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I miss handhelds.
Don't you have a phone?
Gameboy advance and 3DS were unfiltered kino of the highest order. I wish I could have had a psp when those were popular
then go out and buy one you retard
just buy a switch you faggot
Smartphones are gay
shartphones are soulless niggergarbage
It's not the same because joycons are dogshit. Not only are they flimsy at the hinges but they drift insanely quickly. If the switch 2 isn't truly portable then I'm probably not going to buy it. Especially with how quickly people cracked and pirated switch games. I mean some of these games people were playing day 1 on PC at a higher framerate.
...when did they leave?
the deck is trash
>It's not the same because joycons are dogshit
Buy a better 3rd party controller
>I mean some of these games people were playing day 1 on PC at a higher framerate.
That's true of almost every handheld console. I was playing Pokémon Gold on my PC in Japanese months before the English release.
next time make it less obvious Tendie
these two systems single handedly killed handheld gaming forever, now all we will ever get from handhelds are oversized tablets.
Thread is about handhelds, not about laptops
Be careful. If you make him mad he'll spam the same 6 reddit screencaps and 4 webms you see in every deck related thread.
make what less obvious? the deck is trash plain and simple that's it that's the whole post
I never had a handheld that suddenly started running at 1/4th it's usual speed after a forced update.
I shouldn't even have to buy a third party controller. It should work right out of the box and from what I've heard most third party controllers drift really quickly anyway.
>Has a solution to the problem
Ok. Nintendo fix them for free too, even includes free shipping.
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I'm saying the problem shouldn't exist in the first place. I never had these issues on previous nintendo handhelds. In fact I dropped those things a fuck ton of times and they still worked afterwards. Meanwhile the switch breaks down with normall casual use. It's unacceptable really and I'm not dumb enough to fall for it twice. They really need to shape up with the switch 2 or I'm not buying
they're more like tablets with controllers
doesn't fit in my pocket
doesn't fit in my pocket
fits in my pocket but i can't mod it
Switch+deck is the best handhelds have ever been and anyone pretending it's not is either a seething poortard or a mentally ill neckbeard degenerate
>It's unacceptable really and I'm not dumb enough to fall for it twice.
So you already bought a Switch, and you are refusing to get the joycons repaired for free...why?
not OP but no the switch is gay
the last handheld that actually fit in the pocket was gameboy micro
>fits in my pocket but i can't mod it
Why not?
switch lite is only hard modable and i don't know how to do that
You mean DS
used psp was dirt cheap you brown
Because it's a hassle and I've just chosen to not use the switch in handheld mode. It's just a TV console for me now. I don't want to have to send the damn joycons in every few months to get fixed.
Yeah but by the time I was even interested it was already incredibly easy to just emulate so why bother? I would buy a new psp if they ever made one but they won't
DS was alright but the 3DS was great
>Because it's a hassle and I've just chosen to not use the switch in handheld mode
You really think it's a hassle to send an email? It's no harder than posting on here
>Every few months
They fix them permanently
browns in /v/ don't even know about hall sticks lmao
I've read what people have said online and despite sending them in they still drift after a while. It's not permanent
it was cheap used when it was all the rage you dirt dweller
i had no money back then and still could afford one
I don't know what you're trying to prove here
>I've read what people have said online
I'm a person online and they fixed them permanently.
Get them fixed retard, it's free, you aren't using the joycons anyway, and you can sell your console for more $$$ with working joycons if you really hate owning it that much.
Literally what's the downside?
>they fixed them permanently
I'm just supposed to believe one guy online when I've seen others say the opposite? I guess it couldn't hurt to send them in though is it's supposedly """free"""
The ps vita and the original 3ds look so good. All of them really, but those two stand out for me
>I guess it couldn't hurt to send them in though is it's supposedly """free"""
It's literally free. They even paid for tracked shipping (at least in the UK).
I got them back in under a week, didn't pay a penny.
that not having a psp when it mattered was a (you) issue
hmm doesn't sound bad then
I will try this
I take full responsibility anon
Take the chinkheld pill.
I had to show them a proof of purchase (screenshot of my receipt email from Amazon). That's the only "hard" part of this
I'll stick to my PSP instead of this soulless shit
For me, it's the PSP and GBA.
Smartphones are shit. I was far better off without one, but like it or not I need it.
Proof of purchase of what? the switch? Damn I bought it in person I don't think I saved the receipt
Yes. It might not be required but have a look
>Didn't keep the receipt
Why not?
Who keeps receipts? The ink fades within a month because the ink they use on those is really cheap. Leave it up to nintendo to require proof of purchase lmao
because receipts are a worthless paper past the return window
I have receipts that are over 20 years old and aren't faded but ok.
Just slide them into the box and forget about them.
>Useless after the return window
Obviously not, as you lack a proof of purchase.
Unless you put your dick on it like you are supposed to
>but like it or not I need it.
You don't.
This. Im getting rid of my smart phone, I just don't use it.
Would rather have a dumb phone with good battery life.
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Embrace the emulation handhelds, anon.
>I have receipts that are over 20 years old and aren't faded
Well maybe they use different ink in the UK because I actually do usually keep receipts but 90% of them fade within a month and the rest don't take much longer. Not even sure why they'd require proof of purchase for something like this. It just goes to show that as I said before a product should simply work right out of the box. If they fuck up like this with the switch 2 I'm just not buying and I've spend a lot of money on the switch so that's a good amount of money they just won't be getting
every normal tech manufacturer identifies hardware through serial numbers for quite a while nobody wants to deal with shady paper from some store
They do the serial number too, I think they ask for both incase you are missing one or the other.
I could fit my DS Lite in my pocket easily, and that was when I was like 12. Get bigger pockets; you're not a woman are you?
you do if you actually work and are not a subhuman neet
Yes I do. Without a cell phone, I cannot work. It's paid for by my company and I only use it for work purposes, but it's still required.
Sex with Vita.
>you do
You don't. What do you think you "need" a smart phone for?
nobody cares that you wore nigger pants when you were 12
ds fits like shit in normal human wear pockets nor you even need to do it when a billion small bags exist
Well I guess I'll try it anyway but this whole situation is still incredibly stupid and avoidable
>Would rather have a dumb phone with good battery life
Doesn't exist anymore thanks to the 2G/3G network shutdown.
Even "dumb" phones have unremovable Facebook and Whatsapp apps installed that track everything you do since they're made for 3rd worlders.
Use a laptop. Don't need a phone for that.
What do you think you "need" a smart home for?
for communication you retard (something that's half your work)
you wouldn't ask such a retarded question if you ever worked a day
You don't NEED teams/slack dumbass. You'll live without them, fucking addict, seek help.
The PSP 2000 was the all time peak of hand helds. Followed by the 1000, then 3000. The DS and 3DS suffered from being an obligatory Pokemon machine while being riddled with shovelware. The vita was a catastrophic flop with no games at all, barely even shovelware to keep it alive.

Third party chinkshit emulators don't even enter the equation.
>Doesn't exist
Yes it does. I bought a phone with a week long battery life. It's one of the new Nokia ones.
>Even "dumb" phones have unremovable Facebook and Whatsapp apps installed
Mine doesn't.
So you can use a regular phone. Thanks for admitting it doesn't need to be a smart phone.
My iPhone SE (1st generation) has a week long battery life and has the 2FA app I need for work. It doesn't get OS updates anymore, but I don't give a shit. I use it for calls, texts, email, and 2FA, that's it.
Everyone likes to act like a dumb phone will stop their Internet addiction, but it won't, having self control will.
Find me a dumb phone with Microsoft Teams and I'll switch.
Don't say "you can use sms and calling!" because my company doesn't work that way. They're not going to cater to me when everyone else use Microsoft Teams.
thanks for further confirming that you're a basement dwelling retard neckbeard who never seen a day of work
now stop replying and embarassing yourself further
I'm sorry what's what mean?
>Can't answer the question
You don't "need" a smart phone. Prove me wrong
Why can't you use a laptop?
>what's what mean?
Confirmed for never having worked a day in your life.
It's how you sign into anything in the modern era.
>Why can't you use a laptop?
Because I'm constantly on the move and need to respond to any communications from my boss or co-workers in under 5 minutes. A phone is far more convenient and works anywhere. A laptop doesn't.
Why would you need a smart phone for that?
Why are the bezels so big on the deck? Thats a lot of empty black screen.
Because some companies have decided that SMS and hardware keys aren't good enough for 2FA and you have to use their specific app, which is only on iOS and Android.
>need to respond to any communications from my boss or co-workers in under 5 minutes.
Why? Not even the emergency services respond that fast.
Sounds like the boss just wants an excuse to keep constant tabs on you.
is the rog ally better alt to deck? specs-wise seems better but still...
Use an android emulator on your laptop retard. You don't "need" a smart phone.
You can install mobile apps on PC so it's a non-issue.
>The PSP 2000 was the all time peak of hand helds. Followed by the 1000, then 3000.
This is the only non retarded thing you said. You're probably a Dissidiafag too.
>"Dissdia is the only good PSP GAEM!!!!!!1!1!!1!"
Or I could just use the phone my work provides for me and not look like a retard when I have to pull out a second laptop at a work meeting in order to sign into my work laptop.
Thanks for admitting you don't *need* a smartphone for this
Why would you need a second laptop for this?
Need? No.
I don't need anything but food, water, and shelter to live.
Need to not look like a fucking retard and keep my job? Yes, yes I do need a smart phone.
Smart phones aren't the reason your life is in the shitter, your lack of self control and inability to not sperg out is.
Because I need 2FA to sign into my work laptop and I cannot install any unapproved applications on it.
Whats wrong with Dissidia?
Put simply: higher highs, lower lows. Steam Deck has better 0.1% and 1% FPS but the Ally peaks higher. The Ally runs on Windows so there are some games it can run that the Deck just can't, but that number is actually pretty small these days thanks to Proton.

Personally the biggest difference is the thumbpads. Having used the thumbpads I 100% cannot go back to Ally, they are awesome (and Steam Input gives you some crazy options for them)
>Need? No.
Thanks for confining I was right (and you were wrong).
You can totally install unapproved applications. Why can't you?
Also how hard is it to ask
>Hey can you approve this app so I can log in without my phone? Thanks.
You can buy a premodded one
>Hey can you approve this app so I can log in without my phone? Thanks.
Damn dude have you not worked a job in like 15 years?
>fits in my pocket but i can't mod it
imagine admitting to being unable to solder mods in lol
I work a senior position at a web development company.
Why do you think you can't ask someone to approve an app? It's easy to whitelist something.
Thank you. I live in a rather 3rd world country so I'm kinda afraid of ordering a Deck and wait to arrive without worrying that it might get stolen in the process and I've found a rog ally ryzen z1 with nearly half the deck's price so I got curious if it's worth it.
Being a shit game you drop after about 10 minutes because it's shit and boring
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Nothing, it's just the fags that say shit like Dissidia/MHFU are the best games on the PSP always spew dumb shit because they are lazy niggers who just emulated the most popular PSP games and didn't look beyond the most popular shit. PSP, DS, Vita & 3DS all have great libraries. Just because (You) are a lazy nigger doesn't mean a console doesn't have any good games.
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I've got a modded lime green 3DS LL. Best handheld imo.
>Hey can you approve this app so I can log in without my phone? Thanks.
2FA is worthless if you have it on the same device you're signing in on. Everybody knows that. No sysadmin worth their salt would ever approve a desktop 2FA app.
>2FA is worthless if you have it on the same device you're signing in on. Everybody knows that. No sysadmin worth their salt would ever approve a desktop 2FA app.
Not necessarily. Why do you think that?
>truly portable
don't tell me you one of those weirdo manchildren that play video games in public
>Especially with how quickly people cracked and pirated switch games
which didn't stop switch from being the best selling console ever, actually having games (which also sell well) and causing infinite butthurt
>a subhuman neet
You keep telling yourself that, but I just refuse to participate in society any longer. People are absolute intolerable scumbags, it's impossible to find work that doesn't drain the soul out of you. And having to carry smartphones around just to participate to begin with? No thanks. You niggers can go fuck yourselves. Pay for my neet lifestyle.
>2FA is worthless
yes. it only exists because kikes want to harvest people's phone numbers and personal data. and it's actually 1FA because your phone number alone can be used to change your password
the only reason they stopped using SMS 2FA was because afticans were milking corpos via sms toll fraud
>it's easier to use a phone
one day your mother will die and you will starve in her basement assuming you won't get kicked out before this moment
can't wait for this you neet parasites are filth
Genuinely, why? The whole point of these small handheld devices was so kids could stick it in their pockets when their parents drag them somewhere they don't want to go like a family reunion or shopping or something. As an adult, if you're out doing something it's because you actually have stuff you need to do, so you're not gonna whip out your gameboy. So it makes sense for these devices to get bigger, since they'll mainly be used at home.
My favorite part about this is it proves piracy doesn't influence the success of a product at all.
NTA but the state pays my rent
>The whole point of these small handheld devices was so kids could stick it in their pockets
kids who cared about their portables bought cases for them which in turn made them too bulky to fit in your pockets
way to out yourself as a secondary
>it proves piracy doesn't influence the success of a product at all.
there's shitload of proof for this exact thing, only in extreme niche cases piracy actually hurts the dev and not just some salty ceo who got a slightly smaller number than (theoretically) possible
gba would be fucking kino if its soundcard wasn't so bad. Going back to emulate gba games is pretty painful. DS holds up well though
>Game Gear and Lynx not pictured
I already know why.
There it is.
>kids who cared about their portables bought cases for them which in turn made them too bulky to fit in your pockets
Untrue. Even my 3DS XL in a case fits in my jeans pockets.
GBA doesn’t have a ”soundcard” it’s all done on the CPU and depends entirely how well the developer allocates resources for sound.
I don't becuse I still use my Vita.
3DS sucks. moonrunes are unreadable on it
all shit with shit games
>buy the shittiest handheld in the market
fair enough. Going back and playing it the sound does not sound great though. Recently emulated Aria of Sorrow and Metroid Fusion, two excellent games, but the sound is just not there imo. same with FFTA
Okay. Still fits in my pocket in a case tho. Just like all the other handhelds I own
both are trash
You can fix the sound settings in your emulator settings. It won't be perfect, but it can get a lot better
i'll try messing with it for my next playthrough. Just closed out DQ3, and now i'm planning on playing parasite eve for the first time
poorfag cope
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do you play with your portable in your pocket faggot? who cares if it doesn't fit? just put it in your backpack or something like kids in grade school
Well yeah that's a moonrune problem, why do you think asia was at the forefront of the world in developing LCD technology? Because they can't read their shitass Chinese derived writing system.
Sure is summer.
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There is the super pocket. Which comes in 4 varaints and uses the evercade cartridges.
not that anon but jesus christ you are being an insufferable contrarian faggot, pls kys
Me being right really upsets people, huh? I wonder why.
potentially comfy thread ruined by underages and chink shills, nice
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>Me being right really upsets people, huh? I wonder why.
>got R36S from bro
>have fun
you miss them by choice
Phones sux
It's called "handheld", not "pocketfit".
Desu depending on what you're wearing a Switch can fit in your pocket. Just take the joycons off.
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They’re gonna make a comeback but they’ll be cloud based
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Z1 Extreme or just Z1? The former is what most people are talking about when they refer to the Ally, the Z1 is even weaker than the 'eck
dead thread
Buy a Switch lite?
>t-that doesn't count
It does.
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The very best chink handhelds are very good now.
Excellent retro-piracy machines that run everything up to PS2/GC (upscaled, with widescreen and framerate/texture improvements depending on the title), plus all Nintendo/Sony handhelds (including a good portion of the Switch and Vita library).
How are 3ds prices in japan? my new xl has a big deadzone in the touch screen so I might try and pick up a new one on vacation
troon lighting basedwars figure says it all really
holy SHIT star wars is based?!
you're right, I should take a better photo showing it in a messy apartment on a dirty table next to a gun with a glued anime figure in the background, rather than stealing a pic from google
i have a handheld for you right here *unzips*
It's the old LCD version.
You can play them on the porch. Or in bed, I guess.

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