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why do people ignore the fact that the gameplay is considerably worse in ds1 than it is in ds2?
everyone knows ds2 is superior in many aspect
That's wrong though.
I wouldn't even mind the content in DS2, if it wasn't for the godawful floaty controls.
>floaty controls

It was real in your mind.
But it's not worse. The controls are way tighter and the movement isn't as floaty. Animations still have some weight to them (not as much as Demon's Souls but still).
2 added a bunch of stuff like slowly moving while drinking Estus or changes to backstab but that doesn't equate better gameplay.
In the first place, gameplay is only ever as good as the stuff surrounding it. Level design, enemy placement and behaviour, progression, weapon movesets.
>floaty controls.
debunked already
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I greatly enjoyed both DaS1 and DaS2. I played them around when they came out.

talk about how... and talk about trust... tell me everytime this has to be discussed................ AGAIN AND AGAIN, I'LL COME BACK.

I liked DaS1's bosses and world better, but I still enjoyed DaS2. DaS2 had much better multiplayer and pvp, though. the dlc areas in DaS2 were great too
Dropped Ds2 as soon as i saw ice skating animations
>floaty control
Real,the lock on is so goddamn stupid. Most of the animation is also too "floaty" unlike ds1 crisp attack animation. I liked the boss move set more than ds1 though.
>t. Currently playing ds2 Sotfs for the first time
DS2 was like the Elden Ring dlc. Shitters got mad that it was too hard and cried online about too many enemies and gank fights. NPCs saw those people crying and decided to parrot their opinions. Whenever somebody says ds2 is trash they are either retarded or trash
No people were complaining that walking over an invisible trigger that causes a room to close behind you and 4 exploding enemies dropping in is cheap and lazy game design.
The game broke with the design philosophy of previous titles where you could avoid traps like that by being observant and proceeding carefully.
How do we make the Bellfry Gargoyle fight harder? Just add more enemies. How do we make the Ratdog boss harder? Just add more enemies.
It's cheap as fuck and relies on trial and error and using cheesing tactics.
And btw people were already complaining about these kinds of designs when the popped up in Dark Souls 1. Famous example would be Capra Demon. Small Bossroom, with dogs that charge you, no time to prepare for the situation. People called it cheap in 2011 but that was a rare example.
In Dark Souls 2 situations like that are way more common and people don't like it.
what's the big deal with 4 explosive enemies, they surprise you once and maybe kill you, 2nd time you're prepared. Every DS game has slimes that fall on your head and kill you if you are unprepared.
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actual shitter. lmfao. go back to easy elden ring mod with seamless for four total co-opers too, faggot.

why do anything even slightly challenging?!?!?!?!?!

not the RATSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! They're like two hits to kill each and I don't know how to manage spacing and positioning between me and my enemies!!!!!!!!
Don’t let the ds2trannies gaslight you, the game plays like utter fucking shit.
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why is /v/ obsessed with arguing about souls games 24/7?
The abhorrent deadzones in 2 makes it objectively worse than 1.
royal rat authority broke me
Game’s not hard, it’s just shit
Now seethe
I want to know, too.
And judging by the same responses, it‘s probably the same 10 or less people every day, all the time.
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it's a very popular game series where the opinions are vastly divided by age. if you played DaS1 when it came out (or even demons souls before that if you had a ps3), you played DaS2 when it came it out and still enjoyed it and played the dlc.

if you started at DaS3 (zoomies), then you likely never bothered playing the predecessors or you dropped em due to antiquated graphics and game design that isn't centered on roll spam.

so zoomie shitters vs actual humans

don't even get me started on zoomies and gen alphers crying about invasions...
not an argument. don't you have your dilation appointment to get to?
What's the problem with Bed of Chaos? You struggle with it once but then you know how it works and are prepared.
Same logic. Problem is that it's shit design and trial and error knowledge checks like this aren't fun if they happen too often. And DS2 pulls it way too often.
The slimes that drop from the ceiling can be spotted and avoided. If they do get you they aren't very punishing nobody fucking dies to that unless you walk around with 30% hp.
>shit design
>knowledge checks aren't fun

zoomies really love braindead adhd rollspam... and consider that good design...
I started with ER and I’ve beat all the games now outside os sekiro, haven’t played it yet.
Dark souls 2 is the worst by far, it plays horrible and it’s ugly. Not a bad game but objectively inferior to all other SF games.
You only like ds2 because it was your first, many such cases
1 plays vastly superior to 2. 2 has the most dogshit controls of any game FROM has made, ever. I've tried replaying it like 10 times, once within the last week and I still can never get past things betwixt because it's so fucking dogshit.
>you didn't read my posts. you're a bot

I started with DaS1 and you admitted I'm right. you just don't like the graphics and can't clarify what you mean by shit design.

so whatever, keep suckling on your summon's tits as she cradles you in her arms from the big scawy invader

LOL. ain't gonna save you from my build :smilingimp:
this started with demon's souls, youtube-kun. you would know all of these dogshit designs originated many years beforehand if you played it. big empty rooms that feed into corridors with ganks and insane mob density out of nowhere.
They base their personalities and self-esteem around being able to beat a „hard“ game that now even e-whores do no damage runs.
This probably broke their minds.
So now they need to validate themselves by this „only x of y strat is valid“ discourse.
Like clockwork.
>didn't deny being a tranny

das3 sisters...
I never talked about design. You didn’t even read my post. You’re a retarded lying tranny.
>never mention ds3
>ds2 retard immediately talks about it

why are they like this?
in your original post,

>it plays horrible

and you didn't specify what this means exactly. you're a ESL bot. later, chang
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls had good game design without being rollspam bullshit maybe you should go replay them.
Think of all the hollows in front of the Gargoyle Bossfight in Dark Souls 1. There's a lot of weak enemies in an open room but you can aggro them and retreat back into the hallway while dealing with 1-2 at a time. Slowly getting rid of them in a safe calculated manner. You could also throw up firebombs from the lower level and maybe kill or weaken some that way. Or if you're familiar with the room you can just make a run for the boss fog game.
If this was Dark Souls 2 you'd have to drop into that room from above and all the enemies were hiding behind corners and the placement was just right so there's no angles for ranged weapons from outside the room. Once you drop down into the room they aggro all at once and rush you.
I'm exaggerrating but which design do you prefer.

You're the youtube newfag if you can't grasp the difference in design between the games.
I definitely remember getting 1 shot by ceiling slimes from full health or close to full health. Don't remember if I was in an overleveled area or just neglecting to level my health though.
Bed of Chaos is hated cause it's a shitty main boss that acts more like a puzzle than a fight. Solving puzzles in dungeons is fun solving puzzles as a boss fight is gimmicky
>still didn't deny being a tranny

all your opinions are invalidated. I'll buy you some rope to save your parents the shame of doing so
>a ESL bot
Good morning saar!
ds2trannies forever malding that their dogshit B-tier game is regarded as shitstain of the series lmao
Because DS2 is way worse overall, I would gladly replay DS1, but not DS2. If I want a better gameplay I would rather play DS3/ER. Every aspect of DS2 is downgraded by either bad ideas or bad realisation, but it's still not so bad game.
You’re even more pathetic and unhinged than the average ds2fag. Impressive.

Also, I’m right and your delusional angers proves it.
I think people just post bait to farm (You)s.
I‘ve finished DS2 more than most other souls games and still think it‘s the weakest. Its main drawn is how quickly you can get builds going.
And I think From dislikes that, they really seem to want you to get nice stuff when there‘s only a few bosses left.
both serve their purpose, but you're just mis-characterizing DaS2 because it's popular to do so or it's been a long time since you played it.

90% of the game is the same in that context where you can aggro 1-2 guys and retreat or fight. this is true in

most of the first half (anything before drangleic castle; Forest of FG, heide's tower, no man's wharf, lost bastion, iron keep)
most of the second half too (aldia's keep, memories, dragon aerie)

there are a couple rooms where you get jumped in (guess what. it's a slightly more difficult area. get good)

I'll admit it, though. the graphics, textures, and character design looked kind of shitty
this, but it's still fun to give em some (yous)
to be fair i like all dark souls games. i played them all several times and i consider ds2 to be the worst one just because of the fucked up movement. crazy it got downgraded from ds1 i have no idea what they were going for
I have to put DS3 as my least favorite one because I honestly can't remember much about it at all
cool, didnt ask tho
People keep bitching about 8 directions or whatever but rarely does someone mention how the character slides and moonwalks over the terrain.
It‘s like playing Luigi in older Mario games.
nobody asked for your opinion either
I knew I wasn't going to finish DS2 the moment I tried to press L1 for my shield and the animation was like 50% slower than 1.
Dark Souls 2 was the first shitty souls clone.
this. I beat it once including the dlcs, but never played it again after

it just looks sad. like there's a Grey color palette over the whole sky and the contrast is off. tbf, I could fix it with reshade, but I'm playing elden ring already, so it's whatever
DS2 is still better than most of actual shitty souls clones.
I've had those complaints and disliked the game since it came out. Might as well call you the contrarian for defending this shit game.
Sure not every encounter in the game works like this but those issues pop up again and again far too much for my taste.
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>they never learned about peak boss design
because Soulsshit gameplay is already considerably worse than almost every other third person action game
op did :)
nioh 2 is better
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>the gameplay is considerably worse in ds1 than it is in ds2?
I don't. DS2 shits all over 1. DS1 is still great but 2 just crushes it
>oh no I can't run in circles around the enemies because they actually track me now
>oh no I can't backstab my way through the game because there's a counterattack for that
>oh no I can't just lure every enemy into a braindead 1v1 because they fight in mixed packs
>oh no I actually have to get good
Dark Souls 2 bruised the shitters's egos so bad they're still seething to this day.
bait thread
you'd have to be braindead in every aspect to believe this
DS1>>>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS3
Dark souls2 plays horrible
It feels like a souls rip off
>n-no you're the fag!
bro if you ever played des you'd know the combat is utter trash with unbreakable attack animations on harder enemies/all bosses, yet are normally staggerable regardless. corridor design to punish you for hitting walla while you get hit through them. unfair high density enemy pops or massive empty rooms with nothing in them. gankfests around corners or shrine of storms autism is everywhere.
DS1 is the outlier of the series. he'll demons souls has teleworking to every level, DS1 didn't do that for the good part of the game at all (pre-Anor Londo).
I recently replayed both and kept getting annoyed in DS2 by how my character kept attacking the way he was facing instead of at the enemy I was locked on to.
Nothing wrong with superarmour.
Corridors aren't a bad thing, if there's little space to swing your weapon use something else with a suitable moveset like a spear, magic, firebombs. Or pull the enemies out of the corridor and deal with them there. Depending on the situation the game puts you in you have to use your brain accordingly. There's not 1 perfect solution for everything, it's an rpg.
High enemy density isn't real they are always placed apart and if you approach carefully you can take them out individually. If a whole group aggros on you they are probably weak enemies anyways.
Game's not perfect but your complaints are pretty low iq.
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