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SquareSoft’s magnum opus
sex with quistis
I never finished it. Story was boring nonsense.
7 and 9 are better
welcome Gen Z, to 4chan
This game was ass when it came out and it's ass today
The story is kino, the music is god tier, the graphics are still the best out of the ps1 ff games.
The junction system makes the combat actually fun. It gives you many different option to play how you want and find fun interesting ways to beat enemies other than hit with strongest attacks. However the game is again way to easy and never requires to you to actually learn any of that to win. If they had made the game so you were forced to knownthenjuncrion system intimately and forces you to develop interestin junction strategies to actually win the game would easily be one of if not the best rpg ever.

However this major flaw hinders it tremendously. As it stands any fun interesting things you do is purely for your own satisfaction and nothing in the game ever requires anything more than just use attack and occasionally heal other than the secret bosses. Even then omega weapon in 8 is inferior to any secret boss in 10 mechanics wise.

Due to the fact that 10 actually requires strategy in its combat and the sheer amount of content. 10 is the best.
Gen Z has never touched a PS1 Final Fantasy game. What a weird cope.
Tactics is better.
If it didn't have the retarded level scaling it would be.
Might actually be the worst game in the series (disregarding everything after 12 because that would be unfair)
*disregarding 12 because that would be unfair
12 isn't bad. It's not good either, it's just kinda inoffensive.
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>get triple triad
>run to harbor
>avoid getting into too many fights
>the ones you do get into can be spent drawing 100 of every magic
>leveling up is bad because doing so every monster in the world also becomes a better monster
>talk to the queen of cards until you get claim rule: all
>never EVER speak to her again
>life now hinges on Triple Triad, not playing the game
>only triple triad
>win cards, turn cards into materials, refine materials into magic
>junction magic into body to raise stats
>and then avoid ever fighting again
>and the times you have to fight, don't ever use magic as that would only make you weaker because it scales with amount
>so just mash attack
Yeah, great game.
you cant turn the valve with squall alone. only 2 people are documented to ever having done it and highly likely cheated
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Great soundtrack. The music of VI, VII, and VIII was peak Uematsu.
>I never finished it. Story was boring nonsense.

Same, 8 was shit.

8 Sucks, so does 10. Deal with it.
7 Still holds up today, haven't replayed 9 in 20 years, might have to revisit one of these days.
Is this Nomura fault? If so it's the start of a giant chain of Hot Topic trash
>Even then omega weapon in 8 is inferior to any secret boss in 10 mechanics wise.
The super bosses in 10 have exactly 2 actions and their overdrive. There are no mechanics, at all.
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and 10 and 12 and most of the ones before 7 too. being better than 13 and 15 is not a worthwhile goal
Oh fuck me my point was as soon as I got to Ultimecia FF8 excrutiating pain happened and the infection got my nerves or whatever. I was fucking cursed by that bitch.
10's endgame is so fucking shitty, maybe the worst in the series, just grind for hours just to be able to fight shitty super bosses, not even mentioning the shitty mini games
I love watching the same 2 minute long summon a dozen times per battle
He didn't write the game dickweed and hottopic goths were hot
>it's the worst one if you ignore the worst ones and 2 and every game I've heard it's good or not idk I haven't played them myself
Never change /v/
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>If it didn't have the retarded level scaling it would be.
Translation: "I'm too dumb to understand the junction system"
the story was okay, the combat and junction system was interesting, the designs and world were good

but the game suffered from painful world trekking and labyrinthine cities/gardens that utterly slow the game to a crawl every time you have to find your way around one or travel across the world
But it's about 8 you silly willy
>no final fantasy moment ever felt as mindblowing as the assault on Balamb Garden
FF8 was just built different
the demo disk version was better
Why are 8fags so obnoxious?
They wanted to make the 3 gardens combine like getter robo but didn't have enough time. I wish Square eidnr have the 1.5 year dev limit back then. Although now we have the opposite problem. Half the game was supposed to be Laguna shit too and he was the best

my nigger matsu looks like a bona fide shogun an shit
draw system was shit, junction system was broken in an unfun way, upgrades and level scaling are shitty, etc
there are little episodes you can cut out of the story that are quite good but on the whole it's filled with some of the most ridiculous asspulls i've ever seen in a video game & has more plot holes than the moon
10/10 as usual
8/10, particularly cool town/city art
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Woops wrong picture.
>has more plot holes than the moon

What potholes did FF8 have? Its been a while since I last played but I don't remember any plot holes..
literally no one is "too dumb to understand the junction system" you just equip the magic that gives you the highest number and then don't ever use that magic

level scaling is fucked because the more level up the weaker you become compared to the monsters. leveling up is bad. this wasn't some conscious choice by the game designers, it's just shitty game design.

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