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it's gonna break its all time player count today
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what are you league starting /v/?
Well yeah they finally threw retard nigger chris and his vision in the dumpster where they belong and made the game fun again
cold dot occultist. tell me this is a mistake
>witch in current year
2h gladiator bleed slam
Gladiator bleed max block
I haven't played since Harbinger because this piece of shit gave me an RSI I still deal with today
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>haven't properly played since Expedition
>So much new shit

Lacerate glad probably because lacerate is cool and so is glad
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If you run a melee build you WILL regret it.
And then flop again when they inevitably don't learn their lesson about buffing shit skills like they did in Legion (Even if they do nerf the tradeniggers) despite the fact that its a massive success every single time.
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Armor stacking glad
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i dont care, I just want to hit things
I want her to peg me so hard
That is a build I have not seen in quite some time, ever since vortex got dumpstered last patch.
Got a POB?
Retaliation only glad
How pretty is her pussy, /v/? Nevermind tightness.
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I'm gonna play ssf the way I feel
Fuck builds
Fuck starters
Fuck niggers
Stop minmaximising the fun out of the game and play it like a real man
You can still fuck all those things in non ssf you retard there is literally Z E R O reason to play ssf.
Just don't fucking trade
>it's gonna break its all time player count today
Really? I just started downloading PoE for the first time. Is this game really that fun?
if you like math yeah
Slayer is back.
If you like slot machine diablo looters. It's like crack. I've been on this shit since 2014 and I hate it.
By the same logic there's no reason to play normal if you're not going to trade
Probably going to do a gladiator like everyone else. I hate playing the meta, I prefer to try my own shit in HCSSF, but it looks too good to pass up. Crazy it took em like 10 years to finally give melee some proper love.
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I'm starting the game for the first time today
has poe added more giant chicks with 4 boobs yet?
>playing mindless 1 button slop where you walk around and see loot drops that makes you do the same thing faster
Settlers stuff started?
stop roleplaying young girls on internet forums you sick fuck.
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I always run a melee build

>league start


It used to be. Then chr*s wilson ruined it for a few years. The league will really determine if it's good again or not.
4 1/2 hours left
this league is when PoE will finally beat out CK2 as my most played Steam game of all time
I've always rawdogged my starter and killed the 4 and the elder
Xant imagine running g the campaign twice to do that per season

Ima skip this season because graveyard shift season was poenumbing
>he plays the steam release
>it's gonna break its all time player count today
Why's that? I doubt the buzz around it could be bigger than the Diablo Immobile/Betrayal period.
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seems like a nice league but I cant be bothered after getting a job. How do normal people even play this shit with 2 hours per day to spare
huge new league with a shit ton of new content, quality of life improvements and buffs
When is poe2 coming out
>oh look new league
>remember that you have to go through the fucking acts every time
>forget about it
>2 hours per day to spare
I work full time and I have 5-6 a day atleast for gaming, and all day on the weekends. You need to manage your time better.
that's the time I have after work and working out
there are adults that take time off to play videogames
And then lose more players than ever before withi 2 days when everyone notices that the game is still dogshit and they are playing melee.
Only "melee" I am interested in are casters that scale with strength like groundlam or molten strike.
Yes, if you decided on cold dot occultist after reading the patch notes then you are super super retarded.
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i know it's bad but i want to use glacial hammer this league

any suggestions on builds?
power siphon trickster cause i hate dealing with tgems on a leaguestarter. my 2nd character's probably gonna be molten strike of the zenith
Same. I might swap to old school int stack wander after a few days if wand gets return proj.
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2 hours per day doesn't seem unusual for people with job, family, pets, and housework. if anything that could be rather high.
I’m a noob is SST bleed gladiator a meme or is it actually good?
Lacerate gladiator because my builds sucked and I just want to fight the endgame bosses.
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groundslam slam
promised myself i'm not playing it ever again this shit is straight up brain rotting crack
Bait. You will struggle with damage on watch stone bosses probably. Aiming with SST is super cringe as well if you haven't played it before.
>don't know what to play
>no idea if meele is worth to leaguestart
LA to tranny shot it is, once again
>3.5 hours til new league
huh didn't even know maybe I'll give it a go haven't played in 4 or so leagues
I might just play ice shot or some shit. I played it ages ago and it was super satisfying to blow up packs into ice chunks with a single shot
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>Chili: stewing
>Balls: empty
>Build: ready
We are back once again bros.
Max block glad with bladestorm and retaliation skills
I could never finish the acts cause it got pretty boring in the back half.

hoping that POE2 just plays better to be more consistent
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ok gonna do this

but include a Frost Bomb into my CWDT set up

and also use Glacial Shield Swipe with Expert Retaliation instead of ancestral totems (since they don't exist anymore)
League starters are such a stupid concept
I'm just gonna go whirling blades assassin with mamba viper strike
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>Ancestral totem are fucking gone
>Earth breaker support is locked behind boots
I actually enjoyed those skill and they just took them away
how the fuck does anyone proceed to red maps, i just get cockblocked because they never drop
when you get a girlfriend that time of yours will drop to an hour a week
Thanks I think I’ll do lacerate of haemorrhage instead
Oni-goroshi wildstrike of extremes trickster.
>playing tencent slop
Yeah no shit. The currency exchange is what the game has been missing this whole time and the league/patch seems at worst inoffensive other than maybe the fucking around they did with the league quant shit if they fucked it up again.
Take the map chance to drop higher nodes on the atlas tree retard
Might actually give this a try
Is summon/minions good for a league starter?
wait for poe 2 to be a summoner
system is infinitely better
Summon raging spirits is a good starter but minion skills in general have a high knowledge barrier if you are new to the game. Lots of guides available, though.
poe is one of the most in-depth games out there tencent just makes the money the devs know what they are doing. Plus there is zero pay to win, like literally none, all purchases besides vault slots is cosmetic. It's very based you should give it a try
I won't play your slop, Chang.
>League starters are such a stupid concept
yeah i'm just going to login with an all trans gem and unique armour character bro, fuck that noobie shit.
The deal they signed gives tencent zero control. They just operate the Chinese servers. Poe is the only game that isn't slop.
>Lacerate is cool
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Same as every league, necro srs swarm.
brb donating another billion dollars to tencent
this will fail hilariously but i respect you for learning the hard way
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Haha sorry I won't play this game, haha weird I know but I just won't ok?
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nta but that's the best part about PoE desu; experiment, fuck around, find out.
thanks for telling us
Dang that's crazy.
Are you that same larian schizo or different schizo?
earthshatter most likely, i love me slams and love me warcries, steelmage has an interesting version of it though where you just use the buff effect from warcries and play like it's d4 barb
>every dollar I spend on PoE goes directly to funding the Chinese liberation of bandit-occupied Taipei
based, buying more MTX
>verification not required
ima play on a steam deck :)
I want to go full Palpatine and lighting everything
any full retard retaliate gem builds
That's what Inquisitor is for
can i spin2win bosses or it's still mapping only?
I cant download the client because their servers are in maintenance lol, it says they will be up in 3 hours
goratha is league starting retaliate bleed glad apparently.
do >we< like the new gladiator?
it's an actual ascendancy now
It's to get the new league ready.
Yes but we dont play fotm we're have to go with something else.
I think spectral throw deadeye is going to be filthy as a second build once I recombinate a weapon. Farshot ascendancy stacks with other sources of farshot now like fledgling or runes. Going to be filthy. Remember to watch the captain lance recombinator video as a refresher on how to use the mechanic.
people are not going to like poe2
after watching alkaizer play it, i'm convinced gamedevs are just terrible at showing their game off, it was way more palatable watching someone that actually plays like a human.
Of course, lucky block is absurdly strong. Other new nodes are only so-so, still 6 points for lucky block + explody bleed is great
Shadow and Duelist.
Are they in a good place?
oh and jonathan is genuinely just insufferable
Trickster is very arguably the best ascendancy in the game. Slayer is really good this patch because of endurance charge changes. I'm thinking yes they do be in a good spot.
Good to know.
start roleplaying young girls on internet forums you cute fuck.
>passive aggressive fuccboi response
but why, thomest?
>ctrl f flicker
>0 results
flickerCHADS ww@?
which ascendency are we choosing now?
>going schizo over tencent
the same faggots who do that probably play blizzard and western globohomo games
It is a bit weird for a company funded by the NZ government (aka the taxpayers) to sell themselves to china. But I guess he had to do it to fund cutting edge hair loss research
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Whats some good none minion witch builds to start with?
Slayer. Endurance charges are fucking broken now.
like I fucking give a shit who owns the majority of shares in the developer company of the game I like
the fact that she still streams for moderate income instead of making 10 million per month on onlyfans suggests that she's got ugly bobs and vegana.
sounds like absolute kino
are the retaliate gems even good if you don't go gladiator
why did you even play necropolis then. it was so boring I quit after 4 days, and I'm usually a 36 challenges sperg.
NTA but elaborate, is it better not to play on Steam? Genuinely curious since this is only my third league playing
you're supposed to play on garena so you can literally p2w with your fellow changbrothers
work = 8 hours, sleep = 8 hours (or less) working out = 2 hours tops. that's 6 hours left. nigger what are you doing.
>it's gonna break its all time player count today
There has never been even one instance of PoE's numbers being verifiable, it's all based on what GGG says, they are allowed to lie as much as they want.

You know why people care about PoE's numbers? Because you use them as a metric to gauge whether your game is good or not.
Shut the fuck up and people will stop calling you out on GGG's bullshit.
it literally doesn't matter. stand alone client has a better patcher tho.
In the past steam was getting new league updates a bit later during launch day and they were huge in size.
Currently steam updates happen at the same time at regular client and they're even smaller in size. There is actually zero reason not to play on steam currently
steamcharts you faggot
OK, Gabe.
as opposed to literally any other multiplayer game ever? do you think you just stumbled upon some kind of deep insightful wisdom or something, you fucking retard.
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>12000 in queue
I dunno, bros, should I try the new poo league, or should I play the new NMS expedition, or should I play the new Fallout London release?
They buffed trading significantly. For example an auction house for every item that is stackable.
2 hours left, too, so you're very likely to get bumped randomly and have to rejoin the queue.
coming to ask this in a path of exile thread is pretty gay of yourself. not that i am judging.
i'm going to play path of exile out of those 3 options (never played NMS or Fallout London)
still can't trade incubators through it due to the item levels.
some people are too proud to whore themselves out online
she might be one of those types
>There is actually zero reason not to play on steam currently
How about not needing a fucking bloated drm botnet to run on top of this already bloated game with massive performance issues?
>schizophreniac AND poor
what a sad existence
Good, I don't want players like you in my game
I've never met a female in my life who was too proud to sell her sexuality. It's just a matter of price and degree of exposure. She probably has parents who would honor kill her if they found out.
zerker ground slam looking spicy
No idea, probably using a bow this time around. I've only casually played throughout the years.
just knowing you'll waste your precious time on this planet shitposting about a game living rent free in your head makes me happy enough
only pro for me is the steam wallet desu
As always steamers have not a single point to make.
Just two leagues ago the standalone client bugged out and it took GGG hours to fix, meanwhile steamies patched instantly and jumped right in.
Witch is dead no one plays her.
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Haha sorry I won't play this game, haha weird I know but I just won't ok?
both of the things I said about you are true and you know it well, that's why you try to disregard them so desperately
i've been playing this game autistically since 2012 and that literally never happened.
Archmage DD is still really good. Going to be plenty of people starting it.
19% of the entire meta in necropolist were witches. she's still over-represented if anything.
DD was FUCKED by desecrate corpse changes. metafags are all shifting to Archmage Hiero instead.
good for you, sport. and who knows, maybe someday your hateboner for china will lead to you losing your virginity.
only an addict would lap down this slop for the 100th time

let me level up in maps or something holy fuck
templar skill
Good point.
But not a single gamer ever fucked her to spread the word? Seriously?
The campaign is the worst of any game I ever played even D3 was less shit to play through.
You have no idea what you're talking about. DD of chain reaction is just a very good way to apply archmage damage necro much better for it. Also exploding T17 corpses in general is just a lot of damage regardless of the desecrate changes. Archmage heiro is also good but just a completely separate build that comes online slower.
and? Sure you have something other to say than that I'm right?
you're "right" in a way that any retard stating any obvious fact about existence, e.g. "everyone breathes air" is right. your non-argument is meaningless and everyone things you're retarded for making it
holy relic necro
>he runs l*gion
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they kicked the main culprit behind the game being shit in the balls and told him to fuck off.
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Haha sorry I won't play this game, haha weird I know but I just won't ok?
you mfers are in for a looooooooooooong ass session of wikipedia and youtube reading/watching sessions to catch up on years worth of content.
nigga are you teleporting to your work/gym?
Not missing out on anything. Game has been pretty bad for at least 4 years now (and this is being a little generous).
>work from home
>home gym
I don't, but I do buy incubators, and I'm disappointed that they won't be on the commodities exchange.
not a single person who's serious about lifting doesn't have a home gym. are you some kind of rentalcuck living in an urban shit hole?
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I don't know what to play for SSF and its up in one hour
Without 100% stun recovery or unaffected by stun this is going to be pure pain to play, but go for it champ.
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i WILL play melee energy blade trickster
i WILL have fun
Something basically nobody does anymore as the game is heavily saturated with dataminers, build/guide makers etc. You're already a better player than 99%+
niggas I do boxing not lifting
How are you suppose to Scion?
Just entered the thread, what is the new league gimmick and why should I play it instead of standard?
even less of a need to go to a gym since you can hang a bag pretty much anywhere, unless you like playing shirtless touchy face with real sweaty men in person.
New league gimmick is city building. You build up a town that gets more people to movie in, including crafters and blacksmiths and you have raiders kidnapping people who moves in and you go and rescue them.
I'm in it for the men
you build a town and gather resources for it, then send boats out on expeditions to gather loot for you automatically on mobile game timers. you can also build up to three map devices in your town and send NPC slaves to go run all the maps you don't or can't run and they'll automatically bring you the loot, also on mobile game timers. also new rune crafting system which isn't much different from older systems but looks like it has some potentially very juicy crafts like free returning projectiles on certain weapons.
are they doing a new league? I might farm that fire sword that drops from hillock if so
Pathetic shill
Caustic arrow into remembering there still 4 hours of tutorial into uninstall
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it's up in 47 minutes log the fuck in

>mobile gaming league
I am out.
I have very mixed feelings about these league mechanics and I think they will all be stinkers, and worse I think they are mechanics that are easily abused by bots so i feel like it will have a significant impact on the economy.

But regardless this league will be carried by the fact that melee is actually going to have a lot of interesting options this time and the currency market, along with HOPEFULLY the league mechanic not being annoying like fucking archnem or tedious like corpse crafting
Fuuucj I haven’t played in years is Oni Goroshi infernal blow still a thing
What happened to their phone version of PoE?
still in development, but they're keeping quiet on it.
>gacha thread died for another gacha thread
damn anon good one
10 minutes
>70k queue
even the smelliest, beach-shitting jeet shill that gets paid pennies is less pathetic than a fat neet faggot that is bumping his own shill thread on /v/ for nothing
>carpal tunnel started acting up
bros, i'm not gonna make it
>can't get proper sleep all week
>wake up 16 hours ago
it's over
here you go anon, do these exercises they will be a life changer for you.
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is habbening
play it with a controller
>i WILL have fun
I haven't lasted past league launch weekend since scourge and I haven't even installed and logged in since sanctum, didn't last a day. Should I bother this time? Or is The Vision(tm) still in full force?
>40k in que
>get inside
>pick wrong character
>accidentally pick exit to login screen
>40k que

im not smart
>276k twitch viewers

Is the game really this popular
>wake up 16 hours ago
based esl
no, it's mostly bots to farm twitch watching items. look at player numbers and viewer numbers even after two weeks post-league launch.
Gamers don't fuck.
We only get fucked by corporations.
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I really want to get into POE and devote a shit ton of time into a good developer of action rpgs but now that I know POE2 is coming out I just rather wait for that.
I'm only playing now to do the story content since poe2 is a sequel
That makes zero sense as POE is broken up by leagues. You don't play one character forever.
finna just gonna wait for PoE2 methinks
I haven't played this game in many, many years and even back when I was playing it I haven't made it particularly far into the maps. What's so good about it now that people are coming back to it?
Also can I just play an archer and shoot arrows without any extensive planning?
whats so different about this league?
>2 minutes of stretches
>video is over 7 minutes long
I love modern internet content.
POE2 is a totally different games
Duelist skelesummoner.
Yes I am a retard
so when is poe 2?
Still not interested in going back to this bloated garbage.
Respeccing still looks pointlessly time consuming.
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hey i told you faggots
I don't know if I want to do golemancer or righteous fire
>a good developer of action rpgs
No such thing exists. It's a genre of games for subhumans. It's the millenial generation's equivalent to sitting in front of slot machines like a zombie. All of these PoE faggots will be doing the exact same shit when they're geriatric.
Don't even bother with this trash.
Why is that guy so angry
oh wow you're a fucking genius bro how could you have known we should have listened

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