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2 > 3 > 1
What about you?
Yeah, I'm probably there with you. Entire mainline franchise though...

REmake>2>REmake 2>3>REmake 4>4>1>0>REmake 3>Revelations 2>Village>7>Revelations>>>5>>>>>>>>>>>6

I catch some shit for putting the remake of 4 over the original, but there's some major league bloat in the original, and I honestly agree with every cut that they made, and while I haven't played Separate Ways yet, as I understand, a lot of the stuff that was cut from the main campaign was folded into that.
Give me a reason why I should buy this on gog when I already have it on my psx
There's a lot of bloat in RE4make too though and it's worse than the bloat in the original
1 > 3 > 2
RE1 is unironically my favorite game in the series. I genuinely think it’s even better than REmake. It’s just such a tight and well crafted game. RE3 just has it’s own fun charm with the reloading adding in another layer of resource management and decision making, the random encounters adding variety, and Nemesis adding in a constant layer of unease
RE2 is perfect.

RE1 is special but it's not perfect. But it's not compltely outdone by RE2 either.

RE3 is dogshit. Not a single redeeming feature. It's the X6 of the RE franchise.
If we're talking about classics, then my list would probably be
2 > 1 = 3
but if we replace RE1 with REmake and add Zero, then it would be
REmake > RE2 > Zero > RE3
>RE1 is special but it's not perfect
You're right, the REmake had to step in and ascend it to perfection.

Played 3 recently and it's just isn't as good.
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2>1 Remake>3>1>Code Veronica > Zero
Yes. But if you're going to play the very first survival horror that wasn't shit it's a bit weird to not be playing the original. It's like visiting the Ziggurat in Ur after it was completely remodeled by Saddam Hussein.
>Turn your cover-up death trap of a mansion into your average spoopy house#43
it's good doe

What bloat you fucking retard?
It isn't bad, but it isn't that good either. The ammo crafting is totally wasted on hard since you either only craft freezing or magnum rounds. Never ever had enhanced ammo in all of my playthroughs.
I love OG Claire and Sherry!
Maybe I'm a contrarian, but I appreciate Zero more than CV. Zero at least was trying something different, it failed, but it tried. CV condensed resident evil into an almost parody-like form where everything was retarded.
3>2>1 obviously.
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I want to fuck Jill hard.
One is a retarded parody
The other one has retarded gameplay
No Steam no buy.
So where is RE9?
It's been over a year and a half since RE4R came out and we've heard basically nothing besides its happening
for some reason I can never be assed to play through 3 fully. I like 1 and 2 though.
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1/REmake > 2 > Code Veronica > 0 > 3
I firmly believe that you could fix 0 with just an item box and a balance patch. You could easily get it up to a 7.5/10 with not a whole lot of effort.

CVX is already decently balanced (besides the softlock with the first tyrant) and it's main issues are more on a conceptual level. (i.e. the jail is too small, the story is dumb, graphics are poor compared to its contemporaries, etc) It's a harder game to fix imo.
1 > 2 > 3

That first game just oozes with SOVL.
3 > 2 > 1
t. played all three games on release
1 > 2 > 3.
RE Remake is still the best game in the series though.
4 / RE4R
Revelations 1
Revelations 2
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4 / RE4R
Revelations 1
Revelations 2


Why don't you like 7?
Re7 is the only good modern Resident Evil dumb toxoplasmosis dmczoomer poster
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2 > remake 2 > remake 3 > 3 > 7 > remake 1 > 4 > 1 > V

4 is a good game and all that jazz, but atmosphere is off. The castle environment might've worked if they had kept it grounded instead of going full retard with the cartoony stuff. Kinda tempted to play 8 but then again, all the magical 4-inspired stuff turns me off.
Because he's a tasteless pathologically controversial faggot.

If i had to chose between re3 remake and re7 i would still pick re3 remake. Re7 is just unbearable.
3make isn't even that bad
The problem is that it feels like it's missing a ton of content
The stuff that is there is good
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GOG version of 1 any good?
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Love them all but for me
RE3 > RE1 = RE2
It has a few issues like terrible FMV quality but for the most part it's a solid port
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Playing RE1 made me realize even REmake is kinda gay even if it's maybe not quite as bad as the others. The colors, the music, the characters, it's all so much more charming and fun. I didn't think I'd like the incredibly goofy pure cheese voice acting so much but REmake honestly just kinda feels lame and flat in comparison.
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Seems like a solid port.

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