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Was it better than Elden Ring?
It was worse than any Souls game and proof the hacks at From got lucky and shouldn't try to branch out.
Hesitation is defeat.
It was more focused thats for sure
It's better than every game this generation except 1.
He hesitated.
Of course, but that doesn't take much from Elden Ring. Sekiro is an almost perfect action game. I wiish From do something like this again.
If nothing else, at least it was different. I would rate it about the same as ER, and I like ER
which boss filtered you?
leagues better
Sekiro didn't make me feel burnt out as hard as ER did, so yes.
They're on opposite ends of the spectrum, from Sekiro minimalism to ER 'all of the things at all times everywhere and repeat'.
I do wish Wolf had more than just kusabimaru to use. The prosthetic weapons are too limited by the resource.
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nah, overrated on this board, game is literally the same as roll and attack replaced with parry and attack
It's the best game from made, so yes it was
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i did a modded 2nd playthrough and removing the need for the little crosses made the game a lot more fun though a little unbalanced
Combat arts give you some good variety. I wish there was a way to use more than one at a time (like maybe forward, backwards, or neutral L1+R1). Or a way to cycle through them in combat like you do the tools without having to pause and open the menu.
I didn't feel that the prosthetic tools were that restrictive to use (at least not as much as BB's hunter tools) but most of the time I'd rather use my sword and parrying or even combat arts to deal with things. I'd only use prosthetic tools to deal with X gimmick enemy/boss. I still never used the poison blade, the mist raven and the divine fan or whatever
>I do wish Wolf had more than just kusabimaru to use
that almost seems like missing the point of the game entirely.
There's a clear capability difference between Yamamura and Tanimura especially after the DLC it's quite comical really
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My main problem with the hunters tools wasnt restrictive use (you can build around it with the runes), it was so many of them are gathered super late game
pure ARC was my most fun playthrough out of the ~7 ive done
This is so real, I should be able to use shadowrush as a stinger and still have access to mortal draw, also have a max of 30 or 40 spirit emblems
i did pure ARC too and desu it felt underwhelming, the only tool I constantly used was the tentacle thing, everything else seemed less useful than the HGS' projectile and also more costly, and the weapons (HGS, Logarius Wheel etc) were truly strong only after acquiring certain chalice dungeon gemstones. Even though I prefer BB to Elden Ring in most regards, magic in the latter was done better IMO
different genre, not comparable
The only thing Sekiro lacked was good replay value. It even managed to present a world that isn't just "everyone is some form of zombie" while remaining dark.

Elden Ring completely blew it by failing to create an unique tone. It's literally just Dark Souls open world.
I think it has better replay value than ER. Part of that is ER is a 150 hour game or something. But charmless and bell run on Sekiro does add a pretty interesting dynamic to Sekiro that actually raises the difficulty that makes it worth playing through again where you're just not just stomping literally everything in your path with no challenge. Also you are limited on your vitality and defense for a single run without being able to continually power level your life, so you start getting real diminishing returns on subsequent NG+. I have gotten like 300+ hours out of Sekiro.
I'm not saying that ER is better in that regard. I have beaten it once and I never want to touch it again to be honest. But this kind of thing is largely subjective so I don't want to touch the topic.

I also think what hurts the replay value of Sekiro is that the first "level" is not that good. The great content is all loaded into mid game.
sekiro and AC6 were about the only games I can remember finishing and then diving right back into another playthrough
by the time i finished ER i was thankful that i was done, very much a sunk cost type experience.

I think you're right, a short-ish game with different endings and tight, enjoyable gameplay is way better than a hundred+ hour slog.
lmao. So it really is true that soulsfags got filtered by this game.
The S-Team created Sekiro. They never made another game since.
Better take care of that oozing axe wound in your crotch, BOY
>It's literally just Dark Souls open world.
Good job recognizing the designer's intent. That's literally what everyone wanted and it is kino.
rollsloppers when they can't summon
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Sexiro: Cocks Cum Twice
Sekiro is the only good game Fromsoft made
Much better
Having played all of the souls-like rollslop games Sekiro was definitely one of my favourites. None of these games filtered shitters more than Sekiro since you can't cheese it like the other games. At least not as easily. The entire game felt more consistent and focused than Elden Ring which was an open-world that meandered along filled with a lot of copy-pasted assets and felt like a chore to finish
Yes, but I like both
I like blocking/parrying much better than rolling and dodging, that's why I like MGRR as well. I wish more action oriented games made satisfying, engaging blocking mechanics.
>None of these games filtered shitters more than Sekiro
Objectively false, ER filtered far more since the entirety of the playerbase gaslit themselves into thinking things like spirit ashes were 'cheating'
>you can't cheese it like the other game
fireworks literally breaks nearly everything in the game kek
jumping mortal draw also deletes every boss once you've gotten it
>that meandered along filled with a lot of copy-pasted assets
just like the general and lone shadow minibosses that get copypasted 20 times?
or the headless ape getting reused when it objectively made zero sense?
or genichiro beating fought 3 times?
or the corrupted monk being fought twice?
or owl being fought twice?
or the headless being almost the exact same fight 5 times?
or the times they turn a regular enemy into a miniboss, this happens multiple times despite the fact sekiro is maybe 30% of ER in length?
It's a fucking rhythm game
100% better than Elden Ring. But I expected that and kept my expectations low for Elden Ring so I still enjoyed it. Elden Ring is "Dark Souls 3 but good this time", but it's not on the level of DS1, Bloodborne, or Sekiro.

I enjoyed Lies of P more than Elden Ring because it's such a Sekiro clone.
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No, I found it boring as fuck.
I don't like the 1vs1 focused combat based on being passive and reacting to the enemy.
Also it's baffling that they created Ashina as this potentially ssamless connexted place and did absolutely nothing with it, achieving also an awful setpiece-to-setpiece level design
Elden Rimg delivered better on the feeling that you are fighting bosses, dodging, spacing, comboing and trading them more so than Sekiro did so I don't get the praise.
>Press L1 when the boss attacks
Fuck no
The combat, yes. Everything else, no.
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Lol not even close
>I didn't feel that the prosthetic tools were that restrictive to use
Lying retard
>youtube comment section circa 2010 tier replies on this site
what is this place turning into?
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>The combat, yes
Sekiro combat is dogshit
>focused combat based on being passive and reacting to the enemy.
huh? You know that 90% of bosses are supposed to be beaten through stance breaking, right? That mechanic that doesnt allow you to play passively since stance replenishes when you don't attack.
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Elden Ring integrated effectively spells, combat arts and various pieces of movesets into a combat flow about actually putting pressure and moving across the arena.
Sekiro is about deflecting the enemy to death and getting chip damage inbetween.
Sekiro combat is streampined and easy to pick up, but there's zero strategy or special care to any boss pr threat ypu face besides rote memorization tied to perilious attacks, which Elden Ring executed better with jumpable/space-able attacks or attacks you can move out but that don't dictate a forced reaction.
Elden Ring is full of intricate large dungeons with multiple routes and verticality and minor dungeons that have traps, obstacles, ambushes, giant balls, axes,...
Sekiro doesn't actually have a level design, every map feels the exact same, you circle around a curved road that brings you to the middle of the map, grapple a few scripted spawn points, get in a certain middle of the map (temple, castle,...) and the map kind of ends there with a bunch of corridors.
Considering it started as Tenchu revival, that's disappointing as fuck.
>Art direction/world
Medieval Dark Fantasy with sci-fi tones >>>> Japan
>you have to press r1 between the streaks of deflection
Now that's truly being aggressive lol woah
> you have to press r1 between rolls
yea? I guess ds is passive too
friendly reminder that DSP beat sword-saint isshin on his first try
it's literally the rolling
that's it. that's the ONLY fucking reason sekirofags can come up with as to why their game is better, because you can't roll (easily).
never mind that elden ring gave multiple concessions to sekirofags with multiple parries to stance break, multiple ways to run shield builds, guard counters, even a tear in the DLC that makes the game basically exactly like sekiro, they just look at elden ring and think 'ROLL = BAD'

i would also guess that sekirofags hate that parrying in elden ring actually requires a modicum of timing and doesn't have the absurd parry window of 30 frames or whatever the FUCK it is in sekiro.
on top of how fucking up a parry in sekiro doesn't even punish the player unless they specifically give up an item in NG+, and even then it's hilariously easier than elden ring
>Was DMC5 better than Baldur's Gate 3?
action-wise, yes
overall, no

first post, tranny post

>combat sucks
It's better than every other Souls game. Only thing that comes close is ER with the Deflect tear.

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