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How does Game Freak keep getting away with this shit?
Is that just the games or everything pokemon related. I'm pretty sure pokemon is still the biggest media franchise in the world so it's not that surprising if they're counting everything.
that's Pokemon company not just the games so it includes the other stuff like the anime and the card game
"People" who are still into Pokemon are almost as retarded as the "people" who are still into Street Fighter but there’s a hell of a lot more of them.
>It-t--ts Pokemon company's money not Gamefreak! Gamefreak is the poor boy who didnu nothing and the others are putting pressure on them

I hate these niggers like you wouldn't believe. Inform yourself and see that TPC IS PART GAMEFREAk and the other two parts are somebody who just does models and plushes and somebody who just gets paid. TPC has control and the main part of TPC that has control IS GAMEFREAK
Pokemon is popular.
people genuinely do not understand that "biggest media franchise in the world" part and what it entails
Imagine having the goose with the golden eggs and trying to make foie gras out of it, Nintendo must be pulling their hair every day when they look at how GF is managed.
>How does Game Freak keep getting away with this shit?
it print money selling cheap shit games to kids that don't know better
games are but a small part of pokemon, it's not that immportant
it's not going to change
Reminder that GF is genuinely sick of being "the pokemon guys" and only continuue because is literally the only thing that keep them alive, every single attempt to make a new IP ended in failure and they are MAD over this.
i believe it's just the games, because if we counted EVERYTHING, then the gap would be MUCH wider.

>scarlet violet sold 25m + pokemon go, lol ripoff, dlc for sv
>totk sold 20m
>all the mario + pikmin stuff over 15

yeah, it's a small difference
It's exactly because they make so much money that the games are shit, because most of that is merchandising and the spinoffs, which is dependent on a steady stream of new content, which is why gamefreak is pushing out a pokemon game or DLC basically every year. At this point, it really doesn't matter how shit the games are as long as they come out and get people to buy everything else. The only way the games are going to be allowed to be good is cycling through multiple teams on a longer dev cycle like CoD did back in the day, or just detaching the concept of always being the first look at new pokemon and regions from the games and sticking it on a part of the franchise that can use the shorter dev time, and letting them come out at their own pace
Pokemon is autism chow in its most pure and undiluted form. I tried one of them recently out of sheer curiosity, and was actually embarrassed that I let myself get meme'd into it. It is the most basic bitch "Baby's First JRPG" that I've ever played, and dropped it out of sheer boredom probably about a dozen hours in. This franchise is entirely built around effective marketing that catches autists really really early in life, and imprints on them.
Why do you think Nintendo tried to do a bunch of half baked mobile games after the success of Pokémon go? You think it was because they love and respect the consumer?
>It's exactly because they make so much money that the games are shit
Nah, the reality is that pokemon is still the best monster tamer on the market and even though you see the game as shit it still offers more than any other game in the genre.
>Why do you think Nintendo tried to do a bunch of half baked mobile games after the success of Pokémon go?
Because iwata didn't give a shit.
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Because it's hEcKiN pOkÉmOn!

No, it was their investors saying shit like "Why aren't we doing mobile?" despite Nintendo not needing it. So they made a few games, let most of them die, and life went on. I think they only have what, two left?
wasnt iwata dead by then?
There is nothing wrong with Pokemon

There is nothing wrong with furries

Based Pokémon
they made like 3 non pokemon games and they were all very short
>How dare a company be successful and make money?!?!?!
You sound like a commie.
TPC is publishing pokemon games in Japan so they get global license fee and Japan publisher fee. Nintendo gets global publisher fee.
People are fucking sheep.
Because the investors are morons and the WiiU did very bad.
Iwata died in 2015.
He was in talks for mobile games since 2010.
One of the last things he did before he died was finalise the DEnA deal.

Iwata being dead is also why mobile games have died out for Nintendo.
Hey man, Nintendo sells merchandise too
I think it's because investors must have been begging for it.
How come Pokémania didn't die like every other fad?
While the video game section of the pokemon company is dogshit, everything else they do, they do well, for example cards, merchandise and the TV show. And all those other things being good makes people buy the games out of association.
>How come Pokémania didn't die like every other fad?
Extreme luck
It was heavily declining but then the DS came out and was a massive success that sold 150+ million which dragged them back up. Then it was declining again and Pokemon Go hit it big, and the switch has been dragging it even higher. If the DS had just been a moderate success or Pokemon Go had not happened it would be half or less of what it is now.
The games are a launch pad for 100 new Pokémon for the fanbase to integrate, and they're very good for that purpose. Any actual game is just sidecontent.
The Pokemon anime had what might be THE most disappointing ending in anime history (suck it Shingeki) and the current anime is so bland and boring that they needed to make an absolute semen brat to make people at least be aware of it’s existence. The card game is mind dogging bad to the point that it was reset a little while ago and the rest of the products might not even exist.
It’s the brand carrying all these rancid shit, not the other way around.
complex media ecosystem with manga, anime, cards, games, that target kids
you hardly have a safer business model beside necessities like food
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Annoys me how these faggots have never spent that money on a proper game, could outsource it even but they'd never do it since they'd actually be held up to a standard
you're insane if you think money from the merch dept goes to gamefreak. they're completely different things
Because people in general love the games despite all the complains the haters keep parroting.
It's probably just jealous shills from other game companies wondering what Pokémon has that they don't.

New generation keep coming in to keep it running. And its all new to them, so GF can recycle the same stuff over and over.
just a generic JRPG. its only distinguishing features are enemies and the player playing (mostly) by the same rules, and the immersive world that tries its damndest to hide the fact that you're playing a JRPG
Because Pokemon is a huge multi-media franchise and the games are just a way to push new designs to be used in the other stuff. The games sell so much because they always have two versions that autists or parents with kids will tend to buy both.
Look at any of the other games GameFreak has published in the last decade. I think the only one that wasn't a total flop was Pocket Jockey.
Like TMNT.

Kinda, yeah.
>just a generic JRPG. its only distinguishing features are enemies and the player playing (mostly) by the same rules

Don't downplay this. The fact that I can do what the enemy is doing to me is enticing on a level that no other game can match. Imagine fighting Promised Consort Radahn and being like, I can be this. That's how I feel fighting a Cosmic Power Mew.
>people in general love the games
no one likes the glitches
no one likes incomplete games
no one likes N64 OoT trees
no one likes losing your savefile if you save within the city
no one likes the dexcut after 7 gens with every monster in them
no one likes dangerhair snowflakes replacing sexy pokegirls, or tranny characters
no one likes nupokemon designs like a stupid flamingo or a literal bridge
People are so fixated on objective flaws that they totally forgot to account for the subjective side of things.

I would argue that's the only important part when discussion one's enjoyment of something, wouldn't you?
No, that's the Welsh you're thinking about.
Fire Emblem Heroes is the GOAT mobile game
10.8 billion still isn't enough to buy some talent though
>yeah the game is an unfinished, half-baked mess but just ignore it and you'll probably have fun
jesus christ, what kind of kool-aid do GF drones drink?
Eric thread, don't reply
Hide the thread and say goodbye
Don't fall for it, it's all a ploy
From seething Eric, the evil snoy
What's wrong with liking Street Fighter? :(
take meds
I thought eric was the final fantasy guy, I get confused by all the fake guys you invent
i am glad my IQ isn't low enough to be consuming nintenslop beyond 18 years.
Barry is the Final Fantasy schizo
>turns on rick and morty
The fans are retarded and will buy anything that has the word "pokémon" plastered on it
Is there a bigger group of drones in gaming besides pokefags. Don’t even start with disingenuous shit like TOTK or from fans I know you niggers are going to reply with the most contrarian bullshit on earth. But strictly from a “low quality yet moves this insane amount of merchandise and money and game copies” franchise I don’t think anything tops Pokemon.
Eric is a villainous snoy that tries to gaslight people into turning on Pokémon and Nintendo. You're probably him too
>The games sell so much because they always have two versions that autists or parents with kids will tend to buy both.
I never understood this cope. Specially now where you can get everything with just one copy and access to the internet.
uhh.. anon if you like that goyslop then fine but don't try to put that thing anywhere near me.
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i love nintendo investors
and i love how nintendo also hates them
1. Pokefags
2. Zeldafags
It's not a cope because I still do it
Let’s see
>Shitty Gameplay
>Shitty designs
>Barebones story more
>More anti consumer practices than a god damn gacha game
>Can’t jump into the proper competitive scene unless you spread the right kind of politics 24/7
>Capcom nearly killed the director of Megaman 11 to make that shit
>It’s a mix of reedit internet memes and black “culture”
>It shits on the legacy of previous characters to get ESG score see how they made most of the OST into rap
And that’s just out of the top of my head
pokefags and children eat it up regardless because it's pokemon
guarantee you'd see some honest reviews of the past few gens if they didn't have 'Pokemon' slapped on the front of the box

Everyone hates investors.
I would love to ask those fuckers about what they think about those “childish topics” now that the market imploted and Nintendo might be the only console left during the next get.
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Objectively Pokemon is the sloppiest slop to ever slop.
Nothing in human history outside of the Abrahamic and Hindu religions is on its scale in terms of how many people it touches. Except Pokemon doesn’t attempt to touch the human soul and when it does it fucks up. It’s that fucking insane.
Yeah this. Pokemon is a product and one making your product cheap as possible whilst still asking a premium and make sales is the goal.
Hell, these shit releases motivate GF to do less, not more.
doubt it, nintendo probably thinks "man they suck at making games, but oh neat, we just got another $3.4 billion in bonus cash from our share of their company.
yep, don't forget Dexit only happened so dude could make his passion project... Little Town Hero.
>Objectively Pokemon is the sloppiest slop to ever slop
As much as I hate Pokemon, this is not true. If you want a proper slop look at every hero shooter released since Overwatch. You can’t tell anything about any of them anymore. Pokemon at least it still has Iono and Coral.
It's a shame Pokemon prints nothing by just existing
It would be nice if Gamefeak was forced to innovate or make an ambitious game with the property
eric is a made up bogeyman by some schizo tendie when he falseflags as a sony fan
you'll see the tendie schizo shitting up botw threads by responding to anyone who doesn't praise the game with shit like "I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped eric" or something like that
TPC is a bigger entertainment company than Disney you dipshit.
Snoys will literally defend not making games.
Gamefreak is not the pokemon company. The pokemon company sells pokemon merch. Merch is always what media products aimed at a young audience attempts to create demand for. Disney made far more money off selling Frozen t-shirts than the movie made.
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>every single attempt to make a new IP ended in failure
"Failure", or "respectable indie debut sales (that are unable to financially support the large studio GF has become over the years)"? I'm pretty sure Harmoknight at least was decently well liked, even if that was a good few years ago.
this makes them billions
Explain why merchandise doesn't bring up Nintendo's revenue that much
Because the Pokemon IP is tailor made for merchandising, Mario and the others aren't, they still sell shit obviously but Pokemon is on a different level.
There's like two or three Nintendo stores in the world vs 20 Pokemon Centers in Japan

>Mario and the others aren't

Wanna know how I can tell you haven't been to a Target or Walmart in years?
the level of merch sold by TPC is unmatched anywhere
it's insane how much they sell
While loving their money at the same time, so they will never licensed, shut up Boco.
at this point pokemon should be considered an international threat that causes brainwash and stopping the brain from developing past 12
Why do people like making strange creatures fight so much
This but Sony Cinematic Experience Games that target black americans
south park already tried to tell the world about this
Nintendo won the console war and transcended video games to become a media franchise and a fixture in human culture. Something like that takes time, quality, and consistency.
blacks wouldn't develop even without snoy movie games not existing though
>quality and consistency
so not Nintendo got it
And pokefags gas lit themselves into thinking that having LESS pokemon is a good thing.
Why the fuck would anyone want LESS collectable monsters in a collectable monster game? It's fucking retarded.
Pokemon autism is a different beast than regular Nintendo autism.
t. Pokemon autist
One day, Game Freak is going to somehow legally wiggle their way out from under Nintendo's thumb and suddenly Pokemon will be on Playstation. It won't be a pretty sight.
>one game ruins the whole series for you
Retard alert
they don't own the rights you know
Because X/Y having 750 or whatever didn't make it a better game
If they didn't put out, then they wouldn't be making bank. Youre in a salesfag thread and you're disputing the hard evidence.
That's just concession behavior

Not likely, since Nintendo owns a third of the rights. And they'd never allow that.
It did make it a better game because I got to use whatever fucking pokemon I wanted as opposed to being forced to use shitmon in black and white, sun and moon, and sword and shield.
3DS didn't do that good either, got less sales than the GBA.
They can't because there are two other owners and they won't allow it.
If GF wants out then they're going to have to sell their stake and they won't do that because that will be the end of them as a company.
They've already tried to go mobile. Nintendo put them in place immediately.
Keywords "Somehow" and "Legally". Again, it won't be pretty.

Unfortunately, that is the direction Game Freak has been headed since gen 7. They've had enough with Nintendo.
Gamefreak=/=Pokémon Company
still manages to be far worse than any of those games
>It's worse because uh... I don't have a reason....
That includes merch sales.

It'd have to be one hell of a hypothetical then. Nintendo would never sell one of their IPs unless they were dying.
You're replying to known schizo. He's been doomposting Nintendo for years.
Going mobile right now is a mistake since Japanese gacha got fucking mogged by Korean and Chinese gacha.
>in black and white, sun and moon,
All of those games still had the full dex usable though
I am truly amazed at how GameFreak can constantly shit out worse products and get billions all because Pikachu is on the cover of the game.
I'm expecting a complete mess of legal battle in the coming years. At the very least, Game Freak will probably pull a Bungie by selling and fucking off only to end up under some other company like Bamco.

Remember, small indie company.
You missed the key word
But that’s Intelligent Systems dumb dumb
Nintendo isn’t selling billions of dollars worth of Pokémon cards
It was at the end of WiiU era. GameFreak CEO was doubting Switch success.
Retards like you don't understand that they don't have to. Retards are gonna eat up absolutely anything they shit out, why put effort into it?
Until it outright starts losing money somehow they'll never change it. It prints money.
tendies have zero standards
tale old as time itself
>want out of Nintendo for years
>know they can't dev 3D games for shit
It's like telling DSP not to quit his day job then immediately cutting yourself off because he can't even do that right.
1/3rd is a minority stake. It has no power.
This but Sony consoles
honestly it wouldn't die but it will definitely take a giant hit and it will never reach the global numbers again

So are manchildren the ones buying clothes, toys, legos, school supplies, cereal...?
Hey newfag, the people still buying MK8D are the ones buying Pokemon.
nta but yes they do except school supplies and cereal
sex sells

>Shitty Gameplay
>Shitty designs
Fuck you on about, faggot?

>Barebones story more
>More anti consumer practices than a god damn gacha game

Pretty based takes, the gach bullshit really spoil the game for me

>Can’t jump into the proper competitive scene unless you spread the right kind of politics 24/7

Fair enough, there alot of "kiss the ring" type faggorty going now adays in gaming scenes

>Capcom nearly killed the director of Megaman 11 to make that shit

Like overwork/crunch? If so that fucking bullshit

>It’s a mix of reedit internet memes and black “culture”

It call "street" fighter what's more street then black culture?
Tldr design and game play is pretty good, everything you are mostly right on

>It shits on the legacy of previous characters to get ESG score see how they made most of the OST into rap
And that’s just out of the top of my head
Because what they do works extremely well. If Gamefreak was allowed to take 7 years on a game like Zelda the franchise would be dead and you faggots would be crying about how a new one hasn't happened in a while. No new monster designs for the trading cards, anime, merch, manga, spin offs, mobile games, etc. This is where Pokémon succeeds and everyone else fails. Yokai Watch was the closest thing to replicate the success but eventually died. The Pokémon Company clearly knows what it's doing.
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>Make Pokemon games
>They look like trash
>Still sell like fucking Cyclon B in the Third Reich

They wont change as long as people buy the games
Street Fighter hasn't made a good game since Alpha 3 and that was like 20 years ago
Nintendo doesn't question shit. Nintendo internally can barely put out any games that aren't unfinished half games like Splatoon and Animal Crossing and Mario Maker. Gamefreak gave Nintendo a guaranteed 10 million seller holiday title for multiple years in a row. Nintendo doesn't even get any of the blame for the scheduling or lack of polish. You don't understand how good of a company Gamefreak is for them. Nintendo doesn't have to do anything but quietly collect money.
>It call "street" fighter what's more street then black culture?
If so, then why the MC is still the walking embodiment of Japanesse matial dogma
Not anymore since a major investor is now running the company.
Until a bunch of nobodies make Palworld and show the world a glimpse of what they should have
I wonder what these mouth breathers spouting shit like this think Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh get all their money from
Nobody gives a shit about Palworld. Sure it sold decently but that's not the real "power" is.
There's nothing really Game Freak or Nintendo could take away from Palworld's success. If anything Palworld proves they're on the right track. It's a 3D open world game with a lot of unique animations. Guess what? That applies to SV more than Gens 1-5, the ones /v/ jerks off.
That game has zero staying power. The most popular it will ever be already happened and can never be replicated again. Palworld is like if Pokemania happened before it was established as a franchise. When Pokémon caught on in the west it already had an anime and trading cards and plushies and posters and coloring books. Palworld only barely started making an anime and who will actually watch it? It also doesn't help that Palworld sold itself on cheap meme shock value that isn't funny after seeing it once. Catching humans or slavery or le Pokémon with guns has no edge by the time Palworld 2 or however many expansions comes out.
which major investor?
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>massive zombie-like fanbase since pokemania
>try releasing other titles by their own, picrel for examples
>All flopped... EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
>GameFuck realized that this massive army only worshiping pokemon, not them
>after the embarrassment that was Little Town Hero, they only have two choices: either embrace the reality that pokemon made them NOT the other way around, or commit seppuku en maasse
The yakuza
Simply merch
nobody gives a fuck if the games sell or not.

This is a Sanrio style company and always has been. They are selling merch and more merch
Still not as bad as Niantic and Pokemon Go.
None of those games had a big budget. They all sold incredibly well compared to the non-existent investment it took to develop them.
You know it's the games the drive everything else, right?
Not all of those sales are games. You have to account for the tcg and other merch that isn't going to give their budget to the game division.
You also have to consider that Pokemon fans are literally autistic and at this point they would buy an empty cartridge with Pokemon printed on it.
Not all of those dollars came from the games right? Those include plushies and shit, right?
Anon, they're pokemon fans not PlayStation fans. If they cared more about brand the spin offs wouldn't sell so poorly by comparison to the mainline games.
>How does Game Freak keep getting away with this shit?
Hasn't been true for a decade and then some
They make tens to hundreds of billions from the merch and licenses alone. The games are secondary and always will be
Ironically, quality.
Pokemon only looks bad compared to itself, if you compare it to other tamers there's a massive gulf in what pokemon offers that they don't.
I don't even know why you guys like pokemon games. I was never able to play a single one for longer than two hours. The gameplay is shit and it has basically no story
literally the only game I wanted to finish the dex for since it was so expansive and seeing the pokemons 3d models was a novelty. If only I knew I'd be seeing those same models for the next decade...
Turns out children and manchildren have no standards. Parents don't give shit about quality, they just know this will shut up their stupid brat long enough they can finish doing the dishes.
What does pokemon offer that they don't?
I'm genuinely curious. I haven't played any of the recent pokemon games or any competitors/copycats/similar games besides SMTV, which I will admit goes for a different audience altogether.
>They make tens to hundreds of billions from the merch and licenses alone. The games are secondary and always will be
Anon, that's a result of the games being the driving force of the series to this very day.
It's the games that bring interest, people play them, discover characters and Pokemon they like and then they buy 500 pieces of merch dedicated to the mon or character, that's how it works.
Pokemon hasn't had quality in 10 years.
Anime is the driving force now. Games only exists to introduce new gens.
You'd assume its nintendo polish, but since its game freak thats not the case. The pessimist answer is just the brand, people like seeing pokeballs and charmander and shit. To give them the benefit of the doubt I think its a combination of nostalgia and aesthetic. People like hearing the little jingle play when they catch a pokemon. They like the item pickup noise. They like the genuinely charming character designs. Its all things they could find similar, arguably superior versions of in other games, but theyre content with what they get in pokemon
>Anime is the driving force now.
Which people only watch because they want to see a pokemon or character they saw in the game animated.
Not to mention the anime ratings have been going down.
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Sex sells.
The games are what pushes out new designs for merch, tcg, etc. There's a reason they're always rushed buggy messes now.
I don't know why TCP won't go back to shitting out outsourced spinoffs and revealing new mons through the anime and letting the mainline games have longer dev times.
>It did. The only people buying X now are the manchildren that bought it back then. They're not pulling in new customers. Once these Y year old men die, X will lose all their sales.
>Pokemon merch is popular
Scarlet and Violet sold less than Sword and Shield. It' trending downwards.
>What does pokemon offer that they don't?
It's Pokemon, that's it. People go apeshit for the IP
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>this is not true
The merchandise, the merch is selling way better and has higher profit margins.
Pay 500 Chinese or pajeets to make .10c pokemerch and resell it for $$$
Versus a game studio that needs a big ass team of employees that push production costs into the hundred millions a year
Great, see you in hell in like 50 years.
Palworld is Chinese slop pretending to be made by a Japanese dev. It will never ever come out of early access. Like you said, it will never be as popular again, so I doubt they're even going to keep working on it after this year. The game needs to be more linear instead of just randomly dropping you in the sandbox first. It needs gyms, towns, and more NPC humans to fight. The farming shit to farm more shit faster wears most people out. It also needs to types and more command over your Pals instead of having the majority of battles just being you crashing them into each other and the higher level winning. None of that matters though, because the game is dead chink slop
Something Pokémon has that Pokémon at home games don't is familiarity and continuity. Anything you learn from any game you play will carry over to any future game. Grass beats water. Flamethrower is stronger than ember. Pikachu is electric type. You will learn at least some monsters and maybe get favorites and you can be assured you will eventually see them again. You play any other one you have to learn all the type relations and new monsters and moves all over again. Zipplezom is cosmic type which is strong against Grabbydo a magic and fruit type. It's meaningless shit that doesn't feel worth learning or committing to memory since these games usually don't do well enough to warrant sequels. All the Temtems you learned are a waste of brain space.
Pokemon was trending downwards before you were born, anon. All games widely accepted to be the best sold less than a third of what RBY did.
>I don't know why TCP won't go back to shitting out outsourced spinoffs and revealing new mons through the anime
My guess is that the spinoffs don't make enough money. Remember that corporations and shareholders want ALL THE MONEY. Selling 3 million units on mystery dungeon isn't even worth their time now. I'm guess there's some kind of Nintendo mandate for what is allowed in the anime at this point. No matter what people say, Nintendo owns Pokemon, and TPC is just a Nintendo subsidiary. GameFreak does what Nintendo tells them.
revenge status backfired
>pokemon company
>misc merch
>games pokemon go, gamefreak ect
its allot more than just gaymfreak
retards buys anything nintendo and gamefreak shits
Palworlds existence proves the assertion of anons that having a position in culture is most important.
Palworld is definitely in the realm of a fad while shit like Pokemon and Minecraft have more longevity
>All games widely accepted to be the best sold less than a third of what RBY did.
To be fair, RBY have such high sales partially because theyre red/green/blue/yellow over a few years, thats 4 games instead of the usual 2.
I remember there was a study years ago that said people value familiarity over everything else. Despite there being hundreds of better clones, people would rather play as Mario in a mediocre game than a new character in a better game. This is why every movie has to bring back old characters. People always ask why Sigourney Weaver has to come back for Aliens 4 or why all of the original Ghostbusters have to be in new movies instead of a new story with a new cast, but the answer is that no amount of quality can beat the familiarity
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>What does pokemon offer that they don't?
Without going into things like competitive and the social aspect, there's a lot more you can do with the actual monsters in pokemon than you can do in other tamers that also add a personal touch to them.
What ball you've captured them in
Forms and so on and so forth of course that's just for the monsters. You'd also be surprised at how many don't even let you nickname your monsters. On that note, pokemon also tends to have more monsters available to the player without counting exact recolors and forms as their own entry as something like SMT or cyber sleuth would.

For actual gameplay there's quite a varied amount of content, where most monster tamers would just focus on the battles pokemon instead opts for things like minigames and repeatable challenges and other such content like that raid dungeon thing in Sword and Shield and because of that pokemon doesn't really feel as "one and done" as the other tamers do especially given some of them also record your best times/scores etc and give you different rewards for them.
I mean, as much as I like Digimon I have no real desire to go back and play them again because there's no reason to, I've done everything there is to see but that part is just my opinion.

But yeah, that's pretty much why pokemon stands out above the other tamers and you won't really see the difference if you only play pokemon, you'll only see how it's been getting steadily worse compared to itself.
He always said he hated the idea of doing mobile games, I've always had the opinion he did it to shut the investors up so they'd leave the rest of the company alone, and because he quite literally only had to live with the decision for like a month at most
Pokemon definitely made game freak and even then, pokemon was a pretty bad game back then. I remember watching someone talk Pokemon and he said the two things that saved pokemon was Iwata and Mew. Reading this thread made me realize it's totally true and that BW was shit because it was basically a soulless gen 1 knock off in every way possible.
>He always said he hated the idea of doing mobile games
Iwata never once said he hated mobile games which is why he was in talks to make some long before shareholders got antsy.
Fine, look at Hyenas score then
Even the spin-offs take too long to make. New Pokémon Snap and Mystery Dungeon DX are pure passion projects and anomalies. That Detective Pikachu game released after like half a decade. The spin-offs still exist but not in the form everyone might like. They're all live service mobile titles.
>Café Remix
>Masters EX
>TCG Live
>eventually TCG Pocket
Technically there's a lot of Pokémon spin-offs but it's pretty much the segment of Pokémon Presents where everyone groans.
Gen 5 being considered the best among core fans.
The key is having appeal.
SMT is highly unappealing compared to Persona and Digimon is highly unappealing compared to SMT and Pokemon.
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>and the current anime is so bland and boring that they needed to make an absolute semen brat to make people at least be aware of it’s existence.

Care to explain
pokenigs dont have any standards
at all
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He's probably talking about Liko
I'm tired of people pretending that Pokeshit was bad back then
RBY were fucking broken and filled with garbage game balance but it was still the peak of RPGs in the gameboy
>people would rather play as Mario in a mediocre game than a new character in a better game
You've got it wrong. It's not people choice to put Mario in game. Devs would rather make mediocre game with known character than mediocre game with new character.
pokemon cards are booming currently so yeah, ip like zelda metroid mario only have games while pokemon got a whole bunch of shit aside from games
>core fans
Deluded fanatics finally got their "deep lore" to give their fanfiction projects greater world building depth.

The games were stinky shit.
Gen 5 is best among genwunners
>The card game is mind dogging bad to the point that it was reset a little while ago and the rest of the products might not even exist.
The card game resets every gen like most tcgs that aren't yugioh.
yes, they won the culture war but not because of quality
all it took was brand power and brainless bootlickers lining up to defend their products
Genwunners are the ones who consider it the worst.
The worst part is that they aren't even real Genwunners
>the people who insist gen 1 is the best insist gen 5 is the best
Male character BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Female character GOOOOOOD
But the problem is that Liko is fucking boring. In the realm of pokegirls, she manages the fear of being on the bottom of the list.
>just a generic JRPG. its only distinguishing features are enemies and the player playing (mostly) by the same rules
Name another JRPG that has

- the unit variety of Pokemon
- the online multiplayer of Pokemon (with competitive scene official support)
- the permanence of Pokemon (cross game transfer that goes as far back as the GBA)

Don't give me some "oh but who cares about those specific things". People do. Doesn't matter what you think - no other JRPG on the market offers these.
That's not really a high bar since the GB/C didn't have many.
>It's good because it's a carbon copy of the worst games!
Amazing logic there
lol true
most zoomies dont even care for pokemon
it's just millennial manchildren who defend the slop they grew up with
zoomies play games like fortnite
Anon, Pokemon is one of the few turn based RPGs with a massive e-sports league. Just because you don't care for the game doesn't somehow make Pokemon any less complex.
Isn't merch the biggest earner for Pokemon?
What on earth are you even talking about?
Genwunner here, I never played after gen 3. I considered gen 3 to be about as far as I was willing to go with pokemon. Nothing I have seen after it looks even remotely attractive. I simply replay my original GBC version of Red Version several times a year, plus various rom versions of red/blue/green. Never the "modernized" versions, though. Original mechanics, bugs and all.
Nintendo's IP though
Familiarity is why Monster Hunter Stories, Dragon Quest Monsters, and Shin Megami Tensei work while things like Coromon, Cassette Beasts, Disc Creatures, Temtem and Nexomon don't. You know Rathalos and Slime and Jack Frost. All those other ones I listed even have super uninspired bargain bin like names. They're all a waste of time and brain space. I don't think people understand how much learning is involved with these types of games.
>it took Nintendo multiple games to equal the sales that the Pokemon Company had across multiple games
I don't understand the point. It's not like a single Pokemon game had $11billion in sales. That's across multiple titles as well
gamefreak are shit developers too
most of the real tedious work is done by creatures inc
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Not much of a semen brat
The complexity of pokemon is due to almost total obfuscation of the most crucial stats that make a pokemon top or bottom tier. Add in the sheer, mind-numbing RNG of breeding/finding the right pokemon and you have an impenetrable barrier against anyone lacking autism.
He's talking about Sango. Whenever she shows up ratings and fanart go up
It's TPC not GF, games are a drop in their revenue.
>Iwata and Mew saved pokemon
No shit.
Mew basically pushed an otherwise average game into the limelight and started a huge following because everyone wanted a secret character.
RGB was held together by dollar store glue and game freak needed Iwata to fix it so they could ship it to the US and give game freak breathing room to make Gen 2.
I know this is /v/ so people get tunnel visioned on "muh vidya" but Pokemon is a multi-media franchise whose biggest income is easily licensing fees and merchandising.
Little town hero had an all time peak of ELEVEN fucking players on steam so you tell me which camp it is in
I just don't know that much about Pokemon so my post was, in part, an honest question. But that further proves my point
Because they own 1/3 of pokemon franchise
Virtually no one plays the card game at this point. I see kids with Pokemon cards all the time and I always ask what kind of deck they play and I have never once had one tell me they even play the game. 99% of non people under 25 who are not resellers or scalpers that are buying Pokemon cards have literally never played a single game of it. It exists only as it's own stock market at this point. It doesn't help that the game is pure dogshit and TPC doesn't give a shit about balance or design philosophy.
Half of the shit in Palworld isn't even new if you already knew of Craftopia. It uses the same shock value and edge except the difference is it didn't catch on like Palworld did. It also has the same lazy half assed development cycle. Palworld itself isn't even a surprise if you ever watched a Japanese indie game showcase like Indie Live Expo. They put out the same trailer every few months for years. Just like Craftopia before it and Craftopia will never be finished.
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Now we're talking, post the on model art
Because voting with your dollar doesn't work.
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>post the on model art
she's mostly the same. Sango is THE hardest panic button the anime has pushed since Dawn on the final season of Ash's run.
>It doesn't help that the game is pure dogshit and TPC doesn't give a shit about balance or design philosophy.
You say that but it's probably one of the most balanced tcgs out there. The real issue is that the idea of a tcg doesn't really mesh with the idea of pokemon since you can't always use your favorites in a tcg which causes people to avoid it.
That said it still regularly trades with magic for most popular tcg for one reason, the artwork. And they know that which is why they started making full art cards.
It also helps that pokemon cards are notoriously cheap. You can get a competitive deck easy.
Anon they're Pokemon fans. They've been buying the same game with the exact same plot beats for nearly 30 years now. Do I need to post the tree?
The millennial inability to let go of their childhoods
Game Freak is nothing without Pokemon. Everyone knows their games are the worst things in existence.
Its this
But its also Japanese get stuck on cultural stuff for decades.
Japan collectively decided in the 90s that they were simply never going to stop living in the 90s.
Funny cause with all the console warring going on, I'd say the same for westoids
Of course they're pokemon fans you moron.
And it's a series based on collecting monsters and doing things with them not plot, this isn't Asscreed.

Just like you they're casuals.
If only console warring now was like it was in the 90s. Back then it was banter, now it's just Sony fanboys having a temper tantrum while everyone else looks down on them.
But... What if they have a DEEP and MATURE story about bad guys posing as good guys who want to save the poor animals like the fanfiction I made back in 1998?
Not only does every second gen on a device sell worse than the first, but SV is actually outdoing SwSh's sales launch-aligned. It probably won't beat it due to PLZA coming out next year, but to act like it's somehow a negative trend overall is actual retardation.
their competitors seppuku-ing themselves due retarded decisions is the main reason
Then you can keep on writing your fanfiction.
That's literally gen 5
>ip like zelda metroid mario only have games
Metroid has games?
Except for being deep
And mature
And the bad guys posing as good guys wanting to save the pokemon
Metroid has dread, the game that took 19 years to come out and its worse than super and fusion. Metroid fags are constantly in cope mode in trying to convince themselves that dread is good.
Paypigs gunna paypig
Pretty much every game in existence is worse than super, but Fusion? Fat chance, Fusion sucks ass. EMMI is a way better threat than SA-X, it's way too linear, and Adam doesn't shut the fuck up.
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>hardest panic button the anime has pushed since Dawn on the final season of Ash's run
So you mean like 6 months before she showed up?
If it makes you feel any better, gen alpha might be the ones to genuinely put a dent in pokemon by virtue of preferring brainrot
lol you zoomers have no idea how fast and how big pokemon blew up
LOL. Those guys aren't investors. They're family. The've been in the biz since N was making "playing cards".
>gen alpha might be the ones to genuinely put a dent in pokemon
No, they love pokemon too.
I want that mudkip
I dont remember shelves with plushies, backpacks and tshirts with the characters of Totk, Mario Wonder, Pikmin or Mario RPG Remake.
Pokemon have 999 pokemons designed for sell toys
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>haven't released a good game since 2010
>still make more money than any game company

Nothing personal, kid.
Drill Dozer was pretty good (albeit easy). I wish we got a sequel for the DS or 3DS.
Put me in the timeline where gamefreak used Pokemon as nothing more than vehicle to funnel money towards Drill Dozer 2.
Considering Bandai's a motherfucking toy company, how hard did they drop the ball with Digimon?
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>>still make more money than any game company
Pokemon games sell a lot but there's no way GF makes more than the companies that own the big gachashits where one 10 roll costs ~$30.
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Merchandising alone makes more than the games plus everything else pokemon combined. Is this really that surprising?
This statement is pointless, dishonest and quite frankly completely retarded.
He's comparing the sales of the Pokémon company, which includes billions in merch, trading cards,licensing, plushies etc, to the sales of game only series.

It's like saying Walmart has more sales than a mom n pop store
Uh, okay... let's compare Pokemon to the biggest video game release in history GTA-

no, everything you said is wrong.
Barely related but Chuggaaconroy is back on YouTube.
Pokemon is a huge IP. You have the trading cards which so many people buy to get that lootbox chance to getting the rare pokemon card, you have the pokemon cartoons that kids and adults watch, then you got pokemon merchandising, and lastly the pokemon games which sell a lot even if some of the recent ones aren't that great. So yeah no shit pokemon retail sales are in the billions.

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