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>just stand there
>press 1 button
>defeat the boss without experiencing 90% of its moveset
Why are we pretending parrying isn't cheese?
Having to time your parries means nothing, rolling through multiple attacks takes way more timing than parrying ever can
Why would you make things purposely harder for yourself?
Are you stupid?
I can avoid 100% of the boss's moveset by not playing the game. Is having a life a form of cheesing?
>Just stand there
>Press 1 button
>Dodge through the boss' entire explosion attack while taking 0 damage for a full half second window
Why are we pretending dodging isn't cheese?
Having time to time your dodges means nothing, running around and learning the boss' moveset takes way more knowledge and precision than dodging ever can
It's actually worse than magic because at least magic doesn't interrupt the bosses moveset
>just stand there
>press 1 button
>defeat the boss without experiencing 90% of its moveset
Why are we pretending attacking isn't cheese?
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>just stand there
>press 1 button
>defeat the boss without experiencing 99% of its moveset
Why are we pretending deflecting isn't cheese?
Having to time your deflects means nothing, rolling through multiple attacks takes way more timing than deflecting ever can
Imagine evading attacks like a pussy
deflecting doesn't stop bosses combos retard-kun
>Equip weapon
>Deals exponentially more damage than not using a weapon
Why are we pretending that weapons aren't cheese?
Having your attacks deal more damage means nothing, having to execute 10 times more attacks takes way more skill than using a weapon
I've been shilling for this shield forever. Why did it take until Consort for people to broadly recognize how good it is?
did you never play base elden ring or something?
>the autist being so fixated on the boss moveset / combo even though it doesn't matter
I get it, you want to dance with the boss and shit and have your "perfect" boss fight but others utilizing shields, parrying or being overleveled to the point of killing the boss in 1 shot angers you.
How about you do you and others do themselves? Genuinely nobody cares and it's pointless to expend energy on something this irrelevant like "is it cheese to use mechanic?".
Use your autism to solve problems and get paid.
I did. And I used this shield.
But /v/ wouldn't admit that shields were amazing. Until now.
Imagine treating videogames as a homework you simply want to rush through as quickly as possible to go back to scrolling through tiktok
Insect mindset
>Why are we pretending parrying isn't cheese?
DS1 Gwyn established that parrying was homosexual and that only trannies ever parry.
Where have you been?
It is practically codified law.
every streamer that considers himself hardcore just pretends parrying isn't casual babby shit despite making things easier than magic
Touched a nerve, eh?
>caring about the opinion of streamers
Think for yourself?
>Why did it take until Consort for people to broadly recognize how good it is?
I think that's a story you've told yourself. It was my understanding that everyone knew.
great shields were nerfed multiple times, that wouldn't really be the case if nobody was complaining
Why is
>bro just use a completely different build
the default defense for everything in this game and the DLC especially?
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Who the fuck cares how you kill an NPC in a single player game which is programmed to lose to you LMAO
>play roleplaying game
>no bro you're playing it wrong you were suppose to spec into shields and bleed pokers
He's right about the rushing through content thing though
Because Souls games are adventure games. Going on an adventure means adapting to a given situation. It doesn't matter if you use str, dex, int, fth, arc or any combination of these. The game has so many weapons that you can find something that works for every situation without having to reskill. Just have a minimum of flexibility bro. Just use a different spell or AoW for a change.
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If you beat the game with your original build then whatever that build is you beat it
If you had to go out of your way to farm souls/change attributes/find overpowered equipment, the boss broke you and defeated you mentally
>Because Souls games are adventure games.
wheres the adventure
I accept this mentality
Oh no, I never denied that, never said the opposite either, he just attached a completely different aspect of gaming to my post to fill his own views.
His point was that a mechanic could avoid 90% of the boss's moveset. My point was that I can avoid 100% by not playing the game. It is absurd and makes no sense, which is perfect for a faggot such as OP and his dumb retarded post about a mechanic that existed from the begging of what we call "souls-like".
Personally I do enjoy taking my time whenever I play unless it's a high octane game like Titanfall 2 or I'm in hard mode in Terraria (pre-hardmode is comfy-kino)
>every streamer
You have to be 18 to post here Mr. Eceleb whore.
>boss has long drawn out multi-hit combos with very few openings to counter attack
>but you can't use one of the only tools available to you to interrupt those combos and provide openings to counter attack
Are ERfags the most retarded niggers that have ever walked the earth?
Why do games undergo competitive rot, /v/? It happens to many games: RTS games, Fromsoft stuff, TF2 and other shooters, even Factorio. They get infested with the kind of autists that love perfectionism but hate complexity.
Dodging an enemy pattern perfectly 30 times is good gameplay, but using a tool to deal with it differently is cheating. RTS devolve either to meta autism or simcity. Weapon X is banned in competitive because someone could upend the meta with it. Factorio megamods with a billion recipes are oh so good, but better install LTN to go with it because logistics are hard.
Why does it happen?
/v/ doesn't actually play Elden Ring and has admitted so in multiple threads. Faggots are literally whining about getting filtered.
I should've made a compilation.
because the game has made changing your build, all the way up to respeccing, so available that devs just assume people will
and people in turn do because it's easier than getting good
>His point was that a mechanic could avoid 90% of the boss's moveset. My point was that I can avoid 100% by not playing the game
It kind of seems like you're agreeing by admitting parrying is only 10% better than turning off the game entirely
100% of people who use this shield have been sleeping on anon.
If a boss swings at you more than 5 times and you haven't gotten a punish in, that's your skill issue not the games
no parrying
no shields
no summons
rolling only
So available you get to do it like 20 times at most in a 80+ hour game with dozens of different builds
unironically, I blame Bloodborne and DS3
in DeS, DA1+2, the experience of a boss was largely the same regardless of whether you were blocking or dodging
parrying made it easier once you were good at it, but it was regarded as the very high risk/high reward option
that's why magic was looked down upon, it changed the experience to a much lower risk
Bloodborne and DS3 is where shields were basically removed from the equation because of the way combat was going
dodge fags were fine with it, but block fags came along begrudgingly and the "shared experience" held
Elden Ring looked to make shields viable again, and did so with some serious buffs and provided tools
however, the combat also became that much more intense evolving from BB/DS3
so the experience split where dodging has sort of become the "fool's option" of high risk for little reward over blocking+guard counter
then people say "easy boss" and dodge fags feel burned because no, it's not easy
do we deserve it for dominating the playstyle for two games? maybe
it does suck that the shared experience has been diluted, but such is the price of choice, and ultimately that choice makes the game more interesting for replays
being able to do it more than once a run is already insane, let alone 20 times
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I beat the game, can you say the same?
Parry is not universal (thank God).
Still not my favourite playstyle
>Using Dark Moon to counter meteors
Did you?
I think a lot of it is trying to perpetuate a playstyle through shaming and gatekeeping in order to convince people to willingly have a less fun experience with the game.
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This. Literal female mentality
Rolling is boring.
Parrying is more fun.
Yeah that’s why you parry
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>he fled like a coward from some purple flying rocks rather than shielding himself and counter attacking with the power of his waifu
Small penis energy.
I thought the red M&M got cancelled. Or was it the yellow one?
Try to punish in the middle of Radahn's Pontiff combo. I dare you.
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There are multiple different parries in the game. There is only a single roll in the game. It is you who is using only 1 button, abusing only 1 mechanic. You have played yourself, OP. You shouldn't have used one of the special different parries as your pic.
If you levelled even once you did not, in fact, beat the game.
Souls fans are so cringe, if it's in the game for me to use ill use it.
Intentional mechanics aren’t cheese
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Ummmm ackshually if you stand still and press the dodge button you'll only backstep which doesn't give you invincibility frames. You'll eventually have to move your character since you would backstep into the gate you just passed through.
What if the developer intentionally put cheese in the game
Using a heavy shield and not playing the game are two sides of the same coin.
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I can say that I did also beat the game.
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>you'll only backstep which doesn't give you invincibility frames.
oh no no no no no
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Parrying used to be seen as a pro tactic but now so many people think it's cheese. Like I remember people thinking someone is good for parrying Gwyn or Pontiff to death, but parrying Consort, which is objectively harder than parrying Gwyn feels like cheese. Parries even got nerfed hard in Elden Ring forcing you to parry 2 or 3 times before getting off a riposte, imagine if Radahn could be riposted after every parry he would be seen as a joke.
When did this shift with how parrying was perceived happen?
>inb4 revisionist claims parrying was always cheese
The longer the bosses movesets become, the more blatantly parrying is seen as an "easy mode" since it lets you skip most moves entirely
I can't fucking beat Consort Radahn bros...
People were using this shield for ages, anon, you didn't invent any new meta
Because the entire souls community is so huge now that it can sustain multiple camps of extremely annoying people.
>bosses can interrupt your attacks with 99% of their attacks at any moment
>but if you do this to the boss with a particular extremely precise input on certain attacks three times in a row to open them up for a repost, it's cheese
You may have beaten the game, but you've clearly failed at life.
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What build?
Name it and I will provide a very simple way of doing it, unless you like dodgeslopping.
Because people are retarded and choose to turn every game into a lifestyle. There's no meta for factorio unless you go consume a ton of third party content, and the only way to keep content going is endless retarded lore shit or autismo speed running.
>particular extremely precise
don't exaggerate it's more than a third of a second
It's repetitive, but it's not that hard and it does make "learning" the boss much easier since you only have to worry about a couple moves and don't have to worry about strange combo mixups or followups
>he have not beaten the game with uninfused celebrant sickle +0 on RL1 with no shartree fragment
WOW it almost like you are ADDICTED to SUCKING COCKS!
>make "learning" the boss much easier
In school did you try to read your textbooks upside down in order to make learning the material harder for yourself?
It's also got about a 3rd of active frames that a dodge roll does which necessitates more precise execution.
Imagine thinking that admitting to buying videogames just to absorb as little of them as possible is an own
You sound salty because people have an easier time than you do
I will go ahead and assume your character is Guts too
You're forced to study, most likely material you have zero passion for
You play Elden Ring out of your own choice, looking up the cheesiest to skip as much of it as you possibly can is retarded
>parrying lets you ignore a large portion of a bosses moveset
Why did you buy elden ring
>he says while advocating for players to ONLY use dodge rolls against bosses
Lol even
fingerprint has been part of cancer builds since launch, same tier as dual naginata
It's the shield with the highest on paper stats, how is it not the obviously best greatshield per default?
I didn't buy this game to study it, I bought it play it you clown. Nobody is handing me a degree when I'm done. Parrying looks and feels more satisfying than rolling around like a lunatic.
its boring
the game is lame as fuck, why bother interacting with bosses that are clearly designed in ways to trick players?

don't memorize moves, just jump attack/ash of war spam, huge hyper armor and sometimes you'll dodge moves because they made your entire lower torso unhittable
fingerprint shield has been broadly recognized for how good it is for almost the entirety of the game's existence
the funny part is larval tears are needed but they don't really tell you how to get more other than maybe a vague 'there are some doods'
they've overtuned the bosses because instead of fighting the player they are fighting their own basic combat system, most of the bosses are fun and okay to play with, some of them are just cancer, especially to the unaware casual
i eventually stopped giving a fuck about the 6-12 moves and their 'variables' due to positioning or whatever but all that made me do was abuse the positioning to repeat the same moves from bosses over and over again

the dragons are the easiest example of this, fight at the head and the entire thing is a fucking DDR routine where you just default to the same position so the dragon performs it's 6 stomp in a row
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>awkward C scaling across the board (STR/DEX for melee INT/FTH for L2)
>underwhelming damage in melee strikes
>long winded R1/R2 attacks that lock you in place
>long winded L2 arts that lock you in place
>enemy AI input reads the fuck out of L2+R1 dodging almost every sword beam
>L2+R2 does good damage but also locks you place and gives you no hyper armor so it's only useful for big enemies like dragons or hippos (always the easiest enemies)
>almost no stagger potential whatsoever
Shit weapon. Don't use it.
For you.
ER is overkill with the combos. I'm not even bothering anymore. I'm jujst cheesing the fuck out of it.
If you are good enough to parry a boss without knowing the moveset, you deserve to win.
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NTA but curious to see what you come up with
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Yeah, you're right
the entire DLC is just a "fuck you" to people who don't use shields
>63 fth
not him but simply stack buffs and regen then spam pest threads or pest thread spears
Just using parries and nothing else is boring, but you can throw in occasional parries while still giving the boss room to breathe and experience much more of the game than you would otherwise
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>using a shield
Don't you need to learn the moves in order to time the parry? Especially since elden ring loves delayed attacks more than any other soulsborne
why do people pretend parrying is easy mode when it cant be done on reaction and requires animation memorization? If really was easy shitters would use bucklers instead bleeds and greatshields. Its always 1000 hours played autists calling the game easy
*and are too retarded to level vig or have good defense or use scadu blessings
Bosses have whole trees of moves, if you dedicate yourself to only parrying them you basically only care about the base of the tree.
You're still going to need a shield anyway
Considering one of the biggest complaints about melania was her healing off of blocked hits. I think there were a lot of shieldfags
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I have no idea.
People have a fucking meltdown when you post screencaps of a low level character in the dlc.
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I pressed more than two buttons. So probably not
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1. Holy Land AoW spam with Great Stars, most damage is based on FTH and it heals you per projectile/hit. Has hyper armor and 3 uses will stance break Consort Zanzibart. Stack Holy Boosts but NOT the Scorpion Charm because Negate penalties are awful. Use Alexander Talisman for higher AoW damage.
2. Prayerful Strike AoW spam with Great Stars (ideally Giant Crusher but you lack the STR for it). Stack HP boosts like Morgott's Rune & Crimsom Amber +3, every hit heals you for 30% HP, has Hyper Armor, stance breaks fast.
3. If you want a pure caster path due to high FTH, Endure + Catch Flame/O Flame spam with Fire boosts. But ideally you'd get 17 ARC or so so debuff with Greyoll's Roar first, and you can also use Memenia's special spell for Rot/Rot boosting gear, both also combined with a precast Endure.
And of course, you'll want to stack Damage Negation boosts which is very simple with that high FTH score.
Golden Vow + Blessing of Erdtree + Lord's Divine Fortification + Dragoncrest Talisman + Opaline Hardtear + Holy Braid
Not cheese
>Poise Breaking
>Taking advantage of the braindead AI to deal extra damage like bosses doing a slow walk towards you while you have extra range spells and skills
>Getting bosses stuck in a weird corner that their 1 IQ AI can't resolve
>Forcing enemies off cliffs
>Spanking Greyoll's juicy ass for 100k runes (maybe)
>Using Margitt's shackles to skip the chariot puzzle
>Fire's deadly sin + Sepukku
>Resetting Loretta's AI with a reload
I accidentally attacked the boss until they died instead of waiting for them to die of old age. I cheesed the game....
>decreased damage taken from head shots
>also increases all damage taken
What the fuck does this calculate out to. I get combining all the crucible effects because they were shit individually by why include the counteractive debuff from the roll talisman.
You know you can block when two handing a weapon right?
not effectively enough for the 30-hit stamina-raping combos in the DLC
It is with the meme deflect tear
Are sisters still crying about game mechanics?
Stop sucking cocks, faggot
>>Fire's deadly sin + Sepukku
did they patch this like 2 years ago?
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>press 1 button
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actually if you didn break your fucking arms and hands and paralyze yourself from the neck down before playing, you cheesed the game
Don't you have to parry like 4 times to get one counter on most bosses?
>he didn't play a permadeath run where you kill yourself in real life if you die in game as well together with save delete
You absolutely did not beat the game.
I use whatever I think looks cool regardless of how effective
You can get attacks in even if they didn't properly stagger, and a single stagger can be representative of like 20% health
I like to go one step further and destroy civilisation so I have to rebuild everything from scratch every attempt. It's always a bitch when it's a plague run.
Brother if you can accurately hit that parry every time you should be out there, man. Fighting CRIME. Protecting the PEOPLE from terror and violence.
Am I just underleveled or DLC enemies and bosses have way too much HP
>>Using Margitt's shackles to skip the chariot puzzle
>skip the chariot puzzle
you probably need more scadutree fragments
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That's the best place to cut down a tree.
Because bad players can't pull it off so thru project their insecurities onto others.
Well, I finally got fed up and switched to wearing heavy armor and using a greatshield and now the only few bosses that were left giving me a problem went down easily

I didn't beat the game
the game beat me
but I don't care, I'm sick of it
I'm ready to play something else anyway
a bit of both but also your build probably kinda sucks and that's way more noticeable int he DLC
>Taking advantage of the braindead AI to deal extra damage like bosses doing a slow walk towards you while you have extra range spells and skills
How stupid are you to think an optional game mechanic is cheating? That mechanic also requires a way tight timing window then spamming the roll button.
>how to dodge roll
>learn enemy attack pattern and punish
>how to parry
>learn enemy attack pattern and punish
Some people don't want to play a glorified rhythm game and that's understandable.
Elden Ring is to Sekiro, what Dark Souls 2 is to Dark Souls 1.
They keep getting nerfed yet still remain the easiest playstyle in the game. It's cartoonish
Not all attacks can be parried and some must be avoided/countered by moving away or choosing special skills which makes it a bit more engaging than straight up parrslop
My autism won't allow me to leave the game unfinished, or any boss unbeaten, but holy shit I am never playing this again
It's ok, Souls games aren't for everyone, they are an hardcore experience for hardcore gameplay enthusiasts
Parrying doesm't work over half the enemies in the game. Let alone most of the bosses. And the bosses it does work on it only works on a 4th of their moves.
I've thouroughly enjoyed every soulsborne game so far and even my first Elden Ring playthrough
but this has just been too frustrating
You can have it
Just killed the final boss in 3 minutes without skibidi blessings with a bleed longsword so yes I did not beat the game.
That's not RL1 it's RL9.
This is the real deal, you were playing easy mode before. Now that casuals have ashes From is free to make truly aggressive bosses
That's fine with me
like I said, you can have it
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I can't tell if you're using scadutree fragments, anon. You didn't use them, right?
That's great, sport. Can you still help your old man mow the lawn later so that it's done by the time your mother has dinner ready?
So does the guy who has a personal vendetta against Parries that constantly pops up in action game threads have a history? Kind of curious what his deal is.

Only the final DLC boss has an oversized healthbar, everyone else frankly has far too little HP.
t. fuck NG+ Radahn
They are scaled to post game levels. If you ever watch those videos were people mod bosses fight each other, every dlc boss wipes most of the base game bosses with pretty much only Melania and placidusax putting up a fight. nobody beast Radahn.
You don't have to parry and so it's not a problem
Those chariots that one shot you in the hero graves in the base game can be instantly destroyed if you use margit shackle anywhere near them. Also margits shackle frees up the sealed springs in the DLC. weird fucking item.
>You didn't use them
says the nigga who summoned
play smarter not harder
Even Malenia gets bodied in some of those. Rakshasa cut her down in under a minute.
Why is it okay for Radahn to summon multiple mimic tears, but the player can't even use one?
>um acksually you beat this Artifcial Intelligence WRONG!

who the fuck cares you nerds? it's not like AI has feelings lmao

Seeing shit friend? No summons there, I can even give you a youtube link to the video of the whole battle. Sorry that you were mentally broken by my honest kill.
Parrying works on most bosses, only the ultra huge bosses can't be parried
>backstep which doesn't give you invincibility frames
Nobody tell her.
>attention provoking image
>time wasting irrelevant opinion
many such cases
I have no other accomplishment in my entire life so I feel impotent rage any time I see someone easily overcome my greatest obstacles.
no summon icon. they died. stay mad. you didnt beat the game
Sekiro is the only one I haven't played because I can just tell I do not have the reaction time for that shit

Absolutely deranged.
Why is the summoning icon not even there?
>Those chariots that one shot you in the hero graves in the base game can be instantly destroyed if you use margit shackle anywhere near them. Also margits shackle frees up the sealed springs in the DLC.
Wait what? Is that honestly intentional?
Does Mohg's shackles have weird uses like that too?

But why? That doesn't make sense.
Yeah I think mohg does it too
I don't know, I don't bother with them so I couldn't tell you. My guess is that it's due to the fact I haven't interacted with the summon statues in the area? Either way...APOLOGISE!
If something is in the game it SHOULD be abused by the player unless the player is a fucking idiot, who refuses to play in the most optimal manner because his head is shoved too deep in his ass. Is the move unbalanced? Go cry about it to the devs on twitter, or learn to deal with ti

You guys need some fighting game mentality. Stop being stupid.
It doesn't show up if you never receive the summoning bell from Ranni or buy it from the round table hold shop.

Funny how gatekeeping faggots don't even know how the game works.
>Shield with the highest resistances and guard boost
>Why everyone is sleeping on this?
It works like that because the shackles are an invisible hit for 1 damage in a massive radius around you, which procs strange interactions
You shouldnt stoop to his level. It's about honor.
Who cares lmao
With deflecting I can sit right up on the bosses face and actually engage in a fucking swordfight instead of just dodging forever
They should have gotten rid of I-Frames after Demons Souls and built the game around blocking, parrying, and deflecting, with positioning working as long as you could move out of the way quick enough. I-Frames are fucking cancer and immersion breaking
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terrible bait with this many (you)s you god damn stupid idiots are stupid idiots
No, only the ones in Auriza's Hero grave becase of some mechanism that you activate.
No, he is that stupid. You give too much credit. Or he is you and now you are trying to "merely pretend".
There is a way to beat the artificial intelligence in a way where you get something out of it, and a way where you get nothing out of it
What do you get out of it? It's a fucking videogame
get over yourself
I can assure you I felt the exact same level of euphoria beating a boss in 45 seconds on the second try as you did with your esoteric self-imposed rules.
That's sad
>I get nothing out of videogames and yet I buy them
Came here to post this. Parrying was a useless gimmick until Bloodborne made it work on nearly everything including bosses, which made it instantly overpowered. Sekiro perfected the formula with its posture system. DaS3 and ER are just gigantic steps backwards for no reason.
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Beating Messmer with just the deflecting tear and a heavy Mace was fucking fantastic, I should have been doing this all DLC instead of full faith Coded Sword/Board and spellslinging.
>my life is so dull and meaningless I have to try to force myself to feel profound emotion in the most autistic way imaginable
>why do the whyte peepoo climb the mountains dont they know its pointless
nice image
Not comparable, climbing a mountain would be an achievement and warrant pride.
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I just dropped some huge jars full of flies.
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To whom?
>To Catturd and Ian Miles Cheong!
Beating the game in a way you can't is an achievement
Isn't there a new great mace that has a unique guard counter? might be worth looking into
It's a great hammer by name at least
The Black Steel Greathammer, yeah. Problem it has that while the double hitting Guard Counter is nice, if they stagger on the first hit the second knocks them out of the slump iirc
You kinda learn to just rock the deflect button to the pace of the enemy and if you punish the other openings it’s good enough
I'm starting to think there's something wrong with the Scadutree Avatar's fucking AI
it will NEVER aggro anything else
it straight up ignores even my most aggressive summons and just won't get off my fucking dick
I'm gonna blow my brains out
being able to consistently parry any given enemy requires you to have developed an understanding of which attacks are vulnerable to parry and which aren't, as well as the timing involved in responding at the right time. on top of this, parrying is a risk because if you miss you'll take damage. although this is also true for rolling, the timing is more stringent than for rolls. you can spam roll and dodge a few attacks, which means you can get away with being sloppier or less precise with your inputs.
>it's just one button
as opposed to what? every action in this game requires one or two button inputs max. dumbass thread.
Only so many hours in a day, and so many games out to play
How's you're backlog looking anon? Probably don't have time to make Elden Ring your sole vidya preoccupation, I feel you man. It's the simple reality of the world we live today, the jews have frames it this way by removing divine diabetes from society, producing blacks with no red rings, etc. A never ending consumerism society where games are constantly being dangles in front of you by fuax lesbians and all food stuffs being laced with virgin oil to compel you to look at porn so Big Beauty can harvest your semen and repackage it at off shore Bath & Bodyworks blacksite ware houses where they'll be shilled to women via cosmetic rituals to enhance the whore pheromones our virogn oil laced food supply has them pumping out 24/7 compelling you to once again release your seed for harvest in the most vicious cycle in modern human history.
Finally got it
Jesus that was annoying
Now all that remains is Consort
Seeing someone Mikiri counter Melania gets my dick rock hard.
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Respec is for incompetent bitches. In DS1 and Bloodborne(their best games) there is no respec. I'm not usually a YDBTG type person, but I 100% respect the guy running sorcery build the whole game without respec than some meta pussy who has to change his entire character every time they face a challenge.
Everyone knew ever since launch.
What people didn't know en masse until recently is that the iron balls and star fists are OP. I found that out early last year, those were pretty niche until the challenge runners found them and one of the GOD runs used them.
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It fucks, it comes with base holy damage and if you infuse it with sacred blade (or even just any sacred infusion) it does an absurd amount of damage. Add curved sword talisman and deflecting hard tear for even further boosted guard counters and it's just absurd.
Give it prayerful strike, use the deflect tear, and go to town.
>Like I remember people thinking someone is good for parrying Gwyn
no one ever thought that
it was the scrub tactic cus parrying was so easy, actually fighting gwyn is more difficult
and that was precisely where it became seen as scrub tactic, learning parry timing is easy and lets you negate damage and get huge hit in, gwyn was the only parriably boss in dark souls for some reason and it made him very easy
This is just fucking retarded, everyone has known that shield is amazing since the base game, stfu idiot

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