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Play Painkiller.
>Play Painkiller.
I did, many times. I'm sort of curious right now what is going on with that supposed new Painkiller game that was announced in 2021 I think ? There has been nothing but radio silence since then.
Oh, was there a new PK game announced?
Are you sure you're not referring to Witchfire?
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Very interesting, I missed that one. Thanks anon, now I'm curious too.
I love the skyboxes of Painkiller
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Painkiller's skyboxes
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Which Painkiller is the best, thinking on buying Black. Loved boomer shootan but never played painkiller
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Please buy Painkiller: Black Edition. Includes the base game, includes the expansion Battle out of Hell. These are the only PK games a player should consider at all.
You might also want to install the mod Powermad, which fixes lots of stuff and gives you extra options.
i will once i figure out how to disable the head bobbing
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love this game the textures remind me of stalker games
And the music, just wow.
I already did, well over a decade ago. Multiple times.
>I already did, well over a decade ago. Multiple times.
Nothing wrong with coming back to it and giving ol' Stakegun a whirl again
I have. It's kinda shit.
Different anon here: what does the powermad mod do?
>what does the powermad mod do?
A lot. I put the readme file on pastebin for you:
Also, I'd add that the most important fix it does is proper widescreen HUD scaling so that it's not stretched.
>Saber Interactive
it's over
we need more dark horror themed shooters
Painkiller always bored me to death after few levels
I'm a big serious sam fan and heard this is the only other game that scratches a similar itch.

I've seen it posted a few times that pain killer's main flaw is that you can use any weapon to kill any enemy. Is this really a big issue? I can't tell if this game will be boring, or some autistic person is just spewing something all over the internet.

Typically play on higher difficulties if that changes your reccomendation of it.

How's the music?
I have replayed it once again a month ago. I like this game. It's simple and fun, levels are cool, music is great, and PK shotgun is one of the best in vidya.
There are only two issues I have with original PK.
One is secret hunting and it's reliance on roleplaying a mountain goat. Not only numerous secrets are just annoying to reach, certain ones feel bullshit. For example, there's one in City on Water - at the first big open space after crossing a bridge, there is a secret in one of the buildings, that requires you to do a blind strafe jump to make it into secret alcove that hides behind the wall. I have no idea how you are supposed to figure it out without just abusing quicksaves and jumping around every wall like this.
Two are bosses. They are bad. Only Necrogiant feels like a proper boss that has you figuring out how to not get fucked by him. Swamp thing is rng fest, guardian is fucking boring, and Alastor is outright terrible thanks to those drops and all debris you can do fuck all about. You should be able to at least break some things yourself. Oh and Satan is stupid, not to mention you have to fight him using demon mode, and I kinda came to really hate it over the years.
>I'm a big serious sam fan and heard this is the only other game that scratches a similar itch.
That's correct.
>I've seen it posted a few times that pain killer's main flaw is that you can use any weapon to kill any enemy.
That's not strictly true. Sometimes you can't use the Stakegun on enemies because the stakes would break or they go right through them, sometimes you can't freeze enemies, and probably other instances I can't remember off the top of my head.
>Is this really a big issue?
I wouldn't say so at all
>I can't tell if this game will be boring, or some autistic person is just spewing something all over the internet.
If you like Serious Sam then you will like this game.
>Typically play on higher difficulties if that changes your reccomendation of it.
There are four difficulty levels, with the highest one locked before you can complete the game on the third highest. It can get quite hard on the third difficulty level too.
>How's the music?
Aside from the atmospheric visuals and overall design, I'd say the main draw of Painkiller is its amazing music. I posted a few examples of the ambient music here: >>683798605
Here's a few more:
The game is dripping with soul.
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Nah, play pic related instead. I will forever be sad that combos never became a thing in fps games.
>Secret hunting
Legitimate criticism. Some secrets are insanely hard to obtain and to just discover even. The vast majority is fine, though.
I'd disagree a bit here, the Swamp Thing is quite tricky to figure out if you haven't seen before how to beat it. Guardian is kind of just there, but he's cool design wise, wielding a giant hammer, so even though it's not super exciting to fight him, at least the level's atmosphere is great.
Alastor is pretty gimmicky and tough to beat, the drops are really annoying I'll give you that.
Fighting Lucifer in demon mode is something people dislike in general from what I've seen, I'm in the minority who thinks it's really cool (I'm a big sucker for the demon mode in general, the way the vision is distorted and the enemies appear burning is so fucking cool to me).
Just bought it, will play it soon.

Thanks for the info.
Enjoy anon, you're gonna love it.
Does it have local coop? looking for some game to play with my nephew after serious sam
I had no idea painkiller was this big in russia, and there seems to be alot of great mods and mappacks i missed.
now that I'm done with blood mods i think I'm gonna start conquering painkiller mods
I've played it so much already...
the 360 version does, it also runs like absolute shit
better play with 3d audio you will regret it later

It's a gun that shoots shuriken and lightning, it could only become more awesome if it had tits and was on fire.
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>the Leningrad DLC levels
>russian anthem blasting
>getting shot at from 50 different directions
>the fucking tanks
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why would i play inferior version of picrel?
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Absolute kino
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yeah lots of retards didn't know what huge kino they're getting into and got filtered, your point?
Necrovision is inferior to painkiller
its not but okay
It is.
The skyboxes and levels is what makes Painkiller legendary, the levels are good too.
Enemy design kinda sucks.
>the levels are good too.
Beefbrain moment, meant to say the weapons
based necrovision enjoyers
Doom Eternal is better
Out of all the fps games I played I think this game worked the best with the Steam controller.
This game rocks on Trauma difficulty. Daniel going to heaven is the canon ending, fuck the haters.
Yeah, but it's a bummer you don't get to play City on Water, Docks, Monastery and Hell that way. Great levels.
Oh and you don't get to transform into a demon because there are no souls. Big bummer for me.
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>about to finish Painkiller on Trauma difficulty and start battle out of hell
>Fallout London suddenly drops
What do I do bros…
Yeah but what about Trauma, no cards, all levels unlocked mod
It may not be the best shooter ever mechanically but I love it for the variety of locations and enemy designs. I usually replay it in November or December, always brings me back to the old days.
i love the ambience in this game
It's funny how this underdog was after all a huge influence for future fps.
Imagine working here up in the mountains
Ok, HOW the fuck did they get away with it?
They had a vision and noone was gonna get in their way. Love it.
It's kino but also shit, the hitscanning is terrible and comes from all sides
Love it, I feel like I'm really in Leningrad again
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>circle strafe simulator

No thanks.
There's a reason Doom clones died out near instantly once Half-Life showed you can actually do interesting things with an FPS.
Yeah it's pretty good
I wish it was a Doom clone
what now?
Reminder that one autist is remaking the game from scratch
reminds me of the Overdose rocket launcher but bigger
painkiller......painkiller.....painkiller.....HELL WARS
it already has a remake though lol
the UE3 one was probably one of the most useless remake ever
beat it before you were born, son
a poor remake
He's trying, but he will never match the genius of the design of the original.
But I was born in 1992
Boomshoots in general were and still are very popular in Slavic lands, so it’s a given for Russia considering they’re half of all the Slavs.
When I was a kid I thought this was really Ozzy singing the credits song.

Feels so good when you collect everything in a level, even all the gold which is ridiculously hard
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Damn painkillers gameplay is great a%
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Post your favourite track
Nah I'm good
> Play Painkiller on hardest difficulty first playthrough
>Get hard locked out of beating the last boss and game for going into it with not enough health.

fuck this kike game
>Play Painkiller on hardest difficulty first playthrough
That's not possible. Trauma unlocks once you've completed the game on Nightmare.
Yup that's the one
>Play Painkiller
I listen to it
Arguably Judas Priest's best album
>I've seen it posted a few times that pain killer's main flaw is that you can use any weapon to kill any enemy.
Since when this count as problem?
It's style over substance. Painkillers gameplay isn't as solid and refined as Serious Sam. But it features way more variation in locals and the gun feedback is amazing. Sadly all games past Overdose suck hard. I remember getting in an argument with the Resurrection lead and he shifted all the blame to JoWood the publisher. While it's true they fucked up too, Homegrown thought hiding behind the "Fanmade" label would suffice as a scapegoat for their shit development.
>I'm in the minority who thinks it's really cool
It's cool, but to easy. When you figure out gimmick, it will always end far to quickly on any difficulty
>It's cool, but to easy. When you figure out gimmick, it will always end far to quickly on any difficulty
I just like the ripple black and white VFX of the demon mode a lot, dunno why. Aesthetically pleasing, I guess.
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Outdated garbage.
Painkiller HD was not full remake (not all levels and different order) so it don't count
For fight music
>Aesthetically pleasing, I guess.
Well entire nailed that really well at least
>old bad
>new good
Broccoli hair detected
ask this guy >>683827850
Not enough shaking
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Time for some painkiller mods, i will report back in a few weeks, sharing which one is the best.
Thank you, I will. Any other suggestions?
Clive Barker's Undying
I have Painkiller: Gold Edition on Steam. What's the difference to Black Edition?
it fucking sucks, just like serious sam. your only argument will be calling me a zoomer.
Pretty meh experience overall. Too many shitscanners, wide open areas with no pressure from enemies, huge clusters of the same enemy type instead of actual enemy variety, etc.
I heard the sequels are pretty bad, is that true

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