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I absolutely hate how the enchaned edition's models look. High polygon HD models never look good in older game engines (Half life's HD models for example)
Half Life's HD models are superior to the shitty looking stock models.
this is not out yet is it
Don't play it and download the original version then?
I thought it looked pretty good (if you're talking about the nightdive remaster with the fanpatch rolled into it aka the steam version) but I must admit my memory of this game is foggy
Where it truly shines is the sound department which is, to this day, unsurpassed in some respects
this should be a reportable offense
how dare you
Is this thing ever coming out?
How was LGS so god tier at sound so many years ago and what the fuck are contemporaries doing?
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So is there any news about it or did OP decide to just randomly make a thread bitching about it for no particular reason?
This is either really bad bait or you have shit tastes
I hope the remaster is better
Oh wait, that IS the remaster
Just wait for the remake.
Why does shodan turn me on so much god damn
kinda gay dude
(shodan is trans)
xhe's not trans but xhe is non-binary (but xhe is also binary)
Wait, isn't that from the HD project or something?
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Looks fine to me.
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Do the world a favor and neck your self false boomer larping zoomer, please.
Because everyone and their fucking faggot fathers and prostitute mothers at that time would kill for a SS2 with those graphics to run in their pristine Voodoo3, S3 Savage, ATI and riva cards.

The PS2 models, PC ones are unfinished.

Where you think you are? you weren't here when HL25th and Q2R came out and suddenly /v/ had "experts" telling how it was shit with everyone debunking them with ingame proofs and old stuff show how fucked it was for a very long time, in fact xash3d exists because HL was in need of a bugfixing that 25th did, same as Q2r which Quake 2 came with a unfinished AI courtesy of fucking Tim Willits.
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SS2EE didn't come out yet, OP is shitposting and desperate for (you), and Nightdive is making things slowly since they are updating the models from scratch while keeping the original aesthetic.
Because you're a sub.
>Making a system shock thread
>desperate for (you)s

Do you think Terri uses her Shodan voice in bed with Eric?
>he doesnt know
You're trying way too hard zoomer
Neither one of you know anything. I swear this thread is full of larping zoomers
low poly faggotry and pixelfaggotry isnt retro you flaming fags
you ever dared playing anything like that post 1996, you were a fag
They should have changed the level geometry to match, which they didn't do, this kind of does look like shit.
If the remake is not going to tear the entire game down and rebuild it from the ground up (completely new level design, completely new enemy design, completely rebalanced ability set), then I'm not going to even bother checking. SS2's gameplay was absolutely dogshit, which is a damn shame because that game's presentation was absolutely stellar.
>SS2's gameplay was absolutely dogshit
it was fine i liked it when i was 10 and i liked it last year when i was 19. you boomers are nuts.
LGS was just way ahead of its time, too bad nobody wanted to buy and play their shit
Remake of the first game did that so you might get your wish.
That's like saying Siri is trans
What if she is?
She isn't because its a robot
Gender isn't biological
But sex is. If you don't have a sex, there's nothing for gender to be incongruous with.
Please explain
yes indeed the original game as you posted it looks fine
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default quake hd stuff looks good, played it last year.
i never got around to playing hl until the 25th anniversary last year and thought it looked pretty good. am i a chud, anon?
this shit was announced five fucking years ago and we still don't have a date
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Holy shit it looks worse than than the shitty fan-made redux mod
small independent studio, please understand
Rebirth mod looked so horrible. Only pajeets and 3rd worlders love it.
Sovl vs sovlless
>sexed up the emails when they rewrote ss1 for voice acting
Looks good.
I loved HL1 and Dead Space but wasn't a big fan of Bioshock. What would I be in for if I finally gave these games a try?
It's nothing like Dead Space or Half Life. I doubt you'd like it.
completely different imo

bioshock games are just FPS games that pretend to be system shock successors
they're pretty decent fps games tho. i liked mixing the magic powers with guns
prey was also pretty good, but in a different way
No, it does not.
System Shock has more in common with STALKER and classic Resident Evil than any shooter-tooter, per se.
Shit like Dead Space and Doom 3 literally ape things SS coined.
i kinda hope they have customizable difficulty settings. there's some aspects of an impossible run that i do like and there's some i can't stand.
The larp is strong in this thread since the soul meme devolved into "things i must hate for nu/v/ cred"
I think it looks good
But that doesn't matter at all
What matters is co-op will finally be back on the menu
>System Shock 2 Enhanced Edition is taking longer than the development of the original game
Why are Nightdive so slow at copying other people's homework?

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