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I had my worries based on Saber's public commitment to ESG. After playing through the leak, I'm afraid to report that my fears weren't at all unfounded...
To address the elephant in the room, there are no female space marines physically present anywhere in the game. However, there is ample discussion of them, and it seems like GW is using the game's narrative to open the door to the possibility of women Astartes in the future.
Those of you who finished SM1 know about Inquisitor Drogan's Power Source, which is once again the focus of the plot. Spoiling as little of the sequel as possible, the Ultramarines covet the device for its potential to "open the hidden second gateway of Astartes ascension." Chaos wants the Power Source for the same reason, as whoever controls it also doubles their pool of potential space marine recruits (need I explain further?).

Aside from the above you have your bog standard elements of wokeness found in any game released in the past 5 years. Some highlights are:
• Racial demographics of helmetless Ultramarines match those of San Francisco in 2024.
• All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
• On the hive world, you can find a couple dataslate entries (same as servo-skulls from the first game) about two gay lovers who were separated during the Tyranid invasion.
• On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Hopefully y'all can make more informed decisions given this info.
why do you hate women?
>I'm afraid to report that my fears weren't at all unfounded...
>there are no female space marines physically present anywhere in the game.
I will now pirate the game
There can't be female space marines period, it'll go against all the lore behind their creation.
>All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
Nothing but sex ever gets improved by women
Incredibly gay if true.
Tldr, also
When the fuck has established lore stopped GW in the past?
They're going to shove the lore up your ASS
You poor dear. GW already retconned female Custodians and tried to gaslight the fanbase by saying they were always present. Female space marines are inevitable. 40K is on borrowed time.
>A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.

For the love of God, they cant be this dumb.
Sounds exactly like what I expected
Wasn't the main writing a tranny or something?
Women already have their own warrior group.
To add women space marines would just make males less equal than females.
I will buy it.
>Hopefully y'all can make more informed decisions given this info.
>informed decision
Yes I totally believe you.
so do Primaris, yet here we are
That's the entire point behind "DEI" "Woke" "SJW"
narrative. It's just petty revenge, anon, not equality.
so if I don't really care about the retarded """lore""" of 40k and I can't be influenced by light wokeness then the game is OK?
I only care about the fun part, is it fun?
I'm not reading all that
How's the combat?
>people will actually believe this
Lmao OP, I actually played the leak. Thanks for the good laugh
Eat the slop piggies
>• All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Is this true for others who played the leak?
I will buy this because it looks cool and im interested in the multiplayer. I will not buy any future game that includes actual female space marines (not sororitas) or other gay shit. Seems pretty simple.
there is like one recurring IG officer thats a foid and thats it, all guardsmen you come across are varied, at one point there's a firing squad with a commissar giving a speech, shooting some foid guardsmen in the face
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You're a nigger but I'll hand it to you, you're a clever nigger.
>just as it's starting to die out an get backlash, GW starts pozzing their own games heavily
Lmao, never change GeeDubs
If neckbeards weren't some of the biggest consoomers around you'd be on the ground since the 90s
They are child like baby factories unsuited to any other thing.
Society pretending otherwise has done so at its great peril.
We're about to collapse everything so women can pretend to be girl bosses.
It's ridiculous.
I hope GW and its new audience are happy together. I'm spending my $300/month on clothes and higher quality food now
Can you back all that up with screenshots?
They're an objectively physically inferior sex. At most femoids be guardsmen as these are meant to be cannon fodder which die by billions, but not elite fighting units and high military commanders.
If you played the leak, then you can post the examples.
Wouldn't Female Space Marines grow big futa horsecocks since transitioning involves splicing the Emperor's genes into them? Yeah not gunna happen since we don't have floppy futa penis physics technology yet.
I do the opposite of what /v says.
>everyone concerned about the leak
>never surfaced on any half known private or public trackers
>every info is dude trust me tier
Post leak or fuck off.
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My most hyped game for this year, someone please link the leaked build so I can confirm OP's derangement xhe is retarded
Still buying it day 1. If the story is gay I'll skip cutscenes but I'm mainly getting it for the PvP
Thanks for the info OP. This eliminates all doubt that you're a miserable retard
Nice discord raid faggots
to anyone not in the know. this is a coypasted post from some shitposter from the r/horusgalaxy or whatever antiwoke 40k subreddit from some hour ago. i literally just saw the post like 30 mins ago
>Humanity was losing, the space marines were defeated and as a last resort they tried to create female space marines.
>They have succeeded, and with a surprising results they dropped their pants and queefed all over the galaxy, defeated all that in their way.

Here, I've "fixed" your lore.
And trust me, you better embrace my version as canon before GW come with their own.
>so do Primaris
How so?
>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."

No come on, GW would never allow that.
the imperium is perpetually spread thin with Astartes having to mix and mash different patterns of power armor together just to get by. Out of nowhere comes Cawl who somehow not only improved on the Emperor's work which isnt supposed to be possible, but also just has a more advanced arsenal to equip several legions laying around.
Then he introduces the Primaris marines even into the most secretive and borderline heretical chapters in the imperium who accept this unconditionally.
Space Marines themselves are supposed to be the genetic peak humanity can reach and still be human without being hand made by the emperor. There already were more combat effective space marines, they were called Thunder Warriors and they were made with a half life and even then eventually had to be purged because getting that detached from humanity made them unstable and more of a liability than a boon in the long run.
Primaris Marines should suffer a similar problem but they dont, theyre just a way for GW to sell space marines, again
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>fem IG officer
Yeah boi, were getting another lieutenant mira. I busted some fat nuts to that one when the first space marine game released.
nope OP is faggot making up shit as usual
another rage bait thread
It's just conceptually stupid too
Space Marines are already the elite of the elite. You can't be the Elite of the Elite of Elite, it's just dumb
>Space Marines are already the elite of the elite. You can't be the Elite of the Elite of Elite, it's just dumb
>lorelet doesn't know of custodes
you can, and they already had those, they were called Terminators. But also you had specialists like imperial assassins and grey knights. There was no niche for these guys to fill.
And somehow the imperium can support the existing militaries AND this more complex weaponry and armor now too? The outer reaches of the imperium cant even produce lasguns sufficiently to arm its armies
>On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.

This makes sense. Ultramarines know that Ultramar has planets dedicated to gardening, farming and clean nature. AdMechs desire to turn everything into industrial landscape is not something Ultramarines would aspire to do.
Custards are non-canon.
Retarded election tourist
Did you know that it’s really easy to manipulate people if you tell them exactly what they want to hear? You can make up the most outlandish lies possible and present absolutely no evidence, but if someone is the type to feel like they’re making a difference while doing absolutely nothing, you can persuade them of anything just by telling them the right lie.

You can even tell them to their face that gameplay, the main point of a fucking video game, is irrelevant and some people will STILL slurp up whatever your discord has cooked up.
It’s quite fascinating.

I will buy it used because I have decided not to purchase anything from GW anymore.

They can shove that woke shit into their dilated troon anuses I'm getting all their shit for free now.
i really can't think of anyone else who would want to shitpost this game out of all the things here except some discordtroons looking to pass the time until new AC or ER thread is created but i wouldn't be surprised if its butthurt ukies trying to smear this game just because the devs are Russians.
Of course not, anon, he's lying.
>>lorelet doesn't know of custodes
I know about Custodes, fag, everyone does
But they're supposed to be hyper special unique ones created personally by the emperor and whose method of creation and replenishment is handwaved
They're not an active force to die and be used like the space marines
Or at least they weren't, I heard things changed in 9th edition >>683806913
Terminators are grizzled veterans who survived a lot, it's natural progression from a standing fighting force, Primaris are just special-er
>Out of nowhere comes Cawl who somehow not only improved on the Emperor's work which isnt supposed to be possible
It only wasn't supposed to be possible because of the whole "don't create new or improve technology" dogma which Cawl and Girlyman don't follow but yeah I have no idea where Cawl got the material to outfit countless chapters with new hardware
How do female soldiers make sense? They can either provide one body (their own) or 10 over their lifetime.
The whole idea of overpopulated hive cities only makes sense if there is a very strong social expectation placed on women to have lots of kids.
The empire being egalitarian is retarded, that should be a Tau oder eldar thing.
>older build gets leaked
>most of anons have fun and discuss shit
>some time later this retard is trying to gaslight people with insane obviously made up ''facts''
its so funny because all of this is so easy to debunk with just playing the game
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>How do female soldiers make sense?
They can hold lasguns and shoot xenos/heretics
>They can either provide one body (their own) or 10 over their lifetime.
one can start breeding cunnys when they start their first bleed and stop at age 35 (the wall)
that's about 20-30~ guardsmen
So can their kids anon
>How do female soldiers make sense?
You increase your cannon fodder army by 100%, the Astra Militarum just wants enough warm bodies to shoot at xenos
The Imperium has absolutely no fucking shortage of children. Muh breeding is retarded, their worlds are already overpopulated to hell and back, why would they care or give a shit about what genitals their canon fodder has?
Guess I'll be taking this off my wishlist, fuck.
Yes but they also grow so they'd need a constant supply of new uniforms and armors which is quite the task if you have to do it for bajillions of children.
nigger that retard is literally lying
read the fucking thread or better yet check out the archives of the leaked build or kill yourself i don't give a fuck
If the population is large enough, then you shouldn't have women in the guard because you have essentially infinite males to choose from. If you don't have enough men, then the women should be strongly encouraged to have babies before anything else, since that gets you more soldiers. You wouldn't have female soldiers in that case either.
The only exception (apart from just random oddballs) would be the old or infertile, but those would likely be better off doing labour planetside.
>women Astartes
Woman is not an adjective, OP.
Tzeentchian propaganda
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>Imperium "fascist" and "regressive"
He's completely right but if this were real 40k and not the Marvelized goyslop GW's been pushing since 2017 he'd be executed on the spot.
>match those of San Francisco in 2024.
San Francisco is 50% white and 30% Asian with the remaining 20% being in combination of everything else, retard, retard
GW will do it, custodes was them testing the water. You'll be gaslit that this was always wanted and then everyone will just make fan editions past that point.
It's also 100% gay
Finished the campaign:

>It's a generic marinewank story with nothing unique or interesting about it.
>Your squadmates are cardboard cutouts with zero personality.
>The main bad guy is a generic monologuing and cackling Disney villain.
>It's all Primaris shit.
>Lt. Poo ain't Lt. Mira. Not even close.
>The campaign is very short, shorter than SM1
>So many goddamn interact prompts for elevators and doors.
>The combat is fine and the crowd tech from WWZ works great for Tyranids.
>The graphics are pretty good.

Overall, I'd give it a 7/10. Was mildly entertained by it, but wouldn't want to replay it, or return to the missions and grab the pointless collectibles.
>Primaris are just special-er
agreed, im just saying that the elite among the elite is a thing. But they were also already a thing in the lore and were exceedingly rare given how long you'd have to fight and live in order to become a veteran
I've been playing the leaked version of the game for 15 hours.
> All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
You meet a male captain within a few hours of the game
> On the hive world, you can find a couple dataslate entries (same as servo-skulls from the first game) about two gay lovers who were separated during the Tyranid invasion.
In 15 hours of playing I haven't found those dataslates, but it's possible I just haven't found them
>On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
The only thing I remember talking about something similar is the effect of the tyranids on the planet.
>In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
In 15 hours I haven't seen anything like that, the most I've seen is a primaris thanking a server for going to clean his armor (but it's normal for them since primaris are faggots)
>A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
I have heard all the conversations of the imperial guards and they are always licking the ass of the primaris
Can you tell me at what moments in the game the things that didn't appear in my game appear or are you just getting everything out of your ass?
why does the anti 40k lego ninjago discord go out of their way to doompost over 40k?
mental illness
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>In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying.
I'm so fucking sick of ONSIONS writers, man.
Good. Everything you hold dear will be taken from you. Just like you deserve.
I already got burnt with EDF6's nonsense, that's the only new game I'm going to buy in 2024.
it's fake retard
haven't played the leak, but I believe it. the average WH40K book is way worse than this now. every other character is gay, even the necrons are trans, and when they're not busy being pozzed as fuck they're busy talking shit about the imperium, like you have grey knights saying that they think humanity is is a pathetic doomed species, lion comes back just to spend all his time apologizing for how he used to act, it's all so fucking gay, man. so when you tell me that this game has space marines crying like little children, heck you could tell me they got their asses kicked by random women (which also happened to chaos space marines in the fabius books), my default is to believe you because that conforms perfectly to contemporary WH40K fluff
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>you tell me that this game has space marines crying like little children,
This is in the core part of the lore, Chud. Horus cried like a bitch because his daddy put too much responsibility on his shoulders, and he failed a handful of encounters.
You believe it because OP is telling you what you want to hear.
Does that alone not make you suspicious when games with that level of poz normally go out of their way to let people know about it beforehand?
horus is a primarch, retard. all of those guys are overly emotional faggots
no I believe it because OP is saying something that's consistent with the contemporary lore of the setting. I don't know why consistency bothers you, I'm sure there's something fucked-up going on inside your head to lead to that conclusion
The perfect examples of everything each space marine strives to become.
You are a dumb gullible fuck made to be manipulated
Hohoschizo rambling. Back to trenches.
The immediate defensiveness makes it clear that’s not your real reasoning, and you just have an axe to grind which made you gullible.
You got fooled, own it and don’t be a bitch about it
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They already won.
If you buy the game, you help subsidise all of the ESG consultants.
If you don't buy the game, the franchise will get killed.
You're fucked no matter what you do. The victory is complete.
A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
That's literally the point of the setting. But yeah fucking reading about gay sex.
Will it have online pvp? I might buy it then.
>If you don't buy the game, the franchise will get killed.
This is only a downside if you're weak. Kill the franchise, then make a spiritual successor. Design your own figures, write your own books.
They only win if you need them more than they need you.
I'm not defending niggertranny game but that's totally in character for ultrafags. Gay libtard niggers and their faggot codex.
You can always pirate it and buy it after you finish it.
Yes. 6v6 pvp, 3v3 pve mode and campaign co-op.
Kill yourself
Sorry OP, I already pre-ordered it. Game looks fun :)
It's fucking GW they can come up with any cockamamie horse shit they want to retcon whatever they want

Game will still sell millions though because the 40k fan base, even the Chud ones, are total cuckold paypiggies who consoom any slop GW shits out of its ass
>That's literally the point of the setting
No, it's not, I don't know what level of secondary you need to be to make such an idiotic claim so I assume it's a shitpost, but whatever. The point of the setting is that everyone has drank the coolaid so hard that no one can see that.
That any any guardsman playing philosopher would not be stupid enough to complain to a fucking space marine and an ultramarine is the last chapter to be agreeing with that shit.
>shorter than SM1
I doubt that, I quit in chapter 9 or 10 and Steam says that was 2.4 hours. So if I just double that, it would have been a 6 hour campaign at best if I finished the last 9-10 chapters.
>an ultramarine is the last chapter to be agreeing with that shit.
roboute sure agrees with it
>the franchise will get killed.
But the franchise was dead. And pendulum is finally swinging in the other way. You just gotta wait another 10 years for new wave of reboots that will be actually faithful to the source material.
dude, dry those tears! GW going bankrupt would be as bad for 40k as GW's temporary abandonment of Blood Bowl was for Blood Bowl
>So can their kids anon
Yes anon, hence why the Imperium utilizes child soldiers too.
I'll grant them that if there's any SM chapter pozzified so much as to actually do shit like that, it's the faggotsmurfs
the retard just speedran through the game or haven't played it at all ( more likely )
>people played past 4th Edition
The lore and art peaked at 4th edition.
What's wrong with 5th edition?
Is it because of Our Spiritual Liege?
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>the Ultramarines covet the device for its potential to "open the hidden second gateway of Astartes ascension." Chaos wants the Power Source for the same reason, as whoever controls it also doubles their pool of potential space marine recruits (need I explain further?).
>• All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female
>• On the hive world, you can find a couple dataslate entries (same as servo-skulls from the first game) about two gay lovers who were separated during the Tyranid invasion.
>• On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Sweet. Another schizo thread.
I still desire an Eldar game.
you do realize its fake right
>a rare 40k game that isn't real time strategy XCOM slop
yeah I'm still going to get it
This is so fake it's almost funny
Maybe, I don't know, but after the female Space Marines shit I believe GW would try to pull some shit like that.
There are no female space marines, you retarded secondary.
T. Girlyman
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>Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians.
>Warhammer Official
Happy ?
Custodes are not space marines, they're not even made the same way. Fuck, you're not even a secondary, a tertiary at best,
>space marines
Custodes fans deserve to suffer.
>Space Marines

Lmao you're not even a secondary. Even secondaries no Custodes aren't SM and don't use gene seed
>All the commissars are female
You literally can't suffer in the Imperial Guard
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Good to know. I will pirate it once mods are available to remove all the woke crap.
>he thinks its legit
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I beat the leak 3 times, once on the hardest mode

>Spoiling as little of the sequel as possible, the Ultramarines covet the device for its potential to "open the hidden second gateway of Astartes ascension." Chaos wants the Power Source for the same reason, as whoever controls it also doubles their pool of potential space marine recruits (need I explain further?).
You made that up. The Adeptus Mechanicus is studying the Aurora device to try and use it to close the Great Rift. Throughout the game you are basically trying to prevent Chaos from seizing it and the Tyranids from killing its researchers / data. Chaos wants it because it can also open new rifts

>Aside from the above you have your bog standard elements of wokeness found in any game released in the past 5 years. Some highlights are:
>• Racial demographics of helmetless Ultramarines...
They are a bit too multiracial I'll give you that

>• All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
All the commissars are male. You meet multiple male IG captains throughout the game.

>• On the hive world, you can find a couple dataslate entries (same as servo-skulls from the first game) about two gay lovers who were separated during the Tyranid invasion.
I have found all the dataslates and there are no such entries

>• On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
No they don't

>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
It's not in the game

>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Does not happen
It's even worse than I thought
>game written by a troon turns out to be pozzed and gay/pro-ESG
Oh wow imagine my shocker
its not like said writer also worked on the mediocre gotham knights game in the past, which should've already raised a lot of red flags by default
they literally delayed the game by a year to kick out the tranny writer and rewrite xer story additions
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Get tricked, retard.
based leaker knower
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>All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
>In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
>A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.

it's over for warhammercels.
X to doubt
but I really hope you're right
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Thank you, leakbro
That meme is always funny to me for how much it seems to make aeldarifags mad.
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I don't care about the shit lore what about the gameplay?
its expanded more polished version of 1 but on a larger scale as well.
>space marines
>they're BIGGER
thats most heretical story premise I ever seen
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b-but... Titus is no heretic..
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book say u lie!
The Ultramarines sealed then gassed an entire hive on Necromunda because there was a genestealer outbreak. Ultrafags just do whatever the space book says
>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
I want a concrete source for this.
*wipes my ass with the book*
Every face on that armor is proof that he sucks ass in battle.
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Female space marines existing is a retcon of a retcon
>no one care about Rougue Trader
Agreed but I also don't care about fem marines or lore revision 1240 part K. You're supposed to make up your own lore anyway
>Tfw my baby boy luscious Lucious is never in any games
WHY NOT!? He'd be a great antagonist like Mr.X from Resident evil 2 where you can't really kill him and pushes you along from time to time.
This isn't an official GW miniature, fakegrog.
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>citadel miniature
Lol, lmfao really
Yes, it wasn't made by GW, also, that's not a space marine. It's a female wearing a power armor.
Lucius' gimmick is entirely based on jobbing, you'd have to resist killing him to avoid becoming him.
That's another reason to avoid him at all costs. Oh! Maybe a gimmick where you have to do things that won't actually kill him but prevents him from pursuing you would work? Like shooting out a mountain side to block his path with debris or something along those lines.
the best thing about the fall of western civilization is retards like this one will get extinct
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>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Glad I left the ship in 2015
>against lore
They can change the lore.
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Hey, idiot

The "lore" of Warhammer 40k is just a bunch of convenient bullshit made to sell figures.
If you think it's anything but the He-Man cartoon for adults, you're deluding yourselves.

It isn't some immutable holy text -- it was always designed to sell plastic crap.
It's fake. The OP made it up
Yes, we know they can always fuck it up more.
Wasn't planning to anyway
the imperium really is evil. im on team lorgar now
is the leak worth playing? game is finished? bugs?
for fuck sake check the archives
how the fuck should i see into your brain and see what is anything worth to you
Everything about this game just screams "badass" I mean look how many skulls are in this picture alone
you can write an essay to defend your nigger game though. ok retard.
When I saw the thread title and you opened up saying you played the leak I almost thought you were going to talk about gameplay.
it's the same as the last game dumb nigger
kill yourself tranny
i hope wasting your time writing all that fake info was worth it
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Fuck off electionfag
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I don't care what the creators intentions were. I'm goin to posit my own experience and beliefs over top of it, and use their hard work as the rock to prop up my own self evident truths.

OP sucks cocks and is a demoralizer.
Is that Calgar or Girlyman?

Can you interact with other Spess Mehreens?
Tg has been console warring over primarines and girlstodes for a few years.
SM2 should have been Titus either becoming a Spess Mehreen worthy of becoming Chapter Master of his own Chapter or falling hard with Chaos with Daemon Prince gameplay
Damn, how long must white nerds prostate themselves so that they may make the game that they want to make?
Cadia is gone cope anon
>It's not a female space marine it's just a female wearing space marine armor
Imagine being this stupid
>It's citadel not GW
Imagine being this stupid
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>"Death sells... and you're buying"
>attributed to the Pirate Mustaine
>"Can you hear the sound of an enormous door slamming in the depths of hell"
>attributed to Calvin Morris
what's this supposed to be a reference to?
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>book compliant chapters justify book because they're so weak willed, allow themselves to compromise based on the fears of others and if led astray they would easily be grifted into another heresy tier rebellion with adequately charismatic leadership
>non book compliant chapters are based exemplars of the astartes as an organization. Determined to a fault, and uncompromising in their views and objectives. Chapters like them are the only ones who can be trusted with large non-book compliant combined forces and therefore they are justifiably left to their own devices
In an attempt to try and get some discussion going about the game, I wanted to ask about the overall length of the campaign. A general point I’ve seen from people (who have posted screencaps) was that the campaign was very short

Is this the case? How long about for a run through? In addition could it be a matter of missions being missing from the dev build or is saber just being full of shit with their 12 hour long campaign length claim?
from what people have said the purely single player campaign availible in the leak was anywhere between 5 to 9 hours or so. The multiplayer co-op side missions might add another 3 or 4 but i dont think anyones been able to get them all working yet
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Where's my dhrukari wife?
Nancy Dhru
I think a large portion of the game’s success is going to be on how the devs follow through on their promises, they mentioned that new content, namely new coop missions, would be added after launch for free with the only extra dlc being for cosmetic packs

I’m for seeing a lot of issues with the PvP, it appears to me that it was tacked on and developed as an afterthought with more focus going to the coop
That is the fucking past you retard.
>• On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
what? ...what?
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
I'd say around like 8 hours if you skip the cutscenes and dont die much
PvP is going to be fucked without dedicated server support
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>A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Hate to jump on the hate bandwagon anon, but as others pointed out, your opinion is dumb. GW doesn't care about lore, they care about moving the charts up. Same reason they used to have a tribe in warhammer fantasy that made fun of black people, and why they now feature a lead black character in their new game.
>All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female
This is already provably false. In the gameplay they have released, we literally see male commissars and (at least what appears to be) male IG officers/leaders. Now granted, it's a sanctioned gameplay demo so that doesn't mean it'll be the final product. But why would they suddenly change assets like that and not use them?
>and it seems like GW is using the game's narrative to open the door to the possibility of women Astartes in the future

There is no way in hell that GW would ever consider this
One face isn't even a warrior, just a factory serf that made the land mine the retard stepped on.
>women can hold guns
have you seen the dei secret service member that was tasked with protecting trump?
You can wear power armor without being a space marine, retard.
This is one of the things that haven't changed since RT.
Nobody cares, shitskin monkeigh.
>On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
>this is now "wokeness"

/pol/ nigger sock puppet post. Nothing to see here.
Acheran is the new 2nd company captain after Cunto Shittarius got promoted to Girlyman's (who doesn't appear in the game) top bodyguard/protege while Titus was being held by the Inquisitor.
Calgar shows up later (after Titus summoned him for backup a few missions back) to lead the 2nd Company against the Thousand Sons after they use the Aurora weapon to open a huge warp rift.
child soldiers unironically make more sense than female soldiers
>like 100 dudes
warhammer is cringe
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what would any of that have to do with tyranids. if anything that would drive them away.
why is he so skinny?
>empty golems of space marine armor
kind of boring. I want to fight huge comically evil demon worshipping marines that I can kill with bloody gore as they scream "NOOOOOO" because they could never conceive of their evil ass dying
Surely the Word Bearers will be the real villains of SM3
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im still buying it
>people bitching about story
>in a 40K game
I just want to paint my multiplayer guy like a Salamander. Who gives a fuck about anything else? If you haven't noticed, nothing of note ever happens in these fucking stories. It's all window dressing to sperg out about your space knight chapter.
If some retarded faggot on /v/ is crying and shitting his pants over a game, it probably means it's a solid game. I'll preorder now, thanks.
Victorus aut Mortis
looking forward to maining my fav chapter in MP
>asking for a source besides vague pointing to headlines which vaguely reference 4chan posts in a horrific circle of retardation
you won't get anything else here
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.

toppest of keks

enjoy your transmarines
its not real faggot
why wouldn't it be?
I told a friend 10 years ago that 40K would get woke raped and he laughed
because we already played leaked build of the game
source? I mean I don't doubt some of it BUT I feel like they know there audience and if they push too hard it will flop. Plus its been in development for so long.
>no Chaos Space Marine
>not taking orders from Abaddon
>not creating your own warband
>not pledging to all Chaos Gods or just one for specialized powers
>not killing mewling servants of the false Emperor
Did you see the male police and secret severs members at the actual site being defeated by a small fence?
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CSMs are Marines only better since they don't hold back
I dont care, as a dark eldar player its just more trannies to take back to commoragh and torture
Your unwillingness, if not inability to read is why you shouldn’t have rights.
Hi Ranjeet
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"So you see the two missing astartes chapters and their primarchs were women all along but the galaxy wasn't ready for them and they had to wait for a long long time until everyone was more liberal and .... what do you mean some chaos space marines dedicated to slaanesh tra.... no that's different."
They'll never make a quality RPG where you can play a space marine and fall to Chaos and that makes me sad.
>be Emperor's Children
>don't end up being a mutated freak
>just want to coom inside Imperial women, Eldar women and seducing even the holiest of Bolter Bitches and Farseers
>always handsome, never aging
>just wanna coom and goon
are these all chaos smurfs?
how do they even increase their ranks?
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>be Slaaneshi
>deny Slaanesh's ideal of beauty
>offend Slaanesh
>become the most horrendously mutated freak the Emperor's Children have ever seen

Some of them have entire planets worth of followers, some just recruit random marauders/cultists/space pirates then give them the ol corrupted gene seed and so on...

there are entire planets wort h of factories pumping out chaos space marine gear in the warp etc...
shitpost becoming reality of Bobby G being daddy of all Space Marines much like Matt Ward wanted,
also you'd have to be clinically retarded to deny they didn't came into being just to replace the Firstborn because they are copyrightable,
and lastly any engineering non-STC approved is serious tech heresy, sure it slips through if it's important enough or there's not a faggot around with that much stick up his ass buy you have kino 21st founding and it should have stayed that fucking way
Imagine being a manlet Marine and you're being replaced by a taller, better, smarter and far more loyal Primaris Marine.

Surprised these OG Marines all didn't turn to Chaos as their Emperor abandoned them for his new toys.

Unlike OG Marines, Primaris ones are like Grey Knights who haven't fallen to Chaos yet.
>SM2 should have been Titus either becoming a Spess Mehreen worthy of becoming Chapter Master of his own Chapter
that LITERALLY WAS Space Marine 2 plot and development before Relic bit the dust
>>On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem,
>which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
completely retarded, if anything it would make the planet unappealing if there were other options to consume first because Nids are all about consuming biomass
What lore says you need a penis to be a space marine?
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>Greetings Brother Ultramarine!
>We've been sent to aid you by the great Primarch himself, Roboute Guilliman
>Our orders are to secure these relics, lest they fall into traitor hands
guys guys. 40k was always retarded and shit. That being said this is isekai tier wish fulfillment for retarded libshits who sold out and need a way to convince themselves that they're still good people.
did we really did not get any remark of "equipment dissappearing" in the end of SM1?
They stole the Titan
>the imperium is fascist
The imperium is not fascist you faggot. It is a fuedal theocratic oligarchy
Honestly, these niggers are so good at securing relics they have Solun Decius's power fist he lost on the fucking Eisenstein.
It's also why you see some of the most hilarious shit like nu god of war where they try so hard to redeem a literal world destroyer but keeps failing so badly.

redeeming fascist empires is just the next logical step.
I thought this was real (because I'm a retard) until I read that final part
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Hopefully y'all can make more informed decisions given this info.
nothing rock 'n roll can't fix
what would happen if he got killed by tyranids? Would every tyranid turn into him?
>They are a bit too multiracial I'll give you that
Doesn't the gene seed overwrite pretty much most about the astartes' original appearance though? Hair color, skin color, etc. Isn't it why a lot of Salamanders just look like white guys with black skin?
t. lore secondary
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>it'll go against all the lore behind their creation.
they retconned the creation of the primarchs and the custodes already, space marines are next
isnt there an entire regiment of the imperial guard that is just child soldiers?
>then the women should be strongly encouraged to have babies before anything else, since that gets you more soldiers
if Tyranids land on your planet you do not have 20 years to raise new kids
>like 100 dudes
a space marine chapter is only 1000 strong, that is literally 10% of their fighting force, that is massive
Mixed gender regiments will often have kids born to them due to the nature of things. Or kids will somehow find their way onto the IG ships. Or any other myriad way of them getting in close proximity of the IG.
In such cases they're conscripted and used for more minor tasks like message running, frontline restocking, menial labor, mine sweeping, and other such fun and loyal activities.
The Cadian ones are even trained for full combat early on in their pre-teens.
>How do female soldiers make sense? They can either provide one body (their own) or 10 over their lifetime.
meat for the grinder, imperium does not have population crisis in the slightest and in fact "human resources" are the most avaible unit since
>The whole idea of overpopulated hive cities only makes sense if there is a very strong social expectation placed on women to have lots of kids.
imagine india but an entire planet, nearby you have planet that's Europe but farmaxxing,
that's hiveworlds and agriworlds of the imperium
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even if you're fucking new here you should realize the retarded outrage farming is as pervasive as it is on any other site like twitter or reddit.
if you don't have a population shortage then you take men, because you have more men than you need

if you do have a population shortage you take men, because you need the women to make more

there is literally no situation in which you take women for military reasons. the ONLY reason to do it is political. which means that the imperium is unironically practicing DEI.

now, if like the tyranids land on the planet and you need literally every single person who can just hold a lasgun and stand on a parapet and fire random bursts into the enemy, then sure it makes sense to use women. strange that you have more lasguns than you have people on your planet, but whatever. but female imperial guard, planetary defence forces, etc., make absolutely no sense in any context whatsoever.
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>imagine india but an entire planet,

that's how I imagine plants fallen into the eye and full of cultists ngl
>now, if like the tyranids land on the planet and you need literally every single person who can just hold a lasgun and stand on a parapet and fire random bursts into the enemy
Anon that's pretty much every noteworthy enemy the Imperium is fighting.
Except like the Eldar, because Eldar are pathetic.
>if you don't have a population shortage then you take men, because you have more men than you need
We also have more women than we need as well so why not send them to the frontlines.
Equal rights means equal responsibility you soi-guzzling cuckold. Also
>reddit spacing
>that's how I imagine plants fallen into the eye and full of cultists ngl
Same thing, but stuff is more spikey
>that's how I imagine plants fallen into the eye and full of cultists ngl
those become Australia during the chink invasion,
big difference
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>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
lmao tell me this is real. Ultramarines in shambles
Anyway what happened to Matt Ward, the 5th and actual Chaos God?
Is he still at GeeDubs?
I mean half the space marines turned traitor, they must've had some gripes with the Imperium.
>We also have more women than we need as well so why not send them to the frontlines.
because they are worse at it than men you idiot
He left, and it turned out he was actually protecting us from worse writing.

Roid rage + daddy issues.
>because they are worse at it than men you idiot
Their objective is to buy the actual military powers some scant extra seconds of relief. They are not there to kill things, they are there to be speedbumps for the enemy.
So? Not like it matters when you have millions of soldiers and they will eventually succeed though sheer numbers
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Er sweetie, the Eldar are the trannies now
Tyranids don't have souls and are incapable of experiencing pride, so no. He might still be human enough to count as biomass, though, so if Slaanesh revives him anyway, the tyranids could have an infinite source of food on their hands.
They were corrupted by literal demons though. And the alpha legion may not even be traitors
Not even the best example, in Chaos Rising they get fucking FORGEBREAKER, you know the hammer made by Fulgrim for Ferrus Manus later claimed by Pert

I like and I mean how he's like a Chaos God,
while being a force of fuckery bringing chaos to harmony of things he also once a while brough something positive like Necrons upgrade without deleting souless terminators
One of my favorite segments in an IG book is in Armor of Contempt (Gaunt's Ghosts) where a fresh 17 year old recruit has his first combat drop and fortress assault. By the time it's over, he's on the very edge of snapping and killing his commissar for drawing a whip on him.
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go back
Eldar have been declining in popularity for years. Trying to resusicate them with alphabet garbage is a sign GW is on the verge of giving up and just removing them.
Good riddance, honestly. All the Eldar factions are a waste of plastic and space.
link to leak?
I wonder if they're good enough to break into one of Trazyn's galleries. All sorts of nifty trinkets in there.
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What's the overall plot of the game? Do the Thousand Sons and Tyranids showing up have anything to do with each other or is it just 2 random conflicts that happen back to back?
Anon it's a Space Marine game. Of course they're not connected. Chaos just shows up because xenos ultimately aren't important enough to be the actual villains.
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There was no such a thing and I finished it twice.
I just figured since it's TSons there would be some actual scheming involved with the nids
>• In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
>• A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
No fucking way this is real.
It's TSons because their codex is likely coming later this year and GW wants to put them fresh in peoples' minds.
yes but not in current nulore

They should've went all in with space elves and made them into coomer bait. That's literally all regular elves got going for them.

Also make dark eldar even more extreme and turn them even more into s/m vampires or something.

they're just not extreme enough imho
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Can you do warp shenanigans?
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>Doesn't the gene seed overwrite pretty much most about the astartes' original appearance though? Hair color, skin color, etc. Isn't it why a lot of Salamanders just look like white guys with black skin?
Not for most. Salamanders, Night Lords, and Raven Guard are the only ones which actually alter appearances, and even then it's not always guaranteed for the latter two.
Most Chapters look similar due to them often recruiting from the same few world(s). Ultramarines are unique in that they pull from the entirety of Ultramar, and several First Founding chapters likely have larger recruitment pools to pull from due to seniority.
>necron imagery
>but also imperial fleet
What does it mean
>He's never read a single piece of 40k media that had the opening text of the setting
>He never read Shadow Point or Caves of Ice
>He never read Pariah or Fulgrim
>He never read Ravenor or A Thousand Sons
>He never read The Emperor Expects or Deathwatch
>He doesn't know The Dark Angels and their Primarch are based on an English Poet and the chapter is named after a book about his struggle between homosexuality and his Catholic upbringing.
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it means kino awaits
Necrons have future-scrying abilities. It means the Necrons foresaw they’d be fighting marines
I read caves of ice what was pozzed about it? Also Fulgrim is about slannesh corruption so it makes sense
>The imperium is not fascist you faggot
Go look up the Ur-Fascism checklist and then go read the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting primer and tell me how many boxes it checks.
My understanding was that Salamander geneseed interacts weirdly with the radiation of Nocturne to produce the black skin and red eyes. In theory, wouldn't Salamanders recruited from other worlds who had never been to Nocturne retain their original appearance?
>Necrons have future-scrying abilities.
I fucking hate zoomercrons so much
>I read caves of ice what was pozzed about it?
Canonical lesbian couple.
It really should have been nids and necrons as the villains, not nids and thousand sons
>tyranids vs space marines
>halfway through, turns out the planet is a tomb world, necrons begin reeeeing
>threeway war between humans, space bugs, and murder robots
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Yeah I agree, but I guess the chaos fanbase is too large to not have in game, plus the whole sm vs chaos in multi.
also the game has fully animated drednoughts and hellbrutes, I expect to see them in multi eventually, like in the first game.
Caring about modern 40k is like caring about modern Star Wars.
>plus the whole sm vs chaos in multi
Who where traitor legions, and who loyalists? I really hope you'll be able to make all chapters in multi.
Men are allowed to have spaces for themselves too.

If we're not allowed into your female stuff but you avail yourselves to all of ours by force then who's the asshole here?
I've only done the campaign and operations, haven't checked the multi, but if you look at the trailers it looks like there's pretty much every legion and more, loyalists have blood ravens too.
My Night Lords are in, so I'm happy. Love those schizo serial killing assholes.
I do not. I hate hambeasts who try to worm their way into my hobbies, and attempt to re-write everything to better suit their desires, world views, etc. I'm friends with a few girls, I share hobbies with, and pretty much all of them respect the source, and I have a blast hanging out with them. There's one which laments over the ages old fact, that Astartes can only be men, but she doesn't lobby against it, and doesn't try to force a change.
Also, see >>683849682
Probably Gays Workslop intervening


Despite a Tomb World the absence of Eldar is mind boggling
Ur fascism is made by a commie faggot psued and all the points can apply to literally any society. Fascism is when a central government has a lot of power over even how more local governments are run and are also run by a central leader. The imperium however allows planets to run themselves pretty much however they like as long as they are not heretical and pay tithes. The head of the government, the high lords of terra, is more of a meeting between the leaders of the most powerful factions in the imperium although I suppose you could argue with guilliman being lord commander there is a central authority figure. There the several groups outside the main fuedal power structures like inqusitors, rougue traders, space marine chapters, and the mechanicus. The closest real life equivalent would be the holy roman empire instead of a fascist country
Don't worry they will be in space marine 3 with the surprise villain being emperors children marines
Speaking of- I wonder if Sonic Weapons are in. I do want to play as a Noise Marine in the versus mode.
>Despite a Tomb World the absence of Eldar is mind boggling
Eldar are a tertiary faction, they're genuinely the most unimportant and utterly useless. Even Tau would be a better faction to be against.
>it's real in my mind
fuck off cunt
boy am I happy I don't let 4chan idpol live rent free in my head, living like this must be incredibly miserable.
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>mine sweeping
One of these things is not like the other...
played the leak, beat it in epic
should be two acts
ultramarines vs tyronenids + newcrons
blood ravens vs thousand snus
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>• Racial demographics of helmetless Ultramarines match those of San Francisco in 2024.
this doesnt affect gameplay
>• All the IG officers and commissars you meet are female.
this doesnt affect gameplay
> On the hive world, you can find a couple dataslate entries (same as servo-skulls from the first game) about two gay lovers who were separated during the Tyranid invasion.
this doesnt affect gameplay
>On the jungle planet, Titus and co. discuss how the AdMech's exploitation of natural resources has devastated the local ecosystem, which somehow kickstarted the initial Tyranid invasion.
this doesnt affect gameplay
>In the central hub, you can find two battle brothers embracing each other while crying. Titus reacts to this with some bs like "showing weakness is the greatest strength."
this doesnt affect gameplay
> A rando guardsman calls the Imperium "fascist" and "regressive" when explaining why Imperial citizens fall to Chaos in front of Titus and 2 other marines. They let him keep his life and later remark on the truthfulness of his words.
Hopefully y'all can make more informed decisions given this info.
this doesnt affect gameplay
Dawn of War 4 will have a side character Blood raven that is like 2x as big as a normal space marine called Gulfrim.
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they'll do it for the emperor or I'll put a bullet in their heads
The ones who come back get treats before being sent out again.
Their best loot is basically taking Dante's Meltagun and a Custodes armour piece
warhammer is owned by the fans. the fans will have the final word
You sound like a Kathleen Kennedy apologist. I'm even more wary now.
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just to iteriate
i dont give a shit about how woke a game is
i play a game to play a videogame, if the game is shit then i wont play it and youre free to yell at the game developers for being "too woke"
and this is how the general public views games as well
noone gives a shit unless the game is good or not
you can have some gay black faggot with one leg screaming how he loves tranny cock
but if he has a katana and parries a fucking nuke, im in
It's one thing to be against woke shit but can you faggots stop making shit up to get mad about? If I cant expect to see the truth in things, how can I trust you niggers to call out woke games?
You are lucky that literally everything in the op is fake, that doesn't make you less of a shit eating faggot though.
I can't help it, my headcanon is so interesting!
chances are that this thread was made by a nafo shill unironically, since the entire leak was from a ukie and the branch of saber interactive that is developing sm2 is in moscow
i guarantee, no matter how woke a game is, if the videogame checkmarks everything you love playing a videogame, everything that you enjoy and feel how amazingly fun it is, you'd play that fucking game
shut the fuck up you little retard kid
It's more than likely a tranny trying to poison the well. They are known to do such trickey much like their (((masters)))
No I won't, because seeing trannies, niggers and retarded plot makes me vomit, exact reason why I didn't touch homeworld 3.
But there will never be a game like that because wokeness is what prevents those games from being made you faggot. You will never be a woman
That's because you're a secondary who doesn't really care about the IP's that he consume, you're basically a gambling addict, not a gamer.
>lets boycott call of duty 4 because we dont like how they forcing matchmaking servers
>noone boycotts
>It is a fuedal theocratic oligarchy
I'm tired of college-educated normies thinking anything with the barest sense of militarism is fucking fascism. It's the most midwit take of all time.
homeworld 3 flopped though. Woke games flop all the time with the only exception being bg3
To be faiiiirrrr...
Dark Eldar being able to transmute themselves male to female and back again does wash with their whole aesthetic of rampart biological manipulation. I don't see why a Dark Eldar wouldn't over hundreds of years decide to change sex and join another cult or kabal, if only for the experience of something novel.
>Dawn of War 4
From memory in the HH novels it's mentioned that Astartes gain some traits of their Primarch, but it's not a 1:1 cloning or anything. They might bear superficial similarities, such as particular noses, eyes, jaws, brows, hair, colouring etc.
Salamanders in particular are not "Black" in the American racial sense - they're literally charcoal-skinned, and due entirely to their geneseed interacting with the radiation from the unique sun above the Salamanders Chapter World of Nocturne. Technically if a Salamander was created on another planet their skin wouldn't change until they'd spent time on Nocturne and were exposed to the same radiation.
That fag mike brooks wasn't doing it because of that and you know it. Mike brooks in the most pozzed author of them all I would rather give full creative control to matt ward than faggots like him
I have no idea who Mike Brooks is. I haven't read a BL book or a Codex in probably a decade.
I'm just saying that sex-changing DE is entirely consistent with what we know about DE society and culture. They have the technology and the will to literally change their sex down to a chromosomal level. Entirely unlike trannies in the real world who just mutilate their flesh into a simulacrum of the opposite sex.
>It really should have been nids and necrons as the villains,
>2 emotionless npc factions!
Lmao no
Watch them advertise Necrons for the next game, and then the secret halfway-point REAL enemies are Death Guard or World Eaters.

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