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Linux is a kernel. Linux is not an operating system and its also not the name of the penguin, you twat.
shut up linux
in reality it's only linux when it actually comes from the Linoucs region of france
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How goes your journey with windows mint?
>actually using mint
lmao you just grab cinnamon on arch based system
LInux sure can drive
It works.
That's more effort than just installing Mint.
>but Mint is... le bad
Works on my machine™.
inb4 seethe
>Wants to dick around with arch instead of using a system that just works out of the box
Sorry I'm not retarded.
The only valid distros are:
Ubuntu and its spins
That's it. If you use anything else you're a retarded faggot or hobbyist.
>that jerky steering
Why are you using a keyboard? The game has controller support.
I hate using controllers, keyboard and mouse is what I'm gonna use for the rest of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way
can you fuck that pink haired platypus in linux game
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niggas really be there making linux their whole personality
I'm a massive Linux fag and I hate that fucking game. Pure ugly jank that people only give a shit about because it's open source.
Play SRB2Kart instead if you want a good open source kart racer.
I agree. I can't believe how often Arch based distros get recommended. Most people don't want to spend time reading through forums just to keep their system running.
They in that sentence refers to the ancestors (plural) you dummy.
I love Mint and Cinnamon.
But it has soul...
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Linux runs warzone 2100 and that is all I need.
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look into these soulless eyes and say that again.
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never forget what they took from you
I can't believe Bill Gates personally traveled the world smashing every Tux Racer cabinet he could find. Truly unhinged.
anti soul
Arch works out of the box in 2024. ArchInstall does everything in like 5 minutes
Go read some forums and you will see that Arch users commonly do full reinstalls because of stability issues. Don't be disingenuous.
>Bro just use a shortcut command meant for people that actually understand how arch works so you can attempt to recreate the same experience as you'd get out of the box by just picking a normal distro
He is correct in saying that it works out of the box though, every Linux distro has ridiculous problems like that. Windows does too, but the solution is usually an easy to find “run this script or download this driver” and not “spend days ripping apart your entire system trying to find what random and unrelated thing is misbehaving, also you’re stupid for not knowing you had to do XYZ on step 93 even though it wasn’t listed”
The only time I might have had to resort to reinstalling my Mint system to fix a problem, I fixed it with Timeshift instead. Also, I confirmed it was a problem that I caused myself, not a stability issue, so it was never Mint's fault.
People who say Mint randomly breaks over time are coping one way or another, either with their choice of unstable distribution or with their own user errors on Mint.
The last time I used it was sometime around 2010, but I imagine it’s still pretty good. I don’t use Linux very often anymore but am not surprised Mint is still a popular recommendation. I use plain old Debian whenever I use Linux, typically with XFCE.
>2013ish: installing arch is easy as the beginners guidegives sensible defaults for 99% of users
>2017ish: beginners guide is axed and installing arch is hard again, especially if its your first time
>20 fucking 24: arch install has been a piss east script for years, almost plug n chug
You had a point, about 8 years ago. Now youre just what my friend T Davis would call a 'nigger'
That's racist, my dude.
>every Linux distro has ridiculous problems like that.
No they don't you disingenuous faggot. Arch is not a distro if you want stability. Rolling releases are not for people who want things to just work.
I like Arch and opensuse. Let me just shill opensuse for a bit. It has BTRFS out of the box with working snapper in the grub menu. This means you can just go back even if you break your boot.
Being an Archie isn't a race, no matter how of your life you make it.
is this the best game on linux
cachybros ww@
Yeah Arch is literally just a meme distro. If you truly want a "poweruser distro" that is rolling release, then use Gentoo. You can even choose to use stable or unstable versions of individual packages, so you get the best of both worlds. Also the AUR is heavily overrated. Using overlays in Gentoo is a much better experience
why are programmers so deathly allergic to anything that looks even remotely palatable.
such a linux user response lmao
Ucuntu? With that faggot penguin?
Programmers shit on UX people and project managers and make software that looks like shit and then wonder why Adobe is still able to dominate the market
It even says "he" immediately after!
130+ IQ people have different idea of platable compared to most of the populus.
everything needs troubleshooting, everything. linux is not for me. i wish it actually "just worked" like everyone likes to claim
>Every good distro is backed by a megacorp
>Gaming on linux is only where it is because of the work of a megacorp
Weird how the freetard community is okay with this
>Every good distro is backed by a megacorp
such as Debian, Arch and Mint
>Gaming on linux is only where it is because of the work of a megacorp
ikr, how long will fucking international CodeWeavers syndicate keep its tyranny
dam that actually looks pretty fun, what game?
>Good distros
Ubuntu fork my guy
the best
>Ubuntu fork
which removed proprietary stuff, and there's a Debian-based version
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pretty good
I freeload from their kernel work on gentoo, does that count?
Tux racer.
Still on it on the main machine. It literally just werks. No clue why you would use anything else that's Debian based.
i wish fedora had an immutable cinnamon spin. would be THE perfect noob distro.
*Super Tux Kart
Because they're programmers, code monkeys, they're good at coding first and foremost.
They aren't artists, nor UI designers, nor writers, nor voice actors, yet they flimsily attempt to tackle these areas alone in spare time for free. The result is therefore janky, even when they're aping a proprietary game wholesale.
Arch isn't really a meme anymore, it is the status-quo for gaming.
The new meme distros are Nix, Nobara, and Bazzite.
It's not like UX "people" are any better with their flatshit, single color, searing white or black, excess padding, space wasting, tablet phone interfaces
Based will be playing this on my Windows 11 machine
I miss using Pidgin for IRC, AIM, and MSN.
Lutris is such a piece of shit that I'm thinking about reinstalling windows instead of having to deal with that niggerware ever again.
What the fuck is a Lutris? t. Linux user
lutris balls
I don't get Lutris either. I just use Bottles and adding non-Steam games to Steam so stuff can be used through Proton.

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