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This is a masterpiece. How did Nintendo manage this on the Switch?
These games are only good for the porn they spawned
I dunno man, TotK is offering up gameplay just not possible in other games if you ask me.
Nu-zelda is gay as fuck
Crafting is gay
Open world is gay
Bring back the old shit please I'm done with this bullshit
>See that mountain? You can waste time building a complex machine and spending finite battery units to get to the top of it. What's up there? Umm idk a korok or something I guess?
I couldn't even finish 1 dungeon and I clocked like 100 hours in BoTW
>Bring back the old shit please

You mean the shit that didn't even have a world?
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Some of the best games ever made run on hardware from 2000.
>the old shit didn't have a world because some sections required an item check!
Imagine being this retarded.
What is there even remotely close to TotK?

The only thing even remotely close is BotW and that's still pretty simplistic by comparison.

I'm happy to be proved wrong though. Name some more great games for me.
Previous Zeldas don't have worlds. They have small segmented rooms connected by tunnels and a skybox jpg.

BotW and TotK are the only Zelda games with an actual world.
Genshin mogs this shit
>Genshin mogs this shit

Please don't turn this thread into a seething schizo mess. Go somewhere with your ass-sting.
I still can't believe devs said they can't reach TOTK standard.
The game industry is doomed.
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Don't hold your breath for anyone else to make a game like TotK. It's beyond them.
Imagine if Tears actually had some more meaningful content on the Skylands and a few larger islands like the tutorial area, and actual varied and interesting design/gameplay for the Depths. It'd be game of the decade.
Play something that isn't for nintendo babies.
Ubishit. Because it's ubishit, but Nintendo.
>believing a marketing campaign
Bet you think the "outrage" over Dante's Infermo or Dead Space 2 was real too
>Play something that isn't for nintendo babies

OK name some better games for me then.
Same way they managed BotW? Game runs worse than a 2017 Wii U port.
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>Game runs worse than a 2017 Wii U port.

Runs better than 17fps PS5 games.
It's just Elden Ring but for little kids, are tendies really this easily blown away?
Switch has games, and this fact mindbroke /v/ so hard they've been seething over it for 7 years
Elden Ring is brain dead in comparison to to TotK. You can't even interact with the world around you.
Switch 2 will be as powerful as an RTX 4070 Ti and have this game running at native 4K 60fps with ray tracing.
Elden Ring let you build things?
Not really. Most of it is bad.
Totk is the braindead game, it's ubislop for kids.
Play Besiege, Terra Tech or From The Depths and TOTK "letting you build things" will become clear as the baby shit it is.
is this game actually good or not? i have nothing to do this weekend
Did you like Wind Waker? Because that's what BOTW and TOTK are.
get new material OOTfag
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines
Kino theological story with themes of greed and the inherent corruption of power
Great free form gameplay and character building
10/10 dialogue and characters
Best artstyle of any game ever

Another recommendation is the arkham trilogy which might be an easier pill for nintendo fans since the first one is a 3d metroidvania and thats a nice "genre bridge" i guess

Last recommendation from me is virtua fighter 5 or counter strike, something with an actually high skill ceiling instead of splatoon or smash or whatever the current """competitive""" nintendo game is

btw i like nintendo too but the switch generation has been ass and i hate nintendo fans who pretend like theyre the only company making anything of value
Oooh so close you should've said "OOTsnoy" instead
>btw i like nintendo too but the switch generation has been ass
t.64/GC millennial
But BOTW/TOTK are just Wind Waker, but in a time with a bigger market and dumber journalists.
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Link if he Texan
>How did Nintendo manage this on the Switch?
By reusing the same game they made 6 years ago
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>couldn't even hold the general gaming publics attention for more than a couple months, and lost to a bearfucker game
inb4 retards chalk up BotW's victories as TotK's
Holy shit you have garbage taste anon.
I really enjoyed it and spent a lot of time in the depths but I just lost interest after like 10 hours.
I'll come back to it eventually, maybe after ys 7
imagine being this obsessed and insecure
>not over clocking your hacked switch
What is this leftist meme
I have never played either of those systems
I had a ps2
DS and £DS are simply superior to switch im afraid

Bait/brainlet detected
No anon you just have bad taste.
>DS and £DS are simply superior to switch im afraid
classic /v/ contrarianism
What are some examples of games you like rthen?
"Bad taste" is a music critic meme in case you wrent aware
Aka retards
We like different games for different reasons
For me modern nintendo is infantile
no it is serious im promising you
combined DS and 3DS library is superior
dual screen cant be replicated
the switch is one screen and looks like vaseline for most games
nice """HD""" system there...
Dead Space
Metro 2033
Perfect Dark
Shadow Hearts 1/2
Digital Devil Saga
ok those are some good games. (Ive not played dev saga or shadow hearts though)
\What do you think is "bad taste" about mine?
Vampire the masqarade is an awful game masquarading as a good one that only pretentious faggots huffing their own farts like. The gameplay is atrocious and the story/world are not interesting enough to make it decent. Vampires are almost always cringe.
>PissStation 5 out of thin air
Tendies are pathetic.
>immediately leaping to defend sonys honor
snoys are pathetic
Just Cause mogs and shits over nu-Zelda in this style of gameplay
i respect your opinion but i do not agree , i think the mechanics and sttory are excellent and a step above any nintendo title
and also crpgs cant only be measured on a mechanical level
the immersion factor is crucial for the roleplay but are you talking about vtm bloodlines or the vtm tabletop? you said "vampire the masquerade" here so im not sure
what about arkam and virtua fighter? i think those games are amazing and have strong appeal
Of course you wouldn't know, all you own is a Switch and get games when your parents buy them for you.
Sony is the bingtendie boogeyman
>If you don't like a series with a big gay fanbase where your long haired and feminine looking protagonist frequently crossdresses, then you are a tranny
The delusion of nintentoads
You didn't bring any criticism tho.
You only refuted.
You are also talking with 2 different anons.
>this is what humans consider a masterpiece
what a pathetic species
Only for the retarded, forced, and cringe paper-thin disguise for one area because the developers are lazy faggots. The set is otherwise useless. The optional joke outfits in TOTK are situational at best.
Lol, tendie, I literally emulate TotK on my phone everyday, just like I did BotW before it.
You on the other hand have not touched any Just Cause game. Otherwise you would know it offers vastly more versatility in physics based combat and traversal than Zelda.
t. human.
>counter strike
No thanks, I hate lootboxes plus I'm not brown.
The arkham series is so fucking mediocre slop it doesnt warrant a reply. Your taste is that of a normie who thinks hes not
Again, you are talking with two different people schizoid.
No, you didn't play Just Cause. Zelda is even less functional in real gameplay, 15 second webms literally lie about how ass it is to use every mechanic in continous combat.
Not playing because of lootbox I understand, fucking wack stupid monetisation system. you could try cs source or 1.6 instead. also why bring race or skin tone into it that has nothing to do with the quality of the game
there are parts of arkham that are subpar i do agree however im not sure id call it "mediocre slop" overall, I was recommending it as i thought any nintend fans reading this thread might enjoy it if they havent played many non nintendo titles
Im not sure where you replying to with "normie" because i wasnt talking about popularity
it was just another recommendation, fair enough if you dont like it though.
I hate that this picture is accurate. I dl'ed TotK on my pc and played for a few hours in ryujinx and the one of if not the first dungeon I was in had this exact puzzle. Switch 2 needs to be a huge upgrade. And bring the 3ds Fire emblem games to it you mf'ers.
You couldnt read 4 or 5 bullet points about two games? Says more about you tbqhf
??? wtf
>post screenshot in game
>noo you didn't play it
The autism of a tendie cultist is something else entirely. But that should be obvious anyway from adressing two people as one.
Abandon thread or post screenshots of yourself playing Just Cause.
>Vampires are almost always cringe.
Agreed. If Blood Omen/Soul Reaver didn't exist, then it would be ALL vamp games. So glad its finally getting the remake/remaster
>They got filtered
Im actually so confused who is this eric guy and whats this fucking guy who keeps talking about him
Has someone been doxxed
By not being slaves to muh graphics like the rest of the industry.
The physics stuff is neat and the movement and traversal is great but it could have been much better if they put more effort into the world. The sky islands are a joke, the depths are bare bones, and the wat you use champions is retarded. Story is also worse than botw. I like some of the side quests and some of the cave stuff is fun though.
I think that the main trick Nintendo used to make BotW and TotK work was to separate each area off by mountains. It's pretty genius because having a bunch of mountains in nature feels completely natural, so the player thinks nothing of it, but it blocks your view of most of the world so they can render less on screen at once. The reason other open world games don't do this is because they don't have BotW's fantastic traversal system which makes climbing mountains actually fun and not a giant pain in the ass.
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>Reuses all the shrines, Korok seeds,
My melaninated friend, you seem to be completely unaware that every single shrine and korok seed in TotK uses a brand new puzzle.
That's like saying Elden Ring reuses dungeons from DS3, because DS3 also had dungeons.
You weren't even clever enough to notice that since TotK gives you completely new powers it would be impossible to complete BotW's shrines in TotK.
>the entire map, pretty much everything.
The map had many changes. Sky islands + caves + underground basically sums up to 2 whole additional maps on top (and bottom) of BotW's Hyrule.
All quests and sidequests in the game are brand new.
There's new armor, weapons, enemies, characters and music.

Forget playing the game, you haven't even watched clips on youtube, my very melaninated friend.
You're making ERfags look bad with a display like this.
TotK haters can't do anything but shitpost. They were farting blood over this game for years before it even released.

Cope was never an option.
I can tell you that crafting and collecting shit to craft and cooking and any of that shit is absolutely never fun in any game, and it's the core of games like totk.
>But muh other open world games are bad too!
No shit, I'm over here playing Super C and Crazy Taxi fuck your homo ass games including totk
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It's really amazing the things you can do in this game.
You need to be fucking good at your job to get hired by nintendo, the development teams at nintendo are tight, if you're not a creative genius and coding wizard you are not getting in. Western devs however hire all kind of pathetic fucks.
Dude TOTK isn't even better than BOTW, because at least in BOTW you did something challenging and the reward for it was something good instead of a bomb flower
TOTK is one of the most disappointing games of the decade and I spent 0 dollars on it
You're a fucking loser kid
>File: images.jpg (18 KB, 300x168)
that's even gayer than the gerudo disguise
Absolute gibberish.
its a ban evading schizo
No it's clearly some running cope nintentoads use whenever their shitty Ubisoft Minecraft knock off gets any criticism
no the guy that talks about eric all the time is a ban evading schizo
Oh yes that's likely
Cause Nintendo are skilled developers who put in the time and effort to make their games as polished as possible rather than just throwing out slop to meet quarterly deadlines.

Where? It's been 16 months and you haven't made a convincing criticism yet.

Simply admitting Nintendo made a great game is too hard.
Nintendo does make great games, TOTK just isn't one of them.
>Nintendo are skilled developers who put in the time and effort to make their games as polished as possible rather than just throwing out slop to meet quarterly deadlines.

This. No developer will ever attempt something like TotK. They would shit their pants.
>Nintendo does make great games, TOTK just isn't one of them.

It's one of the most acclaimed games of the century kiddo. I've played it and it's amazing. /v/ is choking with rage but cannot name a better adventure game. Go figure.
this is the part where we talk in circles
fuck off
All open world games are bad
All crafting games are bad
All cooking games are bad
All physics simulators are bad
Totk is all of these things so it's bad. There's my criticism, do with it as you will bitch ass nerd
Yeah keep seething on 4chan.

TotK will still be considered masterpiece when you wake up tomorrow. Come back to 4chan and cry again.
>also why bring race or skin tone into it that has nothing to do with the quality of the game
Live service games like CS are very popular in third world countries since there's practically no barrier to entry. I don't live in a third world country and thus don't need to resort to playing these types of games.
TotK is so good it's actually ruined all other games for me. Everything just feels so bland and simplistic and restrictive by comparison.
BotW was better
Post neovagina
This. Botw had an elegant minimalism to it that totk completely threw overboard. I appreciate totk as an experiment in game design but botw was a fully realised artistic statement. Totk is just riffing on it.
Darksiders II shits all over nu-nintendo garbage
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It was the worst Zelda game by far. I can't take you seriously, I don't think there's a single person on earth who thinks this dogshit is a masterpiece
>couple of months
anon it died after a single week
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>Botw had an elegant minimalism

It's fucking hysterical to me to see this board now admit BotW was a masterpiece after spraying shit up the walls for 7 years.

You called the game "empty" and had "no content" and a "tech demo".

Now it's "elegant minimalism" lma0o

You have to now champion BotW because it's the ONLY game which even comes close to competing with TotK.
>This. No developer will ever attempt something like TotK. They would shit their pants.
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.
>TotK is so good it's actually ruined all other games for me.
dont be shy post the rest of your pasta
Stfu retard, /v/ isn't just one person. I loved Botw from the very first day i played it and i never stopped loving it, totk just reinforced my thoughts about it.
>elegant minimalism
you know giving credit where credit is due doesn't mean that anon claims botw is a masterpiece. he just said it has an elegant minimalism to it. you're a brain fried shitposter
that game was so bad it flew out of the case and into my xbox forcing me to play it for youtube
/v/ is only Eric, ACfag or himself. This guy is legitimately schizophrenic
Well then give me more zeldas without "actual worlds" because it was a lot better than this shit
Ok faggot, close your eyes. How many hats are in the room. Describe them.
>ubislop == actual world
You're fucking retarded. Thanks for proving nu-zelda babs don't even like the series, though.
The game is lacking content like OPs image is lacking size.
You know both BotW and TotK are technically still Wii U games, right? BotW was made with the Wii U in mind, and TotK just reuses the same map and assets. We haven't seen a real 3D Zelda game on the Switch yet.
Switch is slightly weaker than wiiU, why would there be a need to try a new 3d Zelda built for switch? It's not like it'll look or run better.
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>Thanks for proving nu-zelda babs don't even like the series

Post your Zelda game collection Mr True Fan.

You do own Zelda games r-right?
Imagine being such a fucking loser that you spam this nonsense endlessly.
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Seek help you deranged, permanently online tranny
Probably dragnirian
It's this. He tried making an inverse thread and got blown out 20 mins ago. Now hes retreated back here to get blown out here too.
probabry yourself
Is this a pic of dragnirian seething?
>Be Eric
>Be massive snoy
>Declare that ToTK is shit and no one talks about it
>Singlehandedly make it the single most discussed game on /v/
No refunds.
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You forgot
>dox self so anons know all your thread topics and turn you into a lolcow
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All three of those games are dogshit though. I only play doom in VR thoughever
>dragon tries posting
>hes dumping his anti-tendie folder for the 1000th time again
>He's melting down
Good work people
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It seems my superiority has led to some controversy.
Anons talking about his ruskie ass drives him insane and this is the result. Poor guy really is going to suicide soon.
Eric is an American from Vancouver. Stop trying to claim he's some unrelated random.
Save the pic talking about his big 3 topics and repost it it drives him in-fuckin-sane.
>If you feel x way you must be y
So sad that autism doesn't allow you to see a big broad world full of people with differing opinions that obviously have some overlap when considering the binary good/bad consideration of a product
Look what just happened, this is dragonarian doing it.
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Eric, you fucking retard. Why are you shifting the blame to someone who's completely unaffiliated with the shitposting?
Don't worry about it, he's mentally ill.
very cute
Worst Link. Worst Zelda.
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learn to cope
Alright that does make it look like him.
Eric often spams multiple threads with different IPs. There is no "Dragonirian" shitposter.
Yikes post
stop replying to yourself
Yet you are kvetching again.
Even TP Zelda and TP Link are better.
Notice the guy info dumping on dragonirian didnt get banned but the guy trying to counter post did lol. Nuff said.
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You are delusional, TP Zelda is booooring
Samefagging with 2 different IP addresses will do that Eric.
at least that vic guy is gone
She barely even shows up in the game, and she's still better than Tetra.
>use items nearby to make contraption with no limits
>not braindead
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Shut it, Tetra is the perfect girlfriend.
>sex before marriage
Deus Ex
La Mulana
Mario Odyssey
Kirby SSU
Elden Ring
Dragon Quest VIII
>most discussed
>it's just him and you samefagging and replying to each other
Nobody talks about the game. And anyone who posts their own screenshots is also called eric.
You as in people, plural? Because that was my first post in the thread. Eric.
Seems so.
Yeah, you and your boyfriend.
I totally believe you. And that you've never posted in these threads before either, nuh uh.
tranny thread
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Elden Ring
>wander around sterile environment doing nothing but hitting things.

Literally fucking 3D Golden Axe

VS TotK:
.I can stand still in TotK and simply let the rain lash down.

>NPCs will run for shelter
>water will pool
>wildlife will gather under trees, sheltering from the storm
>rare fauna and animals will appear
>stealth becomes easier because the rain lowers visibility and covers noise
>lightning will strike, which may kill me or set things on fire
>the world becomes wet, meaning surfaces are hard to climb, yet slick to shield surf over.
>combat scenarios are dynamic changed

Even just standing still in TotK, without interacting with the world or even mentioning any of its complex gameplay mechanics, it is running rings around every other game.

All of this is in service of the gameplay, which will create unique situational set pieces, experienced differently by every player.

Nintendo are light-years beyond every other developer. It's embarrassing really.
ur mom told me
misandrist garbage
It was, and unlike you, who singlehandedly made ToTK the most popular game on /v/, I don't focus 100% of my attention on shitposting a videogame/company.
>experienced differently
>after listing things everyone has seen
Also, PLEASE play an immersive sim sometime.
>if u disagree wit me ur da enemy
Nope, don't use troon logic. Don't like spam or boogeymen. You could just... not bump eric's boxart threads, though? I mean I know you won't, but maybe I can try to ask you.
>don't bump them
Oh anon... I have such sights to show you.
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Literally every combat scenario in TotK is a unique setpiece experienced exclusively by me.
Everyone's done that, but even faster by also using bomb arrows. Or lightning arrows if raining.
With the exception of the lightning, all of this has been seen since at least GTA 4.
Boss bokoblins are new, but everyone has already fought bokoblins before lol. What's the difference between this and using Revali's gale and shooting lots of fire arrows at some bokoblins in BOTW, or using a jetpack and shooting at random gangsters in GTA SA, etc.?
Seething schizos get Elden Ring BTFO.

Now they make up imaginary non existent games.

There is NOTHING like TotK. They only thing which comes close is BotW.
I find it funny how sonar and radar exists in the world of Wind Waker, so Hyrule is just one backwards country that keeps suffering disasters and is avoided by the rest of the world.
>GTA 4
>imaginary non existent games
>What's the difference between this and using Revali's gale and shooting lots of fire arrows at some bokoblins in BOTW, or using a jetpack and shooting at random gangsters in GTA SA, etc.?

Because the next time I face a monster like this it might be in the middle of a thunderstorm. And now things radically change.

What possible game can you offer up which can compete? There is none. Now you have to pretend none of this matters, despite it offering more depth, through game design and coding mastery, than other other game in existence.
GTA 4 doesn't have a systemic driven world son. >>683815582
>Equips non-metallic weapons or rubber armour
Problem solved.
Cars have less grip, brake less well, and so on.
Also everything apart from the lightning in here: >>683814070
TotK is mechanically the better game but playing BotW for the first time is a better experience. It's just not as special going through the same areas with the same characters and worse powers. Also, shadow hands don't hold a fucking candle to guardians.
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Post yfw OoT Link is confirmed to be a Stalfos as the Hero's Spirit. FADO WAS RIGHT IT ALL RETURNS TO STALFOS! I'M STALING OUT BROS
>inb4 bubble posting
Sadly you evidently seem to forget how not to bump threads with how long they last.
>radically change
>just swap out any metal gear and use thunder arrows
Please play an immersive sim. Hell, pokemon's been doing it since gen 2 with night and day (morning sun, moonlight) and with 3's weather.
>Game is desperate for you to "let go of the past"
>It's slop, especially compared to the older games
Many such cases.
I'm not playing anything from Nintendo until they start making games for something that isn't a near two decade old tablet. Their games are too bare bones.
>doesn't count!
Cope. Link also slips more often when climbing during rain.
You also ignored everything else that I mentioned.
In fact, we have had this conversation many times and you always just cope.
Hyrule is the bumfuck nowhere Australia of their own world
Pretty empty, its people are borderline retarded, and everything wants to kill you
but op, botw mogs it in every way
Millions more people play Genshin, it messes with the averages, especially when people are just salty they didn't get the character they rolled for.
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It's actually impressive how it managed to run Xenoblade and TotK, but yeah, a Switch 2 is so overdue, it's not even funny.
Why are nu-zelda trannies so easily impressee by basic game design?
There is really no way to stop this autistic schizo from using socks4?
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>*fast travels to sky island*
I'll use your shitty building simulator when you don't offer me a more efficient solution.
I'm not Eric or a tranny, I'm not some whitoid. Botw/Totk is just Nintendo's attempt at a Bethesda and Ubishit game but more minimal by comparison. It's only salvaged by having a better physics engine than over a decade old Bethesda trash but that is nothing to brag about, its the easiest slam dunk.
How about you have actual grown-up conversation instead of constantly jacking off to this "Eric" guy and fantasizing about him raping you?
They literally stole Nuts & Bolts' concept while giving you no reason to double dip if you've played BotW. You can definitely find what TotK offers elsewhere and it's generally done better than what TotK attempted.
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>zoomer tranny discovers gmod physics
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yo this gameplay is fire
cope, gmod is dogshit
>You need to be fucking good at your job to get hired by nintendo
>proceeds to hire literal jeets
>NPCs will run for shelter
>water will pool
>wildlife will gather under trees, sheltering from the storm
>rare fauna and animals will appear
>stealth becomes easier because the rain lowers visibility and covers noise
>lightning will strike, which may kill me or set things on fire
>the world becomes wet, meaning surfaces are hard to climb, yet slick to shield surf over.
>combat scenarios are dynamic changed
everything already done to death 2 decades ago on PC
kek tendieniggers really are impressed by barebasic stuff
But its epic when dogshittendo does it
>Makes a tank with a freeze ray and a battering ram
>Struggles to even kill a lone silver bokoblin
What's the point, especially when it will despawn after a few minutes or faster if Link enters and then exits a shrine?
does totk have prop hunt? no? didnt think so
Does TotK have more enemy types than BotW? Enemies in BotW were so repetitive, it got boring real fast. And it doesn't help that the combat isn't fun to begin with.
technically yes but it amounts to basically nothing
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Still posting fake webms 16 months later.


Also, that's not the "gameplay". That's like posting footage of the Toad houses from Mario Bros and pretending that's the game.

Sad and pathetic.
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can you do this on gmod?

There is an autobuilder, you just need to save and load the blueprint.
>just cause for third worders
It has a few more enemies, but most of the enemies will still be bokoblins, moblins, and lizalfos, and the core gameplay isn't any different from BOTW.
Yes you can. You dont know what you're on about do you
Saying that it doesn't scale well for the more distant koroks would be more accurate.
it's not that noticeable. sometimes a flying manta ray accompanies bokoblins. sometimes a miniboss is where you didn't expect one
Play From the Depths to freely build ships, planet, giant robots ETC without the limitations of nintendo game design, their babyshit console and STOP HAVING FUN meter at the bottom.
not to mention aerocudas are basically a total non presence
by copy-pasting the previous zelda that was also on the shitch then adding crafting bullshit
>can you do this on gmod?
yes and the wing doesn't disappear after a certain time/distance
Yes, but it still costs resources and it shouldn't despawn unless if it's destroyed. Even GTA San Andreas kept your vehicle spawned when you entered and later exited a building.
>all these cuts to pretend like half the machine isn't vanishing a few moments later
Botw and Totk don't have a world. They have pieces of geometry surrounded by a skybox.
I love seeing cool shit like this.
I could code a solution fixing this in under 4 hours.
>the number of possible items a bow wielding player could want is strictly limited. Present only these
A vertical column could also divide the items into categories.
The game literally prompts you to press a button.

Also this entire wemb is just more faked zero context bullshit. There is almost now way, at this point of this quest, that the item you need wouldn't be in your top 3 most used items.

Just laughable fake bullshit.
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In terms of being a fun open world game, I'd still prefer Minecraft or Terraria.
lmao I love how even you realize that it's actually extremely possible but you're trying to avoid talking about it.
It would actually be super easy for it to not be in your top most used items: if you had gone literally anywhere else in the game first.
The obvious solution to this would be to allow to customize the menu themselves. Have a favorites menu where you can put whatever items you want. But that is too much for Nintendo. They won't even allow you to remap the controls in-game, aside from swapping a couple buttons.
It's just not a good UI, there's no reason to defend it whatsoever unless you're mentally ill and can refuse to accept that a game that you like has flaws.
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Wtf is this argument? I can understand you saying that about 2d vs 3d (still retarded but i get it) but how the fuck does majoras mask not have a world? The only thing this even makes sense for is triforce heroes
Walking simulators
Anon its a good enough game on its own atleast be genuine. You wouldnt defend pokemons bullshit because of romhacks would you?
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>half the webm spent in slow-mo
>other half in menus
>enemy is zero challenge

Really not seeing the appeal.
>really don't see the appeal
it has Nintendo brand on the front
Ugh the menuing is the fucking worst part of this game its like they took the worst part of the gbc/gba games and amped it up to 1000. Free heals are really shit too honestly
Ah. like modern Pokemon. guess that makes sense.

Imposing more restrictions would've really benefited it.
>I love how even you realize that it's actually extremely possible but you're trying to avoid talking about it.

It's Nintendo's fault I'm retarded!

The item you need is one you constantly use throughout the duration of this quest. But now the player acts he doesn't know where it is.

Sad and pathetic. Maybe TotK is just too smart for low IQ retards.
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Japanese are coding black magic. It should not be possible to compute all of the logic that TotK requires on that deprecated tablet.
>TOTK: the thinking man's game
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Shitposting aside, it's genuinely frightening just how far ahead Nintendo are of every other developer. We get nothing but derivative slop and only Nintendo seem to be trying to actually do anything with the medium.
This is in the tutorial area. It's a simple little puzzle to clue the player into how to use their abilities to solve puzzles out in the wild.

It's like you don't understand game design at all. Thankfully Nintendo do.
the waiting isnt worth the reward
>tutorials follow you outside the tutorial island

That sounds like bad game design.
>every other developer
And look who's here. The Erictranny spammer is here to backup Arthur (as if they're not the same guy painfully samefagging)
What's supposed to be wrong with this webm? Looks cool.
Arthur doesn't exist
>seethes at ACkino that has only gameplay
i knew tendies hated video games and only worship nintendo for their nostalgia loyalty
>Parry laser
>Shoot it in the eye
>Attack legs
>Shoot it in the eye again
That most games nowadays faggot

Totk is not special in this regards
>look at this incredible thing you can make in this tiktok short!
>how does that make for interesting gameplay?
Like BOTW and TOTK. WW is a sailing simulator instead, but otherwise the same.
They just copied the last game
nigger that webm is literally THE END of the mission, you would know if you actually played video games
Nintendo just released NES World Championship, a title based around nothing but sheer gameplay and challenges.

No other company would do that. But in fairness no other company has a rich history like Nintendo anyway.
>Shitposting aside, [shitpost]
are you even trying to lie anymore?
looks like tendies follow their masters's footsteps and are lazier with each passing day even when shitposting
I'm a huge nintendofag and both botw and totk are close to 99% perfect for me, but that anon is right, the menus are shit. Japs are shit in ui/ux in general.
When you use ascend and Link pokes his head out there's the prompt to get out with A. Did you know that if you press B you can cancel and go back down? It's not in the prompt and there's no reason for it not being in it as well.
Cope. The only impressive thing about TOTK is that they got it to sort of work on the potato that is the Switch.
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>thats literally the entire boss
This doesn't make sense, every mechanic in totk can be easily implemented in unreal for example, I guess when you are limited by the Switch hardware it can be considered somewhat impressive.
You mean the game that's just snippets of NES games, but with online achievements stapled to them?
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The big problem with Tears is it paradoxically limits its own design space by doubling down on freedom:
>Recall and Ascend preempt a bunch of possible elevation puzzles
>Fans trivialize a bunch of navigation challenges
>Bottomless inventory trivializes complex interactions
Limitations are foundational to game design, and despite entirely knowing this, Nintendo have shirked them for a flashier sell. They're not scrimping on level design, since they're the best in the business. It's awesome how freeform this and its predecessor are, but that gets boring quickly without definite themes and context to hold it together.
>they're the best in the business
>level design
>i see no refutation
try watching the video retarded faggot
>botw and totk are close to 99% perfect for me, but that anon is right, the menus are shit. Japs are shit in ui/ux in general.

Inventory management is problem for most modern games. Look at the absolute state of BG3's baffling screen after screen of autistic bullshit.

No game is perfect. Nor should "perfection" ever be something creatives stride for. But trying to pretend TotK's menu's are 'bad' is just laughable. They're perfectly serviceable. You don't even hear normies complain about them.

It's just another example of haters have absolutely FUCK ALL to criticize the game on so they pretend minor subjective nitpicks are somehow "game breaking flaws".

Here we are, 16 months later, and not a single convincing argument has been made about the game. Plenty of jealous troons seething though, as was foretold.
Nintendo has never made a single game with good level design that tops any Deus Ex to this day
>every mechanic in totk can be easily implemented in unreal

So where are all these games then? Should be easy, right?
I didn't hate the game but a masterpiece it most certainly is not. The underground being pretty one note and the complete and total disaster that is the story and presentation of the story are very big problems for the game. I also would've liked more puzzles that actually ask the player to build specific types of vehicles. Only one I can think of off the top of my head is the tree chopping quest for the beachside village whose name I forget, and even then you could just glue all the logs together and walk them down instead of building a pick em up truck.
>But trying to pretend TotK's menu's are 'bad' is just laughable.
Terraria's inventory system absolutely mogs it, and that game is over a decade old. So does Minecraft.
>gameplay is now considered a cutscene
>>683824453 here, don't ever tag me in your autistic boogeyman hunt ever again you stupid faggot. how you thought I'm the object of your obsession I'll never know, but leave me the fuck out of your nonsense.
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>such a creative innovative groundbreaking masterpiece by the goat Nintendo
>delayed the game by a year in fear of Elden Ring
there are only 5 animal crossings though.
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>Terraria's inventory system absolutely mogs it, and that game is over a decade old. So does Minecraft.

No they don't they're both shit too. And TotK is a better video game. Go figure.
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This is an even bigger masterpiece. How did THQ manage this on the Switch?
Remember when people were drawing art imagining things such as Zelda fighting alongside Link, rebuilding the castle, being crowned as the new monarch, rebuilding Hyrule, and so on, and then it turned out that she just went on dates with Link and became a teacher?
BG3's inventory is pretty good actually. The tab menu bringing up everyone's equipment and inventories makes swapping items around a breeze. If you can't find specific items there is a search and filter function too. I went back to play BG2EE (with the beamdog Companions modded out, of course) and the inventory in that game is dogshit.
Opinion discarded.
No, I just wanted to point out how retarded OP initial post is.
>I also would've liked more puzzles that actually ask the player to build specific types of vehicles.
Yup. Tears is afraid to superimpose gamey logic over its physics objects. Whatever parameters it admits are obfuscated e.g. you don't see an enemy's stagger meter.
Conceding more of these would've allowed for way more building puzzles, but they quadrupled down on freedom. At some point, they should take what they've learned by going in one extreme direction and apply it to a more focused project.
>Has a search function
>Has tabs to filter by type
It's already better.
TOTK and BOTW both have the problem where there's no challenge in maintaining your inventory. You can hold infinite amounts of everything, save for weapons and healing items, and even those are extremely generous. 3 pages for healing items, that's nuts. Assuming you'd ever even need that much, that is.

Terraria and Minecraft excel in that they limit you. You can't carry an infinite amount of everything, you have to share your limited inventory space with your weapons, healing items, crafting components, etc. Hence you have to manage what you'll take with you, and what you bring home. It forces you to think about what you do on the field.
TotK is a far better video game. Enjoy your tabs lmao
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BotW and TotK are considered amongst the greatest video games ever coded by mankind.

Terraria is not and never will be.

So there's that.
The cult-like adoration around totk makes sense if you consider that Nintendo fans live in an isolated ecosystem where only Nintendo products exist.
>BotW and TotK are considered amongst the greatest video games ever coded by mankind.
Strange how you completely avoided addressing the criticism.
70% percent? facts speak otherwise
its definitely not even 30%
majority of people that bought Switch are too poor to afford other consoles or a proper PC
Didn't you just get banned?
If that was true, then wouldn't it make sense for you guys to like non-nintendo games? But it seems like you despise every one of them. No matter which gets brought up, it gets trashed if it's not a switch exclusive, or a nintendo IP.
>no challenge
>RED X in every one of your webms

OK lmao
Based AChaddy.
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Yeah, I know Zelda is all about the gameplay, but they should take the story and continuity more seriously. Link relationship with Hyrule's people and Zelda could be better developed.
Cope more.
His girlfriend that spams his name got banned.
shitty wiki games
See, look at this. You unfairly hate on a game, even when it has a switch version. but because people can play it elsewhere, that somehow makes it bad. In this thread alone you've also shat on BG3, Armored Core 6, Just Cause, and pretty much anything that you see as a "threat" to your system.
After BOTW's sequel bait, people were just expecting a sequel that built on BOTW instead of basically BOTW again.
>ACfag vs hardcore tendie thread
>game that is on Switch
>can get discussed without major problems
>game NOT on Switch
>almost impossible to have a genuine discussion
explain this tendofags
yeah this was stupid
why is every single item listed there, it should have just been mob parts and elemental stuff
I feel like you're making shit up so you can feel like a victim despite behaving otherwise.
summer newfag
Meant for >>683826174
No, tendies do spam in threads about other games such as RDR2.
I recommend you get a hobby that isn't writing fanfiction about 4chan threads
Is there a reason why this shitty thread is still up
You forgot to mention RE4r but I guess you failed too many times in trying to force that narrative.
that and
Space Marine II
Correction: I offer those games fair criticism. Tell me, does your rampant usage of the term "tranny" somehow compare to my valid critiques, like Splatoon's online being a poor imitation of a PC shooter (basically being even worse than matchmaking, where you don't get a say in how you want to play)? What about my critique of Fire Emblem and the worthless minigames, like headpatting, that doesn't belong within 500 feet of a tactical role playing game? And is it really wrong for me to criticize Xenoblade for spending too much time talking and throwing out exposition, for cliche anime characters I could not care less about? And is it really shitposting if I like Metroid, but I would like there to be less cutscenes, or at the least more skippable cutscenes? Nintendo cannot write a story to save their skins, so I just want the option to skip it.
>being this mad and new
If no game should stride for perfection then what's wrong with criticizing the menus? I love those games but just a favorite section for the items would fix it. There's one in autobuild
No, it's just that I played RDR2, but didn't play RE4R. I didn't even enjoy the original RE4.
god you aren't even good at baiting either. here's a pity (you), don't spend it all in one place now.
enjoy the rest of the summer zoomie
>Optional joke outfit that needs to be combined with meals and is still situational at best
this is the problem with the game's philosophy as a whole; most of the time the simpler solution is quicker and cheaper
i shouldn't have to neuter myself to have fun
I disagree.
The developers were lazy faggots for forcing this in.
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I agree, everything related to the Sheika was also wiped from the map. I can't remember any lore or ruins related to them outside of Kakariko village. They did not need to keep the old shrines and towers, but it would be nice to have both Zonai and Sheikah artifacts and lore around the map.
man, please stop posting in these threads
Minecraft mogs shittendo sloppa
i think scott the woz brought up a good point when he said link should be his own character
it's the first game where you can't rename the files, that is "Link". he's already got a relatively bigger role as zelda's guard, why is he still cliff faced and silent?
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What photo did you put in your house?
Based cunny hound
>anti-totk threads struggle to reach bump limit despite multiple page 10 bumps
>pro-totk threads have no such problems
Why are these threads always filled with the same mass replying schizo poster? Is he a shill or just off his meds?
But it doesn't provide cold resistance.
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>game sucks bro trust me, my favorite kike journo swept it under the rug ASAP so it must be shit!
its literally the opposite samefaggot
No, BOTW/TOTK Link did.
Are you spamming this thread because you realized none of your shitty counter buzzwords will ever take off?
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At this point, I think it is just because of tradition and conformity. It also hurt the potential of Dragon Quest XI MC for the same reason.
he is shilling tendo stuff for FREEtm
>uninspired copy with no care for continuity is a masterpiece
But journalists loved BOTW, TOTK, and BG3.
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I wouldn't really say 500 posts of porn spam is an achievement.
Are you talking about this post >>683828536?
>nu-Zelda games have forced crossdressing parts of the game
>tendies are calling it a masterpiece and fapping to ntr femboy link porn but then shit on snoys for having niggers and faggots in their vidya
lmao as a PCGOD its so funny seeing you monkeys throw shit at eachother for the amusement of the jewish corpotations and for FREE.
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If this game didn't completely kill your interest in the lore, storytelling, or timeline of Zelda games you weren't paying attention. This game is the definition of soulless.
>pornposters are the ones shitting on totk
ACsisters... our narrative...
If that was true, wouldn't it imply that the fandoms hate porn and sexualization? That means they would never partake in it themselves, and only a falseflagger would do such a thing.

Of course, even then your claim is still silly, since this means you're blaming one person for EVERY SINGLE PORN THREAD ON THE SITE.
Correct. ACfag has endless meltdowns.
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>singlehandedly mogs every tendie game ever made
The archive is filled with your endless meltdowns because you think that everything that isn't a robot is porn spam.
So when someone posts porn of crossdressing Link being pegged by gerudos, that somehow contributes to game discussion?
i like how the fight has to be japan vs japan because westoids haven't made anything worth a damn in literal decades
That's you posting that stuff, faggot.
Warhorse mogs tendo shit as well
This but sony.
This but microsoft.
>you're the one posting porn
>you also commissioned and paid for the porn
>you're somehow able to spam 50 different thread topics with porn
>not one single other person would ever post a pornographic image on this website, only you're responsible

i hope you realize how silly that sounds.
yes did you check average tendie thread? they all jerk of that garbage instead of plaiyng those ''masterpieces'' they screech about
Slavs mog westoids too
>ctrl+f "deleted"
>28 matches
boy am I happy I'm not autistic like this guy is
good thing Warhorse are slavs
>you're the one posting porn
>you also commissioned and paid for the porn
>you're somehow able to spam 50 different thread topics with porn
but you're the ericnigger faggot
Exactly my point
Other developers will forever live in Nintendo's shadow.
For that to be even slightly feasible, I'd need 50 VPNs and 50 mobile devices, all posting porn around the clock. Be reasonable.
In fact, in a previous thread, you denied making those kinds of threads, while having a meltdown and spamming your slop in at least 3 of your own threads.
Both you and the hardcore tendie are faggots and should kill yourselves.
I genuinely pity you.
>delayed TotK because of Elden Ring
>still lost and got raped
nice Nintendo magic right there
not even the paid journos were any help at all
Can you even prove your claim? Like is there some way for you to link these posts to mine?
I think if TGA's 2023 proved anything it's that game journos CANNOT sweep Nintendo games under the rug. Both TOTK and Mario Wonder were massive successes in spite of what they keep trying to tell people.
Do you really think BotW 1.2 deserved anything?
Are you serious right now? Game journos heap massive praise for Mario and Zelda, but because they didn't win the awards for ONE year, now they're all part of some evil conspiracy to destroy Nintendo?

Gee, where was this sentiment back in 2017?
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Absolutely seething. TotK rapes your favorite game
>Botw was universally beloved
>Released again with new content
>People now hate it
It took 6 fucking years to rerelease the same game with Gmod mechanics stapled on
>new content
>one of the most acclaimed and successful games of all time
>makes /v/ troons seethe for years on end

>one of the most acclaimed and successful games of all time
>makes /v/ troons seethe for years on end

This board was already shitting blood over TotK years before it released. Cope was never an option.
Simple: they don't.
and ootsnoys, but yes.
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>new content

Yes. Pic-related is just one single quest.
"Eric" is not even real.
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I rebuke you in the name of Hylia.
Don't get it. I already did a lot in the first game so there was notihing new to explore for the 80% of the game which shares the same map. The sky also has like 6 unique island that have anything on the and there's nothing in the Depths. Only the caves are good.
>overly linear quest with no freedom

Bravo Zelda?
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After the rescue from Calamity Ganon, the first nights were a little awkward.
I accept your trannycession, Eric.
Nice meltdown. Keep going
BotW has the best open world ever made.

TotK let's me go on a brand new adventure in this expanded world, with 10x the content and all new gameplay concepts and mechanics.

Pretty much my dream game.
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Elden Ring and Palworld too. And only in famitsu threads will you have losers defend gen 8 pokemon.
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Where is your copey pasta, Eric ;)
>guide lists multiple
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It rapes BotW? Okay fagboy.
Terraria already gave me that 10 years ago. Infact, I'm playing it right now.
Eric, that tranny cope failed.
Trannyraria has no gameplay.
>Terraria already gave me that 10 years ago. Infact, I'm playing it right now.

Almost as long as you've spent seething in Zelda threads. Like you're doing right now.
>Almost as long as you've spent seething in Zelda threads
You have a wonky definition of "seething".
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Is that a reddit meme or something?
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Almost a decade is a long time to be obsessively upset about a game. Most people would have naturally developed some kind of personality growth over a time period like that.
Criticizing a game = upset?
You seem to be SEETHING very hard, ACsnoytranny.
And your pic proves nothing.
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TotK got raped.
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Eric, you lost and got raped, trannyceeding afterwards ;)
Look man I’m not Eric but can you please for the love of God stop calling everyone on here Eric?

>they’re talking about TOTK in a bad way

And? Just shit talk them or debate them. You don’t need say Eric 24/7
What the fuck is this schizo talking about? Are you being haunted by hallucinations of hats?
People shit talk Elden Ring 24/7 a lot more than TOTK yet they don’t this shit

You lost bitch. TotK got mogged and raped.
still better than shit like TP and SS
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Nah, but I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Eric.
I disagree
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TP is the only decent Zelda ever made
>He hopped on his phone to samefag
You seem upset multiple people disagree with you ;)

There’s your 4 you fucking clown. I was nice to you too. I hope you die alone bitter and angry. Also you do realize link dresses up as a girl in both TOTK and BOTW right? Fucking cope
why are nintendo fags so obsessed over journo opinion and sales????
>He stopped samefagging because he got called out
Oh no no no!!
Can we please ban IP the “Eric” spammer?

I will concede and admit defeat, if you can argue how it's shitposting to say something like "I dislike Splatoon's online services because they are reminiscent of modern game match matchmaking, when ideally an online game would be closer to something Tf2 used to have prior to Meet your Match, aka Quickplay."

How is that shitposting?
Mods. It’s getting old. His schizophrenic 10 personalities autism is annoying now
“You got lost and raped”

Isn’t this a game series for children?
One of them is pro ER, Eric the tranny.
One of them says it's good.
The other give minor critique, so none of them are shitposters, Eric.
Not what you said, ACsnoytranny.
You literally asked for 4 threads of criticism and hate. Those are 4 of them. What do you mean by good? There’s multiple comments in those threads of people shit talking the game, questioning the games mechanics, or straight up complaining. Do you want me to link comments as well? But you know you define what criticism is anon by spamming every fucking Zelda thread good or bad with your nonsense of schizophrenia
And yet BOTW/TOTK Link is heavily implied to be raped by the Great Fairies.
Jannie’s / Mods
Well, Eric did lose and got raped.
And I asked for hate, not criticism, Eric.
Two of them literally praises the game
I accept your trannycession that you lost and gor raped.
Says the stupid fuck that’s is one and a “good Zelda thread”
>Two of them literally praises the game
False btw.
>no argument
I accept your trannycession.
Eric, lying won't save you.
I accept your trannycession.
If you go into that thread, you'll notice only the first post was deleted. If you keep reading, then you'll find that I was actually able to have a nice conversation with a sensible fan who admitted that the matchmaking services were well below the standards of what Nintendo should be offering.

But I suppose you didn't read that far into the thread, did you?
Show me then what your definition of hate is then in those threads and what is good. Shut the fuck up you incel loser. Fuck this board for always allowing you to shit every single Zelda thread. I hope you genuinely die alone and kill yourself
I checked, and two of your posts got deleted, ACsnoytranny.
I was in that thread, so lying isn't helping you.
Show us 4 Zelda hate threads right now. This one doesn’t count because half the comments are praise from you and it started as this game being good.
Stop replying to him you fucking retards.
2 of my post didn’t get deleted and I didn’t post any where else but here. I liked Elden Ring. Why the fuck would I shit talk if you fucking schizophrenic?
Why do you have rules for others that you never apply to yourself? You got the four hate threads you stupid monkey
ACsnoytranny, your snoytranny brainrot made you retarded.
that reply makes no sense at all, try again.
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ain't reading the thread, I'm guessing the usual snoyjeet pedos are still seething over it as always kekk

they aren't.
It’s literally one guy that Jannie’s refuse to perma ban who spams “Eric”
You mentioned loving ER for no reason, ACsnoytranny.
THat made no sense at all.

I accept your trannycession.
This shit.

This is what I mean
Kek EoW is going to be amazing and this board will shit itself all over again.
It can't have higher quality than these.
>ACsnoytranny worships fromslop so much it had to shill even when it makes no sense
That’s not TOTK first off

Second those threads don’t exist

Link them like I did
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>ACsnoytranny got raped so hard he dropped the spiel
Link the thread then. Those are old screenshots faggot. Anon asked you to link 4 hate thread right now like you asked with Elden Ring.>>683837192

Right here pal

Your Zelda’s number 1 fan
Legitimately the greatest achievement in video games. I say this as a reformed fromsoft head.
Use the archive, Eric.
Since he couldn’t show there’s 4 active threads right now like Elden Ring that means he lost

Anon your Zelda’s number 1 defender
>fake webms
Damn, didn't know the game footage was faked, the more you know.

4 active threads >>683837750

Of course dude of course. Rent free
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Eric, you lost and got raped.
None of them are negative and shitposting.
You lost and got raped, Eric.
It’s insane how the guy who spams Eric Tranny couldn’t find even active Zelda thread

God schizos are something else and please don’t reproduce. You would probably name Eric
Eric, I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped
>couldn't even find one ER shitposting thread ever
Man, there really are a lot of anti totk threads, why are snoytrannies so sensitive?
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they can't handle any kind of criticism at all, no matter how mild.
Great thread all, cant wait to do it again in the next schizo zelda thread that jannies dont do anything about
Who the fuck are you even talking to? Hahaha
None of those even come close to your shitposts.
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this, they have a victim complex.
Was he actually talking to himself? Holy shit kek
You seem upset that you couldn't prove that ER has more shitposting than Zelda, Eric ;)
Since he never talks about his game I’m gonna talk about Elden Ring. The Eric spammer reminds me of Miquella since he was an insane fag too
Man I love Elden Ring


Come home white man. Kill trannies instead of dressing as them and saying Eric
Based Elden Ring enjoyers. Play your heart out.
arent miquella and marika tranny hermaphrodites?
Wrong thread?
Maybe go to one of the ER orshipping threads linked here >>683836352
God leyndell capital is such a kino area in Elden Ring
The Elden Ring ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Elden Ring
by someone
or something!
>ER has trannies in it
Even though fromsoft reused a lot of bosses I can’t help but love the artstyle.
Elden Ring o Elden Ring o Elden Ring o Elden Ring o Elden Ring

>hes just spamming elden ring by himself now
Elden Ring now there’s a strong game

Who the fuck are you even talking to? Hahaha
more like an irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta
meant for >>683839539
>Spams in every thread with criticism of Zelda or Nintendo in general
>"Jannies please 404 every thread that criticises Zelda or Nintendo in general"
>Absolute Gibberish
Reading is hard for the retarded I guess, makes sense why you enjoy TOTK when it is fortnite lego faggotry. But hey, at least in TOTK you get link's iconic "swim through the ceilings' anuses" ability. Why would we give Link Bombs when we can make rock caves and remove bombs except for shitty attachable bomb flowers
Eric, seething about 8 hours old posts makes you look like a schizo ;)
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, *r*c ;)
You proved that Zelda has million of times as much shitposting as ER-

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