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Which games mostly consist of "that part"?

For me I would say Jak 2
>want to play games
>cant enjoy games
im that worst part
DS2 is one, but it's "that part"s are still better than the majority of 3.
Operation Anchorage
Elden ring. That part - limgrave and the whole riding for an hour and gathering shit I need.
What part? I like the start of DS2- beating brown muslim looking dude to death.
What games are the other way around?
Me wanting to replay a game: :(
"That part": :)
Soul Reaver is the posterchild for "game you want to replay but when you get to it you immediately get put off and watch it on youtube instead"
the whole game IS that part and I blame it on the absolutely abhorrent camera controls, the block puzzles and the "where the fuck am I supposed to syndrome"
the entire legacy of kain series is better enjoyed on youtube
The first 10 hours.
Blood Omen 1 is a legitimately good game
I agree with the general sentiment of your post though. SR2 may be an-almost moviegame for how linear it is, but fuck me if Defiance's "we have Devil May Cry at home" gameplay with enemies that take forever to die wasn't even more grating
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>bombastic first level with Nero smacking Dante
>second level is a stroll through city, getting snatch and beating the shit out of gigantic fire centaur demon
>third level is a running like retard in a lifeless castle
>dice sections
>second half consists of reused levels from first half with a retarded gimmick
>saviour which is bayonetta-tier bad
Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning. It has the worst and longest tutorial ever in a video game. Just keep playing the save file you already have. Never ever restart that game.
DOS games for me. I just can't bother with them anymore.
I gave this a spin a decade ago after seeing it on so many greatest PSX games lists, and never played past the first session, and I'm not one to drop a game. It felt incredibly clunky and dull past the narrative and graphics.
Neither of you enjoy videogames. I cannot fucking imagine not enjoying the hobby so much that you'd ever choose to experience a game via youtube. Have some self-respect, have some media literacy, get an attention span. Get a new hobby. This is my last post in this thread.
Jak 2 in the slums when all the Crimson Guard come after you and you can't use vehicles or hover board and there's no health pickups
Dragon Age: Origins has a part so bad its recommended you mod it out.
ok bro
kill yourself
Darkest Dungeon
Tutorial, first fixed dungeon and probably the second dungeon too, even if it's randomly generated.
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did nobody see the bottom right text on op's image?
Play Sonic Battle, I dare you!
I still like the music anyway.
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Lategame sure, but if you go right away you can powerlevel in a safe enviroment where you can't fuck anything up by not having correct skills or perks. Not to mention winterized T-51b and PA training. I always go there straight from Megaton.
this is my opinion so PLEASE don't call me retarded.
from the top of my head.
heides, shrine of Amana, black gulch is short but still sucks, chariot area, aldias, every dlc optional boss runback, and whatever the snow area with the fog is called. there's also some bosses that I don't like.
Terraria when I get to plantera
just an absolute fun killer fuck everything to do with that boss
You have a deeply rotten soul to be saying such things to someone over a video game
Seek salvation
cool and good
>Turnip Hill
why don't you just fucking kill me
Twillight Princess. Outside of the dungeons the entire game is that part.
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>Want to make new character in FF14 on another DC to play with my friends
blow your head off with a shotgun, retarded sack of shit
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I'm literally right there and haven't touched it in over 3 months. Thrn shortly after I already know there's scouting the port.
damn you really are a troubled little fellow
but I forgive you and I'll pray for your soul
>backtracking escort mission with underwater segments concluding with instant death precision sniping segment
this was on purpose
Clear Sky
>swamp prologue
>running from machinegun on cordon
>your inventory gets taken away by a scripted ambush in garbage
>dark valley filler
>l4d-flavored yantar filler
>red forest: this time it's boring
>embarassing helicopter boss fight in the hospital
>shooting Strelok at CNPP
>that ending (congrats, you and your entire faction were stooges for C-Consciousness, and judging by some of the photos in CoP the leadership were willing stooges at that)
Any of the minigames in the Jak trilogy count for me at some point. The pac man part in 3 made me learn a bit about my anger issues
>leadership were willing stooges at tha
the Clear Sky leaders knew about C-Con all along because they worked on it before the second explosion
that is why I consider CS oc donutsteel shit, both the game and the faction
Breath of Fire 3
Every single one of the "dungeon puzzles"
>have to rebuild into another island in Evil Genius 1

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Mass Effect 2
>Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith in Dark Souls (the post-Anor Londo part of the game is shaky overall but Izalith takes the cake by far)
>Oracle of Ages after the second dungeon, the sheer amount of filler busywork you need to do for every dungeon from that point on is miserable
>most of the Inverted Castle in Symphony of the Night, and only because of the rampant reuse of that one fucking repetitive organ song that drones on and on
Turok 1 is legit a case of
>haha the weapons are so fun
>I hate every level in the game
for me.
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I hate him so much
Unpopular opinion incoming, but: Dark Souls 1 after acquiring the Lord Vessel in Anor Londo from Princess Gwynevere. Is it just me?
DS1 after the Lordvessel
>Tomb of Giants without a lightsource
>Crystal Cave
>Bed of Chaos
>Four Kings
VTMB: Sewers and chinatown

Fallout NV: Dead money and a bit old world blues and lonesome road

dmc4: having to replay half the game again near the end

Return to the castle wolfenstein: forest
ffx blitzball
The swamps in every single fromsoft game.

Telos in KotOR2
while OA is kinda of a slog, the rewards at the end are the best thing in the game, and like the other anon said, it should be cleared pretty much right at the beginning.
or you can just completely ignore it, not like you are forced to play it.
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Devil May Cry and the underwater level.

The underwater levels is almost any Zelda game.

The poison swamp or lava area of any soulborne game.

I got filtered so hard in the later sections they were so boring.
I was in the "boss" battle against that one scientist who traps you in his energy core device with the boomerang demons and it was so frustrating that I uninstalled.

Seath's levels, the DLC, Sif and Gywn's area really carry the late game hard, don't they?
Also you are dumb for not using a light-source in a dark area. That's video-game logic 101.

I love twilight princess so much I love exploring even the overworld, though it pales in comparison to the dungeons. I don't think it's on a level of "that part" for me since I'm not actively dreading it the entire time i'm playing the game.
The whole intro kills my interest every time. From the drawn out dragon attack to wasting a lot of time with the Greybeards.
>SMT 1
>Heroine's mind dungeon
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>Mega Man 3
>usually forget about the Doc Robot levels coming before Wily Castle
Shame. I otherwise love this game, even with its rushed development warts, but this part absolutely goddamn drags.
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Bonehoard is one of the best missions in the game althougheverbeit.
>From the drawn out dragon attack to wasting a lot of time with the Greybeards.
1. The Alternative Start mod.

2. In my playthroughs, I never go to the Greybeards. I only go up to the Watchtower fight to activate dragon encounters. That's it. My characters aren't the Dragonborn.
MM3 was the first game I was able to "speedrun", at 4-5 yo, I was so proud of it.
but yeah, those robots are a pain in the ass.
>ctrl + f "fade"
>phrase not found

RDR2, but fuck saddling the right horse.
It's not even the Doc Robots that burn my ass (anymore), it's how tedious the stages themselves are. Especially the Gemini Man one. Though it seems there was gonna be a stage based on Magnet Man's stage instead of Needle Man's earlier in development, and oh, to imagine the bullshit they'd pull out for a rehash based on HIS stage.
Silent Hill is such a timeless classic until and after the Sewers what in the goddamn actually happened
Which part?
Half Life 2
>vehicle scenes
Bloodborne's forced PVP sections.
Star Fox Adventures. It's a game I from my childhood I vaguely remember being fun, and then I remember that one annoying part and then the annoying part right after and before I know it I realize that the entire game consists of annoying parts.
The entire pump works segment in Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside story. Not only did they somehow manage to include all the typical annoyances of a water level into an rpg game but it’s also in the early game before the plot really kicks off.
Blast Pit to Residue Processing in Half-Life is a fucking slog compared to the rest of the game
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Skyward Sword is jank already but those Goddess Trials fucking suck
>dissing nowhere
damn this is the very first time I've seen such a tarded opinion
re4 after clearing the village
Ah fuck you man castle is kino
I wont defend the island
What? The island was great. Regeneradors and the labs full of experiments were kino.
Elden Ring is "that part" but for the entire game
Like every game people recommend to me.
That was the game that made me drop new Harvest Moon games forever and just go play Stardew. Even after the tutorial, it's just the most barebones farming sim in existence. Tale of Two Towns was alright though.
almost all of the original dead rising
Casing the Joint in Thief 2
Shadow of the Erdtree
Super Mario Sunshine is a "platformer" where only half the game is meaningful platforming
>mostly consist of "that part"?
So basically more than half of the game is shit?
>Spyro 2 / 3
Boy, Spyro 1 was a fun platformer, can't wait to get more of it! Oh wait, the sequels are bloated with minigames and overall you spend more time on them than on actual platforming.
>Crash 3
A very similar issue to Spyro sequels - Crash 1 had fuckall gimmick levels, Crash 2 has increased the amount of gimmick levels and more than half of Crash 3 consists of gimmick levels. I just wanted a proper sequel to Crash 1, goddammit.
>Secret of Mana
The very moment you leave the starting group of areas (which is like 4-5 hours in, right after meeting Thanatos in ruins) and cannon blast into Upperland the game goes down in quality very fast, and it becomes painfully obvious after you get Flammy in Northtown - plot gets thrown out of the window and you're being sent to random empty parts of the world every 20-30 minutes either to gather Mana Seeds or do irrelevant shit and then it's Mana Palace time which is pretty much endgame (you only visit Mana Tree and Mana Fortress after that).
Do people honestly sit there and watch a full play though of a game on youtube? I overheard some zoomers a while ago talking about a game and one of them said "yeah I've never played it but I've watched the whole game" and couldn't tell if I heard him wrong. If I don't enjoy playing a game I'm definitely not going to sit and fucking watch a full play through as if it's a tv series
A “that part” is an obnoxious/bad part in an otherwise good game.

A game filled with “that parts” is simply a bad game.
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Way of the Samurai 4; in the true ending path, has a mandatory sequence where you must endure 3 mediocre mini-games of your character being "tortured" and then you have to fight naked and unarmed against the 3 Kinuguwa sisters all at once. If you haven't raised any Martial Arts styles at this point; you're in for a very very bad time.
It's even worse now that the 3DS Online is dead since you can no longer get the mats required for the town expansion in the first year from other players.
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>random encounter mid jump
>completely stops momentum dead
>have to fight the battle anyway
>when the battle is over watch my dudes fall all the way back to the beginning
I want to die.
Only about 10% of zoomers play video games. Most video games are played exclusively by millenials and gen-x, however, 99.9% of Twitch viewers are zoomers.
>mostly consist of "that part"
Are we talking about bad games? Or something else?
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Blast Corps. Fondly remembered for destroying huge buildings in your robot so that a nuke doesn't explode, in reality mostly just racing, weird minigames and a truck you have to weirdly drift into buildings, combined with extremely tight time limits for medals.
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7th stand user, grind heavy unfun slog fanfic for giga autists, FUCK /v/ shilling that slop for years
the worst part is on the PS1 you could actually hear the disk start to spin up before the random encounter so you knew it was coming
Dark Souls 2. I can't make it beyond Lost Sinner just because of how boring the game is
No point in playing beyond the Sentinels either
Ironic, as Lost Sinner also used to filter people at launch for the opposite reason until they giganerfed her.
Super Paper Mario is like 80% that part.
Every chapter in the game has some time wasting bullshit sprinkled in that makes replays awful.
forbidden woods
just play one loser
nadir of the franchise, I don't care. sticker star and all its sequels play infinitely better.
Echoes of the Eye is a 'that part' which also itself contains an even more egregious 'that part'
Silent Hill 2 has the apartment complex that filters 90% of players.

Honorable mention, most Fallout NV players never make it to the end of the game in general, steam trophies says some of the endings only 2% players even see at all.
any platform game with a water level in it
Actually based. There's nothing more pathetic than being proud on the vidya board of the fact that you dont play games
newfags think the whole point of this board is loudly screaming about how much you hate video games
Soul Reaver is the only game in which I have ever enjoyed a block puzzle. In e.g. Zelda they're too brain dead to be enjoyable, SR's actually gave me a little pause
>Cave Story
>Having to walk back and forth 3 times for the jelly to get the bubble gun
>Which games mostly consist of "that part"?

Big Shell in MGS2
Any single FE chapter that includes movement altering terrain as a map's gimmick
I can't stand it.
The fade from the mage tower.
>Eureka! has 7.6%
>No Gods, No Masters has 11.5%
>All or Nothing has 5.7%
>Veni, Vidi, Vici has 4.3%
The only achievement below 2% is Pros Only at 1.7%, which is understandable because the 3 star challenges are painful.
>Most of DS2 parts are "that part"
>Ds3 only has one
I'd rather play ds3 and only have to bear through Farron swamp once than having to deal with iron keep, shrine of Amana, the gutter
>steam trophies says some of the endings only 2% players even see at all
That's almost every game. So many games have shit like "only 15% of players got the cheevo for beating the first mission", the system is broke or the majority of game purchases aren't real.
>he got filtered by iron keep
Iron Keep was actually good before the amazing and critically acclaimed SotFS update broke the AI
>Most games purchases aren't real
They are real but it's just people who bought the game on discount played it for like 5 minutes and then forgot about it
I put up with iron keep since it's the least bad area but I can't say I enjoyed an area with 3 enemies copy pasted and 2 of the worst boss fights to ever come out of any dark souls game, I still finished the game tho, never bothered to complete the dlcs
Massive DS2fag cope
>The game was good before sotfs
No it wasn't
People just impulse buy everything or get gifted stuff from friends and then drop it right away. Especially with spin-off games. Persona 5 Royal has around 20% of players with a plat trophy while not even 25% of players have beaten the first dungeon in Persona 5 Strikers.
All of those are still vastly superior to DS3, where the only major difference is which color the Gothic architecture or desolate ruins are this time. I can still clearly list out the areas in DS2. I can't even remember half the areas in DS3.
DS3 is such a fucking slog.
>High Wall
>Road of sacrifices
>Farron Keep
>Catacomb of carthus
>Smouldering Lake
This is all the dogshit you gotta do before you get to Irythill which is decent at best.
>7th stand user
>FUCK /v/ shilling that slop for years
oh yeah there was basically a general of that shit for like a year or two 24/7 never heard of it since, was that just a discord raid or something to go from everywhere to nowhere on /v/ overnight?
Iron Keep specifically was, you won't hear me defending release/patch Amana
Although overall SotFS is overrated, Aldia yapping on and on without actually saying anything got old fast
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>are you winning son
Middle, Right Left.
Left, Right, Middle
Right, left, Right
Right, Middle, Right
Right, Left, Middle
Middle, Left, Left
Left, Right, left
Left, left, Middle
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I have literally JUST been playiyng this part. Fuck this trinket in particular, took me like 45 minutes.
>entirely skippable
>no i need the keyblade so I can cheese the axel data fight !!11!1!!!
Dante feels so awkward in DMC4. And you get to play as him when the levels gets infinitely more obnoxious and enemy layouts are just filled with annoying elites
Novigrad's main story in The Witcher 3, it's the one reason I haven't replayed the game after completing ir once
The newer Lords of the Fallen game. Pretty enjoyable Souls ripoff until I realized every fucking area is just a ruined town.

FF7 "that part" is meeting aerith, and her cunt mom explaining the backstory when you come back after the piece of the pizza falls. "that parts" really.
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hey idiot
there's a cache next to the ambush area where you can store your gear
all they'll get is your money and you'll get it back when you kill them
>Northern Journey
>Game starts out kino
>and then...
>second half of Granite Gash
>Haunted Glacier
>Drowned Veins
>Primordial Abyss
They really did just keep saying "and another one"
Dead Space is my favorite game series of all time but the regenerator part in all 3 just make me go ughh every time I play. Its the trope of "spooky thing you cant kill and run from" done in all 3 main games. I wouldnt care but I love 2 dearly and that part with it before the end just is a bitch
>just play one loser
>unskippable cutscenes
EA offices deserve to be firebombed just for this alone
The water puzzle in Onimusha. You take too long and it's 5 minutes of unskippable cutscenes and monotonous puzzles to get back.
I.e. that's 20 minutes of my life I'm not getting back.
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>furry shit
nvm, furry fags deserve despair
Pikmin 2
Fucking zoomer cancer post. The sewers and the rest of the game is fine. Shut the fuck up
Water dungeon from OOT wasn't that bad. Played that shit for the first time 2 years ago (the 3ds remake on emulator, if it matters), and it was alright.
Ultrakill 5-1
NG2 Chapter 9
DMC3 Leviathan
DMC5 V missions
The main complaint was that it was tedious to keep equipping and unequipping the iron boots, the 3DS remake fixes that issue.
Skyrim but that part is everything in the game once I get the best armor and max weapon skill
I was like 10 and didn't correlate the disk spinning up to an battle being imminent.
Uhhhhh reading comprehension?
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>beating brown muslim looking dude to death.
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The two levels in Viewtiful Joe where there's just an emergency siren blaring for the ENTIRE duration of the fucking level.

The boss rush isn't hard, git gud.
I had fun the whole way through but I have a friend who quit at the same spot.

He was talking about Dead Space 2 retard
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What game made you do this instead?
RDR2 epilogue
>Just you left, is it?
>Yeah... Just me.
say what you will about the rest of the game, that part was pure kino
Any lighthouse in Golden Sun 1+2. Absolute peak of those games.
Project zomboid after you get a fire axe, hammer, and a saw
Clear Sky > SHoC
thats the best part though
>Dying Light 2
>Everything thats not running around jumping on stuff.
Filler missions, any game
filler is.... LE BAD!
Half life 2 after you teleport from the nova prospekt
Yeah, I noticed that too, when researching about the game.
Big Shell is a pain to navigate
Raiden sucks as a character
DMC4 is an unfinished mess but parts of it are so amazing. The combat, atmosphere, settings, some of the early levels which are completely overshadowed by its obvious flaws. The evil pope boss fight and dice sections make me want to bash my head against a wall.
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A full 50% of the shines in this game are "that one level"s.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Replaying Boggly Woods and even thinking about sitting through all of Glitzville's text again was enough.
Me3 rannoch laser (then priority earth)
bumping this

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