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Mahjong Soul is on Steam now
It's the chinese server.
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Riichi City has been on Steam for 2 years.
Not anymore, it's now in english and korean too (but not japanese).
There's literally no difference with the standalone pc client apart from being able to use steam funds in the shop.
not even this game could teach me mahjong it's so over
Was there even a standalone pc client? I remember for the longest time it was only browser based
They made one some months ago.
it's spyware
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Is there a reason not to use the browser version? It's useful to use lobby links rather than punch in lobby numbers manually
Browser doesn't do the bing bing wahoo when someone yakumans
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If only I understood how the fuck to play mahjong.
I'm playing but I'm still bad
I think there's just more winning hand formations I should get into the habit of recognizing. I also get fucked up since I try to steal when I have a dora, but that doesn't result in a winning hand alone
can ojisans still get the blue archive girls
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Do not play mahjong.
Learn yaku.
Pursue tanyao pinfu side wait
5 block method
10 year plan
Ceo mindset
It's slow as fuck and it's a piece of shit. Why are you still using that garbage.
the tutorial is pretty good
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No reason not to, works on my machine, let's me use lobby links
Seriously Ive never actually seen a problem with it
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It's a game of defence, but you should know your hands too.
I just started playing and I'm pretty hooked. Is it possible to summon by playing f2p? Or do you need to pay to get new characters? Been playing for a few hours and I don't see how you're supposed to get materials to summon
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It's possible to summon. You get Scrolls out of events and they give some out on anniversaries and such. You can also turn items you get into dust to buy scrolls in the store.
Out of 86 f2p summons I've gotten 1 character (Miyu).
This, I have no idea how to get that blue currency to summon other than paying
I thought maybe those achievement challenges or weekly/event missions would give a little, but it doesn't seem to be the case
All I want is to roll for Illya & friends- that is, if they ever come back
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To discard safe tiles, you must simply draw safe tiles.
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Can I use my weeb names mod with the steam client? I refuse to play with localized names.
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Because gacha is only cosmetic, it's jewish as fuck. You get very few free rolls, and the paid currency for roll is very expensive. See pic related.
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Mismatching reminder
and riichi city, superior in every way, has been on steam for years
First time I've heard of it but I see they have a danganronpa collab and the steam tag says sexual content so I am now interested. How is it better than soul?
better performance
better ui
smoother animations
animated emotes
slightly less stingy gacha (I got the character I wanted after playing actively for ~8 months)
highlights tsumogiri tiles
all around everything just feels higher quality

the one big advantage soul has is higher player population but I still find matches decently fast on the second highest table even when only 30 players are in
Steam? I just installed it yesterday, its only 2 gb, I expect it to dl some shit when I log on it i guess..
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Ignore the Riichishitty shills, they're a minority with sunk cost fallacy, most people use Mahjong Soul which is why there's so much art of the characters by comparison. Half of the things he's trying to shill are not good things
>animated emotes
Spamming animations during gameplay is not a positive, high level players often mute all players to avoid them in the first place and they're static not animated
>Tsumogiri tile highlight
More helpers is bad thing which creates more bad habits
And? It's been in my web browser bookmarks since 2018.
>muting your opponent signaling how weak their hand is
I could never get past adept when I played. I thought I did a good job avoiding dealing into open hands, but I guess not
Time to improve
I've reached tenpai
sunk cost fallacy is the one that keeps you cucks in soul, everyone would be in city right now had they not spent 500$ on their soul waifu
>high level players often mute all players
you just solved the problem for people who don't like the emotes
>being distracted by tiny gifs
>More helpers is bad thing which creates more bad habits
other people playing worse is good for me
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No arguments there other than projecting, you left Mahjong Soul because you cared more about gacha rates than the game now you essentially play on a Mahjong private server no one gives a shit about other in the real game
I made it to Master 1 and then deranked to Adept 1.
I stopped playing, and haven't looked back.
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Ignore the other posters. Compared to MJS, RC has:
Way more generous on free rolls, items and decoration; can get 3 tickets every weeks if you log in daily and play 7 ranked games
Highlighted Tsumogiri tiles
Japanese yaku names
Chiinitsu mode in friendlies
Bigger filesize, have to redownload the entire client for big update
Less players, higher rooms are dead at certain hours
A bit less content (especially characters) because the game is newer
>Personal opinion, play the game and make your own
Worse aesthetic overall (traditional temple > modern city)
Emote are animated but doesn't look as good
Tiles feels too fat
Worse UI
Sometimes there's just so many events run simultaneously it makes me not want to bother with them, especially when rewards are generic items the game already give you thousand for free.

I play both but I prefer MJS.
just don't open your hand most of the time unless it's your path to easy Yaku like seat wind and you don't have much else going on, like your hand is shit and you're only heading for a lucky all triples if anything.
but i've found a lot more success paying attention to the wagering aspect rather than trying to go in every round - like just "folding" a round if you already ahead on points, no need to go opening your hand and losing points just because you like pressing the shiny buttons and handing out Ron to people.

learning / being aware of more yaku is ofc always good though
>Way more generous on free rolls
poorfagbro, you showed your hand too fast
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but is it soul or soulless?
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I never left soul, I do my dailies in both games
but city is simply better, and the sooner the people realize it the faster it will grow
Does the steam version create a new account tied to your steam or can you log in with your old one?
You can use your old account, just log in with the same email
Of course you do both, because MJS is the most popular Mahjong Client where people actually play Mahjong and the other is a daily grinding sim for gacha rolls, you don't want to miss out but you're also sunk deep into a shitty knock off
It's not
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you got it mixed up brother
soul is the grinding sim because I am still coping that akagi might get a rerun some day and I want to at least have a chance
city is where I can lock in because the game actually feels good to play
>t. 3000$ deep in mjs
The only reason people shill Riichi City is for the gacha element which shows in the kinds of users who shill for it, it's also their #1 point too
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cirno is too retarded to know how to play mahjong. Although, if she somehow managed to learn it, she would definitely play for yakuman every round, deal in, and start crying and demand to let scores go into the negative
Mahjong Soul has twice as many players as Riichi City on steamdb.
I know that ignores mobile/browser for both but it's a good indicator of where the players are.
the #1 point is that rc doesn't run like a flash game from 2012
That's hiliarious considering how much longer Riichi City has been on Steam when you consider 90% of MJS players use a browser, even more so when application users are split between desktop clients and Steam now too
>the game that has been out for many more years has many more players
shocking, next you will tell me players are unlikely to leave a game they already invested significant amounts of time and money in
File deleted.
I'm too retarded to even understand how the gacha works in this game. Way too many different currencies.
Doesn't matter when the new game is a clear upgrade, see gacha game progression, Kantai Collection is not #1 anymore. Unfortunately for your shilling
based and nyaggerpilled
kancolle is in a highly saturated and competitive genre
that's very different from mahjong games where the only other game that could even be considered a competitor is fucking tenhou
All I'm hearing is excuses for why you shill your cash grab knockoff
tile game fun
platform wars gay
Which game am I more likely to find a transgf? I know a little bit of mahjong from Yakuza so I think I can impress them.
>retreats to non argument
I accept your concessions nyagger-kun
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Because you didnt pose an argument you just made an empty excuse, continue shilling and your soul will turn indian
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ive never played mahjong and have no clue how to play, will this game teach me
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why can't nyaggers and city niggers just work together
all of us just want the best for the tile game after all
Cityfags fucked up the general and shill their game relentlessly, no forgiveness
Can I practice against the computer first in MS?
Yes you can
you can play against bots yes, but there really is no reason to
everyone in beginner rooms sucks anyways
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this image perfectly captures how I feel playing mahjong
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fuck, somewhere I remember a panel in Ten where a guy is crying while discarding, but I dont know if I just imaged it or not
Is it worth trying out if I've never played or will the chinese aunties rip me a new one?
3rd worlder slop
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>no Akagi
I started playing only a month ago. In my experience the matchmaking works and you'll have a fine time as a beginner.
Yes. Your access to rooms is based on a rank starting at novice so you'll be playing with mostly beginners. The Oba-sans are safely sequestered in the Master Rank rooms.
It's kind of sad because Riichi City's client is so much better
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Does mahjong soul have chat. I want oba-sans to brutalize me and call me garbage in chat
it's not really, the discard animations are so fucking slow
Ok but everything else is better about MJS. Hints are better balanced, better characters, better decorations, better voices
>Opening your hand puts you in a losing strategy
What the fuck were the Japs and Chinks thinking copying Rummy and doing it badly!?
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just open your hand with with a triplet or dragons or prevalent wind
No chat. Just emotes. Feel free to sosm them over everything.
That still doesn't answer the question:

If Chi/Pon/Ron (or whatever where you steal to match and discard) is the bad/losing strategy, why the fuck is in the game?
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how is opening your hand a losing strategy?
It's not, it's actually the way to display your skill. As a newbie you don't know what you're doing, so you're better off not doing it.
you say it's a losing strategy until you start seething about someone calling open tanyao by the 3rd discard every round
>mahjong client tribalism
I know this is 4chan, but really?
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anime girl JPGs are serious business
>Have 2(nearly 3)-3-3-pair the game wants
>Make a match
Losing strategy. Everyone says the way to win Mahjong, even in RGG/Riichi is to keep your hand closed and only Riichi out, never steal.
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stop listening to chinks, they dont know how to play riichi mahjong
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Koko ga room
Majsoul Friends Room 71446(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=71446
Cityplebs messed up the general shilling their game, animosity still exists
Mahjong isn't a single round game. PON is about establishing dominance in thecearly game and to please the gods of luck.
The cityshilling stopped once a single guy got banned.
friendly fun room of fun and easy feeling
>everyone damas
Can someone teach me how to play mahjong? The entire thing is confusing as hell.
The OP remains vandalised to this day
You make 3-3-3 and 2 pairs. You win.


There, I've explained the game since that is what Mahjong Souls' tutorial explains the game as, bar the last bit which you find out because MS never explains that when it tells you to steal.
Play any mahjong game and do the tutorial.
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Please join.
There isn't a single mention of city there althougheverbeit?
Sorry, I suck too much and that's embarrassing
sorry bro but I'm still at work
make sets of three that are either sequences (3-4-5) or triplets (3-3-3)
make four of these and then a pair
there are specific hands that you need to claim a win for the round; the only ones you need to memorize at the start are
>1: any combination of numbered tiles that doesn't use 1, 9 or "honor" tiles (dragons, winds, as explained below)
>2: any combination of tiles that has a triplet of dragons (the blank white, red symbol, green symbol)
>3: any combination of tiles that has a triplet of the east wind (--> ćť± <-- this thing) or the wind that lines up with the direction your seat is in (the NSEW that faces you in the middle of the table)
and remember: when the Riichi button appears, press it immediately for bonus points!
room host here i suck balls
Fine, but no bulli
But what IS riichi.
Bro you guys would rape my novice ass.
Mahjong. But Japanese.
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>implying your skill level matter in a friendly game on /v/
I'm not too bad at the game but I'm drinking so don't worry.

If you managed to keep your hand closed (without calling pon/chii/kan) and are one tile away from winning, you can call riichi: you bet 1000 points but can get a lot more points if you win.
it means you haven't stolen tiles from another player, and you're one tile away from winning
you're making a bet of 1000 points to say that you're going to get that tile, but it locks you into not being able to discard any other tiles until you get your winning one
in reality there's a lot of reasons why you might not want to riichi, BUT if you're just starting out you're only pulling out low scoring hands in the first place so you might as well try to get the extra
One more.
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Still hosting?
Its like saying "Nah, I'll win" to everyone else at the table. The earlier you Riichi the better.
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Yeah and no mention of MJS either anymore, that's exactly what they did
Is it a proper "native" version or just mjs in a borderless browser?
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Do I look like I know what a ryanmen is?
Did anyone watch Pon no Michi? I was hoping for more mahjong anime but I've only heard bad things about it.
ggs sorry for tanyao bullshit
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Not a single win. Almost had the chance to ron.
Just double Ron's someone with the wind across. Mother fucker went into the negatives to give us both their points.
this anime is not about mahjong
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I got fucked out of some really nice hands
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I was aiming for a yakuman on that last hand....
I only watch Saki and masturbate furiously
we all have these close rounds
t. got fucked out of daisangen by a seat wind call yesterday
Just watch the trollsubs by a schizophrenic from /a/, it's the only thing that makes the show remotely worth watching.
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real life anime girls play mahjong???
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Yes but bots do their moves immediately so playing against other beginner humans is better because you have more time to think since everyone is as slow as you.
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Kigurumi or whatever the fuck this is called is so damn creepy.
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Riichi City is better though
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>they still haven't learned
Man I wish I had the money to be a kigu.
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If a 4chan mahjong room isnt a pon castle something has gone wrong with 4chan
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I love this nyagger so much its unreal.
room doko
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>tfw missed the prisma crossover event
scuffed chess
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>do everything correctly
>still get 4th

Yeah no, this is not fun at all.
If you ended 4th you didnt read the flow correctly
I read 300 chapters of Saki and still don't understand the rules
The show sucks but the girls are cute. Like >>683831416 says, watch the trollsubs. A lot of it I had to Google because I don’t know what the subber was talking about but the MTL subs for the show and the show itself are boring as hell.
saki got a rerun so I'm sure it'll come back around with how much money the cunny made
Should've downloaded more luck
>Have been in adept 3 for over 2 months, hovering around the same numbers
I have given up, this is where I belong. And I'm happier this way.
>gets 1st place
>gets yakuman'd/baiman'd
>4th place
>dealing in when youre first place
shouldve played defensively
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Not my problem.
>haha I'm 1st and its east 4th
>I'm dealer
Owari da
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channel your mahjong-lesbianism magick to avoid dealing in
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Is mahjong good for you?
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I'll play if I can still get her
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>launch it
>gpu hits 100%
what in the sanbaiman
I had to play this so i could understand that one Kaiji arc
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>Play defensively to protect my points
>Get Tsumo'd out of my position anyway
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Grats, youve learned to play japanese salaryman poker
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>he didnt make a cheap hand to rush the end
Explain this joke
I don't have any friends (mahjong players or otherwise) but I have a lot of money. Should I buy an autotable?
I need to turn this into an anki deck or something holy shit
Are you retarded? Unless you have people to play with, an autotable is a complete waste of money. You can get cheaper ones but it's still a waste if you aren't going to play. What would be the point?
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ten's end still makes me sad whenever I think about it. alzheimers sucks
Shadow Mahjong.
Maybe I could make friends if only I had an autotable...
>you will never lure a gaggle of cute oba-sans into your home with a fancy autotable
I think it was fucking beautiful, man. For some reason Akagi reminds me of my grandpa, so maybe that's why i admired him so much. The only thing that pisses me off was skipping two people. FKMT managed to make me feel on the Genji part, a dude that didn't even knew Akagi before but skipped the two randos that actually knew/admired him made me disappointed a bit. Still, it's impressive that the best Ten arc isn't even about mahjong lol.
>For some reason Akagi reminds me of my grandpa
I read the end of akagi when my grandpa was terminal and my grandma was gone from advanced alzheimers. Watching my grandpa go from a very active old man to someone completely destroyed by disease was hard to watch.

Which people were skipped?
>RC has danganronpa shit
>MS has fateslop

There is no real winning, both are trash
Sorry to hear that, anon. Thankfully my old man only had one close call when he had an infection, and according to my cousins he said "Let me make the trip". I'm happy he's still around, with his stubborn attitude.
>Which people were skipped?
Washio, the dude that was with the monk and Akagi on Hawaii and Ken, the glasses dude that pulls Hiroyuki back into the game for the East/West match. I'm not gonna pretend they were important, but compared to Genji it feels cheap that they were skipped
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Closest thing i remember to that is Kaiji crying while yelling "RON!". I don't think anyone actually cries in Ten.
>Both franchises have the gayest characters known to man and trannies seem to enjoy using them for their avatars
go play on tenhou or just stop bitching about jpgs on the screen, for god's sake.
I bet one of these two games are going to get a Strive collab cementing it as tonight's big loser
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Eh, I felt that would just stretch it out too long. The people that did talk to akagi all tried to appeal with a different arguments and emotions, and akagi bested them all. He earned the right to go into space
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Also, the final match against Mitsui Soga was pure kino. When they played the 8th tile, and anyone with even basic game logic could understand it would be a tie since the 9th tile would also be the same, yet akagi asks why soga isnt playing anymore. It shows just how far his mind has gone.
>open hand
>less fu
>inability to change hand composition
>lower score overall
>other players can determine your waits
>less total possible han
idk bro you tell me
Hand scoring
Deck based on that free strategy book
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>pon 4 times
>last tile is a tile that already has been discarded thrice
>everyone is afraid of your throbbing Ron cock
>get an easy 3000 for being the only one in tenpai at the end of the round
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I recently promoted to the gold rooms, and I was super stoked. but since then the flow has abandoned me. I haven't had a sniff of hell sand in weeks. It doesn't even feel like I'm playing badly, just getting incredibly unlucky (early deal ins with no real counterplay).

what the fuck do I do? I don't wanna derank back into shittersville.
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>Azur Lane has Atelier Ryza, SSSS.Gridman, Dead of Alive and Senran Kagura collabs
Accept that you're going to derank and live with the pain.
see >>683809167
room doko?
Oh, no! I hadn't thought of that.
>tenhou had (still has?) a desktop client that's still better than anything that followed it a decade later

MS also has akagi, apparently.
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Make room
I like this image, I think I will save it on my personal computer
piracy is theft
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I cannot be stopped
How good is it at teaching you how to muh jong if you're a total newb and also a total retard?
room doko
The tutorial in Majsoul is pretty good.
this, i learnt with only the tutorial
>Eh, I felt that would just stretch it out too long
Then say Washio died of alcohol poisoning and Ken lost a bet on a life or death match, idk. It just doesn't feel right to have the two dudes that had more of a connection to Akagi other than playing on the same side of a team being the ones who get skipped.
Learning the rules of the game is easy, learning how to (most likely) not lose is hard.
leah is my waifu

she calls you a "good boy" on the login screen
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Making a room before I go shower.
Majsoul Friends Room 68681(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=68681
Is it possible to get a mahjong gf if I join this lobby?
I asked this in /mjg/ the other night but what is your dream collaboration for Mahjong Soul, /v/?
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Kaiji. For the love of god, it shouldn't be a stretch. GET ON WITH IT.
desu, I think they probably already have Kaiji up and ready to go. Just a matter of whether they need fast money I guess.
Mating press Hannah after ron
No matter how hard I try I cannot get good at mahjong. I sit there trying to make pairs and straights or whatever the fuck and I always lose no matter what I do. This game is the definition of artificial difficulty.
Can someone link a guide on how to actually PLAY this fucking game instead of just "here's the tiles and yaku's, good luck LMAO". There needs to be footage of someone playing a full game and explaining what the fuck they are doing and WHY they are doing it so the strategy is comprehensible otherwise this shit is garbage and I refuse to play it.
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Just get lucky lmao.
read riichi book 1
This wouldn't have happened if he had read RB1
Unironically useful
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Some time ago i always felt joy seeing another PMfag on an unrelated thread. Now i'm so fucking tired of it.
I gave it an honest to God shot and eventually just said fuck it.
It just got really bad when limbus got popular with fags from other sites from the divegrass matches
What really got me was seeing yt flood my recommended with videos from the newest livestream with people saying it was PM's first livestream, and outing themselves as newfags by saying it was their first time seeing director's vtuber. I think i'm just getting old and grumpy, but i can understand why a lot of people here say gatekeeping is needed.
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>he only understands it now
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What's that cat's personality?
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I was wrong and made a mistake. Here's hoping they'll make a new game and filter the shitters, but the pessimist in me tells me it's over. At least i still have the H-RPG maker games, i guess...
I played a sanma game today and won. That's enough mahjong for the week.
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>Here's hoping they'll make a new game
>get paid for having only terminals and honors in your discards
lmao it's that easy
where room
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make one
I like nyaggers and i'm tired of pretending otherwise. They make me laugh and old hags only make me annoyed.
What are your thoughts on moon rabbit?
I wish the voice actor for Akagi used his younger voice in the game
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bros the steam client feels way more unlucky I'm getting my jonghole FUCKED out here
why is there no room someone host already
room where?
Sanma chad room

Majsoul Friends Room 65052(3-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=65052
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cant join, downloading update
Doesn't a chinese server not even exist? I thought they just threw everybody in the same pool
I entered the room number in the pic but it's saying there is no lobby??
room doko?
room wa doko desu ka?
doesnt work
I'd make a room but I play city...
Just logged in and got a ticket. If I roll a collab character I'll make a 'ity lobby.
I got nothing. FUCK riichi shitty.
I still don’t know how to get all simples, can I pon and chii or them or is it like riichi where you have to draw them?
room doko
As long as your hand contains no 1/9/Wind/Dragon tiles you can do whatever you want
It depends on the rule set. MS allows open tanyao (all-simples) by default iirc. By the way, the jargon you're looking for is open hand vs closed hand (open hand = you've made any pon, chii, or kan call and thereby have a visible meld; a hand that is not open is closed)
Ah got it, thanks lads!
why room
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>only yakuman ever achieved is big three dragons
>only yakuman i know how to build
i'm too dumb to actually learn
four concealet triplets is easy, literally just hoard
Three dragons/winds ĂĽber alles!
Ganbare nyagger
Ok i got this game installed. Is there some newb friendly room?
Closest is bronze room in the ranked rooms, play the tutorial they give you as it gives you a good idea of how to get yaku’s and what to get. Rule of thumb: triplets and straights are good, an easy yalu is to get three winds (the moon rune tiles) or three dragons (coloured tiles that aren’t numbers)
If jade is the gacha currency, what does copper do? Can I exchange them into jade?
but muh flow
How do unlock new Mahjong sluts?
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>he doesn't know
Some of these sluts I'm playing mahjong against make me want to climb over the table and rape them
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>kan when I'm first for the lolz on last round
>accidentally make the guy in open tenpai get a shit ton of dora
>he riichis some poor sucker that isn't me
>he gets first, I get second, but third and fourth are super low points
I don't know what to call this play-style but it's funny to be the cause of someone's downfall indirectly
Paypig for the 30-day login jade or just paypig outright. Then get lucky.
Or play, a lot. And win. Then buy tickets. The F2P ratio of time to rolls is tremendously harsh in this game.
Copper is for buying gifts once in a while to speed along the process of levelling the slut's bond just a little. But if you're total dogshit at the game and losing a lot, you might actually run out at the start.
It cracks me up whenever that happen but you got to feel bad for them.
Newb here.
Which ranked is better 4 player east or 4 player south and why?
occult vs digital
What are "FB1" and "RMS"?
South is how the game is played normally. East is for wageslaves who don't have time for proper South games like me.
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>download mahjong soul on steam just to look at it and in case i ever want to use spare steam funds from selling trading cards on gacha
>it's got a fucked up english font
so just like the browser version?
it's a totally different font from browser
Flow Book 1 and Real Mahjong strategy, they are strategy books for rivaling mahjong ideologies.FB1 are the occult players. They believe mahjong is a game based on luck and based their decision making on the flow aka feeling.While they play illogically, they tend to win huge or rare hands. RMS are the digital players. They believe that Mahjong is based in skill. They learn the ins and outs of the game and aim to play optimally.
So other than payment methods is there any difference between the steam and standalone versions?
What's the difference?
South is doubly as long as east
>forming kan sets
>when your opponents are in riichi
No, I will NOT be giving my opponents free dora, you fucking cretin.
this is Akagi tier autism
>t-this luck... masaka... he must be... A DEMON OF FLOW
any hanafuda game?
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>huge mahjong anime fan excited to play mahjong for the first time
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Majsoul Friends Room 65031(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=65031
She is great at mahjong
(she does not know any yaku, but the game tells you when you are in tenpai)
>why are there things in the game that makes you lose
Yeah, why can't we all be winners
Wait, NTA, but calling Chii or Pon is something you shouldn't do?
>doxing people
Not joining
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Not an expert but I'd say opening your hand when you don't have any yaku is generally a bad idea
nigga what
If you don't know why you should chi or pon, don't.
Knowing when to go for open hands and when not comes with experience.
You limit yourself and make your hand worth much less.
Of course, it's not like you shouldn't do it at all. But not unless you know what you're doing.
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It's obviously an edit. A joke, probably, unless someone actually tried to deceive retards so he can get all the delicious uradora.
wasn't it on browser
as of a few months ago it finally got an official PC client
Why are all the Japanese variant games made by Chinks? I ain't giving any money Xi
>nyagger deals in
of course
>paypig outright. Then get lucky.
I fucking hate this nigger shit. I understand its F2P and they need to make money somehow, but just let me buy the damn thing I want. Is an anime girl JPEG 20 bucks, fine, I know im getting ripped off but at least I get what I want. God, I hate gacha, they should ban it and make it a capital offence.
game starts with east, everyone gets to be the dealer once (or more if they win while they're the dealer), if you play east only the game will end after 4 rounds (or 1 more if a dealer wins), if you play south you get another 4 rounds
start kokushi maxxing
Collab ended months ago. No you can't.
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>start with 5 pairs
>think about doing a 7 pair hand
>get my 6th pair 2 tiles in
>never get dealt into
I hate this meme hand
Well, in case you really are unlucky, you can pity redeem any (currently available) character you want after rolling the gacha 150 times which if you only use paid currency and no free roll, will cost you around $240
See >>683812668

In short, just play mahjong as the cat girl or the hag. If you can somehow get a character with free rolls, good, but it shouldn't be your objective, just a bonus after playing for months.
Japanese devs can't get over their pay 2 play model for mahjong games.
That is always the downside to 7 pairs, you're on a singe-tile wait. It's often not worth calling riichi for it, and instead just choosing damaten.
Damaten: to have a hand capable of calling riichi, but not doing so. This allows you more flexibility in your hand and discards, but of course means your hand, should you win, will lose the riichi scoring.
I know, and if rolling was limited to free only it wouldve been fine. You want to freeload? Sure, but you have to play a lot and be lucky. But the fact that paying customers still have to gamble is stupid. I know it makes more money, but it's just cancer. And I have this issue with all gacha. Its retarded slotmachine bullshit that should be banned. Save that shit for grannies gambling away the inheritance in las vegas

And if Im honest, Ill probably end up playing as the cat even if I had everything unlocked.
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>dont riichi
>switch my wait to a better tile
>the tile I was waiting with gets discarded
You build it bad. Discard all middle tiles (2-8) when going for chiitoi ASAP. Riichi with a final wait on a terminal (1 or 9) or even better, an honor tile. Of course, adapt depending on the situation, but a general guideline

This is bad advice; chiitoi dama is usually the retarded option. Even with two dora.
look and laugh at this flowlet
do mods work with steam version?
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>the riichi addict ending up in 4th place because he was forced to auto-discard into a Sanbaiman
4th place avoidance makes the game boring.
t. Adept
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How do I cope with my horrible stats? I have half a mind to return to majsoul but that >30% of 4th place on yonma is just soul-crushing. I just can't help myself sometimes and stop paying attention, playing for the hell of it.
Pointless dama is just that, pointless
what the fuck, deranking is a thing?
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Yes. But, once you've left Novice rank and gained Adept, you can never go below Adept.
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>play mahjong
>end up feeling an intense bloodlust towards everybody in the vicinity
Have you tried getting good
Can I use my Steam account
I had an account years ago but stopped playing after I became ashamed of spending money in it, I want to be a nyagger again
It takes time for a person to understand that in mahjong it's much more important to not lose than to win.
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Ah, this makes me smile. 4 Kan, Three Dragons... lost to garbage.
Majsoul Friends Room 80353(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=80353

get yer ass in here
I only play sanma
And not pushing is also a way to get 4th by bleeding dry.
You riichi for tsumo anyway.
dont need you bitch fuck you
A fine 3 han win to secure your 1st place, nice.
Honestly, if this happened to me, I would take it as a sign to quit mahjong as a whole
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Thank you, very based
I would definitely quit mahjong instantly and permanently, and never look back even once.
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imagine sticking your dick in this.
Why do fake weeaboos play Chinese slop?
you're a fucking idiot bro lol
>chinese slop
Riichi Mahjong is explicitly japanese, retard.
And Mahjong Soul is explicitly developed by a Chinese company
So if a deck of Poker cards are made by a chinese company, playing Poker with those cards makes it a chinese game?
You fucking mong.
It doesn't make it a Chinese game but it does make you look like an ass for not at least using a basic ass Bicycle deck and using Chinese bootlegs instead.
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Holy owned. Highly based. No one should be so lucky to be in tenpai from the start.
>They believe mahjong is a game based on luck and based their decision making on the flow aka feeling
how do you even play based on 'flow' what strategy is that
>constantly get pairs
>forced to break them up for sequences cause I KNOW I ain’t getting the 3 of a kind
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You don't. Mahjong is just probabilities and chance. Play logically.
I fucking hate the terminals autism. Pinfu and tanyiao all the way
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>discard risky tile
>dont get RONed
>realize the flow is going your way
>kan the next tile you see and go for a baiman
gg fags
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horrible game kill yourself i love mahjong
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>tiles used in chanta
>1-2-3-7-8-9 of every suit+all honors = 100 tiles
>tiles used in tanyao
>2-3-4-5-6-7-8 of every suit = 84 tiles
And yet chanta is worth 2 han. Take the terminalpill anon
is the akagi manga good (and translated)? i watched the anime like 50 years ago
its good and its kino if you read ten after akagi
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I got cucked out of first place by someone starting with two pairs and drawing almost straight into 4 concealed triplets
How many children do I have to sacrifice for this kind of flow?
What are all the manga in the akagi universe?
>appears as a response to a prayer of a dying mahjong player
>emergences from a torrential rain
>has white hair as a 14 yo in a series in which characters generally have realistic hair colors
>picks up the game in a few plays with almost no instruction
>destroys everyone in mahjong, then leaves
If not for Ten I would say akagi is a yokai

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Post your rarest nyagger picture
1 han
this game would be so good without all the cringe anime shit
how do you share replays like this
>mfw when 1 shanten away from my tanyao
Go play any of the other dozen mahjong simulators?
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That's why I only on weekends after work at an arcade like a real salaryman
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I'm new I've created a room, code is 92719
two wind match
But in chanta every sequence has to have a 1 or 9, so only 1-2-3 and 7-8-9, while in tanyao you have 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7 and 6-7-8.

2 closed, 1 open.
How new are we talking? I'm new too
new new as in started playing 2 days ago and still don't know what a pair is
I recommend putting a cheat sheet on your second screen. It's what I do.
room here
Majsoul Friends Room 92719(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=92719
4/4 game is on
is mahjong plus safe?
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I will not play mahjong
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I have spent no money though. On MS or any other gacha game
how do I stop dealing into hands
Don't tell me he really has all green. If anyone discards any bamboo tile there they're an idiot.
Who the fuck genuinely likes mahjong?
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just discard the tiles that are in their discard pool
closed chanta isn't real
The first time akagi shows up in ten its literally a chantachad dabbing on a tanyaovirgin
wtf why am I never this lucky in ranked matches
i started east and won 3 times in a row ended up with 73k points, lost all the other hands and ended up at like 65k
one of them ragequit after they got hit by my 24k whatever hand it was a novice room but i still think it was funny probably my lifetime peak in the jong i should quit while im ahead
based beyond belief
mahjong isn't that bad
Thankfully there is a way to give yourself more time on your rounds when setting up the room.

Room is open again, 3/4
You used up all your flow for the year, better stop playing
good luck
I will continue the mahjong

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