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Tales bros, our status?
Call me when Velvet gets a remaster
Alvin completely carried this mediocre game
Better this than absolute silence, least they could do is remaster both games though because Xillia 2 is better
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Wanted to replay this, but didn't want to dig through my closet to get my ps3. Hopefully it includes xillia 1 and 2. Surely they won't make us pay for both separately, right? Haha....
Enough with the remasters. Where's the new game?
Xillia was bad; I heard 2 was better but people also said Berseria was a great game and that was one of the worst in the series by far.
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Milla and her sister
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Desu I enjoyed Xillia at the time - Thought it was a step up from Graces

Couldn't really get into 2, but I did play them back to back so it may have burned me out. It felt like a complete asset flip and I couldn't be bothered. Does it get better?
>Does it get better?
Best combat in the series, second best story after Abyss
I think it does get better. I got burnt out too but I replayed it a few years ago and it was fun. Yeah it keeps recycling assets but the plot does get really good with multiple endings too. The gameplay is amazing. And it properly expands the worldbuilding and characters, you see the other continent and all the characters have sidequests. The game is pretty cheesey and shitty because it has the “we need immigration”, reminds me a lot of Trails into Daybreak but otherwise yeah it’s fun.
I am playing Tales of the Abyss currently on the 3DS. It is the first time I have played a Tales game. Are they all this abysmal? It takes an hour of running around to advance the plot in a minor way. Failing to run all over the world and talking to every NPC after each plot progression results in being locked out of side content. Boss fights are fun but the trash mobs are tedious and repetitive. I'm 40 hours in and so far I've had four, five? decent boss battles, and the rest of the game has been the worst shonen anime I've ever seen in my life. And the fucking skits, don't want to skip them for fear of missing out on plot, but there's no automatically advancing the dialog even though none of the characters are voiced. Also, a jet plane is the lamest take on a JRPG airship.
Jesus christ bamco marketer guy read the room and take a hint.
Yes people wants a remaster because it was only on ps3 which is dead. Yes people want to play with the lighting fix.
NO people don't want new dialogues and woke pandering but everything 1:1
Thanks, now go to report to your overlords.
the best combat is Arise
>nothing about Xillia 2 which has better combat, better music, a better story, better playable characters, more content, more dual artes, more things to do, and properly expands on the world and characters
I actually fucking sleep.

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I'm sorry you have horrible fucking taste, anon
lol. I'd rather have Graces F. Xillia 1 is so gutted in content compared to a regular game. Took me 25 hours to beat the main campaign like seriously what the fuck is up with that.
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lol no
NTA but I agree Arise has the best combat, Xillia 2 is a close 2nd
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Arise doesn't even have fucking victory quotes/scenes
That shit has been removed from every jrpg. New yakuzas, new kiseki games, arise, because fucking zoomers can't stay two seconds without pushing a button.
uh yeah and? still has the best combat in the series
Playing Vesperia right now, it's unironically comfier and more pleasing to play than any FF game.
I'll play Abyss next
SMT5 V still has it
Wake me up when Graces F is ported to PC. yes, I could emulate. Yes, I could load it up on my hacked PS3. But I still want to be woken up then.
>Failed at mak-
It is but it's like 1.5 seconds and is completely silent.
Sex with Sheena.
Xillia is unironically when the downfall of Tales began, though 2 redeemed it somewhat it's obvious that you could see the dip in quality after playing Graces F
That's more classic lloyd then the entire picture.
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Would definitely buy a physical Switch version to go with the Vesperia port when I get a confirmation on the following:
1) If the game has dual audio and it is on the cartridge
2) Won't have any retarded "modern audience" edits in the text
3) The performance on Switch is adequate
>3) The performance on Switch is adequate
fucking hilarious anon I needed the laugh
>people also said Berseria was a great game and that was one of the worst in the series by far.
why? thought about picking it up, what's the recommendation instead?
I hope iron stance is reworked. It was very annoying to stagger a boss only for it to take 3-5 hits at most before retaliating. You can use ailments to try and get around it, but it would be nice to get in a few more hits before you need to back off.
>Won't have any retarded "modern audience" edits in the text
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Neither of the first 2 points happened with Vesperia when they could've toned Judith the fuck down. What would they even edit out of Xillia? Jude talking about bazongas? Presa's outfit? If they're to edit anything out of these games it'd be the child corpses in Xillia 2. Bamco are too lazy to even censor games, it'll just be a 1:1 port with some JP DLCs deleted and they'll call it a day.
>pedophile defending a shit game
You should pick it up, Berseria goes on sale a lot for crazy dirty cheap prices like $7 or something. The combat is fun and the main cast is really unconventional for a JRPG since they're a whole group of anti-heroes

My only gripe with Berseria is that I just can't remember anything properly from the journey of the game. It has a really strong beginning and end, but the middle is just one gigantic blur for me.
I love how absurdly dramatic the scene with them in the tree houses is after the blonde "dies"
>sees regular pic of the protagonist of a game discussed on the thread
>immediately thinks about fucking the kid
Why are you projecting so hard, pedo?
Sex with Judith and Estelle.
Asshole Luke and Velvet are the most interesting protags in the series. I wish JRPGs had more main characters like them.
My problem with Berseria is that Velvet's playstyle is very button mashy since her break soul makes her invincible, and that a lot of cutscenes are in skits. Sometimes a cutscene goes right into a skit, and it makes no sense why that would happen instead of extending the cutscene to incorporate whatever the skit was about into it.
Luke is better before his character development.
The point where they tought that dress on judith was sexier than her regular outfit is where my suspension of disbelief went down the drain.
What the fuck is Scamco waiting for to announce this? Why wouldnt they announce it at like Talesfes or Not E3 or one of those other events around the time when everyone was declaring the series literally dead after the announcement of EOS for Rays?
Every accusation is a confession
How are you finding trash tedious when they go down quickly as long as you have at least two of Tear/Jade/Anise in your team which you should because Abyss mages are some of the best in the series and really open up the combat.
Dont tell me you fell for the Anise is a physical fighter before NG+ or tried to run both Luke + Guy.
not everyone wants to play as chicks. I never have women in my party if I can help it.
No Team Symphonia mage is anywhere near the "best mage" of the series.
The new games have been trainwrecks since Zestiria. Who cares?
Who said anything about controlling the girls? The AI is good enough to use them properly unlike Luke/Guy where it sucks dick on anything higher than Normal.
One of most central mechanics in Abyss is heavily reliant on mages to consistently generate them for you as the melee characters dont get access to FoF generation tools until much later in the game and when they do, they do it at a much slower rate. Their AI is also competent which is a big edge over the others. Abyss also has useful combo tools such as cast time storage which can really up their game as well.
Additionally, on higher difficulties, F Def scales slower than P Def, so the game eventually devolves into Destiny 2 tier combat.
Xillia had some good ones, like Leia and Alvin doing their secret handshake or in 2 where they alongside Ludger and Elle all run towards the camera and do peace signs and stuff. Super cute.
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Seriously, pure soul.
i think you faggots should try reading books and playing real games
you don't need a remaster on pc. it already runs at 4k 120fps hdr on rpcs3. all it really needs is a texture mod to redo the 720p ui to higher res.
Don't the skills that let you use FoF circles before they're fully filled get unlocked relatively early mid-game? And all that is great for party synergy, but none of lets them stand out compared to mages like Philia, Malik, or Elize.
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>Tales bros, our status?
need 21:9
>What is game preservation.
Bruh a remaster is always the better option IF they keep it the same.
I liked that the dlc for costumes was backwards compatible with ToX from ToX2.
Alvin and Gaius comparing demon fangs
>comparing demon fangs
Yeah that was something. I really liked what they did with gaius on xillia 2.
You need to attach sunlight chambers to your artes in order to do that, and they're super rare. You can steal them from sword dancer 3, but aside from that you only find a few throughout the whole game. Every other chamber type is much more plentiful.
the game is already preserved on bluray and psn (before namco took it down)

>preserved on bluray and psn
On a dead console which is no longer produced.
For me, it's
oh no...
This better get a Steam/PC version or no buy.
You're right best mage is Philia
they shared the same engine so might as well. I remember that used to be a source of emulator crash by trying to load too much dlc at once.
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>5.5 out of 8 games are good
Close enough
Why did only Scamco europe release those multipacks.
what we REALLY need is a damn collection.
All the games in one set, fuck you Hasbro.
I killed myself trying to find the second game because it was never released on psn in my region. Found the metal box in a FUCKING GAMESTOP for like 4 euros.
Open a dictionary and find the word tedious, then find the word difficult, and learn that they do not mean the same thing. Getting constantly pulled into battles with trash mobs because the hour-long "puzzle" just means running around a giant building repeatedly isn't difficult, it's tedious.
Not one game in the entire franchise has an "hour-long puzzle". Just say you were filtered fren
I love ps3 game ports (pc gamer)
>he cares about platform wars
You need to be 18+ to post here
Imagine shilling for an incel woman beater.
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Remind me again how can you play Xillia on your PS5 right now?
>not emulating it in 4k 60fps
It's already remastered on PC and free. I actually played Xillia 2 through the emulator after playing the first one on the PS3. I might give it another run, this time playing as the dude.
>he played as the second playthrough character in his first playthrough
Milla is a billion times more interesting than what's his name again.
>more remastered slop
At least bundle it with the second game faggots.
Tits and slutty outfits don’t make an interesting character coomer-kun.
>the main cast is really unconventional for a JRPG since they're a whole group of anti-heroes
I fail to see how this is at all unconventional when they're still basically behave like typical heroes in a journey. Their world is corrupt but under a viel of holiness. It's like saying the One Piece cast are unconventional protagonist because they're technically villains according to society. The only one with any real bite is Velvet and she really only behaves like a whiney bitch with daddy issues instead of a malicious force out to cause problems. Velvet has three states: rager, tsundere, and weird super sweet sibling complex thing. All of which make her kinda a mess. It could have worked if they put more focus on her being mentally unhinged or insane but it's fairly well adjusted.

I feel Abyss and Vesparia handled the idea of unconventional heroes better, the former by having its main character be an insufferable dick head for most of the game and the latter by having its protagonist not be some squeaky clean hero that's willing to dirty his hands.
Is Tales of Xillia 2 worth the 20/40 bucks?
man I would have loved to have those collections but by the time these came out I already sold my ps3 and embraced emulators.
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Who did he beat, again?
Can't wait to spend $50 on the same game I played a decade ago.
90% of the playthrough is the exact same and in the few instances each route shows unique stuff hers feelstacked on compared to Jude's, which actualkly shows everything going on. With him you gain much more character development and a more focused dynamic amongst the cast when they have to separate, meanwhile with Milla there's shit like learning members of the Chimeriad died offscreen because it happened during Jude's run or missing out on Muzet going schizo.
Was Luke always awful?
I was under the impression that the real Luke was pretty upstanding and honoring but his clone was a piece of shit from essentially being born into riches without any of the responsibilities enforced growing up. That's why Real Luke detest the clone as much as he does because not only did he steal is life but essentially takes it for granted and ruining his name.
When people say the tales games have good gameplay its always because they can juggle an enemy for 2 mins with no resistance. Is the enemy variety good? Are the boss battles fun?
Xillia 2 is where tales peaked.
If you like these types of games then you should play it. People here will shit on every Tales game that isn't the mid-as-hell Symphonia.
That's pretty much it. Real Luke promised Natalia they'd get married and rule their country honorably and stuff.
Symphonia is over 20 years old. It was better than competing games at the time, particularly on gamecube.
The gaming landscape evolved, and more recent tales entries tend to be inferior to competing modern games.
For reference, anon, Xillia is the first game released after the studios merged. It was the beginning of nu-Tales.
>Relatively early midgame
You have one Sunlight Chamber before like Act 3 and the only reliable way to get multiple is to grind Sword Dancer. By the way, mages can generate FoF changes where ever they want because you dont have to be in the field. It also counts the activation place of the spell in question.
Jade and Tear even have fairly solid melee artes despite only having 4 of them.
Proper Elympios game aka X3 when?
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Never ever
Tales games were never good
None of the puzzles in Abyss take an hour even in long dungeons like the Absorption Gate where the team is split in three.
Randoms are fairly easy to avoid outside of the laggy ass world map "dungeons" and you can just use holy bottles to turn off encounters.
Fights also go down so quickly to the point that the final battle bgm never goes into the main chorus unless you intentionally dick around on purpose.
Randoms are neither tedious nor difficult. You're not playing a game with a ridiculously high encounter rate like some of the older FFs.
>was bad
And it still goddamn is, 2 is superior to 1. I say this as a person who fucking bought 1 despite the backlash during the jp release only to regret it quickly. God i hate the main heros of 1.
I mean Vesperia ran pretty well, fights were 60FPS and most of the villages, too, only the overworld traversal halves the framerate consistently. I was very happy that it wasn't a locked 30FPS rush job. As long as the Switch version can reach the performance of the PS3 original I'd be fine.
People that only played Arise are irrelevant
Only relevant if Xillia 2 is on the pack. Been almost 6 years since Vesperia DE, they had mpre than enough time to remaster both games.
Otherwise I'll just keep emulating.
Fertile anise best girl, sex sex sex.
>play Tales of Abyss
>surprised it's abysmal
Vesperia had a boring story, nothing happens most of the game. Abyss/Xillia+2/Berseria are much more interesting in that regard.
Tales fans only like Vesperia because of the gay shipping and videos of combos.
The original performance was not adequate.
I've had Vesperia sitting in my Steam library for a while now, haven't touched it. Never played a Tales game before, got it because I thought maybe it would be a comfy JRPG for the Deck. Is this a good one to start with?

My favourite JRPGs:
>Dragon Quest VIII
>Skies of Arcadia
>Persona 3 & 4
Presa sexo in 4K
go for it
Better than Graces, but the start of the spirit horseshit that ruined the setting of Zestria and Beseria.
The only good games in that collection are Symphonia 1, Vesperia, and Berseria. Everything else is trash.
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Do they plan on finishing the game instead of pulling a macGuffin that solves everything at the last second to scramble an ending?
Berseria is great, ignore that retard.
It's the longest but also the most boring Tales game. Do you prefer FFXII over the Snes/PS1 FFs? Cause that's basically Vesperia.
Except for Legendia, Dawn of the New World, Tempest or Zestiria, most of the other entries are better picks.
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>remaster of one of the most boring, blue-ballish Tales of games that leads into even worse sequel of the Baba era
Wake me up when they remake Tales of Destiny or remake the sequel that never got an English localization
>every party member is an edgy, jaded, quipping douche bag
>/ss/ bait without any actual /ss/
>protagonist dies at the end
Why would i want to play as some weak manlet? Where i could play as hot girl?
levels are so dull that i couldn't stand playing it for more than 5h
I don't know why you guys bitch about the series dying when it's apparent you dislike the overwhelming majority of the games. It's constant negativity no matter what the topic is.
It's a shame everybody but Luger is kneecapped.
That's just 4chan in general, we're le ebin contrarians who hate everything
He's probably the most busted main protag outside of Ludger in the sequel. Even Velvet's pseudo-invincibility can't stand up to him.
The best Tales game is your first etc etc, all the others are shit
I couldn't stand having all that shit on my screen at all times
ToD remake has a complete fan translation out and ToD2's fan translation is going through testing but's complete.
If by kneecapped you mean they aren't on the same steroids Ludger is taking I would agree. How would you explain someone like Elize or Leia being worse than they are in Xillia?
I mean you obviously has shit taste.
Well, yeah, that sounds on pair with most Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia fans
Depends on if this game has cunny like grace f. Does it?
This. Bamco is out of their mind if they think censorship and waifu hating is going to make them money.
Hello there dr.pizza.
Remaster Eternia you cowards
Rank tales game based on the loli/hebe
You probably shouldn't post ever again.
oh yes
>Vesperia had a boring story
You went into a game about justice and didn't like the situations set up specifically to explore the complexity of law and order and corruption, and when vigilantism is moral and for how long? I thought it was one of the best Tales stories ever.
My first was Abyss. It's also my favorite but Vesperia, Berseria and Xillia 2 are also incredible.
Vesperia has a fuckload of content. So much is missable too. I recommend going at your own pace first playthrough and in ng+ if you wanna do it, look up a complete sidequest guide. The brionic quest in particular is fuckin esoteric.
Excellent game though.
I love comboing with Jude and Alvin most of all.
Only if you enjoy videogames.
The only problem I remember with Xillia was that it had a painful amount of backtracking since it stopped using the over world with hubs and forced you to walk through full areas over and over again to get from place to place.
What am I forgetting?

Xillia 2 is the only game where I actively tried to not play as the MC as much as possible in combat because fuck 3 move sets.
>because fuck 3 move sets
Yeah I rarely switched weapons with Ludger and honestly he's an excellent character to Link with so playing as anyone else is perfectly fine too.

I just really liked FREEZING ERUPTION
If you believe the old rumors then Xiilia 2 was supposed to be the second half of Xillia 1 instead of being a separate game.
However you don't need rumors at all to get that feeling for Zestiria which felt more like a bloated first arc than it's own game.
Is she better or worse than etna?
Yeah yeah, FFXII fans have also been talking about politic intrigue and the complexity of the plot for years, but in the end it's just a half-assed story in a way too long game carried entirely by the gameplay. Most of the previous entries are better.
Will it have dual audio? Hearing english Jude now depresses me.
We have an anon of culture here I see.
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Rowenenjoyers will be eating good with Xillia HD.
you can toggle it off
Backtracking is not a problem because you unlock fast travel in less than 5hrs, unlike other games. Xillia's problem is that every field/harbor looks the same.
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Edna !
Vesperia's morality is heavily centered around Yuri and Flynn ends up looking incompetent because practically all of his promotions are a result of Yuri doing the work for him. Duke is also a weak final antagonist compared to Mithos and Van.
will buy if on xbox
Remind me again why she randomly had animal features?
Also Yuri never answers for his crimes on any level. He has one duel with Flynn and then we just move on like nothing happened.
If you don't like abyss good chance the series isn't for you
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>Took me 25 hours to beat
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Its already accessible, and quality. Xillia needs the help. Based but misguided take.
The best Tales is my favorite and the rest of you are all wrong. Also my first TES was Oblivion and it's my most disliked as well, how about that?
Hopefully to Xillia 2 boss stagger mechanics but seems like wishful thinking.
Vesperia's mini-arcs are better than its overall plot. First half of the game you're dealing with Yuri being a vigilante and the true meaning of justice and honor and blah blah then suddenly in the second half it's all about saving this random engangered species and Duke going crazy over it. It's no wonder whenever people remember and talk about Vesperia it's only ever Yuri killing assholes and nothing else.
This might be the first xillia combat webm I've seen posted recently that actually has damage being dealt and not those 1 damage infinite combos.
>Backtracking is not a problem because you unlock fast travel in less than 5hrs
I don't remember getting it that early and I seem to remember there were some areas that were nested inside other areas with no direct fast travel to them. It's been a long while since I played it though so maybe my memory is just wrong.
Yeah, you get it in Hamil, the town where you meet Elize.
Making a drinking game out of every time he backstabs the party would carry the game, sure.
People always rant about the writting and why the group always let Alvin return to them after betraying them again, but it's pretty obvious that the group itself is kinda weak/incapable by itself. Elize is a fucking kid, Jude and Leia are just some years older and Milla lost most of hear powers. Also, better to keep the useful asshole close than let him closer to the enemies.
her powers*
because it made my dick hard
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obviously the correct pronunciation is EX illia
>let him closer to the enemy
>is already working for the enemy
>immediately goes on the hunt and kill when the party become wanted dead worldwide
I mean...
Waiting for a fucking port for Abyss
Abyss R with higher quality graphics, 16 arte slots and some other minor gameplay tweaks would be good.
New game would just be in Arise's style. I would rather take remakes and remasters instead.
Why would Berseria even need one?
Tales reinvents the wheel every entry, for better or worse. I wouldn't expect a game exactly like Arise.
Why is Leia weak to guns?
Why wouldn't she be weak to guns?
Give me sidestep.
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So I recently replayed Symphonia and I was wondering what the general consensus is about Raine. She was always my favourite character for being a healer yet no nonsense and also pragmatic which I thought was interesting for a healer at the time. I don't really see her talked about though.
>The El Maco is backo at McDonald's!
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Game should let you keep multiple copies of Capacity Cores. I know I would get 6 or 7 copies, eventually.
6 or 7 copies of Tutti
The choice of the refined patrician. The taste of an exquisite gentleman.
peak Tales women, peak video games women, too
Efficient and purposeful Raine sexo.
You can say whatever you want about Symphonia's combat in comparison to new entries, but holyshit, it had Raine, Sheena and Colette. Hard to beat.
Sheena sucks
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literally can go fuck itself unless they bother to put in the stagger system from the second game. devs back then realized themselves how shit X1 was so what's the excuse outside of just being a lazy cashgrap
you must be new here then because i'm posting webm's with actual damage all the fucking time
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Something I reaffirmed when replaying Symphonia was that Sheena's combat design is complete garbage. She's a melee but she's also squishy as fuck while also being short range. She's fast but that matters absolutely none when Symphonia's movement is mediocre and also Lloyd's more mobile than her anyway, considering he moves just as fast and has Tempest. Her techs do fuckall damage because they have terrible modifiers and they also cost a ridiculously high amount for what they do. And then there's her summons which are shite because she has to be in overlimit (which is hard because AI Sheena keeps fucking dying and resetting OL) and also they scale with intelligence, of which Sheena doesn't even have a great stat. Also visually her melee techs are boring because they effectively all look the same except Pyre/Demon Seal. What were they thinking with Sheena, I don't understand. I mean I guess it doesn't really matter because Symphonia's easy, but still.
I want presea to gently massage me whilst I shoot thick ropes into her, then massage by balls until I can go again. Repeat till I sleep.
yes. Muzet (boss) only works with air combos. some bosses like Odin have bigger hitboxes. some small guys need other combo routes to make shit work. some float differently. there is also a little bit of stun rng involved to pull off some combos. high-knockdown artes can be teched out of by the bosses unless you swap weapons with Ludger which makes the time stop for a second and the CPU to miss the tech timing. so on so forth.
i know you were about to sperg about revenge values and i'm telling you right now you can put that shit up your ass because it is nowhere near as good as KH fags make it seem to be
Nobody cares about Tales anymore.
Not only does Arise not have the best combat in the series I'd argue it literally has the worst. Fucking Zesteria was more functional.
X2 really did take a mediocre system and turn it godlike so easily.
The dialogs, cutscenes, and skits alone in Absorption Gate take an hour.
I hate only tales of has this specific combat system.
Even star ocean only get somewhat close.
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Objectively incorrect because Berseria is easily the best in terms of characters.
>Also, better to keep the useful asshole close than let him closer to the enemies.
That's literally the reason they used.
>Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Star Ocean was literally made by ex-Tales workers
retard here. how the fuck do people chain so many combos together in tales games.
Not my point, my point is there's no games copying this combat system that I know of.
Port more tales games to PC, do not remaster them, do not change them, just port them.

For this and this alone I will give you my money.
Trials of Mana remake comes close, the movement/camera is just more "free"
>every party member is an edgy, jaded, quipping douche bag
Completely and utterly fucking wrong and you're a stupid nigger.
>/ss/ bait without any actual /ss/
Wow, it's almost like their entire relationship dynamic is about Velvet learning to stop projecting her dead brother onto someone who isn't her dead brother and learning to see him as his own person and a friend. I would have despised Berseria if they actually forced a romance between the 2.
>protagonist dies at the end
Retard doesn't even understand a game he's criticising, to the surprise of no one.
Also Ni No Kuni 2 felt incredibly close to Tales.
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Depends on the game. Some of them require extreme autism (practice) and the right situation.
For some, like Xillia 2, it's way more sensible. Most artes can chain together in that game as long as you can keep an enemy staggered. You can keep an enemy staggered in X2 by activating a power combo by hitting their weakness. Adding a new weakness increases the time your power combo lasts, and also increases the damage, but makes the power combo gauge drain quicker.
If you hit them with something they resist or the gauge drops to 0, they break out of stagger.
The goal in X2 combat is to get your combo to last as long as you can and cash in on your biggest damaging attacks right before your combo ends to take full advantage of the damage multiplier. Usually this is done with mystic artes.

Comboing in Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia for instance is much harder since there's no power combo mechanic, and many artes simply don't chain together at all and you will drop the combo entirely if you try to use one after the other. So it's a lot of testing out which artes flow together neatly.
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>Adding a new weakness
I mean element. You want to consistently add new elements and properties to combos before the gauge drops off to get that juicy damage bonus high.
ty anon. i beat xillia 1 but something about the MC of xillia 2 being completely mute put me off from playing the game. maybe il try it after all.
Abusing stagger time and equippable skills, with NG+ letting you carry over everything and also giving you extra stuff to exploit with custom perks.
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I understand and if it helps in NG+ he speaks all of his dialogue options verbally.
He is very expressive and has a nice personality.
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why would you want anyone to mimic this? you want that souls clone shit all over again? stick to the OG. you see how shit it worked with Star Ocean. It's nowhere even near Tales and it's quite pathetic how vintage their recent PS5 port was given where Tales was with it's PS2 ports
There's plenty of "free running action combat" JRPGs but I think Tales is the only one that bothers with combos and strings. Most of the other games don't bother with it and just goes with the basics. So if that's what's you're looking for, then yeah Tales is the only one.
Ludger is really the best character in the entire series if you can overlook the mute part. his story goes hard and nobody ever in Tales suffered as much as he did. super fitting for a character who also is gameplaywise the absolute peak
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I was gunna skip X2 since I felt pretty underwhelmed with 1 but I picked it up on a whim and now it's one of my favorite games.
2 is shit
Vesperia is my favourite jrpg ever. I've played a million jrpgs and Vesperia is just the best. Looks like a high budget anime, music is fantastic, characters are charming (except Karol, who is a bitch), and the amount of stuff in the game is just mental. So many side quests and costumes. And the FF9 style skill system where abilities are tied to weapons is a lot of fun. And then you have even more abilities with synthesis for older weapons.
Played the game like 5 times on 360 and playing the remaster right now and it has even more shit in it.
>but the story isn't very interes--
Dont care. I don't play any game for th story, and especially not Tales games. Everything about Vesperia is A+. Play it.
Why would Xillia even need one?
>nobody ever in Tales suffered as much as he did
i havent played it but i highly doubt he suffered more than velvet. she literally is condoned to endlessly torture her brother to keep him from devouring the entire world on top of all the horrible things that happen in the game.
Having a brother in a Tales game means suffering.
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>having to steal from Nebilim 6 or 7 times
will probably depend on how you view things. some meta-level shit like "eternal suffering" isn't really doing it for me. what Ludger went through was imo a lot more impactful emotionally. but that's up to you, i can highly recommend checking it out
I have how pointlessly bleak Berseria's setting is. Like the world is so monumentally fucked that there really feels like there's not really any point trying.
>meta-level shit like "eternal suffering"
do you just lack the ability to empathize with women or something? velvets fate and story is so unbelievably fucked up. her sister and nephew are sacrificed by her brother in law, who then sacrifices her brother and tries to kill her, then she has to cannabilize the reincarnation of her sister. AND THATS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME.
The famous puzzle-centric skits of Tales
Well Berseria's world is just an extension of Zestiria's which was already pretty fucked too and Bamco seems to have given up on the setting well...it'll stay fucked up
If the sound test is anything to go by, she was supposed to get some of Kuchinawa's attacks too, and those had some great range or acted as a good escape option.
Some higher dev had a massive hate boner for her.
There is nothing to 'overlook', people are retarded autists when it comes to "muh he doesn't talk (he does) muh he has no personality because he has no voice (he does)"
it's also the only thing for a long time in the game so don't act like there is anything else to come till the last segment hits.
Ludger on the other hand get's betrayed off of his dream job by his own brother, get's scammed into a huge depth, forced to go around dimensions killing people, seeing his love interest die, killing his future fucked-up self, forced to decide between killing his own brother or killing the entire party (only for the ladder to end in his brother dying anyway) and then sacrificing himself for a version of his daughter that shouldn't exist the begin with just because everyone emphasizes more with the kid than the adult.
There's a solution to the setting. We know that daemonblight/malevolence only exists as we know it because the heavenly seraphim's cursed the earthly realm so that the malakhim's desire for coexistence with humans can never come true. And at the end of the Heavenly Steppes is a gate to the heavenly realm. It's locked because the seraphim are scared of getting their assholes remodeled, but in theory, some future protag could go through it and beat the shit out of everyone so the curse is rescinded.
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I'll always enjoy getting an excuse to play Alvin again, he's the second most fun character to play behind pic related
Because it's trapped on a three generation old console? You can buy Berseria for Steam and PS5 right now you absolute retard.
>has to list the entirety of the game while the other anon only posts the first half hour
And Velvet didnt go through anything at all through out the game? Why the fuck do you even have to overexaggerate? This is the most retarded way of going about. She went through several things just like Ludger, finding a emotionless clone of her brother, dealing to cope, getting smacked around out of her revenge boner. I cant even say you have a raging boner for Ludger, your just being stupid.
>do you just lack the ability to empathize with women or something?
You're not gonna win over anyone if your first line in an "argument" is some Twitter simp moralizing
The Xillia duo also don't run great with multiplayer, especially if someone is playing a mage like Rowen. I played it with 2 other mates again a few years back and it would become a slideshow anytime my mate used a spell.
>has to list the entirety of the game while the other anon only posts the first half hour
Doesn't sound very eternal then.
Zestiria and Berseria's ending were boring. They should publish a manga or just make a third game already.
>has to list the entirety of the game while the other anon only posts the first half hour
because, as i said, nothing much is happening after the beginning of the game. "getting smacked around out of her revenge boner" literally means nothing is happening till clone Laphicet gets introduced. and even then i never understood her meltdown given how a clone means fuck all to the fact that her actual brother is still dead.
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works on my modern machine
I'm still pissed Berseria's postgame brought you to the very gates of the world where the spirits responsible for the malevolence curse dwell, and everyone just decides "NAH" and walks away.
Velvet continued to go through hell until death, including being forced to go through a world that looked at her brother/father figure like the world savior when in reality he was a murderer doing sacrificial rituals. You went through the autism of listing the whole game for Ludger, im not doing that for Velvet.
And I knew you'd try to pull the emulator card which is why I mentioned PS5. Now answer, why would Berseria need a remaster?
I'm not the same anon, Berseria works fine on PC so it doesn't need one anyway
I'm guessing it's because it's not their goal. Everyone has some personal grief with Artorius and his crew, but the spirit world is a bit too far removed for everyone to collectively care.
jrpgs in general are pretty bad. the characters always seem like they were written by gradeschool children, the plots are meandering and boring, and the gameplay sucks too
What Tales games should I start with?
>the characters always seem like they were written by gradeschool children
If gradeschool children could write characters based on the kabbalah, tarot cards or the scales of personal justice and weigh morality and vengeance in objective ways and in situations that could be argued back and forth for years, I'd buy their books in an instant.
Sky FC :^)
Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia are generally regarded to be the best places to start.
I personally didn't like Symphonia, I think it was really really bad. Abyss and Vesperia were solid IMO.
Compared with other videogames out there that are written by university professors, plots are concise and without any plot holes, and their gameplay revolutionize the industry every time
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Abyss, without a shadow of a doubt
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I think it's quite amusing that they had the gall to give Sheena a solo fight against Kuchinawa, which was hard as fuck for me because I had barely any experience with Sheena so he just bodied me repeatedly. And that he actually fought like a Ninja unlike Sheena.
Symphonia, best characters and story. I really hope they remake the game but with Vesperia's combat but even better.
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>Xilia gets a remaster before FUCKING ABYSS
yes, I'm mad.
ah yes, the vengeance/morality debate that definitely hasn't been beaten to death and beyond in every medium imaginable for decades upon decades
Either Symphonia or Abyss, with Vesperia as your second or third option. Personally I'd go with Abyss.
I just got a Steam Deck. Which Tales game should I play? I've played the NES one and like half of Symphonia.
I'm still discovering stuff about this game I never realized as a kid.
The execution of a work is more important than how new of unique of an idea it is.
Every single story you have ever enjoyed in your short life has been done before, and usually better.
My First was Phantasia on GBA yeah I know and my favorite is Abyss.
Abyss is getting a full and complete remake with Arise graphics but keeping its combat system, trust the plan.
>"ah yes, the REVENGE BAD debate that definitely hasn't been beaten to death and beyond in every medium imaginable for decades upon decades"
Fuck this fight
Name 1 JRPG about justice.
Hearts R
it's such an overused trope, that frankly, i do believe a gradeschool child could simulate the debate adequately
an especially horrid example of this, thank you
Please no
>one of the worst entries of the series
>has the best overworld theme by a country mile
My point was that you're singling out JRPGs as if other games like Dad of Us didn't do it far worse while pretending to be far more
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the last of us 2 is an atrocious game, but jrpgs are also bad
use the patch to fix the colors. also there's another patch to hide some hud elements.
Okay westoid
Sweet, picked up. Thanks bro.
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Good OP
That reminds me. It was fucking retarded that she never got any mini-guardians as part of her kit when she claimed that she was a guardian user. Surely a guardian user has fucking guardians to use.
is berseria good? I bought it a long time ago and want to fuck velvet but idk
Yeah it's pretty sweet, the combat takes some getting used to but eventually it'll click and feel very fluid. Switch off Velvet once you get Rokurou and Eizen to understand it better without relying on her break soul.
Jude and snap pivot is the best character in any Tales game prove me wrong.
This is bait and you all fell for it.
>when rowen exists
>when he has both arte tuning and time stop
>when he can share his time stop
Is Millia built for sex, handholding, or kissing?
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She's gonna use the last one Grandpa, she said at the Asgard Ranch, so I can only assume they're shit one time use things that she got from her Grandpa who is comatose (I think). But yes, it's stupid that the summoner barely summons and also her actual summons are shit aside from the stat buffs they give. I don't know why they didn't just make her like Klarth, because I guess he's a caster and she's a melee? But then why don't they just give her techs that have the summons baked in? Like melee strikes where the summon comes and strikes with or for her? It boggles the mind.
Alt!Milla is for all those things
Regular Milla is for tethering
I'll Summon: Birth inside Sheena alright
How much bed breaking sex did Jude and Milla have after the end of Xillia 2?
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>The best OP
>The best Battle theme
too bad the R op is that good
I still love innocence R
*is not that good
They probably had to wait until Jude completed his spyrite research (which according to Victor happens 2 years in the future). Remember, Milla and Muzet disappear at the end because their job helping the party is done and they can't stay in the human world without taking up precious mana that the world needs to prevent spyrixes from killing spirits
But after that's over and they're all reunited? Insurmountable number of beds broken, weekly. Leia needs to sleep with earplugs
They had 4 days of nonstop sex so much that when Elise enters Jude's room she immediately smells the stink.
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Eh, the overworld theme loops every 10~15 seconds. There are definitely much better ones.
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Fujo series
Can't believe Kyle is about to fucking die and his dad doesn't care
I thought they never met again, good to know this is not necessarily the case.
Dr. Jude definitely solved the mana issue with his weird pokemon thing. Once that happens, Milla can probably come and go as she pleases.
OG Star Ocean or modern Star Ocean? Because whatever happened to modern Tales, modern SO is 10x worse.
Not much has changed at tri-Ace over the years. The guys behind Phantasia are still heading game development there.
Divine force was a return to form imo
I loved Divine Force. Legit the most I've enjoyed a JRPG in god knows how long.
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I never saw that version
How many of them have done anal?
>I'm still discovering stuff about this game I never realized as a kid
It blew my mind the first time I did NG+ and found out cutscenes have different dialogue if you use a Luke costume that has him with short hair before he's supposed to have it
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Tales of Fujollia
Where are her panties? Why can I almost see her nipples? Young women shouldn't be doing this...
what tales game should I play first
What tales game should I play last?
Reve Unitia
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Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia are the FFVII, VIII, IX equivalent for Tales aka the "golden age trilogy", it's downhill from there
Sharing is caring
Team Symphonia babies say the darnedest things.
But people hate FF8
I heard the lossless scaling app can be used to make the PC version of Symphonia run at a higher fps now.
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>no argument
I don't see anyone out there clamoring for Destiny DC or Hearts so yes, the three most well known and most beloved Tales are in fact those three

People? Or "people" (read: permanently online brainrotted people that repeat other people's opinions after watching retrospectives over playing the games themselves)? I see more usual discussion surrounding VIII than I do IV or VI or X or XIII, nevermind the others which are even less talked about outside maybe /vr/
I've never played FF, but I thought X was one of the most well loved titles.
>I see more usual discussion surrounding VIII
That's probably because there's a bit more actual mystery involved in FF8 because of all the bullshit with GFs, sorceresses and time compression

other games are pretty straightforward

A lot of people like FF10, I think it's just ok. For me FF5/6/7 and 12 are my favorites in no particular order
I don't care if you like them or point out that other people like them, I like them as well. What I have a problem with is you and your ilk trying to paint the rest of the series as shit despite not playing any of them.
Those arent people
>Destiny DC or Hearts
One of them is japan only and the other is stuck vita (one of the very few vita exclusives left) and it's original DS version was never translated
fair enough carry on anon
>FF8 babbies
Your game is dogshit
nta but I personally think it was the beginning of the end and it has more in common with XIII than people like to admit
I still play this game. It did the real tales crossover vs and worlds didn't.
Still beating ass with combo af teams
FF8 is one of GOTY contender. Suck my 35 yo cock
care to tell the class why FF8 sucks?
Tons of people like it because it has one of the most overt love stories in the franchise, so if you were the right age when you played it it probably affected you and have Yuna as your waifu and blah blah blah. Personally I thought it was kinda 'meh', I mainly didn't care for half the party and I found the world too linear and the Omega Dungeon to be a pain
>FFVIII fan is a retard and has shit taste. >FFVIII fan is an ultra casual that never played most games
Sky is blue
Garbage characters, story, systems and lore. Worst FF besides II, XIII and XV.
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>Hard games means good
>Nonsense plot
>Characters are one note
>Junction system is retarded
>Setting makes no sense
Only good things about 8 are the graphics and music
Non argumentative opinion. Less than 500 words. Your opinion is invalid. Next
>Junction system is retarded
in what way, xir?
>you and your ilk trying to paint the rest of the series as shit
Point out where that happened, faggot. I said those three games are seen as the three golden gooses always brought up first when people talk about Tales and their favories just like you can't go 10 posts in a Final Fantasy thread without someone saying VII is the GOAT. Am I objectively right or wrong? Where did I "paint the rest of the series as shit"? Suck my balls
Not an argument
>Point out where that happened, faggot
>it's all downhill from there
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I want FFags out from my thread
I am asking for your argument ma'am
Get your life together, Spoony
did he died
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should I play FF7R, tales of xilia or graces F? havent played any of them before haha
>*from* there
>this anon thinks Destiny or Eternia or the like came out before Vesperia
Please tell me how much better and finished Xillia or Zestiria or Arise are to those games, anon
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1300 years old
You can't even greentext correctly
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Not yet
Yuri gets shit done, takes out the trash, and saves the world. He has nothing to answer for especially from you. You're like a hall monitor tattler that isn't satisfied until every petty infraction is punished.
The greying video game nerd...
Graces F so you wait for Xillia Remastered and then Xillia 2. VII's Compilation was ass 20 years ago and it's ass now
I'm gonna play them all on RPCS3, why would I need to wait for a remaster? have they added new content in recent remasters?
I can see her pantsu...
I can see her labia...
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why does she look like the lights arent on in her head
Teeny tiny budget for spin off. Please understand.
They aren't. If I remember right, she hasn't been all "there" after her parents were eaten by monsters and she was bullied at the orphanage afterwards for being a half-elf.
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>bullied little girl related to monsters in some way
Where have I heard this before...
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Im still mad
I will now bully little girls (i'm a monster BTW)
I dont understand how they fucked up arise so much. Why couldn't they make a half-decent combat system?
A lot of the older games have pretty basic combat but it's still fun to play. Arise is so fucking bad.
I got bored of the combat in about 10 hours. just felt samey and pointless. I rather liked Berseria's though
If Abyss Destiny Cut doesn't let God Generals be playable, it will forever be labeled as the worst game in the series.
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>dogshit game
>not a new game
>not (rebirth,destiny remake or destiny 2
>not remastering an actual good game like abyss
Fuck off
Is this the Tales game with the cute girl?
you don't like every boss being glued to the floor with perma iron stance?
Rebirth is FAR worse than Xillia.
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>not (rebirth,destiny remake or destiny 2
>not remastering an actual good game like abyss
Also shitty writing
There was no good end for Arietta. She was a sycophant for the original Ion who wished for the destruction of the world and helped Van in his plans. The torment that knowledge + that of "her Ion" having died three years prior would bring would be astronomical and not worth it. Largo himself outright tells you if she learned the truth she'd kill herself. Remember, all her life she's grown up and lived and "been taught by" wild monsters. She doesn't think like a normal human. She decided to end things in her own terms, and the party honored her request and gave her some humanity by doing so. At the end of the day, she was still a terrorist and a murderer of innocent civilians.
>There was no good end for Arietta
She got good end in better tales game. Aka Tales of Rays
>ever since she was born, Van's been pulling her strings
Isn't everyone's fate dictated by the Score? This doesn't seem like a good enough reason to entertain a duel to the death.
The party believes the Score doesn't decide shit and that you're free to do whatever you want, Van is the one that feels they're all tied to it which is why he wants to destroy the entire world and replace everyone with replicas
I will never replay Tales of Abyss again. All the characters were so unlikeable ffs
you're unlikeable
Wait, that still doesn't make sense. The party can believe what they want, but isn't it an absolute fact the Score dictates life's path? If people could just choose their own fates, then Van wouldn't go to such extremes. I thought he only took such measures because people have no choice but to follow the Score.
If they put on other games they can be easily passed as the bad guys
>isn't it an absolute fact the Score dictates life's path?
Your learn throughout the game that's not the case. Tear's grandpa doesn't prepare for St. Binah's fall because it wasn't written in the Score unlike Hod, yet St. Binah fell. Lorelei itself during the ending cutscene as Luke is going down the elevator with Asch's corpse says
>"So the world did not vanish. To think, the future I saw would be rewritten. You have done admirably"
So it's basically like a guide written on a game's release day. It tells you the gist of what happens, but not everything. You're free to follow it if you want, but some people take it as absolute gospel.
Is that about right?
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The overall theme of Kabbalah isn't to try and avoid fate, change it, or fight against it, but to "receive life as a gift". It's also about perspective. The vague score can be interpreted several ways. For instance, the score says the Light of the Sacred Flame (Luke) will lead his people to the miner's city and be a weapon of Dalmasca. That foretells Akzeriuth's fall.
But Hod was ALSO a miner's city in its youth, and at the end of the game, Luke leads his people to that city and is a weapon of Dalmasca to defeat Van.
"Life is what you make of it" in the end.
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2 was shit and a GIGA flop
The Order of Lorelei is a religion based all around following the Score. People get their Score read on their birthday every year and they plan the rest of the year accordingly, doing everything the Score said they'd do, because thousands of years ago Yulia Jue foresaw and told humanity that if they were to follow her highly accurate predictions they'd find endless prosperity for all. She lied. She foresaw the end of the world, but decided not to tell anyone because she rightly assumed the knowledge would turn people into depressed nihilists and launch the world into an apocalypse. 16 years before the game the world let Hod be destroyed because it was foretold. Same thing with Akzeriuth. These kind of decisions, letting hundreds of thousands die because it was foretold that "the end goal will be worth it trust me" is what Van was fighting against.
>revenue = quality
Damn, Ass Creed Valhalla is the best game ever made
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God Edna is so hot
Salestards are always tendies shitposters
Might as well just wait for Xillia and shit post in the threads
Both the protagonists and Van wanted to free the world from the score. However, Van became an extremist after learning the truth and seeing what people like his grandfather, Luke/Asch's father and Mohs were doing.
Yeah, but it does in fact turn out that Real Luke is a total asshole. Clone Luke acts the way he does cause he's practically a child in an adult's body and ends up maturing later. Real Luke is mad over what happened to him and doesn't really get over it too well even after everything.
holy sheeeit, the kid trooned out
I'll buy it if it comes with 2 or at least some extra content, otherwise I can just fire up the old PS3.
If you aren't using Alphen/Rinwell's boosts as much as possible you're doing it wrong.
Even by Tales of game standards, Xillia 2's sales were way below average
I don't think Xillia 2 is better as much as both games feel incomplete without the other, Xillia was clearly rushed out and Elympios is extremely incomplete, and without Xillia Xillia 2's narrative makes no sense.
Direct tethering is when you infuse your mana into a spirit essentially giving them a mega orgasm.
>Edna gets KO'd in combat
>Cute kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ voice out
Kinda based desu
I found Graces superior to Symphonia.
>Real Luke is mad over what happened to him
Can you blame him? He got kidnapped at 10 then came back home to see his parents and childhood friend/promised consort dotting on a literal who that stole his life and his future as Luke fon Fabre, then Van pops in and psychologically abuses him for the next seven years until he learns to think for himself again and stop Van. And at the end of the day he does learn to see Luke as his own person, which is why half their conversations together end with Asch going all tsundere and why he ultimately stays behind and buys the party some time with his life
>Phaeroh was about to do the same thing that Yuri was doing
>Yuri proceeds to bitch about it
The score was absolutely true, but it was a warning and not destiny set in stone, kinda like Shulk's visions in Xenoblade, the score is what will happen if nobody interferes.
Namco skipped more than half of the games in the series because they were and still are run by a bunch of idiots. Its less that Team Destiny games are worse and more that a significant chunk of the fanbase never played any of their games outside of Graces F.
Wrong, the people Yuri killed were all morally wrong and overtly evil.
Phaeroh wanted to kill Estelle for no reason other than her healing magic is toxic to the entelexeia, despite the fact that everything she does she does out of selflessness and at a great cost to herself.
And in the end, Yuri was right because the entelexeia were useless monsters and the summon spirits born from them, who are perfectly compatible with Estelle's powers, are of a net benefit to the world.
If you can't perform Demon Fang then you're not a Tales of protagonist.
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>Remaster isn't a remaster compilation containing both Xillia 1 and 2
Call me when they decide to release a compilation.
He's a cunt because he takes it out on everyone but the actual guilty party and in fact is in league with him for most of the game.
The only good thing Asch does is tell Natalia that she's a hypocritical hypergamous slut and to eat shit.
Van got it in his head that the only way to rid the world of the score was to kill everyone and replace them with mindless childlike clones who don't know about the score.
It's an insane plot because the score was just so close to ending anyway, as Lorelei never predicted anything past the end of the world, and by averting it Luke's party did the exact same thing Van wanted without needing to kill anyone, now the people have to live without the score because there is no more score.
Put Zaveid instead of the Arise nog.
>Asch is in league with him for most of the game
How can you say that when its pretty obvious as early as post Akzeriuth that he wasn't following orders?
Dohalim is obviously based off an indian you retard. Besides, they're not going to take out the winner of the last fan poll.
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I'll believe it when I see it
That sort of looks like Symphonia's combat which didn't make sense to me.
*Rigged Poll
>Anise, Ion and Arietta troon out
>Luke and Asch have butt sex
>Van rapes Mohs and Asch
>Largo, Sync, Dist, Nebilim and team rocket don't exist
>Tear ends as cat lady feminist
>Guy dies
>Natalia gets chinked
>Jade becomes an censored eunuch
>Mieu is a furry human from the furry tribe
Here's your remaster sempai
>This retard again
Milla sexo
She's braindamaged and her selflessness is just purely ignorance. Worse still, her thoughtlessness has severe consequences.
They could add a world map and fix the mash-to-win combat
you've got it reversed, you moloch worshipping muttgolem
xillia 1 is the good game and xillia 2 is the dumpsterfire cashgrab
sex with presea
Xillia: Excellent story and cast, shit gameplay
Graces: Shit story and cast (except Sophie), great gameplay

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