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>Resident Evil 4 Remake Is Phenomenal
>soul vs soulless
which one is correct?
all i know is crowbcat stands for TRANS RIGHTS and SISTERS are never wrong
It pains me to say it, but the transsexual pornstar is correct in this case.
neck all trannies
>literal Capcom hired marketer
Yeah she definitely has an unbiased opinion on Famous Game Demake #186
always think the opposite of what a man with aids who is delusional enough to think he's a woman says
so yeah, tranny demake 4 is soulless beyond belief
>literal gay-porn star tranny that crapcum hired as their personal shill
>gigachad game dev who learned how to mod N64 titles to make the greatest 4K texture mod in history

Take a wild guess.
The RE-engine games are all pure, unadulterated trash.
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i wish she would look at me like that
her solo scenes are pretty fire
Why was his debut with the bald man so bad?
They barely fucked, and then he proceesed to finish the bald guy off by hand
so based for this sis
One is a paid shill and the other is a bumbling retard.
Both arw wrong, RE and especially RE4 were always bad normalfag slop.
Looks like soulless shit to me. Seems as cheap as RE3R, lots of ugly textures, lots of horribly lit areas, it's just ugly compared to the PS2 game.
Picrelated is a vista presented as an epic view that's meant to be a reward for the player. It looks like shit
And Ashley is an uggo earlet
Some bitches just don't have it in them. It's like baily jay was bad outside of teasing, same for belle delfine.
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>game is a financial hit
>highly rated by critics and playerbase, sitting on 97% on Steam
I can't even laugh at these people anymore, who think a contrarian video watched by 2M unemployed "men", is actually having any impact whatsoever. You lost on such a fundamental level, its just not funny anymore.
If you wouldn't keep posting about the video, nobody would even remember it exists.
>No convos with the badguys

Not just soulless, it's kusoge
As far as being a shill goes, he's not a very credible one. Dragon's Dogma 2 is a masterpiece you say? Lol, lmao even.

Also, the only reason this abomination is plastered over anything capcom, is because some gay chink at capcom usa is just shoving money in the hands of troons (most of them literal who nobodies). Burgermutts be fucking EVERYTHING up, unironically.
Im probably leaning on the hardcore fan side of RE4 rather than casual
>Childhood game
>Completed the full game,mercs,Ada multiple times
>Completed the story 6-7 times, atleast 2 on professional
And I did played the Remake and I did enjoy it but I gotta be honest,they are enjoyable for different reasons and the original is far superior
>I first played Re4 on the PS2
No matter how I play the og, PS2,Switch,old PC,modern PC love it
>Played the remake on my current high end RTX 4090 PC and an HDR Oled...
I don't see myself enjoying the remake at low graphics,low resolution,low framerate like the original to be honest.
The original RE4 is a masterpiece
The remake is fun modern game with AMAZING visuals,The Ada episode where the village is being destroyed is amazing,like an action movie.
RE4R ruined the reliably impactful shooting of RE4.
For that, Capcom can burn for all I care.
Genuinely kill yourself. Also RE4make is actually good.
Damn bro, cope harder please.
I'll take the internet chud over the tranny any day.
Somewhere in the middle leaning more to bottom
This one has 27m lol
Even given that you're obviously a gay guy, even your aids ridden dick would shrivel at the sight of this bony nose goblin.
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Neither RE4's are good at all
This series took a nosedive the second they decided action was more important than survival horror.
also Code Veronica is an actually flawed game, and the only RE that should have a proper remake
>a remake of a masterpiece... sold well
Yeah no shit. It ain't no masterpiece though, and that's why it's a failure. Same as nu-SotC, if you're remaking a masterpiece and your end result isn't another masterpiece, quit your fucking job your incompetent sack of shit
How do you even improve on a masterpiece? The answer is that you don't.
I think sphere hunter is fine, I can give him pass. He's enjoying games and his videos are ok.
The best video I have watched that articulates why the OG is better than remake is here:
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Was really cool seeing all these bought reviewers give DD2 high scores because they expected general audiences to love it, only for the game to completely crash and burn
Why would I listen to the kyphosis golem?
Re4make is probably the most overrated game ever. Absolute travesty that shows how normalfags are a plight on this industry.
Doesn't matter. It's good in a vacuum. It will always be an inferior, dogshit version of one of the best games of all time. The art direction and action of the OG blows this shit out of the water.
But oh the remake is good because it "FIXES" you not being able to move and shoot!
You know the haters are wrong when they have to resort to bitching about sounds and ambience to try and prove a point
>sound and ambience doesn't matter in games
Yeah just like being able to move and shoot is objectively superior to the original right?
Seeing as the remake doesn’t use tank controls, yes.
If you don't understand anything about game design, of course. Like I said, normalfags. They eat this shit up. They made it a generic TPS like the other remakes and the cattle loved it.
Nothing generic about it. They stayed true to the original whilst improving the old mechanics and actually made it scary. You’re just mad because you can’t beat the remake and got exposed you for the casual gamer that you are
>They stayed true to the original
So crowbcat's video was fabricated? I have evidence that what you said is false and the remake is a lazy cashgrab, as most remakes are.
>You’re just mad because you can’t beat the remake and got exposed you for the casual gamer that you are
Thank you for conceding with a well timed ad hominem.
Holy fucking crybaby
crowbcat had the gayest reaction to this video
>erm, I was comparing old vs new I never said which of the two examples was the soulless one and which one the "soul" one!!!
you expect anyone to buy that shit you cock smoking retard? I hope the Max Payne 1+2 remake is flawless and overtakes the original completely so that you have to kill yourself in acceptance of the concept of something new being better for once

Also I'm never going to watch a spheresnipper video. Rantsona imposed on game render gotta be the most lazy and retarded thumbnail design I ever seen. Also your sona's tits are false advertising
Remakes are fanfiction and will never be as good or better than the original.
>stayed true to the original
>whilst improving the old mechanics
You don’t actually have any complaints that’s why you always resort to spamming crowbfag’s video, hoping nobody will be bothered to sit through a 37 minute video where the only legitimate complaint is that there’s no Ashley panties. Just admit you can’t even make it past the village area because you got filtered by heatshots not being guaranteed stuns
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/v/ is the only place on the internet gay enough to actually dislike remake 4. Even the tranny in the op's pic is less gay than /v/.
Top has a financial incentive while the bottom does not. You figure it out.
He won't fuck you, bro.
Why hasn’t he made a video comparing Separate Ways + Mercenaries?
The bottom video has a 50/50 like to dislike ratio. So factually you are incorrect.
Secondly /v/ is one of the few websites where you can call a remake exactly for the dogshit that it is without being downvoted or otherwise affected negatively by the dicksucking fanboys.
Try asking yourself for one moment why would Capcom spend all this money and dev effort remaking a game instead of a new IP or just a new RE game. OG RE4 was already great so why the need to remake it?
Both are correct.
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The remake was not made for actual fans, it was made for normies and secondaries who complained about it being "LE CHEESY", "LE CLUNKY" and "LE PROBLEMATIC" then clapped their fat hands when they saw it all shiny and "high quality" and with all their "complaints" (borrowed from ecelebs, they never actually played resident evil) adressed. Same with all other REmakes.
>avoids using pronouns
It's shit
>which one is correct?
>Resident Evil 4 Remake Is Phenomenal
video because the "Soul vs Soulless" video edits footage of REmake4 to make it look shit on purpose
Is the best modern RE but still inferior to the original
Crowbcat has done that with all his vids, he's always been disengenous and made shit videos.
>not adressing any problems with the remake because it NEEDS to be a flawless 10/10 masterpiece or else I lose my job... wait, did I say this out loud? Anyways pls subscribe
>comparing two versions of the game evenly
Also funny of you to subconciously admit REmake looks worse compared to the OG
holy paid shills
>he's always been disengenous and made shit videos.
But enough about SphereTroon
make the roundhouse kick not context sensitive
I would give up a lot to go on a date with Suzi.
I would give even more to make sweet love to her luscious lips.
seethe tranny
No I was referring to Crowbcat, trash videos.

Nope, Crowbcat has shit videos.
The origial mogs the remake in everything but graphics, I can't think of something mechanical that wasn't done better in the original. Also it's crazy how gaming journalists memoryholed RE4 being one of the best games ever. I don't know if this new crop of journos wasn't around when it was released, if they were payed to promote the remake or maybe don't play survival horror games and are getting into it for very first time with the remake.
I'm eating cashews
seethe trannyfucker
You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd8vzIRQLLM
No one managed to voice a single argument against the soul vs soulless argument, so it's pretty obvious
>which one is correct?
that Resident Evil 4 is goyslop and (You) pick your poison of which version
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RE4R is fun to play casually on Standard-Hardcore and Pro NG+, but Professional NG is retarded RNG and unbalanced like shit.
The first Krauser fight
re4 original is a good action game
re4 remake is a good horror action game
Why do remakes always suck ass?
/v/ says this and will do this
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Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
You have made this post 4000 times.
4000 times.
Do you have anything else going on in your life?
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>idealized cartoon avatar
Impressive, very nice. Let's see the real face...
Nah being based it a full time job.
>wannabe janny
>based in any sense of the word

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