself on all of the new enemies long before the western release, there are more, trust me.
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>Mission 49
fucking neets man
Not that it helps when I couldn't play online even with the fix
At first he says Austerlitz since he thinks they're going to win. Then when more spiders show up he realises it's Waterloo since they're fucked.
In the Japanese script he says he's Oda Nobunaga at Nagashino -> oh fuck it's actually Honnoji.
The point is, he goes from "haha we're winning" to "oh no". That's the joke.
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Anyone that didn't already have an Epic Account sitting around from playing Unreal Tournament 4 is a fake PC gamer.
Any piratebro here?
I will post a lobby in an hour
>like 200 green ants at the very end of a so-so mission
yeah, think i need a break
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They mentioned it in one of the early Japanese trailers. It's not meant to be a surprise or anything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysgs-dUGEmk that one at 1 minute 20 seconds in. Just watch it from there, you'll understand it even without knowing the language.
>3 ar 1 r
dangerously based
fuuuck, don't tell me the 3 part cave mission is in the game, I fucking hated that one
I don't play early access shit
you don't
go to conscription center comrade
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Just about everyone is canonically dead at the beginning of EDF6 (hence the reason you can't order air support and vehicles during the prologue missions. Carrier, Phobos, gunship-senpai, they're all presumed dead. Hell the EDF is so fucked in general that instead of mechs they've got Nix torsos mounted on the back of pick up trucks)
Well, maybe, since EDF is not locked for Russia like, say, capcom titles. The issue is with purchasing methods themselves
Any levels harder than Demon Army this time? 5 was too easy.
Not only does ER force you to into an eos account. It does it automatically.
Some of them are still alive. If you try to use them they reply and say they can't do anything.
is the game fun like 5? wing divers good?
Can you not use paypal
What the fuck is their problem
>play too much
>now can't find rooms that suit my mission range
Slicing these guys up with the sabre is orgasmic.
game fun, wing divers good. in first few missions they are in baggy camo pants, but more bare asses return after that.
Does the shield block everything or do [PT] weapons go through?
who the fuck thought this egg mission was a good idea, I hope this isn't one of those gimmick missions that shows up like 10 more times through out the campaign
>i'm going to pay attention to people defending EDF but not the people who defended HD2
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Nigger, why are you lying? Hell, it was an even bigger store when Arrowhead stated you would need a PSN account to play the game because that change alone locked entire countries out of being able to play the game. I get you're just trying to stir up drama between two communities because that's the only thing that gives your life meaning but come on, at least try to spew some bullshit that can't immediately be called as bullshit.
You bring a shield mostly for animation cancelling so that you're not stuck in the post-dash animation frames unable to do shit.
>Fencer katana is not a dash weapon
But why?
well that was creepy as fuck
I can hit them with a sniper if they're close enough
>Forced EGS account
>Only 14,000 players
>>Forced EGS account
possibly. Not sure if the eos runtime install includes Easy Anti Cheat
edf is always more fun, this is just like 5 but better
yes you can put wing diver's booty shorts on fencer now
This is my first EDF and I'm switching between Wing Diver and Ranger. I'd like to learn Fencer since they seem fast but it seems intimidating, any tips? Still in the tutorial I believe, mission 9
>He defends forced accounts
KEK first slopdivers and now this
Edf is just artificial fun while DRG is true fun
Is there a physical western release of this game?
>Any tips
Uninstall and play DRG instead
Strange then that you are not playing it.
I just don't want the separate EOS installation on my comp. If it was like how the other games do it, I'd be fine
Moot point since you are not playing your precious slop defense force
>Deep Reddit Galactic.
I'm good.
I like how some of the new (lobby/menu) music sound like Riven music
>Reddit defense force
Having a public room, feel free to join
room name: riki6
How fast are the fencers in this game?
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>seeing the damage numbers when gallic PT's a cluster of androids
>because that change alone locked entire countries out of being able to play the game
There was nothing stopping people in those countries from keeping quiet and making an out-of-region PSN account. People who don't live in those countries using that as fuel ended up fucking over people who do live in those countries, since Sony is no longer selling games on Steam in those countries going forward. It's still extremely retarded on Sony's part, but it probably would have never been noticed enough for them to change it if people hadn't brought attention to it.
How fast you cum X1000
When I get a weapon and it says Up, does it just mean I got a better version of a weapon I already had?
one or more of the attributes have increased
Getting a dupe of a weapon has a chance of enhancing that weapons stats. You can see if a weapon still has stats to improve by the stars to the left of the stat. If it's empty it can still go higher but if it's filled white it's capped. I think each weapon rolls with pure rng stat rolls and if any stat is higher than what you currently has it caps to that new highest.
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woah... they're just like me
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>comfy EDF threads foreverially tainted by helldivers tourists + japanese devs not knowing how to implement silent EOS properly
it hurts
What version did you pirate?
I can only find the "Tenoke" version, when I click the exe it launch a white screen and post an error.
thread looks fine to me anon, plus they already confirmed that they are getting rid of the EOS account requiremenet
So when are we getting the mission packs?
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>they already confirmed that they are getting rid of the EOS account requiremenet
i may be behind on this development
big if true
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>4 person hard multiplayer
There's no difference between 2, 3, or 4 players. It's purely SP vs MP
two arms, two legs... even a mouth
checks out
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this will be my last EDF game. the audacity to sell this for $60 is beyond my comprehension
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nice, the review bombing actually did make them shit their pants, i was thinking they'd just ignore it
hope to join anons online once after the ebin shite gets gutted
No I mean can you have ranger wearing his bad future outfit, but wing diver wearing her EDF5 outfit?
hasn't edf kind of just been the same game with the most minor of texture updates and a few more object details?
like has it changed since it hit EDF4??
try clicking the file called "launchGame.exe" instead of edf6.exe you fucking retard
i thought if you played solo online in 4.1 it scaled for four people, but if you played with 1 or 2 other people it scaled down, so you had to actually play with at least one person to get the multiplayer progression without it being fucked hard

i just assumed it's operated that way since. Did 5 or 6 change that?
The future sure looks bright.
So there are 160 missions right?
not sure about 4.1 but iirc in 5, playing online 2p coop was basically the hardest difficulty - 2 players would get monsters with 4 player health values etc
Just buy key at plati market.
With DLC, yes, about 150 main game
I thought there was like 40 DLC missions?
>EDF 5
>Sergeant: I swear I will get you to a safe place!
>EDF 6
>Captain: We must protect the citizens!
This is all so tiresome
I only played EDF5. I don't understand why people still buy this shit, if it has been the norm for years to release the same game over and over again
im am the fencer master
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Despite their slow walk/run speed, their boosts and dashes make Fencer the second most maneuverable class behind wing divers once you get a feel for them. Boosts in particular give you a huge vertical leap if you jump straight up. Even without equipment that increases you consecutive boosts, you can jump high enough to get on top of huge buildings. Whether you dash or boost are based on what weapons you've got equipped and their charges are separate as well, so you can do shit like equip boost weapons for you first weapon set and dash weapons for your second set and then do shit like boost straight up twice to jump as high as a huge building, switch weapons, and then dash to get on said building like pic related
Then you can fuck the ever living shit out of your wing diver gf on top of said building while tiny gay little rangers below cry and stroke their tiny little baby tier cocks at how fucking pathetic they are compared to your big armored rape machine.
>EDF 5 Sergeant 2 seconds into combat after saying that sentence: We must protect the civilians!
it doesn't even require an account
D3 is just literally retarded and doesn't understand what they did in the first place
My normie friend refuse to play this with me and offer me to play some chinese league of legends
Its fucking over :(
in a few weeks
worked like this for edf 5
game came out on pc, then 2 weeks later first dlc, then another 2 weeks later second dlc
That's not remotely what that news post says.
play with pubs, it's fun
This is a palworld meme, no revenge status here. They really fucked up and they already acknowledged it. Can't wait till all shitters who bought on chinkware have to stay in their pool
feel free to post your interpretation of what they are trying to communicate with this message
147 missions in the base game
19 missions in the first dlc
40 missions in the second dlc
so 206 missions in total
>time travelled scientist gets told to take his meds
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>40 missions in second dlc
You're still storm one, savior of earth, and scientist man knows it.
research shows that 5 also had the exact same 2 > 3 > 1/4 player scaling that 4.1 had so I am going to assume that you're still wrong and 6 is the same. Maybe they made solo not scale to 4 people now though since they merged progression.

The scaling is still a big jump from 1 (offline) to 2 people and then the additional scaling from 3/4 is much more minor, but it does scale.
Fast but still nerfed, fencers in 4 were faster then wing divers so they gutted them for 5 and 6 and yet they are still busted
regarding 5
1 player in an online lobby was most difficult. 2p was lowest (for online). Then 3p. Then 4p was the same scale as a solo online lobby (highest tuned enemies).
What does this do better then 5 are shotguns still good
>6 hit 18k peak yesterday
>5 only got 8.5 on release day
I wonder what the player count would have been like without the EOS bullshit
Rangers don't have to waste a weapon slot on grenades/utilities as that gets its own slot
It is different, it's way fucking worse and wants you to avoid fighting (i.e. the actual gameplay) as much as possible and instead just chuck airstrikes on bases then run.
Its like playing air raider but no vehicles and the best air strike you get is level 30
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ah, yeah, i member now, 1p online lobby solo was the "hardest" way to play the game
Air raiders are Ukrainians
usually all classes are kinda whack til like halfway through your first playthrough.
Shotguns for the most part have a pumping animation. That alone makes them better.
>their boosts and dashes make Fencer the second most maneuverable class behind wing divers once you get a feel for them
if you're geared the fuck out Fencer is by far the most maneuverable class. Nothing else comes even close
Is mission 63 the best mass combat mission we've had in EDF so far?
Air raider are broken af
I once saw a dude wipe out whole horde of red ants all by himself while we rangers running and gunning one bug at a time
Duplicates have a chance to upgrade a weapon's stats. If the star next to a stat is filled that means it's maxed, otherwise it can improve. This is why lower level weapons can still be better than their higher level counterparts for some time if you dont roll it enough.
Holy shit
That's literally the longest EDF game to date
That's their job.
I feel Air Raider is either the damage god who can solo the mission with overwhelming fire power or useless dead weight who will struggle to kill one ant in the time it takes for anyone else to deal with tens of them. I find them to be very inconsistent. I never played as them unless I'm online with a group that can carry even without me doing anything.
Can the entire game be played co-op?
thinking of getting it with my bro
Nice! thanks anon, I'll pick it up soon then
yes, everything in the game is playable via coop, except maybe the opening tutorial? idk haven't tested that
they are very sensitive to using the right tools for the job - and that can change with group composition.
You're asserting a confirmation of what you want to hear based on extremely vaguely placating language that only says, essentially
>we understand your frustration
Air raider is the Mage/summner class of EDF it has high single and AOE but 0 mobility and HP
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ranger niggers be like
EDF6 Fencer dash jump feels off compared to EDF5 for some reason. Feels like there's some micro delay between dashing and jumping
meant to quote >>683811745
yeah it's nerfed
I once revived 3 time mates by dashing straight towards a big robat horde
Felt good
The tutorial feels really unnecessary to be honest. Honestly I'm pretty sure we're at the point in vidya where nobody needs to be told how to walk around and how to shoot anymore.
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wait a minute I've seen this before
It's ok when japan charges 60 dollars for shovelware identical to previous releases with non steam services required to play online
yeah you already saw half the missions lmao
kys faggot
You're stuck in a time loop or some shit after the prologue.
>Faggotdiver still at it
How about you go and play your dead game
The complaint about reused missions is retarded when even completely ignoring those copied mission from 5, 6 STILL has more original missions.
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As >>683812904 said, that is literally their whole job. Maximum devastation in target rich environments.
it's like day 800, but whatever.
>Get Wing Diver's laser sword equipment
>"Oh cool, I love lightsabers"
>does only 48 damage per enemy hit
>"Wat? yuck"
>Eventually get the upgrade
>240 damage
>Slice through groups of androids for a combined 1000+ damage per swing
Dang, tell me the WD's heckin' lightsaber stays this good throughout the entire game
Playing with friends is fun, but unfortunately they're all playing on Normal
tfw going to have to replay the whole game again on Normal with Fencer and Air Raider
You don't even need a password manager lmao, not even an email, you just click create account and it just makes a dummy account with your steam id.
Air Raiders are the poster boys of killing entire waves in seconds and only to die pathetically 5 minutes later because 1(one) ant got too close
It's better on 6 because they got drones which are pretty good for self defense but they still hate being in the middle of combat
>yeah I just wiped 18 cosmonauts, 4 ant queens, 300 spiders, and an achelus in a single bones inducing wave of phobos fury
>babe please come help a single red ant caught me and I've been stuck here for 3 minutes

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