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It might be well and truly over for DDbros this time.
HEROlip 'emmy kekaroo
To be quite honest I hope he doesn't spill the beans on every random ID concept he has in the books if he plans on doing this every quarter. Maybe like concept ideas of things that are never happening but not the actual thing if the update schedule seems steady
Gachafags won
I lost
Ten years of limbus
No new games
See you in a decade/if they eos within that timeframe
>Doomsissy thread
>every single post is retarded
They could make $0 for 3 years straight, literally the amount of time Limbus has been active so far TIMES TWO making literally nothing, think about that, literally jackshit apparently running on the same content release schedule and still be positive. Gacha revenue chartfags are going to screech their tactics won't work
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Director literally invited you to doom. Let it go.
Not too excited about Zwei West basically being an excuse to do a soft Fate crossover but I really liked all the other designs.
You say that but shit like Blade Lineage or the Kuro are clearly wuxia/murim inspired so its not like this is unprecedented
This is why the industry is such a shithole. Why make good games when you can just make gacha kusoge and be set for life?
I'm just not into the aesthetic and I frankly can't get the idea out of my head that the Zwei are just the designated jobber association
>Why make good games
Ironically the gachas are the good games. Outside of Nioh into SoP I have not enjoyed a single non gacha title since Dragon's Dogma.
>Ironically the gachas are the good games
What the do you think is good about them?
Your game is stupid and so are you.
Slop-eating weeb chink detected. I bet you would play any slop no matter how bad as long as it had Le cute anime girls.
I hate DD, good thing.
Fucking October for that Canto 7 really hurts though.
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erlcliff deniers roping
I'm only going to bring up the three that I have played, Genshin, Limbus and Iron Saga.
All of these share vastly better soundtracks than most games, have stories interesting enough to keep my attention (though Genshin really makes this aspect difficult to enjoy), have surprisingly good world building and the characters unabashedly appeal to me both in design and writing. Some more so than others but the point stands.
Anybody who denied Erlking was a complete and utter spastic moron, even worse are the people who kept making comparisons to farmwatch despite them not waiting until the last event to at least finish and Heathcliff clearly not getting an in-season ID
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So let me understand this, director has a literature title from a top tier richfag University.
His parents helped him get a coffee shop for hags in a rich Korean district were he used to work and the place eventually became the PM restaurant.
Then for some reason he made 2 bangers of a game out of the blue.

And now that he went full jew mobage he's getting sued by two artists, constantly behind schedule, the game is kinda shit and hes falling apart(?)?

Dude could've just made a Kankan3333 VN and a EO District
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i denied erlking because he was like, literally the bad guy. we're getting control of the literal villain of the story, not just a disposable image like the other IDs

i was expecting something original that we didn't get to fight before like Nclair or something
Hope posters are the biggest slurpers I have seen. If the director started a weg scam that updated once every half a year they'd clap and call it kino.
Imagine being the guy who starts limbus company in 2033 and you need 6,000,000 thread and 1,000,000 egoshards to catch up in time for the new railway, you need to top up your lunacy to catch up to Walpurgisnacht 177, and you don’t understand the deep lore implications of introducing the new character Jesus “The God Gaze” Christ in the newest Paradiso canto
gacha game newbies are never expected to get everything in only a month

Say no more f a m, count me in.
>Warp Express Sweeper IDs
>WildHunt Heathcliff
Would have liked it to look more different from the story version but still cool
>EGO Suits Funeral Butterflies and Spider Bud
Butterflies is okay, not the most exciting looking EGO suit but the animations will probably be cool, love me some more Ryoshu Spider Bud though
>Devyat (Rodya)
>Zwei West
Frankly I don't know why old railways aren't open for newer players to at least get their feet wet in "hard" content and they can get a basic ass season designated ticket and some thread for their troubles
*In addition to the whole player lore thing where you're expected to have the context of all the canon grind events which include railway
>kino futa story in the city
make it so
>he thought they'd pass up the opportunity to give heathcliff an identity of an in-story heathcliff identity antagonist
>when his greatest enemy was always himself
nigga got no rhyme
Am I a doomsissy if I point out that the director only talked about how he wants to tell interesting stories for 10 years, and he doesn’t actually have a realistic plan on how to keep the game fun for 10 years, and his small team doesn’t have enough game design experience to make engaging game mechanics for 10 years? The devs already went full retard with the sanity system and we’re one (1) year into a supposed 10-year development cycle, but these 40 people are going to re-design the game from the ground up and fix everything, right sisters? Trust the plan.
I really hope spider bud, shows off more of ryoshu's motherly side.
Also yeah I kinda wish the west section's armor was more historical inspired rather than generic Asians making "European" fantasy armor
Mostly outdated ideas of trying to make FOMO Events. They said they wanted to re-run railway events way back when but it's clear that's never going to fly since everyone is used to weekly/biweekly new shit. They might aswell just make it available for everybody like the Walpurgis fights.
I honestly expect red sinking and blue rupture to exist in like a year or two.
>The 10 years is a joke bro haha
Do you retards understand dev times?
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the sacred se7en
Ah I see, heard Genshin has some fun gameplay.
It will become 9 after the artists are forced into slave labour in hhpp
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This is what I would look like if I was in the City.
>MUH Dante copy
Fuck you. Looks cool to have a mechanical head.
I much prefer the old zwei aesthetic compared to the knight shit
The new egos look very metal gear rising inspired
Y- w- I-- You're suddenly by hero.
Yes, and you can continue to look at fat sheboons telling you how you haven't checked your white privilege correctly!
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>im here to kill skibidi toilet and a few aberrations
Next canto in october btw
No voices until then :)
>Not Company, Team...
>...And the FUCKING DEBT SLAVES that we recently acquired through the lawsuit.
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Nice scuffed, unprofessional, half assed, and genuinely one of the best developer livestreams I've watched limmbbaabs
It could have been more soulful, projected the PowerPoint onto a whiteboard and draw the stuff on it that way.
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I loev Laetitia
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Is Vellmori or whoever cute enough to be a waitress?
Can I get the summary of the livestream?
In terms of the artist "drama", seems like PM is 100% in the right and there is no real drama as a result.
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>New game implausible unless is in colaboration with other devs.
>we have 10 more entire fucking years of this chinkgook goyslop
I honestly cannot imagine what kind of people would do dailies and invest 10 fucking years in a single game, let alone a garbage autobattler low quality gachaslop shovelware one
Genocide gachacucks who enable this shit
I appreciate his honesty about what he thinks as his personal failings when looking at expanding the company, and running things as they are right now. I just hope that if they do end up having to collaborate with other companies to develop games along Limbus that it doesn't result in the collab company starting to mix-in and shift the way PM has been doing things so far. Granted it's not that PM has been doing business in perfect fashion but I do prefer them trying their own thing and not just opting for what everyone else is doing.
Director spent like 40 min drawing on a power point and at one point turned into a vtuber.

Warp train and erlking next month, don chapter in Oct.
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Holy shit a bongbong made it to TOP6 at EVO
What's this 10 years shit people are talking about?
freemium multiplayer ruins exploration DNF clone by nexon in 2031
please be excited
I hate fighting games that aren't CHADgon CHAD Budokai games, but I'd learn it all just to WASH all of you and earn the right to challenge El Director in a 1v1.
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How do we tell them to make a short A Corp office wagie simulator instead
when did he get so fat?
>we're getting control of the literal villain of the story, not just a disposable image like the other IDs
Did you just mind-wipe N cop Kromer Faust?
Inferno, purgatorio and paradiso limbus will last 10 years.
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When he started eating nipponese AV actress ass
Long story short, director basically said that the way he is now he is unable to see PM grow as a company that would both allow them to develop two games at once and also allow him to see the people working under him as people instead of just employee #129. They will probably figure something out eventually.
>New content here >>683793541
>RR4 style battles as the new baseline.
>Shit's fucked up, no new games in sight.
>Making a gacha was a mistake and Director knows it.
behead all gacha apologists
faust's sanity restoring handjobs
i don't think you understood what i meant at all
kromer faust =/= kromer the person we fight
erlking = erlking the person we fight
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>that cracker skin under them cheap ass grips
Ain't me putting her in place, y'all wilding
>you will never get a nursing handjob from laetitia
Didnt watch the livestream, so no walpipi until the next canto?
this but road home
Road home doesn't have arms...
Yes, and?
Doomgods won, since PM stuck in gacha hell
>Kinda want to make new game
>Have no manpower to spare for it
>Don't want to hire new stuff
>If new title arises it would be in crossover with another team
>Meaning quality goes down the toilet even more
>Plus even more copyright and legal disputes and drama in the future
Enjoy your gacha
Walpipis in September
out of 10!
Is it just me or is that hand photoshopped in?
Warp event in 2 weeks (the 8th)
Erlking banner
Walpurgisnacht in September (Solemn Lament Yi Sang 000, Spider Bud Ryoshu 000, Mystery Nigga EGO (probably Greg))
Devyat Rodya 000 + Bygone Days EGO
Zwei West section ID 000
Don's canto in October
Thanks I will.
>Thinly veiled
looks normal to me
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C'mon, stop clinging to your fAith and listen to the voices.
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You really wanna tell me they're different? Just like captain ahab ish?
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No, I won't. Doomsharts always lose.
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Oh I'm listing the voice alright, the voice in my head that's me and me alone.
I really dislike how Devyat and Zwei West looks
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road home always had arms and qoh always had 5 fingers
Hopeslurpers would eat the directors feecees if he said it was part of the franchise btw.
can I get a qrd on what happened?
why can't i extract The Pequod Captain Ishmael?
Kino stream with a roadmap. Confirmation we won't get any games besides limbus, and subtle confirmaton that at best we'll be stuck playing limbus for 10 years and at worst 20.
Where the 00's at?
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me after they reveal the PM arena fighter at TGS 2025
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I'm uninstalling but unironically.
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>Surge of Schnaa art from this one stream
All is good in the world
Monzo was brutally decapitated on stream.
BLUNDERlab retcon patch for Ruina confirmed.
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And he can change his mind again. My faith is unshaken.
Ok, explain how story Erlking Heathcliff makes sense as Heathcliff's ID after we beat his ass. Also explain the contradiction it makes with Limbus Wuthering Heights IDs.
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i look like this
y'know it was depressing as fuck seeing that the gacha is just gonna keep going with no new game but the team seems so fucking burnt out I could see them just eosing it out of frustration
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>Project Moon is different bro trust me, they won't be Type-Moon 2.0
>becomes Type-Moon 2.0
It’s not Erlking, but just a guy who looks like him
It's Arcsys not Bamco nigga

I wouldn't be surprised if Director saw F/Samurai Remnant and let Koei make a game like that though
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Him having the horse and the coffin clearly implies it is the same Erlking
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No it’s clearly Wild Hunt Heathcliff
I don't think they're gonna get arcsys to make a game for them because that wouldn't be cheap enough
Why is it so fucking big?
Mine's not like that...
Was Fate ever good? I never touched it btw.
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>'ick on eckposter is also a PMfag
Even worse, he uses Sunshower Heathcliff in his sinking team.
once, briefly, and it has coasted on that former glory and fleeting glimpses of a return to it ever since
Frustration? More like passing out.
Motivation can only get you so far.
They already stealing /v/chad oc
How about you tell me why he's wearing an eyepatch now
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Sex with FemLu
Man, these threads will really just be: Play LC and LoR and watch only some of the cantos on youtube. Aren't they?
All i see is discord speak?
>gets free sammies for life at HHPP
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>W train event
>Jae-heon looking Faust
the T corp box is the killer
Favorite character?
What are the Tevyat and West Zwei updates going to be about that justifies spending a whole month in them?
disagree. the reason I like PM is that the tell stories in vidya that actually make use of the vidya medium. there are many kino moments that are only such because they are gameplay, and not just cutscenes.

type-moon never really left its VN roots, and that shows in how divorced story tends to be from gameplay.
It's Philip (I like to watch)
Skiptards wish. Canto 4, 5 and 6 alone already surpasses Ruina in length
So what Jae-heon Faust thinks about W Corp Faust?
How does any Heasucriffu ID make sense after we erased Cathy and drastically altered the course of their life.
Maybe ID Erlking is after the story, no reason we wouldn't be able to summon and use him. Limbus WH IDs could be taken from before the main story. Might even be the same for Erlking.
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For perspective on 10 whole ass years of Limbus:
Arknights is 5 years old
FGO is 9 years old
Granblue is 10 years old
Lobotomy Corp came out 6 years ago
>How does any Heasucriffu ID make sense after we erased Cathy and drastically altered the course of their life.
Re-read the end of Canto 6.
Too fucking round. Must be a disciple or a deranged cultist following in his footsteps like The musicians of Bremen are.
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Patiently waiting for their 4X game.
Maybe the Tommery train survivor?
>We arent planning to expand the team
>DD game is implausible unless we expand the team or outsource
Guys my faith is waning.
Haha... long ways to go Limbros!!! Remember to keep fAith hehehe
What do you mean?
KJH will outsource
...to the Project Moon teams in other mirror realities
My faith is everlasting, they’ve been cooking so far.
How the hell do the 2 retarded artists think they're going to somehow nab the copyright on Leviathan and Wonderlab?
10 more years
Faith slurpers will eat up limbus slop even if the writing starts to plummet .
theyre women
What the fuck?
i wasnt here yesterday, what did i miss beyond vergilius apparently being non-canon now
O-other games will come during Limbus.. surely...
They got autistic korean ultra sjws behind them
they are backed by pmua(the guys that stirred drama last year and bought trucks) and they think they can get a settlement out of this
I think they're redesigned sweepers, or probably just from a different family than the ones in Ruina
Considering the eyepatch its probably a Heathcliff that got his eye ripped out by hindley and dedicated his life to crushing wuthering heights out of hate
Sweepers are 100% water in the suits, it shouldn't be them
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>vergilius apparently being non-canon now
Blunderlab and Leviathan artists are being backed by PMUA to stir shit again, but will mostly likely lose to PM it's so clear cut. Only the very most retarded twittertroons are defending them this time around

The director did a funny livestream a few hours back and swapped to his old dog avatar halfway in while dropping a lot of info and manic mspaint scribbles. Doomsisses are still reeling
Best case scenario is a decade, worst case scenario is 20 years. The most likely scenario would be 12-13 years.
there is simply no way they can keep this shit up for 10 years. Dude looks like a used up dish rag and I imagine his team is similar
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>i am not worthy
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Yummy! Brolybro who also happens to be a DonCHAD btw.
You needs to know every team member very personally so that he can threaten them with a chair most effectively
Am I supposed to feel bad about this? That we have conformation that Limbus won't EoS for 10 years?
What if director EOS early and makes paradisio it's own stand alone game.
It’s the Beast Hunt Heathcliff from the Wuthering Heights IDs, duh.
He left Wuthering after ripping off Gregor’s arm then we see Outis, Faust and Ishmael preparing for his return with Gregor who was training hard, it culminates with Ryoshu story showing he’s finally back for round 2, if he’s missing an eye, either Gregor or Ryoshu injured him during the final fight.
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the only hope for another game is:
>Limbus EOS due to burn out
>Limbus EOS to continue it as a single player game
might drop this series entirely just from this stream this shit sucks ass
Why did you exclude Limbuschads from the OP?
Still salty, outiskek? 10 more years, remember that.
>might drop this series entirely
you already have if you're talking about eos
>falseflagging DD bitch acting stupid
>might drop this series entirely
You already weren’t playing Limbus, what other game were you going to play?
I've read every single post in this thread and this was correct. I'm out of here, I have more important things to do like choosing my league starter in the new PoE league
I'm fucking ecstatic if he really has a vision he feels is worth sticking to for 10 years
We're gonna experience some crazy shit
>I've read every single post in this thread
Even the steam deck one?
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+ 3 playthroughs or lobco + 4 playthroughs of ruina
Thanks, prince
I pray that God will save our souls from the 10 years of gachatorment
My faith? Unshakeable
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My soul is already sAved.
Either stealing playtime screen caps from others or a genuinely sad individual exhibiting battered wife syndrome.
wtf chat is this real?
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>Project Moon's extremely autistic director working with a larger studio to provide a different time of game

I can already imagine the director breaking down and cutting all ties with the development company the moment anything goes wrong
forgotten so immediately
right now he has money to sustain years of constant EOS flop, he won't have that if he hires more people, so the guards needs to grow a bit
plus, hiring more will eventually come at the cost of being less an indie team and more a AA team, and I don't think you have noticed but he is no suit, he's an autistic vtuber indie dev that cripples under peer pressure, he is not the kind of man who can grow the company like that and it may take some time before he becomes the man who can
Why are you BLACK?
>10 years of gacha trash
It's over.
Bros don't worry, the director will snap and make paradiso it's own game.
Wait are the zwei and the delivery mfs gonna be 2 intervallos or something?
any hopes for a new game and/or new side content, or it'll be only limbus from now on?
No, just 2 banners
he doesn't give a shit he just has actual autism and posts that in every gacha thread
It's kinda amusing how a silly Vtuber model can be that manipulative.
director tried to expand the side content by collabing with other creators and got burned for it
>and posts that in every gacha thread
Ah, a genshitter, I regret engaging in good faith
>Main team is 45 people, HHPP is 7, I dont want to expand any more because otherwise I will start to see my employees as just numbers and I wont be able to connect, I want my team to feel like a tight knit team of associates working together instead of taking care of faceless employees
>Due to that we are still very much in the "idea" level for the DD game, we wont get on it unless we either expand or outsource to a bigger company.
That's basically the gist, I still dont understand how he would plan to outsource if he still feels the need to micromanage every single detail.
It's over.
But wait, if he still just wants to do whatever he wants with a small team who won't go under even after three years, this also means he can just stop Limbus whenever he wants and work on an actual new game, r-right?
i want to be a pm employee and help director to expand...
Do you promise not to sue him?
there's no fucking way anything will get done with another studio lets not kid ourselves. And even if they did it would suck ass
hmm nyo
So you're saying that if I make a fan game and send it to director, he might sign his name under it?
>Tried to work with two outsiders for a webcomic and a manga
>Forced to change course midway from a manga to a novel
>Now both artists are trying to take his IPs from him
Yeah, I would feel burned out too.
PM should collab with EMMM to make another game
>wants to keep the SOUL intact
>but also wants to endure 10 more years of gacha hell development, competing with Type-Moon, Mihoyo, Nexon, Kadokawa, Shueisha and the rest of the gambling cabal
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
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Doombitches, our response?
I would assume that at this point they have managed to prove to themselves than jumping into the gachamarket was possible and are invested in making the game as enjoyable as possible. Just throwing the whole thing away seems rough even if the purpose was to start making another game, especially so if their plans included continuing to release some smaller side-stories about the setting in Limbus while whatever game was supposed to come after would focus on other things. It's not like they are in any real hurry to come up with a way to start making a new game, besides with the part of the fanbase who haven't touched Limbus because of the gachastigma who would prefer any other kind of game. But anyway, I figure at some point they will come to a solution how to handle the situation, all there is for me is to have faith.
KJH has a discord?
i care not for anything the w*stern community has to say
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They'll just ask help to big companies.

They probably wanted to stay on the indie side with small creators, artists and more but as you said, he got fucked over it. So now he'll search for collaborations with not schizopathic mongoloid single people.

So... Arcsys fighting game confirmed.
He joins community discords and is appointed as a high moderator in those servers but he barely interacts if ever unless to do interviews(like the HamHamPangPang interview)
He's on one of the biggest Western PM Discords
Does Arcsys only do fighting games?
any vod of the stream? i want to watch it later
>Arcsys fighting game
fuck that, they should collab with MAGES to make the DD VN
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Mostly, but they also helped PM with the LoR port.
They could also ask Arcsys for connections for other companies that'd fit their style more
On youtube, Official PM Channel. Also take this aswell.
they also made a contra
Honestly if I was in charge of a team as small as PM and also wanted to work with a smaller team + reach out to some artist individual or two to create some other content, and afterwards they start a whole shitstorm about taking me to court I would be really fucking exhausted as well. I doubt PM doesn't have money for court, but if the other side manages to crowdfund their court costs just because of online outrage supporters it is looking like a long and tiring fight in court, even if the evidence would support PM as heavily as it seems to at the moment.
>Also, this ID, will be RODION. I will just tell you which sinner will get it.
With this another Bygone Days EGO will be added.
I expected a teaser not an outright spoiler.
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there is just no fucking way they keep this shit up for a decade. Director looked like he got jumped in an alley and dunked in crisco before hopping on stream and youre telling me they plan to keep going for 10 years?
Gentlemen, what are your predictions for ids in 10 years? What stupid gimmick will they tack onto ids.
They'll introduce new mechanics over time
Instant kill, decent chance against mooks at base, chance increases with stacks of bleed or something
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>it's real
Imagine being a doombitch in the current year.
they use your mic to define their sin type
He literally got jumped by PMUA taking Leviathan rights yesterday.
What the fuck is that code language
what does that mean
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A bot replies with a pic.
what is quenepa
I fucking kneel holy shit
HOPEgods theme.
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I think it's a type of lemon.
These guys were saying random fruits and he tuned in randomly to say what I guess is his favorite.
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The moment naiga breaks is when you know its over.
the blind idolization of this guy will lead to the companies downfall, mark my words
wish he could just work in silence in keep pumping out games/updates
Posting discord screenshots? How far these halls have fallen.
Favorite character?
He has nothing else to hold on to now BESIDES the dumb faith meme, no way to look good to the fanbase after announcing 10 years of gachaslop. You just have to hold on to the people willing to slurp up your shit even after that.
Farmwatch, why?
Child of the galaxy
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>he doesn't know
Philip, not joking btw.
You zoomers need to explain to me whats the problem with VoIP programs, this was never the case with raidcall,mumble,TS,etc.
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That's my main problem with "faith" and "hope" posters. They are just blindly praising the director for everything he does.
Sure smells like Whitenight in here.
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what did he mean by WARP Heathcliff
Warp and then Heathcliff.
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>Hod avatar
What did he mean by this?
He said enter to appeal to the redditors who stole it btw.
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Watching over this thread like a fucking hawk.
Discord is no mere voice channel program, it basically took over all forums plus you get people making their private groups, lowering the quality of discussion of everything in general . It's not like reddit where you reply to posts, so it's easier for communications. There's tons of sikret clubs that post here you'll never find out about.
>You zoomers
You're also a zoomer if you were born after 1995 btw.
Don't get me wrong, I use it to chat with my friends and play with them, but as the other anon said nowdays Discord hurts gaming as a whole.

Want to stay updated on X game? Must join the Discord bro. Want some info about this game? Join the Discord. Technical issues? Discord server bro. Oh, but not that one, this other one.

It just gatekeeps all info.

Also it's a chink spyware botnet.
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This would've happen regardless with Raidcall or some other program.
>Want to stay updated on X game? Must join the Discord bro. Want some info about this game? Join the Discord. Technical issues? Discord server bro. Oh, but not that one, this other one.

Never happened to me and i've never seen a game that forced you to join a server just to keep up with the updates.
I understand why Discord has become so fucking popular for game devs, but the worst thing it has done is that people host some important files like patches, fixes etc. to games only on their Discord, but way too often I come across dead links because people don't seem to realize that stuff doesn't stay there forever.
>i've never seen a game that forced you to join a server just to keep up with the updates.
For me it's literally everyone arcade game on Starcraft because these faggots hide patch notes and go
>tehee if you want to know what I added this update you gotta join the server
>Never happened to me and i've never seen a game that forced you to join a server just to keep up with the updates.
Big names don't do it but I see it often with indie devs.

Also in general, imagine needing technical help for a game. You check Steam, absolutely nothing. Reddit is also dead. What's next? You have to join the 50 different Discord fan servers about the game to find anything useful.

In older times, you'd type that on Google and find it almost immediately. And Google got fucked too by the way kek
i believe in the director's vision, the road will take us through hell but i have faith that morning will eventually come
>10 years ago
>google problem
>[gayming forum] X PROBLEM SOLVED
>enter the thread
>I pm you the fix ;^)
it's not even new information that they're not working on anything right now, didn't he say the same thing a year ago or something? people are retarded to think that they will ever stop their investment into their cashcow, every other project is literally never-ever now and that has been apparent for anyone over room temperature iq
It used to be a funny joke from here but naturally redditors and tourists ruined it
>implying platinum is what it used to be
might as well tell the developer to work with bioware or obsidian at this point
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PM, please work with Weather Forecast so we can get really weird but cozy occult shit
Well fuck all my hope is gone. Wake me up in a decade cuz Im out
Thing is letting you share images, gifs, videos etc in a chatroom had unexpected consequences. I can't find a better example for this discourse than the english-speaking community for this series. After discord exploded in popularity they all became giga memesters, unable to speak in any other way but ironically. Symptoms of a pseudo-niche community sure, but still. This ended up spreading to other sites in the end. I don't believe this would've happened with just twitter.
PM, please work with Sony so we can have a truly inclusive AAA gaming experience.
10 years with no hope of other stuff besides spin-offs by other devs is new info
See you in 2 weeks for Warp Corp event.
What are the chances they will get western brainrot like capcom did and collaborate the next game with literally who indie tranny studio which will make a tumblrshit vn with little to no deckbuilding elements?
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>got two of the infinity stones
I'm feeling SO powerful right now.
How do I into wuxia?
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>Director working with trannies after the BLUNDERlab incident
Not happening, PM has always been, and will always be, a chud-core series.
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Watch Thunderbolt Fantasy
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>Mindlessly refreshed the store after noticing Lunar Memory was on sale
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>west section of zwei dress like western knights
>no 000 Ishmael at all this season
Just cope that you didn't want easy mode dungeon
So who will get their ID?
Not just Zwei, the entire West section dresses as european knights, just like how The North section dress technowear and South section are suit wearing dweebs.
She got Liu and Pequod last season, settle down.
>Mersault dressed up as a big ass knight carrying a buster sword
Yep, I'm thinking kino
It would be neat to get the current Zwei IDs just moved up in the ladder to a different section and having their stories progress
Not Heath, Rodya, Ishmael, Greg, Don or Sinclair
>Western Knights
>Big sword
>Not shield and sword/blunt weapon
Lame as fuck
It'll probably be Don
like how Heath got Oufi right before his season
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According to translation whoever gets the Bygone Days ego will be who gets this ID
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Don doesn't look like West Zwei here
>having expectations
Did you learn nothing from Oswald? The announcement of 10 years just flowed over me. No disappointment, no excitement l, just acceptance.
Like, okay, sound, it is what it is.
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Based living in the moment chad
new CONFIRMED info, again, if you're not retarded you could see the writing on the wall as early as the announcement of limbus being a gacha - this has always killed studios, or rather, lulled them into doing nothing else
I think shift-up legitimately might be the first developers to use their gacha money to create something worthwhile
>to create something worthwhile
They didn't do that, though?
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Bro your Grub?
alright, I haven't played it myself since i'm not a snoyfag, but what i meant by that was: at least they didn't continue to waste their whale-money on hookers and blow
i don't wanna have any more expectations, there's no point in doing that
how OP is this gonna be
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>"We are now financially stable, we used to think about going high, but now we want to go far."

>"Even if I get a lot of money, what do I want to do with the money? Its to make a game company
So i decided to just go with it as is"

>"Some people critique with “is this a joke” “do you think a company is a club”
>"But I will run it like a club, and there won’t be issues."

>"So not short but strong but long and thin?? Stable??"

>"So the goal is to consistently and diligently make games, with fun stories as a small-scale game dev company."

>"Anyways that is it."
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10 years?! Is director retarded? What the fuck projects last 10 whole years? Dude is in for a rude awakening
And then he worked on gacha for 50 years until he passed away
the end
doomgods won btw
>Puzzle and Dragon
>Monster Strike
>Dungeon Fighter
>Ultima Online
>World of Warcraft
>etc etc etc etc
hopes are just empty dreams, expectations will never get you where you want
Grubble just recently celebrated it's 10th anniversary
this so much this
>making all battles focused going forward and balancing fights around sinners dying and being replaced mid-fight
So everything up until this point has been an experimental beta right?
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what is that
all of those are shit btw
Blue Archive will.
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>Funeral of the Dead Butterflies
We've basically reached the Urban Nightmare equivalent so yes.
dj Yi Sang
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>"Even bigger companies are envious of our employees, so they will be fine. Maybe not me but they’ll be fine."
>10 years
>Canto VII after a year and a half
>Year 4(?) Canto XII releases
>6 more years of ??????????????
i don't get it either but we'll see
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>What the fuck projects last 10 whole years?
The good ones.
I think it's tools he'll need for repression work since it's the logo on the box.
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WTF are you talking about? Damn near most half-decent online games last at least that long.
once we form our nascent soul and break the void and go into the upper realm into the real City we'll start over again from the bottom
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.........i'm a retard and didn't make the connection until this very moment.
i'll excuse myself.
reminder that this will also allow them to make you fight WAWs and ALEPHS with insta-kill attacks (they will piss you off to no end but you can't complain since you just get a new sinner)
there's no arguing with the 10 year fags, these people want a job rather than a game, a finished product, a polished story. they want to be continuously fed because they have nothing else happening in their life
I'd rather have 5 different games myself, btw, but this is just sad
nigger what, you are LITERALLY Dante
have you looked at the menu for selecting story stages too?
How will Wild Hunt Heathcliff's revive work if your Sinners will just get swapped out when they die now
I could see him chaining the sinners he revives to himself to attack alongside him like Ahabmael but it could also be a simple "Sinner is alive now, go to the back of the queue for reinforcement"
I look like this and say this and I'm waiting for Director to release my wife Dalloc from that vile m*chine's clutches
>Nameless Fetus fight where you need to sacrifice a sinner to make the fight more bearable
>unlike the Doom Calendar, sacrificing a sinner just fucking kills them.
I hope they aren't forced insta-kills, I want a reason to use tank ids
They do a S1 whenever he does a S1, S2 when he does one.
Most "10 year fags" also want PM to make a complete game again, retard. They themselves have said that it is currently logistically unlikely and at the moment they will only be able to proceed Limbus' development 100%, it isn't exclusionary. The hope is that they will eventually be able to do both
He just goes afk and lets the revived sinner fight for awhile
haha what if dante sent faust to be deathraped by [CENSORED] to draw attention while other sinners beat it up but dante forgot he's gonna have to feel that when rezing her wouldn't that be funny lol
>Abno fight where the abno frontloads all of his attacks in the first 5 or so turns so you need to bring tank IDs to endure long enough to preserve your backline until the boss tires and opens itself for a counter-attack
finally tank Ids are viable
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I dropped limbus a couple months ago ("gameplay" is overwhelming boring) what's the tldr for the current drama?
Artists are retards.
As usual.
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The best rendition of Limbus' gameplay is now being standardized for the whole game.
Uptie 5 soon (250 thread + 100 unit shards + 250 lunacy cost)
BLUNDERlab an FANFICiathan authors having melties.
10 more years of SHITbus GACHAny, hopefully with other games somehow made alongside it.
Don tanked that btw
tranny wants to steal PM content and claim it for itself
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this and all it does is give you +1 base power to everyone's skill 1
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Am I correct in understanding that virtually zero progress has been made on any of PMs non-Limbus projects for the last few years?
The other game in question? Non canon fighting game where Philipbros flock to.
Yep yep yep, gacha slop for a decade. Two if the pace gets really bad.
I can't see how doomkeks can recover after hearing Director saying that he wants to treat the company like a gang and take everybody on expensive flights to conventions just to be happy about the reception of the game and if the company fails he will do Mukhbanks and video games streams while not worrying about the team because other companies are jealous of his team and would hire them on the spot
Philip with an install and honest footsies gameplay, garbage low tier
Oswald just spams projectiles and gimmicky shit like the clown it is, completely ignores the core gameplay of game and is tier 0
God, the timing for them couldn't have been worse. Imagine trying to release a statement during the anniversary of the velmori incident to attentionfag only to get instantly countered and then be completely overshadowed by Director's scuffed stream.
They've said like 6 months into Limbus that they weren't going to make other games for now.
Where are you retards coming from? This is old news.
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>did someone say insta-kill attacks?
No no, you don't get it. You won't get Philip (forma ruina,) we'll get 2 philips. One of them will be a rush down and the other one will be a zoner. And you can shill out 20 dollars to buy the philip (partial ego) dlc
>doombitches uninstalling AGAIN
KJH literally said that there was a chance to work with BIGGER colaborators, methinks their experience with the artists for WL and Leviathan made any chance to work with smaller creators radioactive to them.
Artists deserving of public executions
They increased their team size atleast. I remember someone counted that they had around 30 people(not including HHPP) in their team.
should've hired kankan
Just like LC and LoR!
IIRC LoR doesn't have instakills that aren't part of cinematic
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I've been waiting for some sort of info on, at the very least, the DD game for a year ever since before TGS 2023, and we just learned they've done literally nothing.
How could i not doom?
Honestly? Yeah. He's a schizo and a ticking time bomb but his work in that webtoon shows that he isn't a sissy that jobs to simple deadlines. Even if he does schizo out, it'll probably be something unrelated to PM.
>>"But I will run it like a club, and there won’t be issues."
But there have been issues all the time since its inception.
Who are you maining for the LC fighting game? For me it will be smile.
3 Philips, this one as a story mode boss that becomes unlockable later
Well fuck the bird of judgment fight then.
He said he promises info no matter how small on October/November when the anniversary of Project Moon is
Bro, I just cheesed the fight. I don't even remember the gimmick
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Forgot image
The fault lies with Ishmael
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I quit paying any attention to PM after Limbus launched, instead waiting for and looking forward to pic related instead. I'm disappointed, to say the least.
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>it isn't exclusionary
Garnet with Roland install
He's the non canon dlc character.
one of my imported OC nuggets from my LC save
So with how W Corp train works being almost public knowledge what will W Corp do? I can't see how W Corp isn't a public knowledge if there is puppeteer fanboys targeting trains specifically.
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>The info in question
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>have to wait AT THE VERY LEAST a decade until we get info on whether or not these two games are being made
If HHPP gets an overseas branch it will unironically decimate all the doomfags and I'm not joking.
LC-B was made into Limbus IIRC
Which is a shame IMO, I was HYPED for LC-B.
>You get to eat korean food but in AMERICA
Also, the director probably won't make an oversea branch.
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I know that but they can still use those same ideas for another game center around a different team and story
The only other place they'd ever make a HHPP would be Japan.
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>Also, the director probably won't make an oversea branch
I never understood what his weapon was
He wants to stay in touch with people and have a small knit group. It would be much harder to maintain that unless he did face calls everyday with the american hhpp
I'll be another honest Yesod main
>I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: BLUNT EDITION
>Passes you the BLUNT
Its a staff, the ones monks stereotypically use in media. This is because his distorted form represents a buddhist monk, contrasting his EGO Form which was an incomplete Templar Knight.
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>LC-B was made into Limbus
The first branch of HamHamPangPang to open in the west will be in Belgium.
Bosnia, actually. And it will be next door from my house.
>We made Limbus so we can have steady money income to make other games
>We have steady income but we won't expand
>Since we won't expand it's hard for us make other games
Faithfags will eat that up and ask for more, btw
I still don't understand why Pequod Ishmael does burn and what the purpose of Overheated Gas Harpoon is.
>Faithfags will eat that up and ask for more, btw
I will, thank you very much.
>ask for more
More like, ask for less lol. Enjoy gacha for 10 years.
they don't need faithfags anymore they have gacha players
Burn represents an outburst of emotions. So you can take it as Ishmael feeling ecstatic that she's getting closer towards her hunt for the Crimson Whale.
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People said Oswald, butI have a feeling these guys would be the most obnoxious character to fight.
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The plAn is in shambles, all hope is lost.
>puppet character where the lil guy is the main character who zones and the puppet is his big buddy
would be a pain.
>So you can take it as Ishmael feeling ecstatic that she's getting closer towards her hunt for the Crimson Whale.
OR.... her Harpoon literally works off gas, as you can see a flame in it on the CG and uptie art. And the passive trigger is called "Overheated ***GAS*** Harpoon.
I'm just wondering why there's burn in her kit when it does nothing.
argalia to make zoners seethe when i ignore their projectiles
just wait for 10 years lol
The status' in every sinner is deliberately placed because they have some sort of meaning. Not just for practicality of the kit. Why do you think W Don has random 2 and 5 rupture in her S1 and S3s?
That entire kit is a mess of questionable decisions, shame too. I love the voicelines.
lots of IDs have random stuff for lore reasons. not everything has to do with game balance
>people thinking we won't get a new cast for a fighting game
Remember that it has to be canon, how do you canonize Gebura fighting Roland
Man with black silence mirror identity vs woman with red mist mirror identity
Training, clones, light bullshit
>this can explain why they can fight and be on the same tier as a rat
Ok fine.
How will hopekeks refute this? They got the money that they needed after Ruina
And now that money will be used to...fund limbus? Get real
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i don't see why gebura and roland couldn't be sparring in the outskirts post-banishment
>10 years of nothing but gacha except for maybe an outsourced fighting game or some garbage like that
>Doomgods supposedly lost
Only if you're a SEAmonkey who plays nothing but gacha and unironically Limbus is a good game.
and unironically think limbus is a good game?
Was that what you meant to say.
you agree Limbus is a good game so what are you complaining about?
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Skidaddle, doomkek. It's embarrassing at this point.
Is this supposed to be a faithpost or a doompost?
>mfw Canto 110 releases and Dante finally remembers Beatrice (who was actually Outis (nobody) the whole time) and unlocks his Ego, The Love That Moves The Stars
I think he forgot to type in think after unironically
And issues get kicked from the club.
>And unironically Limbus is a good game
when are they going to implement clubs, pvp and club wars?
Reminder, all licensed games are non canon fanfiction.
>Doomcucks leaving the PM fanbase AGAIN
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It is sad that we'll get nothing but limbus for the foreseeable future but what can you do
freudian slip
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1000 years of LimbusKINO
Gentlemen, if PM doesn't wanna make PM games. How about we make our own PM games?
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...is NOTHING compared to one second of Angel of Ruina.
You start making it and I'll join in for abno animations.
>i am getting replies that means I triggered someone
others will just enjoy the game while you just spam these threads dumbfuck
You will be SUED for copyright infringement. You will be BLOCKED on social media. You will be BANNED from the discord. Your POSTS will be LEAKED onto twitter. You have BETRAYED us and STOLEN our intellectual property.
There was that one Detective VN that I thought was really cool. Shame it got taken out. Alterlab looks promising though.
i regret not being able to get into limbus when it was released, gacha isn't for me but i liked the earlier two games
since we're apparently not getting anything for the forseeable future but limbus, should i just install it now?
Im sorry what were you trying to say?
Who the FUCK are you quoting?
No secondaries allowed
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You lost.
Nah, just tell yourself PM went bankrupt and then return after licensed out a fighting game
But he played the previous two games...
Just try it out for a test run. The tutorial(Canto 3) can be completed in less than a week. you can decide if you dont like it or not.
It's never too late, the only content you missed out on was challenge hard modes and some event rewards.
The game only gets somewhat hard on the latter parts, if you struggle we can give you our friend codes so you can borrow our units to have an easier time.
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Kek I know this franchise along with the company is doomed when the gachashit is announced. Try it for a few weeks and drop because of the boring grindy and repetitive gameplay
It's literally just LoR if it was worse btw.
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Damn CEO...
I SKIPPED the story. I do not want to read.
>random cuck fantasies out of nowhere
>"h-h-heh... I k-knew it... *slurps semen*"
You LOVE Limbus Company.
As a doomfag who loved LoR and only played Limbus for a week before quitting, I never expected PM to be so brutally fubared by the monkey's paw to the point of admitting they are stuck in gacha death realm
Rolandbro... not like this...
Whose dog is this
Based Rabbit Heathcliff enjoyer.
Who's playing limbus anyway? Like, just watch the story on jewtube
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Hours and Allegiance, now.
PMfans should do the needful and start a Kickstarter for PM's next (non-gacha) entry, it's the only realistic way of getting them out of this hole without corrupting the franchise with collabs
Is there Laetitia yet or is this game still pointless
Skibidi toiletCHAD, watching the kino prequel instead of video toy slop.
Money isn't the problem you bumbling retard. Go waatch the stream again.
Limbus gameplay is a massive downgrade from Ruina albeit.
based scammer
Gentlemen. How about instead of having limbus company threads we have modded LoR threads instead?
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How do you think it's going to be the ''explanation'' for why Wild Hunt Heathcliff can revive allies and the Head will not just do something? It's not going to be similar to Dante's way of revival. So the drawback is that the sinner that died is going to turn into some sort of 'zombie'' like the army of the wild hunt? We will not control the revived ones like Corroded sinners? What the hell did the Director mean by that?
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Unwavering faithgod.
Fuck you, I WILL back Lobotomy match-three
Same restrictions as Dante, he can only revive the sinners the same way Erlking can only summon Wuthering Heights undeads and Peccas.
They'll be lifeless yeah, but you order Heath to give them orders.
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My team by the way. All vanilla.
What if PM released an rpg maker ntr game? Would faith slurpers be satiated?
Philip~ stop posting, we need to prepare for our performance in the Library.
>Shame it got taken out
Did they really get a C&D?
Why would Malkuth be part of dawn office?
No, I think the changes in making OC just scared them, or it was an excuse to throw away the project.
I was pretending to be Argalia.
Argalia is trans coded because I can't read ~ without thinking about women.
Went from unwavering faith to wavering faith, sorry.
>revive sinners
>but they'll have lobotomized passives and cant use EGOs.
Okay, I dig that.
Suck it and fuck it little bitch
No I did not buy ruina and
>limbus company
>there are only 2 primaries in the entire thread
Primary is only playing lobotomy corporation
Secondary is playing lob corp and library of ruina
teritary is playing LC, LOR and limbus company.
>bump limit
THEY are coming...NIGERO!
>White Damage
Purify the thread
Sorry, anon, but I won't post my records
Findom is really hot.
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Sorry but if you played LobCo after 2020 you are ruinababy trying to fit in.
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Fuck you, here's Angela because you're a cowardly bitch.
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Skibidi Limbus ohio 100 years
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chat..not like this i don't want to be a newfag
Genuinly dunno if I should have fAith or feel doom, fuck Limbus though.
because it's from last season
Canto 5 IDs enter the shop with Canto 7
>Doesn't have full achievements
You didn't beat it.
>he didn't cum inside Lisa
bricked run
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We... we had a good run.
Post an Angela from a real cutscene in LoR and maybe I'll think about posting my records.
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i don't like Limbus but i don't really hate it either
Okay philipxister
...and we will keep having it as long as doomkeks off themselves.
I'm actually a Nemobro but alright.
That was supposed to be a threat. I would never subject anyone to angela except for my worst enemies.
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>already forgotten
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im a faithfag but i really dont want to play this game for 10 years
I don't feel threatened from images coming from unofficial content...
BongBong is reddit
YumYum is 4Chan
Post YumYum, then
BongBong is 4chan
YumYum is 4chan
Don't let the claim shit.
Bongbong is reddit
Yumyum is reddit
Philip is 4chan
Linton is 4chan
Every single PM character is Reddit.
Dr4ke is 4chan.
Is Twitter
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Fuck forgot to remove the reply thingy.
post sex
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Shit is reddit
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Taking a note from my hero
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Ayin won.
BOOM, end the thread
>YumYum is the one to deal with cl*rk
yup yup yup, sge is 4chan
Philip won and will be crowned as the king of hte city.
'lip lost
... the cuckold competition
( | )
^Tiphereth's cunny
The Head declared that Philip is everyone's husband, so that when people have [???] they cuck him.
Your retarded last word ritualpost contest has always been retarded and is better suited for /vg/
Actually, now that Philip is everybody's husband everybody has to have sex with Philip.
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Me at the top and hopecuckholds at the bottom under my knee

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