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>Improved combat and stealth
>More advanced terrain/weather mechanics like flooding
>You'll have a supernatural flying submarine as your mobile base
>You'll use it to travel all across the world, not just America (no longer open world?)
>Peace Walker/MGSV's crew elements are back in some form
>Higgs bringing back the MGR cringekino

The only upcoming AAA game worth actually being excited for
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Hideo Kojima will save video games
>78 hours of tediously boring cutscenes you cant skip
>96 hours of walking to checkpoint to deliver a parcel
yay! much excite!
post playtime
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>strands were a mistake, its nothing but trash
wtf Kojima
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There is zero chance that this game will not be absolute KINO.
You will get 50hrs long cutscenes and you will be happy
People who say this never made it past DS1s opening hours. Its an extremely gameplay focused game thats just front and backloaded with cutscenes
On one hand, this looks sick, on the other hand I hope Kojima won't make the mistake of turning Death Stranding into an action game instead of fleshing out the hiking and mountaineering gameplay of the first game. He had something good going on there, it was just a tad too simple and too easy.
You're saying that like it's a good thing, but the lack of meaningful story progression in the middle hurt the pacing of the game quite a bit. You had some fun set pieces, like the stuff with the bomb, the two encounters with Clifford and delivering Mama to her sister (plus, whatever that weirdly elaborate little questline with the Japanese girl and her boyfriend was about) but a lot of it felt pretty aimless.
>On one hand, this looks sick, on the other hand I hope Kojima won't make the mistake of turning Death Stranding into an action game instead of fleshing out the hiking and mountaineering gameplay of the first game. He had something good going on there, it was just a tad too simple and too easy.

DS2 will probably still be focused on the hiking aspect, but it will be less focused on connecting and more on combat and fucking shit up

Kojima said he completely scrapped the original script for DS2 due to covid. He felt that the internet creates a lot of pseudo-connections that aren't real human contact. Hideo tends to be pretty on the nose with his metaphors so I think DS2's gameplay loop will go like this
>People have gotten addicted to the chiral network
>You need to go out there and "sever the strand"
>Make them leave the isolation of their home, and come join your crew instead.

It's going to be "Touch Grass: The Game"
Only Kojimbo and his shiteaters could be excited about a UPS delivery walking sim.
>UPS delivery walking sim.

but enough about RPG quest design
One of the few games I'm actually very excited about. Lee Seedoo is beautiful.
Visually it looks incredible, probably the best character models of any video game yet
Is that... a motherfucking Jojo reference?!

I'm about to lose my shit
>On one hand, this looks sick, on the other hand I hope Kojima won't make the mistake of turning Death Stranding into an action game instead of fleshing out the hiking and mountaineering gameplay of the first game. He had something good going on there, it was just a tad too simple and too easy.
>DS2 will probably still be focused on the hiking aspect, but it will be less focused on connecting and more on combat and fucking shit up

I'm not categorically opposed to that, as long as there's a decent balance. See, when I played DS1 there were a lot of times when I imagined a version of the game where Sam was a soldier or a mercenary, rather than a courier, and you would have to liberate cities and outposts from being occupied by terrorists or somet, rather than connecting them and delivering supplies. And how much less interesting that would have been.
I think DS2 is going to be more "sometimes force is needed to help people" which Higgs "even a porter needs to pull the trigger from time to time." seems to hint at
I really hope they improve the stealth a lot, it was really barebones in DS1
Kojima is back dude holy shit
>Higgs bringing back the MGR cringekino
Implying Higgs is anywhere close mgr villains. Even mgs 3 clown squad is better than Higgs.
I hope it gets a PC port sooner rather than later. I'm not buying Sony's brick.
please dont make me wait til next holiday season, thats all i really want from this
When Death Stranding worked it was one of the few games I've ever played to truly capture the feeling of being on a journey. I hope DS2 can recapture that feel and more
Death stranding had combat?
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Death Stranding is a franchise for night drive people. The greatest feel
yes, quite a lot of it if you went out looking for it
Ironic, considering the first game didn't have night time outside of a single, short 5 minutes sequence.
At the earliest 1 year after PS5 release.
This is what Kojima good at, I'm glad he's back doing crazy shit instead of the philosophy A24 shit in DS1
It will definitely be more action focused since the first game filtered so many amerishart trannies
Wow that was gay as hell
>t. troon
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You're sucking each others dicks over a homosexual clown jacking off an electric guitar and I'm the tranny?
Hopefully we don't have to deal with BTs and the crying baby. I just want comfy walking and struggling with different terrains. Cringekino is always welcome.
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>I'm going in
>Imagine the smell
I can wait that. I'll have switch 2 to play anyways.
Fragile smells like SHIT
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None of that matters unless they make the narrative worth watching.
I liked the gameplay of DS a lot. It's a cool concept that could be improved tons.

But Kojima without a tard handler editing all his writing just means you end up with Princess Beach and Die Hardman and the worst dialog known to man. MGS were campy, but this they still remained fairly coherent throughout. DS is just schizobabble 99% of the time.

DS2 will be more of the same in that regard, and thus, I'm not interested. Kojima is a great designer in terms of systems and even aesthetics. But he's a godawful writer.
>is a great designer in terms of systems
mgs 3 healing and camos exist, so i would argue he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing in terms of systems too. Hold L1+R1 to win in DS is a meme also.
ds 1 came out on pc less than a year after ps4 launch
Both the camo and healing MGS3 are good, they just needed to be limited/resource driven.
You still won't be able to enter the cities will you?
healing is the exact same shit as it was in mgs, but now you have to press like 5 times instead of 1
camos show % so you just pick the best one every time, there's 0 brain activity involved in the process
these mechanics add literally nothing
No because having populated cities you can interact with would shoot up the scope and budget tenfold. Also it doesnt really fit the tone because DS deals a lot with Sam's loneliness.
Kojimas mechanics dont always land, but at least they tend to be novel and interesting.
i guess, but that doesn't take much effort at all. Anyone can idea guy a bunch of novel shit, but it takes an effort to pick and chose and integrate them into the game well. For example doing novel shit is Molyneux sole gimmick but i wouldn't consider him good or anything but a scammer for that matter.
Molyneux made some great games
B&W, Fable 1/2 and The Movies, yes. But it's debatable how much of the credit should go to him and not other employees at lionhead, since he couldn't make anything even passable after that.
You guys are going to try and spoil the shit out of this game. Fuck you.
Not like it will have a cohesive story

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