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was this PEAK battlefield?
I still remember the beta weekend on metro
2142 with non-shit net code would be the theoretical peak of Battlefield.
For a fun drop-in drop-out casual game I preferred Bad Company 2.
>people flying on drones
>drones fitted with explosives flying into the tunnels
Only when played the proper way (on PS3)
Bf1 a close second in terms of chaos
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this was before NVME so you actually got to hear some of the loading screen unless you were a richie and had a SSD already
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BF2 was the best battlefield ever made. It had so much soul.
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I played it on the PS3 at first and all I remember is the insane input lag
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>pre-nerf MAV
>could just ram people endlessly
>can ride the MAV up to some really gay spot on a tall building
I've been playing BFV recently and it's very dissapointing. Practically nothing is destructible and most of the maps are boring. Also TTK is way too fast. Vgh, i need to go back to the classics.
4 was the one I had the most fun with

Loved the huge range of guns, even if they weren't all THAT much different from each other

And I had a lot of fun with the little bird, nimble as fuck, felt great dancing around the map with them
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>zoomers getting nostalgic about battlefield 3
zoomers were 5 years old when it was released, chud
yeah you're using the word zoomer loosely here
Was pretty cool ngl
Peak I don't know, I liked BFBC2 more.
2011 was 13 years ago oldtroon...
maybe not. was sick; though... 4 was (eventually) better. 5 and 1 were perfectly ok.
but, bad company2 and bf2 were special
how were they not able to salvage the latest one? is it not good yet? that's so fucked up
Yes. BC2fags and contrarians are just coping with the fact that BF3 is the one that made the franchise famous and not their favourite entry
2142 was peak BF. 3 is tied with 1 for second place. 2 is third.
fun fact: battlefield will never be good again
>1800mers getting nostalgic about stick and hoop
its ok we have battlebits now (i suddenly have the urge to kill myself)
>trying to play BF3 on anything higher than 1080p
>UI stays small as fuck

they need to remaster this game desu maybe 3 and 4 into 1 big ass game
I've loved every single Battlefield except V and 2042 (and also Hardline since I never played it).
I don't know what the peak is, they are all fun in their own ways, different pros and cons for each one.
All I want for christmas is for EA to unfuck this milkable IP and just make Portal into a standalone and a proper remaster of all the games.
They would make a shitload of money if they remastered (or just re-released) BF3 and then sold the other titles as DLC's for Portal.
no and it was panned on release in part because of its stupid color filter
>M16A3 faggots

what was it like playing the game on easy mode? I honestly think that gun was legit broken
Nah, one day someone will make a good BF again
The title will be public domain one day, you know
No, peak battlefield was 1942. Every subsequent game in the series was less complex.
For me it was Bad Company 2: Vietnam
part of the soul was this game existing before every faggot kid was studying youtube meta cheatcodes and treating games like a science
instead we were just vibing.
joining clans.. teamspeak... it was something else
Did that let you turn the ingame radio on to cliche Vietnam music?
4 is still the best Battlefield to this day but the piss poor balancing of vehicles makes any of the maps with air vehicles cock and ball torture. Airfags have the power to completely and utterly dominate the game to the point where I've had matches on shanghai where one team was being farmed in the spawn like fucking Diablo mobs sweating their ass of trying to kill ONE chopper player while the other team just kind of sat around with their thumb in their ass waiting for the tickets to count down. It's unreal how invulnerable choppers and jets can be once they learn the flowchart.
there was still meta like bunny hopping and dolphin diving. but I miss when people had to figure this shit out for themselves
You judge Battlefields by their theme music, not gameplay.
erioioiere would never
for me its any map with tanks. idk why but it seems whenever I spawn in there is a 7/10 chance a tank is already just looking in my direction and im dead within 10 seconds.

and then theres faggots that turtle in and out of main and there are server rules that you cant kill them when they are near the main

I swear BF4 turned me into a schizo from how mad it makes me
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>only 64 players for medium maps
>scripted destruction
>nerf every fun thing
>shotguns are waterguns
>zoomellenials now think bf3/4 were "the good ones"
Nukes cant come soon enough
>shotguns are waterguns
umm no
>fun detected
>fun removed
i hate companies
first one that started that motto was blizzard (at least from my memory) with d2
My favorite part is joining an ALL EQUIPMENT ALLOWED server then getting banned for killing the prone perma-ads sniper admin with a mortar.
hot take: bad company 2 is shit and not a proper battlefield game (apart from the sound design which is great)
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>DAO-12 shotgun with extended mags
>12x sniper optic
>frag rounds
how old are you? 50?
Yes, half this thread will be browns larping as oldfags calling it shit though
>need to use it at pointblack so it kills the tarjet
>needs more than 1 shot most of the time
lol i actually remember doing some sort of clanmatch... my crew had a lot of boomers and they were trying to do apc drops or something. basically RP. as we approached one of their flags, in the distance we saw a pack of dolphins. they started hitting us with underbarrel launchers.
was good shit
It was fun until they kiked out with DLC spam
>this is what /v/ is nostalgic for in 2024
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Yea, it was buggy as fuck at times, and the blue filter didn't help in some area's but overall what a fun modern battlefield game should aspire to be
too bad nowadays they just want to be warzonelite/gaysex legonds with the cosmetics and hero classes
>tank faggot in BF4 with 3 reparisites
>try and try and theres just no way to out damage the repairs
>even kamikaze attacks dont work
>faggot goes 100-0

why the fuck did DICE give tanks HP regen?
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Poors crying about map packs is why modern battlefield looks as gay as it does
>Battlefield 3 predicted modern war better than any of the near-future slop we've gotten in the decades since.
It was shit and the DLC only slightly help it with bringing in the only few decent maps.
BC2 was better in every way unless you are a jet fag
never ever considered how true this is
This series died after 2.
I'm sad there is nobody old-school enough on here to agree with me
that OST has no SOUL
now this has soul

Honestly it's a tragedy how they limited the attachments in 4. Putting a scope on a shotgun with slugs turned BF3 into a fucking carnival game and shitting on sniperfags with a meme gun was the greatest feeling around.
id even play battlefield 5 or even the new one RIGHT NOW if it werent for fucking origin.
i hate the faggots responsible for it so much its unreal
I like the theme from 3 the best :)
I spent so many hours flying UCAVs in BF4, I was pretty much unkillable unless there was someone else also flying UCAVs that would catch me off guard. Blows my mind that's how modern wars are fought now
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impressive DICE actually came out and quoted how they cant figure out why Bad Company 2 worked out as well as it did
it simply wasnt peak.
I think you must mean the EA App.
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No, this was
Go to bed, the adults are talking.
Crazy that these were released within a year of each other
I still don't have the UCAV because I never bothered to learn how to unlock it
Doesn't much matter because I basically only play Battlebit now but still.
It was peak console battlefield
I unlocked all its attachments and got one service star then switched to the FAMAS I think.
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They should make a slower BF game like 2 again by having a sprint meter again instead of everyone zooming around all the time.
That's because 1942 is horribly dated and not even 1942 boomers will agree that it's the peak instead of something like BF2 or 2142
yes it was, God it's amazing how far we have fallen.
Ah yes, I truly enjoyed corridor esports shooter .5 edition. Nothing says skill and fun like killing the objective with a tank in your own spawn!
BF1 grand operations were fucking awesome.
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is this worth reading if you've played the game for a decade?
>delays already to late 2025
>live service confirmed
>br confirmed
>multiple senior directors already leaving, a studio got axed
>all people want is battlefield 4-2 or battlefield 3-2
ummmm bf6 bros I don't feel so good.....
I miss it so much. Everyone even without mics worked together. Nothing has the same synergy.
The main things I liked from Bad Company were rush and no prone.
>Ah yes, I truly enjoyed corridor esports shooter .5 edition
but enough about BF3
The only people with any hope left are the ones that refuse to apply basic pattern recognition
Shut the fuck up consoletranny zoomer
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It's painfully ironic how faceless soldier dudes have magnitudes more personality than the named characters with fucking wannabe Marvel designs.
This industry is so fucked.
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The irony of calling BC2 a corridor shooter is not lost on me when BF3's most iconic map (and the map design that continues to plague its sequels) is literally a linear meatgrinder and its supposed best rush map (damavand peak) has its last set of mcoms devolve into a tunnel chokepoint with one entrance
why are the most popular maps so linear?
How did they fuck up weapon balance so badly going from BC2 to BF3
>Main class weapons of AR, carbine, LMG, and sniper/precision are all equally strong
>Shotgun were good from full/semi auto cqc specialist to the fun slug sniping
>Slug is shit
>Only full auto buckshot shot gun is okay
>Full auto explosive shotgun was cancer but got nerfed later on
>Sniper/precision are shit
>Carbine/AR are extremely dominant and powerful and there's no point picking any class but assault with AR(has heal/revive) and engineer w/carbine (can destroy/repair vehicles).
>Weapon damage values are locked into round type so the weapon with high RPM just dominate. Everyone just run AEK for AR
Reminder that this kino happened


I swear half of 1's quality was just the audio
rush sucks
because contrary to what /v/ might believe BF3 is the peak zoomer battlefield that successfully converted some of the codfags by offering chaotic meatgrinders that require you to turn your brain off to enjoy, and then advertising it as "le epic battlefield moment"
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fuck no. it was bf2 with 1942 being a close second and bfv being third.
>fucking bc2 2.0 and bf1 being anywhere close to the top
no wonder these games were getting worse with each new installment
probably my favorite battlefield despite all its problems. wish I could still play it but the EA App is fucking broken for me and I can't download anything.
those russian lines are just as cringe as the bf2042 ones
I miss proper chopper flight models bros
Every heli after BF2 felt like hot hair baloons
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Will multiplayer FPS games ever be good again?
>sprint meter
>teammates take all transports available
>request for ride
>nobody listens
>have to deal with bullshit stamina as if my character has backpain problems
No fuck you. 1942 and Vietnam didn't have stamina for the better.
lol, lmao even.
>all people want is battlefield 4-2 or battlefield 3-2
>t. sub saharan iq monkey
this is exactly what you got with 2042 albeit with more gaas and dei bullshit and you didnt like it
overall? bf4. bf1 had way better map design and atmosphere, BFV has the best gameplay, BFBC2 was the best for teamplay since its mostly focused on rush.
in the alpha there were LAVs in the beginning stage.
because it was literally trash?
>exaclty what you got
how do shit vehicles, shit maps, double the player count, gay faggots on the battlefield and live service even compare to bf3 or bf4?
you are out of your mind
>this is exactly what you got with 2042
You didn't play BF2042 and it shows.
BF3 maps are either dumb fuck meat grinder when it's infantry only map or it's a wide open map where everyone just run around like headless chickens when it's a map that is supposed to accommodate for jets.
BC2 maps hit that sweet spot for funneling the action into a "front" but the skirmish area is big and varied enough that it just doesn't feel like a meat grinder.
Also the destruction peaked in BC2 and was a downgrade in every game after
>how do shit vehicles, shit maps, double the player count, gay faggots on the battlefield and live service even compare to bf3 or bf4?
half of these things is literally bf3 and 3.5
>You didn't play BF2042 and it shows
i played this piece of shit and even gave it a chance several times but it never got better. it plays exactly like bf3/4 with extra current year shit added. maps are shit gunplay is shit and vehicles are shit. its all there.
Metro is one map, every single BC2 map is a corridor.
absolute peak
BF3 felt so shit to play after BC2
Yes we were chud, get over it
>a game that intentionally butchered the battlefield concept so it can be closer to CoD and run on consoles
Chud didn't even exist as an insult when we were mocking your shitty battlefront reskin
Is there even an active battlefield game that wasn't ever shit? I bought One (lmao) which I played for a few days and haven't touched the series since. Other than battle bit (dead and unrelated).
Not an argument
Nope. BF2 and BFBC2 was peak Battlefield
BC2 introduced many great elements to the franchise and made infantry play feel satisfying
Every BF after BC2 are even worse and butcher franchise more and can't even capture many positive quality of BC2 because dev genuinely didn't understand what made BC2 good
It was the beginning of the end for the franchise
because you're factually incorrect. BF2 was peak.
2, 3 and 4 all have people playing. Just not a lot.
I only really remember dealing with connection issues out the ass and I haven't played another Battlefield since.
enjoy your boring 4vs4 slow boring shit with skills like it was a moba
I kinda like the gunplay in BF but don't really like having a gorillion players. Wish someone just ripped it off and made it 5v5 or less.
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>reinstall older bf for nostalgia
>there's 2 cheaters in the very first match
Reminder that if you prefer rush mode to conquest, you are the cancer that killed Battlefield
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i didnt say bf5 thoughbeit retard
>I am forgotten
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>boomers like this
What was this game actually like? I never heard anything about it other than people hating on it.
yeah because it wasn't a battlefield game
it was EA thinking they could make a CSGO competitor and leeched off of BFs popularity at the time
That's called Hardline. It flopped hard
does anon remember AA12 with explosive shells
shit was comedy I miss bf3 so much
Not so fast.
support guns were notoriously shit in bf2 also standing up when shooting a saw, cmon now
I loved BC2 because it had such an umpf to it, everything from the sfx, to shooting a gun, to driving a tank made your screen rattle, being on the front with grenades exploding around you, shots being fired, soldiers screaming was just intense. Sometimes one team fell back and there was a short breather, but it didnt take long until a new battle started. The maps were small enough to allow for hot pockets of fighting, but large enough to allow for flanking maneuvers too.
It was really fluid too, shooting a gun from the hip made the gun move around sporadically as your character struggled against the recoil, shooting the .50cal sniper made you feel the recoil and you could see the how much strength went into chambering a new round, when firing the tanks main gun the whole tank rattled as the breech shot back into the crew compartment.
And of course the destruction physics/levelution was a lot better than in any later games, almost like they gave up on the concept. Walls got blown away piece by piece, houses used to oversee the battlefield collapsed in a spectacular way, none of this scripted bullshit but naturally following the flow of battle making every match unique.
BF3 on the other hand felt static and boring, its one of those sequels thats superficially an upgrade because there is more shit in it, but at the cost of details and effort for the little things.

idk, its a rant but just compare reloading a RPG in BC2 vs reloading a RPG in BF3 to see the difference
I'm an engineer main, now excuse me, the round just started and I need to get my 6 landmines down ASAP.
It was a BF game, but rip out the vehicles and make it infantry only
Then scale down the maps to the size of a CoD map
Then put in some kinda-sorta neat gadgets that would have been infinitely cooler in BF4
But no blue filter I guess?
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BF4 is the peak exactly right before DICE decided to change its movement to be like BF3
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you're right
the only thing I had a problem with was how op medic could be
also pic related was kino
In BF1 there were just called operations, they ruined it in BFV and renamed to grand operations. DICE can be so retarded. They had great formula and threw it away.
If everyone saying this just went and played the game half the server list would be full
I play BF5 from time to time now. Damn, the sound design in this game is amazing, I didn't notice it before. And the sniper gameplay is probably the most fun in the series. And there are no retards on little bird who ruin my fun. Best game probably.
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just all i wanted for bfv
I don't think oldfags realize how shitty the gunplay was in the old refractor games. No one likes aiming dead center and not being able to hit a barn. That's the main reason why BC2 made such a wave, people were actually hitting the things they were aiming at and it didn't require esoteric knowledge of the spread system or abusing meta weapons to do so.
>BF Vietnam
Holy trifecta
You know they remade wake island in bfv... right?
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I love how claiming that BC2 maps are a "corridor" as if it's an insult.
The maps were designed that way because they built for Rush in mind combined with the lower playercount and limited vehicles available. BC2 didn't invent linear layouts in the series, in fact some of the linear layouts in the series before BC2 are actually good since they were also designed for Conquest Assault (which is also an attack/defense gamemode similar to Rush unlike Conquest Head-On). The first half of Strike at Karkand and BF2142's Suez Canal come to mind.
Yes, it's sucks that Conquest Assault was abandoned later on the series but Rush at least was a good alternative and better than nothing especially when the maps are designed around the gamemode. Nowadays since BF4 all DICE does is just make all of the maps for Conquest Head-On and then tack the rest of the gamemode based on the CQ layout. The only major exception to this is Spearhead in BF2042 because surprise surprise, the map has a linear layout.
Why would I play video games when I could reminisce about playing video games instead
gameplay in bfv in general is the best of the nubattlefields. its only misstep was the culture war retards on both sides getting focused on that instead of the actual game. if swedoids werent a bunch of faggots trying to force in shit nobody wanted then you wouldnt get any complaints about robo women and completely trash cosmetics when the game first released.
I'm at work sorry bro
i never bought bfv after the way dice behaved
bros how do we save Portal from getting axed by EA forever?
BF2/2142 was peak Battlefield. Everything after that was console trash nu-Battlefield.
I still enjoyed BC2 because it was what it was meant to be, but when BF3 came out and turned out to be slightly-bigger-BC2 I knew I was done with the series. I didn't play any of them after that.
God I just want BF3 and 4 back.
>Conquest Assault
anon i dont think even a third of this thread knows what youre talking about without looking it up
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I remember editing the game files and making sniper rifles more powerful for co-op sessions against AIs with a bro.
>random recoil
>shitty animations for literally everything
yeah no thanks
I mean, women soldiers in WW2 are kinda cringe ngl. But I almost don't notice them when I play so I don't care.
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and the series became so pozzed thereafter its hilarious. (bf1 everyone is black or a poo lmao)
Yeah thats another thing, BF3 was DLC slop while BC2 had an actual stand alone expansion
Real change of eras there
>random recoil
as opposed to random spread? you retards always complain about the same things without even taking a second and thinking about them
>shitty animations for literally everything
what shitty animations? the same animations they lifted from bf1 you mean which i bet you liked?
>But I almost don't notice them when I play
exactly but dumb fucks here and on leddit got laser focused on this meaningless shit like it was the end of the world.
Vietnam wasn't a standalone expansion
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I'm so glad we beat the chuds and got rid of this problematic garbage
Medic weren't reallt OP because they still had a severe flaw not having any AT or explosive capability, which was huge in BC2. However, if only revive weren't so quick and has such huge invincibility, it would be more fair.
Even many conquest maps on BC2 were good because it accommodate that player count while being well designed. Panama Canal is the map where I had the most fun on for battlefield. It was the perfect map.
battlefield 1943 was the last battlefield i played
are any of the subsequent games worth visiting in current year?
god I miss conquest assault
I am positive it was and think I remember playing Vietnam but not having access to the main game
bfv if youre not a retard who gets his panties in a twist over women and "random recoil" like a baby
play 2042
>playing a WW2 game that didn't even bother to add russia before end of service

Bad company 2 was my game. Still play sometimes on private servers.
go back to twitter
i liked suppression
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BF1 was actual peak and I am not going to humor contrarians who wanna pretend otherwise.
Spread predictably gets worse the longer your hold the trigger and is controllable through burst firing. There's no way to control when your suomi will just randomly kick hard to the right with no warning.
>what shitty animations
picking up health and ammo, reviving, getting in vehicles, rolling after falling great heights, proning on your back, getting ragdolled by big explosions, etc.
You don't understand what a huge downgrade it is going from BF3/4/1's style of charging your defibs from cover and then quickly reviving a dead teammate before ducking back in, to BFV's "wait here like a sitting duck while we play out this shitty 5 second animation of you helping someone back up". It's disruptive. It's unnecessary in a sandbox type game like battlefield. At least dice was smart enough to realize you could make a better, smoother feeling game doing less work by cutting out the shitty animations.
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It gave LMGs an actual distinct role, it was a good mechanic.
I also thought it was a decent idea

The only way to actually 'force' players to keep their heads down in a video game where they'll pop back up in a few seconds even if they do get popped is to make it so they cant hit shit so its pointless to even risk it
It was identical to bf4 but with different gear. The only dumb mechanic they added was interrogating, which literally nobody did. Same classes, same equipment, same game modes, identical gunplay. Did you even fucking play it? Rename cops to Americans and robbers to Russian and change their clothes and it’s just another battlefield game.
2 > 2142 > 1942 > BC 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > the other dogshit
Another obvious zoomer pretending to be an oldfag, sad!
If a zoomer pretended to be me they would be the one based zoomer on the board.
Except that LMG doesn't really work as "suppression" at all. Nobody just spray with the LMG into the general direction of the enemy to get "suppression". LMG is just fucking ass in BF3 in general. Suppression just make sure that whoever shoot first will win the fight even if they miss a lot because it put the other players under suppression first.
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aye aye
It was good for fucking with snipers
But the snipers whined, and always get their way in the end
>i didn't do it so no one did
Ok, it was great for getting your team through chokepoints in my experience.
>play 4
>actively moderated servers
>punkbuster removes 90% of cheaters before they even join
>if theres a cheater hes votebanned within minutes
it was basically the same as BF4 but more focus on infantry than vehicles
>shoot armoured car with bazooka
>does 18 damage
>his turret does a 180' and insta kills me
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>this SCARES the vehicle whore
nice gears of war character
> Bad Company 2
Last time a western AAA game was pure kino.
support HAD to be prone in BF2 IIRC
Not quite.
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make every other engineer character obsolete because she basically has two AT gadgets
youll never be white snownigger
cool. any other nonarguments?
If you peak and just spray with the LMG without the intention of hitting anyone, you'll just get shot and die for no reason.
You probably didn't really help your team as much as you thought you did
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Which path was your, /v/?
lmao can you believe this shit
I would rather just have LMGs be good like in BC2 and 4 rather than have them intentionally be shitty so shitty mechanics like suppression can have more of an impact like in 3 and 1
If you're reducing the accuracy of the enemies you're shooting at then objectively you are giving your team an advantage. It was easy to rack up tons of points with suppression assists as well.
Not to mention suppression doesn't truly help LMG to be less shitty at all, but affects and ruins gunplay more for every other weapons instead.
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Today? Today I'm proud :)
A was popular due to draw distance but me I prefer C and cross the water and be a spawn point for the squad.

people would have to get a lucky grenade or climb the crane but I'd be watching that way.
2042 is better in every way
Daily reminder that launch 2042 was the best battlefield experience that existed. Classes are extremely dumb, hamper teamwork instead of enable it, and reduces gameplay variety a thousand fold.

Youre a bunch of brain fried nostalgia tards that cant comprehend anything beyond memes.
>ADS time is always the same regardless if you are standing, running, or super running
>makes every gun fight feel the same and it comes down to who has more bullets in the mag
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Good to see you alive Specialistfag
Same. I had just built my first gaming PC a couple of months before the beta came out. It had an i5-2500K and an AMD 6870 HD. Good times from my childhood
Strike at Karkand. Home. Why did DICE abandon the all time community favorite in BF4?
it was almost unaffected by visual suppression and bullet spray
Good to see you still have nothing worth saying against classes and all that matters to you are aesthetics, even though BFV has the most impressive WW2 aesthetic gameplay that exists in every single detail outside of uniforms. But because, as I said specifically, you cant comprehend anything beyond memes, you will focus on that with your cartoons, YOU NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGER
On XBOX 360 especially yes. It's so fluid you can't tell the footage apart from PC most of the time.
No classes: Heres some help, teammate!

You're going to need better bait than that
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>Why did DICE abandon the all time community favorite in BF4?
It's probably for the better. You don't wanna see a sandstorm rolling in or some random Levolution event ruining the map would you? Although a sandstorm could unironically work to mimick the original map's draw distance.
a patrician taste
>all this love for strike at karkand but never any love for road to jalalabad
BC2 is battlefield for cod babies
What are you on about
You can always help your team mates, by killing the enemies
I bought an FX CPU because I was an idiot teenager and thought more cores = faster
Thank you for reminding bf4fags that levelution actively made most maps worse and that prior to 2042 bf4 was generally considered to have the worst maps in the franchise
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I didn't say anything against you, I'm just appreciating the fact that you're here, nothing less.
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Or Mashtuur city either.
I'm pretty sure the FX CPU's (like the 8320) aged better than their Intel parts due to the higher core count. In hindsight, not all FX CPU's were bad. But yeah at the time Intel was better. I'm glad AMD is better now though
For me, it was Damavand Peak
Looks like we got a 2042 dev ITT
kill yourself
It actually ran BF4 better than 3
Every single BF game that exists, except early 2042 made SURE that the majority of teammates could not help you fight vehicles in a game based on the core fact of having vehicles.
>>shotguns are waterguns
DAO12 with flechettes.
>BC2 cranked it to 11
>BF3 broke the nob off
There was a brief, shining moment when they maxed out the suppression effect and SAWchads showed them what would happen if it weren't for the laws of this land. Hot take: BC2 had superior sound design
Yeah, its like it encourages people to work together in different roles instead of everyone being able to take on anything
like its a military simulator or something
Nah, most maps were either too huge and flat or filled with grenade spamming chokepoints
BF4 DLCs and BC2 Vietnam were PEAK

c and commander must use arti on hotel.

smart mec throw bunch of land mine on factory so humvee/apc can't across it.
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2142's light MGs becoming more accurate the longer you shot was a fantastic system.
Struggling to think of any other games that do something like that.
When it was finally optimized? I'm pretty sure it ran like shit. I'm not sure because I never played it at launch
Militaries in real life do not say NOOOO NOOO YOU CANT USE THAAAAAAT!!!!!
There is video evidence people use everything.
>"Can I get a medkit? I got insurance."
it had some of the best infantry maps in the series. Hotwire was a fun mode.
>The only dumb mechanic they added was interrogating, which literally nobody did
speak for yourself, nigger. interrogating people after tazing them was fun af. you only think it's dumb because you fucking sucked at it.
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C but I'm probably on the other team wasting all my time making sure >>683807347 can't get behind us.
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If I remember right, some Borderlands guns do that
And it doesnt encourage people to work together it encourages people picking the most selfish role because no one will help them. NO MAP in the entire franchise encourages even class distribution.
yeah and it fucking sucks. arguably the worst version of the map. 1943's was the best with BF3's a close second.
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>and be a spawn point for the squad
Squad leader spawning was and always will be infinitely better than being able to spawn on anyone. Kept squads closer together.
Why is it the worst version
titanfall 2 did that
>Struggling to think of any other games that do something like that
Battlefield 1 implemented the same system for LMGs, major difference is that you won't be able to see the cone of spread getting smaller unlike in 2142.
That was much fun on the alleys in Siene Crossing.
Always bothered me how the gloves in these games never matched the ingame first person models for the gloves, as far back as counter strike source this inconsistency bothered me because it's the thing you're seeing in 99% of gameplay and it can't be that hard to figure out a model switching rig for the animations
Yup. This game was the pinnacle of multiplayer fps.
better than BF1
better than BFV
better than BF2042
hated for no reason whatsoever
for me it was spraying down the central alleyway on grand bazaar
that's not a hot take, it's a fact. the sound design never came close after that.
>keep a flag locked down from a high rise vantage point
>nerds keep peaking and trying to snipe through a hail of lead
>waaaa why can't I counter snipe from the killbox waaaaaa
>15+ kills later and smart nerd runs up with a knife and kills me
>but only after running into a both claymores
The bank mission in the multiplayer beta was absolutely kino and you can tell they spent a ton of time on it, but the rest of the multiplayer was just operation metro with less fun
>one capture point too large
>everyone rushes on foot instead of utilizing the sea
>no naval combat in a fucking island map
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No Wake Island remake is ever good, including BF1943 and BF3. You're definitely right that BFV had the worst version since it forces the attacking side to advance from one lane (village) and the amount of tanks available for each team which was a clusterfuck.
IMO The original Wake Island will always remain the best version of the map since it was designed in mind with the naval gameplay of BF1942 which made it a lot more dynamic. Static carriers are a detriment to Wake and heavily favor the defending side.
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how to make the best urban map ever
>start with strike at karkand
>now expand the boundaries and add a temple from the BF3 aftermath DLC
>sprinkle in some cranes and some 4 story construction sites
>add some shipping containers because DICE loves them
>make some parts of the map very risky for tanks to enter like make the entrance a L shape so tanks have to slow down and carefully navigate through the entrance or risk getting stuck
none of that is true.
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>M98B sniper
>take a couple test shots at jet cockpits to dial it in
>faggot spawns
>pop him in the head
>as soon as the gun is done cycling the nest guy is there
>pop him to
>do this 3 or 4 times in a row
>that ass pain
if original 1942 map came out today people would lose their minds over how bad it is.
True. BC2 was the best frostbite Battlefield
The competency crisis facing gaming right now is utterly ridiculous. Dice has fumbled the ball with battlefield for 5+ years, and no worthy successor has snatched it? I don't understand. I get that these games are insanely complex, but the battlebit guys made a similar game with roblox sprites and 2 devs. The only competitor coming out is the delta force game and it just looks like 2042 with 'operators' instead of classes
Battlefieldbros, how do we feel about chink Battlefield aka Delta Force Black Ops?
just like they did with el alamein
its literally 2019 CoD
>operators instead of classes
see >>683811842
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>2011 was 13 years ago
I now know how my dad felt when griped about things being better in his youth and how time goes faster with age.
You're supposed to go prone noob
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I never played BF2 and 2142 at their peaks, but even though I definitely "grew up" with BC2 and BF3/4 I definitely got the sense that there had been sort of a dumbing-down of the series from bad company onwards when I went back to play the old ones. Titan mode in particular made me feel like I missed out. I want some fun gamemodes, creative maps, and new ideas played with.

I'm just getting really bored of BF3-style Battlefield games at this point and I don't really know why people say the series just has to pump out another game exactly like 4 if it wants to come back.
This game is throwing out so many red flags for me. I can't be tricked by chinesium skinnerboxes again, even if it promises battlefield gameplay

>no cohesive class identity, retarded operators instead (to sell skins)
>netcode and shooting looks terrible from the alpha
>no doubt some insane malware anticheat

Maybe if they sell this game with a pricetag I'll be interested, but chinese companies are always more into free to play slop
I know you're baiting but it makes me sad that a lot of people actually think like this it seems
Bad Company games are THE DEFINITION of dumbing down and consolitis, but because nostalgia is the most powerful drug that exists for humans, they are not the pinnacle of le gaming.
The solution is to make a game based on the modern ukraine war and make it as realistic as possible. Mercenary Guy From Ohio vs Conscript Krokodil Addict in a fucked up ukraine trench is a game I would gladly play, and currently only custom Squad servers have depictions of it
sniping in BF2 was kino
>no kill cams
>can hide in the bushes
>can hide near enemy main and pick people off
>Mercenary Guy From Ohio vs Conscript Krokodil Addict
Literally what 2042 specialists are.
still better than bfbc2
BF1chads, how we holding up?
I'm still actually really fond of Bad Company 2. Bad Company 1 I hate, but BC2's simplification of the series both makes the chaos a little more manageable and excludes some of the shit that's usually pretty poorly balanced, like planes. It wouldn't have been good if they only made small scale urban combat battlefields from that point forward but I dig it
So why does this game trigger BFautists?
I thought this was a very well liked game.
I only played a little bit of 3 and BF1, so I have no experience with this game to know if it was truly bad or not.
>excludes some of the shit that's usually pretty poorly balanced
literally the least balance game that exists
266 kills against 16 enemies
Sure, if you asked for it to fucking monkey paw
I would simply read his movement with my trusty AT4

Attack Helos being overpowered is present in every BF anyway
If people love BF3, why is BF3 dead? Why is Venice unleashed dead? Why is BF4 on life support for a decade? No the 200 servers with a fake player count dont count.
>Attack Helos being overpowered is present in every BF anyway
Not to that extent. If they were that overpowered in 2042 it'd be 1064 kills that the end of the round vs 64 enemies.
Battlefield 3 is the game that solidified my core online group of friends that I've been playing with ever since then. I've met all of them IRL at this point. BF3 is certainly better than anything that came after it, but as far as I'm concerned it's the best FPS ever made, and I am completely biased.
I don't want modern military shooters to come back, I want the feeling that well-funded developers were constantly trying and releasing new things to come back.
the hardcoded for matchmaking and DLC business model confuses me. they must've raked in tons of money from modding and server rental for next to no work on their part for years on end? not to mention how they open themselfs up to editorial responsibilities with speech policing and such nonsense.
I've seen them break like, 180 before iirc- and it only makes sense that it'd be easier for a vehicle that just splashes everything from orbit would have an easier time racking things up in a small, dense map.
It was a very good game but much maligned as it was designed for consoles while existing within a traditionally PC franchise. Measured against its predecessors, the gameplay was very simplified and that, understandably, doesn't sit well with some people.
266 kills vs 16
180 kills vs 64
hmmm which is more balanced?
The matchmaking and no modding thing is a business strategy to make sure people move on to your next full price product after a couple years
It's been 10 years and people are finally starting to crack BF3 modding and it will unironically keep old battlefield alive better than any shitty dice game
Venice unleashed has been out for years and no one plays it
no it fucking isn't you stupid fucking boomer.
Because they don't need to, regular servers still work.
No one plays in regular servers.
There's not a real reason to and very little new custom content, a venice mod that back ports BF4 weapons + chinese faction/vehicles + skins would be the Ultimate Game
lmao, you are not going to play it.
>EA killed 2142!!!! I wish modders would make servers
>modders make 2142 servers

>I wish modders would make BF3 with updated graphics!
>Modders make BF3 with updated graphics and infinite mods

>I wish modders would make BF4...
Im sure it will succeed this time
2142 revive died cause the idiot modders linked bootleg
Hello Dice employee, no I will not play your newest lgbtqslop. A roblox remake of your game had more hype. Sad.
but the servers never went anywhere and are still dead, if people truly wanted to play then they would do so
BF2 boomers are delusional. How the fuck can you claim a game with shit movement, grenade spam & awful gunplay was the best one in the series?
Battlefield has never gotten any more complicated since BFBC2, which includes 3, 4, hardline, 1, 5, and 2042. BFBC2 was better executed than all of the games that came after it despite its simplicity. Most of the people in this thread will not have played any battlefield games back when Battlefield was a mostly PC exclusive franchise and a bit more complex, because /v/ is filled with literal children. So arguing about simplicity at this point is moot.
i remember when it first came out the graphics were so amazing but the games after that were all rehashes
visibility is genuinely important, convenience is king. if something doesn't get in front of people even if they really want it they won't play it.
These character models had so much SOUL.
fr fr and no nicki minaj skin?
>get killed
>m16a3 165 star
such fucking mental illness only using one weapon out of 100
True, I think the way the revive devs handled the C&D from EA was most responsible for killing classic battlefield. All EA did was ask them to stop using their copyright and distributing the game. The revive network could have just stayed up after a rebrand.
The issue with gunplay in bf2 is the bullets would randomly deviate from the crosshair in a large cone which is completely disconnected from the visual recoil. You can see in this clip the bullets are hitting nowhere close to where he is aiming. Going prone and firing slower reduces the size of this cone and allows you to actually hit the target.
You wont play anything because youre a memer culture warrior
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I made it my mission to get at least 5 stars with every weapon. Discovered so many fun rifles that most people probably never touch.
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Boomer here, haven't play it on multiplayer but bots were great enough for me to spend countless of hours playing it. I wouldn't say it was peak but definetly made a name of the franchise, the intro and song were kino but like the first Resident Evil, the following two games were simply better
Yea I love BC2 but it did streamline a lot of BF aspect, for better or worse and focused on refining the gameplay as well as introducing environmental destruction.
DiCE could have built up from BC2, but instead, they tore down many aspects of what made BC2 good. BC2 class and weapons balance were the best in the series. The only thing that might be "unbalanced" is heli but you don't need to deal with heli on most maps and imo, heli were more managable after they buffed AA tanks and tracer dart.
I wish it was just a BF issue. Multiplayer FPS games in general are in a pretty bad spot. Maybe we're at the expected end result of making these games for skinnerbox addicted freaks

As a zoomer I liked that there was an actual campaign to make the bot matches feel less pointless. It would have been cool to see later BF games copy a mode with a meta map like battlefront had.
That shitty blue filter still lives rent free in my head. Why did they do this? For what purpose?
>no argument
Go on, tell me why the most fundamental FPS gameplay aspects of BF2 were not designed by smoothbrained retards. The only reason BF3 revived the series is
>good presentation
>good gunplay
>good maps
>good movement
BF2 only had the maps and maybe some of the presentation, so no one cared for it back in the day.
Daily Reminder that BF2 was a copy of a free mod for 1942 called Desert Combat, that was better. BF2 also introduced aids unlocks and paid DLC, not just to the series, but to the FPS genre itself. Pure cancerous game.
I think Gundam Evo was the last satisfying MP fps I've played and wished for more. Too bad bandai namco shitty handling of the server and monetization ruined the game
>Why did they do this? For what purpose?
Marketing would be my guess. BF3 remained in a generation's mind as the blue game. Thankfully not all maps were blue. Some were green and yellow as well
Expansion packs are not paid DLC, this is just more zoomer oldfag larping.
Same. Had so much fun with the MG bipod
Nigger, Euroforces was not an expansion pack.
>zero result
Shows how many larpers here that never played during its prime.
the sandstorm was awesome!
so were most levelution events
how was dc better than bf2?
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>you didnt play the game during its prime because you didnt mention this one overpowered weapon
fuck outta here autistic retard
BF4 had better gameplay
BFBC2 was the peak of this terrible franchise.
Only thing BF3 did right was be so cheap that a friend bought me it and all the expansions so because he wanted me to meet two cool dudes he played the game with.
It never was.
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>blue filter
There really wasn't a blue filter for all of the maps, it's just that the art direction of the game is completely devoid of colors. Eventually they did tone it down later on with some of the DLCs and subsequent games.
Helicopters flew more realistically, had more content (at least for a while) and it was free. Probably more my younger self could remember
When the game was in its prime I was just enjoying it instead of screeching on the battlelog forum. I never even noticed that the USAS was 'overpowered', every gun kills you stupidly fast.
Oh and no unlock bullshit or DLC, that too.
No, 1942 is peak Battlefield. Anyone who says otherwise is trolling. The sheer amount of vehicles and maps was staggering for 2002. Plus, 64 player multiplayer(with 128 player modded servers) and the glorious mods(Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope, Eve Of Destruction, etcetera).
Both ruined by cheaters. Also good luck finding server if you don't live in the states or EU.
Shhhh go back to sleep kids, adult are talking.
No one cares about whatever third world hive you're posting from
good work man, you nailed it like I nailed your sister :)
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No. It was too obstructive and made it easier for vehicles to farm with their thermals, it was also just as bad in BF1 & BF5.
Unironically enough they managed to get it right in BF2042's Hourglass.
Not him but the only advantage the refractor engine games have is the limited draw distance that stops bullshit sniper deaths. They feel like shit to play.
>America fuck yeah
>Based Europoor
How does it feel to have your women defiled and your property pillaged as the grand opening of your olympics?
Just because your brain has been addled by cod arcadey feels doesn't mean all of us are.
How does it feel to have your post hidden?
BF2 had the best soundtrack, I still listen to the chink and camel songs.
I played Project Reality for years and that felt fine, BF2 gunplay is just trash.
I had already stopped play BF at this point.
Superior American Steel, folded by 1000 obese men. How can other rifles even compete?
t. m16a4 burst enjoyer
get outta here lmao gimme sky is the limit skill ceiling and balancing instead.
PP-19 best gun
armored kill >= back to karkand > close quarters > aftermath >= end game
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I loved close quarters and I loved the "gun game" mode they added. I had so much fun on BF3... fuck man... I was happier back then too and I had a lot of hope for my life still.... shit sucks, bros. Shit sucks.
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i am forgotten...
Yes. They should just re-release the game at this point since they don't know how to make new BF games anymore. BF4 was the last good one.
>1942 remaster
>never for PC
I still don't get it
>make it 60hz netcode
>overhaul LoD
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god i fucking love playing combat medic in these types of games. hearing people yell `'PRECIATE IT DOC` and then running away while screaming a battle cry with explosions everywhere will never not be pure adrenaline directly into my brain.
bad company 2 was peak soul
battlefield 2 was peak era due to modding
battlefield 3 was the dawn of slop era
Do any real guns act this way?
free money but also they'd change it to propagandize like they did with BF portal
>operation metro with less fun
That’s not super fair criticism because nothing is as fun as metro.
I'm reinstalling it, any server recommendations?
>2142 with non-shit net code
Based. That's what 2042 should have been
TBG is the only server that shows up for me in NA for some reason but its usually empty.

if youre lucky later on it might be half full
>Lore says that thing is trained in sexual espionage
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Regarding 2042, they were planning to add more of these but they couldn't make it in time. For instance Orbital was to supposed to include a flood event, in Breakaway the glaciers and ice would also supposed to break.
I never played a BF game until randomly waking up to an email for the BF3 Alpha test the day after I built my first PC. It blew me away. I never even signed up for it. Operation Metro outside area was significantly wider, the pond was way more accessible and the attacking team got an IFV. People would drive it into the middle of the pond and rack up dozens of kills and then once the point was taken they'd drive it down into the tunnels. I remember being glad when the beta came out that they removed the IFV.
People actually like metro??? That shit was genuinely not fun to play
How did DICE went from a perfect beta showcase map like Arica Harbor to the abomination that is Metro in the next game
The game had a lot of jank aspects about it but the player run servers were the most kino shit ever. One of the true blackpills about vidya is that these games with lists of player run servers are gone forever. now you have shekelsteins corpo shit server and streamers to give a fake version of that experience.
that shit was never fun or interesting. shiny slop for the trailer retards
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>pre-nerf USAS-12 Frags on Metro
I genuinely don't understand where the love for metro came from. You have so many good infantry focused maps in BF3 like seine crossing, talah market, grand bazaar, hell even an entire dlc pack for close quarters. Yet the one that get's remembered is the shitty linear clusterfuck designed for shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxsbTjPe2fs
It's the same appeal as Dustbowl in TF2.
I really enjoyed BC2 and 3, but BF1 has a special place in my heart.
I'm glad the Battlefield era is over because everyone liked to larp as a soldier irl
Name one person that larped as an active duty soldier right now!
Because battlefield CQC is good. It's the perfect middleground between tarkov autism and cod smoothbrsin gameplay. Lane based maps are also good for farming gadget score.
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>I genuinely don't understand where the love for metro came from
Please like clusterfuck meatgrinders due to the constant action, it's why you'll find many of them playing Operations/Breakthrough in the recent games especially in 2042.
That's the thing though, if you like constant hectic action there are still better maps for it. Metro is literally "turn your brain off and hold LMB down this hallway" type of gameplay.
they fucked up any hope of a remaster/remake with their shitty portal mode in BF2042. The BF3 remake will always be a shitty half-finished POS haphazardly stuck inside BF2042.

Idk who is making the business decisions in DICE, but they are doing a wonderful job at nuking themselves.
>Why do people like constant action? I just don't get it!
Don't ever become a video game designer, please.
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worst gameplay out of the 7th gen games
everyone's opinion of this game is tainted by worst nostalgia goggles than BF2 fags
only bought 2042 recently during the steam sale after a long gap of not having played much of anything, the meatgrinder playlist they were running was what i was missing
retard >>683820939
Why is having a variety of maps bad?
>talah market is a pointlessly giant map
You were either one of the metro 24/7 only fags or those cod shipment 24/7 only fags, or both
Absolutely none of those maps I listed are big in any way, shape, or form. You'd probably be satisfied if dice released a map where they just spawn 128 players in a single shipping container
I swear it was just for ease of development or muh realism. It is incredible how much of a nose dive weapon and class balance took in three. It was definitely better in 4 but not on quite the same level as in Bad company. At least support has a purpose in that game lmao
The same reason why adding a bunch of dogshit maps to the pool is bad. You don't actually get any enjoyment out of playing them and the actual good maps are diluted and harder to come by.
Seine Crossing for me. That map just worked in any mode and at all player counts.
Bad Company maps were the best maps and I'm tired of pretending they weren't.
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I enjoyed all those maps retard
I distinctly remember the M16's burst fire feeling like the most satisfying burst fire from a gun in a video game but that's about it
maps that play differently > maps that all play the same


some maps are meatgrinders, some maps are more methodical, some are good for snipers, some are good for shotgunners, etc. Play to a map's strengths and git gud playing a variety of roles. faggot.
I think the change from CQA to rush for the most part was a good idea. CQA could really fall apart easily if the attackers knew how to flank or if the map was Wake island. The linearity of Rush with the maps boundaries help keep a solid frontline and not having to dog pile the OBj like in breakthrough or operations meant a single squad could actually make a difference and carry a team to victory.

I still play BF4 rush and half the time when we win it ends up being me and my squad who carries because we're either reviving constantly or we armed half the OBJ's. Trying to herd cats into capturing OBJ's that can be recapped is the worst in 1
Then you would have realized the close quarter dlc maps are all smaller than metro. The only difference would be they were actually designed to have flow instead of being 3 chokepointed hallways you moron
what is it that people actually like about it? I haven't played it but some people say its the best. The new spotting system certainly seems pretty interesting imo
meatgrinders are worthless and don't belong in battlefield. Sorry. Just because a game doesn't have its dedicated meatgrinder doesn't mean all its maps play the same.
autistic retard, stop posting
>yes goyim go fight in Iran for oi- I mean, freedumz!
You're stupid. They were DLC maps back in a time when new map releases were still behind a paywall. I loved close quarters but those map playlists would eventually die whereas Operation Metro would most likely live on since it's in the base game. Stop being stupid, man. Please.
COD 2 or BF2? what game is better?
>meatgrinders are worthless and don't belong in battlefield.
You're just trash. Ever consider that?
is bad company 1 memory holed? nobody even talks about it anymore
BC2 is just an legitimate improvement over it in many ways, even if it served as a very solid template for BC2.
No, it's marked the decline of battlefield franchise.
Although Bf V and BF1 was good.


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I miss the pre-BF2042 reveal hype. The hopeium was too much at the time.
But we weren't talking about dlc availability, were we? We were talking about how metro is a dogshit map and that there were plenty of better options (including ones in the base game like seine crossing and grand bazaar) that serve the same niche of being infantry-focused and fast paced.
seething metrotards lmao
kino rush match happening right now
>"le why people don't play dlc maps??
>"because they are dlc maps and they are locked behind an additional paywall beyond the purchase of the base game"
>*incoherent screeching and seething*
why do you do this to yourself?
>gee it sure is easy to beat up this strawman that completely circumvents the original argument
>The title will be public domain one day, you know
lol. lmao, even
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Speaking of drones fitted with explosives...
No. Bad Company 2 was.
>actual peak
i agree that bf1 one was good but firstly, kill yourself zoomie. and secondly, the gunplay when it launched up to when DICE fixed it was shit
I hate that they took service stars away in 2042
I think I have 20 service stars on the AT rocket gun in bf1 and every once in a while someone would go in the chat and rage (I used it like a sniper rifle)
conquest is a bad game mode.
conquest is a good game mode.
Yeah little birds were insufferable
Air is pretty bad in 2042 as well, and heli niggers still seethe when they get shot down
DICE really needs to put a system in place to prevent stat padding with bells, I hate having a squadmate who doesn't even spawn in and waits for their crutch to be available again
it's not, rush was better. frontlines was better grand operations was better. hell, i'd say even breakthrough was better.
Nope, 2 was
>Tom Cruise in the demo
>t. cod kiddie
>in an alternate timeline dice didn't troon out and bfv became the best ww2 shooter to ever exist
it's not fair
>cod kiddie
fuck off too your shit stamina nerfed squad game slop retard
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Wasn't 2042's Tier system supposed to be a replacement for Service Stars?
shut up pablo
Man, that's just a shitty server connection not registering the hit.
You can literally see the tracers going so wide they're not even within the frame of the sights
>I hate rush it's a meat grinder
>play metro 24x7
Why are people like this? Although I admit the BF3 Rush maps are fucking shit.
i accept your concession
Bad company 2 is the last battfield game I played so for me thats the peak
Neck yourself console trash
This is why BC2 was peak. Rush maps were good constant action and if the attackers pulled their finger out the lines moved a bit so you weren't fighting over the middle of the map for 10 fucking hours.
>Why are people like this? Although I admit the BF3 Rush maps are fucking shit.
because people like meat grinders and you're just in the loud minority
yeah but it's not the same at ALL, because you don't notice it like you do service stars
>Also on PC where it was the best with higher player counts and better graphics
>console trash
Rush is a meat grinder you failed to address my point. The only explanation is they nerfed it by making the rush maps shit.
>loud minority
Where is this loud minority other than in your head?
Evertone at that school reddit got blown up because they couldn't resist the urge to leak their position.
It is the best ww2 shooter
>used to play CoD
>friend played battlefield and told me how its much more tactical and you cant just run and gun like in CoD
>decide to try it out
>pick medic with AEK
>run and gun
>do really well
>he gets butthurt
>The only explanation is they nerfed it by making the rush maps shit.
i don't get what your point is. they "nerfed" the rush maps but people still like them, so what?
>i read about people not liking rush
>24/7 metro/locker servers are the only consistently populated servers
yeah i'm sure everyone agrees with you
Metro/locker/rush and breakthrough are for retarded mongoloids who can’t handle more than a line. What I’m trying to say is you’re fucking idiots.
>no soviets
>no french (a few skins don't count)
>barely any maps compared to the other games
>nerfed ttk that killed the small community already left in the game
it has good gameplay but it's unfinished because dice abandoned it after realizing no one wants to play a ww2 game made for trannies. ashame considering everyone thought it could only get better after bf1
>finally unlock UCAV
>and airburst
>bomb snipers camping on the rooftop
holy shit this thing is fun
i'll give you that metro is unironically a garbage map but if you can't flank and push through on locker then i think you're a retard that can't handle a single line.
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Technically you can still deal against both against the Scouts & Nightbird with primary weapons, it's easier in 2042 thanks to the railgun.
Personally the only aircraft that's the most overpowered yet invincible in 2042 are the Super Hind & Condor.
>system in place
You mean stingers? Air vehicles only dominate when retards refuse to use AA weapons.
I still play bf4 metro (the only good bf4 map kek) on weekends. It is the only videogame I play nowadays

Bf3 is almost dead, but it was the best fps ever. Best rotation of non-dlc maps that I have ever seen in a video game
>shoot stinger/igla
>they pop flares & chaff
>have to wait another 30 seconds before you can lock them again
and good luck not getting kicked if you do manage to shoot them down
It would have soviets if people didn’t screech and freak out and literally every single thing that existed, same with 2042. There’d be so many new maps instead of them remaking the already existing maps. Cutting content and making shit dumber is what the community begs for.
If you are above 25 and still here you should probably neck yourself.
I’m 67
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Lock-on AA missiles are useless against aircraft since they're easily countered by flares.
If DICE really wants to actually balance infantry vs air then they should spread stationary AA flak guns across the map like in BF1942 and give Engineers a wire guided missile that works similarly to AT4 from BC2.
If you have multiple engineers with AA in bf3 then you can easily overwhelm the flares.
yea probably they just had to take out those stupid operators
It is not a strawman. That is precisely why those maps aren't played. Like all the DLC maps. Retard.
>this level of revisionism
incredible. you put modern historians to shame
You’re a conspiratard to boot. Am I also a mossad agent? You are still, years later, all screetching about every aspect of the newer games.
>it's the community's fault dice puts out absolute garbage
>it's the players fault they didn't finish their game
>they just don't understand dice's vision
lol the only conspiracy here is you trying to flip the game's failure on the players instead of the devs for being woefully incompetent. dice are the ones who developed shit games that people abandoned rightfully so. it's people like you why battlefield is a dead franchise. fuck off dice shill
BFV got shitcanned because no one wanted to buy Dice's faggot skins not because of user backlash.
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i miss /bfg/
BFBC2 was peak Battlefield. Feel free to respond but I will ignore you.
Bfv and 2042 are still populated, and have sold tons of copies. There are a constant stream of new players. Funny that in REALITY bf3 and 4 are dead even though hundred of people in this very thread pretend to love those games. But refuse to play them.

When you are remaking old maps, you are not making new maps. When community backlash is constant, even when new weapons and factions and vehicles and maps are released. And even though the files are there showing you are working on new Soviet content… you may decide to cut your losses and try again.
Those skins were farrrrrrr more likely to be the most profitable part of bfv, which is why they opted for a tons of skins for each named character in 2042. The named characters in bfv, like that Asian girl most definitely made them bank.
What the fuck is going on here.
They predicted the fpv drones of the ukraine war
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years of rock paper scissors balance thrown away in one game
How is it flying on the side of buildings in the first webm?
>Bfv and 2042 are still populated and have sold tons of copies. There are a constant stream of new players
>BFV, the game that dice immediately axed life support for less than a few tides of war in before they even added the Soviets
>2042, the epic live service worked on by almost all of EA's studios which is already at end of life despite their ambitious plans
lol, lmao even. i don't even have to post the sales charts because everyone knows
In 2102
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frostbite engine shenanigans
If you posted sales charts you’d see that near launch they sold 7 mil, before the game went on ps plus it’s population doubled on ps4, and years after launch its population exploded on steam due to the Asian market. There are no current sales numbers available but the game sold a massive amount. And all the micro transactions that are still to this day a source of revenue. Insane amounts of money.
Instead of arguing over garbage wokeslop why not play BF3?
They cut their losses because the game sold poorly and no one bought their skins. They're companies for profit retard; backlash doesn't matter as long as money is flowing.
The game is so successful that they it's already on a skeleton crew while they're working on their next "tremendous live service." Ok bud
Because it's on fucking Origin.
Because 2042 and V are way more fun. Otherwise you’d have hundreds of people in this thread playing with you, instead of 0.

Go ahead and post the name of the server you are in. Oh wait… you’re not playing either.
3 years of people saying 2042 is dead and it got an update 2 weeks ago. And even said they will continue to update it.
>zoomie coping that he missed out on the older battlefields
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Anyone who says BF1 was good is either
A) zoomer
B) retarded
C) first battlefield
D) doesn't realize BF1 is an asset rip of Disney's Battlefront 1 by DICE as well, literally handles the same and has the same mechanics and gravity

Or a combination of the above

BF4 post LA DICE fix is peak battlefield, I'll even accept BF3.

I bought 1942 from compUSA in a big box. Before games changed to the gay little boxes.
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>bump limit reached
But I want more Battlefield on /v/ :(
>TBG Conquest all maps BF4
zoomers can't imagine people playing a game older than 4 years
i love bf3 and bf4 but i'll never say bf1 was a bad game. i'd argue it had the best atmosphere of them all (see passchendaele)
nah that was bad company 2. good campaign and a good multiplayer. never replicated since by bf
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impressive, only a small amount of fake players in that server. Have fun on metro rush, lmao
my pc can't run it
In bf4 the arms matched the character model unlike in 3
More coping?
Why are you alt tabbed posting here instead of having fun on your German metro rush server??
>2 sniper limit
What does that mean? She's trained in peeping on people because she can't get any herself?
Yes. Other opinions are from people with terrible taste.
And it's best because of the core gameplay and map design, combined with a solid theme that the campaign set.
What's wrong with metro? Didn't the 2042 playerbase beg dice to add a map like it?
>Didn't the 2042 playerbase beg dice to add a map like it?
yeah, because all of their maps are shit and required a full rework to even be passable shit
so i think bf3 had developers who released a tool that let you change settings you couldnt ingame, like changing the hardcoded comma rose key.

it also let you set the fov to anything. like 1.

which is better zoom that the best scope in the game

also the game has bipods, that set your guns accuracy to almost perfect

so if you had the bipod, and fired from the hip, it was nearly perfectly accurate

and your fov at 1 was the super scope

so you could hip fire with perfect accuracy

at 1.6 miles

without a scope
yes because the battlefield playerbase always has been and always will be cancer incarnate.
I mainly play BF4 these days, but man the base maps in BF3 were the fucking best. All the mid sized maps were great too, Seine Crossing, Grand Bazaar, Noshahr Canals, Damavand Peak, just compare these to some of the utter dogshit in BF4 like Zavod 311
its not even just the size vs BF4

BF4 maps are just so damn bland and flat
Having a small number of fake players doesn't sound so bad compared to having hundreds of hackers taking over a game. Enjoy your empty matchmaking lobbies in 2042 with cheaters ruling the game when DICE moves on to the next BF exactly just like BF5 :)
Never had a problem finding a match in 2042 since launch.
You will when DICE cuts support to the game.
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oh no..
Funniest thing is that they've already announced that 2042 is done so all the paypiggies who bought their little fortnite skins have been straight up told that they've wasted their money. Yet they'll be back for the next game as soon as jackfrags and westie start putting out their shill videos.

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