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>have a million dollar game idea but will never have the budget to make it real
let's be honest bro no you dont
>do nothing
>produce nothing
>get nothing
damn, life really is unfair
My games idea are turbo niche and only appeal to autistic grognards like myself. I don't plan on every quitting my dayjob, I just want games I want to play since nobody else makes them anymore
A million isn't that much. Make the game!
Dungeon crawler?
I deserve free everything for doing nothing.
A million dollars isn’t that much money these days.
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I want to combine diablo 2 and doom
This. Indie creators have made games that have reshaped the gaming landscape. Lazy /v/iggers who cry about everything have only created bad threads and awful takes.
That's literally what Borderlands is
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Why not have a low budget video game idea that makes millions of dollars first?
i want to combine multiplayer games and fully animated sex scenes
Engines like UE and Unity are free to use, there are tons of free tutorials online for them and programs like Blender, and it's never been easier for 1 person to do a lot of work. You're just lazy and stupid.
My ideas are too ambitious and innovative to settle for a low budget.
Yes actually. The gameplay premise is a fusion of TF2 and Etrian Odyssey but I haven't gotten far enough yet to find out if its a retarded idea or not.
I want it to be good
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>have 3 dollar game idea but all the time in the world to make it
[existing game] but with bigger budget and more content is not a million dollar game idea
But a good designer has multiple ideas of multiple games.
Welp, time to lick a ceo's sweaty crotch OP, I don't know what to tell ya
Tell me a GTA clone where all buildings are enterable wouldn't be kino
what's the budget for your million dollar game?
That's just the sims. Yes you can shoot people in sims and drive cars
Postal 2 already did that as well as it could ever be done. Only Rockstar has the budget to pull it off in the way you imagine and they can't be bothered
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Wah wah wah, sucks to be you. I’ll be stealing the millions you could have made so I can buy me a yacht named “Victory” or something. Might even go on a regatta with it too.
>he thinks his barafag scalie game is going to make a million dollars (if it even comes out)
>troonoid artist
You can't win the lottery without buying a ticket
you have to do thing you don't want to do in order to make money to do the things you do want to do.
You should apply to a game company, just look for the ones that are hiring for the ideas guy position.
I don't think there's much of a market since grindr came out
When I make my dough, you’ll see signs.
The white ideas guy position*
Start small young nigga
were entering the age of a.i., there has never been a better time to make a game yourself
Embrace AI, my friend. It's one of many reasons it's made for.
>Space Channel 5 Simon says roguelite
>Branching path reward rooms like Hades
>Guitarooman style “Charge > Defend > Attack” phase cycles for each encounter
>Binding of Isaac style room curses that make copying moves more difficult
>Powering up your character involves saving people during encounters like Space Channel 5
>The people you save are singers (+DEF), musicians (+ATK) and dancers (+Charge)
>Unlockable characters that play differently (Parappa the Rapper, Guitarooman, Mad Maestro, ect).
>The characters are furry
>Groove meter that acts as an overcharge during the attack/defend phases
>Dialogue heavy hub world between failed runs where you spend resources from previous runs
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>have a game idea
>it's for an unpopular genre
AI isn't progressing fast enough.
Can I make my game by paying third worlders to make it for me ? 500 euros per month for basically Metroid Prime x Halo:CE
2 weeks till the gamer singularity saars, buy 4090s today
>million dollar idea
ill give it uhhhhh two fiddy
everybody has good ideas, what separates people is the resourcefulness, skills, and execution to get it out of your brain and into material reality.

Ideas are cheap, sorry anon.
Also, first game ideas are never the best. The best games are always a few generations downstream as studios or creators build skills and xp creating titles. Each title you release will feel like your best, but in retrospect its just building blocks to a finale ( if you can reach it )

>t. dev
Not an argument. You want to strawman name call like an 8 year old I'll treat you like an 8 year old.
Thats less of a skill and more the nature of ideas. Its hard to tell your in a dream when your dreaming. Its only when you wake up that you realize how fucking stupid it was
Yes sirs. Create dream video games in AI tools. Power of development in grasp of your hand.
This but dumbed down rip-offs
>don't have a game idea
>would probably just remake the sims
>but vaguely different
In this case that's good, because there are no sims competitors
honestly just fuck corpo's and shit in general, i seriously hate how fucking fake the world is
every company is all about 'YOU' except they aren't and they are actually all about ripping you off for as much money as possible while shitting all over you and your freedoms
So the new space marine game?
It's the classic human cope of aiming too high so you don't even have to shoot. If the goal is achievable, you're actually forced to take action.
>finding out being good at art is way more important than being good at programming/almost anything else for gamedev

How could this happen to me?
If you actually have a "million dollar game idea" throw together a few proofs of concept and start putting it out there. Most likely you have a "million dollar game dream" one that would not survive the harshness of reality and the opinions of others. I actually have an idea for "the next big rando indie hit" but it'll take maybe 20 more little side projects to proof of concept and test it's various parts. And that is already after 20 or so earlier mini-projects to prove/disprove and learn how to do parts better.

You need to learn how to fail, how to fail fast, and how to fail often. You don't make anything perfectly on the first try. The best thing to do once you have something to show is to surround yourself with good critics, who will give you honest direct feedback. After my first 2 side-projects I thought I was ready to run even start an LLC and get funding to pay for assets/art/marketing, then I showed the base concept (what is now side-project 3) to some other friends/family and realized it didn't spark joy and got some real feedback about what worked and what didn't.

I'm not gonna churn out some shovelware, and as a bonus one of my side-projects I polished enough that it's entered the rotation of card/board/party games we play.
tell me your idea anon, maybe I can do proof of concept if I feel bored enough
>If you actually have a "million dollar game idea" throw together a few proofs of concept and start putting it out there.
This, and dont expect to make the millions you think it's worth if you go down this road, nobody sells a 1 million dollar diamond to a pawn shop and makes that million.
>"I have a game idea!"
>It's [existing game] mixed with [another existing game] but with [some unfun bullshit] and [extremely unrealistic pie-in-the-sky bullshit]
wooowwie zooowwwie
They need to hire better writers, no your code monkey ass can't make as a good a story as a dedicated writer fuck off
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Here's my concept art for a mothership to mars, where's my million dollars? Spent 3 months putting this thing together and flying it to mars, for real in a simulator, so this ain't no bullshit it actually works physically.
wow a single piece of concept art and an unprovable statement about flying it to mars in real time in a simulator. sure sounds like a working proof-of-concept to show you have a sound idea....
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Criticism is forever the endeavor of the unskilled
Congratulations you played kerbal space program, now how does that relate to your million dollar game idea?
>Have a million dollar game idea
>Currently working with a coder to make it happen
Put your money where your mouth is you son of a bitch or get to the back of the bus.
Sounds like a massive waste of resources that will stop being novel 20 minutes in.
Nigga you could make a game where all the characters are just boxes, and as long as it is fun people will play and talk about it. You might even get artists offering to model for you for free since they enjoyed the game so much. It happens all the time. Download unreal engine 5 right now and start coding.
Art isn't hard. I'd say it's the fun part even, programming is mostly just annoying.
2d sprites are alright and can be fun. 3d modeling is cancer though
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>The gameplay premise is a fusion of...
Stop. You've already failed before you started
FACT: 90% of indie game developers give up before they make a big hit.
90% of indie games are shit though, so clearly not?
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>have a million dollar game idea
a DC (Teen Titans included) action game BUT with lolis
What kind of game can i make with just over $500?
I don't need to sell myself to others because its for me and me alone.
Of the mods ive made, the most popular ones are the ones ive made for myself and shared with others. The ones ive made for what I think other people might like are very hit or miss.
then it's not really a million dollar idea is it, retard
That's the joke.
All of the tools you need to make a game are free if you have a decent PC that can run them and some storage space. Tutorials are free as well. The only things you might need to pay people for are voice acting if you want it, and a soundtrack if you're not confident making one on your own.
>wanting to make something for the money
you lost before you started

you're a retard too
Your idea is probably stupid
I never claimed it was, I'm not OP
>if you have a decent PC that can run them and some storage space
Well shit. I have everything else down but my PC? Damn, i really need a new one.
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>have literally the best vidya concept ever
>normalfags will never get to experience it cause I don't have the resources to make it
Nothing personnel, faggots
Sorry bro, I stole it. Will paypal you fifty bucks after I make it.
How about a Hotline Miami type of game but you're the bad guy and you have to escape from the guy trying to kill you? This is the catch: you have no legs and arms.
I'm at the point where I don't even want to execute an oc donut steel million dollar idea, I just want to be able to make a game I'll enjoy playing myself.
Even something theoretically simple like Vampire Survivors seems like too big of a scope.
The farthest I've gotten with a project is a traditional roguelike but I stopped working on it because the way I designed it made it difficult to turn into a complete game. The starting scope was too large: open world rpg roguelike and I did the framework for that. But then realized I'd prefer a regular ascension roguelike where you just go through floors and there's a definite ending.
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>the porn game I want to make is for a fetish so niche and specific that the audience in the whole planet earth is about 10 people
areola_slip and pubic_hair_peek enjoyers ww@
that is nowhere close niche enough to warrant such a mindset at all
Just get a loan. Bankruptcy isn't that big of a deal
I get you but let's be honest, most people wouldn't play a porn game with no penetration
Look what Palworld accomplished with $5 million. You have no excuse.
aerola slip yeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
hey, it's the shirt guy!
a little true, but that doesn't defute my point
A million dollar idea?
What a joke
MY idea would create the first trillion dollar IP. It would change society because people would rather waste their life away in my fantasy than participate in the farce that is real life. That's because it's real fucking simple. My idea is wish fulfillment. Every individual has their own wants and needs. Just give them what they want in a personalized instance that doesn't bother or infringe on others.
Mix it with other kinks like exhibition and it'd fit perfectly.
Just don't make it voyeuristic NTR, I beg you anon. You will never be my nigga if you do.
Are you seriously implying aureolas and pubic hair peek is some sort of super rare fetish?
Of course not, but as I said, making an entire game based only around it IS niche.
>Do something
>Get nothing
Use kickstarter you 30 year old anime-posting incel
TF2 is too close to a hero shooter so it would flop hard.
All the buildings in real life aren't enterable either tho
You don't just walk into peoples houses or that random industrial building
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I'm surprised nobody tried to emulate Kh2 gameplay in an action rpg, since kh3 and beyond was floaty horseshit
>you're in charge of a planet killing superweapon
>warp into a system
>target acquired
>scan the planet
>DF-style legends mode that simulates centuries of history for civilizations on that planet, the rise and fall of nation states, religions, and culture
>procedural races, you can have some humainoid type people, some ayys, some bizarreo jelly life, anthros, the works
>can read about individual heroes, their hopes and desires, their love interests, their families
>read about the wars and accomplishments and advancements of societies, their cultures, musical tastes, artistic preferences
>peace-loving nations attempt to appease you and broadcast messages of peace and beg you to spare them
>warfaring nations attempt to assemble forces together to stop you, if the planetary society is sufficiently advanced enough they may send spaceships up to attack you
>press the red button
>entire planet and all of its people are evaporated
>warp away and repeat
>gain credits for your genocidal endeavors that you use to upgrade your planet killer
subscribe for more million dollar game ideas
You've never created anything cus that's not how it works. You only see "getting something" as a monetary idea. Since you don't understand the joy in the creative process, you think everyone who has a hobby where they create and don't get money, is just a waste of time. You waste time on your phone, posting on 4chan when you could do anything else. You're not smart, talented or creative. Why are you surprised?
Copying KH 1 and 2 is about as feasible as copying DMC or DD combat successfully. Most devs just don't have the talent for it.
DD combat isn't that advanced besides the grapple system honestly, what gives the combat it's oomph is the hitstop
there was that one adventure time fangame
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>had a really sweet game idea once
>forgot what it was
It doesn't have fancy air combos but the stagger and knockdown and grappling and moves interacting with one another and the big enemies with multiple weaknesses and destructible body parts all come together for something that's beyond the scope of what most devs are going to attempt.
I might actually make this one.
Thanks, lol.
>combat is somewhere between souls and character action dmc with a style system
>achieving max style rank provides moveset buffs like dmc3 and damage buffs
>ARPG rare drops, but is less about numbers, and more about unique combinations of abilities
>metafags wont be able to mindlessly DPScheck through the game
>campaign is designed to level you through a skill tree
>skill tree is mostly focused on enabling preferred playstyles, less about number going up
>endgame is instanced scenarios like replaying bosses or procedural tilesets
>rewards and drops increase based on rank
>online leaderboards

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